Delicious Baba Rum recipe. Step by step recipe with photo

13.09.2020 Buffet table

Baba's recipe is associated with pastries that were popular during the Soviet era. He is of French origin. Many people are worried about the question of how to cook baba in such a way that it is soft, moist and well-soaked. Because the dry product is not so attractive. Let's look at the recipe in detail

Baba recipe. Ingredients

The number of products is designed for twelve fairly large products. The recipe will be in two parts. For the first part, making the dough, you need to take three hundred grams of flour, a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of sugar, half a glass of milk, yeast, two hundred twenty-five grams of eggs, seventy grams of melted butter and twenty grams of honey. Baking products is just the first step. Then they need to be soaked in syrup, and to top it off, prepare the icing for the rum woman - this is what will give her a unique taste, which is still remembered with nostalgia by the inhabitants of the USSR. For a syrup from one liter of water, you need to take four hundred grams of sugar, one lemon and one orange each, two natural vanilla pods and rum to taste. Alcohol can be added fifty or one hundred grams, its amount is not limited and depends only on your preferences. It is advisable to take light rum. Vanilla is replaced by vanilla sugar or a chemical equivalent.

Baba recipe. Syrup

Remove the zest from citrus fruits and temporarily set aside. Cut the fruits themselves large enough and immerse them in warm water with sugar and vanilla. Do not let the syrup boil - just warm it up well. Then cool and pour rum into the cooled liquid. Optionally, in addition to vanilla, you can flavor the syrup with almond or citrus essence.

Baba recipe. Dough and impregnation

Pour salt, sugar, zest into flour and stir in honey. If the yeast is fresh, it must be diluted in milk, dry prepared according to the instructions on the package. Add butter, eggs to the flour (one at a time, assuming that one egg weighs about fifty-five grams) and butter melted in advance.

Stir for about five minutes, and then gradually add milk and yeast to the mixture. Continue kneading the dough until it is practically no longer sticky and stringy. Place in large muffin tins. In order to get uniform products, you can use a confectionery syringe with a large nozzle. Forms need to be completed approximately forty percent. Then the dough should be spaced - while it rises approximately to the edge of the mold. In an oven preheated to two hundred degrees Celsius, rum babas should spend about forty minutes. Naturally, it is better to control the state of the test. Can be turned over during baking: it is desirable that the products are evenly brown on all sides. In section, they should have a spongy structure. Immerse in very warm (but not hot) syrup for 20 minutes. In the process of impregnation, the women will swell a little. They need to be placed on a wire rack to drain the excess syrup. For the glaze, use sugar fondant or apricot jam heated with vanilla and rum.

  1. In a small bowl, combine the raisins and rum. Melt 1 tbsp. l. butter and grease the inside of a 5 tablespoon Baba dish. (16x9 cm) with a tube in the middle. Lubricate all the curves of the mold thoroughly. Heat milk to 43-46 ° C and pour it into the bowl of a stationary mixer with a paddle attachment. Add yeast and sugar and let sit for 5 minutes.
  2. Stirring with a mixer on low speed, add eggs first, then flour, salt and the remaining 4 tbsp. l. butter. Raise the speed to medium-high and beat for 5 minutes. Remove the dough from the sides of the bowl and attachment and form into a ball. It will be very soft. Cover the bowl with a damp towel and let the dough rise for about 1 hour, until it doubles in volume.

  3. Drain the rum from the raisins. Stir in the raisins with a spatula into the dough and spoon into the prepared dish. Smooth the surface of the dough, cover the baking dish with a damp towel and leave to rise until the dough reaches the edges of the baking dish, 50 minutes to 1 hour.
  4. In the meantime, preheat the oven to 190 ° C and prepare the rum syrup.
  5. Bake the baba for about 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let cool for 10 minutes, then shake the rum baba out of the mold onto the baking rack above the baking sheet. Slowly pour the rum syrup over the warm cake, allowing it to fully absorb. The liquid will soak into the cake, so be sure to use all of the syrup.

  6. Heat apricot jam with 1 tbsp. l. water until it becomes liquid, strain through a sieve and spread over the rum. Serve with whipped cream filling the middle of the cake and place a separate cup of whipped cream side by side.
  7. Rum syrup

    In a small saucepan, combine the sugar and 1.5 tbsp. water and simmer over high heat until sugar dissolves. Pour into a heat-resistant 1L beaker. and let cool. Add rum and vanilla.

    Whipped cream

    Whisk the cream in a mixer bowl with a whisk attachment. When they begin to thicken, add the sugar and vanilla and continue whisking until firm peaks. Don't over-whip the cream, or you'll end up with butter!

Perhaps the most delicious and most desirable bun of my Soviet childhood - very rich, very sweet, with the same snow-white sugar cap, soaked in syrup to such an extent that it was certainly wrapped in some kind of paper, or even just in a check ... , unfortunately, they are practically not baked (((But fortunately, there are still GOSTs, norms and you can try and cook rum women at home! And believe me, this is not so scary, and not as troublesome as it might seem at first glance, but women will turn out even tastier than in childhood!))) Try it!

For the recipe you will need:

(for 16 rum women weighing a little over 50 g (before impregnation))

For dough:

212 g premium wheat flour (cooked with Sokolnicheskaya)

5 g of dry instant yeast (cooked with PAF a moment in a golden pack, specially designed for baked goods)

For the test:

All dough

200 g premium wheat flour (cooked with Sokolnicheskaya)

103 g butter or margarine, 82% fat

105 g sugar

82 g chicken eggs (2 very small or 1 very large)

¼ teaspoon salt

A few drops of vanilla essence or a packet of vanilla sugar to flavor the dough

52 g of raisins (if the raisins are dry, they must first be steamed until soft)

For impregnation:

240 g sugar

A perfume of your choice - dessert wine, rum essence, cognac ... you can do without perfume at all

For sugar fondant:

500 g sugar

160 - 170 g water

About 1 teaspoon of lemon juice


For dough, mix flour with yeast. Gradually adding warm water, knead a soft dough.

Round the dough, cover and leave warm for 3 to 4 hours to ferment. Fermenting the dough can be guided by the time, or you can before the start of subsidence: in the process of fermentation, the dough will first increase in volume, grow, and then its surface will be covered with burst bubbles and it will begin to reverse movement, and the middle will sag first, which will be a sign of it readiness or, as they say, its ripeness.

Add salt shaken with an egg to the fermented dough - sugar, flour, vanilla sugar or essence and knead into a soft dough.

Knead the kneaded dough for 2 - 3 minutes, and then stir in softened butter in small portions.

As a result, you should have a very soft, moving dough.

Put the dough on a dry (flour-free) table and knead well until smooth. Since the dough is of a soft consistency, it is convenient to knead it according to French technology: pick up the dough - pull it as much as possible - fold it - turn it over, pick it up again - pull it out - fold it - turn it over and knead in the same order for 5 - 7 minutes. Stir in the raisins into the finished dough.

Lightly grease the bowl with vegetable oil, lay out the dough, round and refrigerate for 1 hour. After an hour, take out the dough, put it on the work table and knead for another 1 - 2 minutes, round it, cover and put it back in the refrigerator for another 1 - 1.5 hours.

Put the finished dough on a table dusted with flour (do not take a lot of flour, only the minimum necessary for working with the dough) and divide it depending on the volume of the molds. I divided it into 16 equal parts weighing about 55 g.

Round the pieces of dough.

Lubricate the molds with either vegetable or butter. If you use butter, dust it with flour on top, since butter has a lot of liquid.

Spread out the dough (knot down). Smooth, compact. The dough should occupy about 1/3 of the entire mold volume.

Cover the tins with dough and leave warm until they double in volume (about 1.5 hours).

Before baking, very carefully so as not to sediment the dough, brush the top with a beaten egg.

Bake in an oven preheated to 210 C until golden brown (the norm is about 45 minutes, but I baked it much earlier, so do not rely entirely on time - watch the golden brown and bake until a dry stick).

After baking, allow to cool slightly in the tins, then remove, place with narrow side down and leave for 2 to 4 hours to cool completely.

Turn over, narrow side up and leave to dry for 4-8 hours.

For syrup, pour sugar into a saucepan, add water, while heating, achieve complete dissolution of sugar, then bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 2 - 3 minutes (up to 103 C), remove from heat and let cool completely. Add the flavor of your choice to the cooled syrup. Before soaking, you can warm up the syrup a little (until pleasantly warm).

For lipstick, pour sugar into a separate saucepan, add the required amount of water and, with gentle heating and vigorous stirring, achieve full !!! (to a single crystal) sugar dissolving. If suddenly the sugar does not dissolve in any way, you can add a little more water, since the amount of water here is not decisive, it can be more than indicated in the recipe, you just have to boil it longer. It is very important that all the sugar is completely dissolved before the boil starts. after the start of boiling, it is no longer possible to stir the sugar solution. Before boiling with a brush dipped in water, rinse the splashes of sugar syrup from the inner walls of the pan, cover the pan with a lid and cook the syrup on high heat under the lid for the first 2 - 3 minutes. Next, remove the lid and simmer at an intense boil until about 108 C, add lemon juice and cook further to 115 - 117 C or until sampled on a soft ball. Remove the pan from heat and quickly chill to about 60 ° C. Whisk the cooled syrup with a mixer or spatula until white sugar fudge forms. Do not over-beat! Cover the lipstick so that it does not dry out, and leave to stand until morning.

Stick the dried dough pieces for babes from the thin side with a toothpick or other stick.

Dip for + - 10 seconds in warm syrup (narrow side down).

Put the soaked women with their narrow side up and let stand for 5 - 7 minutes so that the syrup is evenly distributed.

Gently warm the lipstick to a liquid state (up to about 50 C). Warm up either in a water bath or in the microwave with pulses - turned on for a couple of seconds - got it out of the way - again for a couple of seconds - again interfered, etc. in the same order until the lipstick is liquid. If necessary, the lipstick can be diluted with a little warm water (if thick), it can be painted with dyes ...

Glaze over soaked women with sugar fondant.

Enjoy your tea!

My responsibility (from about five years old) in the family was to buy bread. Bread, it goes without saying, but for change ... For change, either a bushette, or a crust with raisins, or She ... was bought for change ... Soft. Porous. Fragrant. Soaked in sugar syrup Baba. While you slowly crawl home, you savor every bite, and then lick your fingers absolutely unsanitary.

Therefore, we will try to grow it ourselves. We take:

280 gr. flour

2 tbsp Sahara

3-4 tablespoons milk / water

100 g butter

1 tbsp yeast

Raisins, orange / lemon zest (optional)

We heat milk / water

dilute yeast in it and set it aside for now.

Eggs with sugar and a pinch of salt

mix thoroughly

add yeast

mix. Sift flour there

and knead the dough thoroughly

Throw in warm oil

With our hands (it somehow turns out more evenly. And for some reason it tastes better :)) we knead. At this stage, you can add options :)

It smells good, but it's not a woman yet. It's a trifle :) We wrap it with plastic wrap, wrap it in a blanket (so it doesn't freeze) and put it in a warm, draft-free place for about an hour.

During this time, she will double in size and turn into a pretty little girl.

Which we carefully put in oiled molds about 1/2 of the height (or one large mold)

cover with a towel and let us come to our senses for 40 minutes. The oven will just heat up to 200 "C

We put it there for 20 minutes (until the tan turns golden brownish)

While she is sunbathing there, let's prepare the syrup:

Pour a glass of sugar and a pinch of salt into a casserole (C)

Fill with 2 glasses of water

Bring to a boil and boil 1/3

You can stop there, but "Ostap suffered" and 5 tbsp went into the syrup. sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn jam

Vanillin / vanilla sugar can be added instead of jam.

Remove from heat and pour in 50 gr. dark rum / good stocky cognac

The women are ready

it remains only to get them drunk. Shake out the women on a towel, prick each one from the bottom and sides with a fork. Pour syrup halfway into the molds where the women were baked

and carefully lower the women there.

We put the whole thing in a warm place for 40 minutes. I put it back in the oven, already turned off, but not yet had time to cool down completely.

After 40 minutes, put the booty up on the plates, pour over the remaining syrup and let it stand for 15-20 minutes.

And that's it, Drunk woman, she's Rum Baba, ready :)

Enjoy your meal! May peace be with you and a piece of something tasty :)

pS: if someone doesn't like the specific aroma of yeast, then you can squeeze a little lemon juice into the dough - it will remove this specificity :)

pS: Approved by impartial babkontrol

It seems that until recently, a dessert under the sonorous name "Rum Baba" was extremely popular, but today this pastry is quickly forgotten. Butter cake, soaked in fragrant syrup and drenched in sweet fudge, simply does not deserve such a sad fate.

Try to make a rum delicacy according to a traditional Soviet recipe, and you will certainly be convinced that this dish should not be written off from culinary accounts.

Baba recipe

Ingredients for dough:

  • Dry yeast (5 grams)
  • Filtered water (150 ml)
  • Sifted flour (210 grams)

For the test:

  • Butter (100 g)
  • Chicken eggs (3 pcs.)
  • Sifted flour (1 cup)
  • Vanilla sugar (10 g)
  • Raisins (quarter cup)
  • Granulated sugar (half a glass)
  • Salt (quarter teaspoon)

For impregnation:

  • Water (240 ml)
  • Granulated sugar (240 g)
  • Rum essence (culinary taste)

For fondant:

  • Lemon juice (1 tsp)
  • Granulated sugar (half a kilogram)
  • Water (160 ml)

How to cook baba

1. Let's start with the dough. Combine wheat flour with yeast, then gradually add warm (in no case hot) water. The dough should be smooth, sticky and soft.

2. Cover the cup with the dough with a towel - so as not to wind up. She will spend the next three to four hours in comfortable warmth.

3. Having found that the dough has grown significantly in volume and even began to fall off, we proceed to the next stage: kneading.

4. We soften the cooled butter at room temperature. We wash the raisins several times, after which we pour a glass of boiling water - so it will quickly soften.

5. Break eggs into a bowl and stir gently. According to the standard, 1.5 eggs must be introduced into the dough, that is, exactly half. They will be followed by salt and sugar, vanilla sugar, and flour. Knead everything until completely homogeneous.

6. Put the soft butter - it should completely merge with the dough.

7. Roll out the dough onto the countertop and knead vigorously - as a result, it will become fluffy and pliable.

8. Lightly dry the strained raisins on a napkin and place in a baking base. Then the dough must be returned to the bowl, covered with a towel and placed in the refrigerator for an hour.

9. After this period, knead again and cool for a couple of hours.

10. We process the molds with vegetable oil. We place it on a baking sheet and fill it equally with dough (it should take up about half the volume of the forms)

11. Cover the blanks with a towel and leave on a baking sheet for 1.5 hours. Later, when the dough rises, grease the tops of the products with an egg and heat the oven at 210 degrees.

12. Finally, place the baking sheet in the hot oven. Babas are baked for about 45 minutes, test readiness with a toothpick.

13. Ready-made baked goods are slightly cooled in tins, and then finally cooled outside.

14. For impregnation, heat the water with sugar in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and keep on the stove for another two minutes. After cooling down, add a fragrant rum essence.

15. Dip each cake into the syrup from the bottom side. We hold for a few seconds; if desired, you can make holes with a toothpick to absorb more syrup. In the end, we put the rum women upside down.

16. Making fondant: boil water with sugar again, remove the foam. The sweet grains should completely disappear, the mixture is boiled down for a few more minutes.

17. Pour lemon juice. Stir thoroughly and continue cooking over low heat until the syrup is ready. Next, it must be cooled to 50-60 degrees - in room conditions it will take about fifteen minutes.

18. Beat the syrup with a mixer until whiteness and density. The fudge should be neither fluid nor sticky!

19. Cover the bottom of the cupcakes with the resulting glaze. The treat is ready!

You can experiment with fondant and impregnation for a baba in any way you like.

  • Vanilla impregnation... For vanilla impregnation, hot sugar syrup is combined with a quarter of a spicy vanilla pod, and after cooling, a small amount of vanilla liqueur is introduced.
  • Coffee impregnation... Coffee impregnation is also prepared on the basis of sugar syrup (60 grams of granulated sugar + 6 tablespoons of water). In this case, a couple of tablespoons of strongly brewed espresso coffee is added to 1 glass.
  • Cognac impregnation... The combination of cognac and cherry syrup will not leave anyone indifferent! Mix a couple tablespoons of alcohol with a glass of water and 60 ml of syrup. Heat on the stove, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and continue cooking for three minutes after boiling.
  • Honey impregnation... And also the impregnation for baking can be honey: 150 grams of honey must be combined in two tablespoons of lemon juice, then the composition is brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for five minutes - until thickened. Before soaking the muffins, cool the mass to a warm state - by the way, this rule applies to all types of syrups. Alcohol (or the corresponding essence) is added to taste.
  • Chocolate impregnation... For chocolate impregnation, you need to make a traditional sugar syrup (sugar + water in equal parts - one tablespoon each), and then add 4 beaten chicken yolks. After the next whipping, the composition is replenished with liquid chocolate (melt a couple of tiles in a water bath), as well as fresh whipped cream in the amount of 300 milliliters. The finished impregnation should cool down.
  • Chocolate fudge... Baba fudge can be chocolate too. Combine 10 tablespoons of sugar or cane sugar with 6 tablespoons of cocoa powder. Mash thoroughly, then stir in milk (3/4 cup) and melted butter (100 grams). After boiling, the fire should be reduced, and the mass should be stirred periodically. It is recommended to cool the thickened fondant to 40 degrees.
  • The simplest way to diversify the taste of rum babas is to use any fruit or citrus syrup (apple, apricot, lemon, orange).

Luscious, melting rum baba can be garnished with colored pastry powder or grated citrus zest. Enjoy your meal!