Fried potatoes with a crust in a pan recipe. Secrets of delicious fried potatoes

30.07.2019 Seafood dishes

In Ireland, it is believed that there are only two things in the world that need to be taken seriously - marriage and cooking potatoes. Further, we will partially consider the second point, namely, how to fry potatoes in a pan so that it turns out fragrant, crispy with a delicate yellowish crust. Despite the outward simplicity of the technology, there are nuances in it, without the understanding of which the dish will not be tasty.

1. Variety. Not all potatoes are good for frying. High-starch varieties are best left on the puree, as they do not brown and stick together when frying. Soaking in water only partially solves the problem of excess starch.

I advise you to fry potatoes with red or yellow skins, as the flesh of the white varieties darkens faster after cutting or a bluish tint appears on it. Choose large, even tubers with firm skin and no signs of spoilage. In late spring or early summer, last year's potatoes wrinkle, becoming unsuitable for frying.

2. Frying pan. The stores have a wide selection of pans in different shapes, sizes, materials and bottom finishes. But for fried potatoes, most professional chefs prefer to use a classic cast iron pan with a thick bottom and high sides, in which the temperature is kept constant, and when stirring, the potato pieces do not fall out onto the stove.

A cast iron skillet is a fried potato's best friend

Of modern models, a wok frying pan in the shape of a hemisphere is suitable. This frying pan heats up quickly, fries even large pieces well and saves oil. It is clear that you can fry potatoes in any frying pan available in the house, but the result will be worse.

Wok is a modern replacement for the cast iron counterpart

3. Oil. Any refined vegetable oil is suitable. It can withstand high temperatures without affecting the taste of the potatoes. The most useful is olive oil, you can fry in any variety except "Extra Virgin", created for salads and other dishes without heat treatment.

Unrefined oil contains residual water, foams when heated, absorbs other flavors and boils the potatoes rather than frying them. Butter is added only at the end of cooking to enhance the flavor. When exposed to high temperatures, it quickly burns, giving an unpleasant bitter taste.

Potatoes fried in lard or lard turn out to be more satisfying, but their aroma and taste slightly change, and their golden crust acquires a sloppy brownish tint. This dish is not for everyone.

The amount of oil for frying depends on the pan. The potatoes must not float, but the frying pan cannot be dry either. The normal layer is 5-6 mm. It is better not to economize by adding a little more oil. When fried properly, the potatoes will quickly become crusty and will not absorb much oil.

4. Slicing. The form of potatoes for frying can be any: circles, sticks, slices, large or small straws. Slicing affects only the aesthetic perception of the dish. The sticks look nice with fried meat or fish, the slices are usually served with fish dishes, long slices are in harmony with the baked meat, and the straws are combined with cutlets and steaks.

The shape of the cut is not critical

The main thing is that all the pieces are about the same size and shape, otherwise the small slices will burn out before the large ones have time to fry. The optimal thickness of the pieces is about 1 cm.

In most cases, the potatoes are peeled before slicing. The edges of the peeled tubers are even and neat, but the fried potatoes with the skin have a more interesting texture. The taste does not change. In some recipes, the presence of the peel is a prerequisite, for example, in rustic potatoes.

Young potatoes harvested before early July are usually not peeled, but fried with their tender skins.

5. The expediency of preliminary boiling. The procedure increases the cooking time, but it makes sense. Fried raw potatoes turn out fatter and not as crispy as the first boiled ones, since the pulp loses a lot of starch in boiling water. But it is more difficult to dry boiled potatoes before frying than raw ones. There is one secret: after draining the water, cover the pan with a lid, then put it on high heat for 20-30 seconds, thanks to which the excess moisture will evaporate.

6. Adding other ingredients. Onions, red and black ground pepper, garlic, parsley, dill, rosemary root are added as seasonings to fried potatoes. It is important to know at what stage to add each ingredient. For example, if the onion is added immediately, it will quickly burn out. Therefore, it is better to fry the onions in a separate frying pan and mix with potatoes at the very end of cooking (4-5 minutes before cooking), this applies to other vegetables, as well as mushrooms that need less time for heat treatment. To enhance the taste, 1-2 minutes before the meal is ready, you can put a piece of unsalted butter in the pan.

You need to salt the fried potatoes at the very end, otherwise they will soften and turn into porridge!

The classic fried potato recipe


  • potatoes (medium) - 6 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - 50-100 ml (depending on the pan);
  • lemon juice - 5-6 drops (optional);
  • pepper, garlic, other spices, herbs (optional) - to taste;
  • butter - 1 teaspoon (optional);
  • salt to taste.


1. Cut potatoes into slices of any shape up to 1 cm thick.

2. Place the pieces in a deep plate, cover with cold water, and stand for 10-30 minutes to wash out excess starch.

To prevent the pulp from darkening, you can add 5-6 drops of lemon juice or 1-2 grams of citric acid to the water.

3. Drain the cloudy starch water. Pour fresh cold water over the potatoes again. Leave for 2-3 minutes, then drain again.

4. Dry the potato slices on napkins or paper towels to get rid of the remaining water.

You can only fry completely dry potatoes, otherwise the hot oil will splash. Evaporating, water particles burst upward, taking the oil with them. Inadvertently, you can burn your face and eyes.

5. Pour vegetable oil into a cold frying pan, you should get an even layer. Heat the pan as hard as possible until a slight smoke appears. A very important point! If you don't, the slices will stick to the bottom of the pan and then burn.

6. Arrange the potatoes in an even layer in a skillet. It is not necessary to completely fill the pan, it is better to fry the slices in a couple of passes. So the potatoes will fry faster and it will be more convenient to mix them.

7. After 1-2 minutes, shake the pan slightly so that the pieces sticking to the bottom come off, but do not turn it over!

8. Finely chop the onion (optional).

9. When a golden or light brown crust appears on the bottom of the potato slices (usually after 5-10 minutes), gently turn the potatoes over to the other side so that the upper uncooked layer is in the oil.

10. Turn the potatoes periodically (4-5 times during the entire cooking) so that they do not burn. Turning too often will impair the taste.

It is convenient to turn the slices with a wooden spatula

The total cooking time for fried potatoes depends on the power of the stove, frying pan, and variety. On average, roasting takes 20-25 minutes.

11. Add chopped onions, garlic, spices, herbs 4-5 minutes before readiness.

For lovers of soft fried potatoes, put the lid on the pan.

12. 2-3 minutes before removing from heat, salt the dish and add butter (optional).

13. Serve ready-made fried potatoes hot, they are not tasty when cold.

Many people love potatoes, and in fact, it is so firmly included in our diet that we cannot imagine our life without potatoes, it is part of a huge number of dishes and has become simply irreplaceable for us ...

But today we will talk about simple fried potatoes and this article will most likely be useful for novice cooks, because its preparation does not cause any special difficulties, you just need to follow a few simple rules and everything will work out ...

How to cook fried potatoes step by step photo recipe

Not the first time I got a delicious potato. I still remember my first unsuccessful experience at the age of 12 - the potatoes turned out to be half burnt and half raw, and laughter and sin ... 😉. Now, of course, this problem has already been solved. I would like to add that I am writing about how to fry potatoes from my experience and do not pretend that this is the only correct way ...

- It is very important to pay attention to the choice of a frying pan, a cast iron with a handle is best suited

- Potatoes should be no more than 2/3 of the pan's volume, otherwise it will cook, not fry

- I never cover potatoes with a lid during frying, and I do not advise you

- Only after the potatoes are fried, cover it with a lid and let it stand for 5-10 minutes

- Dry the potatoes in preparation for frying with a waffle or paper towel

- The pan must be heated before putting the potatoes (if not heated, the potatoes will stick)

And so, let's get started:

1) We clean the potatoes, remove all the eyes, trying to remove the peel thinner. I just peel the potatoes and put them in the sink, then wash them, they don't have time to darken. If you still can't clean quickly, put water in a saucepan and put the peeled potatoes there.

After it has been cleaned, I wash it thoroughly and clean up the missed eyes and other flaws in the potatoes.

2) Now you need to cut it. Someone finds it more convenient to do this on a cutting board, but I prefer to cut, holding it in my hands. First, we cut the potatoes in half (therefore, it is better to take small potatoes, it will turn out neater, and even more convenient), and then we cut each half into thin slices.

Pre-pour water on the bottom of another saucepan and cut the potatoes there, again, so as not to darken, if you manage to cut quickly, then this is not necessary. Pour a little water, otherwise, when the sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes fall, they will splash, it is better to add water later as needed.

3) After all the potatoes have been cut, they must be dried. To do this, lay it out on a towel. If you cut the potatoes into a pot of water (which is even better, because the unnecessary starch will go away with the water, you can let the potatoes stand in the water for about half an hour or an hour), drain them through a colander, let them drain, and then put them on a towel.

4) We put the pan on the stove, on the highest fire, pour in vegetable oil (you should not regret it) so that it covers the bottom of the pan by about 0.5 cm, wait until it gets hot, when a slightly noticeable white smoke appears (but not smoke with a rocker 🙂, do not overexpose).

Now, very carefully, so as not to burn yourself with hot oil, put the potatoes in the pan. The fire can be slightly reduced. I always fry on the highest heat, because I put a lot of potatoes, and if the fire is low, then the crisp will not work. Stir at intervals of about 3-5 minutes.

5) Stir very gently, as if prying the bottom layer of potatoes, which has already grabbed and replacing it with the top, not fried. Do not stir too often, otherwise the potatoes will not have time to form a crisp. If you like fried potatoes with onions, peel and cut the onion while the potatoes are fried.

6) After about 10-15 minutes from the start of frying the potatoes, salt it and put the onion, stir and fry further, but stir with the onion a little more often, it burns faster. If you don't want to add the onions, continue to fry as usual, just remember to add salt.

7) Taste the potatoes for salt and cooked. Take the palest potatoes with a fork, cool a little and taste. When the potatoes are ready, turn off the stove, cover it with a lid and let it stand for 10 minutes.

8) You can serve potatoes. Potatoes can be used as a side dish and served with meat, fish, cutlets, chicken, herring, anything, potatoes go very well with almost all products. Supplement the dish with potatoes with salad or other vegetables, pickles or cabbage.

Enjoy your meal!

  1. Give preference to potatoes with a low starch content: the wedges will hold their shape well when fried. Light, yellow and pink tubers will do.
  2. Try to choose firm and smooth potatoes of the same variety and size. This will ensure the same degree of doneness.
  3. But tubers with a green peel are better to be set aside or carefully cut off: the green color signals an increased content of solanine, which can spoil the taste of the potato, or even lead to poisoning.
  4. Before cooking, peeled potatoes need to be soaked to get rid of excess starch. Ideally, you need to soak overnight or at least a couple of hours, but 30-60 minutes will also play into your hands. If you don't have time at all, rinse the peeled and chopped potatoes under cold water anyway.
  5. And don't forget to dry the slices with paper towels: frying wet potatoes is not a good idea.
  6. The shape and size of the sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes can be anything. The main thing is that all the pieces are the same. This will cook them as evenly as possible.
  7. The frying time directly depends on the thickness of the pieces: the thicker, the longer. If the slices differ in size, determine doneness by the thickest.

How to fry potatoes in a pan

  1. Choose a cast iron or steel skillet with a thick bottom. This is the best option for frying potatoes.
  2. It is more useful to fry potatoes in refined vegetable oil, but tastier - in lard or lard. Which option to choose is up to you.
  3. In order for the potatoes to brown perfectly, they should be dipped in well-heated oil. Frying in cold oil or topping it up during the frying process is not recommended.
  4. It is better to fry potatoes in one layer. Then it will be covered with a crispy crust.
  5. You need to turn the potatoes several times. It is important to find a balance: do not turn over too often (otherwise the pieces will not brown) or too rarely (otherwise the dish will simply burn).
  6. And you always need to salt at the end. Otherwise, the potatoes will release moisture, stick together, and instead of perfect golden pieces, you will get something unappetizing.

How to make French fries

  1. Usually, for cooking, the tubers are cut into even blocks 5–10 mm wide and thick.
  2. It will take a lot of vegetable oil. Many. About four times more than frying in a pan.
  3. The absence of a deep fryer can be easily made up by a frying pan or a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  4. The temperature of the oil in which the potatoes can be dipped should be around 180 ° C. If you don't have a kitchen thermometer, just toss one slice in the pot: if it immediately fizzes and pops up, then the oil is ready to use.
  5. If you plan to fry a lot of potatoes, don't do it all in one go. It is best to divide the sticks into several small portions and cook one at a time.
  6. The finished potatoes need to be thrown in a colander so that the glass has excess oil, and dried with paper towels.
  7. It is better to salt the fries and add spices right on the plate.

How to fry potatoes in a slow cooker

  1. Potatoes in a multicooker are cooked in the "Bake" or "Fry" mode.
  2. First you need to warm up the oil well, and then add the prepared potatoes.
  3. Cooking time is about 40-50 minutes.
  4. After about half an hour, turn the potatoes over, and towards the end, add salt. It's that simple!



  • 5 medium potatoes;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • a pinch of cumin;
  • a small sprig of rosemary;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


Peel, cut, rinse and dry the potatoes. Heat oil in a skillet and dip the slices into it. When they are well browned, turn over and add the onion, sliced \u200b\u200bin half rings.

Continue cooking, stirring occasionally to ensure that they are well browned on all sides. When the dish is almost done, add chopped garlic, rosemary leaves, cumin, pepper and salt. Stir, wait a few minutes, and remove from heat.


  • 6-7 medium yellow potato tubers;
  • 6 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 300 g fresh (or 30 g dried);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 sprigs of thyme;
  • 5 tablespoons chopped parsley
  • salt and pepper to taste.


Dip the potatoes prepared for frying in a pan with 3 tablespoons of hot oil. Fry over high heat, stirring occasionally. When the potatoes are golden brown, cover the pan and cook for another 5 minutes. Season with salt and remove from heat.

Now you can start cooking mushrooms.

Heat the remaining oil in another skillet. Fry the onion on it until translucent. Add the pre-peeled and washed mushrooms (if mushrooms are very large, you can chop them). Cook for about 7 minutes, until all moisture has evaporated and the mushrooms are golden brown. Season with salt and pepper, add chopped garlic, chopped thyme and parsley.

Transfer the mushrooms to the skillet with potatoes, stir and cook for a few more minutes over medium heat.

  1. If you are using dried mushrooms, soak them beforehand. It is best to do this the night before cooking.
  2. Fresh mushrooms can be pre-boiled to ensure they are cooked.


  • 6 medium yellow potato tubers;
  • 200-220 g bacon;
  • ½ red onion;
  • 2 tablespoons of capers;
  • 3 tablespoons of wine vinegar;
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • rapeseed oil for frying;
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.


Cut the potatoes into large cubes, place in a saucepan, cover with water and cook over medium heat until tender.

While the potatoes are cooking, cook the bacon. Chop it into large pieces and sauté in a large saucepan over medium heat. When the bacon is cooked, remove it with a slotted spoon, drain off the fat and wipe the surface of the saucepan with a paper towel.

Pour quite a lot of rapeseed oil into a saucepan and heat it until it starts to smoke a little. Dip the dried potatoes in hot oil and shake the saucepan. Reduce heat and sauté the potatoes until light brown. Add salt and pepper.

After a few minutes, shake the saucepan again and add to the diced onion. Continue cooking until the onions are translucent. Then place the pre-dried capers in a saucepan and pour in the vinegar.

When the vinegar is almost evaporated, add the olive oil, mustard, and bacon. Season with salt and pepper, stir. Serve the salad warm.

Fried potatoes are much more appetizing and tastier when cooked with a crispy crust and a beautiful even golden color. How to achieve this effect when frying in a pan?

How to fry potatoes in a frying pan with a golden, crispy crust?


  • medium-sized potatoes - 5-7 pcs.;
  • coarse salt to taste;
  • refined sunflower oil - 90 ml.


First of all, the potatoes must be washed, peeled and cut into slices of the desired shape. Most often, the tubers are chopped in circles or cut into cubes about five to seven millimeters thick.

After grinding the vegetable, be sure to rinse the vegetable several times in cold water in order to rinse the starch off the surface of the slices to the maximum. After that, dry the slices by blotting them with a towel to remove excess moisture. This procedure is one of the invariable conditions for obtaining a crispy ruddy effect when frying potatoes.

Pour sunflower oil without aroma into a wide frying pan (always with a thick bottom) and let it warm up thoroughly. Now put the prepared potato slices in it in a small layer. The smaller the portion of potatoes that are fried in a pan at one time, the rougher and crispier the dish you get at the exit.

After the potatoes become golden brown and crispy, put them on a plate, add some salt and serve while hot.

How to properly and tasty fry boiled potatoes with a golden crust?


  • boiled potatoes - 5-7 pcs.;
  • bulb onion - 95 g;
  • coarse salt to taste;
  • a mixture of Italian dry herbs - 1 pinch;
  • - several branches;
  • refined sunflower oil - 60 ml.


You can fry with a crispy crust not only raw potatoes, but also boiled in their skins. This method is especially good if the available vegetable tubers are small and it is much more difficult to peel them raw. It is also a great way to prepare a delicious dinner with leftover boiled potatoes after cooking other dishes.

In order for boiled and peeled potatoes to turn out crispy after frying, they must be cooled down, and even better, additionally cooled in the refrigerator. Cut it into circles thick about three millimeters (leave the small fruits whole) and put them in thoroughly red-hot sunflower oil without aroma. As well as when frying raw potatoes, we try to fry the smallest portion of the vegetable at a time, so that it is located on the bottom in a thin layer. We fry the boiled potatoes, without interfering, until they acquire a beautiful golden blush on one side, and only then turn them over to the other side. We add salt to the product to taste, season with pepper and aromatic Italian herbs. We give to brown on the other side, and then put on a plate, season with herbs and can serve.

Interestingly, there is at least one person on earth who would not love fried potatoes and would not know how to fry them deliciously? Yes, also with a crispy crust. And with an onion. And right from the frying pan and onto the table, as we say, in a blistering heat.

Only, probably, the one who has never tried it, in some earthly places where there are no potatoes. Any other normal person who has tasted this dish at least once will never remain indifferent. Even famous ballerinas and athletes, who have diet and regimen, sometimes allow themselves to relax. And then they eat neither cutlets and sweets, pies and cakes, but fried crispy potatoes.

Many people think that making fried potatoes is not difficult at all - peeled, cut and fried. This is true to some extent. But the question is, how to deliciously fry potatoes in a pan? This will require certain knowledge, skills, experience. Here you will find all the most useful secrets and tips. We hope that fried potatoes with appetizing crust and onions will become your signature dish forever.

Fried potatoes with a golden crust


  • potatoes;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • onions (optional).


1. To answer the question of how to properly fry potatoes in a pan, you should start by choosing the dishes themselves.

You will never get tasty and crispy potatoes in a skillet with a thin bottom, even if it has the best non-stick coating (although it is encouraged). Be sure to take a skillet with a thick bottom and high sides.

The second condition is necessary so that, when stirring, the potatoes do not crumble throughout the stove, and so that they can be fried more. After all, if you do everything right, it will turn out so delicious that it will still be small. The best option is a heavy cast iron skillet.

2. The second very important question is to properly prepare the potatoes.

Peel the tubers, cut into strips or cubes of equal size. Now we need to get rid of the starch. Rinse the potatoes until the water is clear.

Then put in a deep bowl, pour in water and let stand for 5-10 minutes. Drain the water by throwing the potatoes into a colander and let them dry. Before being sent to the pan, the potatoes must be dry - this is the key to a crispy crust.

3. And now the most important thing. How to fry golden brown potatoes in a skillet with a crust?

Set the frying pan on high heat, pour in vegetable oil (do not spare it, pour more, use odorless oil) and heat it up so that a slight crackle appears.

Now reduce the heat a little and add the potatoes. You can put a lot of it, during the cooking process the potatoes will be fried, but not in a heap, so that it is convenient to interfere. Do not cover with a lid, otherwise the potatoes will start steaming, they will be loose and crumbly.

Do not stir for the first 3-4 minutes, so that a crust will set on the bottom layer. Then mix the potatoes with a wide wooden or plastic spatula. Try to immerse the spatula at the edge and lift the lowest layer of potatoes up in one motion. On top there should be already browned potatoes. Reduce heat to medium and cook until almost cooked.

Stir a couple more times at intervals of 5 minutes. Salt potatoes just before the end of frying. Season with salt and stir one last time. Just a couple more minutes and that's it! The potatoes are ready.

4. For those who are interested in the question of how to fry potatoes and onions in a pan, it will be useful to know that finely chopped onions should be sprinkled with potatoes in the middle of cooking. Onions should not be fried when they are simply brought to a soft state, the dish will turn out to be much tastier and more aromatic.

5. When serving, you can sprinkle the potatoes with finely chopped fresh dill or green onions.

Let us remind you that last time we cooked with you.