The most unusual exotic fruits in the world. Unusual vegetables from around the world that seem to have been processed in Photoshop

09.08.2019 Dishes for children


Coming to the local vegetable market, we usually have an idea of ​​what may be offered there depending on the season. All vegetables and fruits that are grown and distributed are familiar to us. Moreover, we are usually familiar with the most common vegetables and fruits that are grown in other parts of the world and which are easy to deliver over long distances. However, there are other vegetables and crops in nature, which for some reason have not become widespread, despite their great taste.

Laws in some countries prohibit the sale of vegetables and fruits that are not on special national lists. These plants are nonetheless cultivated and passed down by families and cultures from generation to generation, and some are quite ancient. All the vegetables you find on this list are from well-known and popular plant families, but are rare varieties that you might not even know existed.

For example, did you know that the very first carrots appeared on the tables of our ancestors in time immemorial and came from Afghanistan, although then they were of any color, but not orange? In fact, the orange carrot was bred by mutations by the Dutch in honor of the royal family in the 18th century. In this list, you will find some strange and almost lost vegetables, the seeds of which, however, can be found on the net.

1) Forbidden Rice

This rice, which originated in China, is a type of black rice. When cooked, it turns dark purple in color and has a nutty flavor reminiscent of brown rice. It is rich in anthocyanin (a powerful antioxidant), vitamin B, niacin, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. It was probably nicknamed "forbidden rice" due to the fact that only members of the royal family could taste dishes made from this rice.

2) Watermelon radish

It is a fairly large root vegetable that reaches the size of a baseball - 73-76 millimeters. It belongs to the cabbage family and has a slightly bitter taste. Watermelon radish, as the name suggests, is somewhat reminiscent of miniature watermelon. It has a greenish or white skin, and the inner flesh is bright pink in color. All types of radish are rich in ascorbic acid, folic acid and potassium. They are also a good source of calcium, magnesium and copper.

3) Small Wee-Bee Pumpkin

These small pumpkins are an American pumpkin variety. Unlike other countries, in America it is allowed to sell this miracle of nature. These vegetables are so small that they can easily fit in the palm of your hand. They are great for a single serving, have a pleasant sweet taste and are rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A and beta-carotene. They are often used at Halowin as they hold small candles.

4) Sweet chocolate peppers

This pepper differs from all other types of bell peppers that we are used to seeing, as it turns from green to brown after ripening. These peppers taste very sweet and make a great addition to salads. Considered an exotic sweet pepper in the United States.

5) Japanese white eggplant

This strange egg-shaped white eggplant is a special Japanese variety that is rarely cultivated. This type of eggplant produces a good harvest and takes root quickly, however, unlike its dark relative, it is not so popular.

6) Purple Italian Cauliflower

The shape of this cauliflower is no different from the usual one, but its color is very unusual. The same dishes can be prepared from it. Cauliflower is rich in healthy fiber, vitamin C, and this bright purple variety is also high in anthocyanin, which prevents blood clots and prevents heart disease.

7) Zucchini "Gold Rush"

Zucchini, nicknamed "Gold Rush", are distinguished by their bright yellow color. They have gained some popularity among vegetable lovers, although they are quite rare on the market. They are less watery and have fewer seeds than other types of zucchini or squash. They have a pleasant mild taste and can be eaten even raw. This variety is also unusually resistant to pests that do not particularly favor it.

8) Patisson

9) White beets

These beets have a pleasant, delicate flavor, but their color may surprise those who are used to seeing red beets. The vegetable is perfect for dishes where you don't need a rich color. For example, you can cook chicken with it, which will not turn purple during cooking, as is the case with regular beets. Moreover, this variety has the same taste as red beets. White beets are rich in potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus.

10) Hopi Blue Corn

This corn variety is notable for its dark color. It was grown in ancient times by the Hopi Indian people, hence the name. The Hopi have been eating blue corn for thousands of years, but nowadays, yellow or white corn is more popular. Blue corn has a sweeter flavor with a hint of nutty.

11) Pepper Peter

These strangely shaped peppers are sometimes called "penis peppers" because of their amazing phallic shape. They have medium bitterness and come in red and yellow. Peter peppers are considered a rare variety and their origins are unknown, but seeds can be obtained from individuals and some farmers.

12) Purple Potatoes

This potato variety can really surprise many. Its flesh and skin are bright purple in color, and it is high in anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants often found in purple vegetables, including eggplant. Despite their unusual color, these potatoes do not differ in taste from their usual relatives; during cooking, they do not lose their purple color.

13) Tomatoes "Banana legs"

These small, elongated tomato fruits with pale stripes are yellow, hence the name. At the end of the season, a fairly large number of these unusual tomatoes can be harvested. Banana tomatoes are very sweet and fresh and look great in salad and also make an original tomato paste.

14) White carrot "Lunar"

White carrots began to be eaten long before yellow and orange carrots appeared in the world. This variety of carrots is very sweet and tender and will look unusual in salad when replaced with regular orange carrots. Due to the fact that this carrot has no pigment, its nutritional qualities are somewhat reduced, but still the carrot retains some useful substances.

Anastasia Sergeeva

Unusual vegetables from all over the world that seem to have been processed in Photoshop!

Everything related to unusual food from different countries of the world invariably arouses great interest in us. What is it about this food or dish? What does it taste like? How is it generally eaten? You may have the same questions when you see amazing vegetables from different parts of our planet, which most often cannot be found in our stores. It may even seem as if these strange and unusual vegetables were processed in Photoshop, but no - they really exist!

Red cucumbers

Seeing such unusual vegetables in your plate, you would be very surprised, because red cucumbers are not at all what we eat every day! In fact, this plant belongs to the Tladiantha species and bears the botanical name of Doubtful Tladiantha (Thladiantha dubia), and it is called a red cucumber because it is too similar to our usual green brother. This vegetable comes from Southeast Asia, but it is also grown in the Far East of Russia and in the southern regions. At first glance, tladiant fruits look like small plump cucumbers, only very unusual - bright red.

In total, about fifteen species of red cucumbers are known. It is worth noting, however, that the taste of the Tladiant is ambiguous: for some it resembles the taste of pumpkin with pineapple and kiwi, while for others it seems rather mediocre, insipid. If you decide to plant such a bush on your site, get ready for the fact that you will not get rid of it for a long time - the plant is weedy and very aggressive.

Blue corn

This corn variety is also called Hopi corn, after the Arizona Indian tribe that bred the plant. Depending on the degree of ripeness and lighting, its grains can acquire not only blue, but also dark purple, and even black. Hopi is often used to obtain natural food coloring and is used to make blue flakes, flour, chips, and chicha moradu, a fermented alcoholic beverage.

In our stores, you most likely will not see such unusual cobs, but in many countries of the world, especially in the USA, the popularity of Hopi corn has begun to grow. But not only the unusual color of the plant became the reason for its popularity, but also its medicinal properties: the increased content of anthocyanins, which determine the color of corn, makes it a good source of antioxidants, as well as a powerful anti-inflammatory product. Hopi's glycemic index is lower than that of yellow corn, and the protein content is 20% higher.

Multicolored corn

Blue corn looks very interesting, but corn looks even more amazing, whose grains are full of almost all the colors of the rainbow and more! It's hard to believe that such unusual ears have learned to grow in fact, but this is so: colorful corn became a sensation back in 2012, when a photo of one ear was posted on the social network Facebook.

This variety was originally bred by a farmer from the American state of Oklahoma, Karl Barnes, who gave his brainchild the name Glass Gem corn ("Precious glass"). Corn grains really look like multicolored translucent beads or pearls. At the same time, you will not find the same ears: when growing, more and more new combinations of colors and shades appear. New unusual strains can also be obtained by mixing colorful crops with traditional varieties. However, cooking and eating such beauty in the same way as the usual yellow cobs will not work - its grains are too tough. Usually they make corn flour, popcorn, and are also used for decorative purposes - this corn is painfully beautiful.

Purple potatoes

Other unusual vegetables that at first glance can be suspected of being in Photoshop are purple potatoes. Who would have thought that she really exists! The peel of some of the potato varieties we are familiar with also acquires a bright pink, almost purple color, but this potato has not only a pronounced purple color of the skin, but also an almost purple flesh! Take a look at the picture below to see how beautiful purple chips and mashed potatoes are made from such a strange and amazing potato!

The most important thing is that this potato was obtained by mixing various wild African varieties, and genetic engineering has nothing to do with it. You can also order purple potato seeds online and try planting it in your garden, although we immediately notice that caring for such a plant is quite troublesome.

Multicolored cauliflower

And these vegetables seem to be quite ordinary - who among us does not know cauliflower! - but they look like this, their word was decorated in a graphic editor. And this is natural, because we are used to white cauliflower, which can be bought in any supermarket or market. But abroad, in the same Europe, colorful cabbage of bright purple, orange and juicy green color is much more popular, because you can make such beautiful dishes from it! It tastes almost the same as white inflorescences, and it brings no less benefits to the body, but its yield is much lower, so in our area the mass cultivation of colorful cabbage has not taken root.

Romanesco cabbage

And here is another variety of cabbage, which literally mesmerizes with its appearance! Take a closer look at the photo below: the inflorescences of this amazing vegetable seem to consist of small decorative pyramids, which are a real logarithmic spiral. You just wonder what unusual vegetables Mother Nature creates!

Romanesco comes from Italy, where she was given this name, meaning "roman cabbage". In Israel, it is called coral cabbage, and Poles and Germans know it as pyramidal cauliflower. Comparing the taste of Romanesco and cauliflower, they notice that the former has a characteristic nutty flavor, and the smell during cooking is much less pronounced.

Strawberry spinach

What a wonderful plant! Either greens, or berries, and certainly hardly vegetables, but we decided to add it to this list anyway. Its name is multifoliate maria, but the people call it strawberry spinach and spinach-raspberry, although it, in fact, has nothing to do with either one or the other, or the third. Spinach Mary was nicknamed because it not only has edible berries, but also edible leaves, which are usually used in the same way as spinach: they are eaten raw, put in a salad, added to soups, pies and harvested for the winter. Berries can also be eaten raw, although not everyone likes their mild taste, but they also make unusual desserts and amazingly tasty jam.

Watermelon radish

Strange, unusual, but this “reverse radish” also looks very beautiful: with a white or green edge and a bright pink center - that is why such unusual vegetables received the title of watermelon radish. Otherwise, it is known as green radish. Alas, to taste its fruits are not at all sweet, to match a watermelon, but even more bitter than the radish we are used to. However, other vegetables of this family have a similar color, namely a variety of radish - a pink daikon, or daikon "Sugar rose", and its fruits are just very pleasant to the taste, without bitterness.

Chocolate peppers

No, this vegetable is not decorated in Photoshop - it is really a real sweet pepper of a beautiful chocolate color. It acquires this color only when it is ripe, and young fruits have the usual green color. This pepper looks very unusual, as if someone actually cast it from chocolate. Unfortunately, it does not have a chocolate taste, but it got its name not only because of its characteristic color, but also because of its very sweet taste. Therefore, it is added not only to vegetable salads, but even experimented and mixed with some fruits.

Edible chayote

But what unusual vegetables are called Mexican cucumbers! Meet the edible chayote. Since ancient times, it has been used as food by the Aztec tribes, and now it is mainly grown in Costa Rica. In shape, chayote is least of all similar to a cucumber, but rather a pear; if you look at it from afar, it may seem as if it is a hastily formed cake made of green dough.

You can eat pulp, seeds, and even chayote leaves. These strange and funny vegetables are boiled, fried, stewed, stuffed, eaten raw - in general, a universal product, whatever one may say. It is said to taste like sun-dried tomatoes.

Bitter gourd

As soon as these unusual tropical vegetables are not called in different countries: Chinese bitter gourd, bitter cucumber, Karelian ... Their botanical name is momordica harantia, or momordica haranta. The vegetable looks very unusual, and almost does not resemble a pumpkin, but it really looks like a cucumber - in an unripe form it is green, and when ripe, it becomes yellow and then orange in color.

Momordica juice is poisonous, so use unripe fruits carefully. The flesh of a green vegetable is watery and tastes very similar to both cucumber and the aforementioned chayote - it is usually eaten by pulling out the seeds. Ripe momordica tastes bitter, but the seeds can be eaten as they become sweet. In addition, there are legends about the healing properties of bitter gourd: it is used in the fight against diabetes, it is used for diseases of the liver and pancreas, in particular, for cancer.

Edible cactus

And, finally, a cactus got into the most unusual vegetables, without even being a vegetable! But not to refer it to outlandish fruits and berries, right? Moreover, in Mexico it is eaten almost as often as potatoes and corn. Naturally, they do not eat any cactus, but a special one - the nopal cactus. It is sold directly in stores, pre-peeled from thorns, and lies on the shelves, like huge green cakes.

Nopal tastes like asparagus most of all. It is fried on a grill or just in a skillet, cut into salads, salted for the winter. Excellent desserts are made from nopal: jam, jelly and sorbet, not to mention various drinks - infusions, broths and cocktails. Moreover, not only cactus stalks are eaten, but also its small dark red fruits with a strawberry flavor.

And if you are also interested in exotic fruits that are unusual for us, you will see them in the following video:

Take it for yourself, tell your friends!

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November 17, 2009, 02:06

Each of us has tried apples, pears, bananas, tomatoes, cucumbers .... You will not surprise anyone. But there are many more fruits and vegetables of all kinds in the world ...
Melon Kiwano(Antillean cucumber, horned melon, anguria). Kiwano, a Kiwi countryman, originally from New Zealand. Outwardly, the fruit resembles a yellow-orange cucumber with numerous horns. In fact, Kiwano is not as formidable as it seems: the thorns are soft, the crust is loose. The best way to eat the fruit is to cut it in half and suck out the green flesh. Kiwano is like cucumber and lemon at the same time - it refreshes. It contains vitamins of the PP group, and there is more than enough vitamin C in it. The average weight of the fruit is 300 g, the average length is 12 cm. The fruits are extremely decorative and can be used to create original compositions and even as Christmas tree decorations.
Buddha's hand... These are the fruits of one of the representatives of the citrus subfamily (Rute family), popular in Asia. The contents of this fruit under the thick skin are very reminiscent of lemon. Has the largest of all citrus fruits. Their length is 20-40 cm. The diameter is 14-28 cm. Monstera... It grows in many homes. In nature, this plant produces delicious fruits. The ripe core of monstera fruit, despite the unpleasant pungent odor, is tasty and tastes like pineapple
Paw-paw... Few people know that the North American Paw-paw banana (prairie banana) exists. This banana grows in the southeast of America. Outwardly, it is very similar to an ordinary banana, only slightly shorter and has a more aromatic smell. Sapodilla (Sappodilla)... Also known as sapodilla plum, woody potato, naseberry or chiku. This fruit was originally grown in South America. In the 16th century, sapodilla was brought to Thailand by the Spanish conquerors during the colonization of the Philippines. The fruit is vaguely reminiscent of kiwi in appearance - an oblong or round oval-shaped fruit with brown skin and reddish-brown, sweet and juicy pulp. There are several black seeds inside the fruit, they are not eaten.
Romanescu(or "coral cabbage", "kruve almog", "Romanesque broccoli") - it tastes like ordinary cauliflower, a little more tender and tasty. It looks even more amazing than in the photo. So, if you love kale, then this fantastic vegetable is sure to please. Plus, this vegetable is packed full of antioxidants. Yambu(jamboo, shompoo). This fruit is also called a pink apple, although in fact it looks more like a slightly rumpled pear, only red in color. Yambu flavor is a mixture between a green apple, pear, gooseberry and a bunch of other fruits. The pulp is bright white in color and is almost half filled with air so that when you eat the iambu, you get the feeling that the fruit does not actually go into the stomach, but simply disappears in the mouth. Yambus, however, have one serious drawback - they spoil very quickly and are tasty only when very cold (even better - frozen) when they are an excellent substitute for soft drinks.
Carambola... Carambola fruits are yellow, 5 to 12 cm long. In cross-section, the fruit has the shape of a five-pointed star. Carambola is a crunchy, sweet and sour fruit that tastes like a cross between an apple, an orange and a grape. Some varieties have a slightly noticeable turpentine flavor. There are two types of fruit - sweet and sour. Outwardly, it is easy to distinguish them - the sour ribs are narrow, clearly separated, and the sweet ribs are thick and fleshy. The peel of carambola is thin, shiny, translucent, through which a light yellow or yellowish-green (straw-golden when ripe) pulp is visible. Sweet fruits are consumed fresh, as well as candied in the form of slices and canned from them. Sour ones are used to prepare drinks. Partially the fruits are exported. The fruit is widely used to decorate a variety of dishes and fruit salads. Durian... The durian fruit resembles some kind of "alien" fruit the size of a soccer ball, covered with a tough prickly skin. The flesh inside the fruit is pale yellow in color. The smell is similar to dirty worn socks, rotting meat, or sewage (whichever you prefer). However, this fruit tastes amazing and exquisite. The first European explorer to taste this fruit for the first time in the 1700s called it the "king of fruits". “It was worth going on a dangerous journey just to taste this fruit,” added the brave traveler.
Lulo... This fruit grows in Latin America: Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Central America. Lulo looks like a yellow tomato, and tastes like a mixture of pineapple, strawberry and the same tomato. Lulo is consumed only in its raw form, otherwise all the richness of vitamins remains "overboard". And in lulo there is something to appreciate. The fruit contains water, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins of groups A, B, C. Lulo helps to strengthen sleep, cleanses the blood, restores hair and nails. Lulo juice is an excellent tonic drink. True, when using this fruit, there are restrictions and contraindications. It is not recommended to use it for liver disease, as well as for low blood pressure and high levels of allergens in the blood.
Dragon fruit(pitaya). A very sweet and tasty fruit with white flesh, sprinkled with small edible seeds, like kiwi. Many who have visited Thailand have already "tasted" pitaya. Nowadays, this fruit is rapidly gaining popularity in the Western world. It is possible that it will soon appear on our shelves. Rambutan. The fruit of rambutan is covered with a hard skin with soft "hair" and outwardly very much resembles some kind of marine nasty nasty thing. Under the peel - a white fruit vaguely resembling a plum (only white) with a hard white stone. This fruit grows in large clusters on trees, the height of which can be up to 20 meters. Rambutan is believed to be a Malaysian fruit. The name "rambutan" comes from the Malaysian word for "hair". Rambutan began to be grown centuries ago in the countries of South Asia, neighboring Malaysia, including Thailand. Cherimoya(annona scaly). This fruit is widely distributed in India, Brazil, Mexico, South and Central America, and Barbados. Sometimes this fruit is also called a sugar apple. Its skin, as well as the pulp, consists of segments, in each segment there is one grain. The pulp of a sugar apple has a delicious taste, but remember that apple grains are poisonous, so do not give in to the habit and pick out any seeds for a spicy-smelling nucleolus. Nucleolus poisoning of a sugar apple can lead to very sad consequences. The pulp of this fruit is eaten both raw and mixed with milk - an excellent soft drink is obtained, and it is also used to make ice cream.
Lychee... Lychees are also called "paradise grapes". This stone fruit is round or oval in shape, 3-5 cm long. The hard skin of the lychee is covered with small red thorns. The pulp is translucent white or pink, juicy sweet or sour-sweet, with a pleasant specific aroma, reminiscent of strawberries and partly pineapple. Lychee is often used in desserts. Lychees are also added to salads, fillings for pies and puddings are made. Lychee is used medicinally as a tonic. Tamarind("Indian date"). A tropical tree native to East Africa. Currently grown in most tropical countries in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Fruits - dark brown, brittle beans, inside - delicious "peas", with pulp that tastes like apple candy. Desserts are made from the fruits, eaten raw, dried, added to pastes, sauces, meat dishes. Flowers are eaten raw and canned, and soups are made from the leaves. There are two varieties of tamarind - sweet, with which all of the above is done, and green - it is served with capsicum and sweet sauce.
Jackfruit... The jackfruit is about the size of a large melon. Its weight can reach 40 kg. It is grown mainly in southern Thailand. Inside, under the yellow-greenish peel, there are large yellow slices with a specific taste and a strong aromatic odor. Too strong smell indicates that the jackfruit is already overripe. Jackfruit is eaten both raw and cooked. A popular dish is jackfruit, cut into strips, filled with syrup and crushed ice. Peeled jackfruit is added to sweet paste, vegetable sauces, and unripe jackfruit is used as a vegetable - added to soups in dried or pickled form. All components of the jackfruit are edible. Blanched fruit flowers are added to hot peppers or shrimp sauce. Young leaves can be added raw to papaya salad. The rind can be candied or pickled and is also suitable as animal feed. Even in Thailand, jackfruit is mixed with other fruits. Add to ice cream or coconut milk. The seeds are prepared separately and added to many dishes.
Jaboticaba... Jabothikaba fruits resemble grapes with one seed inside, and grow on trees, sticking to the trunk or branches. As they ripen, the fruits go through stages from a pale green color, then a red tint, and when fully ripe, they become almost black, while remaining translucent. They eat this fruit raw, as well as make jam from it, make jams and marmalades. Just remember that the skin of the jabothikaba is bitter, so they do not eat it, but squeeze the fruit between the fingers and squeeze the fragrant pulp directly into the mouth, while the skin is thrown away. Also, before processing, jabothikaba is first peeled. By the way, when preparing jabothikaba for storage, I use the skin as a dye, it gives wines, jellies and marmalade a deep red color. Longan... Longan's homeland is either the lands west of Burma or the area of ​​origin of Litchi in China. It is in these regions that they are grown on a large scale. Longan tastes like litchi and in general, these two fruits are very similar. Longan has another name - "longyan" - which means "dragon's eye" in Chinese. Longan is believed to have been originally grown in southern India and the island of Sri Lanka. Longan's skin is thin and dense, but in fact it is very easy to peel off. Longan's color ranges from brown to yellowish red, the flesh of the fruit is translucent, white or pinkish. Longan has a sweet, juicy taste with a distinct musk flavor. Longan grows in clusters on evergreen trees, the height of which can reach from ten to twenty meters. Goat beard... Goat beard root is very popular in Europe and the southern United States. It is spicy and tastes like oysters. It is usually used as an additive to various dishes, from soups to stews.
Guanabana... Guanabana is one of the largest exotic fruits, its weight can reach 12 kilograms. Guanabana looks like a green melon, elongated, but furry. This exotic grows in tropical America. The taste of this fruit is not sugary-sweet, but refreshing, with a piquant sourness. It perfectly quenches thirst, the pulp just melts in the mouth, leaving a delicious aftertaste. It is highly recommended by nutritionists, as regular consumption of this fruit contributes to weight loss. But guanabana will not only help fat people. It cures arthritis, gout, rheumatism, and improves liver function. A serving of guanabana is said to do a great hangover.
Mangosteen... Mangosteen is called the "queen of fruits". Mangosteen, unlike durean and some other fruits, are liked by everyone, regardless of what kind of fruit they prefer at home. If there were a competition on earth for the best fruit in the world, then no doubt the mangosteen would win by a huge margin. In shape, the mangosteen fruit resembles an orange, 4-8 cm in diameter with a thick skin that contains 7-18% tannin and is used as a tanning agent, and in medicine as an astringent. Inside the fruit there are 6-8 snow-white, rarely orange lobules with a very sweet, jelly-like, aromatic pulp that melts in the mouth. The pulp contains up to 10% sugar. Each slice contains a seed. Ripe fruits have dark purple or reddish-purple rind. Canistel(Egg Fruit). Origin - Central America. An evergreen tree with fragrant flowers. Fruits vary greatly in shape, they can be round, oval, with an elongated beak-like apex. The fruits are smooth and glossy, with different shades of yellow and pale orange. The canister is rich in niacin and carotene, as well as vitamin C. 100 g of fruit contains 1.68 g of protein; 0.13 g of fat and 36.69 g of carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, B vitamins, vitamin C; amino acids tryptophan, methionine and lysine. It is eaten fresh, with ice cream and fruit desserts, baked. Sweet potato flavor. This fruit can rather be called a vegetable. It is added to soups, salads, sauces. P.S. I tried some fruits while vacationing in Thailand and Indonesia. For example: mangosteen, lychee, rambutan, dragon fruit, star fruit. Most of all I was impressed by the taste of mangosteen and rambutan. What fruit have you tried and who would you like to taste?

Do you know about an orange that has a red-bloody pulp? In this short article, we have described a selection of rather interesting and rare fruits and vegetables.

Has it ever happened to you that when you entered a store, you did not know the name of a fruit or vegetable?

All over the world there are enough plants that are consumed by the locals, but look very strange at the same time. Some of them are strange in color, others are strange in shape. Some plants are used as medicinal plants, while others have incredible legends and myths. Many of these plants have powerful flavors and aromas. Did you know that durian is actually banned in public places and hotels in Singapore? This fruit was nicknamed “ King of Fruits».

This was one of the interesting facts, let's take a look at the rest.

Garcinia humilis or acacha is grown in Bolivia but is now also commercially cultivated in Australia. The fruit tastes bitter and sweet at the same time. Honey made from it has a high healing property and therefore costs 10 times more than ordinary honey.

or also called Spanish radish, grown all year round. It has a very pungent, pungent taste and crunchy inside. It is added to salads and soups.

got its name from English, which means ugly, but you should not consider it a spoiled fruit, because it has a sweet taste. Agli is from Jamaica, where he was crossed with mandarin and grapefruit in 1914. It is eaten raw, it is also squeezed out of juice, jam and fruit salads are made.

looks as if scary and not real. But in reality, this is a real fruit that has the antioxidant anthocyanin, which in turn stains it bloody. They are common in California and the Mediterranean. They are used in salads and marmalades and are juiced out.

Long-leaved goatbeard, or Oat root - it is a vegetable which is already obviously the root of this plant. It tastes like an oyster. It is added to soups and various meat dishes.

Or gourd distributed in Asia, Africa, Europe and the USA. It is assumed that the homeland is South Africa. It has a nutty flavor. The juice obtained from this pumpkin is very useful, it helps with diseases such as diarrhea, diabetes mellitus, indigestion, stomach ulcers, flatulence, jaundice, etc.

Romanesco broccoli- this vegetable looks too pretty. Has a pleasant nutty flavor. The fruit is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, carotenoids and fiber. It is eaten raw and cooked.

Also this named citron finger... It has a fragrant crust with a delicate aroma. The trick of this fruit is that it is used for the place of the lemon. In Japan and China, it is used as a fragrance for wardrobes and rooms. Northeast India or China is considered the homeland of the fruit.

Also known as prickly pear or cactus fig growing on cacti. It tastes like chewing gum and watermelon.

This fruit grows in the Southwest of Mexico, California and the Mediterranean. It is used for making lemonades or vodka, as well as for making confectionery and jellies.

Has a nutty flavor. It grows in many parts of the world. It is eaten raw or boiled. It is added to roasts, stews, mashed potatoes and blanched.

Grows in Malaysia, India, Bangladesh, Philippines and Sri Lanka. It is used to make jams and juices. Ripe carom has a sweet taste.

Plant flowers sesbania large-flowered or another name agate... It is used as a vegetable in Southeast Asia. It is eaten raw. They also help with headaches and improve appetite.

These are mostly green beans hidden in a purple rind. On the inside, they have regular green peas and taste similar to regular green French beans. The purple color disappears during cooking.

Or dragon fruit is actually the fruit of a cactus. Mexico, South and Central America are considered homeland. The fruit contains a lot of vitamin C, various acids and dietary fiber. Pitaya is consumed raw only with the inner flesh, the peel is not suitable for consumption.

Dark red edible seaweed growing on the northern shores of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. It is added to soups and stews. It is also dried and a seasoning is made from the resulting powder. It is rich in various proteins, minerals and vitamins. It is used in skin care products.

Or as it is called in Asia " The king of fruits". People who have tried it at least once either immediately fall in love with it or feel disgust forever. The smell of durian is very strong, and many people hate it. At the same time, the fruit has a sweet aroma and is pleasant to the taste. It is eaten raw or made into pancakes, cookies or candy.

Horned melon or kiwano, or cucumber belongs to the family Pumpkin and the genus Cucumber. Native to Africa, but currently cultivated in Chile, Australia, California, New Zealand. It tastes like cucumber and banana. It consists of 90% water and has a huge amount of vitamin C. It is used to make ice cream, salads, cocktails and much more.

Auricularia auricular("Juda's ear") is a rough growing year round. The name comes from the biblical legend of Judas who hanged himself from an elder tree. There is also the Chinese name hei mu er, which means black tree ear. In Japanese, kikurage, which means woody jellyfish. This mushroom is eaten raw or added to salads, stews and pasta.

This fruit is native to Malaysia and Indonesia. The fruits are rich in vitamin C, manganese and copper. Rambutan is eaten raw or added to fruit salads.

Other name german turnip, which you can eat raw or boiled. Its shape is similar to broccoli or cabbage pith. Has a sweetish taste. It is added to salads.

A tropical fruit that is grown in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand. The fruit is about the size of a small apple. The fruit tastes only slightly sweet.

Or monstera delicious it is a fruit in which the ripe fruit has a white edible flesh. The fruits ripen very slowly and unripe fruits are poisonous. Ripe fruits have a banana-pineapple flavor and are used as a dessert.

Morinda citrus-leaf, or is a tree belonging to the madder family. It is cultivated in the tropics, but Southeast Asia is considered its homeland. The fruit has a bitter taste and a pungent odor. This fruit has medicinal properties, it is used for diseases of the respiratory tract, diarrhea, fever, diseased gums, etc.

The fruit is inedible. Grown in the USA and Ontario. The fruit has rough skin. They say that the seeds are edible (I believe that without experienced people it is better not to eat anything).

Also her called Dutch parsley... This root vegetable is eaten raw or cooked. The root has a very rich aroma, so you only need to add the required amount of this root vegetable to your food.

It is a fruit that is cultivated in many parts of the world. It is used to make juice. From passion fruit make various desserts.

Purple sweet potato is a type of common sweet potato. This root vegetable is low in calories and high in fiber. They are also rich in antioxidants. They are also cooked like regular potatoes.

Pink apples are native to Malaysia and East India. As soon as the fruits are ripe, they turn pink. The fruits are very juicy.

Belongs to the genus Soleros... Sea beans are a vegetable that is mainly added to various salads. It should not be confused with algae and cacti.

Are edible. They can be used as a vegetable, so they are fried or baked. They are also added to sauces and soups. The flowers have a sweet delicate taste. Forward


Someone grows such vegetables and fruits right now. And the point is not that it is a shortage or difficult to get, there would be a desire ...

Tomatoes "Octopus" F1

The tomato tree or the tomato tree Octopus F1 is a hybrid variety of cluster tomatoes, bred several years ago, which aroused great interest among farmers, gardeners and summer residents who like various innovations and curiosities. The unusual plant is indeterminate, i.e. unrestricted in growth, a hybrid with a well-developed ability to intensive shoot formation. Its height can reach 4 meters or even more, and the crown area is 40-50 square meters. meters. The annual harvest of Sprut F1 gives a fantastic one - about 14 thousand tomatoes, the total weight of which is 1.5 tons.

The author honestly admits that he does not know the name of this chili variety. However, there are offers on the network for the sale of seeds. Perhaps this is how any tall variety grows if it is placed in a greenhouse. It is also possible that it is a "giant chili".

The essence of this method is that a small pyramid is built, on which small bushes of a plant are planted in "floors" or "steps". Gradually, they put out antennae and completely envelop the entire area of ​​the pyramid. The result is better fruiting, better access of light to the berries and just a beautiful decoration in your garden. In addition, planting strawberries this way will give you a good opportunity to save a lot of space on the site for planting other crops.

These cucumbers are called Chinese because of their origin, since they come from China, but there are many varieties of them. Most popular: Chinese snakes, Chinese disease resistant, Chinese white, Chinese Farm F1, Chinese long-fruited and China miracle.

The stem of Chinese cucumbers can be about 3.5 meters long, and the fruits (depending on the variety) reach 40-90 cm in length. But they amaze not so much by their impressive size as by their unpretentious cultivation and excellent taste. These cucumbers are very fruitful, absolutely not capricious, practically not affected by pests and hardly get sick.

The star of the western selection, the Exibishen bow that has taken root well with us. It is an annual variety with a short shelf life of no more than four months. It is one of the largest in weight among all varieties of giant bows, the weight of one head can exceed 1.5 kg.

Giant pumpkin (Latin Cucurbita maxima) is an annual cultivated plant, a species of the Pumpkin family (Cucurbitaceae). The fruits ripening from the giant pumpkin are the largest in the plant kingdom. In October 2010, a pumpkin was grown in the United States, the weight of which was 821.2 kilograms, in a girth it reached 4.7 meters.

An unusual hybrid was named "tomtato" / tomtato /, it was formed by combining the English words meaning "tomato" and "potato" / tomato and potato /.

TomTato can grow over 500 sweet cherry tomatoes above the ground, and white potatoes grow underground, which are suitable for both boiling and roasting.

Horticultural company Thompson & Morgan sells these plants for £ 14.99 each and describes their new product as "potted vegetables."

Hybrid plants are not genetically engineered, just each seedling is individually grafted by hand.

The "tomtato" bush is obtained by grafting: the stalks of potatoes and tomatoes are cut and combined, connected with a special clip. Over time, they grow together, thus creating an unusual plant "pull".

An old Italian long-fruited sweet pepper ideal for fresh consumption, grilling and pickling. The length of the fruit is more than 20 cm, the shape is conical, the walls are 3-4 mm thick, the taste is very sweet and fresh. The plant is medium-sized, 50-60 cm tall. The variety is mid-season, the growing season to technical maturity is 100–115 days. On one plant, an average of 12 to 15 fruits are formed.

Such a watermelon was born as a result of crossing a wild watermelon, which is just yellow (although it is impossible to eat it), with an ordinary one. And now round yellow watermelons are grown in summer in Spain, and oval - in winter in Thailand. By the way, the yellow watermelon is especially respected there, because according to Thai legends, yellow attracts money. This watermelon is tender and juicy, though not as sweet as red.

Purple potatoes

The popularization of this unusual root vegetable among housewives was promoted by the English culinary guru Jamie Oliver, who is not afraid to experiment. From such a potato, an original puree of a rich purple-blue color is obtained, it looks good baked in the company of other vegetables, let alone french fries. Purple potatoes taste the same as ordinary ones.