Low-calorie semolina casserole with cottage cheese. How to cook diet vegetable casseroles

17.05.2019 Dishes for children

Today, many of us strive to eat rationally and properly - this allows us to maintain health and beautiful figure. Curd dishes are used in dietary and sports nutrition.

Curd saturates our body useful vitamins and micronutrients.

It is especially important to use cottage cheese dishes for children, since a growing body especially needs calcium to form skeletal system.

The benefits of cottage cheese casserole

dietary cottage cheese casserole without flour one of the most useful and delicious meals from cottage cheese, it is definitely recommended to include it in your diet. It is perfect for children and adults, and people with digestive problems.

Curd dishes play very important role for the growth and development of children, since cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium, protein and is one of the best nutritious foods. And the addition of raisins rich in vitamins and minerals to the curd casserole makes this dish just perfect for little kids. This is light diet the dish will become simply indispensable in the menu of people who suffer from hepatitis.

Low calorie cottage cheese casserole suitable for those who adheres to a diet and monitors his figure.

Recipes for diet cottage cheese casserole

I present to your attention the recipes for dietary cottage cheese casserole. Preparing a casserole is simple and easy, with the preparation of this curd dish even a novice cook can handle it.

Products for cooking are also quite simple: fresh cottage cheese, kefir, eggs and raisins and that's it! You can diversify the dish by adding fruits, dried apricots or prunes to it. By the way, in addition to traditional fruits, you can add vegetables to the cottage cheese casserole, first of all, healthy pumpkin.

The calorie content of cottage cheese casserole is very small - 90 kcal per 100 grams.

The hostess can serve the cottage cheese casserole to the table, as independent dish as well as a light and tasty dessert.

Cottage cheese casserole with raisins and dried apricots

The casserole prepared according to this recipe will not overload your body with excess calories. Instead of dried apricots and raisins in the recipe, you can use canned pineapple or pieces of your favorite hard fruit. If the fruits are sweet, then you can cook without sugar.

  • fresh and low-fat cottage cheese- 500 grams. The curd should not be too wet;
  • Medium-sized eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon, use in the recipe as desired;
  • Raisins, dried apricots or fruits - to your taste;
  • Soda - a small pinch.

Preparing the casserole:

  1. We wipe the cottage cheese, separate the proteins from the yolks.
  2. Beat the whites with sugar, and combine the yolks with the mashed cottage cheese.
  3. Gently combine the curd mass with whipped proteins, add a pinch of soda - mix. Add steamed dried fruits or pieces fresh fruit.
  4. Put the prepared curd mass into a greased form.
  5. We heat the oven, and put our casserole in it - bake at a temperature of 190 - 200 degrees, 30 minutes. Ready curd dessert cool and cut into portions, you can, when serving, decorate with fruit or jam.

Curd casserole with apples

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 500 grams;
  • Oat flakes, ground into flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • Medium-sized apple, preferably green varieties - 1 piece;
  • 3 egg whites;
  • Sour cream of the lowest fat content or yogurt - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons.

Preparing the casserole:

  1. We wipe the cottage cheese and add oatmeal, yolks and sour cream or yogurt to it.
  2. Beat egg whites with sugar until white foam.
  3. Wash the apple, peel and core, cut the apple into small strips or small slices.
  4. Connecting protein mass with cottage cheese, add apples and mix gently.
  5. We grease the form, put the curd mass into it and put it in a preheated oven for baking.
  6. Bake for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees. Ready casserole when it cools down, cut into portions, sprinkle with honey and serve.

Cottage cheese casserole with banana and yogurt

  • Fresh and low-fat cottage cheese - 250 grams;
  • One egg, one banana, one pear or apple;
  • Yogurt - 30 milliliters.


  1. Make banana puree and combine banana puree with grated cottage cheese, yogurt and one egg - beat everything with a blender.
  2. Wash the pear, peel and cut the pulp into small cubes. Add the pear to the curd mass.
  3. Lightly grease the silicone mold with oil (if the mold is metal, it must be greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs). Put the curd mass into the greased mold and put it in the oven for baking.
  4. Bake the casserole for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. If baking in the microwave, under the lid, then 5 - 7 minutes, at 100% power, when cooking in microwave oven, then you need to leave the dish in it for another 10 minutes.

When the curd dessert has cooled, cut into pieces and serve.

  • Cottage cheese - 200 grams;
  • Apple - 1 piece, pumpkin pulp - 400 grams;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Raisins - half a glass, a whisper of salt;
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet (add vanilla to the dish if desired);
  • Sugar - half a glass (you can cook without sugar).


  1. We rub the apple and pumpkin on a coarse grater.
  2. We wipe the cottage cheese and add grated apple and pumpkin, steamed raisins, eggs, sugar, vanillin and a pinch of salt to it - mix everything until smooth. You should pay attention to the sweetness of the pumpkin, and put sugar to taste so that the casserole does not turn out too sweet.
  3. We grease the form with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and put the pumpkin mass into it. We put the form with the dough in the oven and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

When the casserole is ready, let it cool in the oven, and then put it on a dish.

Cottage cheese casserole with cheese and herbs

Tasty and healthy!

Can cook snack option sugar-free casseroles. This dish is especially good for people who play sports and lead active image life, as this diet casserole contains a loading dose of protein.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Cottage cheese - 250 grams;
  • Low-calorie hard cheese - 100 grams;
  • Kefir - 2 tablespoons;
  • Bran - 2 tablespoons;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Soda - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Chopped greens - to taste.


  1. Beat the eggs in a bowl and add the well-mashed cottage cheese - mix everything well.
  2. We extinguish soda in kefir and add to the curd mass.
  3. Grate the cheese and add to the cottage cheese, along with finely chopped herbs and bran.
  4. The resulting mass is laid out with silicone mold and put in the oven - bake for 40 minutes, at 180 degrees. If desired, 5 minutes before the end of baking, you can sprinkle the dish with grated cheese to make the casserole a beautiful cheese crust.
  5. I am a big fan of Ayurveda, Oriental and Tibetan medicine, many of its principles I apply in my life and describe in my articles.

    I love and study herbal medicine, and also apply medicinal plants In my life. I cook tasty, healthy, beautiful and fast, which I write about on my website.

    All my life I've been learning something. Graduated from courses: Non-traditional medicine. Modern cosmetology. secrets modern kitchen. Fitness and health.

    Diet casserole with zucchini, potatoes and tomatoes

    dietary vegetable casserole

    People who care about health and slim figure bad associations about potatoes and potato casseroles. But potatoes can be cooked in such a way that it becomes really healthy, it’s a pity to refuse for good, it has a lot of fiber and vitamins.

    It is unfair to be so afraid of potatoes, it is better to learn how to cook them correctly so that it is tasty and safe for the figure. Baked potatoes can be extremely tasty and healthy food at the same time, bring a lot of benefits, as, for example, and no more harm than low-calorie baked goods.

    Of course, if you eat potatoes with butter and cream, then you can easily gain weight. And if you cook it in a peel and use it for diet casseroles, then the taste, vitamins, and no extra pounds. In a small baking dish, you will get about two servings of about 200 Kcal each.

    Since lately I try not to eat meat, I exclude these components from the recipe. But it is obvious that meat-eaters will be happy that it is in the recipe. This does not greatly affect the calorie content, be guided by personal gastronomic preferences. Any can be prepared from frozen food too, if not in season.

    Ingredients for a diet casserole with potatoes and zucchini

    • small zucchini 200 g
    • 2 potatoes 200 g
    • 2 tomatoes 320 g
    • cheese or suluguni (in original recipe mozzarella) 60 g
    • 50 g ham with chicken (or boiled chicken meat)
    • clove of garlic
    • fresh herbs: basil, oregano, a little thyme and rosemary (dried can be used), salt, pepper


    Boil potatoes with skins in salted water, cool, peel. Cut zucchini into thin slices, salt and drain excess juice. Tomatoes, peel, cut into cubes, put in a bowl and drain the juice left from their cutting. Add chopped garlic, finely chopped (or dried) herbs, salt, pepper to the tomatoes. Cut the ham into small strips.

    Put the ham on the bottom of the mold, then a layer of potatoes, zucchini. Top with cheese (or whatever cheese you use for this recipe). Bake the diet casserole in the oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. This diet casserole can be served hot or cold.

    Diet casserole with zucchini and tomatoes

    Diet casserole with zucchini

    Ingredients for two servings:

    • 1 large zucchini
    • 3 tomatoes
    • 1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes (adds a lot of flavor, but if you don't have them, you can use 1 canned or none at all)
    • 1 large red onion
    • 4 garlic cloves
    • olive oil or other vegetable oil
    • cheese to sprinkle on top of the casserole (30-50 g, whatever you like or can afford, I cooked several times with feta, cheese, Adyghe)
    • salt, pepper, oregano
    • fresh basil


    Finely chop the onion, chop the garlic, fry lightly so that the onion browns a little, add finely chopped Sun-dried tomatoes, salt.

    Lubricate the baking dish with oil, cut the zucchini into thin slices and put a layer on the bottom of the form (half of the norm according to the recipe). Sprinkle this layer with salt, pepper and oregano and do the same with each layer. Next, lay out a layer of sliced fresh tomato. The next layer is onions, garlic and sun-dried tomatoes, and a layer of zucchini on top.

    Bake in the oven at 180°C for 20 min. At the end of cooking, sprinkle cheese on top of the diet casserole. Sprinkle with basil leaves just before serving.

    Dietary buckwheat casserole with chicken

    Diet casserole with buckwheat and chicken

    Try to cook a diet buckwheat chicken casserole for lunch. Very easy to prepare, tasty, nutritious and not too high in calories. From these proportions, two large portions, each approximately 450 kcal. An additional plus is that all the ingredients that are needed, as a rule, are in every home, so it can be prepared without particularly expensive purchases. The casserole is delicious both hot and cold, you can take such a lunch to work, even if you do not have the conditions to warm it up.


    • 100 g buckwheat (dry product)
    • 100 g chicken breasts
    • 400 g tomatoes (fresh or canned) cut into small slices without skin
    • 1 PC. onion
    • 2 eggs
    • 1 tablespoon rapeseed (or sunflower) oil
    • pepper
    • parsley


    Cook buckwheat in accordance with the recipe on the package, drain and leave to cool. Grind the chicken with a meat grinder as for minced meat. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

    In a pan, fry the onion in oil until golden brown. Add tomatoes and sauté for about 5 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

    Set aside 1/3 of the tomatoes to cool, and add the minced chicken breast to the rest. Fry together for another 3-4 minutes. Cool down. Combine tomatoes with chicken breast, buckwheat porridge and eggs. Mix, season with salt and pepper.

    Pour the mixture into a lightly oiled baking dish. Bake for 25 minutes in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. Grind the remaining fried tomatoes in a mixer and put on top of a diet casserole, bake for another 10-15 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle the finished dietary casserole with buckwheat porridge and chicken with finely chopped parsley.

    Diet casserole with spinach, millet porridge and chicken

    Very light and healthy recipe. Millet porridge has recently been a very frequent guest on my menu. This is one of the oldest cupolas in the world. From point of view nutritional value equal to buckwheat. Contains a little starch, but a lot of easily digestible protein, vitamins and minerals. Millet is easily digestible and does not cause allergies because they do not contain rhinitis gluten.

    Ingredients (for 2 servings):

    • 100 g millet (dry product)
    • 800 g fresh or frozen spinach
    • chicken breasts (already boiled or baked in a sleeve without fat and chopped into small cubes)
    • low-fat cottage cheese - 80 g
    • 1 egg
    • salt, pepper to your taste
    • clove of garlic


    Cook the millet porridge according to the instructions on the package, reheat or even lightly fry in a pan with oil, add a chopped garlic clove, transfer to separate dishes. Fry spinach in a pan until excess liquid evaporates (if frozen, fresh, just lightly fry with a little oil, add seasonings to taste.

    Add chicken, millet porridge to spinach, mix everything, simmer everything together in the same pan for 2-3 minutes. Pour the entire mixture into a baking dish. Mix cottage cheese with eggs and pour on top of a diet casserole. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the dish for 5-10 minutes to brown the top of the casserole.

    Diet casserole with chicken and mushrooms


    • boiled chicken fillet - 100 g
    • pasta (dry product) - 150 g
    • 2 eggs
    • natural yoghurt 200 g
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
    • champignon mushrooms - 800 g
    • leek 1 large stalk
    • parsley
    • garlic
    • pepper
    • curry
    • nutmeg nutmeg


    Boil macaroni until half cooked. Leek and mushrooms cut into slices or cubes and fry in 2 tablespoons of oil. Add spices: salt, pepper, curry, nutmeg - to taste. Prepare a mixture with eggs and yogurt. Cut the chicken into cubes, season with salt, pepper and garlic.

    Lubricate the bottom of the baking dish with a little oil, then spread the cooked products in layers: chicken, pasta, fried mushrooms with onions. Pour everything on top egg mixture. Bake at 180 degrees (preheat the oven in advance) for about half an hour. Serve hot or warm ready-made diet casserole with chicken and mushrooms.

    Bon appetit!

    Dietary vegetable casseroles are popular not only among vegetarians, but also among those people who want to lose weight, remove cholesterol and toxins from the body, learn how to eat right and improve their health in general. But the most important thing is to master the rules of cooking and discover best recipes vegetable casseroles.

    Diet vegetable casseroles: benefits and features

    Vegetable casseroles have appeared relatively recently. And all thanks to the economy of the hostesses. According to culinary experts and cooks, initially the dish included those products that were left unnecessary on the shelves of the refrigerator. It was much later that they began to come up with all sorts of variations on the theme of casseroles.

    Baked vegetable dishes were first intended for vegetarians, then they began to be used for various diseases, as they entered the list of diet casseroles. Today there is great amount all kinds of recipes. But first you need to figure out what are the benefits and benefits of such a diet.

    Read more about the popular. Vegetable casserole is one of the dishes of this diet.

    Features of cooking diet vegetable casseroles

    The casserole can be prepared in any way, but in order for it to correspond to the name "dietary", it is necessary to adhere to certain cooking rules:

    1. You can add absolutely any vegetables to the dish - potatoes, carrots, cabbage. As well as zucchini and zucchini, eggplant and tomatoes, mushrooms, etc.
    2. A small amount of meat, minced meat or fish is allowed, if required diet food. But all these products are used in without fail fat-free, otherwise your dish will cease to be dietary and will not bring the desired results and benefits to the body.
    3. Before cooking vegetable casserole, the ingredients must be washed and cleaned. Then rinse again under running water.
    4. The ingredients can be grated with a grater or cut into small cubes.
    5. To make the dish look spicier, add colors to it - add green pea, corn and others colorful vegetables.
    6. When baking, the walls and bottom of the mold must be lubricated vegetable oil(preferably olive), but in no case do not pour fat.
    7. To make the dish juicy, lay the onion rings on top of the potatoes. Onions also go well with meat.
    8. If you are preparing an eggplant casserole, pre-steam them in the oven or sprinkle with salt for a few minutes. This will get rid of the specific bitterness.
    9. Be sure to season the dish with hard cheese.
    10. A special filling will give structure to the vegetable casserole and improve taste qualities. The filling is made from eggs, fat-free sour cream. You can add some flour if needed coarse grinding. Sour cream can be substituted natural yogurt, fermented baked milk or kefir.
    11. Add to boost your metabolism spicy spices. Vegetables go well with turmeric, red pepper, ginger.
    12. If the dish is prepared for weight loss, keep in mind that legumes and potatoes are very high in calories, so add them in limited quantities.
    13. You can add flavor to your taste with sour apple, pomegranate, currant, dried fruits and nuts.

    The baking process should be divided into 2 main stage:

    1. Roast all the vegetables in such a way that they are cooked through. For example, first put eggplant and carrots, let bake for 15 minutes, then add potatoes, onions, etc.
    2. When the vegetables are ready to eat, pour over the filling and sprinkle with grated low-fat cheese.

    The benefits of diet vegetable casseroles

    The benefits and benefits of diet vegetable casseroles:

    • fast weight loss;
    • low calorie;
    • no need to give up many foods;
    • cleansing the body of toxins and bad cholesterol;
    • normalization metabolic processes;
    • acceleration of metabolism;
    • saturation of the body with useful and important substances for health;
    • improvement of some internal organs;
    • the ability to cook in summer, winter, spring and autumn;
    • you can use both fresh vegetables and frozen;
    • speed and ease of preparation;
    • vegetables are allowed to be combined with any products;
    • opportunity to experiment.

    Try to cook original casserole from vegetables, which not only has an irresistible taste and will bring considerable benefits to the body, but also special, because it is prepared according to a new recipe, which is described in detail in this video.

    Cooking rules and recipes

    Each dietary vegetable casserole has its own cooking characteristics, which determine the taste, aroma and structure of the dish. So the following recommendations will help you cook the casserole correctly and tasty:

    1. One of the most popular casseroles is carrot. In principle, it acts more as a dessert. For its preparation, rice must be boiled to a state of viscous porridge and slightly sweetened with honey. Then raw carrot rubbed on a grater and combined with rice porridge. Be sure to add a filling of eggs and milk. After mixing, the dish is placed in a preheated oven. Add flavor - add an apple.
    2. A very useful dietary casserole is made from celery. The peculiarity of cooking is that the vegetable is cut thinly and boiled until half cooked. Immediately poured with a mixture of eggs and chopped herbs, baked.
    3. To potato casserole has become more satisfying, but less high-calorie, grease each piece of potato (previously cut into circles) with Feta cheese and send it to the oven.
    4. Cauliflower and broccoli are considered enough healthy vegetables, therefore, they are very often used for dietary vegetable casseroles. Separate the inflorescences and boil the cabbage in lightly salted water for 5 minutes. Pour in a mixture of kefir (it goes well with cabbage) and eggs. You can add some chicken boiled fillet.
    5. White cabbage is also baked, but it is better to do it with minced chicken. Cabbage is placed raw. It is desirable to chop it finely.
    6. AT zucchini casserole need to add flour or semolina because zucchini secrete a lot of juice. Grate the vegetable coarse grater and squeeze out the liquid. Mix with flour and parsley, dill. Sprinkle cheese on top and beat it in if desired. a raw egg. Zucchini can not be rubbed, but cut into circles, salt and let it brew. Lay the baking dish on the bottom, pour the filling on top, then put the tomatoes and greens. Add the egg and unsweetened yogurt mixture again.
    7. pumpkin casserole it is always cooked with cottage cheese, semolina, egg and honey. After mixing the components, the minced meat is left for 20-30 minutes to swell. Then sent to the oven for baking.

    When cooking various dishes of this nature, consider the structure of the vegetable crops that you include in the casserole. If it is tender, like a zucchini, be sure to add flour or semolina. This will create a shape and improve the taste of the dish.

    Learn how to cook vegetable casserole for weight loss. Step by step recipe You can find out from the video provided for your attention.

    Zucchini and potato casserole

    For 2-3 servings of the dish you will need the following ingredients:

    • young zucchini - 400 grams;
    • potatoes - the same amount;
    • red tomatoes - 500 grams;
    • cheese (preferably mozzarella and the like) - 100 grams;
    • garlic - a couple of cloves;
    • spices - thyme, rosemary, dill, etc.;
    • chicken ham or meat - 100 grams.

    Pre-boil the potatoes in their skins, peel and cut into slices. Cut the zucchini in the same way and salt. Separately, chop the tomatoes into a cube, add salt and garlic, spices. And the ham is cut into strips. Lay potatoes, ham, zucchini in layers on the bottom of the pan. Pour in tomato mixture and sprinkle with cheese. Bake for about half an hour. Eat this cooking masterpiece can be both hot and after it has completely cooled.

    Casserole from different vegetables

    Prepare these foods:

    • eggplant and zucchini;
    • bell pepper and tomatoes;
    • carrot and onion;
    • garlic and spices optional;
    • hard cheese and eggs.

    Prepare the vegetables accordingly - chop the zucchini and eggplant in circles and salt. Onions - in half rings, the rest of the components in strips. Place on a baking sheet in this order:

    1. Eggplant.
    2. Carrot.
    3. Zucchini.
    4. Bulgarian pepper and onion.
    5. Tomatoes (rings).
    6. Fill.

    For pouring, you will need a fermented milk product (yogurt, sour cream, kefir, milk), eggs, salt and spices.

    Vegetable casserole with mushrooms

    To create such a masterpiece, you must first cut into circles raw potatoes, then lay on the bottom of the form, after lubricating it. Spread onion on top, which is usually cut into half rings. Then lay out the grated carrots, garlic, boiled mushrooms, spices and herbs. Add sour cream and egg. Sprinkle grated cheese on top and put in the oven for 20 minutes. Temperature oven must be at least 200 degrees.

    Cabbage diet casserole

    Ingredients you need for cooking:

    • different kinds cabbage (suitable for cauliflower, white, broccoli);
    • multi-colored bell pepper;
    • onion;
    • carrot;
    • ground black pepper and salt to taste, other spices can be added, but in moderation;
    • for pouring you will need milk and eggs;
    • hard varieties cheese (you can add several different types).

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Divide the cauliflower and broccoli into small florets, boil in salted water for 3-5 minutes. Be sure to rinse under cold running water. This will give the vegetables a crispy texture.
    2. Cut the peeled bell pepper in any shape.
    3. Cut the onion in half and chop into half rings.
    4. Grate carrots or cut into thin rings.
    5. Shred white cabbage in the usual way.
    6. Prepare the filling: combine milk and eggs, add salt, pepper and other spices. Whisk lightly.
    7. Lay the bell peppers, onions and carrots on the bottom of the mold first. Then arrange the broccoli and cauliflower nicely. Top - shredded white cabbage and fill.
    8. Shake the mold lightly so that the filling is evenly distributed among the vegetables.
    9. If you wish, you can include garlic in the dish, which should first be finely chopped.
    10. Send to the oven for 15 minutes. Then sprinkle with cheese and hold in the oven for another 2-3 minutes.

    Experiment, create new recipes for vegetable diet casseroles and very soon you will notice how your health improves and the extra pounds leave you. The main thing is to follow the recommendations experienced chefs and also do not forget about moderate physical activity.

    SIMPLE DIET CAUSER RECIPES 1. chicken casserole: simple and healthy INGREDIENTS: ● 500 g chicken fillet● 1 carrot ● 1 onion ● cauliflower 100 g ● 1 egg ● low-fat cheese 70 g ● spices PREPARATION: Chicken cut into small pieces, carrots and onions chop with a blender or grate. Mix everything together with the egg, salt and put in a baking sheet. Put cabbage on top and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. 2. Vegetable and chicken casserole INGREDIENTS: ● Chicken breast without skin - 1 pc (450 g) ● Carrots - 2 pcs ● Cauliflower - 100 g ● Egg yolk - 1 pc ● Salt PREPARATION: Boil fillets, carrots and cauliflower in different dishes. Pass the chicken through a meat grinder, add the yolk and salt. Rub the vegetables through a sieve and season with salt. Put minced meat on the bottom of the form, on top - vegetable puree(can be alternated). Put in a preheated oven (170C). Bake until tender (15 minutes). You can sprinkle with cheese, as in the photo. 3. Zucchini casserole with cheese and cottage cheese INGREDIENTS: ● zucchini 400 g ● cottage cheese 0% 125 g ● low-fat cheese 40 g ● egg 2 pcs. ● garlic 1 clove PREPARATION: First turn on the oven at maximum temperature. Three zucchini on a coarse grater, squeeze and drain excess liquid. In a separate container, mix cottage cheese, beaten eggs, garlic and salt. Three cheese on a coarse grater, add to the zucchini. Mix zucchini and cottage cheese and spread in a silicone mold. We put in a preheated oven for 35-40 minutes. The casserole is good both hot and cold. Therefore, it is perfect as a snack for work or on the road. 4. Cottage cheese and cabbage casserole INGREDIENTS: ● Cabbage 300 g ● Fat-free cottage cheese 250 g ● Garlic 5 g ● Skimmed milk 200 ml ● Egg 100 g (2 pcs.) ● Cumin, dill (seeds) - a pinch each ● Salt, ground pepper black - to taste. PREPARATION: Mix cottage cheese with milk, egg and cumin. Chop the cabbage and stew in a small amount of water for about 15 minutes, add salt and chopped garlic. Put the cabbage in a baking dish, pour a mixture of cottage cheese, eggs and milk, mix. Put in the oven for 35 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. 5. Cheese and vegetable casserole INGREDIENTS: ● carrot 1 pc. ● Adyghe cheese- a small piece, say, 5x2x2 cm ● natural yoghurt 50 g ● zucchini or small marrow 1 pc. ● low-fat cheese 50 g ● salt, spices ● olive oil ● sesame seeds (optional, not included in the calculation of BJU) PREPARATION: Cut the carrots into half circles, start frying it in a greased frying pan. At this time, cut the zucchini into small cubes, add to the carrots. Add about 4-5 tbsp to the pan. l. water and cover with a lid, reduce the heat a little and let the vegetables stew calmly. At this time, cut into cubes (about the same as zucchini) Adyghe cheese and think about what spices to add. We offer: turmeric, coriander, cumin. When the water is almost all boiled away, the vegetables will already be quite soft. Add to them Adyghe cheese, spices, salt and add a little (a couple of spoons) of yogurt. The dish is almost ready. Grate cheese. We spread the vegetables on plates, sprinkle immediately with grated cheese, while still very hot, you can sprinkle a little sesame seeds on top. More for decoration and some spice. 6. Dinner option: mackerel casserole INGREDIENTS: ● Fresh thawed mackerel fillet 600 g (2 pcs.) ● Zucchini 400 g ● Bulb onion 1 pc. ● Carrot 1 pc. ● Egg 4 pcs. ● Skimmed milk 2/3 cup ● hard cheese low-fat 50 g ● Salt, ground black pepper to taste PREPARATION: First of all, the fish should be slightly thawed so that it starts to take a knife. Mackerel is so tender that if you completely defrost it, then - even when cutting it with good special fish knives - it will not be cut, but choked. Then wash or you can just wipe paper napkin. Cut off the head and tail. Mackerel, like pike perch and salmon, is a predator, and their fat is deposited mainly in the abdominal wall. Therefore, it is better to open these fish from the back. We cut the carcass along the spine, and it will fall apart into a layer of two halves, united by the abdomen. By the way, it is much easier to remove the insides - until they are defrosted and flowed. Then carefully cut out the spine. With a knife we ​​remove the black film lining the abdominal cavity: it gives bitterness. And finally, cut the mackerel into small pieces. Let's move on to vegetables. We remove the buttocks from the zucchini and three on a medium grater. If the zucchini is young and very soft, then you do not need to get the seeds. We clean the carrots and three on a medium grater. Finely chop the onion. Mix all vegetables, salt and pepper. Break 4 eggs into a bowl and beat well with a whisk. Add milk, salt and pepper to taste. We take a form for baking. Spray it with olive oil and lay out: half of the vegetables, then the fish and close it with the remaining vegetables. Pour everything with beaten eggs and milk. We cover the form with a lid or foil and bake in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for 30 minutes. During this time, three cheese for fine grater. After 30 minutes, we take out the casserole, sprinkle with cheese and, without covering the form, set to bake for another 15 minutes. 7. Zucchini-tomato casserole with cheese INGREDIENTS: ● 1-2 tomatoes ● 1 kg of zucchini ● 100 g of hard low-fat cheese● 500 ml skimmed milk● 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal ● olive oil for greasing ● ground nutmeg, pepper, salt PREPARATION: 1. Cut zucchini about 0.5 cm thick. Place on a greased baking sheet and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 10 minutes - until golden brown. If you have a wire rack, it is better to bake on the wire rack. Lay half of the zucchini overlapped in a greased baking dish (we have a size of 28 cm by 18 cm). Salt, pepper. Top with a layer of chopped tomatoes. 2. Pour flour into a separate pan, mix well so that there are no lumps. Pour milk in a thin stream, add salt, pepper and nutmeg and, stirring, cook over low heat until thick (liquid sour cream consistency). 3. Grate cheese. Pour a layer of zucchini and tomatoes with sauce (do not rush to pour out all the sauce, it may be too much, you just need it to lightly cover the vegetables), sprinkle with half grated cheese. Lay out the other half of the zucchini. Salt, pepper. And sprinkle the remaining cheese on top. 4. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes - until golden brown. And serve immediately!

    Greetings, fighters with kilograms and centimeters. You and I are back in the kitchen, at the forefront of the problem “What would you like to eat to lose weight?”

    Today I have a well-deserved heroine of all low-calorie menus- Diet cottage cheese casserole.

    I started the topic of using cottage cheese in diets in an article . Who has not read - I advise. And now let's continue...

    Classic cottage cheese casserole

    Once upon a time, in kindergarten and school age, we all ate a cottage cheese casserole with sour cream. Of all the school lunches, this is the one I remember with love. What can not be said about pasta, meatballs and soups. .

    The classic cottage cheese casserole consists of cottage cheese, flour, eggs and sugar. You have already seen this set of products in my article about.

    Yes, cottage cheese casserole is the sister of cheesecakes and the grandmother of all cottage cheese cakes from the article . These merits of hers prompted me to continue the conversation about dietary products with cottage cheese.

    We begin to prepare a classic cottage cheese casserole.


    • Cottage cheese -500 g;
    • eggs - 3 pcs;
    • flour - 150 g;
    • sugar - 50 g;
    • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (11 g);
    • sunflower oil - 10 ml. (for lubrication of the form).


    Grind cottage cheese with sugar and eggs. It is better to do this with a blender or crush so that there are no hard lumps left.

    Add flour and mix well. Grease the form sunflower oil and sprinkle with flour. Shake out excess flour from the mold.

    With a spoon, gently spoon the curd mixture into the mold. Smooth the surface with a spoon or spatula.

    It is possible, but not necessary, to grease the surface of the product with sour cream to form a golden crust.

    Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 20-35 minutes.

    The baking time has such a variation, as it depends on the height of the contents in the form. If the initial height is 2 cm, then 20 minutes.

    If the form is small and the original height raw workpiece 4 cm, then you need to bake for at least 35 minutes.

    Height more than 5 cm should not be done. Better take two forms. Otherwise, the dish will not be baked inside, and the outside of the crust will be too dark, with a bitter aftertaste.

    If there is no other form, then you will have to reduce the baking temperature and increase the time.

    After baking, the finished product should be allowed to cool slightly. Then turn the casserole out of the mold onto a dish. The finished casserole should not be cut immediately so that the knife does not stick.

    The dish can be eaten both warm and cold.

    Diet casserole in the microwave

    A casserole, unlike cheesecakes, is already diet dish. Cheesecakes are fried, and the casserole is called that because it is baked in the oven.

    Modern baking options - in the oven or slow cooker . But lovers of diet food create curd masterpieces even in the microwave . I advise you to watch the video: Quick, simple, dietary!

    Recommendations for reducing the calorie content of cottage cheese baking

    In order for the casserole to become more dietary, you can do several actions that reduce the calorie content of the main composition of the ingredients.

    1. Reduce the number of eggs or abandon them completely. Airiness of the dish can be given by adding to the dough slaked soda. It is not necessary to link the ingredients together with an egg in a baking dough, since cooking happens in the form.
    2. The dough for baking can be very liquid, so even the cottage cheese itself can be partially replaced by another. fermented milk product- kefir or yogurt. The number of calories will decrease, but the shape and taste will change.
    3. You can substitute wheat flour for whole wheat flour or oatmeal. Often the flour in the recipe is replaced with semolina. Ready baked goods becomes more crumbly with a delicate texture. However, the calorie content of semolina almost coincides with wheat flour. In this case, the amount of semolina must be made less than the amount of flour. Not suitable for weight loss.
    4. For a diet casserole, it is advisable to give up sugar. Sweetness can be added to the dish by adding dried fruits to the dough.
    5. If you use not dried fruits, but fresh fruits and vegetables, then the calorie content of the whole dish will be minimal.

    Sweet cottage cheese pastry

    To diversify the taste of the usual casserole, add to ready dough sweet ingredients instead of sugar.

    • Dried fruits.For example, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, figs, any dry berries, pitted cherries / cherries. Dried fruits can be mixed evenly with the dough, or they can be laid out in a separate layer between the curd layers.
    • Fruits and berries. For example, apples, plums, peaches, apricots, cherries, oranges and other fresh, frozen or canned fruits(berries). Fruit is best cut into thin slices or small cubes. Ready product will be elegant. If you are mashing, the baked goods will have a uniform texture.
    • Confiture, marmalade, jam, jam. These sweet ingredients make cottage cheese pastries attractive to children, but are completely unsuitable for diet food.

    I love casserole myself with blackcurrant . sour taste, lovely color and aroma. But my mom likes it better with apples.

    Unsweetened curd cake

    Feeding a child with cottage cheese or carrots is not at all easy. That's probably why carrot cottage cheese casserole is by far the most unpopular. Although from a dietary point of view, the most useful.

    Cottage cheese and carrot casserole can be both sweet and savory. Unsweetened casserole with addition fresh vegetables and herbs can be a great second course.

    Vegetables for savory curd baking you can use finely chopped raw or pre-stew.

    In addition to carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, zucchini, tomato, cauliflower and broccoli go well with cottage cheese.

    The mixture is prepared from cottage cheese, eggs and flour (semolina) without sugar. Add salt. but we won't. You can also chop the greens: dill, parsley.

    The vegetables in the casserole can be mixed, and then laid out in a mold. You can do otherwise: spread the curd mass and a layer of vegetables in the form in layers.

    Top with curd again. To receive appetizing crust sometimes the top of the dish is sprinkled with grated cheese. It will definitely add calories, but it looks very tasty.

    Custom recipe

    Already finished work on the article, as they sent me unique recipe casseroles without flour and semolina , without eggs and sugar, with bananas.

    For a pack of cottage cheese (250 grams), three overripe banana and half a glass of crushed oatmeal.

    Bananas are pureed with a blender, mixed with oat flour. Cottage cheese is added to the mixture and beaten thoroughly again.

    The mixture should stand at room temperature 20 minutes for the swelling of the flakes. Then a quarter teaspoon baking soda to repay lemon juice and mix with curd mass. Put in a greased form and bake for 30-35 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

    Prepared and tried. Delicious, fragrant. I didn't count calories, and I don't. On the one hand, we remove flour, eggs and sugar in general.

    And on the other hand, three bananas - nutritionists may be against, they say, a lot of sugar, high-calorie. However, I don't think so. This is a product of nature.

    Banana pulp contains many useful substances: beta-carotene, pectin, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, PP, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, fluorine, phosphorus and sodium, fructose and fiber. Look at the monkeys who eat bananas all their lives - are they fat?!

    What do you think? Can this recipe be called dietary? I look forward to your comments.

    Submit your low calorie recipes.

    Always in touch

    Vitaly Sorokin