Pork kebabs: the best recipes with juicy and tender meat. Pork Skewers - How To Choose The Best Meat Parts

17.10.2019 Buffet table

The long-awaited warm days have come - warmth and sun allow you to get out into nature. It is pleasant to spend time relaxing in the fresh air with friends and family. It is difficult to find a person who would not like kebabs. Everyone associates this dish with a good mood and a pleasant smell of fire. But in order for the kebab to be remembered for a long time, it is necessary to cook it from very good meat. So how to choose meat for barbecue?

Oddly enough, but men always take up the preparation of barbecue. In general, men and meat have a special relationship. Not all men take the initiative in their daily cooking, but barbecue on a weekend at a picnic or in the country is their strong point.

The main secret of delicious kebab is the right choice of meat for the kebab. And in order for the kebab to turn out juicy and soft, it is very important to marinate and fry it correctly.

Let's figure out how not to make a mistake and choose the right meat for barbecue.

High-quality meat for barbecue is a guarantee of a delicious and successful barbecue. Here are the basic rules for choosing meat:

It is best to take chilled meat

Steamed meat is not suitable for barbecue (especially beef), as it will turn out tough. It needs to be held for some time so that the muscles relax.

You should not cook a shish kebab from frozen meat, as it is devoid of some nutrients and it will turn out to be less juicy.

To distinguish chilled meat from frozen and thawed, you need to press on it with your finger: the meat must be elastic. Thawed meat has a more intense color, friable consistency and dark red meat juice.

It is very important that the meat for the kebab is fresh

Pay attention to the appearance of the meat: fresh chilled meat is dry. The color should be uniform, with a glossy sheen. The meat should be free of mucus, blood, liquid. The surface is slightly damp, not sticky, and the meat juice is clear. A very important indicator of freshness is the consistency of the meat: fresh meat is firm, firm and even. Fresh cut meat color: pork should be pink, and beef and lamb should be red.

Whenever possible, you should choose young meat for barbecue.

The age of the meat can be checked with a simple test: a thin piece is easily torn even with your hands. The darker the color of the meat, the older the animal, the denser the muscle fibers. Shish kebab from such meat will turn out tough.

Be sure to smell the meat: it should smell good

The smell of quality meat should not cause negative emotions. If it is unpleasant, buying meat is not worth it. When you press your finger on the surface of the meat, the hole formed in this case is quickly leveled. In meat of suspicious freshness, the pressure pit flattens out slowly. In poor quality meat, the fossa does not even out at all.

The quality of the meat is indicated by the color of the fatty layers, they should be white or light yellow

In meat of suspicious freshness, the fat will be dull, sticky, and in poor quality meat, it will be gray-yellow in color, sometimes with mucus.

Do not save time and do not buy already marinated meat for barbecue

firstly, it is impossible to determine the composition of the marinade, and secondly, it is impossible to correctly assess the quality of the meat. Flavor enhancers, preservatives and other additives harmful to the body can be added to the marinade.

The meat for the kebab should not be lean, otherwise the kebab will not turn out juicy

Too fatty meat is also not good. The ideal option is meat with small layers of fat.

If in doubt about the juiciness of the meat, string small pieces of bacon on a skewer, alternating with the meat. This will add juiciness!

What meat makes the most delicious kebab

Pork produces more juicy kebabs than beef, and it does not need to be marinated for a long time. Veal is also great for kebabs. Delicious lamb kebabs.

By the way, you can cook poultry, offal and seafood on charcoal.

Lamb shashlik

Previously, barbecue was generally prepared only from mutton. Lamb meat is suitable for charcoal-frying. It is bright red. If the meat has acquired a dark, ruby ​​hue, then the lamb is old. You need to eat lamb shish kebab right away, as the lamb cools very quickly.

Pork shashlik

Many people prefer pork kebabs. Please note that the meat should not be very fatty. Shish kebab pork should be light pink and with a little fat. Suitable for barbecue pork neck - meat located along the ridge on the neck. Here, the streaks of fat are evenly distributed in the meat. This kebab will be soft and juicy. A strip along the ridge on the back is also suitable, and a loin will also turn out well. Less dry will turn out a shashlik from a ham - a part of a carcass with a small amount of fat. It is better to marinate this part of pork well.

Beef kebab

Beef meat is dry and tough, so it is rarely chosen for barbecue. But if the choice fell on beef, then it is better to buy young, light veal. If you decide to fry kebabs from this particular meat, then take beef fillet or brisket. The back leg of the beef carcass is also suitable for barbecuing.

The meat is usually grilled main course and picnics are often arranged with the main purpose of eating barbecue. To make your kebab perfect, you need to choose the right meat for it, cut it correctly, marinate and cook it.

If you not a professional in cooking kebabs, our tips will help you not to be disappointed.

How to choose meat for barbecue?

Traditional kebab is made from pork or lamb, but some kebab lovers do not always know how to choose it correctly. After all, it is so offensive if the kebab turns out to be tough, fatty or sinewy, although it would seem the meat looked quite decent!

Do not buy frozen meat in the store, as there is a great risk that you will get the wrong thing. Moreover, fresh meat tastes much better. If you have a good chunk of frozen meat in the freezer, you can defrost, marinate, and cook it slowly, as long as it hasn't been frozen several times.

Before buying, inspect the meat well and make sure that it has not been defrosted: it has no traces of snow, bloody smudges, and a puddle of water does not form under it.

The color of the meat should be light and by no means dark red, this may be a sign that the meat is old and tough... Bright red meat may indicate the use of dye. Also, the meat should be glossy, not matte.

Smell the meat, its smell should be completely neutral and not harsh. If you are experiencing discomfort, immediately abandon the purchase the meat is probably not very fresh.

For pork kebab, choose neck area... Ask your salesperson for this particular part. Unfortunately, if your eyes are not trained, you cannot always distinguish the neck from some other parts of the mascara, so rely on the seller's honesty or contact only to a trusted butcher.

Pork neck usually contains streaks and fat streaks- this is the very thing! However, they should be thin. Do not take meat without layers of fat at all - there is a risk that the kebab will turn out to be dry. The secret is that a thin layer of fat is melted during cooking.

The meat should be elastic and non-sticky, when pressed, a hole should not form.

WITH chicken meat usually there is no problem with the choice, but you should make sure that the chicken is fresh and not thawed. By the way, it is very easy to determine the freshness of chicken meat by its smell: fresh chicken should not smell at all, and the one that will lie in the refrigerator for several days or have just been thawed, takes on a smell which intensifies over time.

Which meat is best for barbecue?

What kind of meat to choose for barbecue, depends on your preferences and wallet... Pork, lamb and veal are usually not the cheapest options, but chicken is cheaper and tastes just as well if cooked properly.

The meat, of course, should be fresh but not paired, since it is known that he should lie down for a while under the right conditions. Remember that fresh meat is usually much tougher than lingering meat.

The most traditional meat for barbecue is pork... If you are not on a diet and your religious beliefs allow you to eat pork, then why not choose that meat? Young pork is very tender, and the right piece will be lean, but not dry.

What's more, pork meat is delicious even when it's cold. Should choose neck area or notch, these areas of the pig's carcass do not move much during the life of the animal, so they are more tender and tasty. A good pork neck for barbecue looks like this:

Mutton- expensive and very specific meat, which is not always tasty, and sometimes it can have unpleasant specific odor, which is not tolerated by everyone.

If you are convinced that you have got correct piece of young animal, then you can safely cook it. This meat is not particularly tasty when it cools, so it should be eaten immediately after cooking. Usually take back leg, ribs or loin a young lamb.

Beef... For kebabs, it is best to use calf meat, since the meat of an adult cow is tough enough and can ruin your whole table. Veal- dietary meat, therefore, ideal for those who are afraid to gain weight and keep fit. The best kebabs are usually sirloin and tenderloin.

Hen... Usually, for cooking chicken kebabs, its fatty parts are used: chicken legs, drumsticks, thighs, wings... You can use and brisket, however, it does not differ in high fat content, therefore it can turn out to be dry. To prevent this from happening, pieces of meat are wrapped in thin bacon, strung on skewers and thus fried. The same applies to turkey meat.

Delicious kebabs are obtained from quail meat... These little birds taste a bit like chicken, but they have their own special and unique taste. To prepare a kebab from quails, they can be skewered, fried whole on grates, stuffed with dried apricots, rice and raisins, or you can cut the carcasses on one side and spread them on the grates. It should be remembered that tender poultry meat cooks very quickly, therefore it is important not to overexpose it!

Rabbit meat... Rabbit meat is highly prized, it is not always easy to get it, but if you still succeed, try to make a kebab out of it, you will not regret it. First of all, rabbit meat is valued for delicate taste and dietary properties of meat... Portions are marinated, like any other meat, with seasonings and onions, then fried on a wire rack. You can put the pieces on a skewer, or you can fry the whole carcass.

How much meat is there for a barbecue?

Many people who want to cook barbecue in nature, especially if they rarely do it, wonder how much meat should be taken so that everyone has enough... Of course, it is better to take a little more meat and be calm so that no one will go hungry.

On average they take 300 grams of raw meat per person, but this is only if you have many other different snacks and side dishes, including mushrooms and potatoes. If besides meat there are only light vegetables, then it is better to take more of it - 500 grams per person.

These are average figures when the company has women, children, but if it is a purely male company, which also takes a lot of alcohol with it, the amount of meat is likely to increase, since alcohol usually requires more food.

How to cut meat for shish kebab?

Pork, lamb or veal meat should be cut into medium pieces, the size of which can be determined by placing the piece completely in the palm of your hand. On average, each piece should be 5 by 5 centimeters.

When you skewer the meat, make sure to it will not fall off him... If the piece is too large, it will not fit in the palm of your hand. Moreover, large pieces will not bake well, and too small pieces will dry out.

Chicken is often bought already cut - separately chicken legs, wings, white meat... If you are making white meat kebabs, they should be cut into square pieces about 4 by 4 centimeters.

One of the options for cutting chicken. Red ropes are shown incision sites.

The rabbit can be cut as follows portions:

And you can bake on a wire rack entirely:

You do not need to cut the quail, but you can cut it along the breast and spread its back up:

If you have several pieces of meat that, in your opinion, will not make the best kebab, it doesn’t matter. You can use them to cook kebab kebab, which is also called lula kebab.

This oriental dish is grilled. He needs meat mince, and then make minced meat, as for cutlets (except for eggs and bread).

Place the minced meat on a skewer with a diameter of about 5 centimeters and then grill over coals like a regular kebab.

How to marinate meat for barbecue? Barbecue marinade recipes

There are a great variety of barbecue recipes, it all depends on individual preferences... Often they use those seasonings that are at hand, but go best with kebabs. thyme, bay leaf, rosemary... All recipes contain onion... There are several classic methods for marinating pork for kebabs:

- In kefir: This method is ideal for kebabs that need to be quickly marinated before cooking. For 1.5-2 kg of meat, about 0.5 liters of regular kefir is used. Kefir quickly softens the meat and penetrates into it, so if you keep the meat in this marinade for too long (for example, overnight), it will become sour. Marinate meat in kefir for no more than 4 hours. By the way, for a quick marinade it is better to grate the onion rather than cut into rings.


Cut 1.5 kg of pork neck into medium pieces, pour 500 ml of kefir, add 1 teaspoon of sugar, 5 medium onions chopped into thick rings, salt, chili pepper (to taste), 2 tablespoons of curry. Mix everything, leave to marinate for 2-4 hours, preferably in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator.

- In vinegar: some kebab lovers have long abandoned this marinade method, believing that vinegar spoils the taste of the kebab. However, vinegar gives the meat its distinctive flavor when added sparingly with seasonings. You can marinate kebabs in vinegar all night.


Pepper and salt the washed and dried pieces of meat, put in a bowl. Place onion cut into rings, chopped parsley, cilantro between the layers of meat. Sprinkle the layers evenly with vinegar diluted in water in a ratio of 1 to 1. The meat should not float in water. Leave to marinate for 10-12 hours.

- In mayonnaise: This is one of the most popular pickling methods. Marinated meat in mayonnaise can lie for about a day, while its taste will become even more intense.


For 1 kg of pork, take 200 grams of your favorite mayonnaise, better with a pronounced taste. Add a few tablespoons of barbecue spices, 3 onions, cut into rings, a couple of tablespoons of mustard, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to marinate overnight.

- In beer: Beer will also help you marinate kebabs quickly - in 3-4 hours, giving it a kind of beer flavor. For beer lovers the most it.


Take 1.5 kg of meat, cut into pieces, cover with a bottle of light beer (0.5 ml), mix with onion rings (3 heads), crushed garlic (7 cloves), 3 bay leaves, 1 teaspoon dry rosemary, 1 a teaspoon of peppercorns, 1/3 cup of olive oil, salt. During frying, you need to water the meat with this liquid marinade.

- In wine: Sometimes kebab is marinated in dry red wine. From this, the meat acquires a peculiar wine taste and a dark burgundy color. Not everyone likes this marinade, so if you are making it for the first time, it is better to first make a small batch to try. You can use white wine instead of red.


For 2 kg of barbecue, take 0.5 ml of dry red wine, 5 onions, a teaspoon each of sage, thyme, parsley, 1 grated apple. Stir everything and leave to marinate overnight (10-12 hours).

How to cook the right meat for a kebab?

After you have poured the marinade over the meat, cover the pot with a lid and put something heavy on top... This will press down on the meat, it will absorb the marinade better. If the meat is marinated at night, it is best to refrigerate it. No need to refrigerate for a quick marinade. Stir the meat before frying.

For grilling, it is recommended to take ready-made grilling coals(but not hard coal) or firewood trees such as birch, aspen, oak and other deciduous trees. Coniferous wood contains many aromatic essential oils and resins that can spoil the taste of the dish.

Putting pieces of meat on skewers should not be too close to each other, but not too far, between the pieces you can place onion rings or chopped vegetables.

So that the meat does not burn very much, before you put it to fry, coat the pieces vegetable oil.

When cooking barbecue you can't leave him! This is an important rule that is often overlooked. It is necessary to constantly monitor that the tongues of the escaping flame do not scorch the meat, otherwise it will burn on top, but inside it will remain damp. To do this, you must be ready container with water or some kind of drink(can be wine or beer) or liquid marinade, which will extinguish the flame. The coals should smolder, not burn.

You can check the readiness of the kebab with a knife... The finished meat will not have blood inside. However, a shish kebab with blood also has a right to exist, there are lovers of semi-raw meat.

Before serving, do not immediately cut the meat off the skewers and chop it, wait 5 minutes after removing from the heat, covering the kebab with a bag... Then the meat will be more juicy.

On the last warm autumn days, you really want to relax in nature with friends or family, warming up by the smoking barbecue in anticipation of a meat delicacy. Therefore, before the weekend, you need to take care of everything you need in advance: buy all the provisions, choose a place for a picnic, prepare the car for the trip. And, of course, find out what kind of meat the kebab is made from so that it turns out to be truly tasty. This article describes the possible options for the products used. The pros and cons of each type are detailed. This will allow you to decide exactly before purchasing everything you need to prepare the main picnic dish - barbecue. Then there will be enough impressions for the whole long winter.

What kind of meat is suitable for barbecue, and which - no? Expert advice

Regardless of the variety, the meat must be young. Otherwise, the dish will turn out tough and not fry. The darker the meat, the older the carcass.

Freshness is a must. When using windy pieces of dubious origin, there is a possibility of getting extraneous "odors". Try pressing your finger on the pulp when buying. Good meat will immediately regain its shape, smoothing out the fossa.

In no case take frozen pieces for barbecue - they will turn out to be dry and tasteless.

The pulp should be free of streaks and with enough adipose tissue interspersed to obtain a juicy dish.

: pork

Such a choice would certainly be perfect! In addition to its excellent taste, pork has another amazing feature: you do not need to worry about marinating in advance. Just two to three hours will be enough to soak the slices before frying with the aromatic spices and sauce. The best kebab is obtained from the pulp located on the parts of the body closer to the pig's neck.

What meat is better for barbecue: beef

To avoid harshness, place the slices in the marinade for a longer period, such as overnight. The most successful sauce for soaking will be mineral water. Beef is not as fatty and juicy as pork, so cooks go to some tricks when preparing barbecue from it - they stuff the meat with pieces of bacon or breaded to preserve juiciness in eggs and breadcrumbs. The most tender dish comes from the tenderloin and carcass.

What meat is better for barbecue: mutton

Despite the harshness, true gourmets prefer the "smoky" fried dish made from this particular product. In all the cookbooks of the Caucasus, the shish kebab of their young lamb is a classic dish with excellent taste and aroma. It usually uses ribs, a leg, or a shoulder blade. But the main highlight is to have time to enjoy hot juicy pieces. After all, any mutton tends to freeze quickly.

What meat is better for barbecue: bird

Some categorically do not recognize such a dish. They think that it is like “a cock's ear”. But, if you use meat not from tough old domestic chickens, but from early-maturing broilers, it will turn out to be quite tender and appetizing. Carcasses are usually cut into portions and fried on a wire rack, turning to brown. Delicious and appetizing!

Not everyone knows how to choose good meat for barbecue before going to the country. We have compiled for you simple tips for choosing meat, from which you can chew a kebab. 1. Fresh or rancid? Fresh meat should not contain any liquid, blood, and the surface of the meat should not be sticky. The smell should be pleasant. If he's even a little embarrassed ...

Not everyone knows how to choose good meat for barbecue before going to the country. We have compiled for you simple tips for choosing meat, from which you can chew a kebab.

1. Fresh or rancid?

Fresh meat should not contain any liquid, blood, and the surface of the meat should not be sticky. The smell should be pleasant. If it's even a little embarrassing, you shouldn't take meat.

2. How to quickly determine the freshness of meat?

Each piece should be firm and flat. If you press on it with your finger, then the resulting fossa will quickly align.

3. What color should good meat be?

If possible, buy young meat, then the kebab will be softer. This can be determined by color - the darker the color of the meat, the older the animal, and the kebab is tougher. Beef should be red, pork pink, lamb red with layers of white fat.

4. What kind of meat is better to buy?

Steamed meat (that's all after 3 hours) is not worth taking - there are tense muscles, the barbecue will be tough. You need to be more careful with frozen meat: delicious kebabs will come out of it only if the meat has not been frozen again. Better take chilled meat, it will make a good barbecue.

5. What kind of meat is needed for lamb kebab?

Better to take the pulp from the back leg, loin or tenderloin. If you like bones, then you can buy ribs. You need to eat lamb kebab right away, otherwise it will quickly harden.

6. What about pork?

The good thing about pork is that you can make delicious kebabs from many of its parts. It is best to take a necklace - a piece of carcass along the ridge on the neck. The fat in this part is evenly distributed, so the kebab will be soft and juicy. You can also use tenderloin, loin, ribs. If you decide to make a shashlik from a pork leg, then it's good.

7. What if I like beef?

Beef shashlik can come out harsh, so the meat needs to be marinated for a longer time, best of all in mineral water. From the parts, you can take beef fillet or brisket.

8. How to cut meat properly?

Cut the meat for barbecue in medium pieces. If you cut the meat finely, the kebab will be dry, and if it is too coarse, it will be raw.


Secrets of cooking meat for barbecue

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Meat is usually the main grill dish, and picnics are often held with the main purpose of eating kebabs. To make your kebab perfect, you need to choose the right meat for it, cut it correctly, marinate and cook it.

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If you are not a kebab pro, our tips will help you not to be disappointed.

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How to choose meat for barbecue?


Traditional shish kebab is made from pork or lamb, but some kebab lovers do not always know how to choose it correctly. After all, it is so offensive if the kebab turns out to be tough, fatty or sinewy, although it would seem that the meat looked quite decent!



- Do not buy frozen meat at the store, since there is a great risk that you will get the wrong thing. Moreover, fresh meat tastes much better. If you have a good chunk of frozen meat in the freezer, you can defrost, marinate, and cook it slowly, as long as it hasn't been frozen several times.

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- Before purchasing, inspect the meat well and make sure that it has not been defrosted: there are no traces of snow, bloody smudges on it, and a puddle of water does not form under it.

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- The color of the meat should be light and in no case dark red, this could be a sign that the meat is old and tough. Bright red meat may indicate the use of dye. Also, the meat should be glossy, not matte.

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- Smell the meat, its smell should be completely neutral and not harsh. If you experience any unpleasant sensations, immediately abandon the purchase, the meat is probably not very fresh.



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- For pork kebab, choose the neck area. Ask your salesperson for this particular part. Unfortunately, if your eyes are not trained, you cannot always distinguish the neck from some other parts of the carcass, so rely on the seller's honesty or contact only a trusted butcher.

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- There are usually streaks and fatty stripes in the pork neck - that's it! However, they should be thin. Do not take meat without layers of fat at all - there is a risk that the kebab will turn out to be dry. The secret is that a thin layer of fat is melted during cooking.

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- The meat should be firm and not sticky to your hands, when pressed, a hole should not form.

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- With chicken meat, there are usually no problems with a choice, however, make sure the chicken is fresh and not thawed. By the way, it is very easy to determine the freshness of chicken meat by smell: fresh chicken should not smell at all, and the one that will lie in the refrigerator for several days or have just been thawed acquires a smell that intensifies over time.

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Which meat is best for barbecue?


Which meat to choose for barbecue depends on your preferences and wallet. Pork, lamb and veal are usually not the cheapest options, but chicken is cheaper and tastes just as well if cooked properly.

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The meat, of course, must be fresh, but not paired, since it is known that he should lie down for a while under the right conditions. Remember that fresh meat is usually much tougher than lingering meat.

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The most traditional meat for barbecue is pork. If you are not on a diet and your religious beliefs allow you to eat pork, then why not choose that meat? Young pork is very tender, and the right piece will be lean, but not dry either.

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What's more, pork meat is delicious even when it's cold. The neck area or tenderloin should be chosen, these areas of the pig's carcass move little during the life of the animal, so they are more tender and tasty. A good pork neck for barbecue looks like this:

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Lamb is an expensive and very specific meat, which is not always tasty, and sometimes it can have an unpleasant specific smell that not everyone can tolerate.



If you are convinced that you have got the right piece of a young animal, then you can safely cook it. This meat is not particularly tasty when it cools, so it should be eaten immediately after cooking. Usually the hind leg, ribs or loin of a young lamb are taken.

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Beef. For kebabs, it is best to use calf meat, as the meat of an adult cow is tough enough and can ruin your entire table.

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Veal- dietary meat, therefore, ideal for those who are afraid to gain weight and keep fit. The sirloin and tenderloin are usually considered the best pieces for kebabs.



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Hen. Usually, for cooking chicken kebabs, they use its fatty parts: legs, drumsticks, thighs, wings. You can also use brisket, but it is not very fatty, so it can turn out to be dry. To prevent this from happening, pieces of meat are wrapped in thin bacon, strung on skewers and thus fried. The same goes for turkey meat.

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Delicious kebabs are obtained from quail meat. These little birds taste a bit like chicken, but they have their own special and unique taste. To prepare a kebab from quails, they can be skewered, fried whole on grates, stuffed with dried apricots, rice and raisins, or you can cut the carcasses on one side and spread them on the grates. It should be remembered that tender poultry meat cooks very quickly, so it is important not to overexpose it!

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Rabbit meat. Rabbit meat is highly prized, it is not always easy to get it, but if you still succeed, try to make a kebab out of it, you will not regret it. First of all, rabbit meat is valued for its delicate taste and dietary properties of meat. Portions are marinated, like any other meat, with seasonings and onions, then fried on a wire rack. You can put the pieces on a skewer, or you can fry the whole carcass.



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How much meat is there for a barbecue?


Many people who want to cook barbecue outdoors, especially if they rarely do it, wonder how much meat should be taken in order for everyone to have enough. Of course, it is better to take a little more meat and be calm so that no one will go hungry.

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On average, they take 300 grams of raw meat per person, but this is only if you have many other different snacks and side dishes, including mushrooms and potatoes. If besides meat there are only light vegetables, then it is better to take more of it - 500 grams per person.



These are average figures when the company has women, children, but if it is a purely male company, which also takes a lot of alcohol with it, the amount of meat will most likely increase, since alcohol usually requires more food.

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How to cut meat for shish kebab?


Pork, lamb or veal meat should be cut into medium pieces, the size of which can be determined by placing the piece completely in the palm of your hand. On average, each piece should be 5 by 5 centimeters.


When you skewer the meat, make sure it doesn't fall off the skewer. If the piece is too large, it will not fit in the palm of your hand. Moreover, large pieces will not bake well, and too small pieces will dry out.



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Chicken is often bought already cut- separately legs, wings, white meat. If you are making kebabs from white meat, they should be cut into square pieces about 4 by 4 centimeters in size.

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One of the options for cutting chicken. Red strings show the incision sites.

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The rabbit can be cut into portions as follows:

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Or you can bake it whole on a wire rack:

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You do not need to cut the quail, but you can cut it along the breast and spread it back up:

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If you have several pieces of meat that, in your opinion, will not make the best kebab, it doesn’t matter. You can use them to make kebab kebab, also called lula kebab.


This oriental dish is grilled. The meat for him needs to be minced, and then minced, as for cutlets (with the exception of eggs and bread).

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Place the minced meat on a skewer with a diameter of about 5 centimeters, and then grill over the coals, like a regular kebab.

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How to marinate meat for barbecue? Barbecue marinade recipes


There are a great variety of barbecue recipes, it all depends on individual preferences. Often they use those seasonings that are at hand, but they go best with shashlik thyme, bay leaf, rosemary. All recipes contain onions.

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There are several classic methods for marinating pork for kebabs:

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- In kefir: this method is ideal for kebabs that need to be quickly marinated before cooking. For 1.5-2 kg of meat, about 0.5 liters of regular kefir is used. Kefir quickly softens the meat and penetrates into it, so if you keep the meat in this marinade for too long (for example, overnight), it will become sour. Marinate meat in kefir for no more than 4 hours. By the way, for a quick marinade, it is better to grate the onion, and not cut it into rings.

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Cut 1.5 kg of pork neck into medium pieces, pour 500 ml of kefir, add 1 teaspoon of sugar, 5 medium onions chopped into thick rings, salt, chili pepper (to taste), 2 tablespoons of curry. Mix everything, leave to marinate for 2-4 hours, preferably in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator.

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- In vinegar: some kebab lovers have long abandoned this marinade method, believing that vinegar spoils the taste of the kebab. However, vinegar gives the meat its distinctive flavor when added sparingly with seasonings. You can marinate kebabs in vinegar all night.

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Pepper and salt the washed and dried pieces of meat, put in a bowl. Place onion cut into rings, chopped parsley, cilantro between the layers of meat. Sprinkle the layers evenly with vinegar diluted in water in a ratio of 1 to 1. The meat should not float in water. Leave to marinate for 10-12 hours.

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- In mayonnaise: it is one of the most popular marinade methods. Marinated meat in mayonnaise can lie for about a day, while its taste will become even more intense.

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For 1 kg of pork, take 200 grams of your favorite mayonnaise, better with a pronounced taste. Add a few tablespoons of barbecue spices, 3 onions, cut into rings, a couple of tablespoons of mustard, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to marinate overnight.



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- In beer: Beer will also help you to marinate the kebab quickly - in 3-4 hours, giving it a kind of beer flavor. For beer lovers the most it.

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Take 1.5 kg of meat, cut into pieces, cover with a bottle of light beer (0.5 ml), mix with onion rings (3 heads), crushed garlic (7 cloves), 3 bay leaves, 1 teaspoon dry rosemary, 1 a teaspoon of peppercorns, 1/3 cup of olive oil, salt. During frying, you need to water the meat with this liquid marinade.

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- In wine: Sometimes shish kebab is marinated in dry red wine. From this, the meat acquires a peculiar wine taste and a dark burgundy color. Not everyone likes this marinade, so if you are making it for the first time, it is better to first make a small batch to try. You can use white wine instead of red.

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For 2 kg of barbecue, take 0.5 ml of dry red wine, 5 onions, a teaspoon each of sage, thyme, parsley, 1 grated apple. Mix everything and leave to marinate overnight (10-12 hours).

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How to cook the right meat for a kebab?


After you have poured the marinade over the meat, cover the pot with a lid and place something heavy on top. This will press down on the meat, it will absorb the marinade better. If the meat is marinated at night, it is best to refrigerate it. No need to refrigerate for a quick marinade. Stir the meat before frying.

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- For grilling dishes, it is recommended to use ready-made grilling coals(but not coal) or firewood from trees such as birch, aspen, oak and other deciduous trees. Coniferous wood contains many aromatic essential oils and resins that can spoil the taste of the dish.



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- Put pieces of meat on skewers should not be too close to each other, but not too far, between the pieces you can put onion rings or chopped vegetables.


To prevent the meat from burning too much, coat the slices with vegetable oil before frying it.

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- When preparing a kebab, you must not leave it! This is an important rule that is often overlooked. It is necessary to constantly monitor that the tongues of the escaping flame do not scorch the meat, otherwise it will burn on top, but inside it will remain damp. To do this, there should be a container with water or some kind of drink (maybe wine or beer) or liquid marinade at the ready, which will extinguish the flame. The coals should smolder, not burn.

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- You can check the readiness of the kebab with a knife. The finished meat will not have blood inside. However, shish kebab with blood also has a right to exist, there are lovers of half-raw meat.


Before serving, you should not immediately cut the meat off the skewers and chop it, wait 5 minutes after removing from the heat, covering the kebab with a bag. Then the meat will be more juicy.

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Shashlik. A variant of the marinade for meat on skewers.


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When is the kebab season- discussion and testing of various barbecue marinades begins.


There are probably as many options for marinades for meat as there are people. I spread my own, it does not shine with novelty, but this option is the most "sufficient" for my taste. Moreover, barbecue, I'm not afraid of this word - is everywhere - we love and respect. And when the barbecue season opens in spring * ht * tp: //your*meal.ru, the forests are simply covered with smoke from the barbecues.

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For barbecue you will need:

  • A piece of pork neck weighing 2.71 kg (judging by the price tag).
  • 3 medium onions
  • Balsamic vinegar (~ 40g.) (What it was. Replaced with wine. I use the usual only when canning).
  • Garlic, several teeth
  • Ground paprika (1 tablespoon)
  • Abkhazian adjika Amtsa (slightly more than a third of a small teaspoon)
  • Salt.

We make a marinade for the kebab and prepare the meat.

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Press the garlic cloves with the flat side of the knife and chop it finely
We cut the onion (I cut it into thick half rings)


We put all this stuff into a container (Glass or enamel) and, sprinkle with salt a little, press with our hands so that the onion gives juice.

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We take a little adjika, I would like to say a little about it. For me, the most delicious adjika you can buy. Very spicy, moderately salty and very aromatic, and it is precisely the "correct" aroma. Produced in Abkhazia. It is good to use not only for pungency, but also as a spice mixture - very aromatic indeed. Over time, the aroma is practically not lost, as long as the jar is covered with a lid. It is stored in the refrigerator for a very long time (while one jar in an open state (just with a screwed lid) lives for more than 2 years).


We take 40 grams of your favorite vinegar and stir adjika in it. I take so little Adjiki because I don't want the meat to be spicy in the first place. All that is needed is the scent of spices, not the pungency.

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Then pour the whole mixture into a container with onions and garlic and sprinkle with paprika (about one tablespoon). Why paprika, I still do not understand, because it does not give any particular color or taste, but once I made such a marinade, I liked it, so I do not deviate from that recipe.


You can also add a little odorless vegetable oil, for this amount about 2-3 tablespoons. Mix again and press with your hands, but without fanaticism.

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Next, mix all this stuff together with onions and garlic, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator. I marinate from 3 hours to one and a half days. Since there is almost no salt (apart from the one that was added to the onion for juice), there are almost no liquids either, the meat does not give off juice and is not soaked in the marinade. From time to time I just take out the pan, vigorously stir the whole thing and put it in the refrigerator again.



At the onset of "Time Ch" we take out the skewers, string the meat, add a little salt and immediately on the grill.


We fry the kebab on "gray" coals until cooked. We follow the process, do not forget to turn the skewers, but not very often. When an open fire appears, it is best to pour over diluted wine over the coals. The main thing in cooking a kebab is not to overcook, not to overexpose, so that the meat is juicy, and even more so, not to burn the kebab.

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For other types of meat, the marinade may also be different. For example, lamb shish kebab requires one marinating method, and chicken kebab requires another marinade.


For asado - beef kebab - no marinade is required at all.
