Chewing gum recipe. Making fruit gummies

01.05.2019 Meat dishes

Gum is an extremely popular product. Both adults and children love her. On the shelves of stores - a huge assortment of this delicacy. It turns out that chewing gum is very easy to make at home, you just need to know the recipe.

People have always liked things that take a long time to chew. They chewed the leaves of various trees, resin, thickened juice. But in the form in which we are used to it, it appeared quite recently: There are many ways to make toffee at home, from the simplest to the more complex.

Method 1: from wax

Let's take 1 tsp. a spoonful of honey and a piece of beeswax, put it in your mouth. The ingredients mix in your mouth, and you get a natural and healthy toffee.

Method 2: from birch bark

This method came to us from grandmothers. They took clean birch bark (birch bark), put on water bath and into the oven. Juice oozed from the heated birch bark and dripped into the water. It turned out very tasty and natural chewing gum. V modern conditions you can try to make toffee in the oven in this way, only it will take more time.

Method 3: from fruits and berries

Make sweet, delicious flavored chewing gum at home forest berries or favorite fruits under the power of anyone.

Take a lot of fruits or berries, for example, a whole bucket. Add a little water - about half a liter. Let it boil, add some sugar. Cook for a long time until it starts to thicken. Then we will salt the juice, we will drink it or preserve it. And lay out the mass in a thin layer on a flat surface, greased with oil. Let's wait a day or so, we'll turn it over. Cut off what is not frozen, let's lie down for another day.

Method 4: from fruit juice

It is very easy to make toffee from juice and gelatin using a microwave. The gifts of progress make life much easier and save time.

Let's take about 100 ml. favorite juice, heat it in the microwave, fill it with 20 gr. gelatin (or 1 plate), leave to swell. Pour into a bowl 300 ml. sugar syrup, also heat in the microwave, add any dye, flavor, flavor. Pour gelatin into the heated syrup, mix thoroughly, strain through a sieve. Pour into molds (you can take molds for ice) and refrigerate for 8 hours.

Method 5: from adhesive tape

The following recipe will help us quickly and easily make mint gum. Moreover, you probably have the ingredients for it at home.

Take a roll of adhesive tape (regular, not bactericidal), throw it into a pot of water, put it to boil. Cook for 15 minutes until the fabric starts to separate easily. We take the roll out of the pan, separate the adhesive base from the fabric, roll it into a ball. Throw the ball into the water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of toothpaste, cook for another 15 minutes.

Method 6: from a special base

Gum base can be purchased from the factory or some specialty stores. As a rule, it is absolutely harmless latex. It is easy to make chewing gum from the base at home, which does not differ at all from the one sold in the store.

Recipe 1:

Let's take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the base, put in the microwave for 1.5 minutes until softened. If there is no microwave at home, put it on a water bath. Then add 1 tsp. spoon of corn syrup and mix thoroughly until smooth. 2 tbsp. pour tablespoons of starch on a flat, clean surface, pour the resulting mixture into it. Knead like dough. Now you can add any flavoring or coloring and mix thoroughly again. And then we will connect the imagination and cut the gum in the form of various figures or traditional plates and pads, and send it to cool for 2 hours in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2:

In a bowl, mix the gum base, glycerin, corn syrup and citric acid put in the microwave for 60 seconds. The mixture should become soft and sticky. Add flavoring, dye, flavoring additive, mix thoroughly. On the table we lay out a slide of powdered sugar, at the top you need to make a recess. Pour the mass into the recess, knead until completely hardened. As in the previous recipe, divide the mass into portions, put in the refrigerator.

Try to make gum at home with all the suggested methods and choose the one that you like best.

Chewing gum is an indispensable element in order to ensure freshness of breath or to remove food residues from the oral cavity, and perhaps simply to pay tribute to such a fickle fashion. No matter what epithets it is awarded, it, nevertheless, fully fulfills its functions and in many ways facilitates our existence. Who wondered - is it possible to cook chewing gum at home? And if so, how justified would this action be?

A bit of history

If we recall the old times, we can be sure that chewing gum is a modern analogue of its more primitive progenitor. ubiquitous, most ancient peoples used it useful tool- ancient Greeks, Finns, Mayan tribes, Indians. However, their “chewing gum” was very different from the modern one. Most of the substances that our ancient ancestors chewed are just beeswax, resin, tree sap, or rubber, as well as a mixture of various leaves, tobacco specially designed for these needs. Gradually, a prototype of modern chewing gum and now he entered the shelves of our stores.

At one time, there was a fashion for chewing tobacco, however, this peculiar way of enjoying it still has its admirers.

What is chewing gum? Its features and disadvantages

In stores, you buy chewing gum, consisting of a chewing base (mainly synthetic polymers), which can be supplemented with components made from the juice of a sapodilla - a special tree or resin of coniferous trees. It also contains various flavors, flavorings, preservatives and so on. There may also be sweeteners, anti-caries substances (fluorine compounds, xylitol, urea (urea)). But these substances are not capable of stopping or curing already existing caries.

But, at the same time, chewing gum also has significant benefits:

  • chewing helps to concentrate;
  • there is an increase in salivation, which helps to clean the teeth;
  • chewing muscles receive a balanced and uniform load, corresponding to the possibilities of physical, mechanical and plastic properties of chewing gum;
  • gum massage to some extent can be the prevention of periodontal disease.

Dentists advise chewing gum only after meals and preferably no more than five minutes a day. Otherwise, it can contribute to the release of gastric juice into an empty stomach, and this provokes the development of gastritis and ulcers. But still, after eating in people with heartburn, chewing gum can help relieve its symptoms, because the saliva that is released when it is chewed has an alkaline reaction. Upon entering the esophagus, its acidic contents are neutralized.

Naturally, there are components of chewing gum that are harmful to the body if they enter it in in large numbers. For example, sorbitol, a popular sugar substitute, can have a laxative effect, but manufacturers warn about this on the packaging.

But, at the same time, there is always the opportunity to create your own, more adaptive to your tastes and preferences analogue of an improved and less harmful chewing gum for the body. What does he represent?

If you are looking for products that bring benefits

In this case, ordinary, natural products will serve as the most acceptable option.

  • It can be an ordinary resin, it has been used since ancient times and it can bring invaluable benefits to your oral cavity: it will freshen your breath, destroy germs, create a blissful atmosphere and promote the release of gastric juice.
  • Often, beeswax is used to replace chewing gum, it has not only good chewing characteristics, but also invaluable benefit for the whole organism.
  • Propolis is another good disinfectant for chewing and eating directly.

What would you prefer? Despite their taste preferences and beliefs about healthy way life, it should be remembered that after all, no natural analogues will replace the usual chewing gum, otherwise it would simply not have been born.

Make chewing gum at home with natural ingredients

This is quite possible, and in order to realize such a desire, you don’t need much, to make fruit chewing gum you will need:

  • the most favorite crushed fruits or berries - 5 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • gelatin - 1 sachet;
  • water - 1 glass.

In order to prepare such chewing gum, you should take absolutely any fruits or berries available in season, then chop them, place them in a container and leave for a while, giving them the opportunity to let the juice flow. Then add half a glass of water to them and boil for half an hour. The liquid should be drained, pour sugar into the dishes, cook until thickened. Add gelatin, previously dissolved in half a glass of water, according to the attached instructions. Prepare the surface (board, table or baking sheet), grease and lay out the boiled mass. Then you should leave it for a while to solidify. The chewing gum is ready - try and enjoy and remember that, unlike the usual one, you can swallow it without fear!

Chewing gum, almost like in the store

If you prefer chewing gum that is similar in all its qualities to store-bought, you can try making a "latex" version.

For this you will need:

  • chewing mass (or gum base) - 1 tablespoon;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • flavoring to taste - 1 teaspoon;
  • food coloring - a pinch.

For cooking, place chewing base in a water bath, heat over low heat, stirring constantly for 10 - 20 minutes. After that, add honey, add flavor, sugar and dye as desired to the mass, mix everything. Remove from fire, let cool. After that, you can portionwise roll the resulting mixture in powdered sugar, give it desired shape and bring to the table.

An easy way to make chewing gum

It doesn't take too much, however, the taste of the resulting chewing gum will really surprise you. And what is certain - its quality will not be inferior to the store.

In order to prepare it, you will need:

  • adhesive plaster without impregnation - 1 roll;
  • toothpaste, preferred taste and quality - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 1 liter.

To prepare this chewing gum, pour water into a container and put it on fire. Put the adhesive plaster there, and when the water boils, give it 15-20 minutes. After that, remove the adhesive plaster from the water and separate the fabric base from the viscous mass. From the latter, build a ball and place it again in water. Add toothpaste and boil the mixture for another 15 minutes.

Please note that making chewing gum at home is quite simple. What does that require? Just a viscous or rubber base is the most important component any toffee. All other ingredients depend on your tastes and preferences. If you like sweets - add more sugar, if you prefer pronounced tastes - give preference to flavors, preferably natural or fruity, berry.

It was invented in the 60s of the 20th century. Then it consisted of an inedible elastic base and a variety of aromatic and flavor additives. In countries Soviet Union it was a terrible shortage, so the craftsmen came up with all sorts of ways to make chewing gum at home. Recipes for cooking were passed on to each other. The most popular way was to make treats out of adhesive tape. To do this, it was necessary to unwind about half a meter of adhesive plaster from the roll and place it in a pot of boiling water, boil for ten minutes. Then remove the adhesive plaster, scrape off the adhesive part with the blunt side of the knife.

The substance easily forms a ball, which again must be thrown into boiling water, after adding toothpaste. After a while, you will get chewing gum with a mint flavor. Of course, such a recipe is hardly suitable for children, so we offer more natural recipe how to make chewing gum at home.

Chewing marmalade

Chewing marmalade is the same chewing gum, but the only difference is that all the ingredients in marmalade are natural, which is especially important when the treat is prepared for children. For cooking you will need the following:

Fruits (apples, pears);

Oil (vegetable or olive).

Fruit must be peeled, mashed and boiled with sugar in water. The mass should be quite thick in consistency. When it caramelizes and cools down, it is necessary to grease a wooden board with oil, put the future marmalade on it in an even layer, put it to dry in a warm place. After some time, the frozen marmalade should be cut into plates and given as a treat to babies.

Gum for hands

Handgum, or is an extremely popular toy all over the world. Psychologists believe that it is an excellent stress reliever. Such fun is also useful for children - handgam develops motor skills well. Most people buy it from the store, but you can save a significant amount of money by knowing how to make gum at home.

Cooking methods

There are a number of ways to make a handgam. In any case, following each of the recipes, it is necessary to carefully observe the proportions so that the thing does not crumble or stick strongly. Properly prepared chewing gum should not leave marks on clothes.

PVA handgum

The most popular way to make chewing gum at home is to prepare handgam from To do this, you need to take a pinch of borax (sold in a pharmacy) and dissolve it. Pour glue into a separate container. The final size of the gum depends on the amount of this component. It is necessary to combine the glue and borax, gently mixing with a wooden stick. You should get a single lump, the density of which can be adjusted by changing the proportions of the ingredients. The lump should be laid out on paper napkin to get rid of excess liquid. Gum for hands is ready! However, the resulting handgam will be dull white. To decorate it, at the stage of mixing substances, you can add natural dyes. You can also use essential oils to give the product a memorable smell.

If you know how to make hand gum at home, you have room for experimentation and a lot of opportunities in creating a truly unique and inimitable toy.

Now you can buy chewing gum for every taste and color with flavor. They are sold without wrappers in the form of balls and other shapes. Abroad there are such vending machines for the sale of such chewing gum. It is bad that manufacturers add dyes with various stabilizers and harmful preservatives there.

If this is taken into account, then definitely chewing gum home cooking will be more useful, especially for kids. How to make chewing gum at home?

You may think it's fantastic to make your own gum. But it's really doable. After reading different recipes, you can choose the best one and please the child or children with sweets.

Our ancestors long ago came up with something like chewing gum. They chewed cherry or other resin, roots, etc. for 5 thousand years - so much for the most ancient toffee that was found on the territory of modern Finland.

In all corners of the world, people have long learned to make natural chewing gum. For example, they collected resin from trees, evaporated the liquid, and the chewing gum is ready.

Particularly good are obtained from hevea or mastic. In our latitudes, cherry toffees were considered the most delicious.

Natural chewing gum is still popular in Asia. For its manufacture, lime, pepper betel leaves and mature seeds from the areca palm are taken. Such toffee disinfects the oral cavity and acts like an aphrodisiac.

In the days of the USSR, some made their own chewing gum, for example, from the same resin or birch sap, used and tar.

The resin was boiled for quite a long time. She became black and hard. It doesn't look appetizing, but it tastes pretty good.

Modern chewing gum arose in the middle of the 20th century. Children especially loved it, and very soon it became a popular sweet and an assistant in hygienic procedures for caring for the oral cavity.

If you are the parent of a little tomboy who loves chewing gum, you are probably very interested in how to make it yourself. Consider different variants and choose your recipe.

How to make gum from natural ingredients? The easiest way is to take the wax and add 1 tsp. honey and chew thoroughly. So it turned out delicious and healthy honey chewing gum. In spring and summer, when honey is pumped, beekeepers sell it right in the combs.

They can be chewed, and when sweet taste will no longer be felt, spit it out. To freshen your breath, you can chew thoroughly the seeds of cardamom or ginger root.

Every parent knows that real chewing gum is bad for a 5 year old, younger or older. But some children really like toffees, and they constantly plaintively ask their parents to buy them.

It is difficult to refuse such a trifle, but it is also impossible to allow the stomach to deteriorate. Therefore, you can learn how to cook healthy chewing gum at home. The little one will be delighted.

For the smallest, marmalade is useful, which can be chewed. To make it, you will need:

  • 5 st. l. lemon juice;
  • 300 ml of any sugar syrup;
  • 0.5 cups of pure water;
  • 1 tsp starch;
  • 20 g gelatin or 1 pack;
  • 0.65 cups of fruit juice.


Heat a little juice in the microwave and add to the gelatin. Let it swell. Juice of your choice. The toffee will be the taste that you like.

Pour syrup into a bowl and heat slightly. Here you can add a dye or an additive for interesting taste. It is best if it is a natural ingredient, for example, lemon zest, vanilla sugar or cinnamon. Gelatin with starch is added to the warm syrup.

Mix everything. Take a sieve and strain the mixture. Take any, preferably small, molds and pour the composition into them. Send to the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

At home, you can make toffee from fruits or berries. Usually mothers like this recipe, as the ingredients are natural. You need to take your favorite fruits, berries or mix. Great recipe.

To make chewing gum you will need:

  • about 5 liters of berries or fruits;
  • boiling water - 0.5 l;
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • gelatin (1 sachet);
  • cold water 1/2 cup.


  1. Wash all fruits. Then peel and chop. Put everything in a suitable bowl. Brew boiling water and pour, let stand.
  2. Now cook on low heat for no more than 20 minutes. It depends on which composition is chosen.
  3. Look in the pan, and if the fruit is boiled, then you need to drain the compote. Drink to your health.
  4. Add sugar there and continue to cook to thicken.
  5. Introduce gelatin into this mass. It is pre-dissolved in water. Mix everything.
  6. Lubricate the table or board with sunflower oil and lay out the mixture. Let it freeze.

Base latex

Will be required ingredients such as:

  • gum base, or the same mass for chewing - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • liquid fresh honey, or syrup to your taste - 1 tsp;
  • 1 tsp flavoring;
  • dye as desired.

Cooking sequentially.

  1. The gum base must be heated in a water bath. Stir constantly.
  2. Do not remove from the fire, but introduce the syrup. Stir everything.
  3. enter half powdered sugar. There is also a flavoring and, if necessary, then a dye.
  4. Sprinkle the remaining powder thinly on the table.
  5. Spread the hot base on a table or board sprinkled with powder, and roll in sugar.
  6. The mass will cool down soon. Keep rolling it in the powder. Now form a sausage and cut into portions.

Gum base

On this basis, gum base chewing gum is even more like a purchased one. You can buy it in a supermarket, you can order it online.

Would need:

  • basics 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 st. l. corn syrup;
  • starch about 30 g;
  • dye, if you decide to use;
  • any additions you want.

Warm up the base in the microwave. She should get softer. Now enter the syrup. Mix everything well. Pour starch into a slide on a board or table, and our mass into it. Knead the toffee on starch, as if kneading dough.

Now enter additives to improve the taste or color. Mix everything well again. Roll the mixture into thin sausages and cut into neat pillows or strips to your taste. Refrigerate in the freezer.

Toothpaste + Band-Aid

This recipe will appeal to teenagers who love to experiment. Wanted ingredients such as:

  • adhesive plaster, in which there is no impregnation - 1 roll;
  • toothpaste of your favorite flavor 1 or 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water 1 l.

We prepare according to the algorithm.

  1. Take a bucket and pour water into it. Put on the gas.
  2. Dip a band-aid in water, bring to a boil and let it stay there for 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. Take out our adhesive plaster and separate the fabric base from the adhesive mass.
  4. Form a ball from the mass and return to the water.
  5. Enter toothpaste. You need to boil everything for 15 minutes.

And you can change the rest of the ingredients to your taste. This refers to fruits with berries and additives for good flavor and taste. So you learned how to make toffee at home. Choose your recipe and start making.

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.