What to cook for dinner tonight quickly. Dinner in a hurry: the best recipes with photos

Experienced housewives Those who know the art of cooking, whose knowledge is backed up by skill, can quickly and easily prepare dinner. For novice cooks, we offer to make the task easier and get acquainted with a series of dishes that will help bring novelty and variety. Below are dinner options for every taste and wealth.

What to cook for dinner from chicken quickly and easily?

Perfect for dinner various dishes from chicken. They can be cooked hearty, but at the same time quite light. Especially if you use a low-calorie breast.

Grilled chicken baked in the oven

Ingredients: poultry carcass (about 1.5 kg), 1 tbsp. l. coarse salt, the same sweet mustard, 1 small. spoon of black pepper and paprika, rast. butter, mayonnaise.

  1. Salt and black pepper are mixed. The carcass is smeared with dry ingredients both inside and out. It is necessary to rub seasonings into the meat with strong active movements so that it does not turn out bland.
  2. Top the chicken with a mixture of mayonnaise and mustard. Then it is installed on a special spit. If there is no such accessory, you can simply place the bird on the grill. But in this case, you will have to turn it very often so that the meat is cooked evenly from all sides.
  3. First, the carcass is baked for 15 minutes at 200 degrees. And then another 40 minutes at 200 degrees.

Approximately 10 minutes before the dish is ready, the rotating bird is smeared with a mixture of a small amount of rast. oils and paprika. This will allow her to quickly become ruddy.

Chicken rolls with mushrooms and cheese

Ingredients: 3 chicken fillets, onion, 120 g cheese, 370 g fresh champignons, salt, spices.

  1. Meat with chicken breast cut into thin even pieces, beaten a little, rubbed with salt and selected spices.
  2. Washed and peeled champignons are cut into small cubes. The onion also shrinks. Products are fried together until cooked. They are salted, flavored with spices.
  3. IN ready stuffing grated cheese is poured from the pan, and it is left to cool.
  4. A thin layer of the mass from the previous step is laid out on the fillet blanks. They are rolled up and tightly tied with threads. This will keep the meat from falling apart during the cooking process.

The rolls are fried in hot oil until golden brown and only after that they are freed from the threads. If the meat turned out to be not soft and juicy enough, then you can transfer it to a heat-resistant form, pour it with salted cream and send it to languish in the oven for 40-55 minutes.

Chicken cutlets stuffed with cheese

Ingredients: half a kilo of poultry fillet, 220 g quality cheese, a pack of butter, half a glass of crumbs, salt, a mixture of peppers, half a bunch of fresh dill.

  1. The fillet is skipped with a meat grinder. Salt, pepper.
  2. The cheese is rubbed coarsely, ground with chopped dill and softened butter. Balls are formed from the mass and put in the freezer for a few minutes.
  3. Small cakes are formed from minced meat. A cheese and butter ball is laid out in the center of each. The edges are securely fastened. Neat cutlets are molded.
  4. The blanks are rolled in crumb crumbs.

It remains to fry the cutlets until appetizing ruddy and serve for dinner with any side dish.

Chakhokhbili from chicken in a slow cooker

Ingredients: whole chicken, 740 g of tomatoes per own juice, a pinch of coriander seeds, salt, suneli hops, sweet paprika, 2 onions, 1 small. a spoonful of black peppercorns.

  1. All spices are ground in a mortar.
  2. Bulbs are cut into half rings.
  3. Peeled tomatoes, along with the liquid from the jar, are crushed in a blender.
  4. The chicken is washed, dried, cut into portions.
  5. Meat is sent to the bowl of the device first. It is fried for 7 - 8 minutes on one side (without oil). Then it turns over, sprinkled with all the seasonings, salt, onion slices. The cooking continues the same way.
  6. Tomato puree is laid out in the "smart pan". In the Meat program, the mass languishes under the lid for a little less than an hour.

This recipe for a slow cooker allows you to cook very soft and tender chicken. When serving, it is sprinkled with any chopped herbs.

Chicken hearts stewed in sour cream

Ingredients: 620 g hearts, a full glass of medium-fat sour cream, large onions, 1/3 tbsp. boiled water, ½ st. l. flour, half a bay leaf, salt, aromatic herbs.

  1. Hearts are well washed under running water. Then they are poured with water and stewed until soft (about an hour) in a small saucepan.
  2. Onions are cut into quarters and fried until golden brown in any fat. Then it is poured into a saucepan with offal.
  3. Approximately 10 min. until the end of the quenching, lavrushka, salt, aromatic herbs are sent to the container.
  4. Flour is poured to the finished hearts. It quickly mixes with the broth. Lumps of bulk ingredient should completely disperse.
  5. Sour cream is added.
  6. As soon as the mass reaches a boil, it is removed from the heat and left to infuse under the lid for 10 minutes. Lavrushka is removed.

Served with fresh white bread for a delicious sauce.

Fillet stewed in tomato sauce

Ingredients: 6 pcs. medium fillets, 320 ml tomato sauce, half an onion, Bell pepper, carrot, 2 tooth. garlic, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, 70 ml each chicken broth and dry white wine, salt, fresh herbs, pepper.

  1. Fry in hot olive oil until crispy large pieces fillet.
  2. Chopped garlic, peppers, onions, carrots are fried in a separate frying pan. After softening, the sauce is poured into the mass, salt and chopped herbs are added. After 7 - 8 minutes of stewing, broth and wine are poured into the sauce.
  3. Immediately after that, you can add the fried meat.
  4. Under closed lid over low heat, the dish will languish for about half an hour.

The treat is obtained with fragrant delicious gravy, so it is delicious to serve with any dry side dish.

Pasta with chicken and mushrooms in a creamy sauce

Ingredients: 230 g of any pasta in the form of bows, 170 g of champignons, a full glass heavy cream, 300 g chicken fillet, garlic, onion, salt.

  1. First, onion and garlic are fried in hot fat. Then chicken pieces are added to them.
  2. At the same time, pasta is cooked until done.
  3. TO ready mushrooms cream is poured with chicken. Salt is added. You can use any spices.
  4. When the sauce begins to thicken over low heat, bows are immediately laid out to it.

After a couple of minutes of languishing the dish, it is removed from the fire and served hot for dinner.

Cooking from minced meat

Minced meat dishes can be cooked deliciously even by a novice hostess. They are simple and delicious. It is advisable to choose homemade homemade minced meat for your culinary experiments. The most delicious combinations are pork + beef and pork + chicken.

Stuffed bell peppers

Ingredients: 620 g homemade minced meat, 6 - 7 pcs. bell pepper, 2 pcs. tomatoes, carrots, onions, eggs, 6 tbsp. l. sour cream, glass round rice, salt, spices.

  1. Washed cereals are cooked until half cooked.
  2. Carrots are peeled and rubbed coarsely. The onion is cut into cubes. The tomato is cut into small pieces.
  3. Vegetables are fried together in hot oil. They should soften well and lightly brown.
  4. ¼ of the frying from the previous step is laid out to the minced meat. Salt, raw eggs, spices are added.
  5. The meat mass is mixed with the cooled rice.
  6. A “cap” with a stalk is cut off from each pepper. The core is removed.
  7. Vegetable preparations are filled with rice and meat filling.
  8. The remaining frying is laid out in a thick-walled dish. It has peppers on it.
  9. Salted water with sour cream is poured into the pan. It should cover the peppers almost completely.
  10. Under a closed lid, the dish languishes for about an hour.

The finished treat is served with sour cream for dinner.

Lazy pies with meat

Ingredients: half a kilo of puff shop dough, the same number of ready minced pork, 3 eggs, a mixture of peppers, salt.

  1. Minced meat is salted, peppered and fried in a pan until it changes color.
  2. To the cooled cooked meat cubes of pre-cooked eggs are laid out.
  3. The filling mixes well. You need to add salt and pepper to it. You can use any of your favorite herbs.
  4. The dough is cut into 15 even identical squares. Each rolls out a little.
  5. The dough is laid out in the center with a spoon. Its edges are connected by a "boat". The center must remain open. Pies are molded according to the principle of khachapuri. Their edges can be neatly folded with bundles.
  6. Pies are laid out on a baking sheet covered with oiled parchment so that they do not touch each other.

The dish is baked for 20 - 25 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees.

Classic navy pasta

Ingredients: 360 g pasta, 90 g onion, 320 g meat mixed minced meat, 90 g butter, salt, aromatic herbs.

  1. The pasta is cooked until fully prepared in salt water.
  2. On a hot frying pan butter minced meat is fried with small onion cubes until vegetables and meat are fully cooked. The mass is salted and flavored with aromatic herbs.
  3. The finished pasta and the mixture from the pan are combined and mixed well.

Delicious to serve with any vegetable salad.

Rice casserole with minced meat

Ingredients: 2 cups fat sour cream, 340 g long rice, onion, 3 eggs, half a kilo of meat (pork + chicken), a pinch of sweet paprika, salt, 70 g butter.

  1. The groats are well washed and boiled until half cooked. If you overcook the product, then the casserole will eventually fall apart.
  2. The eggs are beaten until foamy, combined with sour cream and cooled boiled rice.
  3. Minced meat is fried separately with chopped onion, salt, paprika.
  4. Half of the cereal is laid out in a heat-resistant form, then minced meat comes. The casserole is covered with a second layer of rice.
  5. Small pieces of creamy meat are laid out on top.

The casserole is cooked in the oven at 190 degrees until golden brown. appetizing crust. To taste, you can sprinkle it with any grated hard or semi-hard cheese.

Casserole with minced meat and pasta with Bechamel sauce

Ingredients: a pound of any pasta and the same amount of minced meat, a liter of full-fat milk, a glass with a slide of flour, 40 g of plums. oil, 50 g tomato paste, salt, spices, onion.

  1. Minced meat with onion pieces is re-passed through a meat grinder. Next, the mass is fried and mixed with tomato paste, salted, sprinkled with spices. Instead of pasta, it is delicious to use mashed potatoes from fresh tomatoes.
  2. For the sauce, melted butter is mixed with flour. With constant stirring, the mass is cooked to a golden hue. It is very important that the flour does not burn. Milk is slowly poured into it. After that, the ingredients are intensively whipped with a whisk. Salt is added.
  3. Pasta is cooked until half cooked and divided into two parts. The first is stirred with half the sauce and laid out on a baking sheet. Minced meat is distributed on top. The dish is closed with the second piece of pasta. All remaining sauce is poured out.

The dish is baked for 40 - 45 minutes at 180 degrees. When it has completely cooled, you can cut the casserole into portions and arrange on plates.

Balls of thread with minced chicken

Ingredients: 330 g minced chicken, egg yolk, onion, 130 g yeast-free puff pastry, salt, spices.

  1. For the filling, minced meat, finely chopped onion, salt, seasonings are combined.
  2. Large neat meatballs of approximately equal size are molded from the mass.
  3. The same thin long strips are cut from the dough.
  4. Every meat ball completely wrapped with "threads". The test strips will intersect and overlap each other.
  5. The balls are placed on a baking sheet covered with oiled paper away from each other. The blanks are smeared with whipped yolk.

The treat is baked at high temperature about half an hour. Served for dinner with any side dish or as an independent dish.

Potato gratin with minced pork

Ingredients: 630 g raw potatoes, large egg, 2 tooth. garlic, 320 g of hard cheese, 2 garlic cloves, salt, 170 ml of milk, 330 g of minced meat, a mixture of peppers.

  1. Potatoes and garlic are cut into thin circles, and laid out in one layer in an oiled form.
  2. Next, minced meat is distributed with salt and a mixture of peppers. A portion of grated cheese is poured on it.
  3. Layers alternate until the products run out. The thinner they turn out, the more tender the finished dish will be in the end.
  4. The dish goes into the oven for half an hour. Then it is extracted from it and poured over with a mixture of milk, eggs, salt.

The potatoes with meat are returned to the oven and baked for another 15 to 17 minutes.

Cabbage pie with minced meat

Ingredients: a pound of fresh cabbage, an onion, 220 g of minced pork, a pinch of 12 herbs seasoning, half a carrot, a kilo yeast dough, 30 g butter, salt.

  1. Cabbage is shredded with medium straws. It is combined with onion semi-rings and carrot straws.
  2. Vegetables are fried until soft, salted and cooled.
  3. Minced meat is fried with salt until tender. Mixed with vegetables.
  4. The dough, which has already lain warm for half an hour, is cut into two parts. The first is rolled out and placed on an oiled baking sheet.
  5. The filling of meat and vegetables is distributed on top. Fitting the second part. The edges are pinched.
  6. A hole is made in the middle of the workpiece for steam to escape.
  7. The pie is smeared with half of the melted plums. oils.

The dish is baked for a little over half an hour at 190 degrees. Ready pie smeared with the remaining melted butter.

What to cook for dinner with meat?

For cooking dinner, you can use more than hearty options meat - fresh pork or beef. For example, in combination with potatoes and other vegetables. Such nutritious dinners are especially liked by the representatives of the stronger sex.

Delicious pork skewers on skewers in the oven

Ingredients: 820 g of pork pulp, half a glass of medium-fat sour cream, 3 large onions, 40 g of mustard, salt, a mixture of peppers.

  1. A clean bar of meat without excess fat is cut into cubes of the same size. The skin is removed from the onion.
  2. Wooden skewers are immersed for 15 - 17 minutes in ice water.
  3. The meat is sprinkled with salt, pepper and large onion rings.
  4. Added mixture of spicy mustard and sour cream.
  5. After mixing, the mass is left in the cool to marinate for an hour.
  6. Pork is strung on prepared skewers. Meat alternates with onions.
  7. The blanks are placed on the sides of a heat-resistant form and removed into the most heated oven.
  8. Then the temperature drops to 180 degrees.

Under such conditions, the dish is cooked for 45 - 50 minutes. Several times the skewers with meat are turned over.

Potato with meat in the sleeve

Ingredients: 2 kilos pork neck, 6 - 7 potatoes, 3 small. tablespoons of salt, small a spoonful of pepper of two colors - red and black, 2 sprigs of thyme, 3 - 5 teeth. garlic.

  1. Pork whole piece is rubbed with two types of pepper and salt. Shallow incisions are made throughout the workpiece. They are stuffed with minced garlic. Its quantity is adjusted according to the taste of the cook himself.
  2. Chopped thyme is sprinkled on top of the meat. You can also take rosemary.
  3. The piece moves to cool for 2 - 3 hours.
  4. The potatoes are cut into arbitrary pieces, sprinkled with salt and placed on the bottom of the sleeve. Prepared meat is placed on top.

The dish is baked for 40 - 45 minutes at medium temperature. Served for dinner with any light spicy sauce.

Pizza in a hurry with beef

Ingredients: 620 g ready dough for pizza, 230 g beef, onion, 180 g cheese, 60 g butter, 3 garlic cloves, 3 tomatoes, salt, ground black pepper.

  1. Onions and meat are cut into strips. Fried on melted plums. oil.
  2. Chopped garlic, salt and pepper are added to the ingredients.
  3. Fresh tomatoes are cut into even cubes along with the skin.
  4. The dough is rolled out into a layer and laid out on a baking sheet greased with any oil (a very thin layer so that ready pizza did not swim in fat).
  5. The fried filling from the pan and fresh chopped tomatoes are placed on top.
  6. Future pizza is generously sprinkled with grated cheese and sent to a very hot oven for half an hour.

The finished treat is cut in portions and immediately served for dinner.

Azu in Tatar in a slow cooker

Ingredients: half a kilo of beef, 6 potatoes, 3 pickles, 2 tbsp. l. rast. oils and pastes from tomatoes, 2 tooth. garlic, large onion, salt, spices.

  1. Pre-thawed meat is cut into cubes. In the "Fry" program without a lid, the slices are left for 6 - 7 minutes.
  2. Then half rings of onion are poured to the meat. Roasting continues for another 15 - 17 minutes.
  3. Tomato paste and very tiny pieces of cucumbers are added to the bowl. After another 6 - 7 minutes of frying, water is poured into the container. It should completely cover the products.
  4. The dish is left in the stewing program for 80 - 90 minutes.
  5. While in a frying pan with oil, potato slices with salt and spices are lightly fried to a crust.
  6. About half an hour before the treat is ready, the potatoes are transferred to the slow cooker along with chopped garlic.

Freshly ground black pepper can be added to the resulting dish to taste.

beef stroganoff

Ingredients: half a kilo of meat pulp, onion, 2/3 tbsp. fat sour cream, a large spoonful of flour and the same amount of tomato paste, 160 ml of water, salt, a mixture of peppers.

  1. The beef is covered with a film and lightly beaten off with a hammer with a whole piece.
  2. After that, the meat is allowed in thin slices across the fibers. And crushed into straws.
  3. The onion is chopped into the thinnest quarters of the rings.
  4. In hot oil in a frying pan, beef is first fried in small portions to a crust, then a vegetable.
  5. Already ruddy onions are sprinkled with flour, mixed well and fried for another minute. Then tomato paste is laid out to it and all sour cream at once.
  6. Water is added rock salt, a mixture of peppers.
  7. After the next mixing, the mass is left on fire for 35 - 40 minutes under a tightly closed lid.

Delicious served with pasta.

Pork in French

Ingredients: 620 g meat pulp, 350 g fresh tomatoes, 80 g cheese, 2 onions, 120 g mayonnaise, small. a spoon ground pepper, salt.

  1. Pork flesh is cut into large plates. Their thickness should be about 1 cm.
  2. Every piece is beaten under cling film rubbed with salt and pepper.
  3. Chopped onion is laid out on top. The more it is, the juicier the dish will end up.
  4. Next, slices of tomatoes are distributed.
  5. A mayonnaise net is drawn on the tomatoes. Any other sauce can also be used.
  6. The blanks are sprinkled with grated cheese.

Pork in the oven according to this recipe is baked at an average temperature for a little more than half an hour. The finished dish is left on the baking sheet for a few more minutes so that all the released juices are absorbed back into the meat.

fish recipes

You can choose any fish for cooking dinner. From noble trout to affordable pollock. It can be tasty baked in the oven with vegetables, stewed in delicate sauces, fry or even use as the basis for a light soup.

Simple fish soup

Ingredients: 330 g fish fillet, 60 g plums. oils, 1 pc. onions, carrots, potatoes, a bunch of dill (fresh), 730 ml clean water, salt, aromatic herbs.

  1. The fillet is cut into medium pieces and sent to boiled water along with all the chopped vegetables. Many housewives prefer to add the head and tail of the carcass to the soup for fattening. In this case, the already boiled parts are eventually removed from the bones, get rid of everything superfluous, and only after that they return to the broth.
  2. 10 minutes after the start of cooking the fish, salt and selected aromatic herbs are added to the pan.
  3. Chopped greens are poured into an almost ready dish.
  4. When the potatoes soften, you can turn off the soup.

It is poured into bowls and served with melted butter.

Pollock baked in foil in the oven

Ingredients: whole fish carcass, onion, carrot, ½ tsp. curry and sweet ground paprika, salt, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

  1. Everything superfluous is cut off from the carcass. Especially carefully with pollock, you need to remove the black film (inside). She will give ready meal bitterness.
  2. Next, the carcass is cut into large pieces.
  3. The fish is sprinkled with lemon juice, rubbed with all the spices and salt. In this form, pollock should stand for about an hour.
  4. All chopped vegetables are sprinkled with pickled fish.
  5. The resulting mass is laid out in a heat-resistant form, covered with foil. A “lid” is also made from this material on top.

The dish is baked for a little less than an hour at medium temperature. For a few more minutes, the fish can be left in the oven without foil coating. Thanks to this, it will be covered with a delicious ruddy crust.

Trout in sour cream sauce

Ingredients: large bell pepper, half a kilo of fish fillet, onion, 130 g of fat sour cream, 70 g of plums. oil, half a lemon, salt, pepper.

  1. For the butter sauce, all finely chopped vegetables are fried until soft. Sour cream is added to them. The mass is stewed over low heat for 8 - 9 minutes. Vegetables should soften during this time.
  2. The trout is cut into small pieces. Each of them is rubbed with a mixture of salt and pepper. Slices are sprinkled with freshly squeezed citrus juice.
  3. The fish is laid out in a heat-resistant form. Topped with sauce.

The treat is baked at a high temperature for 15 - 17 minutes.

Mackerel baked with potatoes

Ingredients: large whole fish(weighing about half a kilo), onion, 6 - 8 potatoes, carrots, 3 - 4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, salt, seasoning for fish.

  1. The fish carcass is not completely cut and laid out on the table. Her fins and tail are removed. The spine is carefully pulled out.
  2. Now the workpiece is sprinkled with salt and seasonings.
  3. The potatoes are cut into thin circles, salted and laid out on the bottom of a heat-resistant form. Chopped onion and carrot slices are distributed on top.
  4. Further there is a fish turned upside down.
  5. Mackerel is generously smeared with mayonnaise on top.

The treat is cooked in the oven for 40 - 45 minutes at 190 degrees.

Cod stewed in mustard cream sauce

Ingredients: 2 fish carcasses, seasoning for fish, salt, flour for breading, a bunch of dill, 2 tbsp. l. grain mustard, 170 ml medium-fat cream, pepper, mustard oil.

  1. Thawed fish gets rid of the tail and fins. Rinse and dry thoroughly with paper towels.
  2. The cod is cut into pieces. Gets rid of the black bitter film inside. Salted, rubbed with seasonings.
  3. The slices are rolled in flour and fried until golden brown in mustard oil.
  4. Mustard is mixed for the sauce, chopped dill, cream. Pepper, salt are added.
  5. Fried fish is laid out in a mold, poured with sauce from the previous step.

A treat is baked at an average temperature for a little less than an hour.

Red fish steak in the oven

Ingredients: 3 fish steak, lemon, half a glass of dry white wine, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, spices for fish, salt.

  1. Steaks are salted, sprinkled with spices.
  2. The fish is sprinkled with lemon juice and poured with olive oil.
  3. Dry white wine is also added to the trout.
  4. The steaks will marinate in the fridge for at least 2 hours.

side dishes

It is important not only to cook for dinner delicious fish or meat, but serve them with suitable garnish. Below are the recipes for the three most popular and versatile options.

Boiled rice with corn and tomatoes

Ingredients: a glass of long rice, 80 g plums. oil, a pound of tomatoes, a can of sweet canned corn, 2 onions, 130 g of cheese, parsley, salt, black pepper.

  1. Groats are boiled in salted boiling water until tender.
  2. The tomatoes are cut into cubes. Liquid is drained from corn.
  3. The onion is arbitrarily cut into miniature pieces.
  4. All cheese is coarsely rubbed.
  5. The parsley is finely chopped.
  6. The finished cereal is fried in butter. Then corn, tomatoes, onions are added to it. The mass languishes for 8 - 9 minutes.

It remains to add salt and pepper the side dish, sprinkle with grated cheese and parsley.

Loose buckwheat porridge

Ingredients: a full glass with a slide of unground cereals, 2 tbsp. purified water, 1/3 tbsp. ghee, salt.

Zucchini - very simple and incredible healthy vegetable . For many, it is associated with summer, healthy eating and delicious food, of course. When the first fruits ripen, we rush to cook casseroles, pancakes, frittata, or simply stew and fry the vegetable in a pan. And zucchini is considered a universal product, because you can cook both an excellent second course and a sweet dessert from them.

If your dish should be tasty, satisfying and light at the same time, this zucchini casserole with cheese and yogurt- exactly what you are looking for. And although the casserole saturates perfectly, it can be safely attributed to dietary products from huge amount useful, and even medicinal, properties. Isn't that a reason to chop and freeze a vegetable to make a casserole even when zucchini season is long past?


Zucchini - 1 pc.

Yolks - 3 tbsp. l.

Egg - 2 pcs.

Hard cheese - 100 g

Greens - 1 bunch.

Salt - to taste

Black pepper (ground) - to taste

Yogurt - 3 tbsp. l. Cooking

  1. Wash the zucchini and dry it paper towel. Cut the vegetable into slices.
  2. Take a baking dish and place the zucchini slices in it.
  3. Whisk the eggs and yogurt in a separate deep bowl.
  4. Finely chop a bunch of greens and combine with the egg mixture.
  5. Salt and pepper the mass. Mix well.
  6. Pour this mixture over the zucchini.
  7. Grate hard cheese. Sprinkle over the zucchini.
  8. Set the oven temperature to 190°C. Send the form with the contents to bake until fully cooked. You can easily identify it by its ruddy crust.

That's it summer dish can be prepared in late autumn, and cold winter. Put plenty of zucchini in the freezer and use them every time you want something light and tasty. And on next year you can allocate more space in the garden to freeze even more food. And another tip: if your friends have a dacha with a small garden, invite them to plant zucchini.

Dinner folk wisdom advises to give to the enemy, but today we will not obey this advice. After an intense day at work, your body more than deserves a boost. Almost certainly you also missed the business lunch? So dinner is the time to please yourself with a full portion, which has everything you need for beauty and health.

Introducing 5 life hacks that will ease the evening torment in the kitchen.

1. In the morning, make preparations for the future dinner. For example, marinate meat and fish in kefir or fresh juice. Having prepared an extra portion of morning porridge, you will receive excellent workpiece for evening cereal fritters or a side dish.

2. Choose products that cook as quickly as possible and require a minimum of processing time (tenderloin for steaks and entrecote, turkey fillet, carcass of young chickens, fish steaks).

3. Use kitchen gadgets. For example, in multicookerTefal RK812832dish in at its best get ready without your participation, while you change your office suit for home shorts and take off your makeup. Powerful blender (like an immersion blender)Moulinex DD878D10) or mixerwill cope with any process in a matter of moments.

4. Favor vegetables that take little time to cook and taste great even raw: zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, celery stalks, mushrooms, etc.

5. Fill your kitchen cabinet with useful canned food: sun-dried tomatoes in oil, all kinds of beans in their own juice, sardines and tuna whole pieces in their own juice, corn, peas, pesto sauce. Keep healthy breading options always at hand - sesame seed And almond petals, various peeled nuts, urbech.

Greetings, my dears! Last time we cooked delicious and satisfying meals with you, and today I suggest you stop puzzling over what you can cook for dinner at hastily. If there is absolutely no time and you have 10-15 minutes left, I recommend paying attention to these.

Who has more time to cook? full dinner please read my article carefully. I tried to collect for you interesting and at the same time simple and delicious dishes that you don't have to spend a lot of time on. You can even cook when you come home from work in the evening.

For example, I am very hungry in the evening. Therefore, I prepare dinner in advance - in the morning or in the afternoon (while I am on maternity leave). And so if you really really want to be too lazy, then I cook dumplings or warm up ready-made pancakes with meat in the microwave. In general, there are a lot of options - try whatever your heart desires!

Even though it's delicious and hearty meal prepared from conventional products, it turns out it is outstanding and useful. Households will be delighted if you feed them such stuffed potatoes. Try it, it's amazing!


  • Potatoes - 400-500 gr.
  • Minced meat - 450 gr.
  • Cabbage - 1 kg
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 1-2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt and spices - to taste

Lubricate the bottom of the multicooker bowl with oil, spread the minced meat, finely chopped onion and grated carrots on top.

Add a layer of diced cabbage, then diced potatoes.

Put the sliced ​​​​tomatoes in circles, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking a delicious quick dinner with chicken and ham

If you want to try something new, I recommend making cordon bleu at home. The dish is tender and very satisfying. This recipe is also suitable for holiday table, if you have not yet figured out what hot dish you will serve to guests.


  • chicken breast - 5 pcs.
  • ham for each breast (depending on size) - 3-5 slices
  • hard cheese for each breast - 3-5 slices
  • spices for chicken
  • garlic
  • salt - to taste
  • 2 eggs + 2 tablespoons milk + salt + spices or any spices to taste
  • flour for breading - 2/3 cup
  • breadcrumbs - 1.5 cups
  • vegetable oil for frying - 300 ml

Step by step cooking method:

We cut the chicken breast not completely in half, beat it well on both sides.

Roll up tightly, wrapping in cling film, and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

We take our rolls out of the refrigerator, roll in flour, batter, breadcrumbs.

Fry until golden in hot vegetable oil at both sides.

Put the fried breasts on a baking sheet, cover with foil and send to bake in the oven for 10-20 minutes (depending on size). Bon Appetit!

Budget (cheap) meat-free fast food dinner

For those who adhere proper nutrition, these diet cutlets fit perfectly. Not only do they turn out to be very satisfying due to mushrooms, they are also very tasty. Look what a simple set of ingredients this recipe requires!


  • any mushrooms - 700 gr.
  • boiled potatoes - 400 gr.
  • boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
  • fresh eggs - 2 pcs.
  • large onion - 1 pc.
  • green onion- 5 tablespoons
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • starch - 2 tablespoons
  • flour, salt and pepper for breading
  • vegetable oil for frying

Step by step cooking method:

Cut the onion and sauté until golden brown.

Mash boiled potatoes in puree and add fried mushrooms, onions, grated egg, chopped green onions and mix everything well.

Add the egg, starch and mix everything again.

Then we form cutlets and roll them in flour.

We heat the pan and fry our meatballs. Bon Appetit!

Recipe for a festive dinner with beef meat in a hurry

From such hot your guests and family members will be delighted! The dish is prepared very simply, but it turns out with a real twist. I will not reveal all the cards, it's better to try it yourself!

We will need:

  • Any meat ( better beef!) - 1200 gr.
  • Sour cream - 150 ml
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Seasoning for meat - 1 tablespoon
  • Nutmeg - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Mustard - 1 teaspoon
  • Mustard beans - 4 teaspoons
  • Apple - 1 pc.

Step by step cooking method:

Squeeze garlic into sour cream, add both types of mustard, nutmeg and mix everything well.

We cut the meat not completely along the entire length, so that the thickness of the plates is 20 millimeters.

Then we cut the apple into slices and lay it in the cuts of the marinated meat.

We put the meat in a baking sleeve and send it to the oven for 1 hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. After an hour, take it out of the sleeve and bake until golden brown. The dish is ready, bon appetit!

Light diet dinner from simple products

Another recipe for those who want to eat right or even lose weight. The fact is that this dish has a beneficial effect on metabolism and immune system. So there are more than enough benefits!


  • Cheese - 100 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs. (150 gr.)
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc. (60 gr.)
  • Onion - 1 pc. (30 gr.)
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 1 teaspoon
  • Ground black pepper - 0.4 teaspoon

Step by step cooking method:

We cut the cheese into cubes, put the tomato rings on top of the cheese.

Then we cut the onion and bell pepper into a ring and put them on top of the tomato in the same way.

pouring olive oil to taste and send to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 15 minutes.

Add after 15 minutes a raw egg, salt and pepper to taste and again set to bake for another quarter of an hour.

What to cook in a hurry for dinner for children?

These lazy whites will be appreciated by both children and adults. They cook quickly, are hearty and very fragrant. Mmmm ... already wanted!


  • Milk - 0.5 l
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Dry yeast - 7 gr.
  • Minced meat - 500-600 gr.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 450-550 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt and pepper - to taste

Step by step cooking method:

We mix milk, yeast, egg, salt, sugar, vegetable oil in one bowl.

Add finely chopped onion, salt and pepper to taste, and mix well.

Pour the minced meat into the risen dough and mix well again.

A hearty meal for dinner - quick and tasty (no fish)

If you think that cooking is not your thing and it’s easier to order a pizza than to cook it, then you haven’t tried this recipe yet. I do not want to disappoint you, but hearty and delicious dinner even you can do it!


  • Pasta - 250 gr.
  • Ham (meat) - 250 gr.
  • Milk - 300 gr.
  • Water - 300 gr.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Cheese - 150 gr.
  • Spices
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Turmeric - 1 teaspoon
  • Dry garlic - ½ teaspoon
  • Pepper mix - ¼ teaspoon

Step by step cooking method:

Lubricate the baking dish with vegetable oil, spread the pasta, ham on top of them.

Add milk to the filling and mix again.

Pour over pasta and ham and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Cover with foil and put in the oven for 40 minutes at 200 degrees. Remove the foil and bake until golden brown another 15 minutes.

Making a Lenten Dinner with Simple Foods

In fasting, more than ever, you want variety in food. And various spices and seasonings will help us in this. And of course, a delicious and satisfying set of products for this dish. Bon Appetit!

We will need:

  • Canned beans - 2 cans
  • Onion - 200 gr.
  • Mushrooms - 100 gr.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 400 gr.
  • Tomatoes in their own juice - 100 gr.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Chili pepper - 1 pc. (taste)
  • cilantro - 1 bunch
  • Salt and black pepper - to taste
  • Dried garlic - ½ teaspoon
  • Ground cumin - ½ teaspoon
  • Cumin seeds - 1 teaspoon
  • Coriander seeds - 1 teaspoon
  • Dried chili peppers - 3 pcs. (or to taste)

Step by step cooking method:

Fry garlic, onion, mushrooms in a pan.

Add bell peppers and tomatoes in their own juice, continue to fry.

Then add spices: dried garlic, ground cumin, cumin and coriander seeds, dried chili peppers, salt, black pepper. Mix everything well and simmer the dish for another 3-5 minutes over low heat.

Add beans and stir.

Put in finely chopped fresh pepper chilli and mix well again.

Then add chopped cilantro, mix and the dish is ready. Bon Appetit!

Video on how to cook a quick dinner in the oven

If you have long wanted to treat yourself to an unusual and delicious dinner, cook homemade ham from chicken. Her amazing taste is unmatched by any shop product! In addition, this dish can become great snack on the holiday table.


  • chicken quarter - 5 pcs.
  • chicken breast - 1 pc.
  • salt - 2 teaspoons
  • pepper - to taste
  • seasoning for chicken - 1 teaspoon
  • Italian herbs - 1 teaspoon
  • garlic - 3 cloves

What do you usually cook for dinner in a hurry? Share your opinion in the comments, I will be glad to take note of your ideas! And also, if you liked the article, do not forget to share it with your friends on social networks. See you on the blog!

Evening meal should be nutritious, tasty and balanced. How to cook delicious quickly and easily? This question is often puzzled by millions of people who cook dishes for themselves or want to surprise their loved ones with something unusual.

Right now for you some original super recipes for an evening meal, which will certainly help you answer the question of what to cook for dinner quickly and tasty for your family.

This recipe is great option for dinner, it does not require special financial, serious time costs, it is enough to have a simple set of products on hand and 20 minutes of time.

Ingredients for cooking for four:

  • two sweet and sour varieties of apple;
  • sweet pumpkin for 250-300 grams or half a large vegetable;
  • chicken liver - 600-650 gr.;
  • vegetable oil - 6 tablespoons;
  • allspice in peas - 7-8 peas;
  • 2 sticks of natural cinnamon;
  • ground pepper and salt;
  • dry white wine - 50-70 ml.

Delicious and healthy dinner - step by step

chicken giblets wash, clean from veins, cut into large pieces.

- Pour oil into the pan, let it heat up, put your liver there and fry until golden brown. Remember, you don’t need to fry the liver for a long time, it’s enough for all the liquid to evaporate and the product to brown slightly.

- Wash the pumpkin, carefully remove the peel from it, cut the vegetable, clean it from the insides, rinse again and cut into pieces, cubes.

- In a separate frying pan, heat up a couple of tablespoons of oil, send the pumpkin into it, add three tablespoons of water so that it seems to be stewed, and not fried.

If there is only one pan in the house, then the liver should be transferred to a separate bowl for the time of cooking the pumpkin. Shift carefully so as not to damage the pieces, remember, the liver is very soft so that porridge does not turn out.

- We clean the apples, as well as the pumpkin, remove all the insides, cut them into small pieces, send them to the pan with the vegetable.

- After five minutes of cooking fruit and vegetable cutting, add cinnamon, wine, peas and ground pepper to them, salt, mix and cover with a lid to stew for about 10 minutes. Do not forget to stir everything, let the apples go sweet juice and may burn.

- When the added wine has evaporated, transfer the liver to a beautiful bright fruit and vegetable mixture, mix everything and bring it to readiness under the lid.

Stew from chicken liver, pumpkins and apples ready. This full meal, which can be served without a side dish.

For cooking we take:

  • A small young squash.
  • Any minced meat, preferably a combination of beef and pork or pork and chicken, etc. - 500 gr.
  • Rice - 150 gr.
  • Cream 20-25% fat - 100 ml.
  • Fatty sour cream - 180-200 ml.
  • Ketchup - 2 tablespoons.
  • Cheese, you can even use processed cheese- 100 gr.

Dinner preparation process:

1. Rice groats boil until tender, but do not overcook, it is good if it is undercooked than stuck together.

2. Zucchini, if the old one is peeled, young, it is possible together with the peel. We cut into circles with a circle thickness of about 1.5 centimeters.

3. Cut out the cores in each circle, add a little salt to the vegetable and set aside for now.

4. Add the cooled rice to the minced meat, pepper, salt, you can chopped greens and onion add, here already see how you like it. The filling should not be liquid, an egg or, as many people like water, it is better not to add minced meat.

5. In the middle of each zucchini ring, lay out the filling so that it completely passes through the vegetable, and not just on top.

6. Mix in separate dishes grated cheese, cream and sour cream.

7. We cover the baking dish with foil or parchment, put the products on it, pour cheese on top of them cream sauce. Try to water each ring only from above, without spilling the sauce past. When you have spread all the cheese on top, fill the form with the remaining liquid, the rings should be covered with it.

8. Send to the oven to bake.

cook stuffed zucchini with this method it is possible to regular frying pan, only you need to cook under the lid and in this case, of course, it will not be beautiful cheese crust top, the cheese just melts.

Sprinkle the finished treat for dinner with fresh division, it looks great and causes an incredible appetite.

Casserole is an original and one might say universal dish that can be prepared from a wide variety of products. This dish got its name due to the fact that it is cooked in the oven, that is, it is baked. Cabbage casserole with chicken is suitable for those who adhere to proper nutrition, or some kind of diet, and for those who just want to eat heartily. I note that adults and children like this treat.

Let's prepare the ingredients:

  • Chicken fillet or breast - 400-500 gr.
  • A head of cauliflower - 1 kg. (you can take a little less or more in quantity)
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Fatty cream (it is best to take a fat content of 20-33%, no less) - 250-300 ml.
  • Three or four cloves of garlic (the more the better) hotter casserole succeed).
  • Any hard cheese (suitable cheese product with a fat content of 15% or more) - 230-250 gr.
  • Salt, pepper to your taste.
  • Sunflower oil - 40-50 gr.
  • Any spices.
  • Greens for decoration (green onions, parsley, dill or any others).

Chicken Cauliflower Casserole Recipe Step by Step

1. Since the casserole is made from cauliflower, then the first thing we will do is prepare the cabbage. It must be washed, divided into tubers (inflorescences) and boiled in salted water.

Attention! cook cauliflower for a casserole, you need five, a maximum of seven minutes under a closed lid from the moment when the water boils.

2. Throw the finished cauliflower into a colander so that all the unnecessary liquid is glass and for now set this product aside to cool.

3. Let's move on to preparation chicken meat. If it is frozen, you need chicken, fillet or breast, depending on which meat you take, defrost when room temperature or in the refrigerator.

4. Remove the skin from the chicken breast parts, remove all the bones, wash the product well. For the casserole you only need meat part, white meat (the most dietary and healthy part of the chicken).

Try not to defrost chicken in the microwave or in water, as the meat not only loses its important beneficial features, but it can also be filled with dangerous bacteria.

5. Cut the chicken meat into small free-form pieces, cubes or strips. Thin stripes, looks very nice.

6. Warm up sunflower oil(a couple of spoons) in a frying pan, fry in it until beautiful crust meat all over. Do not forget to salt and pepper everything during frying.

At your discretion, you can add your favorite spices to the cooking chicken.

7. Whip the cream and eggs in a separate deep bowl, add salt, pepper, garlic pressed through the garlic and finely grated cheese to this delicate mixture. Mix all ingredients.

8. Turn on the oven to preheat, but for now, form a casserole. In a lightly oiled pan, lay out in layers:

- half a boiled cauliflower (it is best to break it into the smallest inflorescences or mash it right in the form with a fork);
chicken fillet;
- the second part of the cabbage (also remember initially with a fork or disassemble into small inflorescences).

9. Pour all the indicated ingredients with cheese creamy mixture and send to bake at 200 degrees for about thirty-five minutes. Do not open the oven while cooking.

When the cauliflower casserole in the oven is ready, open the oven door and, without taking it out, let it cool a little. When serving a treat, decorate it with any fresh herbs. It can be dill sprigs, chopped green onions or parsley. In this case, olives or black olives, as well as cherry tomatoes, are suitable as a decoration.

Budget Dinner - Grilled Pork Belly

Quick, simple and most importantly quite inexpensive, and on the table for dinner it will be simple real masterpiece which will be appreciated by both adults and children. Such a dish can replace any meat.

Needed for cooking:
  • Pork stomach - 1.5 or two kg.
  • Bulgarian red pepper - one thing.
  • Any greens (dill and a fresh green onion are most suitable) - a bunch.
  • Lavrukha - two leaves.
  • Spices for meat and salt.
  • Vegetable oil for frying - 5-6 tablespoons.

Cooking pork stomach in a pan

- Rinse the pork giblets well in cold water, separate and remove all fatty layers.

- Place the product in a saucepan, pour until it is completely covered with water, salt and cook until tender.

It will take about two hours to boil the stomach, and therefore, if you plan to make such a dish for dinner, boil the product in advance and just store it in the refrigerator until needed.

- Allow the boiled stomach to cool and then cut it into pieces. It is not necessary to grind the offal strongly, it should be felt in the dish.

- Pour oil into the pan, let it heat up well, and pour in the pieces to fry. In the process of cooking, add spices, salt to the pan, cook over medium heat, periodically turning the food over.

- We clean the pepper from all the insides, chop it as you like, for example, with straws or the usual various fragments. Together with pepper, cut the cooked greens - onion, dill.

- We send the chopped ingredients to pig stomach, and together with them we put Bay leaf. Cover with a lid and cook for about ten minutes over medium heat.

Attention! Don't forget to stir so it doesn't burn.

Fried stomach can be served with boiled rice or potatoes, can be presented as an independent treat by putting a slice of white or black bread to it.

An omelette is a great delicacy for dinner, and if it is so original with fish, then this is generally a real bomb. Tasty, healthy, very satisfying, beautiful and incredibly fast to prepare.


  • 4 eggs;
  • kefir - half a glass;
  • fillet of any fish, you can take trout, salmon, or any other - 400 gr.
  • a spoonful of potato starch;
  • butter - 30 gr.
  • salt, soda, slaked with vinegar.

super dinner recipe

We wash the fish, cut into pieces. Vary the size of the pieces yourself, but small ones are better, so that you can immediately put them in your mouth.

We put the fish in a saucepan, fill it with water, salt a little and boil until cooked (it is enough to boil for five to seven minutes).

For an omelette, the fish can be initially fried in oil without rolling in flour.

We take a baking dish, grease it well with butter, smearing the edges as well, put slices of fish on the bottom.

By the way, you can cook an omelette with fish both in the oven and in a pan, the main thing is to cook a dish on the stove under a closed lid, do not open it until the very end of cooking.

Egg, kefir, a couple of spoons cold water, salt and starch mix until smooth. You can also add finely chopped fresh onion or any greens.

Add slaked soda to the egg mass, mix, fill the fish with this liquid.

We put the omelet to bake in a preheated oven. Roasting temperature 180 degrees, time - 20-25 minutes.

A delicious dinner can be decorated with fresh tomatoes and herbs. Tomatoes can be baked in the oven immediately, it will also be very tasty.


  • A kilogram of pork ribs;
  • The head of garlic is small;
  • Ground coriander, paprika, pepper, salt;
  • a teaspoon of mustard;
  • Half a teaspoon of honey.

How to cook pork ribs for dinner

- My rib plates, cut into separate ribs, put in a large bowl, season with spices, salt, mix well with your hands so that the seasonings are distributed over the meat. Let the meat soak for twenty minutes.

- Mix mustard with honey and carefully coat each rib. We put in the refrigerator for an hour.

- We heat the oven, put the ribs in a baking bag, close it, make several punctures, set to cook for an hour at 200 degrees.

- A few minutes before the end of cooking, open the oven, cut the top of the bag so that the ribs are browned.

— Submit pork ribs you can with potatoes, rice, pasta, vegetable salad or some creamy, tomato, mayonnaise, garlic sauce.

1. You can cook absolutely any food for dinner, from meat and fish to all kinds of cereals, pasta, and vegetables.

2. Meat and fish meals are independent dishes, they are nutritious and tasty even without garnishes, the preparation of which will not require time.

3. If you cook rice, then know that this cereal goes well with vegetables and offal (chicken, pork, beef). If you chose buckwheat for dinner, then go to it great addition there will be meat. Pumpkin, pineapples, poultry are suitable for serving with spaghetti, seafood - with fresh vegetables or light salads in vegetable oil. Mushrooms, fish, meatballs can be served with potatoes.

Improvise with the ingredients in certain dishes, create, surprise and rejoice in your achievements, success in cooking together with your loved ones!

Good luck and all the best!


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