Who quit drinking beer. I drink beer every day - how to quit? Consequences of drinking beer

22.04.2019 Healthy eating

The question of how to quit drinking beer often arises in both men and women when most of them can no longer imagine their daily leisure without a couple of liters of foamy drink. Much has been said about the dangers of its frequent use and the negative consequences of beer alcoholism: the stomach and liver, brain and heart, kidneys and other important internal organs suffer.

A huge "beer" belly, dysfunction of the hormonal system, both in adolescents and adults, inflammation or poisoning with cobalt (foam stabilizer) - these are common consequences of love for an intoxicated antidepressant.

Myths and misconceptions

In the world of modern advertising, where you can see on TV several times a day how young people enjoy quenching their thirst with a cold foamy drink, the question of how to quit drinking beer has become especially relevant. This problem is exacerbated by the widespread myth that a low-alcohol drink is completely harmless, its effect on the body is much lighter compared to a glass of vodka or brandy. Therefore, many people take such an illusion for granted. In fact, this addiction also destroys the body, destroys families, due to which not only the drinker himself suffers, but also his relatives. Few people think that 2-3 bottles of beer contain a dose of alcohol equivalent to 0.5 bottles of vodka! Beer alcoholism is an insidious ailment, if at the beginning a person quenches his thirst with one or two glasses of beer, then soon the number of cans and bottles of foamy drink consumed begins to grow exponentially. It has been noticed that a painful addiction to beer develops 4-5 times faster than to strong drinks.

Due to the fermentation process, beer as a source of vitamins is practically useless. In order to receive daily rate vitamin B1, you need to drink 10 liters of intoxicating potion! Thickening of the heart muscle and a lack of potassium threaten foam drinkers with problems with the cardiovascular system. The destruction of brain cells is especially dangerous for adolescents, since just one can of beer can cause the death of several thousand brain cells. Stimulating the production of estrogen is dangerous not only for men, but also for women.

The body, receiving hormones from the outside, gradually stops synthesizing them, which leads to disruptions in the reproductive sphere. If we take into account the availability, relative cheapness and prevalence of the intoxicated drink, people quickly get used to it of different ages and gender, different social status and region of residence, the cry from the heart: "I want to quit drinking beer!" - can occur in any person who has realized his dependence on the foam "soothing". About this and speech will be in the article.

How to quit drinking beer on your own: talking honestly

Let's figure it out. The most difficult stage for a person before quitting drinking beer is a serious conversation with oneself. Few people manage to do this with an open mind, calmly and without unnecessary emotions. Even realizing the problem, many lovers of gatherings with a bottle of beer try to convince themselves that there is nothing wrong with an addiction to a drunken drink. But the facts suggest otherwise.

Therefore it is necessary to choose optimal ways quit drinking beer just for you: radical, when once you quit drinking it, you will need to follow the rule all your life, or gradual, in which first the dose is reduced, and then sometimes, in order of encouragement or for festive table, you will allow yourself one (!) glass of foamy drink. It is very good if the companion supporting the decision is one of your friends or relatives, and in advanced cases, a specialist (narcologist).

What to expect

Oddly enough, treating ailments associated with excessive beer consumption is not the most difficult stage on the path to a healthy lifestyle. If a person quits drinking beer, the consequences are most often expressed in his psychological problems. What to do with the megamount of free time that has appeared out of nowhere?

How to build relationships with numerous friends with whom you whiled away the evenings after work for intoxicating conversations? How to resist the endless advertising of beer and the imposed stereotypes that you will be successful and attractive using the foamy potion? Last but not least, how to relieve stress by giving up your usual soothing and relaxing drink?

Method one: completely stop drinking beer

Some people find it more acceptable because in the fight against beer alcoholism, they do not welcome the appearance of temptations: non-alcoholic beer or drinking one glass on holidays. Having given up once from this bad habit, they no longer indulge themselves with an intoxicated drink. But for this method you need a lot of willpower, serious motivation and support from a large number of people around you. Usually, those who want to radically abandon drinking beer make up a two-stage program.

Stage one

Having admired your reflection in the mirror, you need to decide whether it is true that beer makes people more attractive and more successful, or is it just a marketing ploy? Then you need to find supporters and allies among loved ones and true friends. You can turn to them with the words: "Help to stop drinking beer." Relative people will always help, and for friends these words will serve as a test: if they take them seriously, then they are real friends, if not, then they are just drinking companions.

Stage two

You need to make a plan. First, cleanse the body of toxins. For advice, you can contact a dietitian or therapist. Secondly, in the future, it is imperative to adhere to a balanced diet with sufficient calories, a healthy regimen and regular physical activity... You need to find a suitable hobby for yourself, in which you can meet many like-minded people: collecting, visiting theaters, museums, exhibitions, ship modeling or sewing, knitting or making ceramics - a hobby that brings pleasure.

Be sure to include any sports, bowling, fitness, body flex or other breathing exercises, aerobics, walking, active games on fresh air, yoga, cycling, swimming, kayaking, and any kind, choose from a variety of other useful workouts that will help you return to perfect body lines. There is an opinion that it is possible to gain weight as a result of giving up beer, but this is false. In reviews, you can often find the statement how a person quit drinking beer and lost weight. If you stick to healthy eating, while spending calories in the gym, and not eating high-calorie buns, fast food and sugary sodas instead of beer, then very soon you will notice positive changes: puffiness will disappear, the skin will tighten, muscles will strengthen, and the silhouette as a whole will look more attractive.

Method two: gradual reduction in the amount of beer consumed

Not everyone can stand the word given to himself: never touch the intoxicating potion. How to stop drinking beer for a person who wants to give up drinking a foamy antidepressant on weekdays, but leave the opportunity occasionally, on weekends or holidays, to pamper himself with one or two glasses of his favorite drink?

What drug therapists say

A firm decision to get rid of alcoholism will help reduce pathological dependence on beer. It should be remembered that a person who gradually reduces the amount of consumed drink will be tempted to drink more "for the mood" every time he kisses the glass. In order to control yourself, in addition to the measures described above, it is necessary to draw up a schedule for getting rid of cravings for beer. First, set a specific date before you can stop drinking beer. It usually takes three to six months to get rid of beer alcoholism. For example, a person decided to give up the habit of relieving stress with beer in six months. We divide 6 months into 6 stages and divide the amount of beer drunk by 6. Then it is necessary to build a graph of reducing the consumption of the foamy drink, monthly subtracting the figure from the previous result. Let's say today a person needs 3 liters of beer to relieve fatigue. This means that by the end of 1 month we reduce the volume to 2.5 liters (3 liters-3000 ml: 6 \u003d 2.5 liters), the second: 2.5 liters-0.5 liters \u003d 2 liters; third: 2L-0.5 \u003d 1.5L and so on.

-the goddess of beauty

Female beer alcoholism has a special "face" - features that are inherent exclusively in the fairer sex. This is a smaller dose of intoxicating potion, and an early loss of control over the amount drunk, the appearance of mental abnormalities. Moreover, a woman, faced with a disease caused by beer alcoholism, does not stop drinking the foamy drink! However, there is a reason for supporters of drunken get-togethers that they are ready to give up beer forever: this is a serious motivation. The appearance in the life of a loved one, the chance to give birth to a healthy child and many other events significant for a woman can become a starting point for giving up beer.

Often the desire to become much more attractive: stop sweating, eliminate bags under the eyes, acquire healthy color face, eliminate the problems of shortness of breath, puffiness and cellulite, palpitations, and, finally, achieving peace and harmony in the family, happiness for loved ones and relatives becomes the main trigger (triggering hook) that taboo the momentary craving for a foamy drink.

In conclusion…

The strongest, but surmountable, desire to drink haunts a person for several months. Then it fades away. But it must be remembered that for "former" beer alcoholics, drinking beer potion even on holidays can cause a breakdown. The fact is that metabolic disorders in the tissues of the brain are irreversible, the reaction to alcohol intake in any amount in such a person will be identical to that which was before the refusal. Draw your life in a beer-free future, where you will become a successful, attractive, busy, interesting and radiating health person! And follow your plan!

Constant stress, nervous tension and fatigue have become constant companions of life modern man... It is not good to accumulate negativity in yourself, so the question arises of how to get rid of the emotional burden collected during the day. And a bottle of beer comes in handy. A low-alcohol drink perfectly quenches thirst, relaxes, and improves mood. And the person does not notice how strongly he is addicted to the malt product. Imperceptibly the glass grows into a whole bottle, that into two, and soon the body begins to persistently demand its 2 liters every day.

Doctors state that the addiction to beer occurs 3-4 times faster than to vodka. And the main danger in beer alcoholism, although not all doctors agree with this definition, is the refusal of people to recognize the problem. What addiction can there be if no one gets drunk, does not suffer from a hangover, does not skip work? Drinkers assure their loved ones that they are absolutely adequate and in control of their behavior. However, already the first symptoms indicate the opposite:

Beer and the gastrointestinal tract

Although alcohol in low alcohol is not 40%, it is still present. Depending on the variety, the strength of the drink can reach 10-14%. And this already equates a bottle of beer with 50-100 g of vodka. If you use foam every day, then fusel oils, aldehydes, methanol and other fermentation products will irritate and poison the mucous membrane, preventing proper digestion. As a result, gastritis, ulcers, heartburn and problems with stools, which can manifest itself as a general weakening of the body, decreased performance, depressed mood, a metallic taste or a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, heaviness under the spoon.

If every day, regularly drink one bottle of beer or more, a person is provided with liver problems. Using all its resources to neutralize alcohol, this organ becomes defenseless against poisonous and potent substances. Therefore, those who regularly drink beer are more prone to inflammation, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver than others. The diuretic effect of the foam increases the load on the kidneys by 2-3 times. Polyuria or increased urination is familiar to anyone who drinks an intoxicated drink. The problem is that along with water, important macro- and microelements, in particular, potassium, vitamin C and magnesium, are washed out of the body. Their deficiency is fraught with weakness in the legs, heart rhythm disturbances, decreased immunity, irritability, and sudden mood swings. With prolonged exposure to alcohol, there is a risk of renal vascular sclerosis, renal infarction, or renal hemorrhage.

Why is it dangerous to drink beer regularly

The ability of beer to be quickly absorbed into the bloodstream leads to the fact that the vessels instantly overflow. If a person drank malt hops every day for an extended period, they develop varicose veins and the so-called nylon stocking or bovine heart syndrome. The organ becomes flabby, becomes overgrown with fat, as a result, blood pressure rises, arrhythmia, shortness of breath occur, and the risk of developing coronary heart disease and death after a stroke significantly increases.

But the list of reasons to stop drinking alcohol does not end there either. Beer contains a plant analogue of the female hormone progesterone, obtained from hop cones. It is its presence that gives the drink its characteristic bitter taste. The systematic use of additional hormones by each person disrupts work endocrine system... In men, the action of progesterone suppresses testosterone production. Therefore, the amount of hair on the face and body decreases, the mammary glands increase, and muscle mass, fat is deposited on the hips and waist, the timbre of the voice changes. Beer directly affects the quantity and quality of sperm, causing impotence, prostatitis and infertility.

In women who regularly drink an intoxicated drink at the end of the day, their voice coarsens, dark hairs appear above the upper lip, facial swelling is often observed in the morning and excess weight... Development possible gynecological diseases, infertility. Continuous use a large amount of beer changes a person's character. Aggression, stupidity, anger, laziness and deceit come to the fore. Alcohol also has an extremely negative effect on the brain: coordination of movements is disturbed, problems with speech arise, memory deteriorates up to its complete loss, dementia develops.

A glass of drink occasionally cannot harm your health, however, if drinking beer has become a habit, the rejection of which causes significant discomfort, there is a serious beer addiction. And to preserve your own health, family and the nerves of loved ones, you should seriously think about it, every evening. In fact, one volitional decision is enough to get rid of addiction. However, it will require significant sacrifices and tremendous endurance from the person, because the habit developed over many days is in no hurry to give up its positions. Therefore, we will focus on less radical and stressful ways to stop drinking alcohol every day.

Awareness is a Prerequisite to Stop Drinking

  1. If you are extremely reckless, argue with loved ones for a significant amount that you will quit drinking. This is a very significant motivation that will stimulate the beer withdrawal process.
  2. You can get yourself a piggy bank to store the money you usually spend on alcohol. The savings, and they are usually quite significant, can be pampered.
  3. It is very good if you find yourself a hobby, preferably active or even extreme. The adrenaline rush, vivid emotions and euphoria from your own courage far exceed the pleasure of beer. Do not forget to add fitness improvement and new acquaintances to the above.
  4. If the bottle was part of an evening news-watching ritual, try replacing it with fruit, seeds, or vegetable snacks.
  5. Remember to praise yourself for your endurance and willpower.
  6. Feel free to look into your future. After all, the decision to stop drinking will save a person from many diseases, moral degradation and loneliness. A person has the right to be proud of his choice.
  7. If none of the above helps, contact a specialist (narcologist or psychologist). This is a responsible and courageous act, in which there is nothing shameful.

Thank you for your feedback.


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Did anyone manage to save your husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying out, I don't know what to do ((I thought about getting a divorce, but I don't want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, so he's a great person when he doesn't drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he does not drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    And this is not a divorce? Why are they selling on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their own extra charge. In addition, payment only after receipt, that is, first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to televisions and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonia, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is really not sold through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. To date, you can order only on official website... Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I did not notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine for sure if the payment is on receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

The history of making and drinking beer goes back several millennia. It was made in ancient China and Sumer, Egypt and Greece. The Novgorod birch bark letters keep references to him. Beer was brewed from wheat and barley, rye and millet, rice and fruits. In medieval Europe, monks significantly advanced brewing technology, introduced hops into the recipe.

In modern Russia, beer consumption, according to various estimates, ranges from 30 to 40 percent of the total amount of alcohol (in volume pure alcohol). In recent years, there has been a positive trend in our country to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed, including beer. Increasingly, people are looking for an answer to the question: "If I drink beer every day, how to quit?"

What is beer

Beer is an alcoholic beverage in which ethyl alcohol is formed during the fermentation of wort (a specially prepared aqueous solution of plant materials or malt). Requirements for raw materials, physical and chemical indicators and technologies for beer production are subject to regulation by the system of national and interstate standards.

The standards in force in Russia indicate that ethyl alcohol should not be added when brewing beer. The volumetric alcohol content of beer ranges from 2 to 8 percent. The so-called "non-alcoholic beer" also contains alcohol, but its share does not exceed 0.5%. Thus, it is quite appropriate to ask the question: "How much beer can you drink without harm to your health?"

What does official medicine say?

Drinking alcoholic beverages is an integral part of European culture. Different peoples have developed stable drinking traditions associated with all kinds of rituals and ceremonies, as well as with everyday gastronomic habits. On the other hand, medical research indicates that alcohol is definitely harmful to the human body. In order not to rush to extremes, she proposed the so-called permissible norms for the use of alcoholic beverages.

These norms used the concept of a standard dose of alcohol, which was 10 grams. On average, this corresponded to 250 ml of beer. It was considered acceptable to consume alcohol no more than twice a week in the amount of up to 2 doses per day. If, for example, more than 40 grams of alcohol a day, then it was considered harmful. It would seem that the answer to the question: "Can I drink beer?" - received. However, due to the increasing incidence of alcoholism and alcohol-related illness, the WHO European Committee has made recommendations to reduce alcohol consumption. At the same time, the thesis was put forward that it cannot be in principle. What caused such a radical approach?

How excessive beer consumption affects the heart

Beer contains substances that cause a relaxing intoxicating effect. Therefore, regular consumption of beer leads not only to alcohol addiction, but also to its perception as a sedative. Someone might say, "So what? I drink beer every day!" The consequences of this attitude can be dire. After a certain time, without beer, it becomes difficult to calm down and relax. The frequency of use and the amount of the drink consumed are growing, alcoholic excesses occur. First of all, the cardiovascular system is hit.

Beer is quickly absorbed by the body, creating the effect of filling the blood vessels. After several years of regular beer consumption, varicose veins develop, arrhythmia develops, and the risk of coronary artery disease increases. The heart itself becomes flabby, its walls coarse and thicken.

There is a term " beer heart"is an enlarged heart syndrome observed on x-ray examination, which over time can lead to heart failure and, as a result, an increase in the likelihood of death from stroke.

Other organs

The beer contains fermentation elements. Together with alcohol, they form an aggressive irritant to the digestive tract. There is a supersaturation with carbon dioxide, the stomach is significantly stretched. The effect is " beer belly". The mucous membrane degenerates, digestion worsens. The pancreas is impaired. There is a danger of chronic alcoholic gastritis.

The gradual accumulation of alcohol has a damaging effect on the liver. Experts point out the danger of hepatitis, which can be latent.

Excessive drinking of beer has an equally dangerous effect on the kidneys. They start to work at high loads. Washed out from the body important micronutrients... The water and acid-base balance is disturbed. The kidneys themselves shrink over time.

In women, drinking too much beer for several years has an increased risk of developing breast cancer.

All this inevitably suggests: "I drink beer every day ... How to quit?"

Features of the impact of beer on men

Many people like to drink beer in the evening after work. The benefits and harms for men of this habit, of course, depend on the regularity and amount of consumption of the drink. Medicine strongly recommends minimizing the intake of any alcohol, including beer.

Men who regularly drink more than 0.5 liters of beer per day experience a decrease in the production of male hormones over time. The raw materials used in the preparation of beer contain substances that are analogs of female sex hormones. When they enter the male body in excess, they cause changes in the work of the endocrine system. Feminization of the male body begins. Outwardly, this manifests itself in an increase in fat reserves on the hips and sides, an increase in the mammary glands, and an expansion of the pelvis. There is a decrease in sexual function and sexual desire. And if we take into account the weight gain that is inevitable with frequent consumption of beer, it becomes obvious that it is necessary to find an answer to the question: "How is beer in the evenings?"

The phenomenon of beer alcoholism

There is an opinion that alcoholism is a disease associated with the use of strong alcoholic beverages. “Is drinking beer every day alcoholism? liquid bread! "- so, unfortunately, foam lovers think.

Many consider beer to be a harmless, relaxing drink. It is widely advertised, relatively affordable, and has a low cost. Its use does not require any reason or the creation of a special setting for a feast. It is the everyday routine that creates the prerequisite for an uncritical attitude to the quantity and regularity of beer consumption, contributes to the formation of mental and physiological dependence. The taste and soothing properties of beer do not create the proper motivation to fight the attraction to it, as, for example, in cases of excessive consumption of vodka. Instead of saying to himself: "I drink beer every day! How to quit?", A person imperceptibly loses will and vigilance.

Meanwhile, regular consumption of beer is accompanied by a gradual increase in the amount of ethyl alcohol entering the body. Alcoholic toxins gradually accumulate in the cells, the depth of poisoning increases. As a result, after some time, beer alcoholism develops, which very often becomes chronic. Anyone who has been drinking 3 liters of beer every day for a long time needs to be treated by a narcologist.

Features of the fight against beer alcoholism

Beer alcoholism is classified as severe alcoholism. The problem is aggravated by the fact that victims themselves rarely seek help from a narcologist or psychiatrist. As a rule, they are patients of cardiologists, complain of kidneys, liver and stomach. But the root cause of all these disorders is precisely the excessive consumption of beer, which has developed over time into a stable addiction.

Such people need to be persuaded to undergo addiction treatment because they do not consider themselves alcoholics. Important role in this belongs to loved ones. If you begin to notice that your husband has started drinking more than one liter of beer every day, gets annoyed in the absence of it, has a beer belly, cannot relax without a bottle of foam, it's time to take drastic measures. Of course, it is best to immediately contact a specialist. But sometimes, for various reasons, it is very difficult to persuade a person to go to a narcologist.

How to help a loved one

First of all, the problem needs to be voiced. For such a conversation, you need to carefully prepare. Study the articles, find the right moment. It is necessary to focus attention not on a complete ban on drinking beer - the benefits and harms for men of drinking beer should be explained in detail in the context of the inadmissibility of too frequent drinking.

You need to find out the beer. Try planning your next weekend or after work together. Change your surroundings, take time with something interesting. If health permits, you can try to do sports together. If it's about company, you need to come up with a reason to meet with beer lovers less often. If the situation has gone far, you need to create motivation to visit the doctor. It can be positive, related, for example, to the tasks of self-improvement, improving health and family relationships. You can also apply negative motivation associated with possible losses in case of continuing such a lifestyle.

How to help yourself

If at some point you felt that the usual bottle of beer no longer brings the same pleasure, if, waking up in the morning with a heavy head and a swollen face, you thought: “I drink beer every day - how to quit?”, Then the time has come, without delay , to begin a new life! The main thing is to create the necessary psychological attitude and make a volitional decision to follow a new way of life. After all, everything becomes boring over time, and beer is no exception. Of course, it is difficult to immediately give up the usual drink. But you can try to introduce a certain ritual of drinking beer, for example, only on weekends and no more than a glass for a specially prepared dish.

It is important to think over the means of self-control, all kinds of motivators. You may be able to find good reasons for yourself why you should give up alcohol altogether. For example, buying a car or wanting to devote more time to your family. You need to understand that it is not a bottle of beer that should govern your life, but yourself.

If you feel that you are not coping with the situation, see your doctor. Do not hesitate to ask for help in the fight against your addiction, until it has caused irreparable harm to your health and life.

What difficulties may arise

If you are enough for a long time regularly consumed beer, be prepared in case of refusal to face some problems. You need to understand that alcohol consumption generates physiological and psychological dependence. This is especially true of beer, as drinking it has a relaxing and slightly dulling effect.

Possible troubles can be conditionally divided into psychological problems and physiological disorders in the work of organs. You will have to give up many habits, change to learn how to cope with mood swings. At the same time, in connection with the cessation of the flow of alcohol into the body, insomnia, tremors of the limbs, headaches and muscle pains may occur. All this will have to be overcome by an effort of will. In the event that the situation is serious and neglected, the refusal of alcohol should take place under the supervision of a doctor and accompanied by medical assistance.


For all the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption, it is nevertheless necessary to admit that beer is not to blame for the fact that some people consume it too often and too much. Beer is delicious and in a way useful productif you treat it with proper understanding.

Studies have shown that beer contains a lot useful microelements and vitamins. Some experts argue that with moderate and occasional beer consumption, it can have a positive effect. Do not discount the gastronomic traditions of a particular area. But the problem is that the answer to the question of whether you can drink beer and how much you can drink is purely individual. And if you take it responsibly, you can always make the right, independent choice.

In this article, I will present a specific plan. Let's dispense with general phrases. I will give you step-by-step instructions on what exactly you need to do to stop drinking beer once and for all.

I'll make a reservation right away, the article is given personally my opinion, and personally my beliefs on this topic. And they may disagree with the opinion of the majority, but this does not mean at all that these beliefs are not true.

On the contrary, thanks to these principles, I myself gave up drinking beer every day. And at the moment I have not been drinking for more than 3 years, although I have been pouring beer with a bang for more than 10 years almost every day.

I think this fact deserves that you read the article to the end and try to glean valuable information for yourself.

I've also written about how to quit drinking beer in my other articles:

So, let's get down to business right away.

Is beer a weak alcohol?

Many people justify their drinking by considering beer to be a weak drink.

The fact that you drink beer, and not vodka, for example, or cognac, does not justify or protect you in any way.

If a beer is a low alcohol drink, does not yet say that you cannot form a strong one!

And the main reason why it is difficult to quit drinking beer every day is precisely because beer is considered to be light drink... There is a false assumption that beer cannot form an addiction to us.

Guys, beer really destroys the psyche. And your denial of this fact only makes it easier to continue this destruction.

I discussed this issue in detail in another article. I advise you to read at your leisure.

The volume of beer consumed

Answer honestly: Personally, can you have a glass of beer and stop?

Can you limit yourself to one bottle of beer and say "stop" to yourself?

I think the answer is no. I couldn't either.

It's all about quantity. Beer is drunk much more than other drinks: we drink liters of it. Therefore, beer can compete with any alcoholic beverage in terms of the development of addiction.

A person who sees 4% in beer and 40% in vodka forgets to multiply this by the amount drunk. I will not do arithmetic, consider yourself, but the meaning, I think, is clear. The final numbers will be comparable.

And 5 bottles of beer or 5 glasses of wine will be equivalent to half a bottle of vodka.

Awareness of this fact make you think that it's time to quit drinking beer every day.

A master of excuses. Why do I drink beer.

There are many other excuses that keep us from quitting beer every day.

If at one time there was a nomination “ Master of Beer Excuses 2016", I would definitely take first place on it.

How do you justify drinking beer every day?

Make your list of excuses " why i drink beer”And kill every excuse in your own head.

As long as there is at least one deceitful benefit in your brain that you think you get from the frothy infusion, you will not be able to quit drinking beer every day.

This is what my list of excuses looked like.

TOP excuses. Why do I drink beer.

  1. Beer helps me to rest
  2. Beer relaxes and makes me more fun
  3. Beer helps relieve stress after a working day,
  4. Beer has fun with friends
  5. The beer is delicious
  6. Beer is very weak alcohol and dependence cannot be formed on it,
  7. I drink beer, not vodka, so I can't have any problems,
  8. Beer makes me happy.

I gradually destroyed these excuses. It was not easy to do because they seem so righteous that it seems absurd to question them.

They seem fat pluses, abandoning which, it seems that your life can become meaningless. But this is a mirage that breeds fear that we continue to believe in.

Your own excuses for why you can't stop drinking beer every day are a powerful weapon that alcohol uses against you.

While you say " It's not about me. I have no problem with beer", Alcohol continues to successfully capture your psyche abroad, cooler than Hitler with his Barbarossa plan. You and only you voluntarily open doors for him to your fortress.

If you have moved at least one brick in your own beliefs, then read on. Then more discoveries will come.

If not, you better close the site, in your case self-deception turned out to be much stronger than I thought.

  1. The addiction management center within us

Now you do not choose how much and when you will drink beer.

Addiction chooses when and how much you drink beer. The psyche has long been controlled not by you, but by addiction.

I know it sounds like gibberish, but it is.

The longer you deny your underlying beer problems, the harder it is to quit drinking beer.

You notice that in sobriety:

  • the colors of life darken
  • inexplicable constant fear appears,
  • feeling anxious
  • it fetters your vital activity.

Truth is not always pleasant, but it resonates in your soul. You understand that, his mother, that's the way it is. And maybe this is what made you look for an answer to the question, what is happening to me? And how to finally stop drinking beer every day?

Surprise after you quit drinking beer every day

The second step is to learn to recognize the triggers of drinking beer. They make you drink over and over again.

With special force, these symptoms begin to act only through 4-7 days after you quit drinking beer. Such a delayed effect in time prevents you from seeing a direct connection between a shitty mood and the fact that you drank beer 7 days ago.

The existence of such explains why a person who drinks beer cannot abstain for more than one or two weeks.

If with incredible difficulty you manage to hold out longer than this period, the psyche will still sooner or later force you to go to the store and buy beer again.

I wrote in more detail in a separate article about. This is a kind of instruction on how to remove withdrawal symptoms.


  1. Try not drinking beer for a while;
  2. You will soon see how your own psyche will make you drink beer;
  3. An incredible negative state will overtake you;
  4. Drinking beer seems like the best solution;
  5. You will find a good reason to justify yourself and get drunk.

Only then, after making sure of this, be sure to return to find out what to do.

Recognizing a problem is an important step to stop drinking beer every day.

Admit it, comrade, that you have lost control. Admit to yourself that addiction drives you. This is a necessary step towards further purification.

This is the only way to help you stop drinking beer every day.

By doing this, you will see the enemy in the face.

  • Distinguish and recognize how addiction makes you drink beer,
  • Recognize inappropriate feelings that lead to drinking beer.

Sounds simple, but 96% of people attribute the symptoms of addiction to external causes and circumstances. Making a fatal mistake, they constantly return to their addiction over and over again.

  1. Arm yourself with knowledge.

The next step to stop drinking beer every day is to arm yourself with knowledge.

Don't underestimate the importance of the enemy.

You need to get a whole arsenal of knowledge that will be your weapon in the fight against alcohol.

You must understand how alcohol addiction deceives you and prevents you from quitting drinking beer.

You must have your own effective techniques and master methods of struggle.

  1. Quitting drinking beer every day is the easiest

And in general, the very formulation of the question “ How to stop drinking beer every day"Is slightly incorrect.

Because everyone can quit drinking beer.

But what good is it if, for example, you quit drinking beer for 1-2 weeks, and then break loose again? Why such ostentatious heroism without results?

The focus should be shifted to the goal "How not to start drinking beer after you quit?"

And for this you need:

  • learn to avoid a breakdown, ( )
  • learn to stay sober ( )
  1. How much beer can you drink per day? Is there a norm?

No - there is no acceptable level of beer consumption. If there is, then it is zero.

  • zero liters of beer per day,
  • zero liters per month,
  • zero liters of beer in a lifetime.

Destroyer of legends

I don’t want to destroy fictional legends like “ Doctors say a glass of beer a day is good for you". If you are used to believing the prejudices of society, fables and gossip hammered into the opinions of the majority like a granite stone, we are not on our way. I still hope your IQ level is high enough to independently distinguish folk fiction from truth.

Therefore, you need to understand that you need to quit drinking beer every day completely and irrevocably.

Brief theses of the article

How to stop drinking beer every day

For those who have forgotten 90% of the information they just read, here is a short list of the main theses of the article:

  1. Get rid of the main excuse that beer is a low alcohol drink. Understand that beer can be more addictive than vodka.
  2. Destroy your other excuses and reasons why you drink beer every day. They are the ones who prevent you from taking a step in the direction of sobriety.
  3. You need to distinguish between inappropriate feelings that make you drink over and over again. If a person does not recognize the symptoms caused by beer withdrawal, he is doomed to breakdown.
  4. Understand that you cannot drink beer in moderation. The only norm is zero!
  5. Before you quit drinking beer, prepare yourself and learn about your addiction. Do not underestimate the strength of the enemy.
  6. Learn the mechanism of maintaining sobriety for life in the video training Arsenal of Sobriety ( 34 votes, rating: 4,15 out of 5)
    Arseny Kaisarov

Today we will take a closer look at the effect of beer on the human body. A negative impact, of course. For positive influence exists only in imposed illusions from marketers of alcoholic corporations and purchased research institutes. Let's find out the real information about the dangers of beer for our body. Let's take a closer look at the effect of beer on men and women. Let's find out how our body suffers from beer consumption. Let's figure out if you can drink beer during pregnancy (and what about non-alcoholic?). And, of course, friends, in this article we will find the answer to the question that torments many people: “ How to stop drinking beer?»

Beer in Russia today is the most popular "drink" (in quotation marks, because poison cannot be considered a drink in any way).

It seems to have become a part of our everyday life: they habitually drink beer during the holidays and just on the go, sitting in transport and lying on the couch at home, on Fridays or every day in the evening after work.

Unfortunately, most drinkers do not even think about how much they will have to pay for the absorption of this toxic liquid.

The meaning of life is getting pleasure. The main thing is to consume, otherwise your life is empty. The opinion is imposed that beer is not just a "drink", now it is a lifestyle. That is, life without beer lacks style. Well, isn't it nonsense?

Friends, enough myths and distortions of the truth! Today we will find out what the harm of beer is and what are the consequences of drinking it.

The harm of beer is obvious. This cannot be hidden by any intrigues, advertising or cynical falsification.

We can be convinced of the dangers of beer on the example of any alcoholic. Few of us thought that most drunks and drunkards also once started with low-alcohol "drinks" such as beer and even naively tried to observe the "drinking culture". Did they plan to bring themselves to their current state? Hardly. But because of its seeming harmlessness, beer forms a strong alcohol addiction, which at first slowly, but then progresses more and more rapidly. And the further we go along this path, the more difficult it is to get off it.

That is why this article on the dangers of beer appeared, the purpose of which is to debunk myths about beer and reveal the truth.

And, of course, at the end of the article there are tips and tricks (including those based on personal experience) on how to quit drinking beer and live a happy sober life.

So what effect does beer have on human body?

Despite the fact that beer is "traditionally" considered a man's "drink", in fact it is not. Beer contains phytoestrogens, which are substances similar to female sex hormones. When drinking beer, phytoestrogens are transformed into ordinary estrogens, which are found in the body of a woman. That is, a man deliberately pumps himself up with female sex hormones. And at the same time, almost with pride he declares that beer is a real male "drink".

But the worst thing, of course, is not in the female hormones themselves, but in their effect on the male body. It turns out that as a result of drinking beer, the male body adjusts to the regular poisoning of foreign hormones. The body blocks the production of the main male hormone testosterone and, in fact, changes the sex. Of course, there will not be a complete gender reassignment, but the trend is clear.

Impaired potency and decreased libido are just the most obvious consequences of drinking beer. They do not appear immediately, although it is only a matter of time.

In addition, there are other negative changes in male body both from a psychological and physiological point of view.

  • At first, character changes... Let's remember what testosterone gives us. This male hormone is responsible for will and activity, the desire to win, to lead, to achieve goals. Since the production of testosterone decreases due to the consumption of beer, the man slowly but inevitably turns into a weak-willed, apathetic being of an intermediate kind. Such traits of character that are not characteristic of men are manifested, such as hysteria and bitchiness.
  • Secondly, appearance changes... Under the influence of female sex hormones, a man's body undergoes significant changes. Outwardly, the harm from beer for men is expressed in the following: the belly is inflated (it is not for nothing that it is called "beer"), the pelvis expands, the shoulders are rounded, the amount of hair on the body decreases, the chest increases. And even the timbre of the voice becomes thinner and higher. That is, under the influence of beer, a man becomes outwardly similar to a woman. An ugly woman, of course.

Therefore, men should not drink beer if they do not want such negative consequences... Of course, it all depends on the frequency and volume of consumption, but please tell me: Are you really ready to experiment with gender reassignment?

Is there any harm from beer for the female body? There is another one. As we have already figured out, along with beer, analogs of female sex hormones (phytoestrogens) enter the body, which ultimately leads to a hormonal failure. The consequence of this is internal and external changes, which greatly spoil the life of the fair sex. Although it should be noted that for regular use beautiful beer in a woman is becoming less and less.

  • At first, beer for women is overweight and cellulite... Besides the fact that beer itself is a fairly high-calorie "drink", it is most often drunk in liters. And the appetizer, as a rule, is not at all like low-calorie food... Moreover, beer itself increases appetite. Eventually negative influence beer on women is expressed primarily in obesity and the appearance of cellulite (including due to the large amount of salt contained in the snack). But even without snacks, beer can add weight due to its high calorie count. The paradox, but despite such a clear harm to beer, it does not lose popularity among women. Although it is difficult to find a woman who will be happy with obesity. Probably all this is due to lack of information.
  • Secondly, a woman turns into a man, or rather into something in between, ugly and extremely aggressive... Have you forgotten about phytoestrogens? Under the influence of beer, pronounced changes begin to occur with a woman, one might even say mutations. Beauty leaves, the voice coarsens, mustaches begin to grow (they are often called "beer whiskers"). In addition, the character is also changing - an aggressive state becomes habitual for a woman, opposing herself to society and the world. Instead of harmony and joy - licentiousness and aggression. Instead of a sweet and kind nyasha, we more and more often see an angry, angry female in front of us. Fu to be like that!
  • Thirdly, the influence of beer is expressed in problems with the female part... Ovarian cysts, endometriosis, various ovarian dysfunctions and even oncology are, as they say, flowers. The most frightening thing about a woman drinking beer is her inability to conceive a child. In other words, infertility. And even if conception succeeds, the likelihood of a pregnancy violation is high, and the risk of miscarriage increases. A baby can be born with significant developmental disabilities. The miracle of becoming a mom and creating a new life in exchange for dubious pleasure that leads to obesity and health problems - is this a deliberate choice? Perhaps, dear girls, at a young age you do not think about it. But, unfortunately (and maybe fortunately), nothing is free in this life, you have to pay for everything. Please answer honestly (in front of yourself) to the question: "Are you ready to exchange your future children for this short-term redneck buzz?" And even if now you do not care, and you do not plan children, then over time, after all, everything can change. Therefore, dear girls and women, we hope that you will do right choice... The right choice for your own health and the health of your unborn child. By the way, non-alcoholic beer also contains all these harmful plant hormones, so it is also prohibited during pregnancy.

So, our beautiful girls and women, you can't drink beer if you want to stay healthy and beautiful, as well as give birth to wonderful babies.

We have already examined the effect of beer on male and female organisms. Now let's look at how beer affects us in general, regardless of gender.

Obviously, beer, like any other alcohol, has a detrimental effect on every organ in our body. Unfortunately, most fans of this legal self-poisoning prefer not to think about it or even deliberately ignore information about the harm. But you are here, which means for some reason you are in search of reliable information about beer. So be it, it's time to find out the truth about the harm of this poisonous "drink".

So what is bad about beer? Let's take a closer look at its effect on the human body, learn about the consequences of consuming this harmless "pivasik". Let's analyze the influence specifically on the organs of the human body.

Beer destroys the brain. When drinking beer, the following processes, imperceptible at first glance, take place:

  1. shrinking of the brain, that is, a decrease in its size
  2. the occurrence of many microscopic hemorrhages, and then scars and voids
  3. smoothing the convolutions of the brain

Beer, due to the alcohol it contains, sticks together red blood cells (red blood cells), resulting in blood vessels blood clots form in the brain. This leads to terrible consequences: firstly, the nerve cells of the brain - neurons - die, as they do not receive sufficient oxygen supply due to the blockage of blood vessels. Secondly, these blood clots burst, which leads to the formation of hemorrhages.

It's a paradox, but such a seemingly destructive influence of beer and other things is outwardly expressed as pleasant excitement and even euphoria. But you have to pay for everything, so in the morning the body that wakes up first of all throws all its strength into the funeral, that is, getting rid of dead neurons, pumping a lot under the skull of a beer lover. That is why my head hurts so much, that is why I am so intolerably thirsty. As a result, the ingloriously dead neurons of a beer lover find their last refuge in the toilet, being there along with urine. Yes, it's still better than rotting in the head.

By the way, the brain cells destroyed by beer are never restored. From the word at all!

How is such a destructive effect of beer on the human brain manifested in his behavior and mental abilities? Very negative, of course.

- the ability to think clearly and make informed decisions is lost
- there is a drop in the level of intelligence (the so-called IQ coefficient)
- there is a decrease in human morality
- the vestibular apparatus suffers, that is, the coordination of movements
- memory breaks down

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that an unclouded sober look guarantees many benefits in life thanks to ridding our brain of constant beer intoxication.

Beer is bad for the liver. When a lot of beer enters the body, the poor liver spends all its energy fighting the toxic ethyl alcohol... That is, the liver ceases to perform its main function - to cleanse the body, because all its resources are occupied with disentangling the consequences of beer poisoning. Other poisons and toxic substances, such as from food or environment, freely travel through the body exhausted by such torture.

Under the influence of beer, due to excessive stress on the liver, the risk of diseases, including hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and even cancer, increases significantly. Chronic beer hepatitis can be in a latent form, which misleads doctors. In addition, cirrhosis and liver cancer can also hardly manifest themselves. The liver will hurt only when it receives already irreversible damage. Should you play Russian roulette with your liver and soulless beer? After all, the latter is in a deliberately advantageous position, while our health is one.

Beer kills the heart. Have you heard about the "beer heart"? This is how the heart becomes when its muscle tissue is replaced by adipose tissue. Our "living motor" grows in size, it becomes more and more difficult for him to pump blood throughout the body. In many ways, these negative changes are associated with the presence of cobalt in beer - a substance used as a stabilizer for beer foam. In a person who drinks beer in moderation, the content of this toxic element in the heart muscle exceeds the maximum allowable rate 10 or more times. Someday such a fat, overworked heart breaks down and just stops.

In addition to the direct effect of beer on the heart, the risk of developing diseases is significantly increased. of cardio-vascular system generally. The pressure rises, the blood becomes viscous and thick due to clumped red blood cells. Heart attack, stroke and many other dangerous diseases are associated with beer. Considering that, according to statistics, more than half of deaths in Russia are due to diseases associated with the circulatory system, we can only guess how many of these deaths were caused by drinking beer. In any case, the statistics are disappointing!

Kidneys hurt after beer. Beer often hurts the kidneys, and there is a simple explanation for this. As we know, the task of the kidneys is to cleanse the blood from unnecessary and harmful substances.

Our body cannot be fooled, and it perfectly understands that beer is a poison, as it contains alcohol and other harmful compounds. Therefore, the kidneys are trying their last bit to cleanse the body. Working for wear and tear, the kidneys spend a large number water for filtration. Because of this, frequent urge to urinate occurs. Moreover, the amount of urine leaving the body is greater than the amount of beer consumed. Accordingly, after this, the kidneys experience a severe lack of fluid. After all, then they have to work almost dry and overloaded, hence the pain in the kidneys from beer.

In addition to external symptoms such as pain and discomfortThe effect of beer on the kidneys is not limited to this. Every beer lover can easily earn urolithiasis, especially if he drinks beer every day (well, or almost everyone). In addition to kidney stones, there are other diseases that are common among people who drink beer (albeit in moderation): renal vascular sclerosis, kidney infarctions, hemorrhage, chronic renal failure.

With regular and episodic drinking of beer, the kidneys decrease in size, change their shape: they dry out and shrink. Kidney cells die off and they, like brain cells, are not restored.

In short, the kidneys are under tremendous stress when drinking beer and, of course, ache and get sick. In advanced cases, you can generally lose this organ.

Beer is addictive. Beer addiction forms imperceptibly. More often than not, we simply do not realize that drinking beer becomes a kind of ritual, without which other actions are of no interest.

There are a lot of examples! Meeting friends without beer starts to seem boring and dull. It becomes uninteresting to watch movies without beer. After work, there is a seemingly imperceptible, but insistent desire to drink beer and relax. Anyone who has been drinking beer for a long time can easily tell such examples, which have become a kind of anchor for drinking beer. And here are other symptoms that beer addiction is forming:

- not enough single dose, for example, a glass or bottle, you always want to "continue the banquet"

- beer is often consumed in large quantities, after which memory problems arise, discomfort is felt in the morning due to poor health

- lack of beer causes irritation, without beer it is difficult or impossible to relax and cheer up

Why do they drink beer? Because, dear readers of SIZOZh, it doesn't work otherwise. After all, this bad habit is fixed in our minds, and it is not so easy to expel it from there. In fact, this is a real drug addiction.

Can I quit drinking beer? It is possible and even necessary. Of course, giving up beer will require some effort and some work on yourself. But the result is in the form excellent health, high motivation to achieve goals and just a happy state without any doping will serve as an excellent reward for everyone who gets rid of this addiction. It's nice to be free!

How to stop drinking beer?

50% of success is directly the desire to quit drinking beer. If you are here and are reading these lines, then everything is in order with your desire. It remains only to pump motivation and make the right choice. And it's in the bag!

So our goal is this. Here you need to realize that by giving up beer, you are not losing anything. On the contrary, you get a healthy and happy life. Life without beer addiction. This sweet word - freedom - fits perfectly with the description of the sober state.

To stop drinking beer, you need to change your lifestyle. For when you get addicted to beer, then there are almost no alternatives to it. Beer is becoming a familiar attribute, it is becoming a way of life itself. We even see ourselves from the outside with a bottle of beer, this is our idea of \u200b\u200bourselves. Well, since we are like that, that's why we continue to drink beer. Stop!

When we talk about giving up beer, we mean replacing degradation with constant development... As they say, a holy place is never empty. In the case of beer, the situation is similar - it is advisable to find something that will bring us pleasure and change our self-image.

For example, it is useful and effective to get hooked on a healthy lifestyle, sports, self-development and self-improvement, learning something new. We can find some kind of hobby, devote more time to the most precious - family, become a traveler or, in extreme cases, a fan of films, anime or video games. Of course, virtual reality is not the best advice, but at least it does less harm than beer. The best way to get rid of the bad habit is to choose a healthy lifestyle. Go, so to speak, from one extreme to another. It is this dramatic change in the course of life that increases the likelihood of success in creating a new life without beer. Therefore, the most important thing when giving up beer is what we will replace it with.

The main thing, guys, is to choose something that will please and make you develop.

This literally in front of our eyes changes the existing image in the head, we will begin to see ourselves in a completely different way. Same Healthy Image Life, for example, will form in our consciousness our other self, which, naturally, will not want to degrade with a bottle of beer. It will strive to live in happiness and harmony, maintain and increase its health, enjoy sobriety and always develop. Of course, they can remind of themselves for some time with a desire to plump like in the "good old days", but this is a temporary phenomenon, they will gradually disappear. When this happens, you will only laugh, remembering how you used to think that life is gray and sad without beer. All this will fall off like an old husk, and you will become a completely different person with new goals and interests.

If you used to have beer as a pastime, then most likely most of your friends and acquaintances are unlikely to differ from you. After all, we form around us a circle of those people who share our attitude to life. Therefore, dear readers, do not worry if you notice that many of the so-called friends simply disappear from your life somewhere after several of your refusals to drink together. This is completely natural. How natural it is that over time you will meet new people who will share your desire to develop and live soberly.

Remember, friends, that there is no standing still: Combining development with drinking beer is probably possible, but, as you could see from the people around, it is extremely difficult. If you are reading this article, then you understand that beer bothers you (to a greater or lesser extent). The easiest way to develop is to get rid of everything that pulls you down. Dump the ballast, and you yourself will be surprised how much strength and aspiration, it turns out, there is inside you.

About the harm of beer, its negative influence on our body, we have already said enough. For a reasonable person who wants to achieve something in this life, it should be obvious that the state of health directly affects the opportunities available to us. Imagine we can't wake up in the morning with a terrible hangover. In the mouth - as if a pack of stray cats arranged a toilet. The head cracks and splits, and even a poltorashka of mineral water drunk in one gulp does not save from the dry forest. The whole day we walk like restless, wincing from a headache, and only in the evening it lets us go a little. Have you presented? Then please answer: How to achieve your goals in such a state, how to fulfill your dreams, how to find your purpose? Beer slows us down, this is an indisputable fact. Those people who do not drink beer have much greater resources for self-realization in this short but amazing life. It's time to make the right choice, dear reader!


Friends, I will be very happy if our article on the dangers of beer helps you get rid of this bad habit. beer means preserving health by choosing happiness with freedom. The main thing when quitting beer is to find something you like that will change your lifestyle. Well, the desire to change something in oneself must be present. If there is both, then you can quit beer without any strain and violence against yourself. And then you yourself will be surprised how much more interesting and productive your life will become. Believe in yourself, and everything will definitely work out.

Please feel free to write comments and your life stories on the topic of the article. How does beer harm you personally? What has helped or is helping to quit?

See you soon on the pages of SIZOZH, stay with us, because everything is just beginning!