Sour cream garlic sauce for shawarma. Shawarma sauce - diversify your home menu with street food recipes

28.09.2019 Restaurant notes

No matter how the supporters of healthy eating oppose the emergence of fast food, it is. Moreover, they love to eat it. A flat cake with meat inside is bought with pleasure on the streets of many countries of the world, no matter how it is called: shawarma, shawarma, shuarma, kebab, fajita, burrito, etc. , what is the sauce for shawarma made of and what spices are used. For example, fajita, a Mexican shawarma, is served with a sauce of chili and pure alcohol.

Well, as it is already clear, the options for the dish cannot be counted. The dish has firmly entered the life of busy people - hearty, tasty, versatile. Therefore, you just need to learn how to cook it at home. Moreover, the store sells both pita bread and pita bread. And it is better to choose the fillings-salads to your taste. We will offer various options for how to make the sauce. This he will give the dish the necessary juiciness, "bind" meat and salads, wrapped in bread blanks.

The Internet claims that this is the most "correct" sauce. Having tried it at home, I agree that the taste of the sauce has significantly improved from replacing the mayonnaise with sour cream with yogurt in the mixture.


  • natural yogurt (ideally - "Greek") - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • coriander (whole) - 2 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 1. tbsp. l .;
  • wine vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • black peppercorns - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp

Crush the garlic, put it in yogurt, season with freshly ground black pepper and coriander, add lemon juice and wine vinegar, stir thoroughly and salt to taste. Do not despair if yoghurt is not found. The recipe can be slightly changed by taking sour cream and mayonnaise in equal proportions.

Chicken tortillas

It would be completely wrong to tell about the sauce and not give the recipe for the "correct" shawarma. It is best to use chicken thighs, as the breast meat is still rather dry.

Free the meat from the bones and place it in the marinade for an hour or two. We will prepare the marinade from the following products:

  • 1 tsp black peppercorns;
  • 1 tsp cumin;
  • 1 tsp cardamom;
  • 1/2 tsp ground turmeric;
  • 1/2 tsp dried garlic;
  • 1/4 tsp ground paprika;
  • 1/2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

All the spices that the recipe suggests must be ground and mixed with vegetable oil. Grate chicken pieces with this mixture and leave to marinate. The marinated chicken pieces should be fried in a skillet (preferably a grill pan) for 6-8 minutes, stirring frequently. Ready meat needs to "lie down" in foil, this process will take 5-10 minutes.

And now we take ready-made pita bread and wrap the cooked chicken there, season with sauce and season with salad. Wrap it gently and enjoy the homemade shaverm. This dish is perfect for an office snack.

The recipe for meat filling that we have given is used very often. But you can find options for using lamb, turkey. It all depends on preference.

Tkhina sauce

This recipe is used to make shawarma in Israel. For the Israelis, this sauce is like sour cream for the Russians, for the Americans - ketchup, or for the Dutch - mayonnaise. It should be noted that this dressing is very tasty, healthy and, importantly, it is quickly prepared.

  • sesame paste (you can buy ready-made) - 1/4 tbsp.;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • salt;
  • half a lemon;
  • water.

Add the juice squeezed from half a lemon, crushed garlic, salt to the sesame paste. Gradually begin to add water, it should be the same as sesame paste. The mass turns out to be viscous, you need to stir it carefully, at first slowly, then accelerating the movement. The readiness of the sauce is determined by the color of the mass - it becomes light (as in the photo).

Chopped parsley can be added to the finished tahini. Tahini is applied to the bottom of the pita, the second layer will be meat, then salad (look at the photo). Sometimes, for lovers of spicy food, add harif - a mixture of ground red pepper with olive oil.

If there is no ready-made sesame paste, you can make it yourself from roasted sesame seeds. The recipe can be found on the Internet.

Pickled cucumbers do not hurt

Another sauce recipe for such a popular dish.

For him we need:

  • sour cream (15%) - 1 tbsp.;
  • chopped green onions - ¼ st.;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • curry - 1/2 tsp;
  • pickled cucumber;
  • vegetable oil.

Sour cream should be mixed with crushed garlic, finely chopped green onions and pickled cucumber, add spices, mix thoroughly. The sauce should be infused for at least 20 minutes.

Cut the pita in half, put slices of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers inside, add the meat filling. Pour all this with sour cream sauce and serve.

You can't get off with ketchup or mayonnaise to make shawarma.

Of course, it turns out delicious with them too. But real shawarma requires a sauce, and one that will complement not only meat, but also vegetables.

One that will accentuate the taste of lavash, add piquancy and make an extraordinary dish out of primitive products.

Here are collected recipes for the best shawarma sauces for every taste.

Shawarma sauces - general cooking principles

The sauce is usually smeared with pita bread or filling. This gives not only taste, but also juiciness and softness to the products. Any shawarma sauce consists of a main product and additions. The amount of base is usually several times higher than the other ingredients. The consistency and color of the mass largely depends on it.

What ingredients are used as a base:


Sour cream, cream;

Kefir, yoghurts, fermented baked milk;

Ketchup, tomato sauces.

These ingredients can be used singly or together. They usually do not require any processing and are simply mixed with each other. Combinations and proportions can be very diverse depending on the recipe and taste preferences.

What complements the basis:

Nuts, seeds;

These ingredients require grinding and sometimes heat treatment. All components of the base and additions must be of high quality, otherwise, after mixing, the sauce will deteriorate very quickly and the product can be poisoned.

Recipe 1: Garlic shawarma sauce with sour cream

Gives an extraordinary aroma and light pungency. It is prepared on the basis of sour cream, the fat content can be any, but it is advisable to use a thick product so that the auxiliary ingredients are evenly distributed and do not settle to the bottom.


100 grams of sour cream;

4 tablespoons of kefir;

4 cloves of garlic;

1 tsp curry;

A mixture of peppers;

Fresh or dried herbs.


1. Clean the garlic, run it through a press or rub it on a fine grater.

2. Add salt, peppers and curry to the garlic, grind well, it is more convenient to do it with a pestle.

3. Add kefir, stir.

4. Introduce sour cream and any greens, let the shawarma sauce brew for half an hour. Stored no more than 2 days and only in the refrigerator, the container must be tightly closed.

Recipe 2: Tomato Shawarma Sauce

The taste of tomato shawarma sauce cannot be compared to regular ketchup. And all thanks to the addition of fresh vegetables. Intense, sweetish-spicy taste is great for any filling.


2 tablespoons of tomato paste;

One tomato;

2 tablespoons of oil;

Red pepper (ground);

0.5 Bulgarian pepper;

Small onion;

A little cilantro;

A spoonful of sugar.


1. Cut the onion and sauté in a frying pan.

2. Add the chopped tomato and heat for a minute. Put the mass into the blender bowl.

3. Add a little red pepper, salt, sugar, tomato paste. We cut the bell peppers into pieces and also send them to the blender container.

4. Grind the sauce to a creamy consistency, taste it. Add more salt or spiciness if necessary.

5. Finely chop the cilantro, combine with the sauce and you're done! The only drawback of this sauce is its short shelf life. You need to use it within 5 hours after preparation.

Recipe 3: Shawarma Sauce "Real"

It is prepared on the basis of fermented milk products and mayonnaise. The consistency of this shawarma sauce is not very thick, but it should be so. If you need a denser mass, then just add more greenery.


100 grams of fermented baked milk or natural yogurt;

100 grams of mayonnaise;

100 grams of sour cream;

3 cloves of garlic;

0.5 lemon;

Fresh dill;

Salt, a little pepper if desired.


1. Mix dairy products with mayonnaise.

2. Squeeze the juice out of the citrus and send it to the milk mass, making sure that no seeds get in.

3. Finely chop the dill, add salt, chopped garlic and grind everything well to release as much essential oils as possible.

4. Combine the milk mixture with fragrant herbs and you're done! You can store this creation in the cold for a day, but it is better to use it immediately.

Recipe 4: Cucumber Shawarma Sauce

The peculiarity of this sauce is that it is great not only for shawarma, but also for kebabs, various dishes of meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms and vegetables. Therefore, feel free to cook it! The recipe is basic, mild. If desired, you can add any pepper and other spices.


120 grams of mayonnaise;

80 grams of sour cream;


A clove of garlic;

20 grams of lemon juice;

A spoonful of paprika.


1. Mix sour cream with salt and mayonnaise, add chopped garlic clove and lemon juice.

2. We wash the cucumber, wipe it off, cut off the ends and three on a fine grater, send it to the total mass. If the seeds of the fruit are large, then they must be removed.

3. Add paprika and chopped parsley, mix. The sauce is not stored as the cucumber secretes juice. It is advisable to use it on the same day.

Recipe 5: "Appetizing" shawarma sauce with mayonnaise

For this sauce you will need good mayonnaise, preferably homemade and spicy chili ketchup. The mass turns out to be a beautiful, pink color. If there is no hot ketchup, then you can use regular sauce, adding red pepper to it.


100 grams of mayonnaise;

A spoonful of hot ketchup;

A spoonful of soy sauce;

1 tsp wine or apple cider vinegar;

A sprig of basil.


1. Finely chop the basil, mix with soy sauce and vinegar.

2. Add mayonnaise, ketchup and mix well. Ready! You can store this sauce in the refrigerator for two whole days. And if you do not put the basil greens, then longer.

Recipe 6: Diet Shawarma Sauce

It is prepared on the basis of natural yogurt and is classified as low-calorie. Ideal for chicken shawarma. But the peculiarity of this sauce is the addition of a certain set of spices.


100 grams of yogurt;

1 teaspoon ready-made mustard;

2 tablespoons of lemon juice;

1/3 teaspoon pepper mixture;

10 coriander kernels;

Pinch of oregano;

5 olives.


1. Grind the coriander, mix with yogurt.

2. Add mustard, lemon juice, pepper and oregano. Mix well. Instead of a mixture of peppers, you can use one of any kind, but this turns out to be much tastier and more aromatic.

3. Finely chop the olives, add to the sauce and you're done! Put greens as desired.

Recipe 7: Shawarma Sauce with Egg

A spicy version of shawarma sauce, which is prepared with raw yolks. Therefore, eggs should be of high quality, preferably rustic. As for the oil, it is better not to use pure olive oil, but to take a mixture of it with sunflower, it turns out tastier.


8 tablespoons of oil;

150 grams of fatty kefir;

Ground black pepper;

Ground red pepper;

3 cloves of garlic;

A little parsley.


1. Separate the yolks. Protein is not useful to us, use them for other dishes, for example, omelet or meringue. Place the yolks in a blender bowl.

2. Add salt, ideally sea salt is used. Put the peeled garlic and the rest of the spices. We interrupt with a bender.

3. Pour the oil in a thin stream, beating without stopping.

4. Gently add kefir, then parsley. The greens can also be interrupted or simply chopped and added to the prepared sauce. We evaluate the taste, add more spices if necessary.

Recipe 8: Creamy shawarma sauce with sesame seeds

It is undesirable to use heavy cream for this sauce, but liquid cream will not work either. The best option is 15-20%. Mayonnaise is used as an additive, which, if desired, can be replaced with yogurt or sour cream.


150 grams of cream;

50 grams of mayonnaise;

A spoonful of mustard;

15 grams of sesame seeds;

½ lemon.


1. Mix cream with mayonnaise.

2. Add the mustard. You can use any, but it is better to use a homemade hot sauce.

3. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon, send it to the total mass, salt.

4. Pour sesame seeds into a frying pan and lightly brown. Stir constantly so that the grains do not burn.

5. Mix the creamy mass with the fried sesame seeds and you're done!

Recipe 9: Creamy Cheese Shawarma Sauce

For this sauce, you can use absolutely any cheese: hard, creamy, melted and even sausage. And every time you get a new taste. The density of the mass also depends on the selected cheese. You can use low-fat cream.


100 grams of cream;

50 grams of cheese;

A spoonful of mustard;

Any spices.


1. Stir the cream with chopped garlic cloves. We adjust their number at our discretion. On average, 2 pieces are enough.

2. Put the mustard, salt, stir. At the same stage, you can add any other spices: pepper, coriander, curry, paprika. It will be more difficult to stir with cheese.

3. If soft cheese is used, then simply add it to the total mass. If it is hard, then first rub it finely.

4. Stir the sauce, season with dill, you can use fresh or dried.

Recipe 10: "Nut" shawarma sauce with sour cream

Another flavorful sauce that goes especially well with chicken shawarma. But it can also be used for any other. Walnuts need to be dried in advance and grinded on a coffee grinder or simply crushed in a mortar.


150 grams of sour cream;

2 cloves of garlic;

A spoonful of ground nuts;

A spoonful of soy sauce;

Lemon juice or vinegar to taste.


1. Mix sour cream with soy sauce, salt and pepper.

2. Chop the garlic, add to the sour cream.

3. Finely chop the cilantro leaves, separating them from the twigs, send them to the sauce.

4. Pour out the walnuts, stir.

5. If the sour cream was sweet, then you can add lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. You can use regular parsley instead of cilantro.

The sauce will be more aromatic and tasteful if the herbs intended for addition are grated in a bowl with the rest of the spices. Do the same with garlic. For the best taste, it should be chopped as small as possible and grinded.

Don't like the color of the sauce? Add brightly colored ingredients. This can be sweet paprika, aromatic curry spice, vibrant ketchup, or just plain greens. The mass will acquire not only a new shade, but also a taste.

Any extra sauce left? Do not throw it away under any circumstances! It can be frozen directly in a plastic container, and then used to marinate meat, grate poultry before frying, and any other food.

Very often mayonnaise-based sauces are fatty. Fermented milk products will help to correct the situation. Fermented baked milk and natural yogurt will not make the mass liquid, but will reduce the fat content. Along with them, do not forget to add more salt, herbs and other ingredients.

Sauce plays an important role in the taste palette of shawarma, however, many recipes for this dish include only mayonnaise and ketchup in different ratios, sometimes supplemented with mustard or garlic. Because of this, the taste of shawarma can seem monotonous. In fact, at home, shawarma sauce can be made much tastier and healthier, and there are many recipes for its preparation. Usually, they are based on fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and herbs, and by no means mayonnaise, although it can also be included in the composition. If done correctly, homemade sauce will turn out to be thick, aromatic, with a spicy or delicate taste.

Cooking features

By how tasty the sauce is from the cook, one can judge about his skill. Cooking real shawarma sauce is also an art, but any housewife who is not deprived of culinary skills can master it. The secrets of experienced chefs will help her in this.

  • The basis of real shawarma sauce is most often sour milk products, and only the freshest of them are suitable. At the same time, their fat content should not be too low: from low-fat kefir, the sauce will turn out to be too liquid.
  • If you want to make the sauce thicker without increasing its calorie content, you can add more chopped vegetables and herbs to its composition.
  • In order for the shawarma sauce to turn out fragrant, the greens, before adding them to the main composition, must be ground in a mortar along with salt and spices.
  • The sauce will become even more fragrant and thicker if you let it brew. However, you should not leave the sauce for a long time or cook it in advance, as it may contain perishable foods.
  • Seasonings (paprika, curry) and fresh herbs will help add new shades to the shawarma sauce at home.
  • Shawarma sauce should be smooth and tender. Therefore, the vegetables used for its preparation must be peeled from coarse skins and seeds, thoroughly chopped to a puree state. The same rule applies to other ingredients as well.

This is not to say that a truly delicious shawarma sauce at home can be prepared as easily and quickly as when mixing ketchup with mayonnaise, but the result is worth the effort.

Classic shawarma sauce

  • fermented baked milk - 0.2 l;
  • mayonnaise - 0.2 l;
  • sour cream - 0.2 l;
  • lemon - 1/4 of the fruit;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • sugar - a pinch;
  • salt, black pepper, other spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Put sour cream and mayonnaise in a bowl, pour in fermented baked milk. Stir fermented milk products together thoroughly. The mass must be perfectly homogeneous.
  • Wash, cut the lemon. Squeeze the juice from a quarter of the fruit directly into a bowl of fermented milk products.
  • Finely chop the garlic cloves with a knife, put in a mortar.
  • Add salt, sugar, seasonings to the garlic. Mash the garlic with a pestle and transfer to a bowl with fermented baked milk, sour cream and mayonnaise.
  • Beat the resulting mixture with a mixer and refrigerate for a couple of hours.

This sauce recipe is considered a classic. It is almost universal and can be taken as a basis by adding different bouquets of spices.

Shawarma sauce like in stalls

  • sour cream - 100 ml;
  • mayonnaise - 100 ml;
  • kefir - 100 ml;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, a mixture of dried herbs - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • After peeling the garlic cloves, pass through a press.
  • Add salt, pepper, dried herbs to the garlic. Rub them with a pestle or spoon.
  • Pour kefir over the spicy mixture, mix thoroughly.
  • Add sour cream and mayonnaise, whisk well.
  • Leave to infuse for half an hour at room temperature.

Such shawarma sauce is used in stalls and catering establishments, where they respect their customers and value their reputation. In taste, it does not differ too much from the classic one, although, of course, there is a difference.

Yogurt shawarma sauce

  • white yogurt (unsweetened) - 100 ml;
  • lemon juice - 10 ml;
  • mustard (sauce) - 5 ml;
  • a mixture of peppers - a pinch;
  • coriander beans - 10 pcs.;
  • oregano - a pinch;
  • pitted olives (green) - 5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Grind coriander seeds in a coffee grinder or thoroughly grind in a mortar until powdery.
  • Combine coriander with oregano and pepper, add lemon juice to them, salt, add mustard, rub everything together.
  • Add yogurt to the resulting mixture, mix everything well so that the spices and herbs are evenly distributed.
  • Chop the olives very finely with a knife, put them in yogurt, mix well.

Let the sauce steep for an hour in a cool place, stir again and use when making shawarma. This sauce can be called dietary, since its calorie content is low. It will appeal to those who follow the figure or simply love Mediterranean cuisine.

Shawarma tomato sauce

  • tomato paste - 50 g;
  • tomato - 150 g;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 100 g;
  • onions - 75 g;
  • fresh cilantro - 20 g;
  • ground red pepper - a pinch;
  • sugar - 5 g;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the tomato. Make a crisscross cut on the top with a sharp knife. Boil water. Dip the tomato into boiling water and blanch it for half a minute. Remove, cool and peel. The tomato will cool down faster if it is briefly placed in cold water.
  • Peel the tomato, remove the stalk and the seal next to it. Cut the fruit into several pieces and carefully remove the seeds with a teaspoon. Cut the pulp into small cubes.
  • Remove the husk from the onion. Chop the onion into small pieces.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan, put onions in it. Fry it over low heat until it becomes soft and translucent.
  • Add tomatoes to the onion, fry them a little with the lid open, then simmer for 5 minutes under the lid.
  • Put tomato paste in a pan with vegetables, add salt, sugar and hot pepper, simmer this mixture until it thickens. Remove from heat and cool.
  • Wash and seed the pepper, cut off a large piece of pulp (about half of the pepper), cut the piece into several small pieces.
  • Combine the peppers with tomato sauce and blend everything together in a blender.
  • Chop the herbs as finely as possible with a knife and mix with the resulting mass.

Tomato sauce should be used fresh, as it has a short shelf life (5-6 hours).

Cucumber shawarma sauce

  • cucumbers - 0.2 kg;
  • mayonnaise - 120 ml;
  • sour cream - 80 ml;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • fresh parsley - 20 g;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • ground paprika - 5 g;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cucumbers, cut off the noses and tails. If you have one large fruit, then you will have to peel it, removing the thinnest layer of the peel with a vegetable peeler, free from large seeds.
  • Grate the cucumber pulp. If you have thick sour cream and mayonnaise, you do not need to squeeze the juice, otherwise drain the juice, leaving only the cucumber pulp.
  • Squeeze the garlic directly into the plate with the cucumber through a special press.
  • Pour in salt, paprika, add sour cream and mayonnaise, stir.
  • Chop the parsley very finely with a knife, remember it with a pestle, add to the sauce.
  • Pour lemon juice into the sauce, stir well, or even whisk.

It is not worth insisting on this sauce for a long time, it is better to use it within 15-30 minutes after preparation. The sauce has a delicate taste and fresh aroma. It is especially pleasant to eat shawarma with him in the summer.

Shawarma nut sauce

  • walnut kernels - 50 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • sour cream - 150 ml;
  • cilantro - 20 g;
  • soy sauce - 5 ml;
  • lemon juice - 5 ml;
  • salt, hops-suneli - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Chop the nuts, turning into a homogeneous mass. You can grind them in a coffee grinder. Another option is to crush it in a mortar.
  • Transfer the nuts to a bowl. Squeeze garlic to them, add lemon juice and soy sauce, mix well.
  • Chop fresh cilantro finely, add salt and suneli hops to it, remember with a spoon or pestle.
  • Mix the greens with the hazelnuts.
  • Add sour cream and mix thoroughly. If necessary, you can use a mixer, although, given the small amount of sauce, you can cope without the help of kitchen equipment.
  • Let the sauce sit at room temperature for about half an hour.

If shawarma is made with a sauce prepared according to this recipe, it will certainly appeal to lovers of Georgian cuisine.

Homemade shawarma sauce is much tastier, more aromatic and healthier than its "street" competitors. If you make shawarma with him, you will almost certainly like it and not get bored.

Shawarma fans have gathered all over the planet. At home, you can make pita bread with any filling to your liking: from tomato options to meat sandwiches for men.

Read how to make shawarma sauce at home.

Street fillings for pita bread amaze with their variety and spoil the taste buds.

Such fast food will not harm the figure and stomach if it is made from quality products. But collecting a similar sandwich at home, the taste is completely different.

It's not about the type of meat or the amount of vegetables per bite. The secret of shawarma is in the sauce. The stalls offer meat with vegetables in a magical mixture of kefir, mayonnaise and spices.

Read what you need to make real shawarma sauce:

  • Kefir and mayonnaise in equal proportions, 250 g each.
  • 3 tbsp. l. sour cream.
  • A mixture of spices: curry, hops-suneli, paprika.
  • Garlic.

Now start preparing a delicious emulsion. In a separate bowl, combine the sushi ingredients.

This amount of liquid foods will require 1 teaspoon of each seasoning. The amount can be varied depending on taste preferences.

Advice! If you don't like spicy dressings, then remove garlic from the recipe.

Mix mayonnaise and a few tablespoons of sour cream in a separate bowl. Add kefir by eye to dilute the sauce to the required consistency.

Fatty kefir can be added to half the mayonnaise, and the amount of liquid product will have to be slightly reduced so that the sauce does not turn into a drink.

Mix the resulting mass with seasonings, add finely grated garlic (3-4 cloves) and enjoy the taste of the additive.

The sauce can be immediately wrapped in pita bread or the finished roll can be dipped into a plate. It is according to this recipe that fast food is prepared on the street.

Types and recipes for making garlic, tomato and yogurt shawarma sauce

For those who like to deviate from classic recipes, we have come up with interesting flavor combinations.

Depending on the filling, you can make a tomato, yogurt or mushroom dressing. There can be many varieties: from high-calorie fatty ones to light vegetarian options.

Advice! For the chicken filling, you can use any sauce: yoghurt, tomato or mushroom.

Vegetarians prefer types of shawarma with vegetable ingredients. Light yoghurt dressing does not work well with pork.

When you have decided on the filling: pork, chicken or just vegetables, then you can start choosing a thickener. Salt and pepper should be added to each recipe to taste.

Choose the option that you like best in terms of taste:

  1. Yoghurt dressing. Take a Greek product. Any yogurt without sweeteners will do. Salt, add your favorite spices.

    The sauce does not require whipping, only 2-3 stirring - and use the dressing for vegetables and chicken.

  2. Tomato option. It will take more time to make such a sauce.

    Take a few ripe fruits, remove the skin, grind the resulting mass in a blender.

    Put on fire, add salt and pepper to taste. Some housewives supplement the recipe with fried garlic or onions. When the excess liquid has evaporated, add the sauce to the pita bread.

  3. Garlic Sause. For spicy lovers, you can use an interesting garlic-honey recipe.

    Mix equal amounts of soy sauce, butter and honey. Add 2-3 cloves of garlic to taste, 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard.

    Mix the ingredients thoroughly, add salt and pepper. It is also recommended to add sourness to the sauce - a few drops of lemon juice.

Important! If we move away from the classics, then even pesto sauce is suitable for shawarma: mix finely chopped herbs, walnuts and butter in a blender. Serve cold.

Recipes do not require a long cooking time and constant standing at the stove. The most time consuming preparation of tomato dressing is due to stewing.

The rest of the recipes do not require heat treatment. For vegetarian meals, you can use tomato or garlic sauce.

Diet recipe for pn-shawarma with chicken and sour cream sauce

For girls who strictly monitor their figure, but see shawarma in a dream, they came up with types of rolls that will not harm their health and leave their sides alone.

In pursuit of harmony, you can also cook pita bread yourself: mix flour, water, salt and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Roll out the dough and fry each side in a dry skillet for 2 minutes.

You can even buy Armenian lavash in the store. The dough is sold in a round and square shape. You can fold the shawarma in tubes, squares or rolls.

Read the most popular PP combinations in the table:

Diet recipe Preparation
Chicken option Sear the chicken breast in a hot skillet for 5 minutes on each side.

Wrap the meat in foil and let it rise in the oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Cut the finished product into pieces, add a fresh celery stalk, spinach, cucumbers to taste. You can season with yogurt sauce

Mushroom version Buy fresh champignons for cooking. It is better to pre-soak them in kefir and grill them.

Cut the ready-made mushrooms into several pieces, mix with fresh onions, season with garlic powder.

Champignons go well with baked eggplant or tomatoes; for piquancy, you can add a little dietary cheese and season with sour cream dressing

Vegetable sensation For the recipe, use any fresh vegetables that are in season: cucumbers, tomatoes, green onions, basil, or cilantro.

Mix the ingredients in any proportions, add salt, 1 tablespoon of sour cream and wrap in a sheet of pita bread

Can't wait to break your diet? This shawarma will be an excellent option for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Use low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt for dressing. Bon appetit and take care of your figure!

Today we are going to tell you how to make a delicious shawarma sauce. Moreover, several different recipes for this dressing with the use of garlic, tomatoes, kefir, mayonnaise and sour cream will be presented to your attention.

General information about the oriental dish

Shawarma sauce is very easy and quick to prepare. But before giving you its recipe, you should tell what this oriental dish is all about.

Shawarma is a lavash in which various ingredients are wrapped. This dish is especially often sold at roadside kiosks or fast food cafes. But if you want to enjoy its taste, then it is better to make shawarma at home. After all, for this there is no need to purchase rare and expensive ingredients.

It should also be said that shawarma sauce is a very important component that makes the dish especially juicy, tasty and aromatic. There are a great many options for its preparation. Such sauces can be spicy, sweet, tender, etc. Which one to choose for your oriental dish is up to you.

Cooking garlic shawarma sauce

Garlic sauce is a classic dressing that gives shawarma its special aroma and taste. To make it at home, we need:

The process of making garlic dressing

There is nothing easier than making your own garlic shawarma sauce. To do this, peel the garlic cloves and grate them. Next, you need to add dried herbs and spices to the processed product, as well as high-calorie mayonnaise, kefir and thick sour cream. Stir the ingredients, then leave under the lid for 10 minutes. In the future, the sauce must be applied as directed.

Making delicious tomato shawarma sauce

To make the tomato sauce for homemade shawarma homogeneous, it is recommended to beat it using a regular blender. As a result of such actions, all vegetables should be transformed into gruel.

Delicious yogurt sauce and village eggs

If you do not want to use mayonnaise or tomato paste for making the sauce, then we recommend using eggs and kefir as a base. With these ingredients, the dressing will turn out to be more tender and tasty.

So, before making the shawarma sauce, you need to prepare:

  • village eggs (the yolk should be as yellow as possible) - 2 pcs.;
  • salt is not very coarse (use to taste);
  • olive oil - about 50 ml;
  • thick fat kefir - about 300 ml;
  • small garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;

Cooking method

The presented shawarma sauce recipe is especially popular with those who do not like very spicy and savory dressings. However, it should be noted that for the preparation of such a marinade, it is necessary to purchase only village eggs. After all, in the future they will not be thermally processed.

So, to make a delicious kefir-based sauce, you should break the chicken eggs in a blender bowl and beat them vigorously. Next, you need to add not very coarse salt, garlic cloves and red / black ground pepper to them. Also, a little olive oil should be poured into the dressing in a thin stream. After that, the whipping procedure with a blender must be repeated.

In conclusion, fatty kefir should be poured into the resulting sauce. As a result, you should get a dressing that is not very thick, but not liquid either. It should have such a consistency that it can be easily applied to pita bread.

A real sauce for an oriental dish

Surely there are no people who would resist the temptation and buy shawarma at a fast food kiosk. After all, sometimes you really want to pamper yourself with a delicious and aromatic oriental dish. However, there is no need to visit a roadside cafe or kiosk for this. After all, you can cook such a snack yourself.

To make homemade shawarma as tasty as in roadside fast food cafes, we recommend using a sauce based on mayonnaise, fermented baked milk and sour cream. With these ingredients, you are sure to achieve those taste qualities that often attract people who often visit various eateries.

So, we need:

Cooking method

The presented shawarma sauce recipe is very often used in cafes or fast food kiosks. Indeed, thanks to him, the oriental dish becomes very satisfying, juicy and aromatic, which attracts a large number of customers. It should also be noted that there is nothing difficult in preparing such a dressing. That is why it can also be used to create homemade shawarma.

So, in order to make such a sauce on your own, you need to combine thick kefir, sour cream and fermented baked milk in one bowl. Further, the listed ingredients must be mixed using a mixer. After that, grated garlic cloves, medium-sized sugar, ground pepper and salt should be added to them. Also, squeeze half a small lemon into the dressing. After adding all the ingredients, it is recommended to repeat the intensive mixing procedure.

Before using the prepared sauce to create a tasty and juicy shawarma, it is recommended to cover it with a lid and leave it at room temperature for ¼ hour. After the specified time, the dressing can be safely applied to the pita bread.

White sauce for delicious and juicy shawarma

How to cook tomato, kefir, etc. dressing for shawarma, we told. However, there are many ways to create such a sauce. By adding certain products, you can noticeably change the taste of an oriental dish.

White sauce is very popular with lovers of a quick snack. To prepare it, we need:

  • small fresh cucumber - one piece;
  • use not very coarse salt to taste;
  • sour cream 30% - about 200 ml;
  • small garlic cloves - three pieces;
  • ground red and black pepper - apply to taste.

Cooking a delicious dressing

To make such a sauce, wash a small fresh cucumber well, and then grate it (coarse). Next, add fatty sour cream, medium-sized salt, grated garlic cloves and ground pepper to the vegetable. After all the ingredients are in the bowl, beat them well with a whisk or fork. It is advisable to keep the sauce in this form under the lid for about 6-13 minutes, and then use it for its intended purpose.

Let's sum up

Now you know how to make shawarma sauce correctly. It should also be said that such a dressing can be used not only for preparing an oriental dish. After all, it is also well suited for meat, side dishes and other snacks.