How does beer affect the male body? The benefits and harms of foam for men. How beer affects a man's body: general information

26.09.2019 Meat Dishes

Beer is a drink made from natural products and contains alcohol. It contains a lot of compounds:

  • About 4.5% of carbohydrates dissolved in water;
  • Approximately 1% nitrogenous;
  • Up to 12% ethyl alcohol.

Beer is made on the basis of yeast, so it contains a lot of B vitamins, various trace elements and amino acids. It is a twofold product. The effect of beer on the male body is due only to the size of the absorbed doses. It can be beneficial or harmful.

Is beer dangerous or not?

There are no poisonings and overdoses from a intoxicated drink, like from vodka. The volume of the human stomach is simply not able to accommodate the entire lethal dose. Therefore, we can talk about its conditional safety. However, now on store shelves you can find products in which the alcohol content reaches 12%, which significantly reduces their usefulness and increases the possibility of developing various negative manifestations in people, which do not limit themselves to drinking.

Its greatest insidiousness is that with a daily intake, "beer alcoholism" is formed, which by its nature does not differ in anything from ordinary alcoholism.

Sometimes this disease develops with a fairly harmless consumption of non-alcoholic beer, the dose of which is gradually increased. A person enters into a taste and switches to an alcohol-containing drink.

According to statistics, the largest number of beer alcoholics live in Germany. In this country, the foamy drink is traditional.

It is worth noting that they get fat from beer. This statement has factual confirmation in the form of large stomachs in men. Beer is quite high in calories, but basically weight gain occurs because it is almost always drunk with various snacks, which already have a fairly decent energy value. It is foods such as croutons, sausages and salted fish that contribute to the formation of a beer belly. In addition, alcohol has the ability to remove all blocks from the part of the brain, which is responsible for saturation, so a person who takes a sip of an intoxicated drink can eat several times more than his usual volume.

How much beer can you drink without hurting yourself

How to determine whether beer is good for men or not? The most important thing is the dose you drink. Initially, the foamy drink does not harm, since it is brewed exclusively from natural raw materials and absorbs all of its beneficial properties. Many of the ingredients in the recipe have been part of homeopathic programs for many years. In ancient times, it was recommended to drink a couple of glasses of beer a day, but then it was not so strong and differed little from kvass.

Modern scientists say that the rational dose for a person is a drink in which the alcohol content is not more than 1 gram per total body weight. That is, if your weight is 82 kg, then you can drink about 2 liters of low-strength beer without harm. Of course, such a dose should not be consumed on a daily basis, unless you want to join the number of beer alcoholics.

The benefits of a hoppy drink

  1. It is a source of vitamins B and PP, which increase the speed and quality of metabolic and energy processes.
  2. Contains more than 20 types of amino acids and many trace elements (potassium, iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorus). The most useful in this regard is an unfiltered variety, since it does not undergo pasteurization and all substances retain their natural appearance, due to which they are very easily absorbed by the body. There are very few products in the world that can compete with it.
  3. Unfiltered beer has a good effect on cell regeneration, rejuvenates the skin, and eliminates rashes. Masks from it are made for both body and hair.
  4. Often they take a drunken drink to the bathhouse to splash on hot stones. Its steam cures cough well and improves bronchial function.
  5. A drink consisting of honey, cloves and hot beer successfully fights against colds.
  6. Antioxidants, which are abundant in it, help reduce the risk of cancer, atherosclerosis and tuberculosis.

How beer affects the male body

However, all the beneficial properties can be easily crossed out if you drink alcohol without measure. In this case, the division between harm and benefit is your personal dose:

What conclusions can be drawn? Of course, you can drink beer. What effect will it have on the male body? It depends entirely on you.

There is not a single person who does not like beer. Few thought that its effect on a man's body is negative. A real intoxicating drink is brewed at a certain temperature. It is rich in vitamin B and very high in calories. It contains less alcohol than wine or vodka. With poor-quality cooking of the product, non-observance of the temperature regime, the drink becomes hazardous to health.

A little about beer

The first country to produce this drink , was Germany... In this country, a potion with a unique hop taste is brewed to this day. Every year a beer festival is held here, which lasts a week. Producers of the drink exhibit their products, demonstrate new products. Beer is brewed not only in Germany but all over the world. This intoxicating drink of different brands differs in taste and color. When brewing a product, the manufacturer adds its own ingredient, ensuring the uniqueness of the taste. But three products will always be a constant part of the recipe: malt, yeast and water. There is a division into 4 categories of jam:

  • by composition;
  • by the way of fermentation;
  • by color;
  • by fortress.

Composition... Many people believe that they brew a beer potion from water, yeast, malt and barley. Producers can replace barley with millet, rice and corn. And there are also varieties that are cooked in milk or banana. Fermentation takes place with alternating high and low temperature cooking. Some manufacturers of the drink start brewing with a high temperature and gradually lower it to 25 degrees. This product has a special taste.

Color... It can be light and dark. Some ingredients may produce a white beverage. Today it has become fashionable to mix dark beer with light beer.

Fortress... It can be non-alcoholic, light and strong drink.

The benefits and harms of beer

Beer contains a large amount of vitamins B and PP. It contains a lot of calcium, potassium and essential oils. Information about the high calorie content of the product is a myth, because a quality drink is brewed without added sugar.

Drinking beer in moderationthen you can prevent kidney disease and improve metabolism. In drinking beer, you must definitely know when to stop. You can calculate your rate yourself, guided by the formula: 1 gram of ethyl alcohol per kilogram of a man's weight. For example, a man weighing 80 kg can afford to drink 2.5 liters of beer once a week. This intoxicating product is very common in cooking and cosmetology. Skillful housewives add it to dough for fluffy baked goods. For good hair growth and shine, masks and shampoos with the addition of beer are recommended.

Few people thought about how beer affects the male body. By drinking a drink in large quantities or drinking it daily in small portions, a man provokes the development of many diseases and behavioral disorders. Such people may experience expansion of veins, the appearance of hypertension. With regular use of one liter per day, brain cells are destroyed, memory deteriorates, liver failure appears, and cirrhosis of the liver develops. As a result of a decrease in the amount of enzymes in the pancreas, pancreatitis develops. Joint pain appears, caused by the destruction of joint tissue. The man has osteochondrosis and arthrosis.

But this is an incomplete list of the side effects of the foamy drink on the human body. It should be borne in mind that many manufacturers are negligent in production. Nowadays, the product is not cooked, but artificially produced, where the mass obtained as a result of fermentation is filtered, diluted with water and ethyl alcohol. The process is called making beer from a powder base. These powders usually have a short shelf life. Beer prepared according to a similar recipe causes enormous damage to the body.

Hop cones are an essential ingredient in the recipe. They are phytoestrogen. Recent research by scientists has made it possible to establish that fistoestrogen in its composition and action coincides with the female hormone. An increase in its amount in the blood suppresses the production of the hormone testosterone, which negatively affects male potency and sperm quality.

Effect of beer on potency

Almost none of the men who drink beer at least once a week does not think about the threat to potency... Usually they prefer to remember that quality beer is rich in vitamins and should not harm the body. Do not forget that the beer is made from barley which contains phytoestrogen. And such a fresh, high-quality negatively affects the sexual function of men. A regular increase in the concentration of the female hormone progesterone in the blood ensures a stable decrease in the amount of testosterone. Gradually, progesterone completely replaces the male hormone, causing infertility, impotence, physical and mental changes.

For the female body, increasing the concentration of the hormone progesterone is safe. For men, this process is dangerous for several reasons at once:

- Russian scientists have proved that there is the slightest fraction of estrogen in beer, which cannot have a side effect on the human body with a single use of a hoppy drink. The negative effect is provided by regular use. If you give preference to real beer, prepared with the heating of raw materials, then in the end a man will enjoy a product with a minimum amount of female hormone.

Effects of beer on joints

Drinking even low alcohol drinks causes great harm to health... It is known that people with alcohol addiction develop diseases such as pathology of the heart, kidneys and lungs. And from the intoxicated drink arises joint disease. The inevitable meeting with pathology is the influence of beer on the human body.

With the regular use of alcohol, premature wear of the cartilage cell occurs. It's all the fault of ethyl alcohol contained in the composition, which contributes to the disintegration of the cell membrane. Because of this, intracellular metabolism is disrupted, and the cells have to work in an increased mode to maintain normal health.

With the constant use of carbonated and alcoholic beverages there is a leaching of potassium from the body. Without potassium, the process of accumulation of fluid in the body begins, and edema appears. The accumulating fluid in the joints of the lower extremities causes severe pain.

Under the influence of the drink, human immunity decreases, which allows the process in the joints to acquire an inflammatory character and turn into a chronic form. Studying how beer affects a man's body, they also note urinary stagnation caused by a slowdown in the work of the kidneys. In this case, alkali is combined, insoluble salts are formed. It is this salt that is deposited in the joints, limiting knee mobility. The day after the abuse of the intoxicated drink, the person's blood vessels constrict. The lack of blood supply provokes increased joint pain.

A bad habit provides a man the development of arthritis, gout, arthrosis, aseptic nervosis. Each of the pathologies progresses slowly, but it is difficult to get rid of it. Treatment is long-term, requiring adherence to a strict diet, regular medication.

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An intoxicated drink in modern society has become an integral part of men's get-togethers, girls' meetings and teenage parties. A drunk mug of beer does not knock you off your feet, like strong alcohol, so even nursing mothers sometimes allow themselves to relax, claiming that this is good for lactation. However, this is far from a non-alcoholic product. In some varieties, the alcohol content is up to 14%. The harm of beer to the health of men, women and children has already been proven by experts, and beer alcoholism is no less terrible than any other.

What is beer

It is a frothy refreshing drink with a pleasant bitter taste and hop aroma. The raw materials for its production are hops, barley, yeast, water. The taste of beer directly depends on the quality of these products. It is a low alcohol drink containing 2 to 6% alcohol. There are several types of beer:

  • pasteurized;
  • unfiltered;
  • filtered;
  • with the addition of stabilizers, preservatives.


Modern beers do not always contain only classic natural products. The main components of the drink that is offered to the consumer in stores are water (91-93%), ethyl alcohol (3-7%), carbohydrates (1.5-4.5%), nitrogen-containing substances (0.2-0.65 %). Other substances (minor) have a much lower content. Glucose, fructose, sucrose (simple sugars) account for 10-15% of the total amount of carbohydrates. The mechanisms of the toxic action of all components are interrelated, while ethanol enhances the toxic effect of minor compounds.

Cooking technology

Most modern breweries follow certain stages in the production of beer, the observance of which becomes a guarantee of the quality of the drink:

  1. Malt preparation. At this stage, the cereal grain is dried, germinated, and cleaned.
  2. Mashing the wort. The malt is crushed and mixed with water.
  3. Mash filtering. It is passed through a filtration system, as a result of which it is separated into grains and liquid wort.
  4. Adding hops. Cones are put in the wort. Some manufacturers add natural or artificial ingredients at this stage, which give the drink shades of aroma and taste.
  5. Boiling. The wort is boiled for several hours.
  6. Clarification. The liquid is pumped into a special device, where it is cleaned of solid residues under the action of centrifugal force.
  7. Cooling. In the fermentation tank, the drink is enriched with oxygen, which is needed for the yeast to function.
  8. Fermentation. At this stage, brewer's yeast is added. After a few weeks, a low-alcohol, unclear drink is already obtained.
  9. Excerpt. Occurs in closed containers under high pressure of carbon dioxide.
  10. Filtration. This stage is not always applied. The task of the process is to remove the remaining yeast.
  11. Pasteurization. To increase the shelf life of the drink, it is warmed up to a temperature of 65-80 ° C. Beer connoisseurs believe that this procedure negatively affects the taste.

Is beer harmful

The composition of beer and its effect on the body are directly related. A drink prepared exclusively from natural products and made in accordance with all manufacturing rules does not carry any special harm. However, excessive beer consumption, like any other extreme, leads to negative results. The consequences of beer alcoholism are no less severe than those of vodka and drugs. During fermentation, compounds such as aldehydes, fusel oils, methanol are released and retained. These are poisons for the human body.


Is it harmful to drink beer that has not passed the filtration stage - this question is of interest to some people. The so-called "live" drink without heat treatment should not contain preservatives, surrogates or stabilizers. The disadvantage of such a product is a limited shelf life (up to 7 days), so many enterprises either do not risk producing this product at all, or add substances that extend the shelf life to it. The combination of malt and hops imparts a turbidity to the liquid, which reduces its presentation. Filtration makes the product clear, but removes almost all nutrients.


For the manufacture of a soft drink, the same ingredients are taken, but the percentage of alcohol content is reduced by stopping fermentation and using low-temperature technologies. The finished product is subjected to an evaporation procedure, which retains a bitter taste. After the manufacture of such products, a small percentage of alcohol is still present in it. However, this is not at all the harm of non-alcoholic beer:

  1. Cobalt. The element is actively used to stabilize the foam. Destroys the cardiovascular system.
  2. Malt and hops. These substances destroy the endocrine system.

How beer affects the body

Not everyone wants to know about the dangers of beer, because it is considered almost a national drink. However, excessive consumption of beer liquid causes changes in the functioning of all important organs of the human body. The heart, blood vessels, and liver suffer the most. Beer affects the male body, because it contains phytoestrogens - female hormones, so beer lovers get fat on the sides and hips, their potency decreases, and the mammary glands enlarge. For women, beer addiction also does not pass without a trace - their voice coarsens, antennae appear.

On the heart

Overuse of hops leads to a violation of the vegetative system, accompanied by a high pulse of up to 100 beats / minute, a decrease in the rate of myocardial contraction. The result of this condition is an increased cardiac need for nutrients. The most common pathology among beer alcoholics is toxic myocardial dystrophy, characterized by noise and pain in the heart, shortness of breath, edema of the extremities, and impaired contractile function of the organ.

For hormones

In the course of numerous studies, the negative effect of alcohol-containing beverages on human hormones has been established. The intake of fermentation products in large quantities leads to the fact that the male hormone testosterone loses its strength, and this provokes the degradation of muscle mass. When alcohol enters the bloodstream, cortisol (a stress hormone) is actively produced, which causes anxiety, anxiety, fear, and leads to prolonged depression.

On the brain

When beer alcoholism develops, then at first the brain activity decreases, which over time often leads to dementia. The cerebral system is quickly saturated with blood, so the ethyl alcohol in it reaches its maximum concentration. The short-term effects of ethanol on the brain result in blackouts and hangover. The systemic use of beer liquid changes the structure and tissues of the organ - a person degrades.

On the liver

It is difficult to call beer a useful product for the liver. Regular consumption of the intoxicated drink brings irreparable harm to the body. Drinking foamy liquid is dangerous not only because of the ethyl alcohol content - impurities in the form of preservatives and dyes also provoke the development of various liver diseases. If alcohol consumption is accompanied by a sedentary lifestyle and heavy food intake, then over time a person is guaranteed to receive some consequence in the form of:

  • liver failure;
  • hepatic coma;
  • cirrhosis;
  • alcoholic hepatitis.

On the kidneys

The task of the paired organ is to cleanse the blood from toxic substances and metabolic products. The kidneys are a natural filter, and the more a person drinks beer liquid, the more load they take on themselves. Together with toxins, vitamins and microelements necessary for normal functioning leave the body, which leads to a deficiency of nutrients. Regardless of the strength of the beer, with frequent consumption of an intoxicated drink, a person runs the risk of earning such ailments as:

  • heart attack or renal dystrophy;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • nephritis.

On the stomach

The digestive organs suffer from beer alcoholism no less. With daily use of ethanol, the glands that produce gastric juice atrophy. Due to defective digestion, a person gets alcoholic gastritis. This is a chronic disease, which is accompanied by constant heaviness in the stomach, abdominal pain, bitterness in the mouth, general weakness, depressed mood.

What does daily beer consumption lead to?

The high carbon dioxide saturation of the intoxicating liquid negatively affects the blood vessels, therefore its regular use leads to varicose veins. The relationship between the amount of foamy drink drunk and an increase in blood pressure has also been proven. The harm to the pancreas is also great, because as a result of the constant intake of alcohol, the organ becomes inflamed and increases in size. In the absence of treatment and further intake of ethanol into the body, pancreatitis, pancreatonecrosis, and cancer develop.

The harm of beer for men

Especially great harm from beer for men. Since the drink contains a female sex hormone, this leads to hormonal disruption. The man becomes passive and indifferent to the opposite sex. Prolonged use of foamy liquid leads to a blockage of reproductive function, in which the male reproductive cells become unable to fertilize. Due to addiction to alcohol, a man not only loses his sex drive, but also becomes sterile.

The harm of beer for women

Infertility also threatens the female body. Scientists have proven that excessive consumption of beer reduces the production of sex hormones, so they are not enough for conception. The intoxicating drink causes great harm to beauty and youth, because it is well known that it causes a feeling of hunger and fluid retention, which leads to edema, obesity, and cellulite. Beer lovers lose their femininity over time, because hormonal disorders provoke the appearance of masculine signs: the belly grows, hair appears on the chest and face.

The harm of beer for teens

Why beer is harmful, it is useful for young people to know, because recently advertising of an intoxicated drink has been found everywhere. Beer alcoholism among adolescents flourishes at the age of 14-15. A young and immature organism has a special sensitivity to any addictions, therefore every year another batch of young alcoholics replenishes neuropsychiatric hospitals. The danger of beer is not only ruined health. Alcohol leads to unplanned pregnancies and aggression, which contributes to the flooding of orphanages with abandoned children and juvenile prisons.

Beer alcoholism

Unfortunately, the media do not spread much about the dangers of beer, because advertising of alcoholic products brings a huge income. In the social environment, the intoxicating drink has become so popular that today not a single event is complete without its presence. Friends are calling not to talk, but to have a glass of beer, and refusal to drink is accompanied by misunderstanding and ridicule.

The active propaganda of beer in feature films also leads to mass alcoholism. If a goodie relaxes with an intoxicating drink, then this is not considered a bad habit. This presentation of information has an impact on the formation of stereotypes of an entire generation. The problem of alcoholism, as a social phenomenon, affects almost aspects of human life: health, family, work.


Beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage in the world. Who doesn't like to relax with a bottle of foam after work? Alcoholism and potency in the stronger sex are closely related, but many neglect this fact. It is important to understand how beer affects and what consequences it causes.

Drinking abuse leads to disorders in all organs:

Many people doubt: does alcohol affect life? The number of vital systems that alcohol affects speaks for itself. The effect of alcohol on a man's body is expressed in life expectancy. Individuals prone to drunkenness live about 15-20 years less than a non-drinker.

The harm of alcohol for potency

Alcohol and potency in men is a matter of concern for a modern person, since alcohol has a bad effect on the healthy functioning of the male genital organs.

Even a low alcohol drink can seriously harm men's health by starting to stimulate the production of the female hormone estrogen instead.

So, the harmful effect of beer on potency is obvious.

Among the external signs of such a deviation:

  • fatty deposits in the abdomen;
  • rounding of the hips and buttocks;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands.

Estrogen will inhibit male sexual function, leading to loss and onset of impotence.

Both the physical factors of the influence of alcoholic products on men and the psychological problems that they carry with them: self-doubt, nervousness, excessive vulnerability lead to these sad consequences - do not have a positive effect on sexual desire and only worsen relations with others.

This also applies to personal life. Alcohol harms not only the reproductive system itself, but also entails big problems in relations with oneself and society.

The harm of beer for men

Most men are interested in whether beer affects potency. The harm of foam to men's health is most significant, since it affects the concentration of sex hormones.

Scientists found out how alcohol affects potency in the stronger sex in 1999, when 8-prenylnaringenin from the phytoestrogen class was found in the "cones" of hops, which are used to make and give a special taste to a foamy drink. It contains large amounts of the female sex hormone.

It is interesting!A woman's body contains 0.3-0.7 mg of estrogen, while in 1 liter of beer, the concentration can reach up to 0.15 mg.

Although most of the phytoestrogen is inactive, approximately 30% of Europeans have a specific intestinal microflora that is capable of putting the hormone into an active phase.

Thus, the female hormone can affect the male body.

Beer provokes an increased appetite. Uncontrolled food intake in this regard leads to obesity. This is bad for the heart.

The blood vessels overflow, varicose veins occur, the heart muscle enlarges, unable to cope with the stress.

Therefore, overeating should be controlled in the same way as excessive drinking. Poor blood circulation affects the male erection, impotence from alcohol can occur. The negative effect of beer on the male body is obvious.

The harm of other types of alcohol

The human body contains both male and female hormones. Normally, male hormones predominate in a man, and female hormones are eliminated by the liver. Alcoholic drinks suppress testosterone production while weakening the liver.

The production of female hormones is not suppressed and gradually they begin to prevail.

The influence of beer on potency occurs through a changing hormonal background, which entails changes in behavior, appearance and sexual desire.

When it comes to sexual function, alcohol will initially help you relax and feel more confident.

You may not ejaculate even longer, which gives rise to thoughts that with drinking, the sexual intercourse becomes of a better quality, because at first it even provokes sexual desire.

This leads to the fact that without alcohol, a person will no longer be able to feel excitement. A person falls into the trap, preferring to "refuel" before intercourse, not realizing that this is a direct path to alcoholism.

The required dose will grow over time, until severe disorders in the reproductive system and sexual life begin. Ejaculation will occur less frequently, the orgasm will become painful, weakening over time, and then disappear altogether.

Scientists have found B1, B2, B6 and H in intoxicated drinks, which have a good effect on the nervous system. They contain magnesium, copper, zinc and iron - essential elements for the body to function healthy.

0.5 liters of beer per day (but no more!) Contains about 40% of the daily intake of vitamins. In small quantities, beer can be a good medicine or vitamin complex, but abuse will already poison the body, bringing disastrous consequences.

The drink perfectly stimulates blood circulation and reduces stress, perfectly helps with insomnia. Improved blood circulation, vitamin B complex and lack of stress demonstrate a beneficial effect on male potency. In small quantities, beer and potency can even become allies.

Mindzrav calculated the dose of ethyl alcohol that a person is able to digest without much harm.

Scientists concluded that a man can drink up to 210 grams of alcohol per week (about 5 liters of beer with a degree of up to 5%), while girls can drink up to 140 grams (about 3 liters).

This amount is considered safe for health. Without significant harm, you can consume 50 grams of vodka twice a day before meals. Larger volumes of alcohol consumption will already be harmful. It is extremely important to be careful not to harm yourself.

Important! You should not rely on average information. The metabolism of all people is strictly individual.

How beer affects the potency of men is obvious, but each organism has its own characteristics, so the degree of influence may vary.

When alcohol is strictly prohibited

There are peoples in whose organisms there is no enzyme capable of breaking down alcohol - such people are strictly prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages, since there is no safe dose for them.

Drinking alcohol will always carry with it severe poisoning.

Alcoholic drinks are prohibited for teenagers and children. In the early stages of the formation of an organism, they can have an extremely negative effect on the development of a person and his personality.

Also alcoholic beverages are contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • men during the period of conception of a child.

Studies have shown that drunkenness by the father plays a crucial role during conception, while drunkenness by the mother may only be of secondary importance. According to statistics, every fifth baby with dementia was born to a drinking parent. By the way, "under attack" not only inveterate alcoholics, but also men who only occasionally drink alcohol.

By itself, the influence of beer on the male body is minimal - the alcohol contained in it is dangerous, which almost instantly enters the bloodstream and spreads to all organs and tissues.

Within 3-12 hours after taking the drink, alcohol remains in the semen, and there it is up to several days.

In the semen of a drunken man, defective spermatozoa account for more than 50%, while in an ordinary person there are no more than a quarter.

Usually, damaged sperm are not involved in fertilization.

But ethanol reduces the activity of healthy sperm, which increases the likelihood of fertilization of the damaged egg.

The female body is designed so that when fertilized with a defective sperm, the mother may have a miscarriage. Taking alcoholic beverages affects not only the potency in men, but also on the female body, and in the future can affect the development of the unborn child.

Useful video

Let's summarize

There is a positive effect of beer on male potency, but only when this drink is consumed in moderate doses - no more than 0.5 liters per day.

The foamy drink must be of high quality, because it also affects other organs of the human body. The consumption of alcohol in exorbitant volumes negatively affects not only the potency of a man, but also his whole life.

Is a very popular alcoholic beverage among all ages. But few people pay attention to the fact that this natural drink consists of a large number of compounds, such as water (91-93%), carbohydrates (1.5-4.5%), ethyl alcohol (3-7%) and nitrogen-containing substances (0.2-0.65%). And many others that are not so significant.

The most interesting thing is that you can't drink enough beer to die if you only drink it. Although in the twenty-first century such types of beer began to appear, in which the alcoholic content reaches 12% and higher. Serious health problems can arise with the constant use of such beer.

The worst thing about beer is that beer alcoholism appears completely imperceptibly, in comparison, for example, with vodka. Beer alcoholism is most strongly developed in Germany, the homeland of intoxicating drinks. Even German officials, who admitted their weakness, said that they became stupid, lazy and powerless (and powerlessness - not only in the muscles). Non-alcoholic beer can also be very deceiving, since it also has a percentage of alcohol. Therefore, when a person tries to cope with alcoholism with such non-alcoholic beer, then in 9 cases out of 10 it breaks down even more. And it is necessary to treat beer alcoholism, as well as usual.

The mistake of most people is that the appearance of a "beer belly" from beer is considered. This is a deeply erroneous opinion. Beer, like any other alcoholic beverage, contains substances that affect hunger centers, and therefore one is hungry. The belly appears from simple eating. The fascinating fact is that beer itself has fewer calories than milk or grape juice.

The numbers of beer absorption are frightening: in Ukraine and Russia, 65 liters of beer are drunk per person per year. And this figure is growing every day.

Fans of beer drinks, including those in our countries, prove that beer has a beneficial effect on the body in small doses. As if helping to reduce cardiovascular disease. But most studies prove this to be a misconception. For example, back in 1999, it was shown that people who drank small amounts of alcohol did not show any change in mortality tendencies when compared to non-drinkers. But for those people who drank about 7 liters of beer a week, the chance of dying from a stroke was twice that of non-drinkers.

It must also be remembered that any alcohol can bring to fainting. In addition, alcohol can cause weakness in the body, you may start to feel dizzy, but this will not occur due to intoxication, but due to the expansion of blood vessels. Also, when drinking beer, it becomes possible to get enlarged veins and heart enlargement - the so-called "beer heart" - which leads to flabbiness of the heart muscle and inhibition of the functions of the living motor of the heart. Nowadays, to save money, cobalt compounds are added to beer for greater foaming. Such compounds add the risk of occurrence.

Few people know that when drinking beer, hops, which contain soft and hard tar, are at an increased risk of colon cancer. Although even in the good old books, hops are considered beneficial for the body.

Also, not the most pleasant facts about beer speak of sexual changes in the body. With the constant use of beer in men, testosterone production is suppressed and female hormones are produced instead of the male hormone. As a consequence, men develop breasts and expand their pelvis. And in women, with frequent use, there is a high probability of developing cancer. At the same time, in women, like in men, hormones are replaced: subsequently mustaches grow and the voice coarsens. Breastfeeding mothers are not allowed to drink beer, as the baby may have epileptic seizures.

We must be aware that the impact of beer on human health is enormous. Because of such a simple drink, brain cells die and many body functions are disrupted, sometimes there are many other, sometimes incurable diseases.

Therefore, it is strongly advised not to drink beer at all or to drink in the most minimal quantities.