Light Chinese cabbage vegetable salad. Chinese cabbage salad: bright and hearty recipes

09.04.2019 Fish dishes

What kind of vegetable is this - Peking cabbage, or otherwise, as it is called Chinese or petsai.

It - salad cabbage, herbaceous plant family "Cabbage", a subspecies of turnip.

The name itself already says that its spread began from China, is very popular in Korea, Japan and the countries of Indochina.

Peking cabbage, like many vegetable crops, is very useful, it contains protein, ascorbic, citric acids, carotene, great amount vitamins.

In the countries of East Asia, cabbage is used as a salad, but cabbage varieties are used in soups, side dishes, and also pickled and dried.

Peking cabbage is also fermented; Koreans call this dish kimchi.

But we'll talk today about using Chinese cabbage in the preparation of salads.

Recipe with photo - Peking cabbage and corn salad

Great salad with chicken and corn, not difficult to prepare, very tasty and healthy

Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire

Pour peppercorns into boiling water, Bay leaf, salt to taste

We spread the fillet, cook until tender

Cut the previously washed and dried cabbage leaves into strips

Add corn

Finely chop the dill

Pierce the fillet with a sharp object, if a clear liquid flows out the fillet is ready

Cool the fillet, cut into strips or cubes

Mix everything

Salt and pepper to taste, season with oil to taste

Mix the salad thoroughly

Chinese cabbage salad with kelp

Kelp is seaweed and the combination of Peking cabbage with sea cabbage gives the salad special taste. It turns out easy….

Peking cabbage salad Festive

Such a salad is prepared for 5 minutes


  1. Separate the cabbage leaves from the head and cut into medium cubes
  2. Cut the cucumber into medium strips
  3. Cut the sausage into strips
  4. Mix everything
  5. Season with mayonnaise

Chinese Cabbage Salad - Simple and Delicious Recipe

This salad is perfect for any festive table.


  1. Chop cabbage finely
  2. Cut the sausage into thin strips
  3. Boil eggs, cool, peel and cut into small cubes
  4. Add peas to the salad
  5. Grate cheese on fine grater
  6. Pass the garlic through a press
  7. Chop the dill finely
  8. Add garlic, dill to mayonnaise or sour cream, mix
  9. Season with the resulting dressing, salt and pepper to taste
  10. Mix everything thoroughly and the salad is ready

Caesar salad with Chinese cabbage - recipe with photo

How to make a delicious Chinese cabbage salad with croutons. This is the recipe famous salad Caesar.

Chinese cabbage salad with crab sticks

Salad with traditional crab sticks, but what about without them?

We will need:

  • 1 head of Chinese cabbage
  • 1 can canned corn
  • 1 pack of crab sticks
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • salt, mayonnaise


  1. Cut the cabbage into medium cubes
  2. Cut the sticks into cubes
  3. Cut the cheese into medium cubes
  4. Add corn
  5. Season the salad with mayonnaise to taste
  6. Mix well
  7. Salt to taste
  8. Mix everything thoroughly

Step by step recipe - Peking cabbage roll

Very original and delicious salad from Chinese cabbage

Required Ingredients

Rub the cheese on a fine grater

Finely grate cheese

Press the garlic

Finely chop the pepper

Cut olives into rings

Add sour cream

Mix everything well

On cabbage leaves lay out the filling

We coat each layer of cabbage leaves

We put it on cling film and roll it tightly into a roll, send it to the refrigerator for 2 hours

Chinese cabbage salad is juicy and easy for losing weight

Salad for those on a diet. Low-calorie, but very tasty


  1. Cut half the head of cabbage with thickened leaves into strips
  2. Cut the onion into half slices
  3. Cut olives into rings
  4. We spread the corn
  5. Salt, pepper to taste
  6. We fill with oil
  7. Mix everything gently

Chinese cabbage, orange, apple and carrot salad


  • 3 medium carrots
  • 1 orange
  • 2 apples
  • 1 lemon
  • Half a head of Chinese cabbage
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Chop cabbage finely
  2. Peel the orange, remove the film from the slices, cut
  3. Peel the apple, core it, cut into strips into a separate bowl
  4. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the apples and mix thoroughly
  5. Grate carrots on coarse grater
  6. Add apples and mix everything
  7. Salt to taste
  8. Season with oil to taste
  9. Mix everything well

Real Korean Peking Cabbage Kimchi recipe video

Unbeknownst to many, Chinese cabbage is actually a turnip variety, although in general it belongs to the cabbage family. The plant includes many subspecies, but this fact is not so important when you want to make a delicious salad from Chinese cabbage, the more essential is the understanding of the recipes. They are varied due to the almost neutral taste of this product.

Most popular options

Each kitchen offers its own variations on common food combinations. For example, a recipe crab salad with Chinese cabbage in Russia, almost every housewife knows. Moreover, in other countries crab sticks quite calmly combine with boiled beets.

You should start with crab salad, which will require following products per serving:

The cabbage is cut into large pieces, the crab sticks are cut into cubes and cucumbers - into half rings and the seeds are previously removed. The butter, lemon juice and salt are mixed. The resulting mixture is seasoned with mixed ingredients and garnished with seeds.

The most basic chicken and bok choy salad is Caesar, or rather, an adaptation of Caesar Cardini's original culinary work in a simpler version.

From the ingredients you will need:

First with mayonnaise, finely chopped garlic, spices (pepper mix), lemon juice and grated cheese the sauce is mixed, which is left to infuse and the other ingredients are coarsely chopped.

First, only the leaves of Peking cabbage are coated with sauce, then they are mixed with the rest of the ingredients, and the top is decorated with the remaining grated cheese and croutons.

If you have a minimum of ingredients and you want to cook beautiful salad from Chinese cabbage with chicken, this option should be considered ... It will take following ingredients per serving:

  • breast or thigh - 125 g;
  • Chinese cabbage - 3-4 leaves;
  • green onions- 5-6 stems;
  • soy sauce - spoon;
  • wine is a spoon;
  • frying oil;
  • sesame oil - spoon;
  • salt - a pinch;

Cut the meat into strips about 5 cm long, and the cabbage and onions into small pieces... We heat the pan and pour out the oil, waiting for it to warm up. Fry the meat quickly, add soy sauce, wine and salt. Then add cabbage and onion, stir and water sesame oil for the scent.

Diet with tofu and spinach

Now we will gradually move towards originality and start with a variant that is not known to many. Though most of the ingredients here are quite commonplace and accessible:

Peel, wash and chop the spinach. Finely chop the head of cabbage and carrots. The tofu is also cut into cubes. It can be replaced with any cheese, based on your own taste. The sauce is made with lemon juice, soy sauce, salt and olive oil... Mix well. Boil or fry an egg. Place it on top of the salad and garnish with olives.

With figs and bacon

Perhaps one of the most original options in this thread. It is even difficult to imagine what such a salad could be called, but, one way or another, the combination is healthy, tasty and deserves attention.

Required Ingredients:

  • Chinese cabbage - 200 g;
  • figs - 2 pcs.;
  • mint - 10 petals;
  • raisins - 2 tablespoons;
  • walnuts - 30 g;
  • bacon - 150 g;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • balsamic vinegar- 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 2 pinches.

The raisins are washed and left in boiling water for 5 minutes. The cabbage is torn coarsely and placed in a bowl. Raisins and coarsely chopped figs are placed on top. The bacon is cut into cubes and fried for 2 minutes with constant stirring. Add nuts and fry for another 1 minute. Put them in a salad bowl. Mix balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and pour over salad with this sauce. Decorate with mint leaves.

With pears and ham

Continuing the theme of originality, this option should also be noted. It will come in handy in order to understand what recipes for Chinese cabbage salads can be varied and charming. Cooking will require the following foods:

Place the cabbage in a salad bowl. The pears are peeled and cut into long strips and added to a bowl. Add ham slices and garnish with olives and thin parmesan slices.

The salad can be served with olive oil, vinegar and salt, or you need to make a Thousand Island Sauce. Use a potato peeler for beautiful parmesan chunks.

With broccoli and zucchini

In conclusion, a review of dietary and vegetable options, which at the same time have a great taste. It is useful to cook your own kind every day. chinese salad, the benefits that the body will receive lies in the complex of vitamins and minerals and a significant amount of fiber, which improves digestion.

For cooking, you will need the following products:

The cabbage is cut into thin strips, the broccoli is torn into small petals and the zucchini is cut into circles. Vegetables are placed in a salad bowl and sprinkled with sunflower seeds.

The salad can be served with vinegar, oil and salt, or you can make mayonnaise. Sprinkle with a little flaxseed if desired.

Vegetable dishes - great way cleanse the body, get more vitamins and minerals. In addition to good nutrition, this is a source of time savings. Especially after work. The dish is an option warm salad... It can be the main one and can also be used as a side dish.

In order to prepare one serving, you will need:

The vegetables are cut into strips. In a frying pan, heat the oil and fry the carrots, then add the zucchini. When they are a little baked, add cabbage, soy sprouts, a spoonful of apple cider vinegar, salt, pepper. All vegetables should be slightly crispy. Salad should be seasoned with soy sauce or a little balsamic vinegar.

Attention, only TODAY!

In the field of cooking, in recent years, many recipes have appeared using Chinese (Peking) cabbage. The leaves of this cabbage are used not only as ingredients, but also as a kind of decoration when serving meat dishes... In fact, Chinese cabbage has and nutritional properties, and medicinal. It can be used successfully in salads, and as an ingredient in any other dish in which you would normally use any other kind of cabbage. Even the ancient Romans attributed hygienic properties to Peking cabbage, and considered it an indispensable medicine for all ailments.

As the writer Cato the Elder argued, it was thanks to Peking cabbage that the ancient Romans did not go to doctors for 600 years. Peking cabbage is very useful for stomach ulcers and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Other than that, cabbage is a source of longevity. It contains lysine, an amino acid that successfully dissolves foreign proteins in our body and is the main blood purifier, increasing immune system our body. That is why the longevity of the inhabitants of China and Japan is inextricably linked with the use of Chinese cabbage in food.

Recipe 1. Salad from Chinese cabbage "Anastasia"

For connoisseurs of delicious and healthy salads, dedicated to. For cooking, we need to prepare: Beijing cabbage - 1 pc; boiled ham- 300g; chicken fillet boiled - 1 pc; Korean carrots - 1 pc; walnuts - 1 handful; mayonnaise - 100 g.

Gently chop the Chinese cabbage and put it in a nice salad bowl. Cut the boiled and chilled ham into long strips and, together with Korean carrots, send them to the cabbage. Cut into strips boiled chicken breast and send it to the salad. Beat the eggs with a whisk, add 2 tablespoons to them. water and a little flour and prepare 2 omelets. Let us cool them down and also cut them into strips. Gently mix all the ingredients and season with mayonnaise. Sprinkle salad on top walnuts, and ... everyone Bon Appetit... This salad can be eaten immediately after preparation.

Recipe 2. Chinese cabbage salad

First, we should prepare the following ingredients: grilled chicken breast - 1 pc; Chinese cabbage - 200 g; fresh tomatoes- 3 pcs; hard grade cheese - 100 g; wine or Apple vinegar- 1 tbsp.; mustard - 1 tsp; olive oil - 3 tablespoons; bow (optional); salt, pepper and sugar to taste.

Let's get started. First, carefully cut the Chinese cabbage into strips, salt it and knead it a little. Cut the chicken breast into strips or disassemble it with your hands along the fibers. Cut the tomatoes into slices, chop the cheese and herbs. Put everything in a salad bowl and mix.

Prepare the dressing separately. To do this, take mustard, mix it with oil, vinegar, add sugar, salt and pepper. We are filling our salad. Sprinkle the rest of the herbs and grated cheese on top. Everything, our delicious salad ready to eat. I wish you all Bon appetit !!!

Recipe 3. "Maestro" Chinese cabbage salad

Let's prepare the following products: Chinese cabbage - 6-7 leaves; chicken fillet - 1 pc; orange - 1pc; fresh cucumber- 1 PC; a bunch of green onions; olive oil - 2 tablespoons; wine vinegar - 1 tsp; soy sauce - 1 tablespoon; sesame seeds - 2 tablespoons; mustard - 1 tsp; garlic - 1 tooth; pepper and salt to taste.

Let's get started. Boil chicken breast in salted water. Cut the chilled breast into cubes. In the same way, chop the peeled orange, fresh cucumber, green onions and cabbage leaves. Salt, pepper and mix well so that all ingredients are evenly distributed.

Now let's prepare the sauce for the salad dressing. Pour soy sauce, olive oil, mustard, wine vinegar into a separate bowl or saucepan, mix everything and add a clove of garlic squeezed through a garlic press to them. Mix again.

Take a nice flat salad bowl and lay out all the ingredients in a slide. Top with cooked sauce and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Sprinkle green basil or parsley leaves as decoration. Stir the salad before serving. Try this recipe for a delicious and refreshing salad!

Recipe 4. Chinese cabbage and seafood salad

We suggest you prepare a salad according to one more recipe, in which shrimps are present as ingredients.

Prepare: Chinese cabbage - 200 g; shrimp in a jar own juice- 250g; tomatoes - 3 pcs; chicken egg - 3 pcs; Parmesan cheese - 200g; Heinz Delicatessen sauce - 150g; mayonnaise.

Let's prepare a deep salad bowl right away. Shred the Chinese cabbage and put it on the bottom of the salad bowl. Wash the tomatoes, dry and cut into slices. Spread the first layer over the surface of the cabbage. Top with Heinz Delicatessen sauce Add the sauce as much as you like the piquancy of the taste. Try to be sure to use this particular sauce, because this salad is rubbed with a different sauce. Now we will lay out the shrimp layer. If you were unable to purchase shrimp in actual juice, you can buy frozen ones. Peel and boil them. Chicken eggs cook hard-boiled, then cut into slices and put on top of seafood. Lubricate the layer of eggs with mayonnaise. Top the salad with a layer of grated Parmesan cheese. The salad is delicious and has a mysterious taste.

Recipe 5. Freshness Chinese cabbage salad

The salad is prepared very quickly, in just a few minutes. So, we need: Beijing cabbage - 200g; crab sticks - 200g; canned pineapple- 200g; corn - 1 can and mayonnaise.

Cut the crab sticks and pineapple into thin slices, and the Chinese cabbage into small squares. Mix everything, add a can of corn and season with mayonnaise or low-fat yogurt.

- Instead of mayonnaise as a dressing or for spreading on a layer of salad, you can use a low-fat sauce mixed with mustard.

- Salad should always be added only after it has already been seasoned with mayonnaise. Remember that many varieties of mayonnaise are already salty.

Every hospitable hostess knows many a variety of recipes... And the most experienced in general will be able to present you cooking masterpiece, which includes a couple of products, so to speak, of daily necessity. But above all, I often want to taste some light meal from fresh vegetables, and at a time when the refrigerator is filled with pickles. The best and useful option in such a situation would be Chinese cabbage salad.

Chinese (Peking) cabbage is grown in Japan, China and Korea. This plant is cold-resistant and early maturing. Previously, such cabbage could be found in expensive supermarkets at a crazy price, but now they have learned to grow it in almost all countries, so it has become much more affordable.

Outwardly, she resembles head salad, therefore, it is very often called salad. What lettuce leaves and cabbage for their wonderful nutritious and medicinal properties always appreciated, many people know. But even housewives with serious experience probably don't know about the fact that Peking easily replaces these two products.

Chinese cabbage salad recipes

In addition to all the main advantages, Chinese cabbage is part of diet food, but this is wonderful, because many girls are watching their figure. Today we will look at several options for Chinese cabbage salads. Another plus is that they take minimal amount time, and the taste of such a dish, as a rule, remains beyond praise.

Chinese cabbage and greens salad

This option can be called the simplest and fastest. All you need to make such a salad is the cabbage itself, herbs (it is better to take aromatic dill, parsley, basil) and mayonnaise.

First, wash, dry and chop the Chinese cabbage. Finely chop the dill, parsley, basil and any other herbs you choose.

Then mix everything, salt and pepper to your liking. Finally, season the resulting dish with mayonnaise. Mix everything well and leave for a few minutes, so that the cabbage starts up the juice (then the salad turns out to be juicy and incredibly tasty).

If for some reason you do not use mayonnaise, then choose a recipe with soy sauce, vegetable or olive oil. Balsamic vinegar will add a piquant sourness to your dish. Mix everything thoroughly, and the salad is ready!

Peking cabbage salad with croutons and chicken

This salad is more satisfying and high-calorie, therefore, for girls who are watching their figure, it is not suitable. This recipe is very famous, simple and tasty, so you can safely choose it for a holiday or celebration. In addition, it can be served with breakfast or dinner. In order to prepare this dish for four, you will need:

  • Five hundred grams of chicken fillet
  • Four pieces of medium potatoes
  • One onion
  • One head of Chinese cabbage
  • Two hundred grams of cheese
  • A small handful of wheat crackers
  • Mayonnaise to taste

Chicken fillet should be boiled until tender, thirty to forty minutes will be enough. Then cool and cut into small cubes. At the same time, boil the potatoes, also let them cool, chop.

Then you need to finely chop the onion. Grate cheese on a coarse grater. Cut the Chinese cabbage into thin strips.

Mix everything, add croutons and season with mayonnaise. You can garnish the salad with olives and grated cheese. The dish is ready to serve!

Tip: adding mayonnaise and crackers is best before serving, otherwise everything will get wet.

Sea Breeze Salad

Such a crispy recipe juicy salad that refills light yoghurt dressing, can be prepared both on ordinary weekdays and on holidays. For four servings you will need:

  • Four hundred grams of Chinese cabbage
  • Four hundred grams of shrimp tails
  • Two packets of processed cheese
  • One glass of canned corn (about one can)
  • A bunch of fresh herbs (parsley, dill)
  • A few spoons of red caviar
  • One and a half cups unsweetened yogurt
  • Seasonings to taste (garlic, salt, black or red pepper, basil)

Wash Chinese cabbage and cut into thin strips. Cut the cheese into small cubes. Add corn and chopped greens. Mix the seasonings of your choice with the yoghurt.

At this time, boil the shrimp. First, rinse them, bring to a boil, season with salt and cook for another three minutes.

Add everything to the salad and mix thoroughly. Put a portion on each plate, garnish with a spoonful of red caviar on top. Chinese cabbage salad is ready!

It should be said that there are many ways to prepare such dishes. Peking cabbage is combined with the most various products: apple, onion, potatoes, peas and corn, meat, cucumbers and radishes, carrots, peppers, fish and other seafood. In addition, there are recipes with sour cream, mayonnaise, various oils, vinegars, yoghurts and kefirs, as well as with any seasonings; in general, with everything that your heart desires!

Chinese cabbage is able to retain its vitamins throughout the winter, unlike other salad products, which, when long-term storage lose everyone beneficial features... That is why recipes for salads with Peking cabbage are simply irreplaceable in autumn, winter and early spring, because during this period such a product is the most the best source fresh herbs, ascorbic acid and the most essential vitamins.

Chinese cabbage is native to China. Hot spicy dishes are made from it, because it perfectly absorbs dressing sauces. In Russia and European countries, this product is usually added to vegetable salads to make them light and juicy. You can also find stuffed cabbage wrapped in its leaves, they turn out to be soft, tender and unusual.

In fact, apart from excellent taste, Chinese cabbage is quite useful for the body. The pale green succulent leaves contain carotene and lemon acid which are natural preservatives.

In addition to its benefits, Chinese cabbage - inexpensive product, which is pleasantly pleasing. It can be found on the shelves of grocery stores in any season. The only thing to look out for when buying is general state and the rich color of the head of cabbage. Leaves should not be lethargic or have signs of mildew.

Diet salad Chinese cabbage with apple

Nutritionists often recommend this dish because it is rich in vitamins and minerals and has, at the same time, low calorie content... Apples, cabbage and easy refueling- exactly what is needed for the normal functioning of the human body.

Apples for this recipe are better to use green varieties, semirenko, golden, pear are suitable. The rind can be peeled or left, at your discretion, but be sure to cut the center and chop into strips.

Cut the cabbage in half, rinse it in running water to make sure there is no unwanted surprise in the form of an insect hiding in the leaves. We also cut Peking into strips.

Remove the top layer from the celery and chop it in half rings. We put all prepared products in a salad bowl, water wine vinegar and mix diligently.

If you have flax or sesame seeds, you can crush them on top. You can add one spoonful of liquid natural honey to the dressing.

Peking cabbage and salmon salad

Red fish is a very delicate product that does not suit every dish; it is very easy to clog it with the taste of another component. Combined with Chinese cabbage, white croutons and cherry tomatoes, you get an incredibly tasty and light salad.

  • salmon - 250 g;
  • Peking - 450 g;
  • loaf - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • greens - 30 g.

Preparation: 25 minutes.

Calories: 61 Kcal / 100 g.

Cut yesterday's loaf into cubes, distribute on a baking sheet and fry until croutons in the oven. You can use and fresh bread but the bars won't work perfect shape, they will crumble.

Take out the salmon fillet from vacuum packaging(take lightly salted - it is ideal), check for seeds - sometimes they come across store product... Cut it into cubes, put it in a bowl, then add the cooled crackers.

Chop the Chinese cabbage and put it with the rest of the products. In a bowl, mix the granular mustard and olive oil, stir. We fill the dish before the meal, mix it and put it on a beautiful flat dish... We cut the washed cherry into quarters and distribute it randomly around the perimeter. To a greater extent, they will act as a decoration than a component of the dish. Sprinkle the salad with chopped herbs and set it to the guests.

Peking salad with chicken

Chicken breast refers to dietary products... if boiled, it will be dry. In this form, it is not very pleasant to eat it, but after adding juicy ingredients and low calorie mayonnaise a delicious salad will come out.

  • cabbage - 300 g;
  • chicken - 250 g;
  • corn - 200 g;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 2 tsp

Preparation: 40 minutes.

Calories: 62 Kcal / 100 g.

Fill the chicken with water and set it to boil for eighteen minutes. Do not forget to remove the film on top - the broth may be needed for another dish.

Uncork the corn and drain through a sieve. If bad grains are caught, we take them out. Bell pepper wash and cut in half, take out the core and chop into strips. You can take two different colors, so the salad will look brighter and more appetizing.

Remove the top leaves from the cabbage and cut randomly across. After cutting to the thick part, finish, the stems are not suitable for eating.

Remove the meat from the pan, cool it and divide it into long fibers by hand. If you don't like this method, cut it into cubes.

We combine everything in one container, add some salt, pour in low fat mayonnaise and mix. Such a salad will not stand for a long time, so it is better to eat it right away.

Squid salad recipe

Peking cabbage seafood was first cooked in China. It was from there that this dish came and fell in love with us. Its advantage is that you can use any seafood: squid, cuttlefish, octopus, shrimp.

  • cabbage - 400 g;
  • squid - 100 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 100 ml;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 1 tsp

Preparation: 25 minutes.

Calories: 77 Kcal / 100 g.

We put a pot of water on the stove, bring it to a boil. Defrost the squid and immerse it in boiling water for two minutes. Do not cook them longer, so as not to turn out hard and dry. We drain the water, cool the seafood, peel off the top film, take out the inner arrow and cut into rings.

We clean the hard-boiled eggs from the shell and chop them into cubes. Shred white or purple onions in half rings. Regular onions will not work - it is too bitter for this salad.

Divide the cabbage in half lengthwise, use only one half. Cut it into strips. Throw all the ingredients into one salad bowl, add some salt and fill with homemade mayonnaise.

If desired, you can sprinkle with grains ripe pomegranate... It will add brightness and sourness to the dish, but this is at your discretion. You can also refuel natural yoghurt or a mixture of sour cream and light mustard.

Cucumber and cabbage appetizer

Chinese cabbage, fresh green cucumber and unrefined oil go well with kebabs or tobacco baked chicken. Fast, cheap and tasty - that's what we can say about this salad.

  • cabbage - 250 g;
  • cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
  • cheese - 220 g;
  • oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • nuts - 30 g.

Preparation: 25 minutes.

Calories: 56 Kcal / 100 g.

Wash fresh cucumbers and chop them into cubes or strips. If the peel is too thick or has already begun to turn yellow, better vegetable clean.

We unfold the Chinese cabbage from cling film and shred. Squeeze the cheese from excess juice and grind it into large cubes. If you don't like this view fermented milk product, you can replace it with suluguni or Adyghe cheese, but it is imperative that they are salty.

We peel the walnuts from the shell, take out the kernels, grind slightly with a rolling pin, but not into flour.

We put all the components in a salad bowl, pour with linseed or olive oil, mix and serve with any meat. Bon Appetit!