How to make homemade yogurt in a Redmond multicooker. Step by step recipes on how to easily make yogurt in a slow cooker without jars

24.08.2019 Dishes for children

Many girls simply cannot live a day without light dietary yogurt. Children love to feast on this wonderful fermented milk product, especially if you add something sweet to it.

Now we will prepare yogurt according to several recipes, naturally in a slow cooker. At the same time, we will calculate the cost and calorie content of the product.

In any case, yogurt is very tasty and healthy, but today this product is quite expensive, and besides, you won't always find it fresh.

The multicooker yogurt recipe I ended up with

I've tried a lot of recipes. And I stopped there. I think it is the simplest and most useful one.


  • pasteurized milk, fat content 2.5% or more
  • two bottles of bifidumbacterin (or lactobacterin)
  • two tablespoons of sour cream, fermented baked milk or yogurt

It is important to take sour cream or fermented baked milk that tastes good to you. And use only pasteurized milk. You can take baked milk, the taste will be even more interesting.

Recipe and preparation:

pour about 720 ml of milk into a convenient bowl. Open the bottles with bifidumbacterin and dilute their contents with warm water. Add to milk. Send two tablespoons of sour cream or fermented baked milk there.

We mix everything right with a spoon in a jar. We don't really need good mixing, so just mix, no fanaticism.

By the way, the second option is to spread the sour cream immediately into jars, pour milk with bifidum bacterin there and then just mix.

Pour into yogurt cups, cover with lids, put in a multicooker bowl. We close the lid, install and run the yogurt program. In my case, the standard program is exactly 8 hours.

When the process is complete, we rearrange the yogurt for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator. Enjoy your meal! As you can see for yourself, everything is simple and fast (not counting the operating time of the multicooker, but you can put it on at night).

Cost price

As you can see, the cost of a portion of homemade yogurt is not high: about 21 rubles. per serving of 180 gr.

Calorie content of homemade yogurt

The calorie content of the dish is low - one serving contains only 140 calories.

Multicooker yogurt (basic, simple recipe)

Prepare the following foods:

  • A liter of milk (any fat content from 2.5% and above).
  • Ready-made yoghurt (Activia is best suited).
  • Sugar - used at will.

Note: for those who are on a diet, do not use fatty milk. But yoghurt tastes best from higher fat milk. For the first starter culture, ready-made yoghurt without additives is used. In the future, you can use your product.


Let's start cooking! Heat milk to 40 degrees. You can also do this in the microwave if you don't have time. Add 125 gr. (one pack) of pre-purchased yoghurt and mix well with a whisk or spoon. Don't use a mixer.

Pour the prepared mass into jars from "baby food". The capacity should not exceed 200 gr. Place a silicone mat or soft cloth on the bottom of the multicooker bowl. Pour in 1 liter of warm water and place the jars (keep open). Cover with baking paper.

Set the "Multi-Cook" mode. Yogurt is prepared in a multicooker using this mode as follows: set the temperature to 40 degrees, and program the time at least 6 and no more than 8 hours! Disconnect heating. After the end of the program, remove the jars and put them in the refrigerator.

After 2-3 hours, fresh yogurt is ready to eat. Now you can add cornflakes, berries, muesli or sugar to the product as desired.

Fruit yogurt in a slow cooker

You will need:

  • 1 liter of milk
  • a glass of fruit (banana, apple, peach .. any fruit of your choice and according to the season)
  • a glass of live yogurt


Wash the fruit thoroughly, peel it, remove the seeds and seeds, use a blender to make fruit puree.

Boil the milk, cool to 40 degrees, add fruit puree and yogurt. Stir and put the resulting mass in washed and dry portioned jars. Install the jars in the multicooker bowl, after placing a cloth or silicone napkin on the bottom. Pour warm water into a bowl so that it covers only a third of the height of the jars.

Put the multicooker in the "yogurt" mode for 7-8 hours. If your multi model doesn't have a dedicated mode, no problem. For these cases, there is a scheme tested by other multicooker owners:

  • heating 15 min
  • off multi 1 hour
  • heating 15 min
  • off multi 3 hours
  • open the multicooker, and transfer the jars of yoghurt to the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

The trick is not to open the multi, and the water temperature doesn't drop below 40 degrees. Whether your gadget keeps this mode, you can check without yogurt by putting the water on heating for 15 minutes and checking after three hours.

Yogurt in a slow cooker without jars (with honey and walnuts)

You will need:

  • liter of milk (better homemade, boiled)
  • a glass of natural yogurt or homemade sour cream. If you don't have anything home at hand, buy a bottle of Prostokvashino starter culture in the supermarket
  • honey and walnuts, to taste, for this volume you can take 50 ml of honey and a third of a glass of peeled nuts


Pour warm milk into a multi bowl, add sourdough (sourdough, yogurt or sour cream). Yogurt mode for 8 hours. You should get a fermented milk mass and a small amount of whey. If you took store milk, there can be a lot of whey.

Separate the mass from the yogurt, for example using a sieve, put the mass in a bowl and add the nuts and honey.

The treat is ready, bon appetit.

Natural yogurt without additives is one of the main products of a healthy diet. It is both an independent dish and a sauce for salads (fruit and vegetable), cheesecakes, main courses. You can make popular dietary drinks smoothies with it, adding juice, honey, berries, and ground cereals. The product is rich in calcium, a deficiency of which leads to various diseases. In addition, it is very easy to prepare yogurt yourself in a slow cooker.

In stores there is a huge variety of ready-made fermented milk products: drinkable and thick, with and without additives. But the benefits of homemade snacks are much greater. In addition, the safety and usefulness of the components that make up the composition are not indifferent to us - p-shniks.

How to make healthy yogurt in a cartoon

How to properly cook delicious homemade yogurt in a slow cooker so that it turns out to be tender and thick?

The taste of the finished fermented milk product will depend on the quality of the milk and the starter cultures used. We choose milk with a reduced fat content - 1-1.5%, keeping in mind the principles of proper nutrition. Before cooking, you can carefully collect the top layer of cream from farm milk, letting it stand for 10-12 hours in the refrigerator before cooking.

Various additives will help diversify the taste of the finished product: nuts, honey, fresh berries and fruits.

The calorie content of a homemade fermented milk product made from low fat milk - 49 kcal per 100 grams... BJU - 3.2 grams of protein, 1.7 grams of fat, 5 grams of carbohydrates.

Sourdough recipe

Among the multicooker firms Redmond, Polaris, Panasonik, Philips there is a large selection of home appliances with the function of a yogurt maker and jars included.

In this recipe, we will talk about how to make yogurt with purchased dry sourdough in a slow cooker with the "Yogurt" mode.

I love making with Vivo sourdough. It is based on the Bulgarian bacillus, acidophilus bacillus and bifidobacteria.

The result is always excellent.


  • starter culture -1 sachet
  • skim milk - 1 l


  1. We boil milk. Let us cool it down to 40 degrees.
  2. We dilute the leaven in milk. We mix.
  3. In the multicooker, we turn on the automatic program we need or set the temperature mode to 40 degrees manually in the Multi-cook function.
  4. We pour it into jars. Place the jars in the bowl, after covering the bottom with a silicone mat or regular cotton cloth (to preserve the bowl cover) and pouring in a little water (1-2 cm).
  5. After 7-8 hours we rearrange the jars into the refrigerator. The chilled product is ready to eat. Enjoy your meal!

What to do if there is no "Yogurt" mode

Is it possible to cook a fermented milk product in a multicooker without the "Yogurt" function? Certainly!

Any multicooker has a "Heating" button - that's what we need!

Jars are not required either - you can pour milk directly into the bowl!

In this recipe for fermenting milk, we take a natural live culture (you can find it in stores, pharmacies and, if possible, at baby food factories).

Natural live starter culture is stored for 5-7 days. After that, its use is unsafe.


  • milk (homemade skimmed milk can be used) - 1 l
  • natural live starter culture - 150 gr.


  1. Boil the milk. You can do this already in the bowl of your multicooker on the Milk Porridge mode.
  2. Let us cool it down to 40-degree temperature (to determine it, it is better to use a household thermometer or drop it on your wrist - it should not be too hot).
  3. Stir the prepared sourdough in milk. It should be warm, not from the refrigerator.
  4. Turn on the heating mode. Let's close the lid. Let's wait 4-6 hours. The mass should be thick, similar in consistency to jelly.
  5. As soon as our "client is ripe", we will remove him to cool. Enjoy your meal!

Homemade yoghurt without fermentation

You don't have to buy ready-made starter cultures to make delicious homemade yogurt - any live product without fillers from the store is perfect.

A 150 ml jar is enough to ferment 1 liter of milk... Most importantly, look at the date of manufacture.


  • 1 liter UHT milk, 1.5% fat
  • 1 jar of live yogurt 150 ml.


Whisk the contents of the jar and milk together. You do not need to whip, the main thing is that the consistency is homogeneous, and there are no lumps left. Pour into jars that will fit in a multicooker bowl. Screw on the covers. It is especially convenient to use tall baby puree jars. If the jars are of different sizes, this is not a problem.

Lay a towel folded in several layers at the bottom of the multicooker bowl.

Place the cans. If they, like mine, are of different sizes, substitute something so that the lids are on the same level. Pour room temperature water so that it reaches the very lids.

Put the yoghurt in a multicooker, close the lid and turn on the "yogurt" mode for 8 hours (I have this standard time, multicooker REDMOND RMC-M90). It is best to put a slow cooker with yogurt at night so that you can have breakfast with delicious homemade yogurt in the morning.

  • Super-pasteurized milk works best. It is sterile, but at the same time, it retains all the beneficial properties of natural milk.
  • Choose milk with the fat content that is optimal for you. For children, it is better to use milk with a fat content of 1.5%. Even if you are on a diet, do not limit the amount of fat... Remember the need and do not go beyond the norm. If you eliminate fats completely, your body will react negatively.
  • To sterilize the jars before making homemade yoghurt in a multicooker, it is necessary that “harmful” bacteria do not get into the product. Tell your friends and family how easy it is to cook yogurt in a slow cooker, how delicious this dietary product is. Involve those you care about in healthy eating!

First of all, yogurt is a dairy product, and we eat milk from the first days of birth. Mother's milk is a vital source that enriches the baby with all the necessary substances for development and growth. Yogurt is a nutritious, tasty, valuable delicacy for children and adults, if preservatives and harmful substances are not added to it during the preparation process. To be sure of the quality of yogurt, many housewives make it themselves using a multicooker.

Today we will learn how to make yogurt in a Redmond multicooker.

Yogurt in a Redmond slow cooker: cooking recipes

Before moving on to the recipes, I would like to note several advantages of making yogurt in a slow cooker:

  • the multicooker greatly simplifies the cooking process itself: just press a couple of buttons and set the desired time;
  • the slow heating mode allows you to preserve the useful properties of the product: live bacterial cultures of sour milk are preserved in the yoghurt.

How to make yogurt in a Redmond multicooker? Let's take a look at a few basic ways.

Recipe number 1


  • milk (with a fat content of at least 2.5%) - 650 ml;
  • sourdough (or yogurt) - 100 ml;
  • additives (optional) - it can be syrups, jams, pieces of fruit, berries, nuts.

We also need 3 250 ml jars and a tissue napkin.


  • First of all, we mix milk and sourdough, and then pour the resulting mixture into containers (you can take jars of baby food or special dishes for a multicooker


Recipe number 2

Now let's make yogurt with heavy cream (10-20%). The most delicious and thickest dessert is obtained from milk, cream or sourdough with a high percentage of fat. However, this recipe is not suitable for those who follow a diet.


  • milk with a fat content of 2-4% - 500 ml;
  • cream with a fat content of 10-20% - 200 ml;
  • starter culture "Actimel" - 100 ml.

The ingredients are designed for 4 cans of 180 ml.


Recipe number 3

Classic yogurt can be prepared using dry sourdough, especially since it contains more useful biobacteria, and we need a living product. I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the success of the dish depends on the fulfillment of elementary conditions. All utensils must be clean and sterilized. We select fresh, high-quality products.


  • milk - 1 l;
  • dry starter culture - 1 sachet.


Cool the prepared yogurt in a Redmond multicooker in jars. We add valuable products: dried fruits, frozen berries, syrups.

Recipe number 4

It turns out very tasty chocolate yogurt in a slow cooker. The recipe for its preparation is simple and does not require a lot of ingredients.


  • milk - 1 l;
  • sourdough - 100 g;
  • dark chocolate - 90-100 g.


  • First of all, you need to warm up the milk.
  • Break the bar of chocolate into pieces and add to the milk.
  • Dissolve chocolate in milk, stir the mixture constantly.
  • We will use jars that are on sale with a multicooker. You can also take baby puree glass jars.
  • Beat all ingredients until smooth.
  • We pour the resulting mass into jars.
  • Place a silicone mat or a textile napkin on the bottom of the multicooker bowl. We carefully set our miraculous delicacy.
  • The multicooker bowl must be filled with water up to the shoulders of our jars. The jars should be covered with lids, just do not tighten tightly.
  • On the multicooker, you must set the "Yogurt" mode. Cooking time - 8 hours.
  • An audible signal means our yoghurt is ready. In a few hours, we can pamper ourselves and our loved ones with a delicious dessert.

Yogurt is both a separate dessert and an excellent component of multicomponent dishes.

It can be a substitute for sour cream, mayonnaise, and salads seasoned with yogurt are light, low-calorie. Homemade yoghurt is also an excellent base for making a variety of sauces. And the meat marinated in yogurt turns out to be magically tender and juicy.

Many chefs use yoghurt in their first courses, such as:

  • spanish soup Gazpacho;
  • cream soups;
  • Tarator is the Bulgarian national cold soup.

Also, yogurt is simply irreplaceable in dishes of many national cuisines, for example:

  • dzatziki (cold sauce) - Greek cuisine;
  • rasam - Indian vegetable soup.

And of course, many fruit, berry, cottage cheese desserts and mousses are indispensable without yogurt.

Yogurt is the leader among healthy foods. It has a beneficial effect on the body, protects against many diseases. Nowadays, natural yogurt is considered one of the most popular products in the world. Prepare homemade yogurt in a slow cooker - and you will get a delicious dessert containing many useful microelements. Enjoy your meal!

Yogurt in a slow cooker is not an ordinary dish, because we are used to buying this dairy product, but it is quite possible to make it at home and at the same time it will be completely natural.

The principle of making homemade yoghurt

Everyone probably knows what yogurt is, perhaps someone even cooked it in a yogurt maker. But if you first decided to tackle it, first of all, you must learn the basic principles of cooking.

  • Do not think that you can only cook yoghurt in multicooker brands, such as Redmond, Polaris, that is, in those that have the "Yogurt" function. In fact, an oven from any manufacturer will do.
  • If you decide to cook with pasteurized or homemade milk, be sure to first bring it to a boil before using it. It is enough to bring the ultra-pasteurized version to room temperature, milk should not only come from the refrigerator.
  • It is better to first mix dry starter culture with a small amount of milk in a separate container, and then add what remains.
  • When making yogurt in a multicooker without jars, place everything in the bowl at once, but remember to rinse it well. Turn on the device in the "Heating" mode and wait until the mass turns sour. This may take 4 to 8 hours.

How to choose a yoghurt starter?

To make homemade yogurt in a multicooker really tasty, healthy and significantly different from the purchased version, it is important to choose the right starter.

Of course, you can make it on the basis of store-bought natural yogurt, but it must be of good quality. The best starter cultures are now considered dry, which are in pharmacies. They contain about two million bacteria, many vitamins and minerals.

  • When choosing a dry mixture, be sure to pay attention to the composition, the more bacteria, the more useful it is.
  • If you are going to make yogurt for children, then buy a starter culture, where the composition is fully prescribed so that you know what you are giving to the child.
  • Don't forget to look at the expiration date.

Yoghurt is a unique product. It is a source of protein and calcium, tidies up the intestinal microflora, promotes better absorption of vitamins. However, the maximum benefit comes only from a natural product without preservatives and flavors. It is not easy to find such in stores - it deteriorates too quickly, which means it is unprofitable. Therefore, homemade yogurt is out of competition!

To make yoghurt, you only need milk and sourdough. This product is obtained by fermentation of milk, which takes place best at a temperature of about 40 ° C. It is in the yogurt maker that the necessary heat is maintained. But in its absence, the multicooker does an excellent job with this function. Models with the "yoghurt" mode are best suited for this purpose. However, it is quite possible to do without it.

Milk for yoghurt.
You can take almost any milk. One has only to take into account that a thicker and more fatty product will turn out from high-fat milk. For light yoghurt, it is better to choose low fat milk.
Pasteurized milk with long shelf life ferments just as well as whole milk. However, yoghurt, obtained from "live" raw materials, has a softer texture and natural aroma. Unpasteurized milk should be brought to a boil before use, cooled and filtered to remove froth.

Selection of starter culture.
You can use as a starter:

  • Natural yoghurt without additives that you can buy at the store. It is worth paying attention to the expiration dates. The fresher the product, the better.
  • Previously prepared homemade yogurt. Do not store it for more than a week. You can only use your yogurt as a starter a few times. Over time, its benefits diminish and it becomes sour.
  • Dry enzymes sold at the pharmacy. Their selection is quite large. It is not difficult to ferment milk with them, and their cost is fully justified by the savings on the purchase of ready-made yoghurts.

Features of cooking yogurt in a multicooker.

  1. All utensils used to make yoghurt must be clean and yoghurt jars sterile.
  2. In order not to damage the multicooker bowl with jars, it is better to lay a small towel or silicone mat on its bottom.
  3. If desired, you can ferment yoghurt directly in the bowl, without using jars.
  4. In the absence of the "yogurt" mode, you can set the required temperature using the "multi-cook" function or using the heating mode.
  5. It may take 6 to 12 hours to prepare yogurt in a multicooker. It is good to ferment it at night in order to get a ready-made delicacy by the morning.
  6. After cooking yogurt, it should be refrigerated for at least an hour.
General cooking principle.
The milk is heated to a temperature of 40 ° C. A small part of it is mixed with ready-made yogurt or dry sourdough. The mixture is then combined with the remaining milk. It is mixed and poured into jars, which are installed in the multicooker bowl. You do not need to twist the jars; you can close them with cling film. Pour warm water into the bowl until about the middle of the containers with the workpiece. Close the lid and turn on the "multi-cook" or "yogurt" mode for 6-8 hours. If you do not have such programs, then you can set the "heating" program for 20 minutes, then wait another 6 hours until ready, without opening the lids. Or, pouring warm milk and warm water, just close the lid and use the multicooker as a thermos. In this case, you need to wait about 10 hours for the result. There are many options for making yogurt in a slow cooker.
And here are some of them in more detail:

Homemade rose-flavored yoghurt from

2 liters of milk 3.5-4% with a shelf life of 5 days
200 ml plain yogurt
3 tablespoons rose petal syrup or jam

Cooking method:
1. Boil the milk in a multicooker on the "multischef" mode for 25 minutes at 100 degrees, add the syrup, strain from the foams. Wash the bowl and return the milk to it. Cool to 55 degrees and add yoghurt, stir. Close the lid tightly and leave to ferment for at least 8 hours without activating the "heating" function. In my model of a multicooker, the temperature remains for a very long time due to the sealed lid.
2. Put the finished yoghurt in a linen bag or cheesecloth folded in several layers and hang for several hours to become very thick. If it becomes very thick, then you can dilute it back with whey or yogurt, which was fermented.
3. Transfer the yogurt from the bag to a bowl, beat with a blender until smooth and put in jars. Keep refrigerated.

Vanilla yogurt with apples and cinnamon from Orange_Dahlia

To prepare this yoghurt, pour a liter of milk into a heavy-bottomed saucepan, cut two vanilla pods and put them in the milk. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and cool. Remove the resulting film and pods, add sourdough to the milk, stir well and pour into jars. Send the cans to the multicooker, to the yogurt program. At the end of the program, remove the jars and put them in the refrigerator.
Peel the apples, cut into cubes and put in a pan with a tablespoon of poppy seeds, honey and cinnamon. Pour in a little water and cook, stirring occasionally, until the apples are tender. Cool and place on top of yogurt before serving.

TimeCook's step-by-step yogurt recipes: