Ground black pepper - benefits and harms. Caloric content Ground black pepper

24.07.2019 Vegetable dishes

Many of us use ground pepper as a condiment in our cooking. However, it is famous not only for its spicy and bright aroma.

Few people know how good black pepper is for health.

In addition to its culinary advantages, the spice also has a lot of medicinal properties.


Black pepper is the dried fruit of a tree liana. The homeland of the spice is India. In the old days, black pepper was compared to gold in terms of value. Today this spice is also grown in America, East Africa and parts of Southeast Asia. High-quality black pepper has a rich black hue and sinks in water. In the form of peas, the spice can be stored for a long time, but the shelf life of ground pepper is only 3 months.

Why is black pepper useful? First of all, it is a versatile seasoning for meat, fish, vegetables and even mushrooms. The unique chemical composition determines a wide range of medicinal properties of pepper. The burning taste of this spice is given by essential oils. Their content in the composition of ground pepper is about 1-2%. A unique component of the seasoning is the glucoside piperine. It has amazing abilities: it stimulates the activity of amino acids in the digestive tract, increases the production of serotonin, and has an analgesic effect on the body. Also, black pepper contains vitamins E and C, as well as starch.

Healing properties

When used correctly, ground black pepper can have a healing effect on the body. In folk medicine, it is often used in the treatment of many diseases and disorders of the body. How is black pepper good for health?

Digestive organs

Ground pepper stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid, which allows food to be digested and absorbed faster in the stomach. In addition, the spice normalizes intestinal function, eliminating increased gas formation. Black pepper has a powerful antimicrobial effect, helps to remove worms from the body. Ayurveda fans know firsthand how useful black pepper is. According to her, you should consume 3 black peppercorns daily for 2-3 weeks after a meal in order to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins and toxins. Such therapy has a detrimental effect on adipose tissue, accelerating the process of its splitting.

The cardiovascular system

Scientists have proven that ground black pepper reduces the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases. Essential oils in its composition thin the blood, effectively cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol and other harmful substances. Thus, the load on the heart muscle is significantly reduced, and with it the likelihood of heart attack and stroke.

Respiratory system

Why black pepper is useful for the respiratory system has been known for a long time. First of all, the spice perfectly liquefies phlegm and removes it from the lungs. In folk medicine, a special remedy has been developed on the basis of ground black pepper for the treatment of cough. To prepare it, you need to mix 1 cup of liquid honey and 1 tablespoon of ground black pepper. The tool must be taken 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day after meals.


In folk medicine, there are many recipes from black ground pepper for the treatment of various diseases. The ancients believed that the spice warms up the blood perfectly. This property has been used to enhance potency in men. For a week, you need to take ground pepper, mixed in equal proportions with sugar (half a teaspoon each) and a glass of milk. The result is noticeable after 2-3 doses.

Speaking about the benefits of ground black pepper, mention should be made of its beneficial effects on hair. Black pepper masks are especially useful for total hair loss. To prepare such a home remedy, you need to mix table salt and black pepper in a 1: 1 ratio, and then add onion juice to make a mushy mass. The finished mask should be rubbed into the hair roots and left to act for 30 minutes, after wrapping the head with cling film. The product prevents hair loss, activates hair growth and strengthens hair follicles.

Ground black pepper is a bitter-burning spice to taste with a pronounced aroma. It is used for cooking, making seasonings, and for treating various diseases. In any form (ground or peas), black pepper benefits the body, but its consumption can be marked with harm. More on this.

Nutritional value and calorie content

100 g of ground black pepper contains:

  • 10.39 g protein;
  • 3.26 g fat;
  • 63.95 g carbohydrates.
The calorie content of the spice is 251 kcal per 100 g.


Black pepper contains:

  • essential oil;
  • fatty oil;
  • starch;
  • piperine;
  • vitamins of groups A, B, C, E and K;
  • minerals: F (fluorine), Se (selenium), Mn (manganese), Cu (copper), Zn (zinc), Fe (iron), P (phosphorus), K (potassium), Na (sodium), Mg ( magnesium), Ca (calcium).

The constituent elements of the product confirm that it has beneficial properties. But why is black pepper so useful?

Beneficial features

This seasoning helps to improve digestion and blood circulation, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, and normalize metabolism. In addition, the spice is able to increase the expenditure and burning of calories.
Its regular use provokes a decrease in the likelihood of developing diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and prevents the formation of blood clots. During grinding, most of the oils evaporate, so black peppercorns are more useful than ground pepper.


The spice is very popular. It is used during the preparation of various dishes, for weight loss and treatment.


The spice has often been used as an anti-inflammatory and cleanser. Piperine, which is part of the composition, helps to obtain more nutrients from the food consumed. In addition, with its help, the hormones serotonin and endorphin are produced more actively.

The tincture prepared from the spice is used to treat skin diseases. Black peppercorns are used in folk medicine for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. It helps relieve heaviness in the stomach, flatulence and indigestion.
To do this, use a special mixture of a pinch of spices and baked milk (1 tbsp. L.).

The seasoning is recommended to be used for the preparation of medicine for colds. In its composition, in addition to 1 tsp. spices, includes (1 tbsp.) and turmeric (1 tsp.). Rubbing is also prepared from this seasoning for the treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Treat with black pepper diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as impotence (at the initial stage). It is also effective in the fight against hair loss.

It is a known fact that this spice increases appetite and immunity, promoting health.


The use of this spice stimulates the appetite and prevents overeating. The best way to lose weight is to reduce your intake of fat and carbohydrates and increase your physical activity.

Black pepper oil is an effective weight loss aid. It is used to reduce the size of the waist and buttocks. The course of losing weight with this tool is 10-15 days. Compliance with the consumption rate of such a seasoning is a mandatory precaution to maintain your health.

Important! Before you start losing weight with black pepper, see your doctor for a consultation.


Ground seasoning is also used in cooking, in particular, for cooking fish and meat dishes. Peas are more often used for marinades or soups. It is more pungent than ground, so it is necessary to put it in the dish long before it is ready.
The spice improves the taste of any dish, and its use for the preparation of various preparations helps to extend their shelf life. Sometimes it is added to desserts (for example, Russian gingerbread, Baltic biscuits) and drinks (various cocktails, tea, etc.).

Self-grinding of peas contributes to obtaining a more aromatic, with a rich taste, product (in contrast to the store).

Harm and contraindications

In addition to the benefits of black pepper, both in the form of peas and in ground, there are facts that prove its harm. It is highly undesirable to use the spice during exacerbations of diseases of the genitourinary system.

People with anemia, ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract and allergies to the seasoning should not use it either.
The spice will not be beneficial even during the course of acute inflammatory processes in the body. Its use is undesirable for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Ground black pepper has another very poetic name - "The Burning Rose of the East". This is one of the very first seasonings that became known. It has a specific taste, it is obtained from the fruit of the vine, which comes from India, the area that bore the name Malihabar. Therefore, you may have heard of varieties such as Malabar and TVsheri, they are considered the best.

Like any oriental seasoning, black pepper has unique properties that have been considered miraculous and healing since the time of Alexander the Great. The warriors of this great leader preferred to add the product to all dishes.

And among the nobility of Ancient Greece and Rome, the spice was worth its weight in gold. Even in Russia, seasoning has become an integral part of the culinary art. Today, special plantations have been set aside for it in the coastal parts of Asia, Africa and America. Several varieties of plants are distinguished depending on the geography of origin.

The first fruits can be harvested from vines already in the third year after planting, after which they are dried and crushed. By the way, all varieties of pepper (green, white, black) are the fruit of the same plant, harvested at different times of fruit ripening.

The taste of the product, due to the presence of the nitrogen-containing substance piperine, is very pungent. And the specific smell is given by the essential oil, which is especially pronounced during grinding. Therefore, it is not recommended to store the finished product for a long time, because the aroma tends to evaporate.

Beneficial features

The composition of black pepper can be called a concentrate of nutrients. NSit is a real storehouse of vitamins and useful elements, such as vitamin A, C, E, K and the whole group B. You can also find in ground black pepper a certain amount of elements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, copper, selenium, zinc and fluorine. As you can see, all these substances are vital for the human body.

For this reason, ground black pepper is used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine, and it shows itself as an excellent medicine.

Black pepper has anticonvulsant, anticonvulsant, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It can also be used as a diaphoretic and diuretic.

Even in antiquity, the positive effect of this product on the gastrointestinal tract was noted. Thanks to the stimulation of the taste buds, it can be recommended in case of loss of appetite. Even fatigue, stress and depression can be "driven away" by eating ground black pepper. As the saying goes, a well-fed person is a contented person. So using ground black pepper, you will simply forget about your bad mood.

Cooking use

The use of black pepper - the "king of spices" in cooking will help create real masterpieces even from seemingly simple products.

Ground black pepper at home is obtained by grinding dried fruits in a mortar or coffee grinder. Unlike industrial methods of processing spicy peas, this method allows you to get a much more fragrant and aromatic product. Of course, the dish will be tastier and more aromatic with freshly ground pepper, especially since it will not be possible to preserve the specific smell for a long time, and at home you can grind exactly the amount of spice that is needed according to the recipe.

In the food industry, black ground pepper has a very wide range of applications: hard and processed cheeses, ready-made spicy mixtures, "dry spirits" for confectionery and much more. And in home cooking it is difficult to find a dish that is prepared without this seasoning: salads, meat, fish, game, cold dishes, soups, sausages, smoked meats, pates.

Pepper goes well with any type of meat, cereals, seafood, mushrooms, sauces and marinades. It is used even in baking various desserts, as well as in the preparation of cocktails, tea and coffee, which gives them a touch of piquancy.

The benefits of ground black pepper and treatment

The beneficial properties of ground black pepper are manifested not only in the field of cooking. Even in ancient times, Indian healers used it for medical purposes - to treat respiratory problems and as a pain reliever. By the way, such Greek scientists as Hippocrates and Pliny the Elder studied the medicinal properties of this spice.

The spice contains the substance piperine, which gives the same characteristic burning pungent taste that we mentioned earlier. It also helps to stimulate appetite, stimulate metabolism, thin the blood, which avoids the formation of blood clots and lowers blood pressure. Essential oils turn out to be very useful, exhibiting antibacterial effects. It is most useful for the respiratory tract, digestive organs, stimulating the strengthening of the immune system.

Some diseases can be cured at home, simply by using ordinary ground black pepper. By the way, on the basis of this plant, drugs are even created that can quite officially be purchased in pharmacies.

Here are some ways to heal with this natural product:

If you do not like the spice in food, but the beneficial medicinal qualities of this seasoning attract you, then you can use the recipe of the ancients and try to make oil from pepper. To do this, pour 300 g of ground powder in an amount of almost two liters of water and add 25 g of salt. Leave the mixture in a warm place until fermentation and then separate the oil from the surface of the distillate. It has the same qualities as the pepper itself, but it is devoid of pungency.

The use of black pepper in home cosmetology

The use of pepper in cosmetic home procedures is mainly due to its ability to accelerate blood circulation. And this can have a very positive effect, for example, on hair growth or hair restoration in case of hair loss.

So, to strengthen your hair, you need to mix pepper with salt and onion juice until you get a liquid gruel, which must be thoroughly rubbed into the hair roots, and kept for about half an hour. Thus, the hair follicles are significantly strengthened and activated.

The vodka tincture of pepper works in the same way. To do this, 2 tablespoons of the powder should be infused in half a liter of vodka in a dark place for about a week.

Unfortunately, the seasoning does not help the reduction in volume and weight loss. On the contrary, as we have already said, it leads to an appetite stimulation. But pepper can be used for anti-cellulite massage. It can also be used to remove "excess" from the waist and buttocks. A 15-day course will give very noticeable results.

Harm of ground black pepper and contraindications for use

The harm of using ground black pepper as a food product exists. However, most often the consequences arise from excessive use, which can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane. Therefore, in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should be very careful about your diet, especially with regard to spices and herbs.

Contraindications to use ground black pepper are also the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • anemia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • high sensitivity of the nervous system;
  • eye diseases.

Despite the presence of contraindications, we can say that ground black pepper is still a very useful component of our diet and a drug that has a very wide range of applications.

One of the most popular spices in the world, it was originally grown in India and Greece, where it was highly prized. Pepper was not accepted to be added to food, it was used as a monetary equivalent and was considered sacred. The ancient Greeks used it for religious rituals, as a gift to the Gods. Subsequently, they began to add it to food. The reason for the popularity of the spice among culinary specialists is its ability to refresh dishes, mask the lack of freshness of products.

The benefits and harms of ground black pepper lie in its composition. The spice contains manganese, vitamin K, iron, fiber, copper. In addition, it contains no calories, which makes it harmless for overweight people.

The most important health benefit of ground black pepper is to improve digestion. Due to its ability to stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid, it can be used as a remedy for heartburn and indigestion.

The benefits of ground black pepper have long been recognized in the treatment of flatulence, in addition, it has diaphoretic and diuretic properties. In addition, it has antibacterial properties, helps the body to better absorb vitamins and minerals, stimulates the liver, and removes toxins.

A great benefit of ground black pepper lies in its ability to inhibit tumor growth. It contains powerful phytonutrients that slow the growth of cancer cells. In addition, the spice, when sprinkled on a wound, can quickly stop bleeding and kill germs.

Possesses both positive and negative qualities. The harm of ground black pepper is known because of its peculiarity to irritate the gastric mucosa and cause bleeding. It is not recommended for use in cases of gastritis or ulcers.

In addition, there is harm to the reproductive system of black pepper when consumed regularly. It negatively affects hormone production and reduces libido.

Contraindications for the use of the product are colitis, kidney and liver disease. The harm of ground black pepper is possible for people with arrhythmia, angina pectoris and hypertension, such patients should limit the use of the spice.

One of the most common spices found in the kitchen of almost every housewife is black pepper. Together with salt, this spice has long become an integral part of any table setting. Black pepper is used in the first and second courses, used in marinades and sauces. With the help of this spice, the hostesses give the cooked dishes a specific aroma, pungency and piquancy. At the same time, people, as a rule, do not think at all about the beneficial properties of black pepper. Meanwhile, the healing power of aromatic black peas was known in ancient times.

Most of the most common spices are native to India. Black pepper was no exception. The peas of the spice so popular today are the fruits of the Asian liana. After collecting them, they are subjected to a special treatment, after which the pepper is not always black. Many have seen pink, green, or white peppercorns in supermarkets. Housewives also actively use this spice in the form of ground powder.


The composition of black pepper contains peculiar substances typical for most eastern hot spices. Black pepper contains starch, essential oils, havicin, pyroline, gum. The pungent taste of humans is also provided by the alkaloids piperine and capsaicin. In addition to exotic ingredients, black pepper is rich in vitamin C (ascorbic acid), B vitamins, carotene, phosphorus, iron, calcium. It should be noted that it is important to properly store this ancient spice, otherwise the essential oils contained in the pepper will evaporate.

Beneficial features

The healing properties of black pepper have been highly valued since ancient times. On its basis, Indian healers prepared various medicinal mixtures for treatment against influenza, sore throat, pain relief. Drugs using black pepper can improve the work of the respiratory, digestive, endocrine, cardiovascular systems, and increase the body's stress resistance. This is not surprising, since this spice has the widest range of effects. Black pepper has diuretic, expectorant, anthelmintic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties.

Benefits for the digestive system

Black pepper is extremely beneficial for the human gastrointestinal tract. If consumed in moderation, of course. This hot spice activates the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, improving the digestive processes. Food, seasoned with black pepper, raises the appetite, warms a person in the cold season, helps to get rid of colic, systematic persistent constipation.

There is one effective way to help. It is necessary to grind a pea of ​​black pepper and bay leaf into powder and drink the mixture with warm tea. Many argue that in this way increased gas formation is overcome much more efficiently than any expensive pharmacological agents. In addition, the use of this powder promotes perspiration and urination, removing accumulated harmful substances from the body, which ultimately leads to a decrease in body weight and elimination of puffiness.

Benefits for blood vessels and skin

Due to the presence of alkaloids capsaicin and piperine, which give black pepper a characteristic burning taste, metabolism is stimulated, blood thinned, and thrombus formation is prevented. Black pepper, which is part of various lotions and compresses, is successfully used in the fight against skin diseases. For example, the alkaloid piperine stimulates the skin to produce natural pigment for diseases such as. And to get rid of dandruff, you need to mix a glass of cottage cheese with a teaspoon of black pepper, and rub the mixture into the hair roots. Finally, in countries where dishes with the addition of this spice prevail, there are fewer cancer patients.

Thus, for the prevention of various diseases, maintaining your health, you should use the beneficial properties of black pepper and regularly introduce it into the diet. You just need to remember that you should not get too carried away with hot spices. And the use of black pepper in a small concentration is health and good mood!