Siberian fiber method of use. Fiber Vegetable Dr

28.04.2019 Restaurant notes

Today, when not so much attention is paid to the nutrition process, it is necessary to ensure that the body receives all the components necessary for normal functioning. Due to the normalization of processes in the human body, as well as improving the functioning of internal organs, you can not only improve your health, improve well-being, but also bring your own figure in order. One of the necessary substances for humans, which is quite difficult to find among the products sold on the shelves of modern stores, is fiber. It is very important to consume such a dietary supplement systemically.

What is Siberian fiber?

Siberian fiber is the largest company in Russia engaged in the manufacture of dietary supplements based on fiber. Fiber itself is a plant-derived fiber found in legumes, cereals, fruits and vegetables. This substance is not absorbed in the human body, but it is absolutely essential for the normal functioning of the digestive system. The relevance of its use is due to the fact that fiber is removed from most products sold in stores. In this regard, it should be taken as food additives, and not only in order to get an elegant silhouette, but also in order to normalize the digestive tract.

The composition and calorie content of fiber

Plant fiber is composed of cellulose and hemicellulose, which are insoluble in the human intestines. The caloric content of this substance is about 200 kilocalories per 100 grams. When it comes to fiber in a transformed form, which is offered by manufacturers of food additives, then its composition may include additional elements. A more accurate composition of each individual product must be sought on the packaging of the goods.

The benefits and harms of consumption

Fiber is an extremely useful component for the body, which is involved in metabolic processes in the body. It should be noted that getting into the stomach, fiber increases in size, filling a large space, due to which there is a feeling of satiety. At the same time, swelling in the stomach, the substance absorbs cholesterol from the gastric juice, removing it from the body naturally. Plant fibers also improve intestinal motility, preventing constipation and stagnation of fecal stones.

As for the negative impact, it should be noted that fiber is a rather coarse food material that can damage the inflamed or weak mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines. This component can also cause increased gas formation, and if you consume the product in large volumes immediately, then there may be problems with bowel movements. In large volumes, fiber disrupts the absorption of iron, magnesium and other trace elements.

Does fiber help to lose weight?

It should be noted that the described product is not able to independently reduce the percentage of fat in the body, however, fiber can be an excellent auxiliary tool. Firstly, this tool can help reduce the amount of food consumed, and secondly, cleanse the intestines of fecal stones and plaque, so you can lose a few pounds. In addition, plant fibers contribute to the improvement of metabolic processes in the body, which is extremely important when playing sports in order to lose weight.

Instructions for the use of Siberian fiber

In order to cleanse or stimulate the body most efficiently, it is necessary to use the described food supplement according to the instructions. It is important to note that descriptions of the consumption process and recommendations are present on each product packaging. Also, before using fiber as a dietary supplement, you should consult your doctor.

How to drink it to lose weight

For liquid consumption, the dietary supplement can be diluted in any liquid, such as juice, kefir, yogurt, etc. For this, two tablespoons of the raw material should be taken into a glass of liquid, and then mix the composition thoroughly. To drink such cocktails enriched with fiber should be four times a day. To perform bowel cleansing, the procedure must be repeated for a week, then take a break of 14 days, and then drink the supplements for another 7 days.

How to eat with food

It is important to remember one rule - you can’t introduce fiber into the diet abruptly, adding it to all dishes, this is harmful. You need to start gradually, adding a small amount of the product to the cereal for breakfast, and after some time, combine the cereal mixes with soups, salads, main dishes, etc. To do this, add one to three tablespoons of fiber to the dish, depending on how used the intestine is to this component.

Contraindications to the use of food additives

Fiber supplements are not available to everyone, because the product is very specific. Fiber is contraindicated for people suffering from dysbiosis, colitis, with gastric ulcer or gastritis. Refuse should be given to those who suffer from flatulence and increased gas formation in the intestine.

Overview of the best manufacturers

Today, more and more it is possible to meet supporters of a proper, healthy diet, who know that it is very difficult to get the required daily fiber intake from ordinary foods. In this regard, supplements, namely plant fiber, should be taken daily. The Siberian Fiber Factory of Healthy Nutrition is a manufacturer of cereal and fruit mixtures saturated with cellulose and other essential elements for the human body. Below are the most popular types of food additives from a domestic manufacturer with a detailed description.

Thin waist

Packed fiber in the can “Thin waist” is a quality product from the manufacturer “Siberian fiber”, sold in a small jar weighing 170 grams. The composition of this product is 80%, includes fiber obtained from wheat and apples, the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bof the product is female herbs, among which are: nettle, buckthorn, St. John's wort, dandelion, horsetail, etc. This mixture is perfect for girls which although improve the digestive system, as well as bring the figure back to normal. For use, the composition should be diluted in liquids, for example in tea, yogurt or juice.

Vitamin Glade

This is plant fiber from the company Siberian Fiber, sold in convenient branded packaging weighing 300 grams. The Vitamin Glade remedy is a complex of organic acids, plant fibers and B vitamins, namely B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, etc. All components of the composition are aimed at improving the digestive, cardiovascular, immune system. This food supplement combines wheat grain shells, pectins produced from cranberries and cranberries, as well as pine nuts kernels.


This product is an advanced complex of plant fibers and additional components enclosed in convenient packaging weighing 170 grams. In addition to wheat and apple fiber, the composition includes the following herbs: rosehip, immortelle, chamomile, buckthorn bark, calendula, clover, mint, etc. It is the complex of these components that helps to completely cleanse the intestines of pathogenic deposits. In addition, with the help of the product, toxins and cholesterol contained in the blood and gastric juice are removed from the body. The described product is one of the best remedies for constipation and other digestive disorders.

Figure nutrition

The described bran from Siberian Fiber is an analogue of the means “Lady of Slenderness” and have the same properties. The product is based on natural ingredients, including plant fibers of fruits, berries, herbs, as well as wheat. With the systemic consumption of this food supplement, you can adjust the work of internal organs, normalize weight, and also give the skin a healthy look. The effect is achieved by cleansing the digestive tract from cholesterol, toxins and undigested food. Thus, the marking on the package “health, beauty and harmony” is something that can be realized through the adoption of fiber of this type.

Health basket

"Health basket" is a fruit-cereal mixture, which is sold in a small container, the mass of the product in which is 140 grams. The composition of the product includes processed fibers of wheat grain, pine nut, rosehip and apple. Due to its composition, a specific food supplement helps to normalize the digestion process, and also cleanses the body of harmful components, removing toxins and toxins in a natural way. It should be noted that the "Health Basket" is a unique tool that can be used even during pregnancy, helping the body of the future mother to cope with overloads of the intestines, heart, liver, kidneys, etc.

Stop appetite

The Stop-Appetite complex is a food supplement based on insoluble fiber and transformed herbal components. The composition of the product includes a shell of wheat grain and a bouquet of herbs, including: strawberry leaves, nettles, blueberries, dandelion roots, chicory, yarrow grass, fireweed, etc. In addition, the product includes a variety of trace elements and vitamins that are beneficial for the body, thereby reducing food consumption does not affect health or well-being. A decrease in appetite is due to the swelling of fiber in the stomach and the filling of its volume, which gives a feeling of satiety.

The opinion of doctors

As you know, to get the required amount of fiber, you should eat a lot of food saturated with this substance during the day. This process is quite difficult to implement, since the daily fiber for a person is as much as 50 grams. In this aspect, Siberian fiber is an extremely important component of nutrition, which should be present in the diet of every person in moderation.

Siberian fiber is a product that is obtained from the fibers of cereals, vegetables, and fruits. Fiber, getting into the stomach, swells, preventing overeating, so it is actively used for weight loss. Insoluble plant fibers are present in every natural product, but it is not always possible to introduce them into the daily diet, and then modern methods of getting rid of toxins in the form of Siberian fiber come to the rescue.


Siberian fiber is nothing but the waste of flour milling. In the drug market, it is positioned as a biologically active cleansing supplement with a natural composition. The product does not contain substances of chemical origin, flavorings, preservatives, flavor enhancers and colorings. The following components are part of various types of Siberian fiber:

  • Grain shells of rye or millet;
  • Oat bran;
  • Slices of dried berries and fruits;
  • Nuts
  • Herbal fees.

The benefits of consumption

Siberian fiber should be consumed by those whose body is deficient in plant fibers. Especially need people who are losing weight or suffer from its insufficiency. Fiber helps restore digestive organs, eliminating the symptoms of a "lazy" intestine. The product normalizes sugar levels, lowers cholesterol, absorbs toxic substances, then to remove from the body.

Numerous reviews of doctors show that the use of fiber for weight loss provides a person with a feeling of satiety, since it swells in the stomach if you drink plenty of water immediately after taking it. The product is displayed slowly, therefore, losing weight does not feel hunger and does not overeat.

During a meal with fiber, it is easy to eat low-calorie foods, which causes a rapid weight loss. Remember that Siberian fiber is not a radical means for losing weight, therefore, you do not need to wait for an instant result. But with proper and regular use, you globally cleanse your body of perennial stool deposits. In addition, dietary supplement has some more positive properties:

  1. Reduces the manifestation of allergic pathologies.
  2. Prevents urolithiasis.
  3. Normalizes hormonal levels.
  4. Lowers "bad" cholesterol.
  5. Removes harmful substances.
  6. Increases the elasticity of the skin.
  7. Improves the work of the digestive tract.

How to use for weight loss

If you use fiber correctly, then during weight loss you nourish your body with useful substances. The daily daily allowance is 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of the product, which are divided into several meals. For weight loss, you need to use fiber immediately before meals. With a low-calorie diet, the supplement will help get rid of an additional 120 calories.

A simple way to lose weight is to add fiber to yogurt, kefir, water, juice, or another liquid. Some mix the additive with flour and use in baking. It is allowed to consume Siberian fiber during main meals and as snacks. A glass of low-fat yogurt with fiber will replace dinner with weight loss.

If fiber is not used for weight loss, spend one fasting day with it every week. To do this, divide 1 liter of kefir into 4 servings, add 2 tsp each. granules or powder and take at intervals of 3 hours. In one such day, it is easy to lose up to 1.5 kg of excess weight.

During weight loss with Siberian fiber, do not forget about regular physical activity and a balanced diet. Enter a useful supplement in the daily menu and get rid of 150-200 kcal every day without special efforts.

Types of Fiber

We have already figured out how useful Siberian fiber is, but you should know that the manufacturer produces several options for the supplement with different properties. Their beneficial substances are directed to a particular body system. You can buy Siberian fiber for any weight loss program, as well as to improve vision, improve kidney health, and prevent diabetes.

"Thin waist"

Instructions for the use of Siberian fiber “Thin waist” says that the drug is designed for people who monitor excess weight on the abdomen and sides. The burning of fat at the waist occurs due to dietary fiber of wheat grain, contributing to a decrease in appetite. The oats included in the composition cleans the intestines from toxins, and the Thin Waist tea contains “female herbs”:

  • Horsetail, known for its diuretic properties;
  • St. John's wort, relieving stress;
  • Peppermint relaxing and soothing;
  • Nettle with a laxative effect.

"Figure nutrition"

Thanks to a complex of skillfully selected components, fiber “Figure nutrition” is able to reduce weight without strict diets and hunger strikes. Passing through the digestive system, the shell of the grain will rid the body of toxins, and the intestines - of mucus and feces. This type of Siberian fiber will improve metabolism, so it is preferable to choose it when losing weight with strict diets.

Stop appetite

Indications for the use of fiber “Stop appetite” - is the prevention of cholesterol, improving bowel function, normalizing metabolism and getting rid of excess weight. This supplement contains oatmeal, which, when it enters the stomach, forms a jelly-like substance. It reduces appetite, fights atherosclerosis, reduces the risk of coronary disease, successfully solves the problems of the heart. Using fiber “Stop appetite” you will have a wonderful skin color and good hair quality.

Vitamin Glade

Siberian fiber “Vitamin Glade” contains valuable taiga wild plants, which have long been used to increase immunity: cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, pine nuts. The vitamins contained in the berries help to get rid of vitamin deficiency in the cold season, provide the body with the necessary substances and improve vision. The combination of Siberian berries with pine nuts has a beneficial effect on immunity during the period of influenza and SARS. A unique technology for the production of fiber retains the original state of plant gifts of the taiga.

“Lady of Slimness”

Siberian fiber “Lady of Slimness” naturally solves several problems for a woman’s health at once: normalizes weight, improves digestion, satisfies hunger, and becomes a useful environment for the reproduction of microflora. Any food that is fortified with this supplement will be less caloric. The dietary supplement “Lady of Slimness” contains:

  • A shell of wheat grain;
  • Berries of cranberries, red and aronia;
  • Fruits of apple, pumpkin, apricot;
  • Burdock root;
  • Green coffee extract;
  • Buckthorn bark.

Healthy Liver

Fiber “Healthy Liver”, in addition to the grain shell, contains juniper fruits, milk thistle, carrots and hop cones. That is, all useful products that can improve the condition of the liver, have a beneficial effect on the biliary tract and gall bladder. The regular use of this supplement prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder and liver, and is also useful for hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis. Thanks to well-chosen components, a choleretic effect is achieved.

"There is no pause"

The composition of the Siberian fiber “Puz no” includes a shell of rye grain, salt, pepper, vegetables and oatmeal. This supplement is specially designed for the strong half of humanity, taking care of their weight. Its regular use will give lightness, vitality, cleanse the body of toxins, contribute to weight loss in the abdomen. Fiber has a salty taste, so it can be used as an additive to dishes or individual snacks. The norm of taking dietary supplements for weight loss is 1 tbsp. twice a day.

"Graceful silhouette"

Components of fiber “Graceful silhouette” are selected specifically for women who monitor the slimness of the figure. Her intake contributes to weight loss and eliminates dysbiosis, intoxication, metabolic disorders, immunodeficiency, improves hair structure. The dietary supplement contains a shell of wheat grain, green tea, a sheet of hay, mint, chamomile, meadowsweet, stevia, and apple fruits.


The shells of rye and wheat grain are not absorbed by the body. They are like natural "brushes" remove from the digestive tract accumulated over the years of deposition. In addition to cleansing the intestines, fiber reduces the calorie content of dishes, therefore it is effective with any method of losing weight. Regular use of the supplement will help get rid of 3 to 7 kilograms of excess weight in one month without strict diets and heavy physical exertion.


Fiber, like any supplement, has certain contraindications. Before using it for weight loss, you should read the instructions and consult a doctor about the possible benefits and harms specifically for you. First of all, it is not recommended to experiment with health in order to cleanse the body during pregnancy and lactation, people with the following pathologies:

  • Exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases (colitis, gastritis, ulcer).
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Poor blood coagulation.
  • Low pressure.
  • Individual intolerance to the products that make up fiber.

Calorie content

Low calorie content, availability and low cost of Siberian fiber make it an ideal product for weight loss. If there are no contraindications, then the supplement is allowed to be consumed until fully saturated, without restrictions. The energy value of the product is only 40 kcal per 100 grams.

Where to buy Siberian fiber

It is inexpensive to purchase any type of Siberian fiber on the official website. The price of the product ranges from 55 to 80 rubles per 350 grams, depending on additional ingredients. In pharmacies they also sell Siberian fiber, but you can hardly find such a variety as in online stores in the pharmacy chain.

   Siberian Fiber LLC

634021 Russia, Tomsk Region, Tomsk 109 Frunze Ave., office 114

Questions and answers for specialists selling Siberian fiber

Siberian Fiber 03/19/2018 2180

10 common questions about Siberian fiber and answers to them

What is fiber good for?

What is the logic of its wide spectrum of action?

Fiber is an integral part of the membranes of plant cells. You get fiber along with plant foods. So it was in the thousand-year history of the human race, but technological progress has changed our food. Modern food is clean, refined and poor in fiber. Most of the inhabitants of Russia - 70-80% of the population (according to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 2003) - consume 15% of the recommended fiber per day!

Why is transit time important?

Your gut does the hard work of moving food from the stomach to the anus. Many changes are taking place along the way in the “food coma,” including the formation of carcinogens. The longer the transit time, the higher the likelihood that the resulting poisons and toxins will begin to be absorbed from the intestine into the bloodstream, causing metabolic disorders.

Fiber is a non-alternative natural regulator of the rate of food transit through the gastrointestinal tract.

See how wide the spectrum of diseases caused by malnutrition can be prevented and relieved with fiber! Coronary heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer of the intestines and breast, appendicitis, constipation, elevated cholesterol, gallstones, hemorrhoids, prostate cancer, varicose veins, infectious diseases (decreased immunity) and even caries!

25-30 gr. different! (This is very important) fiber per day from early childhood to old age will help you protect yourself and loved ones from many troubles. Cereals, vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries should become permanent components of your diet. 1.5-2 kg of plant foods per day will help to improve well-being, control weight, slow down age-related changes and prevent disease. This, so many, some will say, is no problem, on the shelves of pharmacies you will find useful multimixes from various types of fiber in the form of powders, tablets, granules.

Who has proven that fiber is so healthy? - you ask.

Abroad, hundreds of research teams are engaged in studying the beneficial properties of fiber, more than 300 have been published in the first quarter of 2013! fiber articles in English. Translations of many of them can be found on the Russian-language Internet. And who proved that fiber is so healthy? - you ask. Abroad, hundreds of research teams are engaged in studying the beneficial properties of fiber, more than 300 have been published in the first quarter of 2013! fiber articles in English. Translations of many of them can be found on the Russian-language Internet. In Russia, there are practically no such works, but people's interest in a healthy diet rich in fiber and effective natural preventive drugs is steadily growing.

Siberian fiber (SC) is an effective, natural prophylactic. Each type of SC is a complex of soluble and insoluble plant fibers. SC improves the quality of the diet, protects against many diseases and problems.

First of all, these are disorders of the digestive and excretory systems:

  • hemorrhoids
  • varicose veins
  • oncological diseases of the colon and rectum
  • liver and kidney disease
  • allergic reactions
  • dysbiosis.

The use of fiber normalizes weight, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, diabetes, allergies, chemical and microbial intoxication. Fiber is not a medicine, after a few days of taking a sharp improvement in health, it will not happen, because we undermined it for years and decades. After taking fiber, nutrition becomes more correct, metabolism improves, and the load on internal organs and body systems decreases. Those who use fiber (after 3-5 days) note the normalization of the stool, the disappearance of congestion in the pelvic area, lightness, and the improvement of appearance and well-being.

What is fiber?

An organic compound that forms the structural basis of the shells of plant cells.

Why is fiber so important to us?

What should an organism get with food in the first place? Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and necessarily dietary fiber — fiber. According to the Russian Ministry of Health, the average Russian consumes 10-15% of the recommended norm per day of fiber!

Fiber makes up for the lack of fruits and vegetables, so it is necessary at any age. But especially to those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not eat enough plant foods (less than 1-1.5 kg per day).

What is the role of plant fiber - fiber in the digestive process?

Fiber is almost not digested. Passing through the digestive tract, enhances intestinal locomotor activity, promotes food promotion and cleanses the intestinal walls from stratification of fecal stones, pus, mucus, etc. Fiber fibers absorb bile acids, toxins, slags, poisons, salts of heavy metals, pesticides. When many foods are digested, poisons form in the lower intestine. Food, poor in fiber, moves along the digestive tract for a long time, stagnates in the lower intestine, poisons and toxins begin to be absorbed into the blood, poisoning the body.

Fiber is a food beneficial to the intestinal microflora. Useful microflora - "factory of immunity." Intestinal bacteria partially break down fiber, and substances that block the growth of cancer cells are formed. Current statistics show that in regions where plant food predominates, cancer of the digestive tract and mammary gland are reduced by 30% compared with other regions in which fiber intake is much lower than normal.

One of the reasons for feeling full is the fullness of the stomach, after which special receptors signal the brain - "stop eating and stretch the stomach." A state of saturation sets in. Fiber is an ideal, natural “filler” for the stomach. Our body spends energy on promoting food through the digestive tract. If we eat proteins, fats or carbohydrates, then the energy spent is replenished by digesting food, in the case of fiber this does not happen. Scientists have proved that our body spends energy equivalent to a 20-minute run to advance along the digestive tract of the daily fiber requirement! Eat and grow thin - this cherished dream of many lovers of strict diets comes true. In addition, the “slagged” intestines are not able to “properly” absorb nutrients, metabolism is disturbed and, as a result of this, problems with weight and health occur.

Norm of admission, methods of use

The daily norm of plant fibers is 20-25 g. Divide it into 2-3 doses. Start taking SC with one spoon, increasing the dose over the course of a week. It is most convenient to take SK with sour-milk products or thick juices at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons per glass (one tablespoon 5 gr.). In them, fiber is evenly distributed throughout the volume of fluid, which makes it pleasant to use. SK can be washed down with any other liquid, add it to soup or porridge, put in dough, minced meat or used as a breading material.

Any amount of fiber will be beneficial for your body. For comparison, let's say - to get the daily rate of plant fiber, you need to eat 1.5 kg of apples or 1.25 kg of oranges, 270 gr. prunes, 600 gr. bran bread. The main thing to remember when taking Siberian fiber is that it must be taken with liquid at the rate of 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of fiber for 1-2 cups of liquid!

How long does it take to consume SC?

Fiber makes up for the lack of plant foods. Therefore, it must be consumed constantly, if you can not eat the required amount (1-1.5 kg) of fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, greens per day.

What is Siberian fiber made of?

Cereal shell - wheat, rye, taiga and garden berries - lingonberries, cranberries, chokeberries, honeysuckle, blueberries, blueberries, etc., as well as pine nuts, flax, stevia, milk thistle, red squirrel, Altai and Siberian herbs, apple , seaweed, rose hip, etc.


Gastric ulcer in open form, colitis, enterocolitis of infectious etiology. Individual intolerance.


In this review I want to tell you about such a super-useful product - Siberian fiber from Dr. DiaS. I have been eating Siberian fiber for more than three years, as I lose weight periodically))))) And it is precisely in my weight loss that fiber is almost the main role.

Siberian fiber is a shell of wheat grain. This is the basis of the "product" where, in addition, manufacturers can add various useful ingredients. For example, healthy herbs, flowers, berries, nuts, etc. Naturally, all the ingredients are ground and this mixture is very convenient "eat".

Fiber is a completely natural product without the addition of any impurities, preservatives, flavorings. So do not be afraid to take it if you are wary of some medications and dietary supplements for weight loss.

Siberian fiber helps:

But Siberian fiber also has contraindications:

I think that fiber should not be taken in the same way if you have a predisposition to peptic ulcer and gastritis. If there are no such problems, then fiber will only help you improve digestion.

It is also indicated on the package itself that when fiber is added to food, it (food) becomes less high-calorie. I don’t know how it works))) Yes, and it is not clear to me, because fiber itself also has calorie content and how can it reduce it on the contrary?

When using a daily dose of 3-4 tablespoons, 120 kcal is burned, which is equivalent to a 20-minute run.

I hope these manufacturer's promises are true))) Unfortunately, this is impossible to verify)) I’d better tell you about how I take fiber and what effect from its use I noticed.

I started to take fiber already in 2013, here is my first jar of "Linen with Berries"))) It has survived even. I provide the production date as evidence.

Shelf life 12 months, has long passed and I did not finish this jar. She somehow didn’t come to me. It's a pity to throw out. I think she has not even changed in 4 years. Probably all the same, I'll eat her))))

But I really liked the "Graceful", which I buy constantly and have already "eaten" about 5 cans. It is less caloric. Now such fiber costs about 130 rubles. You can buy in a pharmacy or in a supermarket in the department of diet products.

How to take fiber to lose weight and reduce appetite? Siberian fiber for weight loss:

When in 2013 I started eating it, I didn’t even follow it at all, I didn’t eat every day, sometimes I completely forgot. Sometimes she ate a couple of times a week, and sometimes she did not eat at all for a month. Basically, I used it when I was tempted to lose weight xD.

But now I use fiber necessarily for fasting days, which I have been practicing since January 2016.

Jars of 170 grams are enough for me for about 4-5 months. I never add fiber to food because eating with it becomes terrible. Fiber is very tasteless. More precisely, it is tasteless, dry, and such a brrr,)))) Nasty. Well, personally, I don’t like it to taste))) If you ate bran at least once, then fiber is almost the same to taste.

I use fiber only for adding to kefir. For me, this is the most ideal way to use fiber. For 1 cup of low-fat kefir (I take 1%), I put 2 tablespoons of fiber and mix well. I let it stand for 2 minutes and immediately drink the whole glass. I don’t like to stretch this “pleasure”)))) I try to drink this mixture as soon as possible and forget)))) I try to drink 2 such glasses a day, but sometimes I forget or just don’t want and only drink one. But of course you can add fiber, for example, to yogurt.

The most ideal is to drink such a glass of yogurt with fiber instead of dinner. But in general, you can drink at any time. I probably drink more often in the morning, because after 4-5 hours I don’t feel like eating at all.

These 2 spoons just do some miracles))) There really is no desire at all. The feeling in the stomach is such that you ate well, but there is absolutely no heaviness, on the contrary, you feel such lightness and no discomfort, no hunger pains, rumbling .. nothing.

I like that fiber really helps reduce appetite and you do not need to take any obscure pills. I always use fiber on fasting days. Because fasting days are by themselves a meager diet and on such days you always feel like eating, and if there isn’t much willpower, you can just spit on everything and get enough ... well, or all day suffering from thoughts of food. And the most effective weight loss occurs only when the mood is good))) So Siberian fiber helps a lot to get rid of such problems and obsessive thoughts.

Of course, I recommend including Siberian fiber in your daily diet, or at least on your fasting days, if you periodically arrange these. Well, of course, if you follow a diet, then this product is simply necessary for you to reduce appetite. Believe me, after its application it will be much easier for you to follow a diet or just at least eat a little less.

  • Diet "Favorite." - the volumes are well gone. The only diet I sat on this year. (2016 year)
  • Individual diet. -15 kg (2015)
  • Do not eat after 18.00. -10 kg (2014)
  • Water diet is a good habit to drink more water every day.
  • Proper nutrition - I have been adhering for a year.