Garnish for duck. How to prepare a side dish for a duck? Which side dish goes well with duck with oranges

08.03.2020 Vegetable dishes

Duck dishes cannot be called everyday, they are prepared for some significant reasons. Poultry meat is quite fatty, a sour or sweet side dish in itself suggests itself, which compensates for this, improves the taste of the main product.

Often, before baking in the oven, duck is stuffed with small sour apples, tangerines, prunes, sauerkraut, in which case the products for filling the carcass themselves become a side dish, you do not need to add anything to them, they are soaked in duck juice. You can serve well-cooked rice, onions stewed in French broth, potatoes. How to prepare a side dish for a duck? The choice is great.

Various side dishes

Which side dish is best suited to duck with apples is a classic, which is often a priority on the festive table. Buckwheat is a traditional garnish. But at the same time, I want to cook the dish in a special way, to surprise the guests. For a more complex recipe you will need:

  • High quality buttock croup. It should be cooked according to the general rules, counting on 2 glasses of water - a glass of buckwheat.
  • The groats are placed on a small light, lightly covered with a lid.
  • While buckwheat is languishing, the onion is cut into half rings, the mushrooms are sliced \u200b\u200b(champignons are used according to the classic recipe).
  • Mushrooms and onions are fried in a pan.
  • Buckwheat is seasoned with butter and added to frying.
  • The finished garnish is added to the duck. To add beauty and taste, sprinkle with chopped parsley and dill on top.

An affordable and tasty option: buckwheat garnish:

  • A glass of product must be filled with water at the rate of two glasses of liquid per glass of buckwheat.
  • Bring to a boil, salt to taste, cook for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse and peel the mushrooms separately, cut into large pieces.
  • Peel the onions and cut into half rings.
  • Fry both in vegetable oil for half an hour until tender. Season the garnish with salt and pepper.
  • When serving, add butter. Put the mass on portioned plates, on top - duck meat.
  • Decorate the dish with dill and parsley.

To prepare the rice side dish:

  • Rinse the groats well, put them in a frying pan or saucepan greased with vegetable oil. The product will need half a glass.
  • Peel two carrots, grate and add to rice, heat over low heat until golden brown.
  • Add some water and bring to a boil.
  • Chop the white cabbage into thin strips, add the product to the rice mixture, stir, simmer under the lid, adding water as needed, the mixture should not burn.
  • At the end of cooking, season with salt and pepper, serve with duck.

If you want to please the gourmet, then take note of this recipe:

  • You should make your own vinegar syrup with added sugar. The proportions are 1: 1.
  • Finely chop the chili pepper and rub the ginger.
  • The tangerine is peeled and cut into slices.
  • Chop the shallots and mix them with the tangerine.
  • As soon as the syrup begins to cool (80 °), chutney is poured over it.
  • Next, the dish cools down with the ingredients mixed.

Such a side dish will certainly please the true gourmet.

To prepare a side dish of legumes, you will need:

  • Dry crushed peas, two glasses. It needs to be rinsed and soaked in water for an hour.
  • Then rinse the product again with water, pour boiling water into the multicooker bowl.
  • Set the "Extinguishing" mode for two hours.
  • Season the mashed potatoes with salt and pepper to taste, add butter.
  • Serve with duck cooked with oranges or prunes.
  • When serving, lay out citrus fruits beautifully along the edge of the dish, decorate with herbs.

Cold side dishes and vegetables

What side dish should the duck be served with if it is cooked in separate parts? Everything is very simple, vegetables are most impressed by this dish. They can be served fresh, as a salad, or stewed.

There is not much meat in the duck, therefore, for cooking in parts, they mainly take the breast. When properly cooked, the meat turns out to be tender, beautiful, and most importantly, not greasy. Blue cabbage stewed in semi-sweet red wine is suitable for such a breast. The garnish is equally delicious hot and cold.

Incredibly tasty and aromatic, it turns out stewed duck in pieces in a cauldron. Add vegetable puree to such juicy meat as a side dish. Cooking subtleties:

  • The best vegetables to use are pumpkin or celery.
  • Boil vegetables in milk or cream.
  • The finished vegetable is interrupted in a blender to a puree consistency.
  • Add nutmeg on the tip of a knife.

Also, celery and pumpkin look very good baked in foil. And if you add thyme to them, you get just a magical dish.

If you fry the duck breast in orange juice, the arugula garnish will perfectly complement it. You can add pomegranate kernels or nuts to the dish. When serving, the duck is cut into slices.

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It is prepared for the holidays and only the best sensations are expected from the dish. It is extremely offensive if the main component turned out to be excellent, but the side dish for the duck spoiled the situation. Which one is better to serve in order to emphasize the taste of the bird and shade it, we will figure it out in this article, taking into account the details of the preparation of the carcass itself and other important nuances. And then the main dish on the table will never upset the people sitting at it.

Duck garnish: which is better and why

The main factor determining the choice of a "companion" for poultry is the features of duck meat. First, it is fat enough, so something is required that will absorb excess fat. Secondly, it is dryish, although to a lesser extent than chicken. Thirdly, it has a specific smell that not everyone likes. That is, the side dish for the duck should mask its flavor. To clog it with spices and spices is not the best way out. Finally, it is necessary to decide which side dish is suitable for the duck, taking into account the method of preparation of the carcass itself. For example, if the duck was cooked with lemon, rice with green olives would be almost the most ideal accompaniment. And if you replace them with black olives, you will regret it very much - the taste will suffer greatly.

For the most part, duck is cooked stuffed, since there is not too much meat on it, and with this method of processing, all tasks are solved simultaneously. The most popular "minced meat" is Antonovka. And the perfect side dish for a duck with apples is the fruit itself. Just keep in mind that those that have been nested inside are not too good to eat. First of all, they absorb fat, and therefore the taste is, to put it mildly, strange. In addition, these apples lose their structure, turning almost into porridge. Competent housewives simply throw them away, and for a side dish they cover the carcass when baked with whole fruits.

A few words about cabbage

People who first bake a bird other than chicken do not even suspect that cabbage is the best side dish for duck. This combination gives excellent results, pleasing both the eye and the nose and the stomach. You just need to approach the preparation of cabbage responsibly and competently. First of all, a tight head of cabbage is chopped. You can use traditional slicing, strips, you can chop the cabbage into squares. Cabbage is salted and seasoned; spices are selected according to cook's preferences, but they must contain a little grated ginger. A couple of apples are peeled and cut into cubes; to avoid darkening, you can sprinkle with lemon juice. It all piles up in a skillet when the duck starts to squeeze the juice. Cabbage should be cooked on its fat. It is also added as it is released from the bird into the stewed vegetable. An excellent side dish for the duck will be ready at the same time.

Raw cabbage may well be replaced with sauerkraut. Whether to add apples to it in this case is a matter of personal preference, and cooking is carried out with the lid open.

Vegetable fantasies

Serving vegetables with the duck is always successful. In their raw form, they can only be an addition to other accompaniments - one salad is usually not enough for a bird. But baked or stewed vegetables are what you need. An excellent vegetable side dish for duck can be prepared this way.

The rutabaga is cut in semicircles of a centimeter thickness. Pumpkin is cut in the same way. The baking sheet is covered with parchment, vegetables are laid out on it, sprinkled with vegetable oil and sprinkled with thyme powder. They will bake for about a quarter of an hour. During this time, the root parsnip is crumbled into thin strips, then the carrot. They are lightly sprinkled with lemon juice, mixed with duck fat and spices. The vegetables taken out of the oven are salted and peppered, supplemented with prepared straws and sent back for the same time.

Difficult potato

Favorite tubers can also keep company. However, regular mashed potatoes are not interesting. It is better to proceed as follows. A small head of garlic is wrapped not very tightly in foil and baked in the oven for half an hour. During this time, the garlic will lose its harshness and will give the dish a smoky taste. The potatoes are boiled in the standard way, then mashed with heavy cream and butter is made from them. When it is almost fluffy, the puree is seasoned with nutmeg, squeezed baked garlic, chopped fresh parsley and black pepper. A little more beating to smooth out - and a wonderful side dish for the duck is ready! For many, he is the best and most desirable.

Classics of the genre with refinements

Buckwheat is traditionally served as a garnish for duck with apples. In principle, a harmonious option. However, the usual porridge on the festive table looks boring. More tempting will be the "complicated" version. A good unground cereal is taken, cooked according to all the rules: two glasses of water for one buckwheat, a quiet fire and a loosely closed lid. While the porridge is languishing, the medium-sized onion is cut into half rings, and the peeled mushrooms are cut into large slices. Both ingredients are fried until cooked through. Buckwheat is seasoned with oil, combined with frying, laid out to the duck and flavored with dill and parsley.

Gourmet: Mandarin Chutney

If you want to serve the duck, you can create a dish that will surely impress all of your guests. For him, a syrup is cooked from wine vinegar and sugar, taken in equal quantities. When it thickens, it is flavored with cinnamon, chopped chili and grated ginger. The tangerines are peeled and disassembled into wedges. The shallots are finely crumbled and mixed with the fruit. As soon as the syrup cools down to 80 degrees, chutney is poured into it, and the dish will cool down further. A very unusual, original and delicious side dish for duck!

What can be tastier and healthier than duck meat? Only duck with the right side dish. A duck is a rather rare guest on the family table. As a rule, it is cooked only for the holidays: it is baked whole in the oven. But there are a lot of ways to cook this meat. It can be fried, steamed, baked and boiled, both whole and in parts.

But to cook such meat without a side dish would be an unforgivable omission. What is the best side dish for duck and what subtleties should be observed in its preparation?

Which side dish is right

The main thing to remember is that duck is a fairly fatty meat, and when choosing a side dish, you should rely on those products that will absorb or dilute fat well. As a rule, this applies to any type of cereals, some types of legumes, potatoes, or something sour.

When choosing the right addition to the duck, you should not give preference to highly spicy dishes; the side dish should emphasize the taste of the meat, but in no case should it clog it. Also, before choosing a side dish, you need to consider how the duck meat will be cooked.

There is not too much meat on the duck, so most housewives prefer to bake it whole, while stuffing it with something. As a filling, both ordinary rice and sour Antonovka apples can be used. But, however, after cooking apples in duck, they are not particularly suitable for food. And they look, to put it mildly, unsightly. After baking, they turn into a puree-like substance, and many cooks simply get rid of them. To use apples as a side dish, they should be placed near the duck and should not be cut into pieces at all, but left intact. If there are not enough apples, you can always serve buckwheat with such a dish, which is in perfect harmony with both duck meat and apples.

When roasting the whole carcass, using oranges as a filling, there is no better side dish for such a dish than rice. You just need to cook it in a special way. Put half a lemon in a saucepan with rice, and mix the prepared cereal with finely chopped prunes. Boiled peas, milled and seasoned with butter, would also be appropriate for such a duck.

You can appreciate the dish with duck and potatoes baked in the sleeve. Cooking does not take much time, and in the end you will get both meat and a great side dish in addition, with which you do not need to mess around with it. The potato will well absorb all the flavors of the duck and will seem tastier than the meat itself.

Vegetables and cold side dishes for duck

For duck cooked not whole, but in separate parts, it is better to serve side dishes of vegetables, stewed or in the form of a salad. As mentioned above, there is not much meat in the duck itself, usually duck breast is often used to prepare individual parts. Its meat, if properly cooked, is very tender, moderately greasy and has a pleasant pinkish tint.

Blue cabbage stewed in red wine is a good side dish for duck breast. This side dish can be eaten both warm and cold.

If you are a fan of unusual dishes, then vegetable puree will be an excellent addition to duck cooked in a cauldron with gravy and chopped into pieces. You can use celery root or pumpkin as a vegetable. They must first be cooked in milk or cream. Then the finished vegetable is mashed and a very small pinch of nutmeg is added. Also, the aforementioned vegetables can be baked on foil in the oven, pre-salted and sprinkled with a pinch of thyme.

A garnish of arugula, pomegranate seeds and walnuts is suitable for a duck breast fried in orange sauce. Duck for such a side dish is cut into slices one centimeter thick and placed on a plate with salad.

I give everything that has accumulated. And a lot has accumulated.

For example, this duck breast with a side dish. And with red wine it will be a wonderful dinner, and if it is also with guests ... No one will leave hungry and deprived.

Don't your guests eat poultry? Are they afraid of bird flu? You are lucky. Give them a side dish without the duck and enjoy the breast yourself.

So, for 6 people to have:

  • Duck breasts - 3-4 pieces (each weighs about 200 g)
  • pink peppercorns 5-6-pcs.
  • juniper berries 3-4 pcs.
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt
  • olive oil 2 tablespoons

For the sauce:

    1 cup cranberries

    1/3 cup sugar

  • 50 ml Jägermeister liqueur
  • spices - juniper berries, rosemary, pink pepper

We take duck breasts, carefully (you have not forgotten - without touching the meat under the skin and fat) - cut with a mesh

Thoroughly crush all the spices in a mortar

Rub the breasts with spices.

In a frying pan well heated with olive oil - first from the "oily" side - fry the breasts for 8-10 minutes, no more ..

Then we turn the breasts over and fry for the same 8-10 minutes on the "dietary" side. DO NOT OVERDry !, the duck should be slightly damp inside.

Cut the breasts into slices a couple of cm thick, put them beautifully on a plate, pour abundantly with sauce on top. Or we serve the sauce separately in portioned gravy boats.

For a side dish, you can cook potatoes baked in the oven with wedges with peels.

It is advisable to take potatoes of one medium size, cut them into 4 pieces, put them on a baking sheet, pour with olive oil, sprinkle with coarse sea salt and rosemary, add another sprig of rosemary - for me this is a must! + some garlic through a garlic press. I highly recommend putting the garlic - the potatoes become fragrant and somehow festive, perhaps ... or summer ....

If you have large potatoes, then cut them in half lengthwise and cut into slices.

Bake all this potato beauty in the oven at 180 * -200 * C until very golden brown.

Do not forget to follow the potatoes!

And I almost forgot about sauce .

Cranberries - fresh or frozen - cover with sugar, put in a saucepan and put on low heat.

Stir continuously until dry.

After boiling, add liqueur and cook for about 10 minutes.

Partially, the berries will burst, and some will remain intact - this is normal.

Optional you can add nutmeg, a couple of crushed juniper berries, rosemary, pink pepper to the sauce - but this is not for everybody. Or if you don't have Jägermeister liqueur

For this sauce, I prefer Jägermeister liqueur. In my opinion, it somehow suits the game correctly.

By the way, the sauce can (and preferably) be cooked in advance.

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