Low-fat homemade mayonnaise. Low Calorie Lean Mayonnaise with Whole Grain Flour

23.04.2019 Egg dishes

Sauces, mayonnaises, dressings serve to improve the fullness of the main dish taste. They contain different spices and are prepared from different ingredients. It is not without reason that they say that if you serve several different sauces with a simple mashed potato, you get completely different potato dishes. This also applies to pasta, boiled vegetables, all kinds of cereals.

In addition, they are relevant for baking, frying. Sweet sauces are excellent for fruits and pastries.

Today, when most Orthodox Christians observe Great Lent, they have to limit themselves in many of their familiar, favorite foods. To improve the taste of lean dishes, it is easier to endure some hardships, lean mayonnaise, a variety of lean sauces for the first and second courses will help. I also want to bring their recipes to your attention:

Classic mayonnaise for a lean table

Let's start with this popular recipe, as it can be added to many first and second courses. The sauce improves the taste and makes the finished products look attractive.

To prepare it, we need: one and a half glasses of cool boiled water, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. ready-made mustard, 1 tsp. salt and sugar. You also need 1/4 cup flour and 2 tbsp. l. fresh lemon juice.

Pour flour into an enamel saucepan, gradually add water, stirring occasionally,
so that there are no lumps. Now put the pan on the fire, cook until boiling (do not boil), stirring constantly. When the sauce base thickens, leave it to cool. Now let's start making mayonnaise:

Using a blender, beat the vegetable oil along with the mustard, sugar, and salt. Add lemon juice in small portions, continuing to beat. Now literally on tsp. add flour base while whisking. As a result, you will have a homogeneous mixture, very nice looking. Try mayonnaise, if something is missing, add. If everything is ok, use the dressing sauce.

Hazelnut sauce-mayonnaise

Similar recipes for this mayonnaise sauce can be found in cuisines of different countries. It is especially popular in Italy and Georgia. This rather filling and delicious sauce can be a great addition to a lean meal.

To cook it properly, we need a glass of walnut kernels. You can replace them with almonds or cashews. We also need a glass of olive oil, 2 tsp. natural 6% apple or wine vinegar, 1 tsp. mustard, a little sugar, salt to taste.

Put the nuts in a hot dry frying pan, lightly fry, cool and chop with a blender. Salt the resulting nut mass, add sugar, mustard, vinegar, slightly dilute with water, beat until a thick, homogeneous, plastic mass is obtained. Pour olive oil into it little by little, without stopping whisking. That's it, nut mayonnaise is ready. You can serve it to the table.

Oriental soy mayonnaise

For this delicious dressing, we will need soy derivatives, namely soy milk and lecithin. You can easily find them in any supermarket that has a vegetarian section. So, prepare 150 ml of soy milk, 1 tbsp. l. lecithin, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 tbsp. l. fresh lemon juice, ½ tsp. mustard, salt, sugar, ground pepper, some finely chopped greens (to taste).


There is nothing easier than making this sauce. Place all ingredients in a blender and whisk well. It is recommended to keep the finished soy mayonnaise in the refrigerator for half an hour, and only then serve it with the main dish.

Lean apple mayonnaise

And now we will prepare with you a very light, unusual in taste, but extremely pleasant sauce. It is indispensable for dressing lean vegetable salads, and especially fruit dishes.

So, to make apple mayonnaise, prepare 2 large apples, ½ cup vegetable oil. We will also need 1 tsp each. mustard, fresh lemon juice, salt, sugar. You will need a little pepper, ginger, cinnamon to taste.

Wash the apples thoroughly, peel them, cut them into small cubes. Preheat a thick skillet or saucepan, put chopped apples there, reduce heat, simmer for 5 minutes. If the apples are dry, add a little boiled water. Then add salt, sugar, lemon juice, cook until soft.

Now cool the apple mixture a little, beat in a blender until puree, adding the remaining spices, mustard. Without stopping whisking, pour in vegetable oil in a thin stream. Refrigerate, use as needed.

In general, there are also other recipes for homemade sauces, mayonnaise, all kinds of dressings. It's easy to experiment with them, come up with new recipes. For this, you can use vegetable, mushroom broths, different types of vegetable oil.

You can change spices, add new products. For example, in a classic lean mayonnaise, you can put a couple of tablespoons of chopped capers, olives, or just finely chopped pickled cucumbers and chopped dill. You will get a very tasty snack for boiled potatoes, for example.

Chopped garlic, chopped herbs, tomato paste, boiled chopped mushrooms, vegetable purees, adjika, juices, ready-made soy or sweet fruit sauce, coconut or maple syrup can be added to mayonnaise. There are a lot of options for experiments. Experiment and it will be easier for you to comply with the limitations of Fasting.

The taste of many dishes is enhanced with sauces, and lean mayonnaise with starch will help out during the fast. Homemade mayonnaise without eggs is very tasty, aromatic, with a delicate texture. Any dish will only benefit if you serve it with lean mayonnaise: salads, soups, main courses - will sparkle with new flavors. It is prepared very quickly, without special financial costs: from products that any housewife always has in stock.


  • 1 teaspoon ready-made mustard (you can make yourself);
  • 1 teaspoon sugar (incomplete)
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
  • 2 teaspoons of 9% vinegar (tablespoon);
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 200 milliliters of odorless vegetable oil;
  • 150 milliliters of water.

Homemade lean mayonnaise. Step by step recipe

  1. In a bowl, mix 1 rounded tablespoon of cornstarch with 50 ml of water until the starch is completely dissolved.
  2. Pour the dissolved starch into 100 milliliters of boiling water (we heat it in a saucepan or a small saucepan: I use a small ladle). Mix everything quickly and well. Remove from heat as soon as the starch thickens (it looks like jelly).
  3. We cool the starch jelly to room temperature and send it to the bowl for an immersion blender (you can also use a mixer, but be very careful - at any time the mayonnaise can begin to stratify).
  4. In a bowl of starch, put one teaspoon with a large slide of ready-made mustard, an incomplete teaspoon of sugar and 0.5 teaspoon of salt, 2 teaspoons of 9% table vinegar (can be replaced with lemon juice).

Advice. You can make 9% vinegar from 70% vinegar essence: just mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar with 7 tablespoons of ordinary drinking water.

  1. Pour in odorless vegetable oil (homemade mayonnaise with olive oil is very tasty, but you can also use sunflower oil).

Advice. You can make mustard yourself: at home. It turns out to be much tastier, more vigorous and healthier than the purchased one.

  • Mix 3 tablespoons of mustard powder with 1 tablespoon of sugar and 0.5 teaspoon of salt. Pour 100 milliliters of boiling water and stir.
  • Pour in a tablespoon of sunflower oil, mix thoroughly and let it brew for at least two hours.
  1. Submerge the blender to the bottom and start mixing at medium speed (raising and lowering the blender to a small height).
  2. Beat the almost finished mayonnaise again with a blender at high speed. Homemade mayonnaise with starch should turn out to be a thick, uniform consistency.

We put the finished lean mayonnaise, which we cooked without eggs, in jars and put it in the refrigerator. We use it for dressing salads (and not only lean ones), serve with potato lazy dumplings, add to soups and borscht. The site "I love to cook" is glad to offer you many recipes for lean dishes. Stay with us - you will not regret it.

Everyone knows that mayonnaise is made on the basis of lean oil and eggs, so this sauce should not be eaten during fasting.

What to do if fasting falls on the holidays, and you really want to cook salads with mayonnaise?

It turns out that there is a way out!

Recently, lean mayonnaise has appeared on store shelves. However, this sauce contains preservatives and other harmful substances. Today we will tell you how to make lean mayonnaise yourself at home.

Lean mayonnaise at home - the basic principles of cooking

This mayonnaise contains vegetable oil, mushroom or vegetable broth, flour or starch, sugar, mustard, spices and salt. You can experiment with ingredients. Greens, nuts or apples are added to the sauce.

To make the mayonnaise thick, the flour is brewed, and only then the remaining ingredients are added. The thickness of the sauce can be controlled by the amount of flour. Combine water with flour, knead well so that there are no lumps, and bring to a boil. Cool, season with salt and pepper and stir.

Then add mustard and sugar, pour in lemon juice and beat with a blender for a minute. After that, pour in vegetable oil in a thin stream and continue to beat for another seven minutes. That's all, delicious and natural lean mayonnaise is ready!

Recipe 1. Lean mayonnaise


flour - a glass;

water - 750 ml;

sugar - 50 g;

refined vegetable oil - 160 ml;

mustard - 60 g;

lemon juice - 70 ml.

Cooking method

1. Sift the flour into a saucepan, add a little water and rub well so that there are no lumps. Then pour the rest of the water into this mixture, place on the stove and boil, stirring constantly. The mixture should be thick enough.

2. Mix vegetable oil, salt, mustard, sugar and lemon juice in a deep bowl. Whisk everything for a couple of minutes. Add the brewed flour in small portions, and do not stop whisking. Transfer the prepared mayonnaise to a dry glass container and store in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2. Lean starch mayonnaise


vegetable or mushroom broth - half a glass;

mustard - 1 tsp;

any vegetable oil - half a glass;

sugar and salt;

starch - 50 g;

lemon juice or apple cider vinegar - two teaspoons.

Cooking method

1. Pour a little broth into the starch and grind until smooth. Heat the remaining broth in a saucepan, pour the mass of starch into it and keep it on very low heat until the mixture boils.

2. Combine butter with mustard and lemon juice in a separate deep bowl, season with salt and sugar. Whisk the cooled starch "jelly" with a blender, gradually pouring in the oil and spices. Adjust the thickness of the mayonnaise by adding broth. We use lean mayonnaise for dressing salads or as a sauce for main dishes.

Recipe 3. Lean mayonnaise on vegetable broth


vegetable broth - half a glass;

starch - 20 g;

vegetable oil - a glass;

lemon juice - 10 ml;

mustard - 5 g;

salt and sugar.

Cooking method

1. First, let's cook a vegetable broth. Peel the onions, celery and carrots and put them whole in a saucepan. Pour water and put on the stove, cook the broth for half an hour and filter.

2. Take half a glass of broth, pour half into a deep bowl, and dilute the starch in it.

3. Pour the remaining broth into a small saucepan, boil, and, without ceasing to stir, gradually introduce the diluted starch. Stir well and remove from the stove. Cool the resulting vegetable jelly, transfer to a deep container and mix with spices. Add a good pinch of sugar and salt to it, as well as lemon juice and mustard. Beat with a mixer until smooth.

4. At the end, gradually pour in a glass of any lean oil, beating without stopping until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

Recipe 4. Lean mayonnaise at home from whole grain flour


olive oil - 80 ml;

salt - 10 g;

whole grain flour - half a cup;

sugar - 20 g;

lemon juice - 30 g;

water - one and a half glasses;

mustard - 50 g.

Cooking method

1. Dilute the sifted flour with a small amount of water. Mix well so that there are no lumps. Pour in the rest of the water, send the container to low heat, and constantly stirring, bring to a boil. Turn off the fire and cool.

2. Combine olive oil with lemon juice and mustard in a deep bowl, sprinkle with salt and sugar. Beat with a blender, gradually introducing the cooled brewed flour. We continue to beat for about five minutes. If you don't have whole grain flour, you can substitute bran mixed with regular flour.

Recipe 5. Lean mayonnaise at home on pea flakes


pea flakes - st. the spoon;

mustard - 10 g;

water - 120 ml;

lemon juice - 20 g;

vegetable oil - 140 g;

sugar - a pinch;

spices and salt.

Cooking method

1. Pour pea flakes into a saucepan and fill them with water. We put on the stove, add sugar and cook over low heat to boil the flakes. Remove from the stove and grind with a blender into a homogeneous mass.

2. Pour vegetable oil into the blender bowl, put the grated pea mixture on top.

3. Beat until smooth. Finally, add mustard, salt and lemon juice. We continue to beat for another five minutes. We transfer the mayonnaise to a dry glass container and store it in the refrigerator.

Recipe 6. Lean mayonnaise at home on walnuts


walnuts or almonds - a glass;

three tbsp. spoons of warm water;

half a glass of vegetable oil;

mustard powder, apple cider vinegar, salt and sugar - 5 grams each.

Cooking method

1. Grind nuts in a coffee grinder. Pour them into a deep bowl and mix with sugar and salt.

2. Dilute the mustard powder with water and pour over the nuts. Stir everything well to make a thick porridge.

3. Gradually pour refined vegetable oil into the base for the sauce. We rub it into a mass of nuts. You should get a mixture that resembles raw shortbread dough. We rub the resulting mask for a long time. Add vinegar in small portions and mix well until the sauce acquires the required consistency. Season the finished mayonnaise with crushed garlic and chopped dill.

Recipe 7. Apple lean mayonnaise


two apples;

salt and sugar - a pinch;

lean oil - 100 ml;

ginger, cinnamon and pepper;

lemon juice - 5 ml;

20 g mustard.

Cooking method

1. Peel the apples, cut them into small pieces and put them in a saucepan. Sprinkle them with sugar and salt. Pour with lemon juice and simmer over low heat until soft. Grind the boiled apples in mashed potatoes.

2. Put the mustard in the applesauce, season with spices and begin to beat. Gradually add the butter, without stopping whisking, until the mixture becomes smooth and homogeneous.

Recipe 8. Lean mayonnaise at home with soy milk


soy milk - 50 ml;

40 ml vinegar;

clove of garlic;

50 ml of vegetable oil;

mustard beans and salt.

Cooking method

1. Crush the mustard seeds in a mortar. Peel the garlic, chop with a knife and rub with salt. Put in a mortar and mix all the seasonings into porridge.

2. Pour the soy milk into a deep container, add the mashed seasonings and beat together with a mixer. Pour in the vinegar and continue whisking until a dense foam appears.

3. Continue whisking at low speed, adding a little butter, until a thick foam with small bubbles is obtained. Pour the mayonnaise into jars and refrigerate, where it will become even thicker.

  • All ingredients for mayonnaise should be at room temperature.
  • If the mayonnaise is too thick, pour in a couple of tablespoons of water and mix well.
  • You can add basil, dill or parsley greens to the finished mayonnaise. Garlic, finely chopped olives, or grated ginger are also good additions.
  • Use only refined oil for mayonnaise.
  • Begin to beat the sauce at low speeds, gradually increasing them.
  • Add oil a little at a time, while still beating.

Homemade lean mayonnaise prepared according to our recipes at home is indistinguishable from the usual. The composition of lean mayonnaise is simple. We cook it without eggs and without milk. Using an immersion blender will take five minutes to cook.

These recipes will help out all fasting and vegetarians. Mayonnaise can enhance the taste of any bland and lean food. I suggest making mayonnaise according to our simple recipes. It goes well with all lean salads, soups and second lean dishes.

In this article:

Lean mayonnaise at home without eggs and flour

As you already understood, we will not use any animal products. However, the mayonnaise is wonderful. Delicate and soft in taste and consistency.

What you need:


  1. In a small saucepan, I mix starch with cold water. I add sugar and salt there. Stir until sugar, salt, starch are completely dissolved.
  2. I put the saucepan on the fire and heat it without ceasing to interfere so that the starch is brewed and becomes like jelly. As soon as the transparent jelly appeared, I remove it from the heat.
  3. Now I wait for the jelly to cool down and put all the ingredients in the blender bowl - our jelly, mustard, pepper, vinegar and sunflower oil. Nothing needs to be added with drops - I pour everything out at once.
  4. I beat all this mash with a blender or mixer until I see that this is no longer an ugly mass, but real mayonnaise.
  5. You can add finely chopped greens or dried herbs at this stage. Experiment, don't hesitate.

The mayonnaise is ready. Try it with soups, salads, dumplings, or any meatless meal.

Making mayonnaise with a white bean blender

All vegetarians make a delicious and healthy bean sauce. In this video clip from the Tasty Homemade Food channel, we will see how beans are used to make mayonnaise. Do not forget only that it should be soaked before cooking for at least 12 hours.

Legumes are well deservedly highly respected in lean cuisine. Soups and main courses are made from beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils. And today we are preparing sauces from them.

Step-by-step recipe for lean pea mayonnaise

This sauce is also proteinaceous. We use peas in it instead of eggs. Due to the peas and the color of this mayonnaise, it is beautiful and yellow.

This mayonnaise has only one drawback. You can store it in the refrigerator for no more than three days. But it tastes better than starch.

What you need:


  1. Soak peas for 6 - 8 hours. Before cooking, I wash it, fill it with clean water and set it to cook. I cook until it boils down to a thick puree. Now let it cool down.
  2. I pour 100 ml into the blender bowl. water and add salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard and all the vegetable oil.
  3. Begin to beat with a blender. Without stopping whisking, I add pea puree one tablespoon at a time. When all the puree is mixed with the rest of the ingredients into a homogeneous mass.

Here's a simple recipe. And mayonnaise is very tasty and beautiful.

And finally, I have saved for you the most interesting video from Irina Safarova. She makes three kinds of raw, homemade lean mayonnaise from chickpeas and sesame seeds.

3 Lean Mayonnaise Recipes - Raw Foodists Videos

That's all for me about lean mayonnaise. Thank you to everyone who cooked with me today.

If you liked the recipes, click on the social media buttons to save them on your page!

During Great Lent, store-bought fatty mayonnaise cannot be eaten. But there is an alternative. Lean mayonnaise can be made at home. The cooking process is conventionally divided into two stages. At the exit, the sauce is tastier than the store.


Natural composition is the hallmark of homemade mayonnaise. Its plus is that during the cooking process, you can carry out various experiments, adding spicy spices, garlic or ginger to your taste.

To make homemade sauce you will need:

  • half a glass of vegetable broth;
  • salt;
  • starch (tablespoon);
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • 120 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • pepper;
  • greens (taste);
  • 1/2 lemon juice;
  • a spoonful of mustard.

Making lean mayonnaise

Second option

To make lean mayonnaise, you will need:

  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • one glass of pea flakes;
  • six tablespoons of water;
  • one teaspoon of lemon juice (can be substituted with vinegar);
  • two teaspoons of mustard;
  • sugar;
  • various spices.


  1. Pea flakes are poured with boiling water. Sugar is added, cooked for twenty minutes over low heat (required!). Then cool slightly and beat together with the liquid with a blender. You should get a homogeneous mass. Then cool the mixture to room temperature. By the way, its taste resembles soy milk.
  2. A container of 500-600 ml is taken, vegetable oil is poured into it. A little advice: it is better to use refined, odorless and tasteless oil.
  3. Then seventy grams of the pea mixture is added.
  4. It is processed by a blender for no more than five seconds. You get a thick mixture to which mustard, lemon juice, salt, spices are added. Then beat again for twenty to forty seconds.

The third option

Now let's look at another way to make lean mayonnaise.

For cooking you will need:

  • one hundred milliliters of water;
  • one hundred grams of vegetable oil;
  • some wheat flour (about a tablespoon);
  • half a teaspoon of black pepper;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • half a spoonful of tea mustard;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

This mayonnaise is cooked without eggs. Suitable for dressing lean salads. To get a thick consistency, you first need to brew the flour. Then add all the other ingredients. The thickness of the sauce depends on the amount of flour. If you like lean mayonnaise more liquid, then you should reduce the amount of brewed flour.

Cooking process

  1. The water and flour are combined and brought to a boil. Then the mixture is cooled and pepper and salt are added.
  2. Stir well, then add sugar, mustard. Lemon juice is poured in. Beat in a blender for no more than a minute.
  3. Then you need to add sunflower oil. Beat for another seven seconds. Lean mayonnaise is ready at home. It can be added to salads or meat dishes.

Fourth recipe

To prepare lean mayonnaise according to this recipe at home, you need:

  • four tablespoons of olive oil;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • one and a half tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • two and a half tablespoons of mustard;
  • one and a half glasses of water;
  • a teaspoon of salt and sugar.

Cook at home

The flour must first be sieved. Add water to it and quickly shake it with a whisk so that there are no lumps. Then pour into an enamel bowl and put on low heat. Continuously stirring, bring to a boil.

Combine butter with mustard in a separate bowl, add fresh lemon juice, salt, sugar, water. Beat with a mixer.

After a homogeneous mass is obtained, the brewed flour is dipped into it in small portions. This is done four times. After each addition of flour, stir the mass with a spoon. When all the flour is added, beat the mixture with a mixer for five minutes. That's all, lean mayonnaise is ready at home.

They can be used for dressing any salads or used for sandwiches and cold snacks. The taste will be identical to that of the store, only there will be no eggs in its composition.

Mayonnaise on walnuts

Homemade lean mayonnaise is delicious. Having made it once yourself, you will refuse to buy this product. This homemade mayonnaise (lean) is made with walnuts.

It does not take long to prepare. The result will be amazing, the sauce will have a pronounced nutty taste. It can be added to vegetable salads, as well as meat and lean soups. This mayonnaise is suitable for those people who should limit their consumption of eggs and dairy products.

Cooking requires:

  • one glass of walnuts or almonds;
  • vegetable oil (about half a glass);
  • a teaspoon of salt, mustard, sugar and apple cider vinegar;
  • warm water (no more than three tablespoons).


  1. The nuts are ground in a coffee grinder. Then pour into a deep bowl and add salt and sugar to them.
  2. Mustard powder and water are mixed and poured there. Stir everything well. The result is a thick gruel.
  3. After the base for the sauce is ready, little by little vegetable oil is added to it (it must be refined). It is rubbed into a nut mixture. As a result, you should get a mass, the consistency of which resembles a raw shortbread dough. The last stage is very time consuming. Rub the thick mass with a fork or spoon. Then vinegar is added (in small portions). Lean homemade mayonnaise is thoroughly mixed. You need to stir it until it becomes the required consistency. When the sauce thickens, season it with chopped dill and garlic.

A little conclusion

Homemade lean mayonnaise is delicious. We've looked at several ways to create this sauce. You can prepare it in different ways, experimenting with the use of products. For example, something can be subtracted or, conversely, added. Happy culinary experiments!