Cooking chum salmon in the oven is delicious. Chum salmon recipes in the oven: fish roll, baked steaks with delicious side dishes, cake, pie

07.03.2020 Bakery products

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Pizza is a tasty and satisfying dish that goes perfectly with any table. website prepared a few secrets that will allow you to cook awesome pizza.

Secret 1: Kneading the dough correctly

You will need:

  • 900 g flour
  • 10 g yeast (fresh)
  • 0.5 l of water
  • 10 g vegetable (or olive) oil
  • 20 g sea salt (finely ground)

Be sure to knead the dough in a calm, warm atmosphere and in a good mood. To make the dough airy, sift the flour through a sieve. In a bowl, dilute the yeast with cold water until it is completely dissolved. Gently add half of the flour and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Then add the rest of the flour and salt.

Secret 2: adding olive oil

It is better to add olive oil to the mixed mass, which will give elasticity. We knead everything thoroughly. Then put the dough out of the bowl on the table and knead it until it lags behind the hands.

Secret 3: Roll out the dough with your hands

Divide the dough into several pieces and leave it to rise at room temperature for about 1 hour. It should double in volume.
Roll out the dough in a thin layer with your hands. Sprinkle flour on the surface of the dough and begin to gently stretch it from the middle to the edges. In this case, it is advisable to hold the middle of the cake with your hand. Make the edges a little thicker for the sides.

Secret 4: create a crispy crust

Grease the baking dish with olive oil and sprinkle with flour so that the dough does not stick to the baking dish. We spread the filling and send it to a heated oven (180-200 degrees) for about 10 minutes.

Secret 5: Choosing the sauce

For pizza of medium diameter, add no more than 3 tablespoons of sauce. As a sauce, we use not only traditional tomato paste, but also delicate cream cheese, hummus, squash caviar or pesto sauce. We monitor the consistency of the sauce: it should not be liquid, otherwise the dough will "float".

Secret 6: Choosing the filling

Be concise and don't use more than 4 ingredients in one pizza. There should be only one layer of filling and no more than 1 centimeter. Do not fill the entire surface of the dough with ingredients, because there will be a layer of grated cheese on top.

Place ingredients such as greens and lettuce on the pizza before serving.

Classic pizza with ham

Cut sweet peppers into small strips, ham into slices, and salami into a semicircle. Spread the tomato sauce over the dough, spread the ham, salami, pepper in a circle and sprinkle generously with cheese.

Pizza with mushrooms and onions

Cut the mushrooms as small as possible and fry them in a little olive oil, then add a little heavy cream. You should get a mushroom paste, which we distribute on the dough as a base, put thin onion rings on top and sprinkle with Parmesan.

Italian cuisine occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of prevalence. Perhaps her most famous dish is pizza. This is a truly Italian dish now, without exaggeration, the most popular type of snack. Almost everyone has tried this pie with filling at least once and hardly remained indifferent.

Pizza is loved by the vast majority of people, it will be a great choice for a children's party, family dinner, picnic or a snack at work. Undoubtedly, now there are many cafes engaged in the manufacture and sale of this dish. But correct, authentic Italian pizza cannot be found everywhere. But what prevents you from cooking it?

Pizza at home

There is no doubt that specialty restaurants use a special oven to bake pizza. But even at home, in the oven, such a pie (and pizza is actually an open pie) will come out no worse. But it's worth noting that it is very important to use fresh, quality ingredients, otherwise the finished product will be spoiled.

Only from your own oven does the dish turn out deliciously tasty and only with those products that the author wanted to put there. However, the main thing here is to know some secrets and subtleties.

Homemade pizza recipe

First, we will find out what pizza is. This is a yeast dough pie coated with tomato sauce, cheese and all kinds of fillings. Modern cooking has a wide variety of pizza recipes. And the key ingredient in pizza is dough, everything else depends on its quality. It contains yeast, flour, sugar, salt and olive oil.

How to make pizza dough?

To prepare a thin dough, take 350 grams of wheat flour, a tablespoon of olive oil, a teaspoon of dry yeast, 1 tbsp each. l. sugar and salt, 250 ml of water.

Put the yeast and sugar in a container and mix with 4 tablespoons of water. Leave it for 15 minutes in a warm place, the mixture should "foam". Mix flour and salt, add olive oil, remaining water and yeast mixture. Knead the dough with a wooden spoon. After that, put the dough on the table, sprinkled with flour and knead for 4-5 minutes. After that, put the dough in the container again, cover it with a towel and wait for half an hour. The dough should rise 2 times.

After that, we spread the dough that has come up on the flour surface and press it with the fingers of our fists. Next, sprinkle the dough and rolling pin with flour, and roll out. We fold the layer four times and roll it out again, giving the appropriate shape. For a thin crust, the thickness of the crust should be about 3 mm, and for a fluffy one - 6 mm. Place the cake on a baking sheet or baking sheet.

The pizza crust can be either yeast dough or puff pastry. For the latter, you need to take 1.5 glass of flour, half a glass of water, 100 gr. margarine, a teaspoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt.

Homemade pizza dough

Chop margarine with a knife, dissolve sugar and salt in cold water and quickly knead the dough to make it smooth and shiny. After that we put the dough in the refrigerator for several hours. Then we roll out the dough on the board 2-3 times, folding it 3-4 times each time. From the obtained cake, make a cake layer 1 cm thick, 25 cm in diameter and 2-3 cm in sides.

Tomato pizza sauce

Its base is fresh tomatoes in summer and tomato paste in winter. For the sauce, you need 4 cloves of garlic, 3 large tomatoes (or 3 tsp tomato paste or 6 canned tomatoes), olive oil, basil, sea salt.

Heat oil in a skillet, add basil and chopped garlic. After a few minutes, add the chopped peeled tomatoes, salt and simmer until smooth.

Pizza cheese

Cheese is an essential part of pizza. For a classic pizza, choose Aged Parmigiano. Goat cheese works very well with pizza with meat, chicken or bacon filling. But Taleggio goes well with vegetables or root crops. Pizza with tomato sauce and herbs is best sprinkled with ricotto cheese.

Hard cheeses (Parmesan or Pecorino) will melt well if you grate them on a coarse grater, while soft cheeses (mozzarella) can be cut into thin slices.

In principle, any home-made cheese, grated, which melts and stretches well, can be added to homemade pizza.

Pizza filling

Almost all products that are in the refrigerator are suitable as a pizza filling. That's why cooking at home is good - you can put as much filling inside as you want.

Sausage pizza is the easiest recipe. It will require a minimum of products: cheese, tomatoes and, in fact, sausage. On the finished cake we spread the diced sausage, you can even the doctor's, which is in almost every home. For taste, you can fry it in advance.

After that, lay out the chopped tomatoes and sprinkle with grated hard cheese on top. We put the future pizza in a preheated oven and in 20-30 minutes the dish is ready. By the way, the degree of readiness can be observed by the golden crust on the dough.

Pizza with mushrooms is a dish for everyone. Mushrooms add a spicy flavor to the pie. For the filling of such a pizza, it is worth taking 300 g of peeled tomatoes, 400 g of ham, 100 g of hard cheese, 300 g of fresh mushrooms (for example, champignons), 2 cloves of garlic, a glass of white wine, salt and basil.

Cut the champignons into slices and put in a preheated frying pan. Add vegetable oil, chopped garlic and a glass of wine. Cook the resulting mixture for 15-20 minutes. Then add salt. The sauce is made as follows: fry the chopped clove of garlic in oil, scald the tomatoes, peel and cut. Put chopped tomatoes in a frying pan, add basil and simmer for 10 minutes. Cool the sauce.

Grease the cake generously with tomato sauce, put ham and mushrooms on it. Sprinkle with grated cheese and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

By the way, for the simplest pizza you need a minimum set of products - tomato paste, cheese and seasonings - for example, a mixture of peppers.

How to make a Neapolitan pizza at home?

For the dough, you need 500 grams of flour, 20 grams of yeast, 300 grams of warm water and half a teaspoon of salt.

Sift the flour into a container, make a hole in the middle, crush the yeast into it and knead the sourdough out of water and a small amount of flour. Sprinkle it with flour, cover it and leave to come up. We wait until the leaven begins to bubble. Knead the remaining water, salt, olive oil and leaven into the dough. Knead until bubbles. Let's make two balls out of the dough and make a cross-shaped incision at the top of each, cover and put in a warm place for an hour.

Put the filling on the finished cake. Cut the tomatoes and cheese into slices, place on the dough, season with salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with coarsely chopped garlic and oregano, drizzle with olive oil. Pizza should be cooked in the oven on a medium level at a temperature of 240 degrees for about 15 minutes. Garnish the finished pizza with basil.

Pizza minute

If it is important for you to make pizza in a few minutes, a minute pizza recipe will come to the rescue. Also, this dish will be an excellent choice for a quick breakfast.

Pizza in a pan in 10 minutes

Mix 2 eggs, 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 4 tablespoons of sour cream and 9 tablespoons of flour (scoop up the spoons). The dough should turn out to be liquid, like sour cream. Pour it into a skillet, add the filling on top. An excellent choice, for example, would be sausage or ham, canned mushrooms and olives. Top with a layer of thinly sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes and grated cheese. Wait 10-15 minutes (depending on the amount of filling). The pizza is ready!

How to cook pizza in the microwave?

Microwave pizza is 4-8 times faster than oven. At the same time, taste and appearance remain at their best. It also bakes better in the microwave, even if the dough is thick. By the way, in this case, you do not need to make the top layer of mayonnaise or cheese, which usually protect the filling from the heat.

However, before you start making such a pizza, you need to know a few secrets: the yeast dough should be melted less than usual, the dough should be made more liquid, and the pizza should be put in a preheated microwave.

The editors of the site wish its readers a bon appetit and new tasty and healthy recipes.
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Pizza has long been popular far beyond the borders of its homeland. This dish is so loved by modern cosmopolitans that today specialized restaurants, cafeterias and pizzerias are opening around the world every day. A flat cake, which once could be prepared exclusively by the indigenous people of Italy, today all professional chefs, regardless of nationality, are able to make.

The product is very satisfying and versatile - it is suitable both for a party with friends and for a picnic outside the city. They can be enjoyed for lunch or dinner with family. Pizza can be used not only with good wine, but also with tomato juice. If you also belong to the fan club of fans of this product, then our advice will come to you, as they say, to the court. We will tell you how to properly prepare a product in Italian. You will be surprised how easy it is!

A little about the dough

There are classic pizza dough recipes used by professional pizza makers in restaurants. You can make a variety of bases: yeast, unleavened, flaky, and so on. Just by trial and error, choose the option that suits you, change the filling, and then every time you will have a completely new Italian flatbread on your table! We will tell you a few secrets of delicious dough.

  1. To make a pizza that tastes like real Italian, you will need two types of flour - regular high-grade white and durum wheat. It is also called durum. However, the latter is not so easy to find, and such a product is quite expensive. If you can afford it, you will surely find Durum on the Mediterranean shelves in the supermarket. However, in the absence of it, you can cook a product from ordinary flour.
  2. There are many different options for pizza bases: with yeast, water, milk, salted dough, unleavened or puff. It all depends on your taste preferences. However, if you nevertheless decide to cook Italian pizza correctly, that is, following the classical canons, use the above two types of flour for this: white, from hard varieties. Also add water, dry yeast, refined olive oil and salt to taste. Then carefully knead the dough with your hands and let it brew for about an hour and a half in a warm place.

    Then roll it into a thin, no more than 8 millimeters thick cake and brush with olive oil. When cooking at home, you can make pizza in your own way. If desired, add chicken eggs, pasteurized warm milk or sour cream to the flour, you can even use cottage cheese. There are a lot of recipes! Only your inner culinary flair and your own experience will help you find the perfect combination, thanks to which your dish will become a masterpiece.

  3. It would be correct to cook pizza in a special wood-fired oven, which is called "Pompeian" - this is how they do it in Italy. It has the shape of a dome, which allows you to bake the product evenly from all sides. Naturally, you do not have such conditions at home, so you can cook pizza both on a baking sheet in the oven and in a frying pan with a thick bottom. Lubricate the bottom and sides of the dishes with olive oil (you can replace with sunflower oil), lay out the dough, put the filling on top and bake in the oven for about 30 minutes depending on the temperature - the higher it is, the less you keep the product in the oven.

    The optimal heat is 180-190 degrees. Also, the cooking time for pizza depends on the type of dough and the products you use to fill it. If you are preparing a dish for the first time and are afraid to burn it, then bake the base for 5-10 minutes, then lay out the "entrails" and bring in the oven until cooked (about ¼ hour more). This way, the dough will be crispy and golden and the filling will not burn.

  4. Today, a closed pizza in which the filling is located between two layers of a flatbread has gained considerable popularity all over the world. It is absolutely not difficult to prepare it. To do this, make a classic dough (durum and white flour, olive oil, water, dry yeast and table salt), let it "come up" warm, and then divide into portions - roll it into two thin circles. Spread the bottom with the prepared sauce (buy in the store or do it yourself), put the sausage, ripe tomatoes or other ingredients on top, sprinkle with grated Parmesan and cover with a second flatbread - moisten the edges with water a little and secure. To make the product rosy and crispy, rub it with olive oil, make several holes for the steam with a fork and bake for 30 minutes. The optimum temperature is 200 degrees.

Cooking closed or regular pizza, yeast or puff pizza is everyone's personal business. Explore the recipes, experiment with the ingredients, and choose the dough option that works best for you. In this case, you will not need to doubt every time whether the dish will turn out. To prepare the product correctly, it is not enough just to follow the recipe - this is only half the success. The main thing is to do it for fun!

Sauce as a component of the right delicious pizza

Italians grease pizza with homemade sauce. For this, tomatoes, all kinds of spices and spices are used. You have two options - make the dressing yourself or buy it at the store. To make the product juicy and tasty, you can spread the dough with a mixture of ketchup in half with mayonnaise, or cook a fragrant sauce. Let's share some tips.

A classic of the genre is tomato sauce for pizza. There are a lot of options for its preparation. Often they differ only in the composition of spices and herbs. Today in any store you can buy a jar of a special mixture, but it is better to prepare it yourself. This way you will definitely not spoil your pizza with the wrong "grease".

  1. So, we are preparing tomato dressing. To do this, cut one kilogram of ripe juicy tomatoes into medium-sized quarters, put them in a deep plate, salt at your discretion and leave for 24 hours. Then drain the juice that the vegetables have started up, boil the pulp over low heat; so that the skin is separated - wipe through a colander or sieve. Stir constantly and simmer until thick. When it's okay, add the Italian pizza spice and cook for another three to five minutes. You can use fresh basil, scented rosemary, even cumin will do. Now cut the onions into thin rings, mix with the chopped garlic and add both ingredients to the tomato sauce - toss in a pinch of table salt and boil for about ten minutes.
  2. You can prepare a dressing using any product. There are recipes for sauces based on cream with fresh mushrooms, milk, liquid or, conversely, thick, with the addition of eggs and other things. We suggest trying pizza with English sauce - it's incredibly delicious! Heat 500 milliliters of low-fat kefir over low heat, add 75 grams of white fresh bread, which you must first grate on a fine grater.

    Melt 60 grams of butter and peel a large onion (do not chop) - combine with the kefir mixture and put on a low heat. Stir constantly with a spoon and cook for 10 minutes. Then take out the onion, and whip the finished dressing with a special broom or blender - add 120 milliliters of warm cream. This sauce ideally complements meat pizza with boiled beef or chicken.

  3. Today, in the modern world with its frantic rhythm, many housewives do not always have enough time to prepare a dish, completely following the recipe. If your loved ones have ordered pizza, and you are in a hurry on business, use some tricks that will shorten the cooking procedure by a few minutes.

    For example, brush the cake with regular ketchup and mayonnaise, or buy a special ready-made dressing. Instead of mayonnaise, you can make a mix of sour cream with mashed boiled chicken yolk by adding one teaspoon of mustard. You can use regular mustard or replace it with grainy mustard. In this case, the sauce will be much more flavorful.

Prepare a pizza dressing the right way, given its filling. For example, for a dish of mushrooms and chicken, a white sauce is more suitable, and an Italian-style meat cake with pieces of pork, Parma ham and grated Parmesan will be tastier if supplemented with a fragrant wine mixture. Consider this feature!

On the variety of pizza toppings

Pizza is an absolutely versatile dish that is served with wine, juice and other drinks. There is even a children's version of such a product - sweet pizza. Therefore, before preparing the filling, think about where, with whom and for what reason you will taste this product. For example, for meeting guests, it is better to make an exotic pizza with seafood, and for a regular family dinner, use more economical ingredients: smoked sausage, delicious ham and mushrooms.

Speaking of the Italian flatbread, we cannot but mention a variant of the dish called "Margarita". This pizza is served in all specialty restaurants. The zest of the product is the filling, which includes red tomatoes, mozzarella and fresh green basil; the filling was selected according to the colors of the flag of Italy. Do you want to cook it? Then peel the tomatoes.

To do this, pour boiling water over them and let them stand for a while, then pour them over with cold water - you can easily free the vegetable from the skin. Now cut the tomato pulp into small cubes, chop the garlic and put the ingredients in a preheated pan with olive oil - put the basil leaves. Simmer until thick, then pepper and add table salt to taste. Keep it on low heat for a couple more minutes, then cool. Spread the prepared sauce on a previously prepared pizza cake, sprinkle with grated Parmesan and Mozzarella. Place in the oven for 25 minutes. It is correct to cook this dish at a temperature of 190 degrees.

Regular pizza filling

A festive version of sea-themed pizza can be made from smoked, salted or boiled fish. An assortment of shellfish, squid, shrimp, crab meat and even caviar is also ideal. Use canned tuna when making a regular family meal pizza. First, peel a few large, ripe tomatoes. To make the skin easier to come off the vegetables, pour boiling water over the tomatoes and then cold water. Then cut the pulp into small cubes, chop two cloves of garlic, finely grate the Parmesan.

Put the finished filling on the dough, previously greased with sauce or drizzled with olive oil. Season with salt and add freshly ground black pepper. Add canned tuna, chopped in small pieces, pitted olives and onion, chopped into thin half rings. Sprinkle with parsley and grated cheese. Send the product to the oven for half an hour. To avoid burning your pizza, set the temperature to 180 degrees.

Festive Okonomiyaki

For a festive feast, you must admit that pizza with sausage, sausages or standard pizza with mushrooms is not very suitable. Something unusual is needed. Therefore, if you want to surprise your guests, try Japanese-style pizza - Okonomiyaki. Surely none of them have tried such a dish. So, properly boil 200 grams of special noodles, for this follow the directions on the package. Cut the boiled squid and seaweed into small pieces. Then chop 100 grams of sea shrimp, sweet onion and grate the cheese on a medium grater. It is better to use elite varieties such as Parmesan, Mozzarella or Edam. Combine all the ingredients in a separate bowl, stir and add the tuna sliced \u200b\u200binto thin strips.

Fresh fish is used in Japan, but you can use canned fish. Making dough for such a pizza is a pleasure! Beat with a mixer, blender or a special broom one chicken egg, a glass of warm boiled water, three tablespoons of sifted wheat (premium) flour. Then add the prepared mixture to the already chopped food - stir. Then pour everything into a well-heated frying pan with a thick bottom - put thin slices of boiled pork on top and fry the Japanese pizza on both sides. Serve the dish after dividing it into equal squares and sprinkling with nori. Soy sauce is the perfect addition! We are sure that there will be no limit to the guests' joy!

Little joys for kids

All kids love sweets and will never give up on pizza. We suggest combining both of these attachments in one dish - sweet pizza. Usually, for its filling, they use delicate soft Mascarpone cheese, dried or fresh fruits (apples, pineapples, bananas, etc.), a variety of nuts and raisins. To prepare such an unusual dessert, make a yeast dough. To do this, knead 15 grams of dry yeast in a glass of warm water, salt and add two tablespoons of olive oil. Mix the resulting mixture well with a broom and pour it into a deep bowl with pre-sifted wheat flour (you need half a kilogram), then knead everything thoroughly, cover with a thick towel and leave for 45 minutes.

When the dough rises, knead it again and let it brew again. Then roll the base into a thin layer and place on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. To avoid dividing the pizza into slices later, you can make many small cakes about 10 centimeters in diameter. Brush each serving with Mascarpone, top with pre-soaked sweet figs, golden raisins, chopped nuts and brown sugar. You can cook a dish from several varieties of nuts: pine nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts. It will be much tastier this way. Bake the product at 200 degrees for no more than 20-25 minutes. This pizza will appeal to all kids. It can be given to children with milk for lunch or afternoon tea.

You always have the opportunity to use your imagination, intuition. But observe certain rules, which are the basis for preparing a delicious dish. We hope the above recommendations will help make your life more delicious! Good luck!

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A couple of recipes for homemade pizza cooked in the oven - and, oops, you have a decent dish on your table for evening tea. Let it come from sunny Italy! But cooked with the warm skillful hands of local hostesses.

Yeast dough pizza

For: one and a half glasses of milk, 2 tbsp. mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil (olive oil can be used), 1 sachet of dry fast yeast, flour (how much the dough will take), salt.

Pour yeast, a pinch of salt into a bowl, pour warm milk, some flour. We mix everything. We leave warm for the approach of the dough. After 15-20 minutes, add the remaining ingredients to the dough. And you need so much flour to knead a thick, non-flowing dough. Let the dough stand still in a warm place for about 15 minutes. Now you need to take a piece from it, roll it out thinly and put the pancake in a round shape, lifting the edges along the sides of the shape. Grease the bottom of the pizza with ketchup. Then lay out the ingredients to taste. Anyone! There can be many fillings! On top, pizza is usually sprinkled with grated hard or tender cheese so that it melts well.

Put the pizza in the oven 180 degrees. Bake until golden brown. Serve hot.

Pizza "Classic" in Italian

Knead the dough from 2.5 glasses of flour sifted through a sieve, a glass of warm water, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, a bag of quick dry yeast, a teaspoon of salt.

Knead and let stand warm for the dough to rise. To make it more magnificent as soon as possible, you can put it in a bowl in another container with hot water. While the dough is rising, let's make the filling.

Finely chop the garlic, two prongs, fry it in one spoonful of vegetable oil in a pan, add finely chopped tomatoes, salt them, pepper, add finely chopped oregano (bunch), simmer for 10 minutes.

Roll out the dough, put it in a mold (if the molds are small, then divide the dough in half). The dough should be no thicker than half a centimeter. Put tomato sauce on it. Cheese (grated), basil leaves are placed on top. Next, put the pizza in the oven and bake until tender.

To such a pizza, you can add halves of olives, olives, ham, cut into strips or other types of meat, for example, smoked chicken, carbonate, pieces of boiled beef. But that is how classic Italian pizza with oregano and basil is prepared.