At the table. rules of etiquette

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Not all of us in childhood wanted to master the etiquette rules at the table. It seemed that all these adult conventions are unlikely to be useful someday. But here, after some years twenty, you are already sitting in an exquisite restaurant with an equally sophisticated cavalier, and instead of tasting new dishes, regret that they have not learned how to properly manage with cutlery. And if you consider that individual products require a special relationship, etiquette at the table It becomes a science mandatory for each self-respecting modern young lady. AND women's magazine Charla Offers together to master the basics of this science.

Etiquette at the table: Sit down at the table

Of course, for many modern families, a shared lunch and dinner has become a big rarity, and some and at all the dining room features a sofa in front of the TV. But rules of etiquette at the table Forcing us all to forget those imposing poses, in which it is so convenient to be, taking food.

If you think that the absence of your elbows on the table is already a feat for aesthetic feast, you are very mistaken. First, the elbows do not put on the table not only from the aesthetic considerations, but also in order not to interfere with the neighbors in the feast. And secondly, it is only the first step towards the correct location at the table.

Make sure that you are not too close to the table, but not too far from it. The back must be straight all the time. Ugly look like those who prefer the "full dive" in a plate, and those who impose on the back of the chair, risking riskly by randomly fallen food. The rules of the etiquette at the table are allowed only slightly tilting the head during the meal, so that the path of the fork or spoon was not so long.

Remember the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh, which fled the fifth napkin for the collar visiting the rabbit? So, from this gesture could be concluded that Winnie considers Pigchka as a child because rules of etiquette at the table Provide that the napkin is filled with the collar only to children. Adults should put such a napkin on her knees. After completion of the meal, the napkin can wipe the fingers, but not the mouth. To do this, use your own handkerchiefs or napkins.

We think, not everyone follows the example of vini-fluff during the feast, aiming exclusively on food. And it is right, sometimes you still need to get up because of the table. True, and here rules of etiquette at the table It is possible to know about yourself: get up because of the table, and again get at the table with the right side of the chair.

Etiquette at the table: To eat filed!

Are there hands - the lot of people's not strong? No matter how. Yes, most of the products are really eating with cutlery, but here are cakes, cookies, citrus, bread, fruit is taken without the use of cutlery, because they do not pack hands, in addition, they can be easily taken from a common dish without touching the hands of that Parts that will get to the rest of the guests.

And yet, in most cases, without a spoon and the fork can not do. Consequently, you need to be able to use these cutlery correctly.

So, the correct position of the spoon in the hand provides for the destruction of the thumb on top of this table appliance. Weighing, move the spoon from myself. Similarly, you need to tilt from yourself and a plate if the soup ends.

A plug, which in most cases should be in the left hand, sticks on top of the index finger. If the knife is not needed to use a dish (for example, chopped meat dishes), the plug may be in the right hand.

Without the help of a knife, you need to eat dumplings and meatballs if they are in a soup. Just divide them into pieces with a spoon.

But if there is unwarked meat on the table, you can not do without a knife. But just do not try to grind all the ingredients of the dish at once. Cut them as they use, otherwise they will be cooled ahead of time. Contrary to the established stereotype, the bird is also better to eat hands, but a fork and a knife.

Fish, served hot, is taken by a special device or two forks. It is allowed to use one fork, which is in the right hand.

Garnish in the form of potatoes and other vegetables are also eating without a knife. And I also need to remember that they should not be pouring a sauce. After all, the sauce is intended for meat or fish, so it is precisely on meat or fish and need to impose.

Do not use pieces of bread in order to push the sauce or any residues on the plate. Maximum, for which it is possible to use bread, in addition to its main purpose is help in moving products from a plate on the plug.

In order not to emerge incidents with waiters who too early remove your plate, learn how to signal that you have completed the meal, with cutlery. Rules of etiquette at the table Provide that in the case when you interrupt the meal, but have not yet completed it, leave the knife and fork on a plate just as you kept them in your hands. In other words, the knob should be directed left, the knife handle is right.

If the meal is complete, inform the waiter, putting the plug, and the knife with a handle to the left.

And do not think that the moment will not come when you can finally demonstrate your knowledge rules of etiquette at the table. Well, waiting for invitations to the ball is completely optional. It is better to take a habit of always, even alone, and then you will not be forced by the surprise or attentive aristocrats, nor any lobs or oysters.

By the way, there are special courses on which the etiquette rules at the table are studying. If you have time and desire, be sure to sign up for the course. It is very exciting, useful, and, of course, tasty.

Inna Dmitriev

Do you know how to eat beautifully? Several useful tips.

In order to always feel comfortable In any society, it is necessary to learn beautifully there, and comply with the necessary rules for the packaging etiquette. About how a person behaves at the table, and constitute an idea of \u200b\u200bits formality and intelligence.

The main thing is to behave quietly and no one interfere with the pleasure of delicious dishes. It should not be loud and noisily pulling the liquid, as well as to open the mouth wide. During food, hands should not be widely, as well as too low to lean over the kushans.

When you put yourself a part of a dish of common plates, you should take food with spoons and forks, which are there, while not touching their plates and always returning them back.

During the choice of dishes, you should take the ears in a row from the edge without choosing. You can choose only if you offer roast or bird. If a piece of food was randomly a fork, it is not put back, but take it into your plate.

You should not put the Kushan Gorka, as it is ugly. When choosing a dish, you can always miss any dish, not explaining anything, just thanking the owners. In no case do not need to say something like: "I do not use this, but from such food I was allergic, and so on."

The hosts should be remembered that in no case should someone get something to try. When you take a spoon, it should be between big and index fingers, and the handle rests a bit into the middle finger. The main thing is to behave at the table freely, naturally and relaxed.

But in more detail there are few people disassembled. For many, sufficient is what they know, in which hand you need to keep the knife, and in what a plug. However, this is very little. In this article, I want to tell about how to behave at the table correctly.

About etiquette

First of all, it must be said that there are different types of behavior in a particular institution and even in a particular country. If you understand how beautiful is beautiful, this question will be completely alone for European countries, in which at the table you need to be at a minimum quietly, and for Asian, where thanks to the owner for a delicious dinner are expressed by loud chamber and Chmokan. Also, behavior in the restaurant and visiting relatives at the table may differ somewhat.

Restaurant etiquette

It is very important to understand how beautiful it is very important to visit various restaurants from time to time. So, it is important to behave correctly after immediately after the mental threshold is crossed. It is important to remember that guests meet Metrotel, talks about whether there are free places, and spends the desired table. Also in his obligations included to pick up the top clothes of visitors. Going to the table, a man (if they came to the diverse guests) should first help sit down a lady, having pulled her chair a little bit, then he already sits down himself. It is also important to remember how to sit at the table. As for the situation, the representative of the strong sex should be opposite the woman or to the left of it. If the lady is a little late, a man may take a seat at the table, but when the Metrotel will hold it to the appointed place, the guy necessarily brings in respect.

Select order

When the pair is already at the table, the waiter necessarily gives the menu. Choosing the desired dishes is not in a hurry, in such institutions it is not taken to rush. Most often, the waiter will see that guests are ready to order something, and it will be suitable. But you can and with a slight movement of a hand to attend the service personnel to yourself. The order does first a woman, only then - a man. However, the lady may ask the guy to do it for her, it is also allowed. If guests can not decide on the choice of wine, they can ask for advice from the waiter. You can also consult with him about a particular dish, this is permitted by the rules of etiquette.


How to behave at the table while the order has not arrived yet? At this time, guests can quietly communicate. The first, most likely, the waiter will bring wine. Opening the bottles only a restaurant employee, a man should not get off to do it. First, the drink is served by the ladies, then guys. As for food, you can start to eat only after everyone has already ordered dishes.


Taking over how beautiful is it, it is also important to remember that the restaurants are strictly forbidden to raise the fallen objects from the floor. This will make a waiter. He must bring a clean appliance. If there was a confusion and crashed, for example, a plate or a glass, you should not worry. Just the restaurant will include its cost account, and the case will be closed. Nobody will not make scandals on this matter. If you want to escape the dish, and the saltka is on the other side of the table, it is not necessary to stretch yourself for her, you need to ask the playing just to apply what you need. It is also important to remember the decibels: it is necessary to speak in the restaurant so as not to interfere with others.

How to sit

Taking up how beautiful is it, it is important to remember that you need to sit right at the table. So, it is forbidden to put an elbow on the table, fall apart on the chair, swing on it. Also can not be low above the plate. The spin of the sitting should be even, no need to narrow. However, in the posture there should be no voltage and rigidity, everything should be natural. When a dish change, the guest is allowed to lean a little on the back of the chair so as not to interfere with the waiter and relax in a convenient position.

About food

It is worth remembering that the restaurants are not accepted in a hurry, dishes eat slowly to enjoy their taste. If food is pretty hot, you can not blow on it. To cool, you just need to wait a little, supporting the conversation. If burning burning food happened, you can not wave into your mouth with a napkin or hands, you can only wash it all with water. Various bones, including fruit, is strictly forbidden to spit or remove with their hands. For this purpose, a fork is intended, which is neatly taken to the mouth and all unnecessary folds there. If the taste of a dish of a person at all did not like, you can bring the napkin close to your mouth and all go there, without attracting attention to the surrounding perturbations about this.

If you need to move

The culture of behavior at the table has its recommendations about mobile phones. So, if the guest called, he could briefly say that he would call back, without delayed from his place. However, if the conversation does not tolerate deposits, it is necessary to move away. Talk at the table by phone is a bad tone. Also, if you need to leave, for example, in a restroom, you need to ask permission from all those present at the table. It is also impossible to talk with people sitting at the next table. If these are comrades or just need to ask something, you need to get up and approach them. In the case when the restaurant includes familiar, they need to be welcomed sitting, light nodding. A man gets up only if the lady joins his table. Women are not moving in any situations.

End of meals

When dinner came to an end, guests are fed and satisfied, they may ask the bill from the waiter, which will mean that their stay in this institution approached the end. The service arrives the folder in which the account will be specified. It is also important to remember about tip - 10% of the order value. Who should pay - here's another question. So, in the countries of the post-Soviet space, this is predominantly male. In European countries, women are actively fighting with it, considering the remnant of the past, and there everyone pays for itself. If dinner was just friendly, the waiter can be asked to be asked to bring a personal account, for each person a separate person. It is also important to remember about the delivery. If it is needed, a person is just silent. If there are money in the folder, the part of which is not needed, just need to say: "Without passing," and on this it will end. It is important to remember what to decide who will pay, you need to do it in advance, it is ugly to do it in front of the waiter. You need to know about who needs to express their claims. Talk about everything that I liked or did not like, you need a metallone, not a waiter.


But if all of the above is not yet too driven into the horror of those who do not know, then this is how to properly do with cutlery - this is a whole science. After all, there is a huge number of different in size and purpose of plates, knives, spoons and glasses. It is elementary need to know how to keep the plug and how to use it. So, when a person sits down at the table, regardless of where it happens - in a restaurant or at home, he must seemble. So, according to the rules, the diner should be straightforward, to the right of it - piring or napkin. On the left hand from the plate should be spoons and knives, right - forks. If at the table all this is complied with, it can be concluded that certain manners are required from the guest. It should also be remembered that the dessert device will be located in front of the plate, most likely a teaspoon. Wheel and glasses will be standing behind the plate, they all also have their purpose.

How to use cutlery

So how to keep the plug? This question often worries people. It is worth remembering that those devices that lie on the left of the plate are taken with her left hand, those on the right - right. That's all science. The dessert devices are located so that the handle will look into the right or left side. Depending on this, it is necessary to decide which hand to take them. As for the knife, the end of his handle according to the rules should be restarted into the center of the palm of the palm, the large and middle finger are located on the sides of the knife, index - in the center. The rest of the fingers bent slightly to the palm. The plug during the meal is kept so that her teeth look down, the knob also, like a knife, rests in the palm. In the case when you need to eat small pieces of food, as well as a garnish - potato puree or porridge, the plug is turned over to the cloves up, while it can help a slight knife in the dialing. The spoon holds in his left hand so that its end is on the base of the index finger, and the beginning is on average. If the dish is easily separated, the waiter can only file fork, in which case it needs to be kept in his right hand. Now everything should be clear, not only how to keep the fork and knife, but also other nuances of using cutlery appliances. Especially since it is not difficult, as it could first appear.


Taking over how to eat beautifully, it is important to know that you also need to be able to do with a napkin. Often it becomes the object of decoration of the table, but at the same time it has its own direct purpose. Before the food, the napkin needs to be neatly folded in half and put on his knees to myself. It will help protect a suit or dress from the droplets that can shed. Also this napkin can wipe hands or lips after eating or drinking. Hold it for the collar, making a whirl, is strictly prohibited. It is inconvenient, and quite ugly. The evaporated fingers carefully and imperceptibly wipe on the top edge of the napkin, which remains on the knees. If you need to get into the lips, the napkin is raised, but so that it is completely in the palm of your hand, and not hung. Wrap (but do not rub) lips with a middle napkin, then it fits back to the place. It is strictly forbidden to use it as a nasal handker or towels for wet or dirty hands. Also, you can not wipe the cutlery, looking for a speck on them. This is great to offend the owners. If this subject fell, you need to ask for a new one. At the end of the meal, the napkin is placed on the left of the plate, but never hangs on the back of the chair.

About drinks

All are clear that the correct behavior at the table is the key to a successful evening in the cultural institution. It is also important to pay a few words and drinks, as well as the containers that are suitable for them. The main thing is to remember the rule: the stronger the drink, the smaller the container needs it. Ryumka - for vodka drinks, Madnaya wineglass - for fasteners, glasses or glasses for white and red wines, a fuer or a glass for champagne. First, stronger drinks are served, then in the increasing. Wine glasses are filled with two thirds.

About kids

Essential is the etiquette for all the kids should also be able to behave in society. However, it is worth saying that the rules for them will be easier and restrained than for adults. And on the mistakes of kids at the table, no one should pay special attention. However, mom or other parent must quietly make a closer to the remark, teaching him the right behavior. What is the main thing for kids when taking a table? It is important that the kids know that you can not talk loud at the table, laugh, scream. It is impossible to talk to the mouth stuffed, it is ugly and even harmful to the food process. Also, it is also not a chakup and smack, it is unacceptable. It is necessary to tell the child how to properly do with a napkin: it should be used to wip the wiggular lips and hands, and when not needed - should be on the knees. Also, the baby must be said that there are dishes that can be eating hands, and those for which you want to use cutlery. So, for example, froth potatoes, shrimps, fish sticks can be taken without problems, you can also capture the inflorescence of cauliflower. But this end the list of products that are taken without instruments. For incomprehensible reasons, kids love to eat spaghetti with hands, but it is ugly and wrong. The baby needs to say about it. Children should also remember that they need to stay at the table until everyone is atheging. Well, of course, it is important to say "Thank you" to the owners who slept. In case of food in the "Thank you" restaurant, they say Metrotel. If too heavy science for crumbs is etiquette at the table, pictures - this is what can a great help in learning. You only need a baby to show several video tutorials or characteristic pictures, and everything will become more clear to him.

Rules of table etiquette Many seem boring and unnecessary in everyday life, however, if you are going to a secular feast or, all the more invited to a romantic dinner, you are waiting for at least a good manner.

When you will be "complex" dish, the main thing is not to fall in extremes: do not refuse the treat, referring to the imaginary absence of appetite, and vice versa, do not try to deal with the use of primitive ways, otherwise you risk staining your outfit or even a neighbor's costume on the table. To feel confident and easy on any dinner, just remember the instructionsFASHIONTIME!

Sea gifts: open the shells and shellipids - not only the best Aphrodisiacs, but also the most secretly delicacies in the literal sense of the word, because to get to a delicious filling, you will have to suffer from "armor"!

For example, for crab and Lobster You will need special cutlery - tongs to split claws, hook for opening the shell and rounded fork, which is buried juicy crab meat. If you have brought an unbearable sea inhabitant, you will delete his claws yourself, take them for the tip and dip in the sauce, then suck the contents from claws. Then remove the stuffing from the shell and tail (if it is lobster) and make a gentle white meat with a fish fork and a knife.

"Sit down" large shrimp It is much easier, but they will not take them with "bare teeth" - hold the head of shrimp with my left hand and, by turning the tail fin, removing the meat with a regular fork.

Exquisite oysters are customary to serve just opened on an ice slide with lemon slices, therefore, your task is to only remove the tasteful "oysterite place" using a rounded fork and pour a purified clam with lemon juice. Then, with confident movement of the hand, bring the sink to the mouth and the volley drink its useful content!

Everyone knows that knowledge of the rules of behavior at the table and their observance is extremely important, since ethical behavior at the table helps us feel confident and comfortable.

The inability to use a knife and fork should not deprive us pleasure from the pastime in the exquisite restaurant. A number of basic rules of behavior in restaurants and in exquisite societies are offered to your attention.

Restaurant: Selection of the menu, order, tip

Near the mirror in front of the entrance to the restaurant's hall, you can adjust your hair, but you can not get harsh or tinted - it is done in the Ladies room. The first one includes a man.

In the wardrobe, leave the coat, umbrella, packages, case with documents (if you do not have a business meeting), but not the lady's handbag.

It is permissible to agree on a meeting on the street, if you don't like to enter the restaurant alone. But according to the rules, the one who invites, comes earlier and expects at the table.

The dishes orders a man, he chooses wine. True, he can consult with you, ask about your wishes. A man communicates with the service personnel - Metrotel, waiter and sommelier.

If you invited a business partner to lunch, it is better to make and pay for the order in advance. Does not say about affairs until dishes and drinks are selected.

In the account pays the one who invited, even if it is a business lunch and invited - a man.

If a big company dins, everyone pays for itself, while the husband is always calculated for his wife.

Taboo. Pounding with a spoon, calling the waiter, is unacceptable. It is impossible to require the account when the partner or partner gives the coffee - even if you are very hurry. It is not polite.

NB! In the restaurant's hall, do not move the chair yourself - wait until this will make your satellite or metallo. Stand calmly, not flexing legs and not looking back.

If you are in a restaurant with the company and invited to join your friend, imagine it to all those present.

The restaurant accepted over the amount specified in the score, leave the tips in the amount of 10% of the order value. In Ukraine (in all high-class restaurants) and in Germany, the service cost is included in the account, and it can be limited to the amount that is specified in it.

There is a checked rule: tips leave in bills. The score is permissible to check for the presence of "errors". And if you are unhappy with the service, tips can not be left.

Code of conduct

You need to sit at the table at a comfortable distance - not too close, but not too far - the distance should not exceed the width of the palm.

In no case can not be put on the opening table, just put on the table only the wrist. Still, women are allowed to learn slightly on the table if it is just necessary.

When you use appliances, hands should not touch the table at all. During meals, if you have one hand free, do not keep it under the table - it's a bad tone.

You always need to sit on the chair evenly, you can only lean over a plate at the time of eating. You need to sit at the table right, but at the same time freely, so that the impressions are not created that you are uncomfortable or uncomfortable.

Personal linen napkin need to put on her knees. She can not wipe lips and hands while eating. To do this, there must be paper napkins on the table.
After you have completed the reception of food, you can slightly touch the lips with a lip and wipe the fingertips.

If women have drawn lips, they should use only paper napkins.

Naturally, in no case cannot use any napkins at the table as a nasal handker. Upon completion of the meal, just put the napkin on the table.

Even if you are very hungry, it is necessary to slowly, silently. Chew with a closed mouth and in no case are not a chakup and do not blow on food to cool it.

Do not talk for meals.

Do not insist on choosing dishes for neighbors on the table.

Even if the dish was very tasty, it is impossible to wipe the bottom of the plate with a piece of bread.

Over the large table, all common dishes must have their own devices, such as special forks, spoons or tweeters. These devices, and not personal, it is necessary to take and put food from the common utensils on your plate. In no case do not take individual device devices from a common dish.

If the desired dish or, let's say, Solonka cost you at a great distance, do not pull them through the whole table. Ask a neighbor or waiter to file them to you.

If you need to temporarily interrupt food, then put the knife and plug on the plate as they were kept: a knife - the knob to the right, the plug is a handle left.

If you completely completed the meal, place the cutlery as follows: the knife and fork lie near, parallel to each other, and the handles from both items are looking to the right. This means that you have completed dinner (lunch, breakfast, lunch), and a plate can be carried away.

If you are found, it is not necessary to eat the dish to the end. This rule refers to alcoholic beverages.

Packaging etiquette

Bread eaten by pieces that are laid off from a large piece of sideways. It is not accepted to bite it right away from this piece.

By the way, bread take hands. The same way takes the cake, cookies and fruits. Sugar in cubes are also taken by hand or special tongs, if they lie nearby.

In case you want to smear the bread with oil, gradually lay out small pieces, press them with your fingers to the plate and smear the oil. By the way, the oil, the pate takes the general devices from the common dishes and put to themselves on the plate and only after that smear on bread. Icra can be immediately smeared on bread.

Bread, smeared with oil, can not cut with a knife.

If there is a small bread plate near you, then the bread must be shifted from the common plate on it. It is for this that it is intended. Oil also bag with a clean knife from the edge to the same plate. The same is done with caviar, but for caviar instead of a knife use a small blade.

Sandwiches, filed to the feast, eat hands, and at the table - with a fork and knife.

Sometimes the buffet sandwich is multi-level and disintegrates in their hands, does not fit in the mouth. Such a sandwich should be placed on a plate and use the knife and fork (if there are no devices - use paper napkins).


Pork and lamb chops, fillets, bifshes, liver and other similar dishes eat using a table knife with a fork: gradually cut off small pieces, not cutting everything at once. In this case, the knife is in the right hand, and the plug is in the left. When cutting the dish, the plug must be kept perpendicular, but only at an angle to a plate.

Meathelers, cabbageans, omelets, cutlets, and other soft dishes that do not provide for the use of a knife, eat fork, which hold the right hand, helping themselves with a knife. But it is not accepted into the dishes with a knife.

Skewer with skewers are removed by a fork or a stupid side of the knife.

Meat watered sauce, not a side dish.

Cottlet in Kiev Plug off the bone so that the oil flows out, and cut off the piece. ATTENTION: Do not take it for the bone and the papilot!

Bird eaten with a knife and fork. It is not necessary to trim all bones completely. At home, you can allow yourself to take a chicken leg in your hand.

Meat with vegetables. There are recommendations contradictory recommendations as it is such a dish. According to the first meat, it should be cut into small pieces and postpone the knife. According to the second one, for a minute it is impossible to produce a knife from the right hand, from the left - fork. The first rule is guided by Americans. In the European understanding, this method is far from elegance. Following the second recommendation, it will correct to cut off a piece of meat, holding it with a fork. On the cut piece of meat, puffed on the plug, put on a potato mashed potatoes.

If the meat is served with peas or other vegetables, which are hard to hold on the fork, then you can do this: holding the fork of meat, cut off a piece, then turn the plug with this piece and put in it vegetables; Vegetables can be put on sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of meat, such a quantity that can be kept.

When the meat is over, holding the plug is already in his right hand, to achieve peas (peas do not fit the plug, but to type it, like on a shovel).

If the potatoes are filed entirely, it should not be crushed on the plate.

Salad, filed with meat on a separate plate, you should eat from the same plate by gaining little to the face with what lies on the main plate.

A fish

Fish is eaten with a fishing device or fork and a knife. In the case when there are no special devices, the fish can be used in two table forks.

If there was a shovel and fork to the fish, then the blade is kept in the right hand and stick the pieces, and the plug is kept in the left and separated bones.

If two forks are filed to the fish, one is used for food, and the other is for the bone separation.

If one plug filed to the fish, then they take it into the right hand, and in the left - a piece of bread.

If the fish is submitted entirely (boiled or smoked), then at first separated from the skeleton the upper part of the fillet and eat, then the spine and bones are separated. Put aside and proceed to the second part. After this dish is eaten, a fish skeleton should remain on the plate.

If a fish bone remained in his mouth, it must be imperceptibly putting the tongue of the tongue on the plug and put on the edge of the plates.

Fish cold dishes eaten with the help of eateria.

Sereviruga boiled and hot smoked, sturgeon, Belugu is eaten only for a fork.

Solk lemon, filed with cold fish, apply to lips after the fish is eaten.

Oysters in restaurants are already open. First, in the sink, squeeze the lemon, then take the oyster into the left hand and the fork separated the flesh. Drink it with a special device.

Cancer eating hands. At the same time, on the table there must be bowls with a water temperate temperature in order to wash the hands after eating. In such water, sliced \u200b\u200blemons are usually present, pink petals are applied less often. Also with such vousels must be clean napkins, cotton or paper, which should be removed immediately after the end of the reception.

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Similarly, we still eat asparagus and chickens "Tobacco".

For lobsters / langs, a special set is used: tweezers, a special short fork and a blade. The lobster shell is cut with tweezers, starting from the back. Similarly, claws are cut. Soft meat is extracted with a special long fork with two teeth.

Shrimps are also taken by hand.


If you decide to try a snack, put it in a plate and eat with a fork and knife.

Cheese, bird, ham, sausage and other natural meat dishes are not cut into small parts immediately. You need to cut such dishes using a knife and fork, gradually.

A snack, for example, if it is ham, you can not put on a piece of bread.

If the sausage is powered by crude, then each piece is cleaned on a plate with a knife and fork. Dry sausage eaten with skin.

The egg skey is placed in a special wineglass, then the edge of the spoons is hit at the top. If the top does not bounce, you can remove it with your fingers. Eating an egg is leaning with a spoon.

The scrambled eggs can be a spoon or fork depending on the consistency.

Sucks and sausages in thin skin can eat without removing it.

All types of cheese are served after meat dishes. Take cheese portions.

Spaghetti or macaroni-straw is very difficult to eat it looks beautiful. There are three ways:

The first method offers the use of a plug and spoon. The spoon should be kept in the left hand. The edge of the spoon is lowered into the plate, to the plug to wind pasta in the deepening of the spoon. Motating a few pasta, a spoon to cut off this portion.

The second way: the plug is to keep, like a knife prepared for cutting. Lower the plug into the thick macaroni and raise them up, separating a small portion. Then again omit the plug with pasta to the plate, wind them on the plug and quickly send to the mouth.

Third way: Packing pasta on the plug, winding the macaroni to it (the plug at the same time should be kept vertically). The main rule: dial to the plug no more than 2-3 threads of Macaroni.

Salad eating fork. The knife is used to cut large pieces or lettuce leaves.

Green salad, as far as possible, do not cut with a knife. If it is filed in such a way that the leaves are too large, then you need to cut them with a fork or carefully climb on her leaves, and there is, trying not to leave on the chin of traces of the sauce.

Pate can be taken with a knife, but, as a rule, the pate is eaten, separating small pieces with a fork. It is possible to smear the pate of bread only in a family circle.

Mustard and salt take small spoons. Mustard put on the bottom of the plates on the right side.

Soups, broths

Soups are not accepted without a residue, according to the rules, a small amount of soup remains in a plate. However, in the home circle, it is possible to have a soup, tilting a plate from myself.

Soups eat a spoon dialing from themselves and bringing to the mouth with a wide edge.

The spoon is used if you need to catch the groza floating in the soup, the egg, pieces of meat.

Also, a spoon is used if the soup is filed in a cup with two handles.

If the soup is very hot, do not blow on it so that it is cooled, you can not stir it with a spoon. Better for a while wait until he cooled.

Soup in a spoon should be so much so that it does not shivered from it.

A spoon for soup is not put on the table, and after meals left in a plate.

The broth should be a dessert spoon, bringing it to the mouth with a sharp end, slightly neglected.

Broths, soups that are served in cups should be drunk as drinking coffee or tea without using a spoon.

When you eat the first dish, do not float, eat silently.

If there is Klochi, noodles or potatoes in the soup, they grind them the edge of the spoons.

Chicken in the broth - at the same time first and second, so first eating a spoon from a plate of broth, and then pieces of chicken - already with a fork and knife.


Fruits submitted on the table are not tested for strength and do not choose.

Bananas are served on the table crude and eating their hands.

Oranges are cleaned and divided into slices. Eating their hands. Bones put on a plate.
It is recommended to be brushing as follows: Cut the peel crosswise, remove it and split the orange on the slices. Neither oranges nor tangerines cannot be spiral.

Grapefruit is served by a cut across, the middle is separated from the peel, but remains inside. There is it with a spoon, you can sprinkle with sugar powder.

Watermelons and melons are made to cut down the medium size, served with the peel and eat with a fork and knife. Taking a piece of the common plate, it must be put on his plate of the leather down, after which the fruit knife cut off a thin slice. And, having freeing it from seeds, send to the fork to the mouth.

Melon is permissible to eat with a spoon.

Mango should be cut in half on its own plate. It is eaten by a spoon, pre-feeding the bone.

Pineapple must be cleaned from the peel, cut across thin slices and put on a plate. Eating pineapple with a fork and knife.