Calorie avocado 1 piece. How many avocados can you eat per day? Avocado: calories, vitamins, beneficial properties and contraindications

15.04.2019 Restaurant notes

Hearty, creamy, flavorful, the avocado is a versatile fruit that adds flavor and health to many dishes. The health benefits of avocados are well studied and widely known. The fruit is rich in antioxidants, minerals, phytonutrients, alimentary fiber and monosaturated fats. Read more about in a separate issue.

Another name for avocado alligator pear- acquired because of its shape, appearance and skin. A fruit is considered ripe and ready to eat if it is slightly soft but does not have dark sunken spots or cracks.

How many calories in an avocado

In avocado high fat content, respectively, the calorie content of the product is high. But this monounsaturated fats from the category of "good" fats, which helps to lower cholesterol, if consumed in moderation. These fats in the diet provide energy, protect our organs, support cell membranes, and help the body absorb and process nutrients.

It is often eaten raw. Avocados are cut or mashed into sandwiches, salads, desserts, and sushi. Boiled avocados are used to make puree soups or sauces.

Calorie content and recipes

Classical mexican sauce guacamole, whose main ingredient in the recipe is avocado, is perhaps the most popular way to consume this fruit. In addition, avocado pulp can be mashed and tossed with pasta, made into butter and added to your favorite dishes, as well as cut and stacked on sandwiches.

Avocado preparation:

  • cut along the fruit;
  • hold both halves and twist them in opposite directions until completely separated;
  • remove the bone;
  • cut each of the halves lengthwise into long strips;
  • holding the edge of the skin, use your thumb and forefinger to remove it.

Avocado is perfect for salt-free and paleo diets.

Avocado pate on toast

Mash the avocado and season with salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Add (1 piece) of your choice. Make sure to take whole wheat bread and then you will have hearty breakfast or a snack to keep you energized throughout the day.

Calorie content - 50 kcal / 100 g.

Eggs Benedict on avocado

A firm avocado can be a substitute in many dishes. For example, instead of two halves of an English muffin, between which a poached egg is traditionally placed, thin strips of avocado are used. An egg (1 pc.) Without a shell is placed in hot, but not boiling water, allowed to cool and placed between the layers of avocado.

Calorie content - 70 kcal / 100 g.

Shrimp and Avocado Salad Recipe and Photo

It is necessary to cut the avocado in half, deprive it of the stone, take out the pulp with a spoon and add 5 medium-sized boiled, 50 g boiled and diced avocado pulp to the resulting “boat”.

Calorie content - 185 kcal / 100 g.

Pasta with cream sauce avocado

This delicious and simple dish combines 10g, 10g and dried chili peppers with a creamy avocado sauce. Boil durum wheat pasta until al dente and mix with the sauce.

Calorie content - 160 kcal / 100 g.

Tropical smoothie with avocado

Avocado is inimitable in vegetable smoothies with the addition of greens, or. The recipe is as simple as possible: mix half an avocado, a cucumber, and a bunch in a blender and beat.

Calorie content - 140 kcal / 100 g.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of avocado

The avocado, with its rich and buttery flavor and monounsaturated fats, high fiber content, good protein levels, and especially low carb content, greatly increases satiety, quenches hunger. As a result, we eat less when we add it to our diet.

The % of daily requirement indicated in the tables is an indicator that indicates how many percent of the daily norm in a substance we will satisfy the needs of the body by eating 100 grams of avocado.

How many proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) are in an avocado?

Approximately 3/4 calories in an avocado. Monounsaturated fats help lower cholesterol levels and improve heart health. Avocado also has a higher percentage of protein than other fruits - about 4 grams. The fruit contains fiber, which helps to feel full for much longer.

Substance Quantity, g (per 100 g of product) % of daily requirement

Avocado is an exotic plant that, having come to the Russian market, quickly became popular among Russians. This plant grows in Indonesia, Chile, Spain, Mexico. In Russia, on the Black Sea coast, it is found as an ornamental culture.

Interesting fact: Avocado belongs to the laurel family and is called "American Perseus".

From this article, the reader will learn not only what an avocado is, but also what is its caloric content and the nutritional value(how many calories in one fruit or per 100 g of product). We will also talk about medicinal properties this subtropical plant and introduce some recipes out of him.

How many calories in one avocado (calorie content of avocado 1 piece or 100 grams)

Avocado contains a high percentage of fat in relation to proteins (16%) and carbohydrates (17%) - fat contains 67%. Therefore, avocados are the champion among fruits in terms of calories - 100 g of the product contains 160 kcal.

Few have tried the exotic avocado. But the calorie content and nutritional value (how many calories per 100 g - read in our article) of this fruit allow you to get enough and enrich your body with mass useful substances without gaining extra pounds

Calories in 1 fresh pitted avocado

Average weight one avocado without a stone and skin is 180 g, therefore, the calorie content of the product is 290 kcal.

Despite this high calorie content, avocado fats are very well absorbed by the body, a person does not get fat from eating the fruit on the contrary, it can even lose weight. Therefore, avocado diets are so popular among women, which can be carried out once a month for 3 days.

The chemical composition of avocados and nutritional value

It should be noted that this tropical fruit has many vitamins. Vitamin A contributes to the preservation of vision; B vitamins - strengthen nervous system, vitamin C and other important vitamins are necessary for the body.

In addition, it contains various trace elements, for example, necessary for the body selenium and iron, with which our earth is often poor, and hence its fruits. Iron is especially necessary for people suffering from anemia.

Avocado is recommended for people suffering from anemia

The benefits and possible harm of avocados for the body

Regular use avocados reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, stroke, ailments gastrointestinal tract, vision and others.

However, in addition to benefits, this fruit can also bring harm. Avocado is strictly contraindicated for people suffering from food allergies. since it can provoke an allergic reaction.

It is important to remember: you can not eat the bones - they are poisonous.

Overeating avocados can lead to disruption of the stomach and intestines, flatulence may increase, diarrhea or constipation may appear.

Use of avocado for weight loss

As already noted, avocados, even with high calorie content, is recommended for weight loss, as it contains easily digestible fats that are not deposited in the body.

When eating this fruit, you should limit yourself to sweet and starchy foods, active image life, do exercises in the morning.

Avocado Recipes

There are quite a few recipes with avocados, you can cook delicious salads, pate, smoothies and other dishes with it.

Note: avocado does not have a strong and specific taste, it is almost tasteless, therefore it is suitable for consumption with fish and other seafood.

Salads with avocado (calories)

The nutritional value (how many calories) of a subtropical fruit, as we have already found out, is quite high. Therefore, most often with avocados, salads with fruits and vegetables are prepared, which have a low calorie content.

An example of such a salad is a recipe with tomatoes, sweet (bulgarian) peppers, onions and cucumbers in equal amounts. Mix everything and add any vegetable oil to taste. Salad has about 100 kcal.

Diet salad for weight loss with shrimp and avocado (calorie content of salad - 110 kcal)

Salad Ingredients:

  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 st. l. cilantro, coriander;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lime juice;
  • 500 g shrimp:
  • 200 g cherry tomatoes;
  • 1 avocado;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

Preparing the salad:

  1. Wash the fruit, cut, remove the stone, remove the skin and cut into thin slices.
  2. Finely chop the washed cilantro.
  3. In a salad bowl, whisk together vegetable oil, cilantro and lime juice.
  4. Add boiled shrimp, cherry tomato slices and avocado slices to the mixture.
  5. Mix everything gently and serve immediately.

This salad should be consumed immediately.

Salad "Boat"

This salad is not only tasty, but also beautiful:

  1. Wash the avocado well, cut and remove the pit.
  2. Remove the pulp from the fruit with a spoon, mash it or cut into pieces.
  3. Boil rice.
  4. Boil 5 pieces of shrimp.
  5. Mix boiled rice (50 g), shrimp and fruit pulp and put in the middle of the fruit.

100 g of such a dish has 185 kcal.

Avocado paté on toast (calories)

Avocado can be used as a breakfast pate.

For 4 people, it is enough to take 1 piece of avocado. Wash, remove the bone and skin, mash to a puree. If desired, you can add ketchup, pepper, salt, garlic, 2 tsp. lemon juice and season everything with sunflower oil.

Put the mass on a dried loaf. Eat right away.

The nutritional value (i.e., how many calories) of 100 g of pate is about 225 kcal.

Avocado pate with smoked fish

It is enough to have:

  • smoked fish - 1 pc;
  • avocado - 1 pc;
  • homemade cream - 100g;
  • soft cheese - 100g;
  • garlic - 5-7 cloves;
  • sesame;
  • add greens and herbs if desired.

How to cook:

  1. Clean the fish and grind in a blender.
  2. Wash the avocado, peel it, remove the pit and grind it to a puree.
  3. Mix the resulting mixture with cream, cheese, crushed garlic, sesame seeds and finely chopped herbs.
  4. Add pepper and salt.

Put the resulting pate on bread, toast or soft loaf. The calorie content of such a sandwich is about 230 kcal.

For those who want to lose weight, you can cook a low-calorie sandwich with avocado pate (50 kcal per 100 g). To do this, mash the pulp of the avocado, add 1 tomato without the skin. Season with herbs and spices to taste. Spread on soft or toasted bread.

Pasta with creamy avocado sauce (calories)

In Italy, the most popular product is pasta, which is called pasta there, regardless of its shape and size. The nutritional value (how many calories per 100 g of product) of pasta, by the way, is also high.

It is important to know what Italian pasta Cook it properly until al dente. This is when the product is soft on top, but not so much in the middle.

It should not be boiled and sticky, but should retain its shape.

The cooking time is always written on the packages, you need to know it and remove it from the heat 1-2 minutes earlier. For a change, all kinds of seasonings and sauces are added to these products, which make ordinary pasta unusually tasty.

Often fruits are used for this, in particular avocados. Various sauces are usually prepared from it.

The easiest to prepare is a creamy sauce. It requires:

  • avocado 1 ripe (pulp);
  • yogurt without additives or heavy cream - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • to taste and desire - salt and pepper.

Mix all the above ingredients until puree.

Cooked pasta is mixed with cooked cream sauce. To improve taste this dish you can add 10 g of nuts, 10 g of raisins a little chili pepper (dried). This dish has a calorie content of 165 kcal per 100 g.

Cream, as you know, is a high-calorie product, so those who want to lose weight can prepare a pasta sauce with cream flavor. This will require:

  • avocado - 2 pcs.;
  • finely chopped 1 clove of garlic;
  • finely chopped 1 shallot;
  • juice from one lemon;
  • olive oil- 50 ml;
  • finely chopped parsley - 0.5 cups;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • 400g spaghetti or other pasta


  1. Cook pasta (pasta) until al denta.
  2. Prepare the sauce.
  3. WITH cooked pasta drain the water, leaving 100 g of broth.
  4. Put the pasta on a dish and mix with the sauce, if necessary, add a decoction of pasta.
  5. Sprinkle parsley or other herbs on top of pasta (paste) if desired.

In 100 g of cooked such a dish there are about 150 kcal.

Eggs Benedict on avocado (calories)

All over the world, eggs Benedict, where the basis is bread, are very popular for breakfast. But instead of bread, you can use avocados. For this sandwich, a poached egg is placed between thin slices of avocado.

This breakfast is low calorie. Nutritional value - only 70 kcal per 100 g.

The poached egg cooks very quickly. To do this, an egg without a shell is thrown into hot water, but so that it does not boil, and after 2 minutes they are taken out.

eggs in avocado

Take 2 for 4 servings ripe fruit avocado, 4 pcs. eggs; sliced green onion- 2 tbsp. l.; salt to taste; pepper as desired.

Cooking process:

  1. The avocado fruit is cut, the pit is removed, the pulp is removed so that a whole egg can fit there.
  2. An egg is driven into the halves of the fruit, salted and sprinkled with spices.
  3. Halves of the fruit are placed tightly together in a deep frying pan or in a baking dish. Put in the oven, heated to 210 degrees for 20 minutes.
  4. The finished dish is sprinkled with green onions.

Avocado smoothie (calories)

Smoothies first appeared in America in 1920. This diet shake, quite satisfying, but low-calorie. The consistency is thicker than yogurt.

A drink is prepared from mixtures of berries, vegetables, fruits with the addition of greens, seeds, nuts, oatmeal, green tea and dairy products (kefir, yogurt without impurities, cottage cheese, etc.).

It should be remembered that in order to maintain the dietary properties of the avocado smoothie and its low calorie content, nuts and honey, which have high nutritional value, should be added in a very limited amount.

lovers exotic fruits prefer smoothies made from avocados and bananas. To do this, put in a blender:

  • 2 washed, peeled and finely chopped avocados (the fruit must be ripe, if it is soft when pressed on the fruit, then this is what you need);
  • 1 washed, peeled and finely chopped banana;
  • oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

All this pour 150 g of milk. Beat at maximum speed for 0.5 minutes. Calorie content - 128 kcal per 100 g.

According to the American Dr. Oz, avocado and orange are an excellent combination for weight loss. Orange reduces stress hormone levels and avocado has unsaturated fats. According to the American, smoothies made from these fruits are especially suitable for those who want to lose weight.

To do this, mix and beat in a blender: 1 avocado, juice from 2 oranges, 1 medium carrot, 100 g of water and milk, if desired, honey can be added for taste.

  • Instructions and recipe: How to brew beer at home. Benefits of homemade beer
  • We offer to see interesting video about avocados (calorie content and nutritional value of the fruit, how many calories are in one fruit, its benefits and harms):

    How to cook healthy breakfast from avocado - see recipes for low-calorie toast, but with high nutritional value:

    Avocado is an exotic plant that, having come to the Russian market, quickly became popular among Russians. This plant grows in Indonesia, Chile, Spain, Mexico. In Russia, on the Black Sea coast, it is found as an ornamental culture.

    Interesting fact: Avocado belongs to the laurel family and is called "American Perseus".

    From this article, the reader will learn not only what an avocado is, but also what is its calorie content and nutritional value (how many calories are in one fruit or per 100 g of product). We will also talk about the medicinal properties of this subtropical plant and introduce you to some culinary recipes from it.

    How many calories in one avocado (calorie content of avocado 1 piece or 100 grams)

    Avocado contains a high percentage of fat in relation to proteins (16%) and carbohydrates (17%) - fat contains 67%. Therefore, avocados are the champion among fruits in terms of calories - 100 g of the product contains 160 kcal.

    Few have tried the exotic avocado. But the calorie content and nutritional value (how many calories per 100 g - read in our article) of this fruit allow you to get enough and enrich your body with a mass of useful substances, while not gaining extra pounds

    The average weight of one avocado without pit and skin is 180 g, therefore, the calorie content of the product is 290 kcal.

    Despite this high calorie content, avocado fats are very well absorbed by the body, a person does not get fat from eating the fruit on the contrary, it can even lose weight. Therefore, avocado diets are so popular among women, which can be carried out once a month for 3 days.

    It should be noted that this tropical fruit has many vitamins. Vitamin A contributes to the preservation of vision; B vitamins - strengthen the nervous system, vitamin C and other important vitamins are necessary for the body.

    In addition, it contains various microelements, for example, selenium and iron necessary for the body, which our earth is often poor in, and hence its fruits. Iron is especially necessary for people suffering from anemia.

    Regular consumption of avocados reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, stroke, ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, vision, and others.

    However, in addition to benefits, this fruit can also bring harm. Avocado is strictly contraindicated for people suffering from food allergies. since it can provoke an allergic reaction.

    Overeating avocados can lead to disruption of the stomach and intestines, flatulence may increase, diarrhea or constipation may appear.

    As already noted, even with a high calorie content, avocados are recommended for weight loss, as they contain easily digestible fats that are not deposited in the body.

    When using this fruit, you should limit yourself to sweet and starchy foods, lead an active lifestyle, do exercises in the morning.

    There are quite a few recipes with avocados, you can cook delicious salads, pate, smoothies and other dishes with it.

    Note: avocado does not have a strong and specific taste, it is almost tasteless, therefore it is suitable for consumption with fish and other seafood.

    The nutritional value (how many calories) of a subtropical fruit, as we have already found out, is quite high. Therefore, most often with avocados, salads with fruits and vegetables are prepared, which have a low calorie content.

    An example of such a salad is a recipe with tomatoes, sweet (bulgarian) peppers, onions and cucumbers in equal amounts. Mix everything and add any vegetable oil to taste. Salad has about 100 kcal.

    Diet salad for weight loss with shrimp and avocado (calorie content of salad - 110 kcal)

    • 1 st. l. vegetable oil;
    • 1 st. l. cilantro, coriander;
    • 2 tbsp. l. lime juice;
    • 500 g shrimp:
    • 200 g cherry tomatoes;
    • 1 avocado;
    • salt - 1 tsp;
    • ground black pepper - to taste.
    1. Wash the fruit, cut, remove the stone, remove the skin and cut into thin slices.
    2. Finely chop the washed cilantro.
    3. In a salad bowl, whisk together vegetable oil, cilantro and lime juice.
    4. Add boiled shrimp, cherry tomato slices and avocado slices to the mixture.
    5. Mix everything gently and serve immediately.

    This salad should be consumed immediately.

    This salad is not only tasty, but also beautiful:

    1. Wash the avocado well, cut and remove the pit.
    2. Remove the pulp from the fruit with a spoon, mash it or cut into pieces.
    3. Boil rice.
    4. Boil 5 pieces of shrimp.
    5. Mix boiled rice (50 g), shrimp and fruit pulp and put in the middle of the fruit.

    100 g of such a dish has 185 kcal.

    Avocado can be used as a breakfast pate.

    For 4 people, it is enough to take 1 piece of avocado. Wash, remove the bone and skin, mash to a puree. If desired, you can add ketchup, pepper, salt, garlic, 2 tsp. lemon juice and season everything with sunflower oil.

    Put the mass on a dried loaf. Eat right away.

    The nutritional value (i.e., how many calories) of 100 g of pate is about 225 kcal.

    • smoked fish - 1 pc;
    • avocado - 1 pc;
    • homemade cream - 100g;
    • soft cheese - 100g;
    • garlic - 5-7 cloves;
    • sesame;
    • add greens and herbs if desired.
    1. Clean the fish and grind in a blender.
    2. Wash the avocado, peel it, remove the pit and grind it to a puree.
    3. Mix the resulting mixture with cream, cheese, crushed garlic, sesame seeds and finely chopped herbs.
    4. Add pepper and salt.

    Put the resulting pate on bread, toast or soft loaf. The calorie content of such a sandwich is about 230 kcal.

    For those who want to lose weight, you can cook a low-calorie sandwich with avocado pate (50 kcal per 100 g). To do this, mash the pulp of the avocado, add 1 tomato without the skin. Season with herbs and spices to taste. Spread on soft or toasted bread.

    In Italy, the most popular product is pasta, which is called pasta there, regardless of its shape and size. The nutritional value (how many calories per 100 g of product) of pasta, by the way, is also high.

    The cooking time is always written on the packages, you need to know it and remove it from the heat 1-2 minutes earlier. For a change, all kinds of seasonings and sauces are added to these products, which make ordinary pasta unusually tasty.

    Often fruits are used for this, in particular avocados. Various sauces are usually prepared from it.

    The easiest to prepare is a creamy sauce. It requires:

    • avocado 1 ripe (pulp);
    • yogurt without additives or heavy cream - 100 g;
    • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • to taste and desire - salt and pepper.

    Mix all the above ingredients until puree.

    Cooked pasta is mixed with cooked cream sauce. To improve the taste of this dish, you can add 10 g of nuts, 10 g of raisins, a little chili pepper (dried). This dish has a calorie content of 165 kcal per 100 g.

    Cream, as you know, is a high-calorie product, so those who want to lose weight can prepare a pasta sauce with cream flavor. This will require:

    • avocado - 2 pcs.;
    • finely chopped 1 clove of garlic;
    • finely chopped 1 shallot;
    • juice from one lemon;
    • olive oil - 50 ml;
    • finely chopped parsley - 0.5 cups;
    • salt and pepper - to taste;
    • 400g spaghetti or other pasta
    1. Cook pasta (pasta) until al denta.
    2. Prepare the sauce.
    3. Drain water from cooked pasta, leaving 100 g of broth.
    4. Put the pasta on a dish and mix with the sauce, if necessary, add a decoction of pasta.
    5. Sprinkle parsley or other herbs on top of pasta (paste) if desired.

    In 100 g of cooked such a dish there are about 150 kcal.

    All over the world, eggs Benedict, where the basis is bread, are very popular for breakfast. But instead of bread, you can use avocados. For this sandwich, a poached egg is placed between thin slices of avocado.

    This breakfast is low calorie. Nutritional value - only 70 kcal per 100 g.

    The poached egg cooks very quickly. To do this, an egg without a shell is thrown into hot water, but so that it does not boil, and after 2 minutes they are taken out.

    For 4 servings, take 2 ripe avocados, 4 pcs. eggs; chopped green onion - 2 tbsp. l.; salt to taste; pepper as desired.

    1. The avocado fruit is cut, the pit is removed, the pulp is removed so that a whole egg can fit there.
    2. An egg is driven into the halves of the fruit, salted and sprinkled with spices.
    3. Halves of the fruit are placed tightly together in a deep frying pan or in a baking dish. Put in the oven, heated to 210 degrees for 20 minutes.
    4. The finished dish is sprinkled with green onions.

    Smoothies first appeared in America in 1920. This is a diet cocktail, quite satisfying, but low in calories. The consistency is thicker than yogurt.

    A drink is prepared from mixtures of berries, vegetables, fruits with the addition of greens, seeds, nuts, oatmeal, green tea and dairy products (kefir, yogurt without impurities, cottage cheese, etc.).

    Exotic fruit lovers prefer avocado and banana smoothies. To do this, put in a blender:

    • 2 washed, peeled and finely chopped avocados (the fruit must be ripe, if it is soft when pressed on the fruit, then this is what you need);
    • 1 washed, peeled and finely chopped banana;
    • oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • honey - 1 tsp;
    • a pinch of cinnamon.

    All this pour 150 g of milk. Beat at maximum speed for 0.5 minutes. Calorie content - 128 kcal per 100 g.

    According to the American Dr. Oz, avocado and orange are an excellent combination for weight loss. Orange reduces stress hormone levels and avocado has unsaturated fats. According to the American, smoothies made from these fruits are especially suitable for those who want to lose weight.

    To do this, mix and beat in a blender: 1 avocado, juice from 2 oranges, 1 medium carrot, 100 g of water and milk, if desired, honey can be added for taste.

    Avocado is a fruit that until quite recently the Russians did not know anything about. But today it is already known that this southern fruit, which has a low calorie content, but at the same time good nutritional value, improves health, thanks to its saturation with vitamins and minerals.

    Unsaturated fats are almost completely absorbed by the body and satisfy hunger. Therefore, they are a good diet for weight loss.

    Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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    We offer you to watch an interesting video about avocados (calorie content and nutritional value of the fruit, how many calories are in one fruit, its benefits and harms):

    How to make a healthy avocado breakfast - see recipes for low-calorie toast, but with high nutritional value:

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    How many calories in an avocado

    One hundred grams of a fresh avocado contains about 160 calories. The calorie content of one fruit can be approximately, without weights, calculated as follows: weigh an avocado in a store. Subtract from this figure 30 grams (the weight of the stone and peel) and get a clean pulp yield. One avocado weighs 180-220 grams.

    Also, one hundred grams of avocados contain 2 grams of protein, which account for 8 calories, 14.7 grams of fat, which account for 132 calories and 1.8 grams of carbohydrates, which account for 7.3 calories.

    In addition, the main composition includes: water (73 g), dietary fiber (7 g), saturated fatty acid(2 g), monosaccharides and disaccharides (0.5 g), starch (0.1 g) and ash (1.5 g).

    When it comes to the nutritional value of avocados, the main vitamins found in avocados are: vitamin C (10mg), choline (14.2mg), vitamin B5 (1.389mg), and vitamin PP niacin equivalent (1.7mg). Also present in smaller proportions: beta-carotene, vitamin A, all B vitamins and vitamin K.

    Avocados are high in the macronutrient potassium (485 mg), as well as phosphorus (52 mg) and magnesium (29 mg). Of the trace elements, iron, zinc and manganese are present in large quantities.

    Energy value

    Calorie content of 100 grams of avocado with peel is 160 kcal. Such high rate due to the content of fats, which in fruits are at least 14%. If you peel the peel, then the calorie content of the peeled avocado is slightly reduced and amounts to 150 kcal per 100 g.

    Avocado calories 1 pc. directly related to the weight of the fetus. The mass of one fruit ranges from 50 g to 1.8 kg, depending on the variety. But such giants are rarely found on the shelves of European supermarkets. The weight of an average fruit is usually no more than 150 g. Avocado calorie content 1 pc. average weight 240 kcal.

    The fruit is eaten raw, used for sandwiches, prepared pates, soups and added to salads. The energy value of cooked avocado pate per 100 grams is 215 kcal. When compared with butter, the calorie content of which reaches 720 kcal per 100 g, then this figure is insignificant, and the benefits of an avocado sandwich are many times greater than the traditional morning toast with cow butter.

    Health Benefits

    The fruits contain calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc. Vitamin composition represented by thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamins C, B6, B12, K, E, A, D. In terms of potassium content, the fruit is ahead of the generally recognized leader - the banana. In 100 g of fresh avocado:

    • protein - 2 g;
    • fats - 14.5 g;
    • carbohydrates - 1.8 g.

    The protein in its composition is not inferior to the animal and, unlike the latter, is better absorbed, which is largely facilitated by dietary fiber, the share of which is 7 g. The use of fruits contributes to good digestion and normalization of the intestines. They contain 2 types of fiber: soluble and insoluble, which swell in the stomach, stimulate the production of digestive juices, and provide rapid absorption. nutrients and delicate evacuation of slags and feces.

    The fruit is very good for the heart. The substances it contains help maintain healthy cholesterol levels in the blood. Repeated studies confirm that the use of "alligator pear" increases the anti-atherogenic properties of good cholesterol, thereby protecting against atherosclerotic vascular diseases.

    Organic compounds in avocados help improve liver function and protect it from the negative effects of toxic substances. Japanese doctors conducted an experiment on rodents to determine the effects of different fruits on the liver. The poisonous substance galactosamine was introduced into the diet of animals, and the liver of rodents that were fed avocados suffered the least.

    Fruit is also useful for bone tissue, which is ensured by a high content of carotenoids, phosphorus, zinc, and calcium. Regular consumption of exotic fruits reduces the risk of osteoporosis and improves tissue mineral density.

    One piece of avocado can provide 40% of the daily requirement of vitamin K, which is extremely important for women during pregnancy. Deficiency of the substance during the period of bearing a child leads to pathologies of a newborn baby, which can provoke a brain hemorrhage. In addition, avocados are rich in folic acid and vitamin B6, which helps to cope with malaise, toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy.

    Avocados may protect against breast and prostate cancer, aided by carotenoids, monounsaturated fats, and antioxidants. The study confirms that the organic compounds of the fruit cause the death of cancer cells and slow down the development of metastases.

    Avocado for weight loss and beauty

    In combination with proper nutrition Avocado promotes weight loss due to the high content of healthy fats, which are represented by oleic acid, omega-3-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are useful not only for the cardiovascular system, but also for weight correction, in particular, reducing fat deposits in the abdomen.

    The use of tropical fruits has a positive effect on the appearance, prevents the appearance of signs of premature aging. The fruit has received wide application in cosmetology. Masks based on it saturate the skin with useful substances, eliminate dryness, increase tone, and eliminate psoriasis spots.

    Avocado is harmful only in cases of individual intolerance to the product and with overuse which can be manifested by the appearance of migraine, vomiting, nausea.

    Avocado calories in 1 pc.

    The total calorie content of avocado in 1 pc. depends on the weight of the fruit. The average weight of one raw avocado with peel is 140 grams. Thus, the average calorie content of one raw avocado with a peel is approximately equal to 220 - 225 kcal.

    Interesting: Calorie content of cabbage salad and fresh cucumbers

    Peeled raw avocado has a calorie content of 1 pc. approximately 200 - 205 kcal.

    The benefits of avocado

    Avocado is an extremely healthy product. The obvious benefits of avocados are as follows:

    • polyunsaturated fats contained in the fruit help reduce the risk of developing heart disease, blood vessels, provide effective prevention of oncology, sclerosis and atherosclerosis;
    • the benefit of the product for reducing pressure is known;
    • avocado is considered a good way to strengthen the psyche and increase resistance to stress;
    • the high content of iron in the composition of the fruit makes it indispensable for eliminating disorders in the hematopoietic system;
    • regular consumption of avocados helps to activate the functions of the stomach and intestines, resulting in a reduced risk of constipation;
    • fruits of the fruit are shown at any stage of the development of diabetes, as the product contains minimal amount sugars;
    • due to its high nutritional value, the fruit perfectly suppresses appetite, and, therefore, is suitable for losing weight and people with overweight;

    Interesting: Calorie cottage cheese with sour cream

    • despite the fact that the calorie content of avocados per 100 grams is not so small, eating the product in moderation does not lead to a set extra pounds. Avocado is quickly absorbed and quickly processed by the body, so it does not create body fat.

    Avocado: the pros and cons of eating

    Before answering the question of how much you can eat avocados per day, you should figure out whether you need to eat it at all.

    It is a healing and nutritious fruit. Avocado has an unusually wide range of properties that positively affect the body. When eating valuable fruits, brain activity is activated, the heart is strengthened, and digestive processes are improved. Vegetarians rated beneficial effect fruit on organs and systems, so they are happy to use it every day.

    Benefits of Alligator Pear:

    • the fetus contains a huge amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, therefore, its systematic intake of food reduces the possibility of developing cardiovascular diseases at times;
    • normalizes blood circulation and hematopoiesis, therefore, ripe fruits are recommended for use in case of anemia and anemia, because avocados contain iron;
    • gently cleanses the blood of cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of cholesterol plaques;
    • alligator pear contains vitamin E, which activates the formation of collagen, so body tissues remain elastic for a long time;
    • eating avocado will gradually reduce arterial pressure to normal levels;
    • increases the body's defenses at times, and if you use one avocado a day, you can cope with depression, fatigue and irritability;
    • The fruit contains phytonutriens and phytochemicals that attack cancer cells.

    Therefore, with the introduction of avocados into the diet, you can not only improve your health, but also minimize the risk of developing life-threatening diseases. The product is recommended by nutritionists to patients suffering from diabetes, constipation, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with increased acidity. Avocado helps to renew strength in the postoperative period and during recovery from infectious diseases, it should also be taken by people experiencing increased physical exercise. The mannoheptulose contained in exotic fruits will help to cope with the problems of a nervous order - it will relieve the symptoms of fatigue and aggression.

    Contraindications for use

    So, we looked at what avocados have beneficial features. And this exotic fruit also has contraindications. For example, in some people it can provoke an allergic reaction. Overweight people should also refrain from uncontrolled consumption of alligator pears.” The main contraindication to the use of the fetus is individual intolerance.

    How many avocados can you eat per day? This question becomes irrelevant when it comes to children under 4 years old. This fruit is not used in the diet of babies of this age. It is also necessary to refrain from treats for people who suffer from liver diseases during an exacerbation, as well as for patients with cholecystitis. This is due to the high oil content in the fruit, its fat content is 25%. The stone is used only for growing the plant. It contains a toxic substance that is dangerous to humans and animals.

    Avocado: vitamins

    Why are these exotic fruits so useful? There are vitamins in pear-shaped avocado fruits:

    • A - increases the body's resistance to infections, improves the condition of the skin;
    • B1 - takes part in almost all metabolic processes contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles;
    • B2 - responsible for the growth and subsequent development of cells, improves vision;
    • RR - improves metabolism;
    • B5 - promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin and amino acids;
    • B6 - helps to recover faster after taking antibiotics and past infectious diseases;
    • B9 - normalizes the immune system;
    • E - improves the absorption of proteins and fats, stabilizes the work of the brain, muscles and nerves, slows down the aging process of tissues;
    • WITH - good antioxidant, helps blood vessels maintain elasticity, activates the work of the endocrine glands.

    Avocado calories

    In addition to being rich in avocados beneficial vitamins and trace elements, it is also very high in calories. In 100 g of pulp from 160 to 200 kcal. Almost the same as in low-fat varieties meat. So how many avocados can you eat per day? It is advisable not to exceed the dose of half the fetus per day.

    High calorie content: is it worth it?

    Due to the high calorie content of this exotic fruit, it is necessary to limit its use to people with obesity or a tendency to be overweight. But you don’t have to categorically refuse avocados. The calories it contains can be helpful. The fruit contains polyunsaturated fats, which are necessary for those who are forced to limit themselves in eating meat, oily fish or dairy products. Alligator pear is rich in minerals: sodium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, iron, etc. The fruit contains natural hormones, biologically active substances that help keep youth longer. Moderate consumption of avocados will restore vigor and efficiency, relieve stress and fatigue.

    How to eat avocado

    What is the right way to eat avocados? The easiest way to enjoy the taste of an alligator pear is to carefully cut the fruit in half, pull out the pit, and scoop out the flesh from the halves with a small spoon. Especially carefully you should choose the bright green flesh, which is located immediately under the skin. It would be a mistake to throw it away: in fact, it has the highest concentration of phytonutrients, especially carotenoids.

    How else do you eat avocados? The second way to eat the fruit is to cook fragrant vegetable oil with spices. First, you should peel the fruit from the skin, and mash the pulp with a fork into a mass that resembles puree in consistency. Add ground pepper, salt, spices and olive oil. Next, the mass should be well mixed and spread on bread. Sometimes used in combination with boiled or fresh vegetables.

    How to choose an avocado

    When choosing any variety of alligator pear, you need to follow certain tips.

    1. A ripe avocado has a tight skin, and when pressed, it flexes, but quickly returns to its original shape. Not ripe fruit hard, like stone, and overripe - very pliable and soft.
    2. Shaking will help determine ripeness. If you hear a knock from the bone, you can buy.
    3. Raise the stem slightly to check the ripeness of the fruit. It is under it that the pulp is visible. When it is yellow - the fruit is unripe, brown - already overripe, green - completely ripe.
    4. On good fruit there should be no stains or damage.

    If you purchased an unripe fruit, there is no reason to worry. Leave it at room temperature and the avocado will ripen on its own within a few days. In the refrigerator, such a fruit will deteriorate. Would you like an exotic fruit to ripen faster? Then lay next to him ripe apples or bananas.

    How to make a fruit ripen in an hour

    Now they have come up with a way to make avocados ripen quickly at home. More precisely, not quite ripe, rather fry. If it became necessary to soften the hard and green fruit an hour, wrap it in foil and send it to the oven, preheated to 100 degrees. Check the degree of "maturity" every 10 minutes. Usually an hour is enough for the unripe fruit to soften. The rapid ripening method will not make the fruit tastier, and its texture will not turn out to be creamy enough. But in some situations, this method is worth taking into account. Sometimes you need to urgently serve a salad of exotic fruits to the table, so in this case, using such a technique is completely justified.

    Storage Method

    How to store avocados? Ripe fruit should be stored in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment. It is not advisable to store for more than two weeks. When you have half of the fruit left unused, then do not rush to throw away the bone. It contains a natural disinfectant - persin, which prevents decay. Therefore, leave the stone in half of the avocado so that it does not quickly deteriorate.

    How else to store avocados? Fruit halves can be wrapped in cling film and stored for a couple of days at a temperature not exceeding +10 ° C. Before placing the fruit in a film, it is sprinkled with lemon juice so that it does not turn black.

    Ripe avocado fruit is also successfully frozen, and it does not lose its valuable qualities at all. It is necessary to pull out the bone, cut the fruit into slices and put in freezer compartment. You can puree the pulp, because after freezing, the avocado will lose its elasticity anyway. The fruit must be cut, pull out a large bone and peel, and then chop in a blender. Sprinkle the puree with lemon juice and place in the freezer.

    Avocado for kids

    Avocados can be introduced into the children's diet from 4-6 years. The use of an alligator pear is especially useful for babies who suffer from nervous disorders. In addition, it is recommended to give avocados to children prone to frequent colds. The systematic use of juicy fruits in food helps to increase concentration and memory development. Avocado helps improve school performance.

    Avocado for women

    The fair sex has long appreciated the beneficial effect on the healing of the body of the original fetus. It contains biologically active substances similar in effect to hormones. Therefore, the use of fruit helps women over 40 to cope with menopausal manifestations. Gynecologists also advise their patients to take avocados as the most beneficial product for women's health. It is acceptable to include it in the diet of pregnant women, since the fruit reduces the likely risks of developing pathologies in the fetus.

    Avocado for women is very useful, it is also called a beauty product. And, in addition to ingestion, moisturizing and nourishing masks are made from it.

    Avocado for men

    What are the benefits of avocados for men? This fruit is a natural aphrodisiac. Fruits strengthen man's health give energy and stamina.

    Beneficial effect on the male body:

    • Vegetable proteins help build muscle mass.
    • The composition of preparations for the treatment of male infertility includes an extract or avocado extract. Folic acid activates the breakdown of proteins and replenishes energy.
    • The stronger sex is very prone to cardiovascular diseases. The alligator pear contains an impressive amount of potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the heart. Sodium together with potassium normalize blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels.
    • A few slices of fruit a day will prevent the appearance of extra pounds.
    • Daily consumption of fruit will energize and increase efficiency with active mental activity.

    What to cook from an exotic fruit

    What to cook with avocado? Guacamole is mexican dish, which is most often prepared from an alligator pear. This nutritious snack can be served not only as an independent dish, but also as a dressing for corn chips.

    In order to prepare traditional guacamole, you need to prepare: 4 ripe avocados, 2 small hot peppers, half a white sweet onion, a large spoonful of lemon juice, salt, pepper and a little parsley.

    Peel exotic fruits and mash with a fork. Then add finely chopped onion and pepper, salt, pepper, parsley and lemon juice. Mix ingredients and serve on corn chips.

    Avocado and raspberry salad

    What else to cook with avocado? Your guests will be pleased with the salad of this exotic fruit and raspberries. Ingredients: 2 ripe avocados, 2 tangerines, a cup of ripe raspberries, a bunch of lettuce and a handful of walnuts.

    Sliced ​​avocados, tangerines and walnuts. For dressing, mix balsamic vinegar, 1.5 tsp. honey and some Dijon mustard. Whisk the dressing ingredients and dress the salad.

    Avocado and shrimp salad

    Quantity optional: avocado, boiled shrimp, tomatoes, onion, lemon juice, mayonnaise, salt and ground pepper. Finely chop everything and mix with mayonnaise. Sprinkle avocado cubes with lemon juice, pepper and salt a little.

    Avocado toast

    Finely chop the pulp of one fruit, boil a couple of eggs and cut them too. Pass a clove of garlic through a press, mix with eggs and avocado. Season the ingredients with mayonnaise, salt and spread on toasted toasts.

    Avocado is a fruit of the bay family from Mexico. Another name for the fruit of Perseus is an alligator pear, which can be spherical, pear-shaped or oval. The product has a green skin, oily yellow-green flesh. It is in the Guinness Book of Records as the most nutritious fruit.

    Chemical composition and nutritional value

    The nutritional value of the fetus: carbohydrates - 7.4 g, fats - 20 g, proteins - 2 g, water - 72.2 g. The product contains vitamins of groups B, A, K, E, C, PP. The highest concentration of minerals:

    • phosphorus;
    • iron;
    • calcium;
    • potassium;
    • manganese;
    • magnesium;
    • sodium.


    The product is high-calorie due to the high content of fat, which gives energy and lowers cholesterol when consumed in moderation. The daily dose of fruit is 50 kcal, that is, 1/5 of it.

    Benefits and possible harm to the body

    Despite the high calorie content, it is very useful fruit, it contains a lot of potassium and no sugar. Useful properties of the fruit:

    1. It cleanses the blood of cholesterol plaques, preventing their appearance.
    2. Improves memory, increases efficiency.
    3. Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.
    4. Prolongs youth and protects the body from viruses for the light of vitamin E.
    5. Fights constipation, reduces pressure.
    6. Prevents the development of cancer cells.
    7. Protein source.

    Despite the apparent benefits of the fruit, it should not be consumed by people with allergies to citrus fruits. It is also not recommended to add it to the diet for individual intolerance and allergic reactions to latex. It is forbidden to use the fruit bone, because it contains toxic substances.

    For women

    The fruit contains fats and monounsaturated acids, which are not only beneficial for the female body, but also do not harm the figure. Nutritionists recommend adding this product to daily diet nutrition. The use of the fruit has a beneficial effect on the skin, making it supple and healthy. Vitamins help to normalize the production of hormones. Masks with the use of the product moisturize the epidermis and smooth fine wrinkles. Due to the high content of folic acid, the fruit prevents the development of birth defects in the baby during pregnancy.

    For men

    It is a natural aphrodisiac, which consists of folates. These components activate the production of spermatozoa, making them more "survivable". The composition of the fruit includes substances that cleanse blood vessels, improve blood circulation and increase erection.

    For children

    The product has a positive effect on the blood circulation of the child's brain, improving blood circulation and stimulating activity. Babies need calcium to good health, strong bones, teeth and a stable nervous system. The fruit is rich in potassium, so it helps to better absorb calcium. 100 g of fruit pulp contains 49 g of potassium.

    How to lose weight with your favorite fruits - read here

    We will talk about the calorie content of kiwi per 100 grams in this article.

    What is the calorie content of a green and red apple, you can find on our website

    How to choose a ripe fruit and how to store it

    To select a ripe fruit, you must first inspect its skin. It should not have cracks or dark spots. Ripe fruit will be darker, so the color indicates ripeness. When pressed against the surface, it should give in to pressure without leaving fingerprints. You can select the product you want to click on by the tail-handle. If the base is slightly pressed, then the fruit is ripe.

    The fruit is stored on the top shelf of the refrigerator, without touching the back wall and away from bananas and apples. This will keep the fruit fresh for up to 5 days. The unripe product should lie in the room for up to 10 days until it is fully ripe.

    How to properly peel an avocado

    The fruit must be washed and dried with a towel. With a sharp knife, the flesh of the fruit is cut along its circumference. It is best to make a cut along. When the knife hits the bone, do not try to cut it. After cutting the circle, you need to take hold of the two halves and turn your palms a little. This will allow the pulp to separate from the seed. The stone is carefully removed, the pulp is divided into cubes and scraped off with a spoon from the peel.

    Dish recipes

    Rolls with avocado

    All restaurants Japanese cuisine have sushi on their menu, but only some of their types have a delicious product added.

    1. Philadelphia. When preparing rolls, an alligator pear is added to the dish, although in some recipes it is replaced with a cucumber.
    2. California. This is the most popular view sushi with fruit and crab meat.
    3. Alaska. Roll is similar to "California", but with the addition of tobiko caviar.
    4. Kyoto. The dish contains smoked eel, salmon fillet and avocado, served with rice outside.
    5. Hot rolls. Fruit is added to almost all fried sushi.

    Salad with shrimp

    To prepare a salad, you need to take:

    • ripe avocado - 1 pc;
    • garlic - 1 clove;
    • mayonnaise - 25 ml;
    • white vinegar- 30 ml;
    • chili sauce - 10 ml;
    • juice of 0.5 lemon;
    • mustard - 5 ml;
    • olive oil - 15 ml;
    • boiled shrimp - 300 gr;
    • 2 tbsp. l. chopped fresh onion and dill;
    • salt, pepper to taste.

    How to cook:

    1. Mustard, vinegar, olive oil are whipped in a small container. Then boiled shrimp are added, everything is mixed, covered with a lid and set aside for pickling.
    2. Garlic, mayonnaise, pepper, salt, chili sauce are mixed separately until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
    3. The avocado is peeled, cut into cubes and poured with lemon juice.
    4. Shrimps are transferred to a colander, and then to a bowl.
    5. Fruit, herbs, salt and pepper are added to the shrimp. The mixture is stirred and smeared with a thin layer of cooked garlic sauce.

    Salad with tomatoes

    To make avocado salad hastily you will need:

    • ripe fruit - 1 pc;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • garlic - 1 clove;
    • 1 large tomato;
    • lime juice - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
    • olive oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
    • a pinch of ground black pepper.

    How to cook:

    1. The tomato is cut into cubes, the avocado is cut into two even parts, the seed is removed and the skin is removed. The pulp is cut into slices.
    2. The garlic is crushed or finely minced.
    3. Lime juice is squeezed out, pepper, salt, garlic, olive oil are added to it and everything is thoroughly mixed.
    4. Tomato with avocado is mixed and watered with dressing. The salad is served chilled.

    Guacamole is a Mexican dish cold appetizer avocado pulp and feta cheese. To prepare a quick snack, you need to prepare lemon juice, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 ripe avocado, 100 g of sheep's milk feta, pepper, salt as desired.

    The alligator pear is washed, peeled, the stone is removed. Garlic, feta and avocado, poured with lemon juice, are placed in the blender bowl. All ingredients are whipped to a paste consistency. At the end of cooking, pepper and salt are added to taste.

    Avocado salad with egg

    To prepare a snack, you will need to pre-prepare the products:

    • ripe avocado - 1 pc;
    • eggs - 3 pcs;
    • 2 pinches of salt and ground black pepper;
    • 3 cloves of garlic;
    • greenery;
    • 100 ml natural yogurt without additives.

    How to cook:

    1. The eggs are boiled, the protein is separated from the yolk and rubbed on a fine grater.
    2. The Perseus fruit must be peeled and thoroughly mashed with a fork.
    3. Then the yolk is added and everything is kneaded until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
    4. The garlic cloves are peeled and minced.
    5. Avocado mixed with protein and garlic.
    6. Salt, pepper and natural yogurt. All ingredients are mixed.
    7. You can decorate the dish with greens.

    Quick puree soup

    This is a delicious, healthy and easy-to-prepare dish. The cooking time is half an hour, and the number of servings is designed for 4 people. For soup you will need to take:

    • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
    • 3 medium ripe avocados
    • low-fat cream - ½ tbsp.;
    • pepper and salt to taste;
    • lime - 1 pc.;
    • a bunch of leeks;
    • onions - 1 onion (medium);
    • lemon - 1 pc.;
    • wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • chicken broth - 3 tbsp.

    How to cook:

    1. The avocado must be carefully cut and the pit removed.
    2. The pulp of the fruit is crushed with a fork and poured with lemon juice so that it does not lose its color.
    3. The onion is cut into large pieces and fried in vegetable oil, 25 g of flour is added to it and everything is mixed.
    4. All ingredients are placed in a small saucepan, then chicken broth is poured in and boiled for 2-3 minutes.

    5. Avocado is added to the container, brought to a boil, the fire is reduced and boiled for about 10 minutes.
    6. The whole mass is wiped with a sieve, when using a blender, fibers remain and the dish is not so tender. It is necessary to press the spoon on the puree so that as many avocados as possible get into the soup.
    7. The lime is cut into thin slices and added to the dish, which is served hot.

    Toast for breakfast

    There are some of the most popular Perseus toasts made all over the world.

    1. Dried bread, main product, cream cheese, sesame or cumin.
    2. Fruit, bread, crushed almonds, olive oil.
    3. Bread, avocado, dry oregano, natural yogurt.
    4. Fruit, bread, curry, soft-boiled egg cut in half, pepper, salt as desired.
    5. Bread, alligator pear, diced tomatoes, pepper, salt to taste, basil in fresh.
    6. Diced strawberries, bread, balsamic vinegar, avocado.
    7. Feta, fruit, dried bread, a little chopped green onion.

    green smoothie

    Smoothies are healthy drink, many use it as a complete breakfast. To prepare a sweet version, you will need to take 1 banana, 0.5 avocado and 0.5 lime. Fruits are placed in a blender, poured over with freshly squeezed citrus juice and knocked down. Smoothie is ready!


    Avocado is a highly nutritious fruit that contains essential fatty acids. Its beneficial properties allow you to use the product daily, but in moderate dosage. To do no harm human body, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required, which will exclude any contraindications to the use of a typical Mexican fruit.

    Nutritional value of avocado seed

    Avocado seed is rich in soluble vegetable fibers. The composition includes potassium, phosphorus, antioxidants, fiber, fluorine, zinc, copper, iron, healthy unsaturated fats. Tatins, which are also in the composition, give a bitter taste, are dangerous for children and animals, for an adult only in large quantities. A fungicidal toxin found in the seed, peel, leaves, and other parts of the plant can lead to gastrointestinal upset, a severe allergic reaction, but only if consumed in excess.

    The bone contains a large amount of useful vitamins. The highest content of choline (B4), as well as thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), nicotinic acid (B3). This part of the avocado works like an elixir of youth, thanks to the beta-carotene it contains.

    And mannoheptulose is an amazing substance, it is rare, it is found in avocados and seeds, and in a small amount in mangoes. This element improves the absorption of nutrients by the body by 35%. Complex nitrogen-free organic compounds or simply siponins help with coughing (expectorant effect), dissolve cholesterol plaques.

    Health Benefits of Avocado Seed

    What is the benefit of an avocado seed? And the fact that 65% of the antioxidants contained in avocados are in it. These free radical scavenging agents have a preventive effect on heart disease, and can also stabilize cholesterol levels in the body, some of them even fight cancer cells. Fiber has a positive effect on the digestive tract. The level of immunity is also well increased thanks to the avocado pit.

    The seed works as an antibiotic for Yellow Fever and Candina disease, diseases are curable by eating the seed. This is not just pseudo-scientific information or a folk way of treatment, no. Information confirmed by conducting scientific experiments by Brazilian scientists.

    Serotonin is the "hormone of happiness", some foods help to produce it. The most popular bananas and chocolate. But both of these products are too high in calories. Therefore, an avocado seed will become an alternative, while the mood will improve, depression will go. This will be a prophylaxis to prevent other diseases. Ancient Indian tribes used this part of the avocado as a pain reliever. Of course, severe, prolonged pain cannot be dealt with, but mild migraines or arthritis pain will pass.

    Avocado stone is an assistant in the treatment and prevention of acne ( acne). The substances contained in it contribute to the production of collagen, which fights against premature aging of the skin, smoothes wrinkles. In addition to collagen, it produces elastin, a fibrillar protein, which is found in large quantities in the connective tissue and human skin, helps it stay toned and elastic.

    Glutathione, an antioxidant present in the seed, has a preventive effect, and in mild forms, a curative effect on vision problems. There are a large number of oncogenic substances, all of which have an extremely negative effect on human health, and sometimes lead to malignant tumors, and so glutathione neutralizes 20 carcinogens.

    In addition to the fact that the bone is able to improve mood, it will also help with problems with morning awakening. To do this, just add a pinch of pre-grated bones to tea. The morning will be kind, cheerful, and waking up in the morning will be easy.

    Studies show that the avocado kernel prevents and fights mild forms of epilepsy. This phenomenon is still little studied, but research will continue. Treatment of such a serious, severe illness natural component would be an alternative to the heavy drugs that are used to treat epilepsy today.

    Asthma is also treated thanks to the medicines in the composition, which includes the avocado seed. And folic acid, which it contains, is very useful for women. Many women only take it during pregnancy, but folic acid is actually beneficial before, during, and after childbearing.

    For a person who has been injured with a fracture, an avocado seed will help speed up the healing and rehabilitation process.

    Is an avocado pit edible?

    Definitely edible, you can eat it. The proof of this is the list of diseases that this seed fights. However, the elements contained in the bone have a detrimental effect on animals and small children. Representatives of cattle, horses, sheep and goats are at great risk, because they eat the fruit completely, and this is dangerous for their well-being.

    For small pets (dogs, cats), it is enough to eat a little avocado skin to get severe diarrhea and vomiting. But rabbits, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas and other rodents, from such an amount, in addition to all these symptoms, can get gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For birds, the avocado seed is poisonous, toxic, and causes heart problems.

    But even for an adult, the bones become dangerous if you eat them in large quantities or with individual intolerance. This can cause bloating, nausea, and in extreme cases, vomiting. An allergic reaction is also possible, which is expressed by an eating disorder, a rash, or even tearing. The bone has an interesting effect on some drugs, it simply cancels or reduces their effect, and this is taken into account when taking medicines.

    These are all just precautions and contraindications. An avocado seed is useful for an adult, the main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity. One, maximum one and a half pieces will not only not bring any harm, but will have a positive effect on the work of our body.

    How to use an avocado pit

    Before you understand how to use the kernel, you need to get it. To do this, the fruit is cut in half lengthwise, as if encircling the seed itself. Two halves were formed, still connected, in order for them to lag behind the bone, it is necessary to turn them in different directions, after which the seed will remain on one of the halves. In order to easily get it, while not damaging the delicate pulp of the avocado, the knife must be driven horizontally into the bone with a swing, it will come out easily.

    The stone has a shell, like a nut shell, it must be removed. Further, there are three processing ways to use: boiling, baking, drying. Before that, it needs to be crushed:

    Grate. Such grinding is suitable for eating, for masks and tinctures. You can rub the bone fresh, or pre-dried in the oven and in a dark place.
    Cut into small cubes. You need to grind carefully, as the bone is very hard, you can easily cut yourself.
    Grind in a blender. You should not immediately put a whole seed in a blender, as you can simply ruin the technique. It is worth cutting the bone into small pieces first. You can grind both fresh and dried seeds.

    Grind in a coffee grinder. This option is the best for making masks. Only a completely dried bone can be ground into flour.
    You can bake the core whole or in pieces. Roasting is not normal, the temperature must be strictly no higher than 70 ° C, otherwise most of the nutrients will be lost. Since the temperature is not high, and the density of the seed is large, the baking process is long. If the whole core is cooked, it will take about 2.5 hours, for pieces it will be enough 1-1.5 hours.

    There are many applications of the kernel. The simplest, but no less useful, is the addition of powder or pieces to dishes. Just one pinch or 5-6 small boiled cubes will give, for example, pasta, soup or a sandwich, a spicy note (the taste is similar to nutmeg) and will only benefit the body, not harm. Pieces like this will be good in a salad of fresh vegetables or even fruits. You can make tea from a freshly crushed kernel, for this you need to boil it in purified water for 15 minutes, then you can eat the pieces themselves. It is better to drink with honey or adding stevia, as there will be a hint of bitterness in the broth.

    For cosmetic products, the application is extensive. If you add a little water to a floured avocado seed to a paste-like consistency, you get an excellent mask that can easily cope with pimples and tighten the skin of the face. Castor oil itself is very useful, but if you insist on a fresh bone, you get excellent tool to strengthen hair. This oil will give your hair extra shine.

    Craftsmen who work well with chisels make various beautiful fakes, pendants, key chains and other souvenirs from the fruit kernel. If you cut the core in half lengthwise, dry it and glue it with the flat side to a piece of fabric or a piece of wood (chipboard, fiberboard), you will get a beautiful and original hot stand. With such halves, you can simply decorate the frame or, using additional materials, make animal figures. With imagination and desire, many different interesting, beautiful things can be made from an avocado seed.

    Slimming mechanism

    It has been scientifically proven that avocados really help you lose weight. Due to its rich chemical composition, it launches processes in the body, each of which works to reduce weight:

    • the subcutaneous fat layer is split;
    • the tendency to compulsive overeating gradually disappears, because the nervous system calms down;
    • long-term saturation is ensured (due to soluble dietary fiber);
    • metabolism accelerates;
    • improves digestion (due to insoluble fiber);
    • jumps in blood sugar are prevented, which helps to avoid bouts of hunger in any diet.

    From a single use of the effect, of course, can not be achieved. When losing weight, you will have to include it in your diet every day, but the results are worth it! After all, this exotic fruit useful not only for the figure, but also for health in general.

    through the pages of history. The Aztecs cultivated the fruits of this tree as early as the 3rd millennium BC. e. and called it "Ahuacatl", which means "forest oil".

    Beneficial features

    Many do not even realize what benefits are hidden under this unsightly greenish-brown peel. If you decide to lose weight with avocados, you can count on a comprehensive recovery of the body, because it:

    • makes the nervous system more resistant to external stimuli;
    • increases libido and potency;
    • improves mental abilities;
    • reduces the level of bad cholesterol, and with it the risk of stroke;
    • provides the body of a pregnant woman with 25% of the recommended daily dose folate, necessary for intrauterine development of the fetus;
    • prevents anemia;
    • improves memory.

    Of its chemical composition, the most useful are:

    • vitamin E, which slows down the aging process in the body;
    • potassium (here it is more than in a banana) with its antiarrhythmic properties, which reduces blood pressure, the risk of strokes and kidney failure;
    • glutathione, known as one of the most powerful antioxidants;
    • lutein and carotenoids that improve vision;
    • vitamin B6, which strengthens the immune system and prevents infectious diseases.

    A third of the fruit consists of polyunsaturated fats, which:

    • easily absorbed by the body;
    • do not increase the level of cholesterol and low density lipoproteins;
    • provide elasticity of collagen-containing structures (tendons, bones, cartilage, dermis);
    • improve blood supply to the brain, in particular the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for planning, critical thinking and decision making;
    • help to better absorb fat-soluble vitamins - A, E, K, D.

    So you can be sure: such weight loss is good for health. Against the backdrop of debilitating diets and mono-starvation, this is a very valuable property.

    Other names. This fruit has many different names around the world: midshipman (soldier) oil, perseus americana, crocodile (alligator) pear, forest oil, poor man's cow, etc.

    Possible harm


    • lactation;
    • removed gallbladder;
    • individual intolerance;
    • severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • children's age up to 6 years.

    Side effects:

    • during lactation, it causes bloating and diarrhea in the newborn, so such weight loss is contraindicated for nursing mothers;
    • hepatic colic with remote gall;
    • allergic reactions not only after consumption, but even if you touch the peel;
    • discomfort and itching in the mouth, swelling and hyperemia of the tongue;
    • nausea (occurs due to overeating, as it contains too much fat);
    • intestinal disorders: stomach cramps, diarrhea;
    • breathing difficulties.

    Be careful: combining with foods such as potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, peaches, melon and kiwi can provoke cross-allergies. That is, there will be no reaction to them individually, but when combined, this is possible.

    The avocado seed, as well as its peel and leaves, contain persin, a fungicidal toxin that can cause a severe allergic reaction and worsen digestion. Therefore, it cannot be eaten.

    Life hack. Despite the toxicity of the fruit bone, it can be crushed and added to shampoo. It is great for dandruff and other symptoms of seborrhea.

    How to choose

    Ripeness is determined by softness. However, do not press on the fruit with your fingers, so as not to leave a dent. Make it with the palm of your hand: hard - unripe, soft - ready to eat.

    Another way to determine the maturity of an avocado is by the color of where the stem attaches to the fruit.

    The color should not be bright green (this is a sign of immaturity, although some varieties differ in this shade), but brownish, already darkened. If it is deep brown, it indicates depravity.

    Hold the fruit to your ear and shake gently. The bone inside is felt with a barely perceptible knock. But if she walks there with might and main, it means that she has already come off the spoiled pulp.

    This is interesting. There are about 100 varieties of avocados. They are different in size (weigh from 100 g to 2 kg), shape (they are round, oval or pear-shaped), color (shine from dark emerald to purple), taste and chemical composition (some more fat, some then less). As part of weight loss, you can use several varieties to diversify the diet.

    Ways to lose weight

    Diet from Malysheva

    Appointment - for slimming the abdomen for women. Directed against abdominal fat, which accumulates at the waist and sides. The weight loss period is a week. Results - 2-3 kg.

    On the background low-calorie food needed every day enough There are three main foods that are the basis of the diet: avocado, ginger and blueberries. The first contains monounsaturated fats: in one of Elena Vasilievna's programs, nutritionists invited to the studio said that they are the ones who are able to “melt” the subcutaneous fat layer by 33%. However, they also warned that the daily caloric intake of such a diet should not exceed 1500 kcal.

    The fat burner gingerol contained in ginger, antioxidants and blueberry bioflavonoids, which utilize glucose and reduce appetite, help him reduce waist size.

    How to remove fat from the abdomen (reviews of various methods) can be found in a separate article.

    mono diet

    Appointment - express weight loss. Deadline - 3 days. Results - 3 kg.

    Not everyone can withstand such a diet: there is no escape from bouts of hunger, and even digestion can be upset due to the abundance of fats. During the day, every 2-3 hours you need to eat 1 avocado without additional ingredients. Daily rate - 6 pcs. During breaks, drink plenty of water and green tea (also without any additives).

    Fasting day

    Purpose - bowel cleansing. The result is up to 1.5 kg.

    The nutrition scheme remains the same as on a mono-diet: during the day you need to eat in pure form 6 pieces (can be less if you manage to cope with hunger). Leave from drinks green tea and water.


    As part of any diet, avocados can be included in the diet. It contains fat, protein, and fiber. Due to their nutritional value, they can replace breakfast or dinner (in combination with other low-calorie foods(full list)). Approximate scheme:

    • for breakfast - a sandwich (the ideal combination is whole grain or rye bread with hard cheese and half an avocado) or buckwheat;
    • for lunch - avocado soup;
    • for dinner - a salad with him;
    • for lunch or afternoon snack - smoothies or cocktails with the addition of avocado pulp.

    Make sure not to exceed the daily intake - no more than 2 pieces per day.

    With the world on a string. In 1998, the avocado was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as "the most nutritious fruit in the world."

    How to eat

    The calorie content of 1 pitted fruit (weight 140 g) is ≈ 224 kcal, which is quite a lot. Follow the norm so as not to interfere with the process of losing weight: 1-2 pcs. per day on a low-calorie diet. It is eaten alone or included in various sauces and dishes. Due to its satiety, within any diet, it can replace a whole meal - breakfast or dinner.

    What do they eat with?

    The easiest recipe is to get the pulp, add salt, pepper and eat with a dessert spoon in small portions.

    The second option is to do the same, crush with a fork, add a little low-fat sour cream, garlic and lemon juice. Grated cheese would be nice too. Whisk in a blender. The resulting paste can be spread on bread (for weight loss, you can use only rye or whole grain).

    It is well compatible with any green vegetables (cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce), herbs, dairy products, garlic, meat and red fish. How to cook more complex dishes with his participation, we will tell below.

    Can you eat in the evening?

    In this matter, the opinions of nutritionists differ. Some believe that it is not only possible, but also necessary. A high-calorie and nutritious fruit will help you avoid feeling hungry before bed. Others remind that it has a lot of fiber and fat. The first will clog the stomach and will not let it rest. The second can provoke an attack of nausea.

    Therefore, it would be more correct to choose the golden mean: do not eat at night, but for dinner, so that it has time to digest before going to bed.

    Did you know that... it is a unique exotic fruit - a relative bay leaf, because it grows on trees from the laurel family?

    How to help maturation?

    In stores, avocados are usually sold unripe. They need to lie down a little more, and then the flesh will become soft and tender. To taste, it resembles a mixture of greens with butter with nutty notes. For ripening, it is recommended to put the fruit:

    • either in cardboard / paper bag and leave for a couple of days in the dark at room temperature;
    • or in cellophane next to other fruits - preferably red apples or ripe bananas.

    But keep in mind that rotten and damaged fruits will never be able to ripen, no matter what conditions you create for them. The fruit is not stored in the refrigerator: the cold accelerates its decay.

    How to cut?

    1. Rinse.
    2. Wipe dry.
    3. If slightly unripe and still hard enough, immediately peel off the skin with a knife.
    4. Cut into two equal pieces lengthwise.
    5. Separate them.
    6. Fix the knife in the bone (it should not be too hard) and turn it - it will be easily removed.
    7. If the skin has not been previously removed, take out the pulp with a tablespoon.

    In air, the flesh is quickly oxidized, which spoils and appearance, and palatability. To prevent this from happening, the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces should be immediately sprinkled with lemon or lime juice. And even better - clean it immediately before cooking and eat it right away.

    What can be cooked from avocados during weight loss?

    • salads (especially good with red fish);
    • sandwiches;
    • guacamole - a Mexican appetizer made from avocados, vegetables, spices and lime;
    • sushi;
    • cocktails and smoothies;

    During heat treatment, it begins to taste bitter, so it is better to eat it fresh. And if you cook, then no more than 5 minutes, because it will lose its beneficial properties.

    Can be used in vegetarian diets and related diets. It contains a lot of fat and protein, which allows it to fully replace meat and eggs in the diet.

    Keep in mind. People who are allergic to citrus fruits and latex most often have an individual intolerance to avocados.



    Ideal breakfast or snack (both lunch and afternoon tea).

    • With sour cream and cheese

    Pulp 2 avocados and 150 g hard cheese let it go to hell. Mix, add 2 crushed garlic cloves. Drizzle with juice of ½ lemon. Spread the paste on the dried pieces rye bread.

    • with egg

    Mix pulp of 2 avocados, juice of ½ lemon, 20 ml diet yogurt. Whisk in a blender. Spread the resulting paste on toasted bread, put a lettuce leaf on top. Hard-boil or poached eggs, cut into slices and put on salad.

    • with garlic

    Mix the pulp of 4 avocados, the juice of 1 lemon, 50 ml of natural olive oil, 3 crushed garlic cloves. Whisk in a blender. Spread the resulting paste on rye bread.

    • With salmon

    From rye bread, make circles using special figured frames for sandwiches, dry them in the oven or toaster. Apply a thin layer butter(it is better to get it out of the refrigerator in advance to melt). Mix the pulp of 2 avocados, the juice of 1 lemon, 100 g of soft cream cheese. Whisk in a blender. Spread pasta on bread and butter. Top - thinly sliced slightly salted salmon. On each circle of sandwich put black olive without a bone.

    • Hot sandwiches

    From rye bread, make circles using special curly frames for sandwiches. Brush them with a thin layer of butter. Blend the pulp of 2 avocados in a blender and put the paste on a sandwich. Top with tomato slices. Sprinkle with grated hard cheese. Bake in a preheated oven until cheese crust appears.

    with buckwheat

    Recipe for the perfect dietary breakfast from Russian actress Natalia Bardo.

    • 150 g of buckwheat;
    • 1 avocado;
    • 20 ml olive oil.

    Rinse the buckwheat (we have already talked about its role in the fight against excess weight), pour it with boiled chilled water so that it is 2 cm above the level of the cereal. Keep on moderate heat until the water has completely evaporated. Peeled and peeled avocado cut into cubes of arbitrary size, mix with porridge. Add oils. Mix.

    Crab salad

    • 150 g of natural crab meat;
    • 2 lettuce leaves;
    • 1 ripe avocado;
    • 1 large tomato;
    • 20 g of cilantro (or any other greens) and green onion feathers;
    • 1 cucumber;
    • 20 ml of oil (linseed or olive);
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • ½ lemon;
    • 50 ml 10% sour cream;
    • spices and salt - at the discretion.

    Peel green vegetables, cut into small cubes. Add chopped onion, lemon juice, oil, spices and salt to them. Mix. Grind greens and garlic in a blender, season them with sour cream. Cut the tomato into circles and put them in portioned plates on lettuce leaves. Carefully place a mixture of green vegetables on them. The next layer is crab meat. Pour on top garlic sour cream sauce with cilantro.


    Can be eaten for lunch as part of any diet.

    • Green cream soup

    2 peeled potatoes and avocado cut into small cubes. Do the same with 200 g young squash. In 500 ml of boiling and salted water, with an interval of 7 minutes, the ingredients descend in the following order: potatoes, zucchini, avocados. 5 minutes after the last component, turn off, cool. Whisk in a blender.

    • For raw foodists

    Cut 1 peeled cucumber and 1 avocado into small cubes. Do the same with 1 blanched tomato. 1 celery stalk finely chopped. Mix, add 20 g of chopped dill, spices (at your own discretion). Pour in a glass of water. Whisk in a blender.

    • With shrimps

    Peel 4 avocados. Add 100 ml of 10% cream to the pulp. Beat the mass in a blender. Boil 300 g of peeled shrimp in salted water. After they are ready, pour in the avocado-cream mass to them. Turn off the fire. Add 50 ml of dry white wine. Steep covered for 10 minutes.

    Avocado is a rather interesting product that brings great benefit for the human body. Among the nutritious fruits, he is one of the few that was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. His homeland is considered to be caribbean and Mexico. These countries are still leading in the cultivation of this crop. Another name for avocado is "alligator pear". It was given to him because of its great resemblance to a pear hidden in crocodile skin.

    What it is?

    Avocado is a fruit with a very firm and fatty pulp, which is somewhat creamy. It has an herbal smell and similar taste. The shape of this fruit is pear-shaped and oval. The color of its skin can be from dark green to black. Some of the fruits are quite smooth, some are covered with tubercles. The average weight of one avocado is one hundred and fifty grams. In some cases, you can also find kilogram fruits.

    Beneficial features

    This fruit has many health benefits. It can burn fat, and also helps to fight aging to some extent, protecting most of the body's cells from aging. It not only helps the heart and liver, but also improves digestive system. In addition, avocado prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques. This fruit also provides pernicious influence on cancer cells. It can be eaten even by those who suffer from diabetes. For these reasons, many of the nutritionists recommend using fruits in their diet.

    It is better to eat fresh avocados, as during processing they lose most of their nutrients.


    It is contraindicated to use it for those people who suffer from allergies or simply cannot tolerate the fruit. It is also not recommended to consume avocados a lot, as this can cause different reactions in the body. There is only pulp. The bone contains a large amount of hazardous substances, so you need to immediately throw it away.

    Chemical composition

    If we consider chemical composition in 1 piece avocado, then it will be as follows:

    • a large number of different vitamins;
    • minerals;
    • the whole set of acids so necessary for the human body.


    This fruit is truly vitamin. It contains most of them - from B1 to PP. For example, vitamin E is responsible for the condition of the skin, as well as nails and hair. It gives the body youth and helps to restore the skin. By including avocados in the diet, human skin after some time will become much more elastic. B vitamins are responsible for the emotional state of a person.

    trace elements

    The set of trace elements found in avocados is very large. It contains iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc and many other useful substances. So, iron significantly improves the functioning of the entire circulatory system and creates the much-needed blood cells. Potassium makes it possible to neutralize acid in the body. A large amount of oleic acid actively fights cholesterol, and also prevents fats from accumulating under the skin. Thanks to a large number microelements, this fruit is recommended to be used for constipation, as well as to restore the digestive system.

    Energy value of the product

    It is worth considering in more detail the content of fresh avocado KBZhU, which fall on its 100 grams.

    • the fruit weighs an average of up to two hundred grams;
    • contains one hundred and seventy kilocalories;
    • two grams of proteins;
    • fifteen or twenty grams of fat;
    • six grams of carbohydrates;
    • one gram of ash;
    • seventy-five grams of water;
    • zero point six is ​​dietary fiber.


    One fruit is approximately two hundred and fifty kcal. If we compare it with cabbage, then one fruit in terms of calories is equal to 500 g of cabbage. Since fruits are different in weight, not every person can cope with calculating the calorie content in one avocado. But you can still try to do it. About thirty grams of the fruit are peel and bone. Therefore, subtracting this weight from the total, you can find out the real weight of the pulp. After that, the calculation will not be difficult.

    If we compare fruit with meat, then avocado is several times higher in calories.

    In the countries where it is grown, avocados are called the meat of the poor. So that the waist remains thin, it is necessary to eat only a fifth of the fruit at one meal. It will weigh approximately fifty grams and contain only seventy-five kilocalories.

    You can also consider some dishes with the addition of this dietary product, as well as their caloric content per hundred grams of product:

    • in the soup with "alligator pear" there are fifty-five kilocalories;
    • in a chicken salad with the addition of avocados there will be the same one hundred and fifty kilocalories;
    • oil made from this fruit contains eight hundred and eighty kilocalories.


    If we talk about its nutritional value, then the composition of this fruit includes all the elements necessary for the body: carbohydrates, proteins, fats. The latter are the most in the composition of the product, and it is the fat content of avocado that is so appreciated by all fans. healthy lifestyle life. Proteins are given two grams, which can be equated to eight kilocalories. Carbohydrates take up five grams, that is, twenty kilocalories. The rest is carbohydrates.

    Low calorie recipes

    Avocados are often used in cooking. Its taste and interesting texture, which resembles a very thick cream, goes well with many dishes. In addition, they are all considered dietary. Therefore, you can make any salad you like at home in a couple of minutes. Here are a few interesting ideas for avocado lovers.

    Salad with "alligator pear"

    • one small avocado;
    • one medium sized cucumber;
    • can of tuna in juice;
    • fresh lime juice;
    • one and a half teaspoons of vegetable or olive oil;
    • salt and pepper to taste;
    • some green onions.

    Step by step recipe.

    1. Ripe fruit should be washed. Take the bone out of it.
    2. Using a teaspoon, you need to get the pulp and grind it.
    3. Cucumber should also be chopped into small pieces.
    4. All the necessary components must be mixed in a deep container.
    5. The cleaned halves must be filled with this mixture. Top with finely chopped onion.

    Half of such a salad contains a very small part of the kilocalories, so it is considered a dietary dish.

    Diet salad with tomatoes and avocado

    It will need the following ingredients:

    • three very ripe avocados;
    • two large tomatoes;
    • lime juice;
    • one medium clove of garlic;
    • one large onion;
    • cilantro and cayenne pepper to taste.

    Step by step recipe.

    1. All three fruits must be washed well and the bones removed from them. After that, you need to put them in a large and deep container.
    2. Then you need to pour everything with lime juice, salt and mix well enough.
    3. Tomatoes, garlic, onions and cilantro must be finely chopped. After that, you need to add them to the avocado and sprinkle with pepper.
    4. Once everything is mixed, you can serve it with diet chips.

    Alligator pear smoothie

    To prepare it, you will need the following components:

    • half diet fruit;
    • half a ripe banana;
    • one teaspoon of honey;
    • one tablespoon of chia seeds;
    • two hundred milliliters of coconut water.

    Step by step recipe.

    1. Avocados must first be washed and peeled. After it must be divided into two halves. Then you need to remove the bone from it.
    2. After all the components must be crushed in a blender and beat everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
    3. The contents must be poured into a glass and you can immediately start tasting.

    Delicious and healthy cream

    Required Ingredients:

    • four medium avocados;
    • one large lemon;
    • three hundred and fifty grams of real yogurt;
    • four sprigs of basil;
    • sixty grams of pine nuts;
    • thirty grams of cedar oil;
    • some spices.

    Step by step recipe.

    1. Lemon must be washed and cut into two parts. From one, you need to remove the zest with a grater, and on the other, you need to squeeze the juice along with the pulp.
    2. Then you need to divide this fruit into four parts and remove the seeds from them. Also, all halves need to be peeled. Next, you need to put them in a container and pour lemon juice. You need to beat it a little so that the juice soaks the avocado well. And leave for a while.
    3. In the meantime, you need to finely chop the basil, leaving a few leaves to decorate the dish.
    4. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend thoroughly. Then everything needs to be poured into any container. Next, you need to add the remaining ingredients there and knead the finished mixture in a cold place - best in the refrigerator.
    5. Fry a few minutes before serving pine nuts. You need to do this in a dry frying pan for about two minutes.
    6. Dry the basil paper towels and cut into very thin strips.
    7. The frozen cream can be laid out in beautiful bowls and add some nuts and basil on top for beauty.

    Such a dish will amaze not only with its beauty, but also with excellent taste. In addition, such a cream is considered a dietary dish.

    Alligator Pear Burger

    Required Ingredients:

    • one medium avocado;
    • one egg;
    • one hundred and fifty grams of chicken fillet;
    • one bulb;
    • spices and sesame to taste.

    Step by step recipe.

    1. The fillet must be cut into pieces, do the same with onions. Then they need to be knocked down in a blender along with all the spices.
    2. From the cooked minced meat, you need to make cutlets and fry them on both sides in a completely dry frying pan. It needs to be covered.
    3. In the meantime, wash the avocado, cut it, remove the peel and remove the pit from it.
    4. Then you need to carefully remove the pulp from the avocado with a teaspoon.
    5. The egg must also be fried in a pan, without oil.
    6. On a small plate you need to put one half of the alligator pear and put it on it chicken cutlet along with the egg. After that, cover everything with the second part of the fruit and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
    7. The prepared dish will be delicious and like independent dish as well as with vegetables.

    Diet Fruit Sauce

    Required Ingredients:

    • one ripe alligator pear;
    • forty grams of parsley;
    • one tablespoon of lime juice;
    • one teaspoon of olive oil;
    • one small clove of garlic;
    • dried basil;
    • some salt;
    • pepper to taste.

    Step by step recipe.

    1. "Alligator pear" must be washed and peeled. Then it must be cut into pieces.
    2. In a blender, you need to mix all the components necessary for this and bring them down to a homogeneous mass.
    3. After that, you can start tasting.

    baked avocado

    For this dish, you can use the following ingredients:

    • two medium avocados;
    • one hundred and fifty grams of cottage cheese;
    • one hundred grams of hard cheese;
    • some salt;
    • pepper to taste;
    • four or five quail eggs.

    Step by step recipe.

    1. An alligator pear must be cut into two parts and a bone removed from each. A teaspoon can remove a small part of the pulp.
    2. Preheat the oven to a temperature of one hundred and seventy degrees.
    3. Hard cheese should be grated on a coarse grater.
    4. Cottage cheese must be mixed with the pulp of the fruit and mix.
    5. Fill all avocado halves with this mixture and sprinkle with cheese on top.
    6. Pour water into the pan with a layer of up to half a centimeter. Put all the halves there and break an egg into each.
    7. They need to bake for about fifteen minutes.

    Salad with "alligator pear" and pink salmon

    For this you will need the following components:

    • one alligator pear;
    • two hundred grams of pasta;
    • one hundred grams of canned pink salmon;
    • five fresh tomatoes;
    • one hundred grams of olives;
    • fifty grams of the same oil;
    • fifty grams of lemon juice;
    • leaf salad for beauty;
    • pepper on the tip of a knife;
    • some salt.

    Step by step recipe.

    1. Pasta must be boiled, washed and poured with olive oil.
    2. The alligator pear should be placed in the cold for several hours. After that, remove the peel and cut into small pieces.
    3. Pink salmon should be very carefully divided into small slices.
    4. Mix all the prepared ingredients, then sprinkle with lemon juice.
    5. Large plates should be laid out salad leaves, and put the finished salad on them.

    This dish will not only amaze your family or guests with its beauty, but also give them an unforgettable pleasure.

    Candies "Truffles from" alligator pear "

    Required components:

    • one medium avocado;
    • half a banana;
    • fifty grams of dates or prunes;
    • half a teaspoon of vegetable powder;
    • agave syrup;
    • A little coconut flakes and cocoa.

    Step by step recipe.

    1. Dietary fruit must be washed and the stone removed from it.
    2. After that, you need to pour all the ingredients into a blender and grind them.
    3. Add cocoa to the mixture and mix well. The result should be a thick mass. From it you need to make small balls and roll them in coconut flakes.
    4. Ready sweets must be put in the refrigerator for several hours to cool. After this time, you can start tasting.

    Diet alligator pear toast

    A fruit like an avocado will become great addition on everyone's desk. Its nutritional value is so high that every person who is interested in proper nutrition wants an avocado in his diet. After all, avocados will help not only to follow the figure, but also to keep the body in great shape.

    For information on why to eat avocados, see the following video.