Freeze honey agarics for the winter raw. Methods of harvesting honey agarics for the winter

24.04.2019 Seafood dishes

Delicious freshly picked forest mushrooms can be enjoyed only for a few months a year, because usually the mushroom season comes in the fall. However, it is not necessary to give up such goodies in other months. If earlier blank honey agaric for the winter was solely the preparation of pickles, but recently products frozen in the freezer have been much more popular. Recipes for freezing honey agarics for the winter are so diverse that every housewife will certainly be able to find her ideal option among them.

The main feature of honey agaric is that they do not grow one by one, so you can quickly collect a full basket in the forest. Dry these mushrooms experienced mushroom pickers do not recommend, because from this they lose their exceptional taste qualities... However, frozen mushrooms with correct preparation will be no worse than freshly picked products. Moreover, they completely retain their taste, aroma and numerous beneficial features... Mushrooms contain zinc, copper, proteins, glycogen and other minerals. To properly cook frozen mushrooms, you should use the advice of experienced mushroom pickers:

  • Mushrooms that have just been harvested should be preserved or frozen. If mushrooms stand in the refrigerator for several days, they will be completely unsuitable for freezing or salting.
  • The mushrooms should be processed as soon as possible within the first 24 hours after harvest. It is worth noting that the type of food processing depends entirely on the exact form in which you plan to store mushrooms for the winter.
  • Only first-class mushrooms without wormholes and serious physical damage are suitable for freezing and preservation. It is best to give preference to young mushrooms.
  • Fresh mushrooms are best sorted out immediately.

If you really love exceptional mushroom flavor honey agarics and their dense structure, for the winter it is better to freeze such products fresh. It is worth noting that all forest mushrooms with a sponge under the cap are recommended to be harvested raw. However, each housewife chooses the processing method at her discretion.

It is strictly forbidden to wash mushrooms that you plan to freeze freshly harvested. You just need to remove all large debris and smaller debris from them. If the mushrooms saturate excess moisture, after thawing, their taste will be irrevocably spoiled. You don't need to cut them into pieces either. Do this only if the wild mushrooms are too large. Freeze them according to the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Freezing honey agarics at home usually involves the use of large flat trays. Processed mushrooms are evenly spread over their surface, and then placed in the freezer for the whole day. Don't forget to rearrange before this temperature regime to the maximum.
  2. After about twelve hours, honey mushrooms can be pulled out of the freezer. Divide them into pre-prepared containers or regular containers as soon as possible. plastic bags... The temperature in the freezer compartment can now be returned to the standard level. Dishes made from such frozen mushrooms will practically not differ in taste from delicacies with freshly picked mushrooms.

Features of freezing blanched mushrooms

Sometimes housewives are afraid to freeze wild mushrooms raw, so they prefer to process mushrooms with boiling water. This way preliminary preparation products are also called blanching. Peeled mushrooms are poured over with hot steam or dipped in boiling water. However, this procedure greatly deforms the structure of the mushrooms, giving them a strange shape. If you plan to cook soup or caviar from such mushrooms in the future, this freezing method will certainly suit you. However, for all other meals, it is best to use fresh frozen food.

Features of freezing boiled mushrooms

To many people, raw forest mushrooms do not seem like a good idea, so they insist that boiling mushrooms for freezing is a must. Prepare for freezing such valuable products need in salted water. Wash the mushrooms first, then put them in a saucepan with cold water... Cook over medium heat from the moment of boiling for about 50-60 minutes. Many culinary experts argue how much honey mushrooms should be cooked before freezing. Ultimately, each chef chooses a method to his liking. There are two most common options:

  • Boil such forest products it is possible in salted water over low heat for an hour from the moment the broth boils.
  • The second way, how to boil honey mushrooms correctly, is that 20 minutes after the first cooking, the mushrooms will need to replace the water, bring them to a boil and boil them again for 15-20 minutes with the addition of a small amount of salt.

Before freezing boiled mushrooms, they need to be thrown into a colander and left in this form until the excess moisture completely disappears. Then the food must be transferred to a dry, clean cloth or towel, and blotted again. Only after that, the mushrooms can be packaged in prepared molds and sent to the freezer, where they can be safely stored for up to 6 months.

Features of freezing fried mushrooms

Do you want to cook something spicy and non-standard from honey mushrooms? Then you probably need to try another way of cooking frozen mushrooms without boiling. It turns out that you can not only boil and freeze them:

  1. Wash fresh food, dry them with a paper or regular towel, and then send them to a dry preheated skillet with a thick bottom. The mushrooms will start up the juice and stew in it.
  2. When the food begins to brown, pour into the skillet a large number of vegetable oil... It is literally necessary to cook fresh mushrooms v own juice and oil. This entire process usually takes no more than an hour.
  3. Stewed wild mushrooms can be packaged in prepared containers with fat immediately after cooking, but they can only be put in the freezer after they have cooled completely. Such freezing of mushrooms allows them to be stored for 3-4 months.

How to choose dishes for freezing mushrooms?

It is most convenient to freeze honey mushrooms raw on flat boards or pallets. Then each mushroom is frozen separately and turns into a dense fragrant ice. It is convenient to pack such products in packages, since they do not stick to each other, and in the future, the hostess will comfortably be able to get out of it exactly as much honey mushrooms as needed. Ideal storage temperature forest mushrooms in the freezer is 18 degrees below zero.

Freeze honey mushrooms in boiled it is also possible in a uniform layer, but most often they are immediately packed in plastic containers in one dense layer. In this case, it is very important to choose small-sized dishes. If you initially divide the mushrooms into portions, it will be really very convenient to use such blanks. Re-freezing of honey agarics for the winter is strictly prohibited. When frozen food has thawed, it is imperative to use it for its intended purpose.

Any mushrooms in winter are considered a delicacy. Especially honey mushrooms, with their unique taste and nutritional value. There are hundreds of recipes for harvesting honey agarics for the winter, they are good dried, salted, pickled, in the form of caviar. A special joy for culinary experts is frozen mushrooms, and cooking from them delicious dishes... With our recipes and photos, preserving mushrooms will become a pleasure for you!

A little about mushrooms

The name of mushrooms comes from the word "stump", because mushrooms like to grow in friendly groups on old stumps and tree trunks. Collecting them is not as easy as it might seem, and it is better to start acquaintance with a pretty honey mushroom under the guidance of an experienced mushroom picker.

Attention! Edible mushrooms can be confused with poisonous false mushrooms. Look carefully! Poisonous brothers are distinguished by a brighter color, they have no scales on the cap, the flesh is not white, but yellow.

The main harvest time for the "mushroom harvest" is from August to October. Just when the harvesting season for the winter is coming. Honey mushrooms are great for conservation. They are rich in vitamins and a group of trace elements. In the content of vitamin C, mushrooms can compete with blueberries, and calcium and phosphorus with fish.

Salting mushrooms, as in a tub

Our ancestors used a small wooden barrel, tub. You will not find a shell in our time in the daytime with fire. So now, stop pickling mushrooms? And be left without mouth-watering dish seasoned with garlic, herbs and fragrant sunflower oil?

It turns out that you can salt honey mushrooms in an ordinary enamel saucepan or in usual jars. And they will taste no worse than from a barrel. The main thing is to observe a number of rules.

Hot salting honey agarics

For 1 kg. honey agarics you will have a couple of cloves of garlic and a row aromatic spices... 10 black currant leaves, 100 gr. dill umbrellas, 2 bay leaves, 2 tbsp. l. salt, half a liter of water.

Attention! Roll up mushrooms without vinegar metal lids not recommended, there is a danger of botulism!

  1. You need to start with processing the collected mushrooms or defrosting purchased ones.
  2. Mushrooms should be boiled in salted boiling water for 10 minutes, then removed and rinsed in a colander with cold water.
  3. Prepare the brine to proceed heat treatment mushrooms. Dissolve salt in water, add pepper, dill, currant leaves and laurel. Cook until the mushrooms sink to the bottom, about 30-40 minutes.
  4. Arrange ready-made mushrooms in sterile jars, or place in a saucepan, pour brine and tightly close with plastic lids. Store the workpiece in the refrigerator.

Cold way of pickling mushrooms

Mushrooms without boiling with a cold salting method are more aromatic and slightly crunchy. But this method is more laborious and time consuming. To implement the recipe, you need 5 kg. mushrooms, currants, cherry leaves, 200 gr. salt, dill and black pepper:

  1. Pour the washed and peeled forest mushrooms with water into large saucepan... Drain and pour fresh water 3 to 5 times a day, and rinse the mushrooms under running water.
  2. After 2 days, you can start salting. You need a large capacity, for example enamel pan... Or cans with a capacity of 3 liters.
  3. Soaked mushrooms should be placed in a saucepan or jar in layers, alternating with leaves and dill. Pour with brine and cover with oppression.
  4. Pickles will be ready in 1.5 months.

Cold salting honey agarics - mushrooms are poured with water in a large saucepan

Harvesting delicious, pickled mushrooms

All recipes for pickling honey mushrooms come down to a number of simple steps. A delicious young mushroom delicacy can be prepared from 1 kg. honey agarics, 2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar, plus cloves, peppercorns, garlic and 3 tbsp. salt.

Attention! From 1 kg. fresh mushrooms comes out 1 can - pickled.

The stages of work are as follows:

  1. Peel and wash the mushrooms, add water and boil for 10 minutes. Drain the first water, fill with clean water and over the fire again.
  2. This time we cook the mushrooms for about 40 minutes, until they sink to the bottom.
  3. Marinade can be prepared from the same broth by straining it. And you can apply clean water... The mixture should be composed of water, spices and vinegar.
  4. Boiled mushrooms need to be put in jars, pour boiling marinade. Seal with plastic caps.

Dried mushroom bunches - preparatory stage

Drying mushrooms does not require heat treatment. Considered the most useful way preparations for the winter, because in this form in the mushrooms, vegetable protein and minerals are completely preserved. Scent dried mushrooms and dishes prepared from them, richer than with other methods of preservation.

Advice. Do not wash mushrooms for drying! Otherwise, drying will take longer. Mushrooms are recommended to be cleaned of debris and wiped with a damp cloth.

Before drying mushrooms, you need to skillfully prepare. Choose from the total mass the most healthy, beautiful specimens, not damaged by bugs. Cut off the legs or most of the leg from the bottom. They dry mainly the hats.

Drying honey agarics in the oven

Of course, you can dry the mushrooms for outdoors in the sun, but the process takes time and beautiful, cloudless weather. The oven does not care about rain outside the window, so many culinary specialists prefer to dry honey mushrooms in it. To obtain the desired result, you need:

  1. Place prepared mushrooms on a baking sheet or on a special grid in 1 layer. No oil!
  2. Set the temperature to 40-45 ° C. Dry the mushrooms for several hours, periodically changing the baking sheets.
  3. If mushrooms don't stick to your hands, the oven can be preheated to 75-80 ° C.
  4. The mushrooms remain in the oven for about 6-8 hours. Readiness can be determined by aroma, dryness and brittleness.

Delicious caviar from honey agarics

Caviar is prepared from whole mushrooms from a stump, or from the legs left after drying. For 1 kg. honey agarics will need 1 carrot, 2 onions, 150 gr. vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, black pepper.

Advice! The 2nd broth, in which the mushrooms were cooked, can not be poured out, but made into a mushroom bouillon cube... Simply pour into an ice cube tray and freeze.

The dish may well be a favorite. festive table if cooked correctly:

  1. We start by boiling honey mushrooms. 1st water - drain. Rinse the mushrooms and cook until tender for 40-50 minutes. Then let it drain.
  2. Chop onions, three carrots and sauté vegetables in vegetable oil.
  3. Mushrooms and frying are passed through a meat grinder. Better - twice.
  4. The resulting mass must be salt, pepper and fry in the remaining oil.
  5. In each sterilized glass jar pour 1 liter each. vinegar., fill with caviar, close the lid. Bon Appetit!

Frozen mushrooms and their preparation

Freezing mushrooms is easier than ever. To do this, you need to wash them, making sure that the mushrooms do not absorb a lot of water. Then boil until half cooked, fold on a flat surface and into the freezer. After a few hours, mushrooms can be poured into storage containers.

Advice. It is better to defrost mushrooms before stewing or cooking gradually, in the refrigerator. Then they will be as fresh. After defrosting honey mushrooms, it is better to immediately start up. If they lie, they will lose their taste.

How to use frozen mushrooms in winter? The most common recipe is combined with potatoes.

If you are planning to fry honey mushrooms, then after pulling them out of the freezer, immediately put them in a preheated pan. Defrosting and washing as before cooking - no need!

Honey mushrooms are a great alternative to meat and delicious delicacy for everyday dinners and for a festive table. They keep well, and even better - they are eaten!

Pickled mushrooms for the winter - video

Preparations for the winter from honey agarics - photo

Step-by-step preparation of frozen mushrooms for the winter

1. In order to freeze mushrooms for the winter, according to the recipe, select the freshest and strongest mushrooms. Remove foliage and rinse under running water. At this stage, you can sort the large ones from the small ones, or simply grind the large ones, and leave the small ones intact. Place the prepared mushrooms in boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. After that, drain the broth, rinse the mushrooms and fill it with clean water again and put on fire. In this case, there is no need to use any spices and seasonings. You can only add a little salt.

2. After 20-25 minutes, discard the mushrooms in a colander and leave for a while, before freezing mushrooms for the winter, so that the water is glass and the product cools down to room temperature... If you wish, you can place the mushrooms on a clean kitchen towel so that excess liquid is quickly absorbed into it.

3. To properly freeze mushrooms for the winter, divide them into portions and place them in prepared forms. For this purpose, you can use plastic containers or special freezer bags. Best option - vacuum packaging... In the absence of such, you can place the product in a tight bag, insert a tube into it, collect the free edge of the bag around it, suck out all the air, and then tie it.

4. Attach a date tag to each package. We send the blanks to the freezer. While the mushrooms are frozen for the winter, it is advisable to place the mushrooms on top of other products so that they can maintain their shape and are not crushed.

5. The storage period for such a blank is about 6 months. If freezer maintains a temperature of about -18 degrees, then the shelf life in it is 12 months. Re-freezing is unacceptable, because in this case, the mushrooms may lose their specific structure.

6. Now you know how to freeze honey agarics for the winter in the freezer. Do not defrost frozen mushrooms for a long time before cooking. Having taken them out of the freezer, they can immediately be thrown into the cooking dish. Honey mushrooms prepared in this way are a universal product. With their participation, you can cook the same dishes as with fresh ones, for example, soups, stews, fried potatoes, salads, pizza and more.

Are they actually raw or cooked-frozen, like shrimp?

  1. After boiling for 20 minutes
  2. Read it, everything is written there!
  3. 10-15 minutes, after boiling, it will be normal
  4. yes, not long) 15-20 minutes)))

Should mushrooms frozen in a pack be boiled or fried?

  1. Minutes 20. First fry finely chopped onion until golden brown and throw it in. Salt, black pepper, chopped garlic clove is not for everybody and if you don't need to kiss :)
  2. cook by intuition) when cooked, you will notice :)))
  3. is it not written on the pack? ... look, it must be ...
  4. Cook for 25-30 minutes in salted water, fry: without defrosting under a lid over low heat until all the ice melts, then add salt, and chopped onions (honestly, it tastes better) and knead 15-20 stirring, with butter, if they dry a lot - you can splash some vodichki .... Bon appetit though you! Soul, damn it, poisoned)))))
  5. Usually any mushrooms are ready, when they do not float on low heat, look at the owner.
  6. cook for 20 minutes, fry until all the moisture is gone
  7. Usually I fry in vegetable oil + butter, for about 30 minutes, under a lid, with an onion, you can then add potatoes and fry everything together ... Boil for 30 minutes as well. They cook quickly.

Mistresses !!! How many mushrooms (frozen mushrooms) are boiled? what seasonings. salt??

  1. If mushrooms were boiled before freezing, then 10 minutes with salt (I still Bay leaf, I put pepper and cloves). And if fresh frozen, then longer, about 20 minutes.
  2. So far, no one has been poisoned.)))

    In general, what seasonings to put depends on what you will do next with them.

  3. I usually cook all the mushrooms for about 20 minutes. and seasonings for mushrooms just do not put. they are self-contained products, just kill their aroma.
  4. 20 minutes spices - bay leaf, peppercorns, salt
  5. you can put cloves, parsley (root can be used), carrots, onions

  6. sink, sink to the bottom - ready
  7. boil and drain. throw lavru and everything else to taste
  8. Frozen, boil for 20-30 minutes in salted water. Then, if stewed or in soup, then add ground pepper, sometimes lavrushka.
  9. about 20 minutes, peppercorns, dried dill umbrellas, - or dill, bay leaf, chopped garlic - add already to the ready-made mushrooms
  10. I do not boil them, but immediately in a frying pan. As the water evaporates, I add onions, garlic, pepper ground black, and I fry all this, with potatoes, bon appetit.
  11. 2) I fry, add the onion, fry everything, add sour cream, a little flour, half a teaspoon of vinegar, evaporate all this so that the water does not disappear from the sour cream. All, I rub the cheese, cover it with a lid, or in the oven. Bon appetit, julienne is ready.

What to cook from raw frozen mushrooms? And How? Tell the culinary sucker)))

Honey honey is very common in the forests of our strip. Edible mushrooms can be conditionally divided into several types - autumn, meadow, summer and winter. These mushrooms are great for frying, pickling and marinade, as well as for cooking and drying. Usually, only the caps of these mushrooms are used in dishes. Their legs are too stiff for eating. Poisonous ones come across among them. They can be distinguished from mushrooms by the structure of the leg, smell and taste.

The cap of a young honeydew is usually convex with dark scales. It reaches a diameter of 3 to 10 centimeters. White mushroom pulp with pleasant smell... The leg of such a mushroom is dense, ranging in height from 7 to 10 centimeters. It usually thickens towards the base. Autumn honeydew grows very quickly. On the second day, its height is about 5 centimeters, and on the tenth day it can reach 15.

These mushrooms tolerate transportation well, do not break. The mushrooms contain vitamins B1 and C.

Not all mushroom pickers are positive about this mushroom. There are a number of reasons for this. In the mushroom, only the hat is used. It is also necessary to ensure that the honey mushroom is properly cooked, since otherwise its use can cause slight poisoning.

Fresh mushrooms must be cooked for at least 40 minutes. Maximum time their preparation takes one hour. When foam forms after the first boil, it is advisable to change the water. If the mushrooms were previously frozen, then they must be thawed and cooked over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

Honey mushroom - very delicious mushroom, which has an unusual sour taste. But it is better to treat him with caution. Collect and procure it better people, who are well versed in mushrooms and can easily distinguish it from a false mushroom. When cooking, it is imperative to follow the cooking recommendations.

Learn how much to cook frozen mushrooms. read how to properly cook frozen mushrooms.

Frozen Mushroom Cooking Ingredients

Frozen mushrooms - 1 pack,

Potatoes - 2 large or 3 medium potatoes,

Carrots - 1 not large,

Onion - 1 head,

Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

Salt and pepper to taste.

Frozen mushroom soup recipe

Defrost frozen mushrooms, rinse well under cold water. Put the washed mushrooms in a saucepan, cover with cold water and put on fire. Cook over low heat under the lid, regularly skimming off the foam. Chop the onion, grate the carrots on coarse grater, put on a hot frying pan and fry for 5-7 minutes. Rinse the potatoes, peel, cut into cubes 1 centimeter side, add to the pan to the mushrooms. Then add fried onions and carrots to the soup. Cook for 15 minutes, leave for another 15 minutes. Serve with green onions and soft bread.

Many people are interested in this question - how much to cook honey mushrooms... Let's try to give a correct answer. So, it is recommended to cook honey mushrooms for at least 50 minutes. But, do not cook them for a very long time, the maximum cooking of these mushrooms is one hour. When the mushrooms boil, a foam forms. After the appearance of foam, you need to wash the mushrooms, change the water and cook until tender. If you decide to cook frozen mushrooms, then you need to first defrost them, and then put them on fire and cook for about 20-30 minutes.

If you want to cook honey mushrooms, then you need to adhere to some rules. First, they need to be boiled very well. Since, the use of undercooked honey mushrooms can cause stomach upset. It is because of this property that in some countries honey mushrooms are considered not edible mushrooms... But it is worth remembering that mushrooms contain very important for human body trace elements such as zinc and copper, which are involved in the process of hematopoiesis.

Nutritional value of honey mushrooms:, carbohydrates - 0.5 g, fats - 1.2 g, proteins - 2.2 g.

Calorie honey agaric- 22 kcal.

We hope you received an answer. how much to cook honey mushrooms and you will do it right.

How to cook frozen mushrooms :: step-by-step dishes, a real recipe, :: food :: how to easily do everything

Wash, peel, finely chop the head onions, heat 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the onion until golden brown. Prepare the carrots, grate on a coarse grater, add to the onion, wash the tomato, cut out the ponytail attachment, scald and remove the skin, cut into small cubes, add to the skillet with onions and carrots. Simmer for 15-20 minutes, covered.

How long to cook honey mushrooms? can they be frozen right away and then boiled?

How long to cook honey mushrooms? Can I freeze them right away and then boil them?

Elenka 10 months ago

tags: mushrooms, cooking, honey agarics

Neat and small mushrooms with round hats Brown color grow in forest clearings and near stumps. Fragrant mushrooms have a delicate taste, so they are successfully used in a variety of culinary dishes.

Housewives successfully freeze, pickle and pickle honey mushrooms. As a rule, salted and pickled mushrooms are used only as an appetizer, in some types of salads and first courses. But frozen mushrooms are a universal ingredient. They can be fried, boiled, stewed, added to dishes, made delicious sauces... Find out what freezing honey agarics for the winter at home is, familiarize yourself with the intricacies and secrets of this process.

Before starting work, you need to decide in what form you want to harvest mushrooms for the cold pore. There are several options: fried frozen mushrooms, frozen mushrooms for the winter raw or boiled. Many are confused by harvesting raw mushrooms. However, recently harvested mushrooms are not only possible, but also necessary to be stored in the cold season. They don't lose appearance and keep unique delicate taste and aroma.

Freezing honey agarics for the winter

For wintering, the fungi must be prepared. Go through, sort out rotten mushrooms with soft or blackened caps. Mushrooms covered in mucus are also not worth using.


Servings: - +

  • honey mushrooms 1 kg

Per serving

Calories: 22 kcal

Proteins: 2 g

Fats: 1.2 g

Carbohydrates: 0.5 g

10 min. Video Recipe Print

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Important: the lid of a container or other convenient shape must close tightly and not allow moisture to pass through.

Freezing honey mushrooms at home is a quick and easy way to pamper yourself and your loved ones with delicious mushroom treats during the snow season. To prepare dishes from frozen mushrooms, defrost the product, dry it on paper or kitchen towel... Then use it as directed.

Boiled mushrooms for the winter

Harvesting boiled honey agariches for the winter will take a little more time. The main difference between this blank and freezing freshly picked mushrooms- boiled gifts of the forest can not be thawed and immediately eaten.

Servings: 4

Cooking time: 10 minutes

  • calorie content - 21 kcal;
  • proteins - 2 g;
  • fats - 1.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.5 g.


  • honey mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • water - 2 l.

Step by step cooking

  1. Send the mushrooms to boiling water, cook over medium heat for no more than 10 minutes.
  2. Use a colander to drain the water. Dry the fruit on paper towel or by discarding in a colander.
  3. Dispense in bags. Send to the freezer. The shelf life of the finished product, subject to the rules and regulations, is up to 8 months.

Advice: put mushrooms in dishes or bags in portions. This will make them more convenient to use. Remember: honey mushrooms are not suitable for re-freezing.

Fried mushrooms frozen

Fried little mushrooms - finished product... The semi-finished product is used for cooking soups and cooking various mushroom snacks, sauces, side dishes.

Servings: 4

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Energy value of the product

  • calorie content - 21.4 kcal;
  • proteins - 2 g;
  • fats - 1.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.7 g.


  • honey mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.

Step by step cooking

  1. To prepare a semi-finished product, pour into a hot frying pan sunflower oil... Fry mushrooms on it for 5-7 minutes. Stir honey mushrooms from time to time.
  2. Put out the fire. Transfer the fruit to a colander to drain off excess fat. Divide and transfer to containers or other convenient utensils.
  3. Send to the freezer. The shelf life of fried mushrooms is six months.

Do not defrost frozen fried or boiled mushrooms before use. Send them to soup or meat dish frozen. So they will keep their shape, and there will be no need to spend a lot of time cooking.

Recipes for cooking various treats with mushrooms will delight you for a long time forest scent and tender mild taste... Do not be too lazy to prepare this product for the winter - in cold weather, the mushrooms will certainly come in handy!

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