The composition of Indian curry seasoning, its properties and application with a photo, how to make it yourself and use it in various recipes. What is curry seasoning, what is it made of and how is it used

21.09.2019 Healthy eating

Today supermarket shelves are full of various products, including condiments. Everyone chooses to their taste and color. Each of them has its own characteristics and exquisite taste. Some go well with meat, while others go well with fish. In this article, we will look at curry seasoning, composition, benefits and harm that it can bring to the human body. She came to us from India, so she is unique in her taste and combination with individual dishes.

A little about the composition of the seasoning

Curry is composed of several spices. Their interesting combination ensures her popularity to this day. Thanks to the use of spices, you can make the dish not only delicious, but also delicious. Curry has a wide variety of ingredients.

Its main part is turmeric. In addition to her, there are also components such as coriander and cayenne pepper. It also contains fenugreek. These spices represent the base of the seasoning. Other components can join them. For example, to add an interesting taste and aroma, you can additionally add bay leaves, cloves, cinnamon, black pepper.

Curry Seasoning Benefits

One of its advantages is that the combination of various spices gives an interesting chemical composition. You can talk a lot about curry seasoning, its benefits for the body. For example, turmeric can help improve brain performance and can also be helpful in fighting tumors. Improving blood composition is also one of the beneficial properties of the seasoning.

Coriander has a choleretic effect. It also improves the functioning of the digestive system. If you regularly use curry in various dishes, you can achieve normalization of cholesterol levels in the blood environment.

Plus, it is great for people who want to lose weight. The components that make up the seasoning prevent the formation of adipose tissue, and also remove excess water from the body.

If you also add cumin to its composition, then the protective functions of the body will increase. Speaking about curry seasoning, the benefits and harms for humans, we can say that the former is much more. But, of course, everything should be consumed in moderation. Zira, if it is included, will help remove toxins. And this effect of the spice is very valuable. Since there are a lot of harmful products nowadays. Ginger, in turn, will improve blood circulation. Also, it is he who will help to cope with constipation. A lot can be said about curry seasoning, benefits and harms. But she has more positive characteristics. You will see this by reading the rest of the article.

Thus, each constituent component is rich in "useful things" for the human body. What option to add spices to choose is up to the person himself. Because the taste of your dish depends on this.

Where is curry used?

This seasoning refers to Someone uses it in all dishes. But it goes best with rice. It will give the product a yellowish color, and some varieties have a pungent taste. The peculiarity of curry is that it has a different composition of spices. In addition, it can also be used in the preparation of various sauces. They will be fragrant and distinctive.

The spice mix works well for chicken salads. You can also add curry to meat dishes and pasta with meatballs.

Curry (seasoning): properties

Spices, which are the main components, help to strengthen the human body, which regularly uses them in dishes. Curry has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-fungal effects. She also fights cancer well. Namely, it helps to reduce the growth of such cells. Curry has beneficial properties in improving memory and protecting against Alzheimer's.

In addition, the seasoning has an antioxidant effect. Thus, it slows down the aging process. If you regularly eat curry dishes, eczema and psoriasis will not be scary.

Salicylic acid in the seasoning gives an analgesic effect. Therefore, you can forget about migraines. Another spice promotes the production of endorphins. In this case, you will not remember the sadness.

Curry has helped people who would like to lose those extra pounds more than once. Thanks to its unique composition, fat in the human body is burned, and the secretion of bile increases. Moreover, digestion improves.

What is the harm

Some people can't eat a lot of spices. This time, while talking about curry seasoning, benefits and dangers, let's focus on the second point. Eating too much spice can lead to side effects and consequences. People with blood vessel disease and breast cancer are at risk.

Turmeric, along with its beneficial properties, increases bleeding in conjunction with medications.

During chemotherapy, curcumin interferes with an immunosuppressant drug used to treat breast cancer.

Also, curry should not be consumed by people who have kidney problems. Because turmeric increases oxalate levels. It is he who increases the risk of kidney stones.

Thus, the benefits and harms of curry do not correlate equally. Of course, despite the harm of the spice, it has much more advantages.

How should you choose and store a seasoning?

The moment you buy curry, pay attention to its ingredients. The main requirement for the seasoning is that the content contains the main 4 components, which were listed above.

You can also be guided by the smell when choosing a spice. It should be intense. The color of the seasoning, regardless of the expiration date, should have a bright color. The spice that has a tarnished shade should not be taken. And the curry must also be dry.

The seasoning is stored in a closed container in a dark place. It should not be exposed to sunlight. In the case when one of the constituent components is cumin, the shelf life of the seasoning will be exactly one year. After curry it will taste bitter. Self-prepared spice can be stored for about two months.

How to make a seasoning at home?

To make curries yourself, you will need foods such as coriander and turmeric seeds, cumin, chili peppers, mustard and garlic, salt, cloves, cinnamon and fenugreek. All ingredients are placed in a frying pan and fried until brown. The taste of an almost finished spice should be rich. After the prepared mixture is sent to a coffee grinder and ground. A stupa is also suitable in the absence of appropriate equipment.

Thus, in this article, having considered the curry seasoning, the benefits and harms to the human body, it is safe to say that it is not only a spice, but also a good way to promote health.

Curry, the oldest seasoning that began its history in India. There, not one dish can do without this spice. Curry is also used in Asia and in eastern countries. Curry is a mixture of spices, the amount of which may vary. But any variation contains curry leaves, turmeric and coriander. In Asia, the composition sometimes has up to twenty ingredients. There are no specific proportions, for example, in India the curry mix has its own recipe for each household. Curry goes well with meat dishes and rice, and it also serves as a base for sauces and gravies. Seasoning colors any dish in a beautiful yellowish tint and gives an unforgettable aroma.

Health benefits of curry:

Because of the extensive combination of ingredients, curry has a beneficial effect. The main component of turmeric has been subjected to numerous studies, during which scientists have come to the conclusion that it is capable of protecting the body from cancer cells. Turmeric protects the immune system and destroys harmful substances that slow down mental activity. Curry is also considered a dietary product that burns excess body fat. Ginger, which is often used in the herb, improves digestion when combined with other ingredients. In addition, curry helps to get rid of bronchitis, this is facilitated by fenugreek, which has expectorant properties. It is also often used in the production of bactericidal patches. Coriander, also found in curries, improves digestion and cures flatulence. It is believed to have a wide range of antimicrobial properties to help get rid of skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. The complex of ingredients has salicylic acid in the presence, which will help with migraines during attacks. Fenugreek, will improve liver function and bile outflow. Cinnamon relieves indigestion. And cumin will cope with painful sensations in the gastrointestinal tract, while eliminating the inflammatory focus. The seasoning has valuable properties for women, the vitamin A contained in it rejuvenates the skin, making it elastic. Classic blend, rich in phosphorus and zinc. The spice will strengthen bones and improve the condition of hair and nails, due to the large amount of calcium. It is worth noting that the beneficial properties of curry directly depend on the set of spices included in it.

Contraindications to the use of curry:

Any use of spices should be moderate. For people suffering from heart ailments, it is better to eliminate curry. An individual allergic reaction may occur to any component, but these are personal characteristics, and not the harm of curry. If there is internal bleeding, turmeric can increase the bleeding. Curry in large quantities can contribute to the formation of kidney stones. Also, this spice should not contain flavor enhancers and dyes, this is worth paying attention to when buying. Dosed use will have a tonic effect with health benefits.

Today, on the shelves of ordinary grocery stores, you can find a huge amount of a wide variety of goods, which a decade ago were simply “terrible” rarity, and it was almost impossible to get them. Now such products are actively used in almost every kitchen. Various seasonings designed to saturate ready-made dishes with an amazing aroma and add an interesting taste to them can be attributed to such popular and beloved products. Among such spices, curry (a seasoning that came to us from India) is far from the last place. Consider its composition, application, as well as what benefits and harms can be from curry to the human body when eaten.

Curry composition

In fact, curry is a mixture of several spices. And thanks to the amazing combination of ingredients, this seasoning is especially popular among Europeans. With its help, you can quickly prepare a delicious and very interesting dish.

There are several options for preparing curry, the composition of which, as a seasoning, can sometimes consist of more than twenty ingredients! But such a mixture is always based on curry leaves or fenugreek, turmeric, as well as coriander and red cayenne pepper.

In standard commercial production, curry also contains cumin or cumin for Europeans. If the seasoning is intended for Asian countries, ajgon is used, it is characterized by a more pungent taste.

Curry can also contain ginger and cinnamon, or clove or cardamom. Sometimes the spice includes various peppers, mint and basil, nutmeg, fennel and other ingredients.

Curry application

In our country, curry is used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. This spice is most often added to rice and vegetable stews. In addition, such a mixture can be used to prepare a wide variety of salads, especially with chicken and meat dishes. Curry is great for adding to meatballs, beef stroganoff, pasta and meat, and more.

The benefits of curry

All the condiments that make up curry are capable of benefiting the human body. So scientists from the University of Oregon (USA) came to the conclusion that the daily consumption of curry has a positive effect on the state of the immune system of our body.

British scientists argue that a number of components of this spice are capable of supporting chemotherapy sessions, because they perfectly help destroy cancer cells that do not die from the effects of drugs.

There is also evidence that eating curry at least once or twice a week can help prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

The main ingredient in curry is turmeric. It is able to prolong the life of brain cells by about seventy-five percent. This spice is the source of a significant amount of essential oils, it has pronounced antibacterial properties and helps cleanse the blood. It is believed that turmeric has a positive effect on the digestive processes and intestinal activity. Many experts attribute antibiotic properties to it. This spice has choleretic properties and is considered an excellent antioxidant.

Curry leaves - the second essential ingredient in the seasoning - are a source of huge amounts of essential oil. Such a substance is capable of helping in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. In addition, it is believed that eating it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair.
Curry leaves are excellent at stopping hair loss and are especially useful for people whose skin is prone to eczema and increased dryness. Also, such a component will ensure the active assimilation of the protein of cereals and beans by the body.

Coriander is another main ingredient in curry. This spice helps to cope with various tumor lesions, it relieves increased puffiness and helps to eliminate diarrhea. In addition, coriander is able to treat anemia, menstrual disorders. It is advised to take it for skin ailments, diabetes mellitus, and digestive disorders. Such a spice will be especially useful for the prevention of a variety of eye ailments.

As for cayenne pepper, it perfectly activates metabolic processes, prevents gas formation and improves intestinal activity. Also, such a product helps with diabetes mellitus and saturates the body with a significant amount of ascorbic acid. Its consumption will have a positive effect on the activity of blood vessels, activates the production of endorphins and protects against various kinds of toxins.

Additional components of curry also have many medicinal and prophylactic qualities. So cumin has an active anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antibacterial, carminative and antiseptic effect. Cinnamon has immunostimulating, expectorant and tonic properties.

Can curry be harmful?

Yes, as from everything earthly. So the main danger of curry, the use of which as a spice has been raised to the rank of "miracle remedy" is increased blood clotting. Therefore, it is better not to get carried away with such a spice if you have surgery. In addition, this mixture is not compatible with the intake of a number of medications, including aspirin, clopidogrel, warfarin and various anticoagulants. You shouldn't add curry to your food if you suffer from gallstone disease. In addition, keep in mind that any ingredient in such a seasoning can provoke allergic reactions.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

Curry is a mixture of spicy condiments. It is quite widespread throughout the world, but India is its homeland. There curries are cooked just before use, which gives this food supplement an even spicy and aromatic flavor. The taste of curry is not spicy, a little specific, so not everyone may like it.

Health benefits of curry

The main ingredient in curry is turmeric, a herb from the Ginger family that uses pounded roots and stems containing essential oils. Curry contains at least 30% turmeric. It has a pleasant spicy smell, a bitter, slightly astringent taste and a persistent yellow color that does not fade in the sun.

Known for the anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties of turmeric, it improves liver function. Especially useful is the addition of turmeric to meals rich in protein - by stimulating the digestive glands, it improves the digestion of proteins.

Research into the properties of curcumin, a substance derived from turmeric, has proven its ability to prevent cancer and fight Alzheimer's disease.

In addition to turmeric, curry seasoning includes a variety of other herbs, which may differ from curry manufacturer.

Cumin in curry, thanks to a set of essential oils, gives a pleasant and delicate flavor to the seasoning. It has anti-inflammatory, carminative, lactogenic, antispasmodic properties, facilitates the work of the kidneys and the digestive system, improves metabolism, skin condition. Thanks to cumin, the beneficial properties of curry have a positive effect on the course of gastritis, gallstone and urolithiasis.

Mustard seed promotes the absorption of fatty foods, as it enhances the formation of gastric juice, improves appetite, stimulates intestinal peristalsis with a tendency to constipation. The latter property of mustard seed is used to regulate the intestines, including the seed in gastric tea. Black mustard helps with arthritis and gout.

Cumin is very similar in appearance to cumin, but tastes completely different. It removes toxins from the body, normalizes the functions of the digestive tract, improves the functioning of vision and brain. When stored for more than a year, cumin becomes bitter and loses all its beneficial properties, therefore it is included in the curry recipe only when the seasoning is directly prepared.

Essential oils of coriander fruit in the seasoning give dishes a delicate and pleasant cooling smell and taste. Coriander has positively proven itself in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease - it eliminates pain and has an antiseptic effect. These properties made it possible to include coriander in the gastric and choleretic collection.

Ginger is added to curries both fresh and dry in powder form. It gives food a pungent flavor and has beneficial effects on digestion and circulation. So, ginger reduces gas formation, prevents constipation, improves appetite.

Due to fennel, curry has a sweetish flavor. It is added to this seasoning quite a bit, since in case of an overdose, it becomes predominant in the whole dish. Fennel enhances lactation and perspiration, and has carminative properties.

Black pepper gives food a hot, pungent taste. It is added in the form of peas or ground. This widely used supplement improves digestion and induces appetite. Sometimes other types of pepper are included in curry - Indian pippali, chilli, serrano.

Shambhala in grains gives food a bitter, spicy, sweetish taste, tones up and restores strength. Shambhala contains a lot of folic acid and vitamin E, it improves blood formation, strengthens hair and reduces weight. Hing gives the curry a spice.

Salt is added to the seasoning to preserve the rest of the seasoning. When preparing food, keep in mind that the curry already contains salt, and add it to the dish with this in mind. Traditional Indian cuisine is distinguished by the fact that more salt is added to the food than is usually recommended.

Eating curry

The main purpose of the seasoning is to improve the taste of food. The beneficial properties of curry help improve food digestion by stimulating the digestive glands.

There is no exact ratio of ingredients when making curries, and in India, the proportions are approximated when preparing the seasoning. But despite this, the aroma of curry cannot be confused with any other.

Curry is suitable for adding it to meat, fish, vegetable dishes and rice. Curry gives dishes an interesting golden hue. This seasoning perfectly complements the taste of pilaf, vegetable stews, chicken salad, pasta, meatballs, minced meat.

Caution in the use of curry is required for individual intolerance to the seasoning.

A wide selection of herbs and spices helps to turn any dish into a masterpiece. The benefits and harms of curry are determined by its special composition and peculiar taste. Coming from traditional Indian cuisine, the seasoning goes well with meat, fish and vegetables.

Composition and calorie content of curry

Curry is a mixture of individual ingredients that are individually beneficial, and has a very interesting composition:

  • turmeric - the main component;
  • coriander;
  • cayenne pepper;
  • caraway;
  • cardamom;
  • basil.

Curry recipes vary from region to region in India. Someone adds cinnamon or fenugreek to the main ingredients, somewhere they prefer a seasoning with the addition of mustard or fennel seeds. In any case, the benefits of the product do not diminish from this.

Important! 100 grams of the product contains 325 kcal.

Why curry is good for you

The indisputable useful properties of curry are determined by the components that make up it. It is thanks to them that it possesses certain properties. The exotic mixture is endowed with antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effects, is able to inhibit the development of infections and prevent bacterial attacks - this is its main benefit.

In addition, we can safely talk about the following useful properties:

  • turmeric in the composition of the product is beneficial to the brain, as it improves its performance;
  • coriander has a choleretic effect and stabilizes the digestive tract;
  • if you systematically add the spice to different dishes, then you can expect that the level of cholesterol in the blood will return to normal;
  • zira helps to remove toxins;
  • has the ability to cleanse the blood;
  • prevents the formation of toxins;
  • improves liver function due to the fact that it helps to eliminate inflammatory and toxic processes;
  • the antioxidant properties of the product help fight free radicals that cause the aging process - this allows you to fight such pathologies as psoriasis, eczema, acne;
  • salicylic acid, which is part, gives the spice an analgesic effect - this way you can get rid of migraines.

The beneficial properties have made this product in demand in Ayurvedic medicine.

Attention! Keep in mind that curry will have many health benefits if used correctly. Otherwise, the body may be harmed.

Is curry good for weight loss?

Spicy products from India are known to many as a good way to lose weight. This is primarily due to its ability to reduce appetite and cope with hunger. In addition, the benefits of curry boil down to improving bile secretion and the ability to burn fat. Exotic spice improves metabolic processes and intestinal motility.

When using curry for weight loss, you shouldn't worry about its high calorie content. The fact is that a substance endowed with healing properties is used for cooking dishes in minimal quantities. In such volumes, it is not capable of causing harm.

During weight loss, this unique blend can be a worthy alternative to salt. Unlike the latter, a useful spice does not retain fluid in the body, but rather, on the contrary, has the ability to remove excess water from the body.

The use of curry in cosmetology

Useful properties are widely used in cosmetology.

Curry face masks

It is widely used for the preparation of masks that help narrow pores and reduce the secretion of subcutaneous fat. It also has a whitening effect, helping to cope with freckles and age spots.

  • For combination and oily skin, you can prepare the following mask: 0.5 table. tablespoons of yogurt are mixed with 1 teaspoon of curry. The resulting mixture is applied to the face. After 10-15 minutes everything needs to be washed off.
  • You can improve the condition of oily skin with the following composition: 1 teaspoon of curry mixed with the same amount of honey. Apply the mixed mass to a homogeneous consistency on the face for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.

Curry hair masks

Apply curry for hair growth. Remedies with exotic spices nourish the bulbs well. There are known cases of using curry from gray hair.

Mask for normal hair

A mixture is prepared from 1 table. honey, 1 teaspoon aloe juice, 1 teaspoon castor oil, 0.5 teaspoon curry. The resulting mass is mixed and applied to the curls. Leave on for 20 minutes, then wash off with water and shampoo.

For oily and normal hair

You need to take 1 teaspoon of honey, lemon juice, aloe and mix with grated garlic clove and 0.5 teaspoon of curry. The resulting mass is applied to the hair and washed off after 20 minutes using shampoo.

Where to add curry for flavor

Curry goes especially well with fish, meat and vegetables. If you add it to rice, then it will give it an unusual shade and pleasant taste. You can add a spicy mixture while marinating the chicken, there will be no harm from this. Meat salads, soups and stews will also go well with a healthy spice.

It can also be used as a component in the manufacture of various sauces. You can flavor drinks and desserts.

Comment! In many countries curry is called "seasoning of longevity". And this is no coincidence: the valuable component is endowed with an impressive list of useful properties.

How to make curry dressing at home

Curry spice, the benefits and harms of which are already well understood, can be prepared at home.

To do this, you need to stock up on:

  • 3 pcs. chili peppers;
  • coriander and turmeric seeds - 1 table each. spoon;
  • 2 tsp cumin;
  • 2 tsp fenugreek;
  • 1 tsp mustard;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 pcs. carnations;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon.


  1. All ingredients are fried in a dry skillet over low heat until they acquire a brown hue and a pleasant aroma.
  2. Then they are ground in a coffee grinder or mortar.

It is better to apply the resulting mixture immediately. But if you get a lot, you can pour it into a glass jar with a tight lid and put it in a dark place. Storage duration is no more than 6 months.

The harm of curry and contraindications to use

Despite its many useful properties, curry can be harmful in some situations. As a rule, this applies to cases of individual intolerance or allergic reaction to the constituent components.

In order to avoid harm, you should refrain from using healthy seasoning:

  • women undergoing breast cancer treatment;
  • patients with impaired renal function;
  • have had a heart attack or stroke;
  • people with pathologies of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the harm can be done to patients with obstruction of stones in the gallbladder.

Curry strongly affects the process of hematopoiesis, in particular, it can slow down blood clotting. Therefore, patients with hemophilia must exercise caution.

People taking blood-thinning medications should limit the use of this hot treat. If you use a spicy product in large quantities, then there is a high risk of provoking internal bleeding.

How to choose and store curries

  • When buying a spicy mixture, first of all, you should pay attention to the components. Everyone can choose the option that suits him best. The main thing is that there are 4 main ingredients: turmeric root, coriander, cayenne pepper, fenugreek. Only in this case can you count on undeniable benefits.
  • The color of the purchased products should be bright and saturated. A tarnished version should not be taken.
  • Buy only dry product.

Store in an airtight container away from direct sunlight. The mixture prepared at home is recommended to be consumed within 2 months.


The benefits and harms of curry are well understood. Possessing a bright, rich taste and unique aroma, it is endowed with many useful properties. This valuable product has found application not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. Masks with this product are used for hair growth and facial skin improvement.