Boil fluffy long rice. How to cook rice on water in a pan

09.05.2019 Lenten dishes

Rice is considered an excellent side dish, a great addition to almost any product. But how to cook rice correctly, so that instead of a crumbly beautiful side dish, slurry does not come out? Not only young housewives are tormented by this issue. Many people who cook amazing complex meals at home are afraid to take rice as a side dish.

How to cook fluffy rice

The first method will not surprise anyone. Everyone can buy rice in bags and cook it in portions perfectly crumbly. But is it worth it to spend that kind of money to cook so little rice when you have ordinary rice in a bag at hand?

To cook friable rice, you need to correctly determine its variety. Do not buy round grain rice, it absorbs moisture well and sticks together, so it is more often used for sushi, desserts and casseroles. Medium-grain rice will also be viscous, as it also has a lot of starch and absorbs water well. For a crumbly side dish, get long-grain rice, it does not stick together when cooked properly.

Cook friable rice strictly according to the instructions:

  1. Proportions of rice and water: water should be twice as much as rice. For example, take 1 cup of dry cereal and 2 cups of water.
  2. While the water in the pan is boiling, rinse the rice with plain water 3-5 times. Salt the water.
  3. Pour washed rice into boiling water. No seasonings can be added now!
  4. Cover the pot with a lid and make the fire low. It is better to take a transparent lid so that the entire cooking process can be seen. The lid must not be opened during the entire process.
  5. Now the most important rule: how long to cook rice? Remember! Cook rice for exactly 12 minutes! Proper proportions and a small fire ensure that the rice does not burn.
  6. Remove the pot of rice from the stove and let the rice stand and roil for another 12 minutes without opening the lid or stirring it.
  7. Only after that you can open the lid of the pan and, if desired, add seasonings, oils.

How to cook steamed rice

Parboiled rice retains its yellowish color because it is steamed rather than polished. Due to this, rice retains more minerals and vitamins. When cooked, the color of the rice becomes white. When parboiled rice is cooked, its grains never stick together, so it turns out crumbly even after reheating the dish. You need to cook steamed rice longer than usual, because without polishing, the rice grains become harder and less boiled. Cooking time is 20-25 minutes.

How to cook brown rice

The brown color of rice is due to the fact that the shell of the grain is preserved. This variety of rice is very useful, since it is in the shell of rice that the most useful substances are contained. Brown rice takes even longer to cook because its grains are even firmer than parboiled rice. Cook it up to 40 minutes. It perfectly cleanses the human body of toxins and promotes weight loss. Before cooking, rinse the brown rice, soak it in cold salted water for about 15 minutes. Then drain this water and rinse the rice again. Throw it in boiling water and cook for 40 minutes.

How to cook wild rice

Wild rice is black. In our stores you can often find it mixed with long grain. It contains a lot of fiber and other beneficial substances. This side dish goes well with fish dishes. For 1 cup of wild rice, you need to take 5 cups of water. After the rice has been washed, dip it into boiling salted water and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes. Then cover the rice pot with a lid and reduce the heat to low. Cook wild rice in this way for 40 minutes, stirring it.

How to cook round rice

As already mentioned, round grain rice is best for sushi, casseroles and puddings, as it tends to stick together. Round rice is cooked with a lot of water, as it absorbs it very quickly. That is, for 1 glass of rice we will take not 2, but 3 glasses of water. Cook the rice until it absorbs all the water.

If you want to cook fluffy rice, rinse it under cold water before cooking. So you get rid of starch, which is responsible for stickiness. Rinse the rice about five times or more until the water runs clear. It is most convenient to perform this procedure using a fine sieve.

Some dishes, such as , require glutinous rice. In this case, it is not worth rinsing. In extreme cases, you can limit yourself to one rinse to wash off all the excess.

To make rice cook faster, you can soak it for 30-60 minutes. Then the cooking time will be reduced by almost half. However, in this case it is better to reduce the amount of water used for cooking.


It is generally believed that rice needs twice as much water to cook. But this is an approximate proportion. It is better to measure the volume of water based on the type of rice:

  • for long grain - 1: 1.5–2;
  • for medium grain - 1: 2–2.5;
  • for round grain - 1: 2.5–3;
  • for steamed - 1: 2;
  • for brown - 1: 2.5–3;
  • for wild - 1: 3.5.

Be sure to read the instructions on the package. The manufacturer knows exactly what kind of processing the rice has undergone, and suggests the optimal amount of water for it.

Measure rice and water with a measuring cup - it's much more convenient. The standard serving for one is 65 ml of dry rice.


It is better to cook rice in a saucepan with a thick bottom: in it the temperature is distributed evenly. You can also cook rice in a large skillet. A cauldron is traditionally used for pilaf.

Cooking rules

If you are cooking rice in a saucepan, first bring salted water to a boil, and then pour the grits into it. Stir the rice once so that the grains do not stick to the bottom. Then wait until the dish begins to boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and cover the pan with a lid.

Do not open the lid during cooking, otherwise the rice will take longer to cook. If you want the rice to be fluffy, don't stir it (except the first time). Otherwise, the grains will break and release starch.

The average cooking time, depending on the type, is:

  • for white rice - 20 minutes;
  • for steamed rice - 30 minutes;
  • for brown rice - 40 minutes;
  • for wild rice, 40–60 minutes.

When the rice is cooked, remove it from the heat and let it stand for 10-15 minutes covered. If there is water left in the cooked rice, drain it or cover the pan with a dry towel to absorb excess moisture.

If you are cooking rice in a pan, use a pot with a diameter of 24 cm or more, high sides and a lid. Rice is cooked in it in almost the same way as in a saucepan, with the exception of one nuance: the grains must first be quickly fried in vegetable oil. Do this for 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly so that the grains are covered with oil: then the rice will be crumbly. Then it must be poured with boiling water and cooked as described above.


Rice is good because its taste can always be changed a little. For example, with the following:

  • saffron;
  • curry;
  • cardamom;
  • zira;
  • caraway;
  • cinnamon;
  • carnation.

Spices are added to the water during cooking or to a ready-made dish.

Also, rice can be supplemented with the taste of herbs, citrus zest, or cooked not in water, but in meat or chicken broth.

Bonus: how to make rice for sushi

  1. Special Japanese rice is used for making sushi. You can replace it with the usual round-grain.
  2. Rice should be washed 5-7 times before cooking. It is better to throw out the floating grains.
  3. Pour washed rice with cold water in a ratio of 1: 1.5. A piece of nori seaweed can be added to the pot for flavor, but must be removed before boiling.
  4. Rice is cooked under a lid: before boiling - over medium heat, after - at a minimum for about 15 minutes. After you need to remove the rice from the stove and let it stand for another 15 minutes.
  5. Ready rice must be seasoned with a special dressing. To prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar into a separate saucepan, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt and heat the mixture over medium heat until the bulk ingredients are completely dissolved.
  6. Transfer the rice to a wide bowl, pour over the sauce and stir gently with a wooden spatula. After that, cool and start cooking sushi.

Do you know other ways to cook delicious rice? Share your secrets and recipes in the comments.


Rice is perhaps the most popular cereal in the world. In almost all Asian countries, its grains have been considered a national treasure since ancient times and are always present on the table every day as a main dish. Rice very quickly gained a strong position in the cuisines of many peoples of Europe, Africa and America, becoming an integral part of many national dishes. And most often, these dishes require a certain variety or a special method of preparation. If you like to experiment with cooking, in particular with rice, our guide to choosing this cereal and the rules for preparing it will come in handy.

Rice is a very ancient culture, about 10,000 species of this cereal are known in nature. But about 30 varieties are used in cooking. Their grains differ in appearance, as well as the method and degree of processing.


There are 4 types of rice on the market, most often used in cooking.

  • Rice padi is very popular among people who follow the traditions of a healthy diet. It is released for sale unprocessed, or "unhulled", right in the husk and brown bran shell, rich in vitamins and natural trace elements.

    Unpeeled paddy rice is superior in usefulness to other types

  • Brown, or brown rice, like padi, goes on sale unpolished. Only the husk is removed from the grains, leaving the bran shell. This type of rice has a high nutritional value, as it retains all the nutrients.

    Brown rice is slightly inferior in benefits to padi rice

  • White (polished) rice is the most common type. It is completely cleaned of the shell, which is why a lot of vitamins and trace elements are lost. The benefits of white rice are less than brown or padi, but its shelf life is much longer.

    White polished rice is completely peeled from the shell, from which it loses a lot of useful properties

  • Steamed or golden rice is steamed, so that 80% of the nutrients penetrate from the shell into the grain. After that, the grains are polished. In this cereal, all the positive qualities of raw cereals are preserved and their disadvantages are absent.

    Steam processing technology allows cleaned rice to retain maximum nutrients

  • Comparative table of rice grain shapes

    In addition to the types of processing, rice is also qualified in cooking according to such characteristics as grain size, grain shape and starch content.

    Photo gallery: varieties of rice used in cooking

    Thin grains of long-grain rice do not stick together during cooking and remain crumbly Round grain rice contains a large amount of starch, so it is suitable for making cereals. Medium grain brown rice contains less starch Versatile medium grain rice suitable for all dishes Short grain rice is great for making rolls and sushi

    Rice calories and nutritional value

    Such characteristics depend on the composition of cereals. Each grain of rice contains 8% protein. And it does not contain gluten, which is an allergen. Some varieties contain up to 78% complex carbohydrates, or, more simply, starch.

    The composition of polished rice includes only 3% fiber, in brown it is slightly more - 4.5%. But this cereal is rich in vitamins and minerals:

    • vitamin A;
    • almost all B vitamins (this includes riboflavin, folic and pantothenic acids, niacin and thiamine);
    • vitamins E and PP;
    • calcium;
    • iron;
    • zinc;
    • potassium;
    • phosphorus.

    By the way, in terms of the amount of the last two microelements in the composition, rice confidently leads among all cereals.

    It is important to know: the lion's share of nutrients is not in the grain itself, but in its shell. Therefore, nutritionists talk about the greater benefits of unpolished rice grains.

    The calorie content of the product also depends on the variety, but the way it will be cooked is also important here. 100 g of rice can contain from 140 to 360 kcal. For example, the calorie content of brown rice is 285 kcal, while white round-grain rice is 340 kcal. But boiled cereals contain 140 kcal, and fried - 150 kcal.

    Of all types of rice, unpolished rice is considered the healthiest.

    Each variety of rice is useful, but the degree of benefit may be different. The use of this culture in cooking will positively affect your health.

  • Rice has been successfully used in the preparation of diet food for a long time. Since there is little fiber in its grains, this product is easily absorbed by the body; starch helps maintain energy for a long time.
  • Thanks to "long" carbohydrates, rice normalizes blood sugar levels and maintains it, which is very important for diabetics.
  • Rice broth well envelops the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract with a uniform layer and has an absorbent effect, relieving gastrointestinal upset and diarrhea.
  • The B vitamins contained in the grains have a positive effect not only on the digestive system, but also on the nervous system, significantly reduce the tendency to stress, and make the skin, hair and nails healthy.
  • There is no salt in the product at all, but there is a lot of calcium. This has a good effect on the work of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, pressure, joint health.
  • Rice is used not only for various diets, including for weight loss. It is used in the production of sports nutrition used for building muscles. Only 100 g of cereal contains 8 g of protein, which is very necessary for building muscle mass.
  • Studies conducted by Japanese scientists have shown that brown rice, when eaten regularly, improves memory and intelligence.
  • How to cook rice correctly: some culinary secrets

    The complexity of cooking rice is not only in the selection of the desired type and variety. You also need to know the exact ratio of cereals and liquids, as well as follow the technology.


    On average, it will take you 25 minutes to boil rice. But in order for everything to be according to the rules, you need to take into account a few more points, namely: the type of cereal, the method of its pre-processing, and even the dish in which it will be used.

    For cooking you will need time:

  • 15–20 minutes - for white;
  • 20–30 minutes - for steamed;
  • 30-40 minutes - for white;
  • 40–60 minutes - for wild.
  • Proportions

    The amount of water needed for cooking depends on the level of starch in the grains. The desired consistency of the dish must also be taken into account. Follow these proportions:

  • for liquid porridge - 6 glasses of liquid per 1 glass of cereal;
  • for semi-viscous - 4.5 tbsp. liquid for 1 tbsp. cereals;
  • for viscous porridge - 3.5–4 tbsp. water for 1 tbsp. cereals;
  • for friable rice - 2 tbsp. liquid for 1 tbsp. cereals.
  • What to do to make rice crumbly

    Cooking rice porridge is not difficult for any housewife. But for some reason, friable rice does not always work out. Want to be sure you get the results you want? Then strictly follow the rules.

  • For crumbly porridge, long-grain varieties, such as Jasmine or Basmati, are best suited.
  • Follow the proportion of cereals and water 1: 2 - this is the traditional ratio.
  • Before you start cooking, rinse the grits thoroughly several times to remove excess starch.
  • After washing the rice, soak it in hot water. This process will help release the enzymes responsible for the absorption of trace elements by the body and give the finished dish a richer taste.
  • Pour the cereal into the already boiled water.
  • Rice should be cooked over low heat.
  • Close the lid of the pot with the boiled cereals and do not open until the cooking is over. You don't need to stir the rice.
  • Features of cooking rice for various dishes

    You can choose any method of cooking rice based on what type of cereal you have at your disposal, what dishes you will use and what dish to cook. But for all methods there is a single rule: rice is thoroughly washed before cooking. It is more convenient to do this through a fine sieve, and better under running water.

    Rice groats must be washed before cooking.

    For salad or garnish

    To make a side dish or salad beautiful and tasty, the cereal must be crumbly. So, long-grain varieties are best suited. We suggest you cook rice the way it is done in Italy.

  • Pour 2 cups of cereal into a large container. Rinse several times in clean water, rubbing the grits between your palms to remove excess starch. Rinse until the water is completely clear.
  • Take a pot with thick walls, put rice in it, add 3.5 cups of hot water. Salt (1 teaspoon is enough).
  • Place the pot on the stove and turn on the heat. Once the water boils, lower the heat to the lowest setting.
  • Cover the pot with a lid and cook for 12 minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the stove without opening, wrap it in a thick towel and set aside for another 1 minute. This time is enough for the grains to infuse, absorb the right amount of moisture.
  • Now you can open the pan and lay out the rice on the plates.

    Fluffy rice for side dishes and salads is obtained from long-grain cereals

    Tip: you can pour 1 tbsp into boiled rice for a side dish. olive oil or put a piece of butter. Rinse the finished cereal, which will be used in the salad, in a small amount of water. These methods increase the friability of the product.

    Rice for sushi and rolls

    Do you want to pamper your family with national Japanese cuisine? Loose boiled cereals are not suitable for rolls and sushi; on the contrary, it must be sticky so that the grains hold on to each other. Therefore, choose varieties with round short grains - they have a lot of starch. You will need 1.5 cups of water and 1 cup of cereal.

    For sushi and rolls, it is better to choose round-grain varieties of rice rich in starch.

  • Pour the washed rice into a suitable saucepan, pour in cold water. You don't need salt.
  • Turn on a strong fire under the pan, wait until the water boils.
  • Reduce the heat to low, cover the pot with a lid and simmer for 15 minutes.
  • Remove the rice from the stove, immediately remove the lid, wrap the pan with a towel. Cover the top with a lid. Leave for 15-20 minutes for the rice to infuse.
  • Done, you can start cooking sushi or rolls.
  • Video recipe: perfect consistency sushi rice

    To cook pilaf, you can take any kind of rice: round, short-grain or long-grain. However, experienced chefs advise choosing Uzbek varieties. In any case, you will need to pre-prepare the rice so that each grain is well saturated with broth during cooking.

  • After you wash the cereal, fill it with warm water, adding a little salt. Water will wash away excess starch, and salt will prevent the grains from sticking together during cooking. Soaking time - at least 2 hours.

    Soak rice for 2 hours

  • Drain the water and transfer the rice to the boiling broth (called zirvak). The cereal should be completely covered with liquid. If zirvak is not enough, add enough water so that it is a little more than 2 cm above the surface of the rice.

    If there is not enough broth, add water

  • Increase the fire level to the maximum. Wait for the broth to boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer the pilaf until cooked. There is no need to cover the cauldron or pan with a lid!
  • Pilaf should languish until the liquid is completely absorbed. During this time, it is not stirred. While the moisture evaporates, the fat from the zirvak will sink and saturate the grits. Rice will be saturated with aroma, pick up taste, and grains, thanks to fat, will not stick together.

    Rice for pilaf is cooked in an open bowl

  • When there is no water left on the surface of the rice, collect the grits in a slide, cover the cauldron with a lid and leave to languish for 30 minutes. After that, mix the finished pilaf and put it on a dish.

    Serve ready pilaf on a wide dish

  • Rice for porridge

    It is better to cook porridge from round-grain and medium-grain varieties of rice rich in starch. From the table above, you can determine how much water you need to take to achieve the desired viscosity. Porridge must be constantly stirred during cooking so that it does not burn.

    The most common cereals are dairy. For them, the cereal is boiled in water, and then milk is added and cooking continues.

    Milk rice porridge

    Rinse the cereal, cover with water and leave for 15 minutes. After the water can be drained.

  • Put the washed rice in a deep saucepan, fill it with clean water (for 1 cup of cereal - 2 cups of liquid).
  • Put the pot on high heat. Wait until it boils, then lower the heat level to medium. Continue to cook for 15 minutes or until most of the water has evaporated. Don't forget to stir.

    Be sure to stir the porridge during the cooking process so that it does not burn.

  • Add 1.5 cups of milk preheated to a boil to the pan with porridge, salt to taste and add sugar. Boil 5 minutes.
  • Now you can remove the pan with porridge from the stove, cover it with a lid and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. After that, spread the porridge on plates and flavor it with butter.

    Season the finished porridge with butter

  • Tip: if you cook porridge just on water, without milk, pour in 3–3.5 cups of liquid at once. Cook until tender, stirring constantly.

    Milk rice porridge video recipe

    How to cook different types of rice

    It used to be that you go into a store, look at the shelves with different types of rice - and your eyes run wide! You can find goods for every taste and for every pocket. But here's the problem - not everyone knows the nuances of cooking. Let's find out more about them.

    Recently, brown or brown rice has become increasingly popular due to its beneficial qualities. But not everyone knows how to cook it properly. To get the right result, follow our advice.

  • Rinse the cereal and soak in water for 2-3 hours.
  • Brown rice, when cooked, increases in volume by almost 3 times. You will need 2.5 cups of liquid for 1 cup of cereal.
  • Use a wide flat container for cooking, such as a frying pan. This is necessary so that all the cereals warm up evenly.
  • Boil brown rice for 30-40 minutes so that all the water is completely absorbed. Then cover the pan with a lid and leave to infuse for 20 minutes.
  • If you are just starting to do culinary business on your own, or you do not have time to cook, rice bags will come to the rescue. This is an almost completely finished product, there is absolutely no trouble with it, and all you need is water, some salt and a spacious saucepan.

    Cooking rice in bags is easy!

  • Pour water into the pan at the rate of 1 liter per 1 sachet. Wait for the boil.
  • Add salt to the water and lower the bag without opening or piercing it - it already has holes for the liquid.

    Dip bags of rice in water without breaking the package

  • Cover the pot, adjust the heat to medium and cook for the time indicated on the package. As a rule, white rice will take 12-18 minutes, brown 22-25 minutes.
  • When the cooking time is up, remove the bag from the water (use a slotted spoon or fork) and place it in a colander. Wait for excess water to drain.
  • Carefully open the end of the bag and pour the rice into a bowl. Season with sauce or butter to taste.
  • Since the rice in the bags is ready to be cooked and steamed, you do not have to pre-wash it. By the way, steamed rice can be bought not only in bags, but also by weight. Cook it in the same way as white, but a little longer, about half an hour.

    How to cook rice in kitchen appliances

    Surely in your kitchen there are special appliances that make cooking much easier. It can be a microwave oven, a slow cooker and a double boiler, or even a rice cooker. Be sure to use them to cook rice.

    How to cook rice in the microwave

  • Pour rice cereal into a special dish for the microwave oven.
  • Pour hot water at the rate of 2 parts water to 1 part rice, salt to taste.
  • Cover the container with a lid. Put in the microwave, set the maximum power, set the time to 5 minutes.
  • After that, reduce the power by 2 times and cook for another 15 minutes.
  • Without opening the oven, hold the rice in it for 10-15 minutes to infuse it. After that, take out the dishes with the finished cereal and serve it on the table, or use it for your favorite dishes.

    After the rice is cooked, keep it in the microwave for a little more

  • Rice from the multicooker

  • Pour the pre-washed grains into the multicooker bowl. Pour in salted cold water. For 1 cup of cereal, you need 2 cups of liquid if you have long-grain rice, and 3 cups if you have round.
  • Cover the bowl with a lid, set the device to the “Porridge”, “Rice” or “Cereal” mode, depending on the model.
  • You just have to wait for the device to notify you with a sound signal about the end of cooking. After that, keep the bowl closed for about 10 minutes, and you can enjoy rice.

    The slow cooker will help you cope with cooking rice without the hassle

  • Cooking in a steamer

  • Soak the rice in hot water for 30 minutes first.
  • Take a special stand for rice and spread the rice evenly over it, draining the liquid from it.
  • Fill the steamer tank with water. Set the dashboard mode to "Grout" and the time to 30 minutes.
  • After the rice is cooked in a double boiler, leave it inside for another 5-7 minutes, then remove and serve.

    Rice cooked in a double boiler - taste and benefits

  • rice cooker

    A great invention that will cook rice for you is the rice cooker. All you have to do is put food in it, fill it with water and press the power button. The program of the device determines the power, temperature and time required to cook the dish.

    Share with friends!

    Many of us don't cook rice for two different reasons. Someone wants sticky, but it turns out only crumbly, while someone, on the contrary, wants crumbly, but only sticky comes out. How to solve this problem once and for all? What do you need to know to cook rice?

    Few have heard the fact that rice has nothing to do with cereals. This is cereal. A cereal that loves warmth and dies very quickly in the cold. To germinate this cereal, you need at least ten degrees of heat.

    Although China is the "mother" of rice, it comes to the shelves of our stores from Africa, Asia, Australia and even from America.

    There are a lot of varieties of rice and they are all very different from each other. Not only in shape, but also in color, size, aroma and even taste. Imagine for a moment that red rice exists somewhere. Surprised? Then remember that even the most common cereal can be different if you know how to play with flavors and spices. Do you think people in India have a varied menu? 80% of their diet is rice. They only save themselves with spices, thanks to which they eat new dishes every day. It's worth learning from them a little, right?

    How to cook rice so that it is crumbly - the basic principles of cooking

    For starters, it’s probably worth understanding the varieties of rice. Which of them should be taken in order to get friable rice and which ones are better not to even look at.

    Aquatics- outwardly thin, long black rice. Used in appetizers, salads and soups. It is a rather rare species and therefore, it is either rarely seen, or it is added to another, more popular variety.

    round-grained- A very popular variety in our stores, containing an incredible amount of starch. It absorbs water and immediately becomes sticky. This variety will not work, it can be used for sushi, casseroles and cereals, but not for a crumbly side dish.

    Basmati- a very good variety in our case. It is just used for side dishes, pilaf and other main dishes. It is long and transparent, in the process of cooking it lengthens additionally.

    Steamed is the perfect fit for us. It boils for a long time, and therefore boils for a long time, because it is very hard. This is the kind of rice that does not stick together even on the second day.

    long grain- also a good option, because during cooking it does not absorb very much water, due to which the grains do not stick together. It is used not only as a side dish, but also as an additive for salads.

    Having dealt with just a few varieties of rice, we have already found three of them that are available to us and that are suitable for becoming crumbly.

    To cook fluffy rice, it is very important to choose the right kind of rice. As you can see, not all varieties are suitable for this. Varieties that have a lot of starch absorb a lot of water and therefore become sticky, sticky and turn into a homogeneous porridge.

    Choose varieties such as Basmati, long-grain rice, or parboiled. All of them are available for us in stores. Having bought such rice, you already have almost complete confidence that the rice will be crumbly.

    Many people use this method as soaking rice. Like beans or buckwheat. Because the truth helps. What is needed for this?

    1. First, the rice needs to be washed from starch. Even if yours is steamed, rinse it until transparent, we don’t need starch, it sticks the grains together;
    2. Next, you need to fill it with cold water for thirty minutes. And then you need to rinse it again until clear water;
    3. Now cereal grains must be poured with the correct proportion of boiling water (not cold water!) And add a piece of butter, salt. Remove to the stove for cooking;
    4. Now you can cook rice until fully cooked until all the water has evaporated. Stir the grains from time to time if needed.

    The last way will be water, lots of water. Some housewives use only this method of cooking fluffy rice. They use a lot of water and get the desired result.

    1. Boil two liters of water in a saucepan where rice will be cooked and put a full electric kettle on a boil;
    2. Choose Basmati, take a glass (by volume) and rinse it with running water until transparent;
    3. Add the washed grains to the water boiling on the stove, salt them;
    4. Periodically test the grains for readiness, and when they are almost ready, they must be drained into a sieve or colander with a fine mesh;
    5. Rinse with boiling water from the kettle and let them drain - leave for at least five minutes;
    6. Put the finished, washed rice into a saucepan and add spices to taste, oil, vinegar;
    7. Close the lid and do not touch until serving.

    There are also other secrets with which you can cook crumbly rice. And now we will share them with you:

    1. You can fry rice. To do this, pour oil into a saucepan and add grains. Fry it for about ten minutes until translucent. Then pour the required amount of water and cook until tender;
    2. Cook cereals in a saucepan or heavy-bottomed saucepan. Such dishes heat the contents evenly, without forming the so-called "hot spots", in which dishes often burn;
    3. Leave the finished grains on the stove under the lid. They tend to get there. So if there is water left, don't drain it;
    4. Let the finished grains brew under the lid for at least fifteen minutes. Again, they need a little time to get there;
    5. To make rice richer in flavor and more satisfying, add broth instead of water;
    6. In the finished rice, you can add a small piece of butter and close the lid. After twenty minutes, you can open, mix and serve.

    Cooking fluffy rice is not as complicated as you might think. It is very important to choose the right variety. If you succeeded, then consider that you have already completed most of the work. Then follow our instructions, follow the tips and delve into the tricks. Everything will work out! Delicious fluffy rice.

    Rice is the most popular food product not only in the East. Boiled, it is a favorite side dish for vegetables, meat, fish or sweet sauces. This cereal is also the basis for many cereals and desserts. Thanks to its easy combination with many foods, crumbly rice has become a staple of the human diet.

    A variety of varieties and types makes it possible to use this product to the fullest: enjoy excellent taste or use it as a prevention of gastritis and stomach ulcers. Unlike other cereals, rice does not contain gluten, so it is very beneficial for nutrition.

    There are so many varieties of rice that it is easy to get confused among them. In cooking, this cereal is divided according to the length of the grains, stickiness, and processing method. Therefore, each type requires a specific cooking method and is suitable for certain dishes. In India, they prefer long-grain rice, and the Japanese love round grains and cook them so that it is convenient to make sushi with rolls later. But most often, the cereal is divided by color content.

    The most popular varieties of rice are:

    • white (round or long grain);
    • brown (aka red);
    • black.

    But no matter what type is chosen, all housewives are wondering: how to cook friable rice so that it turns out perfect. Indeed, such a side dish is often required. In order for a cereal dish to come out “grain to grain”, you need to know a few secrets inherent in each cooking method.

    There are 3 options for cooking friable rice or any cereal porridge:

    • on an open fire, i.e. on the stove;
    • in the oven, like languor;
    • using household appliances (slow cooker, double boiler, microwave oven).

    Any of the chosen methods will provide flawless crumbly rice for a side dish, in which each grain of rice will separate from each other, and the notorious slurry porridge will be a thing of the past.

    Three ways to cook fluffy rice over an open fire

    Rice is the No. 1 product in many countries of the East. And who, if not they, should know how to properly cook friable rice. If all the subtleties of this culinary business are sorted out, the result will be excellent.

    Since white rice has many subspecies, you should understand a little about the main varieties in order to know the features of their preparation and scope.

    • Arborio- an Italian type of rice with large grains and a high content of starch. It is essential for making risotto. The average cooking time is up to 25 minutes.
    • Basmati- Indian species, king among all varieties. It is light and crumbly, the best option for side dishes and main dishes. Average cooking time is 15-25 minutes.
    • Jasmine- the most popular Thai variety, one of the worthy options to make rice crumbly. Average cooking time is 18-25 minutes.
    • Camolino- Egyptian kind, very tasty, but quite sticky. Suitable for all oriental dishes, ideal as a side dish - rice with vegetables. Average cooking time is 20-25 minutes.

    Whatever rice they cook, a few useful secrets will tell you how to make it tasty, healthy, and the consistency is what you need after cooking.

    How to boil in a pan with a thick bottom - the Indian way

    A common cooking method in the East, especially in India. It will allow you to properly cook friable rice in a saucepan, because. the thick bottom of the dishes allows for uniform heating, then the grains do not burn on the dishes.

    Rinse cereal grains well. Boil them in water at a portion of 1 to 2.

    Put the rice on the bottom of the pan without oil and water. Immediately fill it with the required amount of cold water.

    It is very important with this method of cooking to bring the rice to a boil at the highest possible temperature, and then reduce it.

    When the cereal swells, it should be mixed only 1 time, and then the water should be evaporated without a lid.

    After the water boils away by half, cooking can be considered complete. The pot should be removed from the heat and covered with a lid. Wrap it in a towel and leave it warm for 20 minutes. During this time, all the remaining liquid is completely absorbed into the grains. It is very important not to stir the dish again until the end of cooking. Only at the very end, when the last water is completely absorbed, you can put a small piece of butter and mix the rice.

    How to cook in an enamel pan for a couple

    What to do if there are no dishes with a thick bottom? Then you should use another simple way to get a side dish.

    A wonderful and healthy recipe for boiled friable steamed rice. Oriental celebrities such as Padmi Lakshmi often use this method. This is a simplified way of "double boiler" for home use.

    For it, it is necessary to pre-soak the rice, pouring it with hot water for 2 hours.

    Instead of a double boiler, a sieve will be used. You can replace it with gauze from several layers. Then the matter should be hung by the handles of a pan in the form of a hammock.

    Swollen and infused rice is placed in a sieve or gauze. It will be steamed, so it is extremely important that the sieve or cheesecloth does not come into contact with water.

    After boiling water, pour the soaked rice into a sieve. Cover the pot with a lid and leave it on medium heat for 15-20 minutes. Thanks to the action of steam, each grain will be brought to an ideal state.

    Pre-frying rice in a pan

    This recipe for friable rice for a side dish was invented by the Italians, because. traditional risotto should be fried over a fire.

    Place a dry skillet over medium heat. When a light smoke begins to rise above it, then the dishes are ready for use.

    Pour a little olive oil (1 tablespoon) into a hot, but not hot pan. If it is overheated, the oil will simply burn and give the dish a bitter taste.

    Pour the washed rice into the heated oil, let it fry a little, stirring constantly.

    Saute the rice until the grains begin to lighten. The essence of this process is that each grain is covered with a thin layer of oil. This will keep them from sticking together as they cook.

    Pour fried rice with water at the rate of 1 to 1.5. Those. Pour 3 cups of hot water into 2 cups of rice. Cook the dish without a lid so that the process of evaporating water is faster.

    When all the water has evaporated, the top of the rice will be dry, but the middle will remain moist. It should be covered with a lid and left under it for 20 minutes.

    This side dish is a great accompaniment to vegetables.

    How to boil friable rice using household appliances

    Often household appliances come to the rescue. Modern ovens or kitchen appliances allow you not to think about cooking and, thanks to the built-in functions, you can cook friable rice in a slow cooker, microwave, etc. without much hassle.

    Quick Microwave Recipe

    A microwave oven will help to cook friable rice for a side dish quickly and always with the expected result.

    A steamed type of cereal is well suited to this method of cooking.

    In a microwaveable bowl, mix all ingredients. For 1 cup of washed rice, take 2 cups of water, 5-7 grams of salt, 1 teaspoon of butter. Stir the ingredients and put the dishes in the microwave. Do not cover the bowl with a lid, let the water evaporate.

    If there is no special mode “Pilaf” / “Porridge” / “Rice” on the microwave, then start the program yourself. First, cook for 10 minutes at medium power, and then 12-15 at full power. Let the finished side dish rest for 5-7 minutes and can be served.

    Recipe for friable rice for a slow cooker

    Loose rice in a slow cooker often turns out tastier than cooked on the stove, because. the automatic mode of technology is first used for cooking the dish, and then steaming it.

    Lubricate the multi-cooker bowl with 1 teaspoon of butter. Pour the washed rice grains inside, pour in cold water. Its amount should be 2 times more grains. Salt the liquid to taste.

    Cover the bowl with a lid, cook according to the established program "Rice" or another, according to the model's instructions.

    Thanks to this feature, you do not need to choose the cooking time. There is also no need to stir the grains. because in a slow cooker, it will not burn.

    So that the cereal does not boil soft and does not turn into a sticky mass, at the end of the automatic program, the multicooker should be turned off. And leave the porridge itself in a tightly closed bowl for another 2 hours.

    Universal recipe for the oven

    Another great option for loose cereal is the oven. With it, you can cook healthy friable rice for a side dish in 30-40 minutes. With this method of cooking, the dish retains much more nutrients.

    Rinse the grits well, pour into a refractory dish or mold. Pour boiling water over the grain in a ratio of 1 to 2. Add 1 teaspoon of butter and, if necessary, salt the dish.

    Cover the mold tightly with foil and place in the oven.

    Bake rice for 25-30 minutes at 180C.

    Before serving, let the finished side dish brew for another half hour.

    Features of cooking colored rice varieties

    Multi-colored types of rice are becoming increasingly popular among culinary specialists.

    Brown/brown/red rice— an amazing product with a delicate and complex taste. The unpolished look contains in its shell an uncountable amount of useful trace elements. Suitable for stuffing vegetables, but unlike white varieties, it takes longer to cook. Average cooking time is 35-45 minutes.

    black rice- another type of cereal in the shell. It is a leader in the number of useful substances, contains many antioxidants, thereby protecting our body from damage and from cancer. It is indispensable as a filling, a salad component and an original side dish. The average cooking time is 1 hour, not including soaking.

    Brown rice is a storehouse of vitamins

    Unpolished cereal is healthy and tasty. It is a great alternative to white rice and can be used in many dishes. But unlike light varieties, to obtain softness, it requires pre-soaking.

    The recipe for friable red rice is very simple and similar to the preparation of white rice, if the unpolished grains are allowed to swell in water in advance.

    Rinse the cereal thoroughly to remove dust. After washing, it should be poured over with boiling water and only after that proceed with further cooking. Pour the washed cereal with plenty of clean water, leave it to swell for 5-6 hours.

    Put the prepared rice in a bowl and pour water, adhering to the proportion of 1 to 3.

    At maximum heat, boil rice for 5-10 minutes under a closed lid.

    Then reduce the heat and continue cooking for another 30 minutes.

    For the final absorption of the liquid into the grains, leave the pan with rice under the lid for another 15 minutes.

    Black rice is the food of the aristocrats

    In ancient China, wild black rice was considered the privileged food of the nobility. Now anyone can buy it.

    It contains 7 times more iron and 6 times more calcium than white. However, the main feature of this type is the duration of cooking.

    1 way

    The side dish is being prepared for almost a day, because. it must be pre-soaked for at least 12 hours. Pour the washed grains with water to swell at the rate of 1 to 3. In 12-14 hours, the volume of rice will increase significantly, and some grains may open up.

    Soaked rice is also boiled in plenty of hot water. Boil 3 cups of water, put 1 cup of prepared grains in boiling water. Cook cereal for 20 minutes.

    Do not drain the remaining water, but let the grains brew in it. To do this, wrap the pan with a warm towel, then leave it for 2 hours.

    You can add oil, soy sauce, salt to the finished dish to taste.

    2 way

    It is possible to boil rice crumbly faster, but then all the grains will not open, but will remain slightly dense.

    Rinse the rice well, because. black color can stain the dishes and spoil the taste of the garnish. Soak the grains for 40-60 minutes beforehand. Then drain the water and add fresh rice. For 1 cup of rice, you need 1 and ¼ cups of liquid.

    At maximum heat, bring the cereal to a boil (about 4-5 minutes), and then cook over low heat until the moisture has completely evaporated (about 10-15 minutes).

    Remove the cooked rice from the heat and keep covered for another half an hour.

    A few rules will tell you how to cook rice so that it is crumbly, how to fix overcooked grains, how to give the dish an extra color.

    1. Before buying any type of rice, you should make sure that it does not have pieces and fragments of grains, as well as the presence of grains of a different color and size. After all, small halves will boil, which will spoil the dish, and a mixture of different varieties is also not suitable for cooking.
    2. Round rice is very difficult to cook crumbly, because. it's already polished. Such grains do not have a hard natural shell that would prevent the grains from sticking together.
    3. Before any cooking method, rice must be washed at least 5 times. The method of washing the grains does not matter. During this time, plaque and starchy substances that whiten the water should go away. Rinse only in cold water until the water runs clear. After all, most often the taste and appearance of the side dish do not meet expectations precisely because of poorly washed cereals.
    4. To give the rice a perfectly white color, apple cider vinegar should be added to the water during cooking. For 0.5 kg of grains, 1 teaspoon of vinegar is enough. This is a great way to whiten a dish. This particular type of bite should be used, because the apple variety has a neutral flavor, so it will not harm the side dish.
    5. Sticky rice is almost impossible to save. It can only be improved a little. To do this, failed grains should be washed with cold water, poured into a saucepan. Dig up the dishes with a lid, wrap with a towel. Leave everything for a while. The residual heat will bring the rice grains to the desired shape and wash away the excess starch.
    6. While the rice is in the water, it does not stick together. The process of "gluing" occurs later, after the liquid has boiled away.
    7. You can salt rice at the very beginning of cooking by pouring salt into the water. Neutral-tasting beans are often prepared, as subsequent additions (curry, seasonings) will enrich it.
    8. To give the rice a bright color will help 1 tbsp. a spoonful of turmeric. It should be added to an already prepared dish.
    9. It is important not only to boil rice for a crumbly side dish, but also to serve it beautifully. After all, even ordinary cereals should look appetizing.

    How to serve fluffy rice beautifully:

    • Place well-cooked rice in a pile in the center of the plate, and place pieces of meat or vegetables around.
    • Grease a small bowl with butter. Put rice in it and pack well. Invert the bowl onto a flat plate. The resulting beautiful rice ball will be a great side dish for anything.