Are there black olives in nature. Olives and olives: what is the difference, how do they differ

24.09.2019 Fish dishes

Olives are a simple appetizer that can often be seen on the table with or without reason. The product is in demand, but buyers are even more interested in fake olives. Are they painted? How? How harmful is it

Olives are a simple appetizer that can often be seen on the table with or without reason. The product is in demand, but buyers are even more interested in fake olives. Are they painted? How? How harmful is it? On the Internet, you can find the most incredible and frightening answers to these questions. Which of all the versions is true - you will soon find out!

Photo: Itinerant Tightwad/flickr

First, let's look at the names and concepts. and olives - the fruits of one tree, differing in the degree of maturity. Olives are unripe and green, olives are black and ripe. By the way, olives are a concept that exists only in our language and some CIS countries. There is no such name in the homeland of fruits of this name, there are only green and black olives.

Let's return to the main question. Real black ripe olives (or olives, call it what you like) are not so common on the shelves in our stores. Most jars for 50-100 rubles contain green olives inside, brought, let's say, "to mind" and the desired color. First, unripe fruits are sent to an alkali solution - this removes the bitterness of the product. Then oxygen is passed through the liquid and a color stabilizer is added before preservation. As a result, the olives turn black and turn into the dark olives we are used to. So yes, the fruits really tint.

But this is not as scary as it sounds, and not as dangerous as is commonly believed. Iron gluconate, aka E 579, is used as a color stabilizer. It does not kill or poison any cells in the body, as is often written on dubious forums and portals, and in small quantities it is even used for medicinal purposes. But this is no reason to gobble up olives on both cheeks! An excess can cause malfunctions in the body, and one jar contains more than it should be consumed per day.

And finally. If you want to find natural olives (ripened and naturally blackened), there are a couple of tricks to remember.

1. Real olives are not perfectly black. They can vary in hue from reddish brown to dark purple and are usually unevenly colored with one side darker than the other.

2. Dull and inconspicuous-looking fruits are natural, while smooth and shiny fruits have undergone the above-mentioned processing.

3. If the brine is in a jar of a rich inky hue, you have purchased false olives.

4. Read the ingredients on the package. If you meet the words "stabilizer", "ferrous gluconate" or "E 579", it was not without chemical intervention.

Many people think: "What to take - olives or olives?". Some like the first, others the second. However, not everyone knows what is what. There are many opinions among the people about how these fruits differ from each other.

Some believe that these are fruits that are exactly the same in taste and composition, others think that these are berries of the same tree, differing in the degree of ripening.

Black Olives vs Olives - What's the difference?

Undoubtedly, there is no significant difference between these fruits. Both products grow on the same tree - the olive. Their main difference lies in the degree of maturity. If you observe the ripening process, you will notice that green and black fruits grow on the same tree at the same time.

Olives are green and olives are black. Olives are often referred to as unripe olives. In principle, such a name cannot be considered erroneous.

What is the difference between the fruits, except for the color?

It is worth remembering that in addition to color, both products have a lot of other, albeit minor, differences. These fruits are distinguished by taste, elasticity, composition and method of processing.

Differences between olives and olives:

  1. Taste. Olives are much juicier and richer than olives.
  2. Elasticity. Olives are much harder than olives because they contain much less oil.
  3. Compound. Both products are saturated with useful substances in almost the same way, but their chemical composition is slightly different. This fact is quite explainable by the fact that these products have a different maturation process.
  4. processing method. Green fruits undergo a longer processing than black ones.

It is important to mention why the fruits of the same tree are named differently. The name "olives" is quite logical, since the tree that bears these fruits is olive. But olives are named so for two reasons. Firstly, the olive plant belongs to the Shrovetide family. Secondly, quite popular olive oil is made from black fruits.

What is tastier and healthier?

As mentioned above, the taste differences between these two fruits are present. Among the people there is an opinion that olives are much more pleasant and tastier.

Taste Benefits of Olives:

  1. They are much softer and juicier.
  2. Easier to chew and literally melt in your mouth.
  3. Leave behind a specific oily aftertaste.

Olives, on the other hand, have a pungent and sharp texture, and because of their elasticity, they are much more difficult to chew. Also, green fruits create a tart taste in the mouth. Despite the above facts, there are quite a lot of supporters of olives who are happy to eat this unripe fruit.

If we talk about the benefits of these two products, then we can say that both fruits are necessary for the human body and saturate it with many minerals and vitamins. Their main difference is that ripe berries contain more oil and, accordingly, are more high-calorie.

Both products are saturated with organic acids, fiber, protein, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium. It is the rich component composition that unites both olives and olives into a group of useful food products for the human body. The use of both black and green fruits will bring many benefits to the body if it is moderate and regular.

Harm of olives and olives

In addition to the advantages, both olives and black olives have a number of disadvantages. First of all, these fruits can harm the body if they are consumed excessively or a product of inadequate quality and artificial processing is chosen.

These products can harm the body in the following ways:

Of course, the above negative facts are not frightening. If there are no contraindications to the use of the product, and its quality meets acceptable standards, then neither olives nor black olives will cause any harm to the human body.

How to choose

Both green and black berries of the olive tree must meet certain requirements. Only here to choose a product of proper quality in this case is not so easy.

Many producers hide the way they process olives and olives, thereby maintaining their reputation. However, experienced buyers shared several tricks to help distinguish a fake from a really worthwhile product.

When choosing olives and olives, you must adhere to the following nuances:

  • olives placed in tins are usually not of good quality and have a rather low cost;
  • artificially colored olives in their composition necessarily have iron gluconate (E 579);
  • chemically treated olives are deep black and shiny;
  • loose ripe fruits can be tasted, while taking into account that they should not have a bitter-sour taste, but a sweetish one;
  • the brine in which natural olives are located cannot be a dark shade;
  • natural olives do not have a glossy sheen, but rather faded;
  • when choosing pitted fruits, it is important to pay attention to their appearance, they should not be wrinkled and not have a whole look;
  • it is not recommended to buy stuffed olives, because to increase the shelf life, the manufacturer adds stabilizers and flavor enhancers to their composition;
  • do not be afraid of fruits that have a purple hue, most likely they were prepared using fermentation technology, which cannot be called a disadvantage.

Unfortunately, this product of inadequate quality is very common. Therefore, if a product of a conscientious manufacturer fell into the hands, then it is not worth taking risks and trying other options.

Summing up, we can say that olives and black olives are the fruits of the same tree and, no doubt, have more similarities than differences. Moderate use, both the first and second, is very beneficial for the human body.

Before buying this product, you should exclude the presence of contraindications for consumption and take into account the nuances of identifying quality.

Olives and black olives grow on a tree called the European olive. In the article, we will figure out what is the difference between olives and olives, what are their benefits and harm to the body, we will tell you where they grow and how they grow.

The name "olives" is used exclusively in Russia, in other countries they are called "olives".

Oliva is one of the most popular and beloved trees in their homeland. According to legend, it symbolizes the magical connection of the earth with the sky, so it has been revered since ancient times. In ancient Greece, the winners of the Olympic Games were awarded with olive wreaths. It was from Greece that olives and olives began to spread throughout the world. Gradually, olive trees conquered America and Africa, and the fruits began to be exported to all continents.

Today, a beautiful tree with leaves like silver represents wisdom and nobility. The olive tree also occupies a special place in religion, being a symbol of rebirth. The olive branch was brought to Noah's ark by a dove, which heralded the end of the flood, and the possibility of returning to land.

The fruits of the olive tree and the oil from them are also used for food. There are pickling and oil varieties of olives, the percentage of oil in which reaches 80%.

What is the difference between olives and olives

In Russia, the term "olives" is used to refer to the fruits of the green olive tree, the black fruits of the same tree are called "olives". Some gourmets believe that these are the fruits of different trees, others that their difference is due to different degrees of maturity. Both olives and olives grow on the same tree - European olive, and differ only in the degree of ripening.

Only green olives are suitable for conservation. Ripe black fruits are processed. Oil is made from them. The black or green color of canned fruits is determined by the technology used in production. For different manufacturers, the processing and production stages in general do not differ, but there may be some subtleties between them.

Green fruits are hand-picked from trees and placed in special baskets. To collect ripe fruits, small nets are placed under each tree. Berries are showered in them, then divided by size. This step is called calibration. After that, to remove a specific bitter taste, the olives are soaked in bulk vats in a solution based on caustic soda.

The fruits that we buy black are placed in special containers into which oxygen is supplied and the oxidation process is carried out. Olives oxidize for seven to ten days, after which they turn black and soft, and acquire the familiar spicy taste.

There is no oxidation step in green olive preservation technology. Once processed, the olives are preserved in brine. Here, producers can show their imagination by adding spices and other ingredients to the brine, creating a signature taste.

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The product is stored in large plastic tanks, which are interconnected and placed underground. The capacity of one such barrel is about 10 tons. When it comes time for the next steps (pitting, packaging), the olives are pumped out of the barrels using special pumps.

Benefit and harm to the body

The diet of the inhabitants of the Mediterranean cannot be imagined without olives and olive oil, which are considered the most useful. According to the legends of the Mediterranean peoples, the olive tree does not die, therefore, those who love its fruits are characterized by excellent health and energy.

  1. Olives contain more than a hundred different substances. The properties of some of them have not even been studied yet.
  2. Berries are a wonderful prophylactic against diseases of blood vessels, liver, stomach, and heart.
  3. Even the bones of olives are eaten, which are perfectly digested in the process of digestion.
  4. Of particular benefit to the body is a set of three types of phenolic substances: lignans, simple phenols, secoiridoids.
  5. Olives are a storehouse of useful substances, such as oleocanthal, an anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

Where and how olives and black olives grow

What is the olive tree so beloved by gourmets? The trunk of an olive tree can be widely distributed in breadth, while its height rarely reaches more than 1 meter. If you do not provide proper care for the tree, very quickly it will turn into a bush and die due to lack of light at the base.

Oliva is a perennial plant that can reproduce and renew itself. The roots of the tree go as deep as 80 cm. The olive tree is able to survive in arid conditions and can tolerate up to 10° frost.

Today, the European olive grows throughout the Mediterranean. It is so popular that it has spread to the countries of North and South America, Asia Minor, India, Australia, Northeast Africa and East Asia.

Spain is recognized as the leader in the supply of olives, where up to 80% of all table olives are supplied by the Andalusia region. The share of its supplies on the world market reaches 50%, so most of the olives presented on the Russian shelves were brought from Spain. Olives do not grow in Russia, but it is not difficult to find them in stores.

Popular varieties

In total, there are more than 400 varieties of Greek olives. Usually the names of olive varieties are derived from the place where they grow. Depending on the purpose of use, olives are divided into three groups:

  • Canteens eaten as a whole and intended for canning. Varieties of Halkidiki, Konservolia, Amfisa, Kalamon (Kalamata), Frumbolia.
  • Oilseeds used in oil production. This is a well-known variety of Koroneika and others.
  • Combined or canned oilseeds. These include the Manaki variety.

Olives are an unusual product, they are tasty and healthy. Few plants can compare with olives in terms of the amount of vitamins, trace elements, and fiber. Once you fall in love with their taste, you will forever remain their fan.

Want to extend your life by at least 10 years? Then there should always be olives on your table. The Spaniards believe that they are also an excellent aphrodisiac. Olives, olives, green, black... there is some confusion with them all the time. And yet they are the fruits of the same tree.
Only here in Russia it is customary to call black fruits olives, and green ones - olives. All over the world, both are olives. Therefore, only we may find the inscriptions on the jars "Black Olives" and "Green Olives" strange.
With green olives, perhaps, everything is clear: they are harvested while still unripe. But with Black it's not so easy. Those fruits that we used to call olives are the result of a special technology. They are specially oxygenated. Remember how easily an apple devoid of skin darkens? In olives, the same oxidative processes take place, which “make” them turn black, like apples.
In addition to the color itself, green and black fruits can also differ in varietal characteristics, but all those that we are used to seeing in jars are table varieties. Their flesh is usually tender and juicy. To obtain olive oil, technical varieties are used.
Their fruits are small in size and rather hard, with a rough skin and a large stone.

Now remember when was the last time you ate olives? Meanwhile, each person should eat at least 10-15 pieces per day. Nutritionists cite impressive statistics: in the world, every 665 people out of 10 thousand die from heart disease, and in the Mediterranean countries, where olives are very fond of, only 284.
Biochemists have studied olives well: these are vitamins, among which the most are tocopherol, the vitamin of youth, and very healthy fats containing polyunsaturated fatty acids (no wonder olive oil is considered one of the best), and plant pigments anthocyanins are natural antioxidants, these are proteins similar to its composition on animal proteins. You can't list everything!
But even this "barrel of honey" has its own little "fly in the ointment": a substance with the complicated name of okuropein. This is what gives olives an unbearably bitter taste. But for a long time people have learned to get rid of this bitterness, turning the fruits into a very tasty delicacy. To begin with, it is important to carefully collect the fruits, it is not for nothing that this is still done only by hand, and with a lot of precautions. Then they are soaked in a special solution (alkali). At this stage, the bitterness goes away.

Growing olives is a very ancient occupation. Their origin is associated with the countries of Asia Minor and Ancient Greece.
According to legend, the olive tree grew in the place where the goddess Athena stuck her spear. This tree is always
considered a symbol of life and the mystical connection between heaven and earth. It is no coincidence that it was the olive branch brought by the dove to Noah that announced the end of the flood.
The vitality of the olive is also admirable: it is able to be reborn from a tiny sprout and easily endure drought.
Maybe this is the key to the healing power of its fruits.
Today, olive trees are cultivated mainly in the Mediterranean countries and in the USA. They are also grown in the southern regions of the former Soviet Union. But, nevertheless, these tasty berries were in short supply for us not so long ago.
Today, the number of countries supplying us with olives exceeds two dozen, but Spain has been and remains their main producer and exporter. Of course, in our markets, you will not find such picturesque "hills" of multi-colored and various-sized fruits, as, for example, in Israel, Greece or Tunisia. But completely ready for use - as much as you like.

Many people respect everything big. In the case of olives, this is quite justified. The thick, fleshy fruits of large size are considered the best. Although olives of special "giant" varieties are still not for everybody.
If you buy them by weight or in transparent packaging, everything is clear at a glance, but what about those sealed in a jar? Very simple - look at her bottom.
In addition to information about the expiration date, you will find a special size code, which is commonly called a caliber. It is expressed in two numbers separated by a fraction - the minimum and maximum number of fruits contained in one kilogram of dry weight, that is, without brine. The larger the olives, the smaller their caliber. For example, the largest fruits have a caliber of 60/80, and 160/180 are also classified as large. But the smallest olives have a caliber of 360/380.
As for packaging, it can be a glass or tin can, or maybe a plastic bag. If everything is more or less clear with the first two (olives can be stored in them for up to 2-3 years), then plastic containers are the most controversial. Recent
studies by Greek experts have shown that the shelf life in plastic is much less than previously thought. The most reliable of these packages is vacuum.
Those who have not yet had time to taste these amazing fruits can be advised to start acquaintance with olives - black elastic fruits that look like blackthorn berries, but are very delicate in taste.
Often olives have a pleasant nutty flavor. They are so nutritious that they can replace an entire three-course menu. It is impossible to get away from them. And it's nice to eat - a small bone is easily separated.
Green olives are a delight of a different kind. Often they can have a spicy aftertaste or even a rather sharp taste. You should not be afraid of this - you are just, most likely, an inexperienced connoisseur. Olives take some getting used to.
According to connoisseurs, in order to truly fall in love with olives, you need to try them at least three times. Only on the fourth you will begin to distinguish shades of taste. If you can’t feel their charm in any way, even after eating a whole kilogram, or you are one of those who treat olives with a persistent prejudice, or you just need to grow up.
There is an opinion that it is much easier to understand the taste of these fruits with age.
One way or another, a large selection on the current shelves only helps to adapt to
wonderful fruits. After all, it used to be just olives or just olives. And today they are small, and giant, and spicy, and salty, and oily, and not so much. The number of varieties is innumerable.
For example, in Spain, the most popular are "manzanilla", "gordal" and "casereña", in Italy "tajiasca", among the French "la nion" and "tanche", and among the Greeks - "kalamata".
It is of paramount importance, "under what sauce" you serve the olives to the table.
Since ancient times, there have been many recipes, and some of them have survived to this day, for example, olives with honey, as is customary in Greece.
Olives can simply be salted or slightly dried, poured with vinegar or olive oil. Or prepare a complex marinade: brine plus oil plus balsamic vinegar plus a wide variety of spices. By the way, today you can buy such delicacies ready-made.
Taste a selection of olives and black olives, when in one jar - a whole rainbow of shades (from pale green to purple-red). These are fruits of varying degrees of maturity. "berries" coexist peacefully with other vegetables, such as capers or cucumbers. But if you find only olives in the package, you still won’t be able to complain about the monotony of taste, since there are no number of all kinds of fillings.
By the way, toppings are only for green olives. These are anchovies, lobsters, shrimp, lemon, almonds, pieces of meat and various vegetables.
When you have already chosen a jar of olives or black olives, you still have room for their creative use.
Of course, you can just take them out of the jar and eat them. And you can fry in oil and add dry white wine and oregano, onion and black pepper - this
Not difficult at all, but delicious! Olives will also seem interesting in combination with a variety of products. For example, in the Greek salad, which we loved so much. Or with meat or fish.
Try roasting salmon or lamb with olives. And of course, do not forget that these small fruits are also a wonderful decoration for almost any dish.

The content of the article:

The olive is a long-lived tree of the olive family, capable of surviving for about 2000 years. This mighty beautiful tree, revered at all times, personifies a symbol of wisdom, maturity and nobility. From olive branches weaved wreaths erected by the ancient Greeks to the winners of the Olympic Games. Currently, the cultural form of the tree is grown in the countries of North and South America, Asia Minor, Northwest Africa, Australia, East Asia, and, of course, in the Mediterranean.

What is the difference between olives and black olives?

Both olives and black olives grow on the same tree. Term "olives" they are used only in Russia and Ukraine, in other countries they are called olives.

The color of olives depends on their maturity. If they are torn green, then they, as a rule, have not yet ripened (these fruits contain less oil, they are harder). If the fruits are left on the tree until fully ripe, they form a dark purple color and a shriveled appearance. But in our stores, those black olives, as a rule, were harvested while still green, and then with the help of chemistry and a special procedure they are made dark in color (read more a little further). Real ripe olives of a dark purple color without the addition of a dye (ferrous gluconate "E579") are an order of magnitude more expensive than their colored counterparts. So, I advise you to buy either green olives, or large, slightly shriveled with a purple tint, they will benefit.

If the fruits are green, then we call them olives(they go to conservation), if - black - olives(go to oil production) - that's the whole difference.

How to collect: green fruits are removed from the trees by hand, after which they are placed in special baskets. Ripe crumbling berries are collected in small nets located under each tree.

All fruits are sorted by size, then placed in large containers with a solution of caustic soda to eliminate the characteristic bitterness.

How they turn black (unnatural color - chemical treatment): berries are poured into special containers and oxygen is supplied, which causes their oxidation. The process lasts 7-10 days, as a result they turn black, have a specific taste and a soft texture. The production of green olives does not go through an oxidation process. They are placed in brine, with each manufacturer adding their own spices and seasonings. In the future, the product is stored in special plastic barrels with a capacity of 10 tons, located underground.

The chemical composition of olives and calorie content

The fruits are not only tasty, but also nutritious, thanks to the fibrous structure they are easily absorbed by the body. Rich in B vitamins (thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid,), folic acid, vitamin E, K, choline (). They contain trace elements: sodium, calcium, potassium (read), magnesium, phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc, selenium, oleic acid.

Calories in canned olives per 100 g - 145 kcal:

  • Proteins - 1.0 g
  • Fat - 15.3 g
  • Carbohydrates - 0.6 g
Canned olives calories per 100 g - 168 kcal:
  • Proteins - 1.4 g
  • Fats - 16.0 g
  • Carbohydrates - 4.7 g

According to the beliefs of the Mediterranean peoples, the olive does not die, and those who use its fruits are distinguished by vitality and endurance. Berries prevent the development of diseases of the vessels and heart, liver and stomach ulcers. The bones of the olive tree are also edible, as they are completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

Since ancient times, people believed that they serve as a natural remedy for maintaining male temperament and strengthening potency - it is enough to consume 10-15 fruits a day.

Recent scientific studies show the ability of olives to prevent the development of cancer. According to statistics, residents of the Mediterranean countries are less likely to suffer from breast cancer, and all thanks to oleic acid, the main component of olives and olive oil.

What is tastier and healthier?

They go on sale only after processing, because fresh berries are inedible due to hardness and bitterness. They are pickled, salted, stuffed with pepper, lemons, anchovies, capers. On the Russian and Ukrainian markets, they are found in canned form, while in Greece you can enjoy dry-cured olives. Depending on the method of processing and the degree of maturity, olives are divided into:
  1. Green and light yellow - are collected before the ripening process;
  2. Combined (color from pink to chestnut) - harvested during the ripening process before they fully ripen;
  3. Black ones (which we call olives) are harvested after they are fully ripe;
  4. Blackened by oxidation (also olives) - harvested unripe and, passing through oxygen treatment, become black.
In our country, the main supplier of these berries is Spain. The most popular Spanish variety is Manzanilla, the Ojiblanco variety is ideal for stuffing, the Sevillano variety is very large, and Cacereña is best suited for canned black olives.

Term "caliber" used to indicate the number of olives in 1 kilogram of dry weight. The average caliber is 200/300. The larger the number, the smaller the size of the fruit, and vice versa. So, the inscription 200/300 says that there are at least 200 and no more than 300 berries per 1 kg.

And yet, the riper the olives are, the more oil they contain. It is famous for its large amount of unsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary to reduce bad cholesterol and maintain the cardiovascular system. Olive oil is better absorbed and therefore so popular in many diets.
The fruits perfectly neutralize toxins, so they are often added to alcoholic cocktails.

Harmful properties of olives

For some health problems, eating the fruit can be harmful. For example, with cholecystitis (read about), when a strong choleretic effect is exerted on the body. Olives also have a mild laxative property, as they contain a lot of oil, which is contraindicated in diarrhea.

However, there are much more useful properties in olives (olives) here! Eat with pleasure, but do not forget that any medicine can be harmful if consumed in large quantities, which also applies to the fruits of the mighty olive tree.

Video about olives with olives, how to choose and the difference: