Shangi with potatoes - tender, like a grandmother's. Step-by-step recipe for cooking shangi with potatoes How to make shangi with potatoes

15.02.2023 Fish dishes

If you love pastries, then you probably know what shanezhki are. They are prepared with different fillings, but more often with salty ones, to serve with first or second courses. Traditional Ural shangs are so light, fluffy and airy that one gets the impression that only a professional chef can cook them. But in fact, it is not at all difficult: try to bake delicious shanezhki with potatoes with us.

Recipe for Ural shanezhki with potatoes

Traditionally shangi is made with yeast dough. For this recipe you will need:

  • 3 art. flour (about 450 g);
  • 100g butter;
  • 1 st. l. sour cream;
  • 1 egg;
  • 125 ml of warm water;
  • 1.5 st. l. dry yeast;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

For the filling, take:

  • 4 potatoes;
  • 3 art. l. butter;
  • 4 tbsp. l. cream;
  • 1 egg + 1 for brushing
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Yeast will need to either be diluted in warm water or mixed with flour, depending on what is written in the instructions on the package.

Serve ready-made shanezhki from the heat - from the heat.

Serve hot on the table

Shanezhki with potatoes and cheese on yeast-free dough

You can make shangi from dough without yeast. You will need:

  • 1 glass of sour cream;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp slaked soda;
  • ½ tsp salt;
  • 150 g flour.

For the filling, take potatoes and 50 g of cheese.

I boil potatoes with seasonings according to my mood, add herbs and sometimes garlic. It is very important that when preparing mashed potatoes, all the broth from the potatoes is drained, otherwise the filling will spread during baking. And instead of sour cream, you can take yogurt or kefir. In this case, add a little melted butter so that the shangi does not turn out hard and dry.

Add your favorite seasonings and spices when boiling potatoes for stuffing.

Video recipe chaneg with potatoes and mushrooms

We hope you enjoy our recipes. There are a lot of options for potato filling for such shanezhki - with the addition of onions and carrots, mushrooms, minced meat. Try to cook shanezhki with potatoes and tell us in the comments what you added to the filling and what kind of dough you used. Bon appetit!

Traditionally, shanezhki are prepared on yeast dough, but there are also recipes without yeast, when the base is made on shortcrust pastry, with kefir or milk. The most popular filling is potato or other salty stuffing, such as buckwheat porridge with boiled egg.

Today we will cook delicious shangi with potatoes, like grandmother's, without yeast - we will knead a simple dough on kefir with soda. Baking will turn out soft, satisfying and fragrant. Best served hot, with milk or curdled milk, coffee or tea, cabbage soup or salted fish. Shanezhki are very satisfying, one or two pieces are enough to eat.

Total time: 90 minutes | Cooking time: 30 minutes
Yield: 14 pcs. | Calories: 180.69 kcal per 100 g


For test:

  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp. (450 g + per dust)
  • 1.5% kefir - 400 g
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • salt - 1 tsp without a slide
  • butter - 30 g

For filling:

  • potatoes - 600 g
  • salt - to taste
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • butter - 30 g
  • sour cream - 0.5-1 tbsp. l.

For lubrication:

  • sour cream - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • butter - 20 g


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    Knead the dough. In a deep bowl, mix kefir (at room temperature, you can warm it up, choose well-sour kefir), salt and 30 g of melted butter. Mix everything with a whisk or spoon.

    Pour 1 cup of flour and 0.5 tsp. soda. Once again, mix everything well.

    Then add the remaining flour, kneading with a spoon, and then with your hands. Flour can take a different amount, because kefir is different for everyone. Approximately - in total, for kneading, you will need 3 cups of flour, 450-500 g. The dough should turn out to be soft and not clogged with flour. Leave it in a warm place for 30 minutes.

    Parallel prepare the stuffing. Rinse, peel and boil the potatoes in boiling salted water until tender, about 30 minutes. Add butter and mash into a puree.

    Cool slightly and beat a whole chicken egg into the hot puree (from the refrigerator so as not to curdle). Add 0.5 tbsp. l. sour cream and mix thoroughly. The filling for the shaneshka should be thick enough that when you spread it over the dough, it stays on the surface. But it should not be too dry either, so if your puree turned out to be rather dry, then add another 0.5 tbsp. l. sour cream.

    Blind shangi. Divide the dough into sausages, cut each into pieces (pieces of about 55-60 g each) and roll into cakes.

    Spread the filling in the center of the cakes, leaving about 1 cm free from the edges. In principle, you can bake already in this form, or you can make a decorative pattern.

    To do this, you need to walk along the edge of the cake, making wide tucks.

    You should, as it were, slightly raise the sides so that the filling is inside (similar to khinkali, but the bag does not need to be closed, just make 6-8 tucks along the side).

    And now walk with your hands from the outside, where there were tucks - you will get a kind of “needles”, they will play a decorative role.

    Bake shangi in the oven for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. For browning, you can hold it under the grill at the end of cooking (I processed it with a gas burner). From the specified number of products, I got 14 pieces with a diameter of about 10 cm.

    While baking, ready, still hot shangi should be put in a bowl and greased with melted butter. Cover with a damp towel and leave to rest for 10 minutes.

    These are such wonderful shangi with potatoes - like grandmother's, soft and very tasty. They are best served hot. If something remains for tomorrow, then after cooling it is best to transfer it to a bag and put it in the refrigerator, and then reheat it in the oven or in the microwave. Bon appetit!

Shangi or shanezhki is a dish of pioneers. Born in the Russian north, it crossed the Urals with the settlers and conquered all of Siberia, right up to the Far East. These are not pies or cheesecakes, but a very special kind of large or small (from 30 to 10 cm in diameter) cakes made from yeast dough, on which a thick, necessarily unsweetened, but satisfying filling is placed or smeared on top. Shangi can be made with sour cream and flour spread, with peas or any viscous porridge, but shangi with potatoes were and remain the most popular.

Today we will make rich yeast shangi. But, if you do not add an egg to the dough, and replace the butter with vegetable oil, then you can enjoy this hearty pastry in fasting. I will tell you in detail about how to cook shangi with potatoes in the oven in my recipe, and the step-by-step photos taken will illustrate the preparation.

For the test we need:

  • 125 ml of milk or water;
  • 25 g fresh yeast (or 1 tsp dry);
  • 1 tbsp Sahara;
  • one egg;
  • 100 gr butter;
  • 1 tbsp sour cream;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • about 400 gr flour.

For lean shorts:

  • butter is replaced by 4 tbsp. vegetable;
  • remove the egg and sour cream from the layout;
  • increase the liquid rate to 200 ml.

Let's start with the test. Since there are a lot of fillings on shangs, the dough must be very elastic in order to keep its shape and not flatten under its weight. That is why it is better to use not dry, but live fresh yeast and make a dough first.

It's easy to prepare. Combine water, sugar and yeast and stir until smooth.

We cover the cup with dough with something (at least with cling film) and place it for 15-30 minutes (depending on the quality of the yeast) in a warm place.

Good yeast will begin to revive right before your eyes.

Opara bubbled and uncontrollably climbed out of the bowl - it's time to knead the dough.

How to make dough for shangi

Our Siberian and Ural grandmothers put the dough in a kneader, but personally I prefer to use the services of a bread machine or a food processor. While the dough was coming up, we melted the butter, but not to a liquid state, but to a soft, spreadable mass. Pour the dough into a container, send oil, egg, sour cream there.

Sift the flour, enriching it with oxygen. We put salt last so that the development of yeast is not inhibited. If desired, the dough can be flavored with cardamom, nutmeg or ground fenugreek.

While the dough is rising, prepare the filling.

How to make potato stuffing

Boil potatoes in salted water. You can make regular mashed potatoes, but it will be much tastier with the addition of fried onions, mushrooms or cracklings. We will have onions fried in butter.

We drain the finished potatoes and turn them into mashed potatoes using a pusher or blender. But after the blender, a viscous paste is obtained, and the pusher leaves unbroken pieces. If you want to get the perfect puree of the right consistency, it is best to use a special press.

We mix fried onions into potatoes, salt, pepper, add hot milk and, stirring, bring the puree to the desired degree of density.

The potato filling is ready, but before molding the shangi, you need to let it cool down to the temperature of fresh milk, not higher.

By this time, the yeast dough has grown. It turned out strong, very magnificent, but at the same time elastic. It will hold the weight of the potatoes well on itself and at the same time it will not settle or flatten.

How to cook shangi

Punch down the dough, cut into portions. In our case, it is most convenient to make 24 shanezhki, that is, 12 pieces for each baking sheet.

We take the same amount of fillings as the dough, or a little more (optional). You can form shangi with your hands: roll up koloboks from dough and potatoes, flatten them into cakes and put a potato circle on the dough.

But it can be done faster, more conveniently and more beautifully with the help of serving rings. We cover the baking sheet with a silicone mat, dust with flour, place the rings at the desired distance. We spread a portioned piece of dough into the ring, distribute it with your fingertips. Then spread the filling in the same way, level it and remove the ring.

We cover the baking sheet with a napkin and set for 20-30 minutes for proofing.

How to bake shangi with potatoes

Our strong dough came up, increased in volume so well that the shanezhki became a bit like cheesecakes. Lubricate them with a beaten egg or egg-milk mixture and send them to an oven heated to 200-220 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

Lush, ruddy, Siberian yeast shangs are ready.

They can be eaten hot, warm, cold. You can even freeze, and as needed, take out, thaw, reheat in the microwave - and again they will be fresh and soft, as if right from the heat - from the heat!

Delicious shangi with potatoes is a self-sufficient dish, but at the same time it is quite “sociable”, that is, it goes well with a wide variety of products. If you pour sour cream over the shangu, or add a few slices of something meat, fish, or just sprinkle with fresh herbs, then it will not just be a meal, but a real feast!

Shangi-shanezhki, like a grandmother's - even from the very words it becomes delicious. Shanezhki with potatoes return adults to childhood, children are given the opportunity to taste what love itself tastes like.

Grandma's classic recipe

Open pies are popular among many nations. The classic Russian version - with potato filling and the traditional way of kneading yeast dough.

For cooking you will need:

High-grade flour - from 800 grams to a kilogram;
milk - take ½ liter;
water - ½ cup;
yeast - 150 grams of live or a tablespoon of dry will be enough;
salt - ½ tablespoon;
granulated sugar - a couple of large spoons;
vanilla - literally two or three grams;
two types of oil: vegetable (odorless) - for lubricating the baking sheet and another 60 grams for fudge and butter - at least 80 grams for the filling;
eggs - you need three pieces;
mashed potatoes (should be thick enough) - determine the volume yourself.
Crumble yeast into a bowl. Pour sugar into them. It remains to pour a little heated (at least up to 300C) water, leave the dishes warm and wait for the formation of foam.
Part of the flour is sent to a deeper enameled bowl (you can take a saucepan). Add dry ingredients to it. Then slowly, in a thin stream, pour in the milk. We do the same with the yeast solution. The composition must be carefully mixed and placed for three hours in heat.
During this time, we have time to prepare the filling and fudge. Both the first and the second are easy to do. We drive two eggs into mashed potatoes, add butter - that's the filling. Beat the egg yolk with 60 grams of vegetable oil - you get fudge.
We finish preparing the yeast dough - pour the rest of the flour into the approached mass and knead until it stops sticking to the palms. Roll up a bun, cover with a towel. Let it rest for a couple more hours so that the dough rises better.
It remains to form small balls and walk a little on them with a gurney. Spread the potato-egg filling in the middle, leaving it open (like cheesecakes), grease with fondant and send to the oven. After 30-40 minutes, you can try grandmother's shanezhki.
Try to create the right atmosphere in the kitchen:

Shanezhki love silence and warmth.

No added yeast

You can bake shanezhki with potatoes without yeast.

What do they need:

Flour - take three glasses;
potatoes - six tubers;
kefir - 350-400 grams;
sour cream - ½ cup is enough;
soda - five grams;
salt - ½ teaspoon;
egg is one.
butter - at least 60 grams (half for mashed potatoes and dough).
We build mashed potatoes, eggs and half the butter.
Let's get to the test. Mix kefir, salt, oil residue. Pour flour and soda into the kefir mixture. Knead the dough and keep it warm for half an hour.
We make test sausages, which we divide into three parts and roll into shortbreads. It remains to fill the future shangi with mashed potatoes (as in the previous recipe), grease with sour cream and send to the oven heated to 2000C.
After 15 minutes, the treat is ready.

How to bake in the oven

These shanezhki will be a great snack for the little ones on a walk. They will come in handy on a long journey.

The oven will be from:

Flour - seven glasses;
eggs - five pieces;
granulated sugar - not less than a glass;
milk (ideally homemade) - 400 grams;
butter - 250 grams;
yeast (preferably pressed) - 60 grams;
sour cream - ½ cup;
salt - a teaspoon with a "cap";
spices - determine the type and quantity yourself.
I'm making puree. Everything, as usual, just add spices and try to get the consistency of the paste.
We heat the milk to 350C. We dissolve the yeast in it, then pour in part (smaller) flour, sugar. We mix.
When the dough settles and begins to emit a sour smell, we first add a chatter of eggs and sugar to it, then salt and the rest of the flour. All this needs to be mixed properly. The last ingredient is oil. After all the manipulations, the dough should lag behind the palms.
How to form pastries has already been described above. It remains to make an egg “mask” and bake the shanezhki in the oven.

Yeast fritters with potatoes

Round hot shanezhki with cold milk - a delicious combination.

What you need for such baking:

Flour - a little less than half a kilogram.
butter (take butter) - 100 grams;
sour cream - a tablespoon is enough;
egg - one is enough;
yeast (preferably dry) and granulated sugar - a tablespoon of the first and second;
salt - a teaspoon;
water (warm) - at least 125 grams;
mashed potatoes.
Dissolve yeast in a third cup of warm water. We combine the egg, salt, melted butter in one bowl. We send yeast water to them.
It remains to introduce flour - do it slowly, in a thin stream.
After kneading, an elastic, pleasant to the touch dough should come out. He will have to spend an hour and a half in a warm place and come up.
We already know how to proceed. We give the formed and stuffed shangs half an hour to “grow”, and then bake in an oven heated to 2000C for 25-30 minutes.

Lenten cooking option

For those who observe fasts, you can cook shanezhki with potatoes without eggs and cow's butter, on potato broth.

You will need:

Broth from potatoes (need warm) - half a liter;
yeast (preferably dry) - about 10-11 grams;
granulated sugar - a couple of tablespoons;
sunflower oil (take refined) - three tablespoons;
flour - approximately 700 grams;
mashed potatoes - from a kilogram of tubers and frying from two or three onions.
So, we make mashed potatoes by mixing potatoes and onions fried in vegetable oil.
Dissolve yeast in potato broth. Then we send all the bulk ingredients into the liquid and knead the lean dough. Let there be an hour on the table.
Then everything is in the usual sequence: balls, shortcakes, recess, sides, filling, oven.

Cooking on kefir

This "cunning" recipe is interesting in that when hot, such shaneshki crunch appetizingly, and if they are wrapped in a thick towel, they become soft and tender.

Need products:

Flour - take two glasses;
kefir - ½ cup;
yeast - one and a half teaspoons is enough;
granulated sugar - no more than a teaspoon;
salt - ½ teaspoon;
fresh cow butter and odorless vegetable oil - enough for one dessert spoon of each type;
mashed potatoes (add bacon with onions, spices and salt fried in a frying pan to the potatoes).
In order for the dough to turn out as it should,

all ingredients must be warm.

Therefore, ahead of time we extract the egg and butter from the refrigerator, heat the kefir.
We sift the flour and send everything else into it. The order doesn't matter. The dough prepared according to this recipe comes out pleasant to the touch and does not stick to the hands. We leave it in a warm place, let it rise.
I'm making puree. The components for it are listed in the product list. The algorithm of subsequent actions is traditional. In order for shangi on kefir to reach the desired condition, 20 minutes spent in an oven heated to 2000C is enough.

Ural shanezhki with potatoes

It is believed that the birthplace of the dish, the recipes of which are now provided to your attention, is the Urals. It was there that they came up with this unpretentious, but very tasty homemade cake.

To prepare Ural shanezhki, you will need:

Flour - take a couple of glasses;
yeast (preferably dry) - 1.5 teaspoons;
egg (only yolks) - two pieces;
granulated sugar - ½ teaspoon;
filling from: three tablespoons of butter, four potato tubers, four tablespoons of heavy cream, eggs.
Yeast and granulated sugar pour a third glass of warm water. Let the liquid stay warm for 10 minutes.
We make another mixture - from salt, sour cream, egg yolks and oil brought to a liquid state. Next, combine the oil-yolk mass with warm water and flour. The result should be a not too tight dough (adjust the amount of flour in the process). Let it “breathe” for an hour and a half in a warm place.
Now we divide it into balls the size of large apricots. From them we make "plates" for the filling. After 30 minutes, we send it to the oven heated to 2000C. When they become golden (should take 15-20 minutes), we extract.

Lazy shangi with potatoes on a loaf

If you don't feel like messing around with the dough, try making lazy shangs. They say they are especially popular in Perm.

What do you need:

Baton (you can use white bread);
milk - a glass is enough;
eggs - a couple of pieces;
mashed potatoes - ½ kilogram;
vegetable oil (we take odorless) - grease the baking sheet;
butter - to grease pastries;
salt - be guided by your own taste.
We are preparing the basis for lazy shanezhek - we cut the loaf. We make mashed potatoes with the addition of milk (half the norm) and salt.
The remaining milk is combined with eggs. Wet the bread slices in the milk-egg mixture. Spread on a baking sheet, cover with puree. Lubricate the top with butter. Another option -

use egg and milk mass instead.

Then you get a nice ruddy crust.
The oven does not need high heat for this recipe. It is enough to heat it up to 140-1600C. 20 minutes - and you can sit down at the table.

The search for a recipe for an original, simple and satisfying dish that can compete with restaurant delights will surely lead gourmets to Siberian cuisine, where shangi with potatoes smell amazingly delicious.

Lush cakes with filling have an attractive power and add vitality. They contain the secret of longevity of Siberians.

Open pies have been a favorite delicacy of many nations since ancient times. Each region has its own cooking options. Sometimes there are unusual ingredients in the filling, but the classic way of kneading the dough is always the basis. The grandmothers of the housewives passed on baking skills to the next generations without changing the main composition.

For test:

  • Flour of the highest grade -0.8-1kg;
  • Milk - 0.5 liters;
  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Yeast - 150 grams or a full tablespoon of dry;
  • Salt - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l;
  • Vanillin on the tip of a knife;
  • Vegetable oil.

For filling:

  • thick mashed potatoes;
  • 2 eggs;
  • butter 50-80 grams.
  • 1 egg;
  • 60 ml vegetable oil.

Yeast is crumbled into a cup, sugar is added and poured with water heated to 30 degrees. Put in a warm place until a fluffy foam appears.

A smaller part of the flour is poured into a deep enameled bowl or pan. Add salt, sugar, vanilla powder. Gradually introduce milk and yeast solution. Mix thoroughly and leave warm for 3 hours. There is time to prepare the toppings.

The container is covered with a towel and left for another 1.5-2 hours, for good germination.

Important! You have to watch the air temperature. Shanezhki love warmth and silence.

Balls are formed from the finished ascended mass, circles are rolled out. Put the potato filling in the center and pinch the edges so that the middle remains open. Lubricate with yolk, whipped with vegetable oil, let rise and send to the oven for 35-40 minutes.

Options for preparing dough for shaneg with potatoes

Among regional variations, there are two basic ways of cooking shaneg. The main constituent element of the first type is yeast or their natural substitutes (sourdough, hop decoctions).

Yeast dough

The golden rules of the hostess:

  1. It is necessary to remember and timely take care of a comfortable working area (warm, without drafts). The dough needs to stand for a certain period in order for the fermentation process to begin and the volume to increase.
  2. Flour of high quality, sifted on a thick sieve.
  3. Products for kneading are fresh, heated.

For dough for shaneg with potatoes you will need:

  • Dry yeast - 2 teaspoons with a slide;
  • Sugar - 4, 5 tablespoons;
  • Boiled water - 150 ml;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Oils (margarine) - 160 grams;
  • Milk - 350 grams;
  • Flour - approximately 0.9 kg;
  • Vanillin,
  • Salt to taste.

Mix yeast with 0.5 tablespoons of sugar and warm water. Wait for the hat to appear.

Pour 0.7 kg of flour into a bowl, add all products except butter. Mix carefully. Pour the fat and knead, first in a bowl, then on the table. Gradually spread the flour. The lump should be very soft, but not sticky.

Settle for 1.5 hours with a spacious container under the lid. Remove the cover and pour the Mixture pour 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and mix again. Send for debugging 50-60 minutes. Stretch into a roller, cut into pieces and roll out under the filling.

Grind slices of boiled salted potatoes in a blender together with egg yolk, ground pepper and a small amount of sour cream until a stable cream consistency. Wrap in cakes, in the form of cheesecakes.

No added yeast

Gorgeous pastries with a fragrant kefir crust are prepared quickly and conveniently.

Trying to cook right chaneg dough without yeast, craftswomen will not want to take care of doughs, worry about germination.

At minimal cost, a high percentage of donuts yield.

You need to take:

  • Flour - 3 cups;
  • Butter - 120 grams;
  • Kefir - 1 glass;
  • Salts - ½ teaspoon;
  • Baking powder (baking powder) - 1 teaspoon.

Grind a third portion of flour with butter, sprinkle with loose ingredients and add kefir. Gradually add the remaining flour as needed. A gentle elastic batch is formed, which ripens under a cotton napkin in the cold for 30 minutes.

Equal segments are rolled into balls. Potato gruel is sent to the recesses in the center and the corners are pulled out. Top with yolk and sour cream fudge.

No need to languish in anticipation for the shangi to grow, you can immediately put the baking sheets in the oven.

Siberian grandmother's shangi with potatoes

Kids and adult residents of Siberia from early childhood remember the unsurpassed aroma of hot shanezhki. They are served at the table in every family on weekdays and holidays. Mothers often pamper their children by offering to take a bun with them for a walk or on the road.


  • Flour - 7-8 glasses;
  • Eggs -5 pieces;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Fresh (preferably homemade) milk -400 ml;
  • Butter with a high percentage of fat content - 250-300 g;
  • Pressed yeast - 60 g;
  • Salt - a teaspoon with a mountain;
  • Sour cream - 100 ml.

Potatoes and spices are mixed, bringing to a pasty state.

Yeast, sugar and less than half of the flour are dissolved in 35 ° milk. The dough is left in a warm place. Readiness is determined by subsidence and sour smell. Alternately add the egg-sugar mash, salt, flour and stir thoroughly. In the last step, oil is driven in. It is kneaded in the usual way or by knocking out until it is completely behind the hands.

Leave in a wide tub for 2-2.5 hours to rise. Pieces are plucked from the mass, and balls of the size you like are rolled up. Round cakes are made with cotton, on which sour cream is laid, then a potato layer. Lay the edges clockwise, turning the workpiece into a kind of plate.

Top smeared with an egg mask and put in a preheated oven.

Siberian shangi are difficult to keep on the table.