The benefits and harms of Thursday salt. Why is black salt useful for our health, what are the contraindications and how it is used

29.04.2019 Egg dishes

Friends, in this post I will tell you what black Thursday salt is and how to use it. Recently, the topic of reviving old Russian traditions has become popular. This is joyful - only a people who know their past can have a future. Otherwise, it is not a people, but a faceless crowd united on a territorial basis.

From the history

The theme of the revival of Slavic customs has affected all aspects of life, including traditional Russian cuisine. One of the rarest and most revered foods on the table of our ancestors was salt. It was not for nothing that a sign once appeared that to sprinkle salt to a quarrel. After all, this seasoning, obtained by hard work, was valued at its weight in gold, and it was unpleasant for the mistress who did not save precious white grains.

Under-salted and salted

Benefit: salt not only gives special taste everyday meals, but also necessary for the body as a participant in the metabolic process. Complete elimination of it from the diet, as many doctors now advise, can lead to a deterioration in the digestion process, the onset of weakness, seizures, fatigue, shortness of breath and interruptions in the work of the heart.

Maybe it doesn't mean that it will lead. And yet, this product should not be completely excluded from the diet. And then what to do with its negative manifestations? Harm: Excessive salt intake can lead to heart disease, liver and kidney disease, decreased vision, edema, acne, excess oily skin and many other problems. What's the secret? As salt.

Insidious Store Salt Extra

The spice that we are used to buying in the store is a product of thermal and chemical processing. It not only loses its original structure and all useful substances, but also becomes extremely dangerous for the body.

It is subjected to heat treatment at a temperature of more than 650 degrees, then chemical vaporizers of moisture, potassium iodide, dextrose, chemical bleach are added, and as a result, such a product can even kill. Lethal dose salt - only 65 g

However, there is an alternative - real sea salt. She retains all the useful healing propertiessaturated with iodine necessary for the body. Only seaweed can compete in useful properties with sea salt.

Thursday black salt

In Russia, since ancient times, black salt was prepared, which was called Thursday. In the process of cooking, she "lost" most harmful propertiesinherent in common salt. This spice does not cause thirst and does not retain fluid in the body, promotes the elimination of toxins, contains potassium, calcium, copper, selenium.

The process of its preparation was quite laborious: the spice was mixed with leavened milk, rye flour, wild herbs and cabbage leaves and fired in an oven. Salt was prepared on Thursday before Easter, which is why it is called Thursday. It was a whole ritual.

It is difficult to say whether the original recipes of our ancestors have survived to this day, but in some families the technology for making black salt is passed down from generation to generation.

Homemade Black Salt Recipe

Photo: AIF kitchen (picture enlarged)

The most common way to prepare black thursday salt looks like that: 1 kg of coarse rock salt is mixed with 5 kg of soaked rye bread, add 4 handfuls of dry mint, dill and oregano. The mixture is laid out in a baking dish and placed in an oven or oven preheated to 250 degrees.

You have to wait until the bread turns black, cool the mixture, grind and sift through a sieve. Black salt is ready. It is also not worth using it in large quantities, 5 g per day is enough, which equals about one teaspoon.

If anyone does not like such a recipe, then you can cook salt with cabbage (5 kg white cabbage and 1 kg of salt) or oat flakes (soak 3 kg of flakes in cold water for half an hour and mix with 1 kg of salt).

When consumed within normal limits, black salt:

- helps to regulate blood PH;

- stimulates digestive system;

- reduces itching and dryness of the skin;

- enhances immunity;

- rejuvenates;

- increases the speed of transmission of nerve impulses;

- eliminates constipation, heartburn, flatulence, bloating;

- helps to restore vision and improve depression.

The harm of black salt

If black salt is abused, following consequences:

- increase blood pressure;

- development of heart failure;

- increased heart rate;

- fluid retention in the body;

- the occurrence of kidney disease;

- increasing the load on the arteries.

Thursday Salt Treats Bleeding Gums

In addition to internal use, black salt is used to combat periodontal disease and bleeding gums. To do this, take natural honey and salt in a 2: 1 ratio and massage the gums daily before brushing your teeth.

Thursday salt normalizes blood pressure

Baths with Thursday salt help to normalize blood pressure. One glass of spice per bath is enough to restore your well-being.

Black Thursday Salt Face Masks

Like regular salt, black is used for cosmetic procedures and the effect is no worse. A tablespoon mixture thick sour cream and half a teaspoon of salt will make the skin firm, a mixture of yolk, a tablespoon of honey, two tablespoons of flour and half a teaspoon of black salt is an excellent substitute for an anti-aging mask.

Black salt in Ayurveda

ABOUT useful propertiesx black salt was known not only in Russia, but also in India, where this mineral was included in the "home medicine cabinet". According to Ayurveda, black salt is believed to contain the elements of water and fire, contribute to the clarity of the intellect and the normalization of the digestive system.


Dear readers, do you know about black salt? Have you heard of her? If not, pay attention to it by reading the article on the benefits of black salt for our health. Black salt, and I immediately remember my grandmother, how she gave us for Easter colored eggs and put a salt shaker with black salt next to it. And for my dad there is nothing tastier than taking a piece of black bread, pouring it on a saucer linseed oil, dip the bread in this butter and add a little black salt to it.

I myself almost forgot about her. And not so long ago I was visiting a friend, and she asks me: "Do you want to try a salad with black salt?" Here memories flooded, and I remembered that grandmother's house. And her taste is completely different. I asked a friend where she bought it. It turned out that both in Magnets and Auchan it is sold. I immediately bought it, and the topic of the article was born.

In everyday life, we are used to table salt. It is she who is the most popular in the whole world. Some of us try to do without salt at all. I am for our wisdom. With a lack of salt in the body, a person may feel lethargic and dizzy, depression or digestive problems may appear. An excess of salt can lead to high blood pressure, thirst, heart disease, kidney disease, eyes. General recommendations for salt intake: consume no more than 5 g of salt daily.

And now we return to the topic of the article and talk about black salt. What it is, what it consists of and what are the benefits and harms of black salt.

Forgotten taste of black salt. Long history

It looks like black or dark gray salt crystals. She has a natural salty taste and a slightly specific aroma. For most of us, black salt is an exotic and unusual product. But for our ancestors, it was a traditional and familiar product. It was even associated with the annual Easter festivities.

Why is black salt called Thursday salt?

Thursday black salt from Kostroma is its original name. This product was made by our ancestors since ancient times. He could be found in almost every home. It was specially made on Holy Week, on Maundy Thursday. Therefore, such a name has been preserved - Thursday salt. On the eve of Easter, according to legend, this salt had a special power. But the benefits of black salt, as we will see, are great at any other time.

Kostroma black salt has this name because it was made there from time immemorial, and after, when the recipe was lost, it was in the villages of the Kostroma region that the ability to prepare this traditional Russian product was preserved. And today one of the black salt production facilities is located in Kostroma.

Between Yaroslavl and Kostroma there is amazing place, Nekrasovskoe village, where the salt museum is located. If you are in our area, maybe you will be able to call there. The most luxurious sanatorium "Malye Salt" is also located there. People with various diseases come for treatment. His specialization: diseases of the joint, spine, general improvement of the body. And in the museum you can touch the history, learn a lot of interesting things.

It is interesting to know the recipe for making black salt. She prepared like this. Rock salt was mixed with rye flour and then calcined in an oven. Thyme, oregano, and mint were often used in cooking. Another common ingredient in Thursday salt is cabbage leaves.

There are recipes for making black salt with leavened milk. There is also a recipe for oatmeal. For mixing with salt, before calcining, take ordinary rye bread, which is pre-soaked.

Ordinary salt with rye flour is wrapped in canvas or placed in a birch bark box. This mixture is then placed in an oven. Traditionally, we need exactly birch logs... The salt is calcined and turns black. Then it is crushed, and the Kostroma black salt is obtained.

The main advantage and benefit of black salt is in its isolation. So the product is enriched with a valuable element - calcium. After a similar heat treatment salt gets rid of harmful componentsheavy metals... Burning as if enriches ordinary table salt.

Thursday's salt contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, copper, selenium, zinc. Carbon is also present in it in the form of coal particles. This salt contains less sodium chloride and more calcium than sodium chloride.

In terms of calorie content, black salt has a zero index, so it can be recommended for different diets for weight loss.

Useful properties of Thursday salt for our health and beauty

Calcined in a furnace and enriched in ash from rye flour or bread, black salt acquires beneficial properties for our body. This has been known for a long time, and the product was not just consecrated on Easter and served to easter eggshave not just always had on dining table, but were also treated with it.

Due to its high calcium content, quaternary salt is good for bones, teeth and muscles. Thanks to carbon, toxic compounds are removed from the body. Kostroma black salt has a good effect on digestion, brings it back to normal. It also has a beneficial effect on metabolism.

Black salt - It is a natural adsorbent, it acts approximately like activated carbon. It is recommended for severe poisoning. Black salt cleanses the body well, relieves flatulence and constipation. It has a mild laxative effect.

Black salt will be useful for people with heart disease, kidney problems, and abnormal (high) blood pressure. It has the ability to unload the liver. It is used as a means of preventing mineral deficiency.

Black salt improves appetite, sharpens vision. Mixed with natural honey it heals sore gums very well. With its use, the body will not retain water as much as with sodium chloride. it dietary productbecause black salt contains no calories.

It is also an anti-aging component cosmetics... Black salt can be added to face masks. It has a smoothing and tightening effect on the skin. This salt is used as an adjunct to the treatment of eczema and skin rashes.

I suggest watching a video on the benefits of black salt. Here you can see how it looks.

Using black salt

Black salt is baked with rye flour or bread. This results in a crumbly product with fine grains. This salt, in contrast to the usual, dampness less.

Thursday salt is less salty than table salt. She may have a special smell, similar to the smell egg yolks... When added to food, this smell soon disappears.

Black salt can be added to all dishes instead of regular salt. It is better to add it after cooking in ready meals, so it will be better preserved mineral composition... She goes to salads, side dishes, soups. You can add it and baked goods instead of plain salt.

This salt can be used for washing, added to foot baths to improve the skin of the feet. It will also be useful in face and neck cosmetics.

There are Indian, Himalayan and Japanese black salt, which have their own characteristics and recipes. Our black salt from Kostroma is produced both ground and pressed. Store it in a closed container in a cool place.

You can buy black salt in spice shops or in such supermarket departments (I have already said that it is sold here in Magnets and Auchan), or you can order it on the Internet. It is inexpensive, about 60 rubles.

With the help of black salt, you can get rid of the bad habit of over-salted food. The main thing here is to get used to the taste and slightly peculiar smell and to show healthy persistence.

The harm of black salt

Speaking about the benefits and harms of black salt from Kostroma, we will see that this is a pure and harmless product for humans. There are no scientifically proven facts about the dangers of Thursday salt. It is important to her moderate consumptionbut this applies to all known products.

If there is too much black salt, then side effects will be the same as with excessive consumption of food. Pressure may rise, blood vessels will strain, and heart and kidney malfunctions may occur. In case of an overdose of black salt, the liquid will stagnate in the body.

How to make quaternary salt at home

The easiest way to buy black salt is ready-made. But you can also cook it at home. Here are two recipes.

In the first recipe, for convenience, not rye flour is taken, but rye bread. You will need 150 g of rye bread, 150 g of table salt, 80 g of water, a teaspoon of coriander powder. Instead of the usual one, you can take chopped sea \u200b\u200bsalt.

Remove the crust from the bread and chop it into small cubes. Place them in a saucepan and cover with water. When the bread is soaked, achieve a homogeneous mass. Add crushed salt to the pan. Add coriander or your favorite spice. Mix the mixture well and place in a mold. Send to the oven at a temperature of 250 `C. After 10 minutes, take out the mass and break it into pieces. Send to the oven again and stir until the pieces turn black. In about 20-30 minutes, the bread will burn and you need to get it. Now it remains to grind it. The black salt is ready.

The second recipe differs in that kvass thick is used instead of bread. It is also mixed with salt and sent to the oven until it turns black. The fired mass is crushed and screened through a sieve. Your black salt will remain in the sieve.

Traditional old recipe with cabbage leaves. The outer leaves are taken, crushed and mixed with ordinary salt. Then the same mass goes into the oven or is calcined in a frying pan.

It is hardly possible to imagine cooking without the use of salt. We are already so used to it that we are not looking for a replacement for this seasoning, and even more so we don’t think about the origin of the product. However, over time, many variations of salt can be found in stores more and more often. The use of the stone we are accustomed to is becoming a thing of the past, and its more modern and useful variations come to replace it. In particular, this applies to a product such as black salt.


Black salt (benefits and harms are described below) is natural product... In fact, this is the same product that we use every day, only unrefined. This view Salt is mined in places where it contains a large amount of hydrogen sulfide or other similar substances. In most cases, it is of volcanic origin.

It is very difficult to find black salt in a store, since its popularity is significantly inferior to the usual table salt.

Despite the name, the color of the salt is still not entirely black, but rather reddish brown. This shade is obtained due to the presence in the composition of a certain amount of special substances - minerals and iron.

It is sold in several variations: pressed or ground black salt. It must be stored in a cool dry place. It is under such conditions that it will retain all its properties.

Ayurveda teachings

This product is obtained mainly in India, where it is quite popular and used in every family. According to Ayurveda (a fairly ancient medical science in India), then black salt combines both the elements of fire and the elements of water. And it is this combination that helps to normalize the functioning of the digestive organs and the human brain.

Chemical composition

Black salt, the benefits and harms of which are unequal, has a very specific composition, thanks to which it has salty taste and many useful properties. In terms of its characteristics, it partially resembles soy sauce... In particular, just like the sauce, it is rich in useful substancesthat have an effect similar to that of enzymes in the body, thereby improving the digestion process.

Despite all the useful properties, it cannot completely replace white salt (sea or table salt). This is due to a specific smell, which is somewhat reminiscent of the smell of yolk, which is hard-boiled. According to experts, this effect is associated with the presence of a certain amount of hydrogen sulfide in the black salt.

Also, the content of sodium chloride (the main source of which is table salt, which is why it is used) is much less. But thanks to this, the risk of salt deposits in the joints is also much lower when compared to the white salt that most people consume.

Improvement of the gastrointestinal tract

Black salt has found its application in many countries of the world as a seasoning for dishes, which is added during cooking or already in prepared dishes. Very often it is a component of multicomponent seasonings. And all this is due to its many beneficial properties.

Most of the beneficial properties of black salt have been confirmed by specialists. In particular, they argue that its use will help improve appetite, relieve the problem of excessive gas formation, and also almost completely relieve constipation. Black salt helps to avoid the consequences of poisoning, regardless of their severity. The composition of this seasoning contains such substances that affect the work of peristalsis, namely, they activate it, thereby showing their laxative properties.

General beneficial effect

It has black salt from Kostroma, the benefits and harms of which are unequal, and purifying properties. Many experts claim that it can rid the gastrointestinal tract of particles that have not been digested, as well as stagnant feces. In addition, this ingredient does an excellent job of stabilizing blood acidity, enhancing work immune system human, is used as a prophylactic agent against spasms in the organs of the digestive system. With the systematic use of black salt, you can achieve a significant decrease in the acidity of gastric juice (if it is excessively high).

By consuming this product every day, you can improve your work gastrointestinal tract, which will result in rejuvenation of the skin of the face and the whole body, elimination of the constant feeling of irritation, as well as the normalization of the functions of the central and peripheral nervous systems. And this will be the key to health and well-being.

Indications for use

In addition, black salt from Kostroma, the benefits and harms of which are unequal, or original indian seasoning must attend daily diet in the event that you quite often suffer from indigestion, dysbiosis, bouts of heartburn, recurrent depressive conditions, with deterioration of vision.

Since the content of sodium chloride in the composition of the product is significantly lower when compared with the usual cooking rock salt, the deposition of salts in the joints is almost completely excluded. Also, it does not cause a feeling of thirst and does not retain fluid in the body, which means that many kidney diseases can be avoided. However, with its abundant use, you can achieve a reverse reaction.

Potential harm of black salt

Despite its many benefits, black salt can also be harmful. This happens in most cases due to non-compliance with the rules of use or overdose. A large number of black salt taken in one go can cause diarrhea due to its laxative properties.

Despite the fact that the composition contains a small amount of sodium chloride, with overuse black salt, puffiness may occur, and also significantly increase arterial pressure... If the product is abused, the development of heart and kidney diseases can be provoked.

Black salt abuse can provoke:

  • increased pressure;
  • the formation of edema due to fluid retention in the body;
  • impaired renal function;
  • the development of heart failure;
  • increased stress on the heart and blood vessels.

How can black salt be used?

There are some rules and methods of using black salt with food, the knowledge of which will help to heal the body and avoid negative consequences:

  • To improve blood circulation, the use of a salt solution (1 tsp of the product for 1 tbsp of water) will help, which you need to drink 10-15 minutes before the first meal.
  • When respiratory diseases it is recommended to do inhalation with black salt. Such procedures will help get rid of the accumulated phlegm.
  • With inflammation of the tonsils, regular rinsing should be carried out.
  • Rinsing with black salt solution is also required for inflammation in the oral cavity, as well as in the presence of stale breath.
  • By consuming the product in tandem with tomato paste, the condition of hair and skin can be significantly improved.
  • You can use black salt not only as a seasoning or as a rinse solution. Replacing sea salt with it when taking a bath, you can tone the muscles and epidermis, restore work nervous system, as well as to solve the problem of dry skin of the face and body, irritations and relieve (and in some cases completely stop) pain from sprains or other injuries.
  • IN cosmetic purposes used for foot baths, especially after a hard day's work and prolonged physical exertion.

It is worth remembering that when using black salt inside, you need to clearly dose it. Daily rate should not exceed 20 g, otherwise unpleasant situations, which are described above, can be expected.

"Thursday" black salt

This name is given to salt, which is prepared by special recipe... This product was prepared in ancient times by our ancestors on the eve of Easter. As a rule, on Maundy Thursday or on Great Thursday (hence the name). For a long time it was believed that the recipe for making "Thursday" salt was lost, but the effort and time spent paid off, and the recipe was completely restored. This became possible due to the fact that some families to this day preserve the traditions of the clan, including the method of preparing "Thursday" salt.

Artificially prepared black salt should not be confused with naturally sourced salt. There are differences both in the composition of the products and in their appearance and properties. Black salt "Thursday" is always absolutely black. However, it can also be purchased in stores, since in the city of Kostroma this product is manufactured and packaged in compliance with all the rules of preparation according to the old recipe.

Ancient beliefs

Long since black salt has been endowed amazing properties, sometimes even supernatural. For example, it was believed that it can cure almost all diseases, as well as significantly accelerate the growth of plants (for this, salt crystals were dissolved in water and watered with such a liquid on the plant). They carried it with them and as a talisman, while pouring it into amulets. Used for love spells of a loved one, for washing (thus returning youth and freshness of the skin of the face).

Nevertheless, the main function was to improve the quality of food, and it was found in absolutely every home, regardless of the wealth of its owners.

Magical transformations

Modern doctors have long ceased to doubt the usefulness of the use of salt, called "Thursday". And there are many reasons for this. Thanks to a special way cooking, during which the molecular structure of the product changes dramatically, the qualitative composition of the salt is also transformed. With prolonged languishing in the oven, all harmful organic compounds that were in the original raw materials and other unnecessary impurities lose their bad properties and turn into useful elements... In particular, this applies to easily assimilated calcium, iodine, magnesium and iron. In addition, a certain amount of carbon appears in black salt, which is the smallest particles of coal (everyone knows the properties activated carbon) and remarkably cleanses the body of various toxins and harmful toxins, thereby completely healing the body and rejuvenating it.

"Thursday" salt: how to cook

You can prepare this product yourself. However, black salt from Kostroma is also found in the store quite often.

If you decide to make it yourself, before making black salt, make sure you have all the ingredients:

  • 150 g of black bread (it is better if it is Borodino);
  • 150 g of salt (sea or table salt);
  • 1 tsp cumin;
  • 1 tsp coriander, which must first be ground;
  • 70 g of water.

First of all, you need to properly prepare the bread. Cut off the crust and cut the crumb into small cubes. Pour the resulting pieces with water, then knead thoroughly, achieving a state of uniformity. Next, crush the salt, mix with the prepared bread and add seasonings. Transfer this mixture to a fireproof dish and put it in an oven (gas or electric, it does not matter), which must first be heated to a temperature of at least 230 degrees. Leave there for 10 minutes, then remove the form and break its contents. Put it back in the oven and wait until the mixture turns completely black. After that, the contents must be thoroughly grinded, and only now the "Thursday" salt has many useful properties.

During the process, smoke from burning bread will be released into the oven space, this is not very pleasant. Also be prepared for the black salt to take a long time to prepare.

Another feature

Black salt (how to cook, described above) differs from the usual cooking ability of crystals not to melt, but to crumble on the tongue, which can cause very extraordinary sensations, as well as the finest shades of taste. This is why this seasoning is becoming quite popular in expensive and trendy restaurants. By using it, you can solve two problems at once: to provide health care and satisfy the taste of a gourmet.

Each nation has its own traditions. In Russia, in the Kostroma province, black salt was prepared. Our ancestors believed that she had healing magical powers. By replacing ordinary salt with black, you will forever forget about seasonal diseases and vitamin deficiency. The use of black salt is the most easy way to good mood, health and vitality. What is black salt, how can it be prepared, what is its strength and benefits.

What is black salt

Store salt in glass jar or a canvas bag.

The recipe for making black salt in the oven in a city apartment

Nowadays, Russian stoves are already a rarity, so if you wish, you can cook black salt in the oven. Here's a very simple recipe. This recipe is suitable if you have a strong hood, there will be a lot of smoke and burning.

Mix well 150 grams coarse salt and 100 grams of rye flour. If there is no rye flour, then you can replace it with 3 slices of Borodino bread without crusts.

Add 70 grams of water and dilute everything until smooth, which you put on cast iron skillet and put in an oven preheated to 250 degrees.

It is baked with a pancake, which then needs to be broken and crushed.

If added when preparing mass spices - mint, oregano, lemon balm, you get Kostroma black salt.

The magical power of black (Thursday) salt

If you add in the preparation of a mass of herbs - wormwood St. John's wort thyme, you get magical black salt. Remember that wormwood cleanses the present, St. John's wort cleanses the past.

Black salt is usually made by women in the early morning of Maundy Thursday, saying: “From now on this salt is unusual, from now on this salt is black, protected and purified, the power in it lies a great two, powerful, invincible by no one, but not pierced by anyone forever and ever. Amen".

Such salt is a talisman of the house, protects those living in it from the evil eye, helps to resolve quarrels of loved ones.

Let the black salt shaker sit on your table. It will attract wealth and prosperity to your home.

If someone is sick in the house, then give some water to drink, diluting in it a few grains of black salt.

To keep your baby healthy, add a few grams of black salt to the bathtub.

Put black salt in bags and spread out in the corners of your apartment - removes negative people from your home.

Black salt cleanses green areas. Sprinkle black salt around the area. All the lining, all the negative thoughts of the neighbors will be neutralized.

Here are the wonderful properties possesses black (Thursday)

I hope this information was useful and interesting for you, my dear visitors. You learned what black salt is, how to make it at home, what its benefits are, and how to use it.

Black Thursday salt is a special product with many useful properties. It is harvested on Maundy Thursday, sanctified in church, and then used to strengthen health, attract love and prosperity, preserve youth and beauty.

Thursday salt differs from ordinary salt not only in its rich black color. It is special because it has healing and magical properties... Therefore, it is an ingredient in folk remedies, an attribute of white ceremonies and rituals.

Salt is harvested on Maundy Thursday, and then consecrated in the church. It is advisable to prepare a large supply so that it is enough for whole year... You can do it yourself, or you can purchase sacred salt at the church shop.

Classic cooking recipe:

  1. Salt is fried in a pan or placed in a Russian oven. Sometimes a little rye flour is added
  2. Then they wait until the mixture acquires a rich black color.
  3. After that, add a little kvass grounds, evaporate excess liquid (dried in the sun)
  4. Finally, black lumps are crushed with a wooden mortar.

To make the consecration ceremony even more effective, put some salt in a bag and go to church, read a prayer in front of the icons. And then keep this bag at home, in a secluded place.

Watch a video about quaternary salt:

Conspiracies and rituals

There are many plots using Thursday salt. Let's talk about the most common ones.

This conspiracy is read on Maundy Thursday morning. You need to pronounce the words three times. Pour the charmed salt into water, which then needs to be poured into the ground.

Another popular ritual is aimed at eliminating negative magical programs - damage or love spell. What do we have to do:

  • Prepare a weak saline solution: 5 g of salt per liter of water. Use only water taken from a natural source or melted water. Plumbing won't work.
  • Give the prepared mixture to drink to the person who has been bewitched or "spoiled". He should drain the salt water container completely within half an hour.
  • If after the ritual a person starts to feel sick, the ritual must be repeated the next day. Unpleasant symptoms are a sign that spoilage is leaving the body.

There is a very simple conspiracy from alcoholism - you have to wait until the alcoholic falls asleep, sprinkle salt on his body and say the magic words: “Vodka is bitter, just as people don’t salt it, so it will not bond you. Let it be so".

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For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

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