What seasoning goes to fish. Spices for fish - which ones are suitable? List of the best spices and seasonings for fish dishes, culinary tips

Our exciting journey into the world of spices and fish begins with statistics. Before determining which spices for cooking fish should take an additional place in our kitchen, it would not hurt to clarify: how many spices and spices are there in the world? Surprisingly, you will not find a definite answer to this simple question. In a word, a lot. True, the famous international-class chef, the judge of the TV project "Master Chef" Hector Jimenez-Bravo calls the figure 5 thousand, based on the information of an old cookbook, which is called “Five thousand spices”. By the way, in this encyclopedia, spices include onions, garlic, sugar, honey, and vinegar.

The world community defines saffron as the "king of spices". A "royal fish", i.e. queen - red fish (sturgeon, beluga, stellate sturgeon, chum salmon, pink salmon, etc.) Red means beautiful, rare and valuable. As it should be, kings and queens are made by the retinue, where each has its own place. So it is with fish. Skillfully selected spices will make the natural soft and delicate taste of any kind of marine life truly royal.

Some world-famous chefs believe that any spices are suitable for fish and their choice is unlimited. Others strongly disagree with this, and insist on the careful use of spices for fish, compiling a specific list of the main spices and seasonings for different methods of cooking fish:

  1. for soups, broths, fish soup;
  2. for frying;
  3. for stewed fish and boiled;
  4. for baking;
  5. for pickled fish and balyk;
  6. for dried fish.

Each cooking method involves the use of its own set of spices and herbs. Nevertheless, a list of the main spices for fish is indicated, which presupposes a combination with each other and excludes interaction with spices of a different series (spices for meat, for baking, etc.)

What spices are added to fish?

  • salt, pepper (black, red, white, pink), bay leaves, vinegar, parsley and dill are our traditional self-explanatory set;
  • allspice - very strongly emphasizes the taste of fish;
  • saffron - spice No. 1 for red fish: aroma, taste, color;
  • star anise (many know as anise) - has a very strong aroma and less strong taste. The crushed seeds, combined with other spices, will improve the aroma of the fish and give a sweetish taste;
  • cumin - has a mild taste, but a strong smell. Add it a little to fish, and the taste will become unique;
  • coriander - has a light smell and a very rich taste. To feel the entire aroma, you need to crush it a little;
  • oregano (oregano) - has a very rich taste and aroma. It goes well with black pepper, basil and rosemary.
  • basil - gives the fish a beautiful golden color and additional aroma and sweetish taste;
  • fennel is considered an ideal seasoning for fish. Gives it a fresh lemon flavor.
  • marjoram - gives the fish a spicy, rather persistent smell;
  • tarragon - used to improve taste;
  • curry - "golden" seasoning will give color and amazing aroma;
  • rosemary - goes well with any fish, not imposing the taste of spices, but shading the prepared dish.

A small list of spices for fish is not universal, because both professional chefs and we - amateurs, certainly have our favorite spices and seasonings, proven over the years. Let's remember the most important rule of using spices for fish: spices can emphasize or change the taste of fish. And they can spoil, if you use them thoughtlessly, with large spoons, without taking into account the specifics of the product.

A quick and favorite way of cooking fish will give you extraordinary pleasure if you use fine spices: garlic, sweet paprika, coriander, basil, caraway seeds, black pepper, turmeric, hot paprika, ginger, thyme, salt, lemon peel. Lightly crushed coriander kernels are used for salmon with an appetizing crust, and fennel is perfect for any fried fish.

Spices for fish in the oven

Fish with spices, baked in the oven, usually loses its natural taste, but gains a new one - delicate and aromatic. Many consider such a dish to be festive and gladly use fragrant spices: rosemary, fennel, marjoram, sage and, of course, lemon wedges. Fish is very fond of herbs and absorbs their aromas well. Classic herbs - parsley, dill, marjoram, tarragon and thyme, which have a pleasant aroma, go well with any fish, and without imposing their taste, make the dish aromatic and appetizing.

Spices for preparing fish

If you intend to prepare fish with spices, the marinade, which professionals call divine, is best suited. It consists of: 2 tablespoons basil, 2 tablespoons dry parsley, 1 teaspoon oregano, 2 tablespoons fennel seeds, 1 teaspoon dried garlic, 1 teaspoon lemon peel, salt, bay leaf.

  • The marinade filling itself can be prepared in several ways, the following is considered universal of which: the prepared spice mixture is brought to a boil in 1/5 of the water (from the marinade dosage), covered with a tight lid and insisted for 30 minutes. Then boiled brine is added to the contents (4/5 of the marinade dosage).
  • If you have 0.5 kg of fish fillets, for the brine you will need: 100 ml of hot water, 100 ml of vegetable oil, an incomplete tablespoon of salt, ½ tablespoon of sugar.
  • the first option: coriander, caraway seeds, allspice, bay leaf, salt, saffron;
  • the second option: cilantro, marjoram, chaman, bell pepper, paprika, sumac, suneli hops, saffron;
  • the third option: salt, sugar, saffron, juniper, star anise, pink pepper, lemon zest, dill.

Spices for red fish

Red fish is the most famous delicacy of the sturgeon breed. The "unbeaten" record of the "king-fish" caught back in 1934 was the weight - 1 ton 300 kg and the amount of caviar in it - 225 kg. As befits "kings", red fish loves more refined seasonings, with a rich taste and aroma:

  • saffron - for red fish it is an irreplaceable spice, reveals its taste, aroma and color;
  • ginger - spicy and rich taste;
  • oregano - the taste and aroma goes well with black pepper, basil and rosemary;
  • fennel - will add piquancy and sweetish taste;
  • juniper berries - slightly tart and sweetish, but very fresh taste;
  • black pepper, paprika, pink pepper;
  • dill and basil.

The variety of fish and spices on store shelves around the world is impressive. And not only by its quantity, but also by its cost. So, in 2013, the news about the purchase of bluefin tuna weighing 222 kg for $ 1.76 million at the Tsukiji fish market (Japan) spread all over the world. A small piece of this giant fish, then cooked in a restaurant in a special way with spices and herbs, cost 20 euros. A small portion of fugue fish, a delicacy of Japanese cuisine, whose poison is 25 times stronger than curare and 275 times more toxic than cyanide, costs $ 500. And dumplings with the meat of a torch fish emitting a blue-green color, again prepared with skillfully selected spices, have become the most expensive dish on the planet: the cost of one portion is incredible money - two thousand dollars.

The "spicy" business is not inferior to the profitable fish business. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the first place for the most expensive spices can be claimed: ginseng root, saffron, natural vanilla, cardamom, nutmeg and pink pepper. For example, twenty-six grams of wild ginseng root is worth $ 100,000 (1 gram - $ 3846), and 1 kilogram of saffron costs six thousand dollars (1 gram - $ 600).

What is the secret of spices and how you can use them with seafood so that cooked fish with spices reveal all its taste - this is about this article.

Experts have identified three main functions of fish spices:

Function one: Spices can enhance the taste, not interrupt it.

A unique country that has managed to bypass meat in gastronomic affections and find all the nutritional elements in fish is Japan. This country has never experienced a shortage of seafood. There are 3492 species of fish, molluscs and marine animals in the waters of Japan (v. Around the World). Every Japanese eats more than seventy kilograms of fish products a year (about 200 grams daily) and lives longer than any other person on the planet.

According to the World Health Organization, the population of Japan is the oldest in the world (25.6%), and the Japanese live long because of their lifestyle and diet. In Japan, any fish is eaten: boiled, fried, raw and even live, lightly scalding it with boiling water. The Japanese honor nature and therefore preserve the properties of its products as much as possible. Cooked fish with spices will have a natural taste, but will acquire a touch of freshness and piquancy.

Function two: Spices can change the taste.

In China, they don't pay attention to the original taste of the fish. It is believed that the sophistication of the taste of fish dishes depends on the spices. Delicious fish will turn out only in one case: if the necessary spices are used at each stage of preparation. Chinese chefs claim that all their skill lies in spices. And it is true. You can be sure that you are eating chicken, but in reality it will be fish. Skillfully combining spices, Chinese chefs will change the taste of familiar products beyond recognition.

In China, spices are compared to the varied colors used by artists. Combine them correctly and you have a masterpiece.

Function three: Spices suitable for fish can spoil the taste of the product if you do not know the proportions and rules for their use.

Unfortunately, this place belongs to us. Common spices such as bay leaves, pepper, vinegar, salt, dill, and parsley needed to be supplemented with time and information. But the inept use of knowledge and the proportions of the use of spices rendered a disservice: they went too far with spices - and instead of fragrant fish they got an unpleasant and sharp bitterness of an unattractive dish. Efforts to correct the taste do not lead to the desired result.


  1. V.V. Pokhlebkin. All about spices. Food industry, M., 1975
  2. Guinness Book of Records
  3. A. Kalycheva. Mysterious Japan. Fushigi Nippon 2007-07-17
  4. India. Spices and herbs. f. Around the World, 2005
  5. O. Terentyeva. Mysteries of the East. f. Murana, No. 5,2012
  6. I. Lazerson. Principles of home salting of fish.
  7. A. Smoke. Recipes from the chef. Cookbook. 2013

Some housewives are not particularly enthusiastic about the proposal to cook fish, explaining this by their dislike of its specific smell. But various spices for fish can easily cope with it, which is not difficult to pick up. And the taste of the finished dish only benefits from such additives. I have a few valuable recommendations for you that will definitely help you make it unforgettable.

Freshwater fish species:
Catfish- the largest representative. Almost boneless and without scales, it is easy to prepare.
Perch- is found everywhere and has delicious meat.
Pike Is one of the most popular fish for its delicious white meat.
Carp- the owner of the most tender meat. It is considered a "bony" fish.
Trout- fish suitable for any kind of cooking.
Sterlet- royal fish among freshwater. Possesses tender meat and becomes a delicacy in skilled hands.
Carp- big and bold. Suitable for any kind of cooking.

No matter how popular and distinctively tasty fish is in cooking, suitable seasonings for it are an important issue in the kitchen.

Spices for the preparation of river fish

River fish does not have a bright meat taste. This determines the choice of spices and seasonings for use - they are all fragrant, pungent, with a pronounced aroma.

Frying fish is popular. The dish acquires a specific roasted taste, and dry meat increases the fat content due to oil.

Salt and hot peppers (black, red, white) are invariably considered spices for fish when frying. It is recommended to add salt directly to the oil. So the fish will "take" the required amount during the frying process.

When frying, you can add:
garlic- a small amount will improve the taste of the dish;
coriander, thyme, ground nutmeg- will enhance the taste and give uniqueness;
turmeric- will give a rich golden color and a sweetish aftertaste;
basil, dill, parsley, thyme, lemon balm- they are crushed and added at the end of cooking for freshness;
lemon juice- a few drops on the meat will eliminate the river smell.
IMPORTANT! When choosing spices suitable for fish, it is better to refuse a mixture of 2 or more types at once, since when frying in oil, they enhance their properties.


Most often, fish is stewed in oil, a vegetable pillow or in sauces. A small amount of spices can improve the final taste.

The following spices are suitable for stewed fish:

peppers and mustard- for spice;
mint, basil, lemon balm or rosemary- for a fresh scent of herbs (the main thing is not to overdo it);
onion (any), dill- will enhance the taste of river fish meat.
IMPORTANT! Bright and spicy spices - curry, coriander, turmeric, cinnamon, it is better not to use when simmering fish.


Cooking fish in a large amount of liquid imposes some difficulties for the choice of spices: they must "play" hot and be able to be absorbed into the meat from the broth.

The best spices for cooking fish are:

Onions and bay leaves- the broth will become richer with them. They will kill the river smell of fish during cooking;
Peppers (any)- from the broth will add a slight pungency to the meat. Will not hurt peppercorns.
Celery and parsley- will make the fish taste richer.
Saffron, nutmeg, rosemary, sage- leaving a bitter taste to the broth, they will give the fish only the best.
IMPORTANT! Cinnamon, paprika, turmeric, coriander, cumin do not "tolerate" cooking in a large amount of water. Having filled the broth with aromas, they will be useless for the fish.


Whether in foil or not, in the oven, microwave or on fire - baked river fish is loved by gourmets and nutritionists. The most common way to use spices is to cover the fish with herbs on all sides.

To bake river fish, use the following spices:

Marjoram, anise, oregano- will enhance the taste of fish dishes;
Onions, celery, parsley- when baking, they will "take away" the river smell;
Bay leaf, lemon balm, mint- will add a fresh aroma and can sweeten the taste of the finished dish.
Turmeric, coriander or thyme- will give spicy, rich flavors.
IMPORTANT! Roasting with cumin, nutmeg, paprika or cinnamon will spoil the unique fishy flavor.


Smoked fish is loved for its flavor and culture of consumption, even by those who do not prefer fish at all. Cooked with fragrant smoke, the fish does not need additional flavor enhancement.

When smoking, add the following spices:

Celery- a little under the ribs or gills for a pleasant aroma;
Mustard, paprika, saffron or tarragon- to choose from. Wipe off the fish carcass from all sides before cooking.
IMPORTANT! The addition of oriental spices when smoking fish can clog the dish with a specific taste. It is not recommended to use them.

Marine species
Saltwater fish has a wide variety. Spices for her are "calmer" and more often serve to complement the rich taste.

Sea fish for cooking:

Herring Is a popular sea fish. It is consumed salted, smoked and pickled.
Mackerel- fish with fatty meat. Retains great taste in any form.
Flounder- the meat is easy to boil. Suitable for roasting, stewing or smoking.
Salmon (salmon, salmon)- have fat, tender red meat. Fish popular for cooking. Almost no intermuscular bones.
Pollock Is one of the most common marine fish. Suitable for any type of cooking.
Cod- has tender meat and is considered one of the most useful and nutritious. Contains a large amount of protein.
Sturgeon- a delicacy breed. Used for cooking balyk, smoking, salting.

Spices for cooking sea fish
As mentioned above, marine fish species do not require bright spices in cooking. The amount of additives must be carefully controlled so as not to lose the delicate taste of the fish dish.


All types of sea fish can be fried. Due to the natural fat content of meat, halibut, mackerel, sturgeon, fatty herring can be fried even without oil.

A good addition to cooking will be:

Ground pepper (allspice, black, red, white) added in moderation will not so much add spice as it will enhance the natural taste of fish meat.
Ginger, grated or nutmeg- will add piquancy. It is difficult for them to interrupt the "sea" aroma.
Oregano or thyme- add a light spice.
Melissa- will add a touch of freshness to rich fried fish meat.
IMPORTANT! Fried sea fish does not go well with cardamom, cumin, coriander. They interrupt the taste by making the dishes too spicy.


Braised sea fish retains its appearance by absorbing the sauce or juice of the vegetables with which it is cooked.

The best spices for stewing would be:

Bay leaf- add carefully at the end of cooking to enhance the specific iodine flavor of sea fish.
Allspice- has a rich aroma. Will not get lost in vegetable juice or stewing sauce.
Mustard can be added to sauce. The fish that is stewed in it will acquire a light sweet and sour spice.
Ginger or nutmeg- for piquancy and flavor enhancement.
Garlic- a constant companion of fish in matters of stewing. Brings pungency to the dish without interrupting the main aromas.
NOTE It is better not to use spices such as mint, fennel, sage, as well as curry, turmeric, coriander, and caraway for stewing sea fish.


Many cooks suggest not using spices when cooking sea fish.

If you still want some shades in taste, you can add the following to the broth:

Onions and parsley a - they will make the broth saturated, will not allow the meat to become dry even during digestion.
Bay leaf and ground pepper- will make meat with broth tastier and more aromatic.
Carnation- a small amount will make the dish more spicy.
NOTE Oriental spices and aromatic condiments are useless when cooking, they will oversaturate the broth and prevent the fish from being saturated with aroma.


Roasting allows you to preserve the maximum nutrients and natural taste. When choosing spices and seasonings for baking fish, it is important not to use too rich aromas, "strong" oriental spices, but to choose lighter, fresh additives

Baking spices:

Salt, lemon juice, or onions- invariable companions of baked fish.
Rosemary- a small twig will decorate not only the appearance of the dish, but also the gastronomic bouquet.
Basil, thyme, fennel- will add fragrant freshness to the fish dish.
Turmeric or paprika- will add a specific taste if the dish needs updating.
Ground bay leaf, allspice, ground celery- are enhancers of the taste of sea fish, adding a touch of pungency and aroma.
NOTE Do not bake fish in the presence of caraway seeds, coriander, cardamom, as these spices are bright and rich and will interrupt the taste.


Smoking sea fish is the process of preparing delicious dishes. Cooked on fragrant smoke, the fish does not require any “finishing” with spices. However, you can use the following set of spices to add to your smoke source:

Bay leaf;

Processing fish, except for light addition of salt and herbs under the ribs or gills, is not required.

Spices for salting and pickling fish:

Black, white, allspice.
Bay leaf.

Spices for fish soup

Making fish soup does not allow experimenting with spices due to the presence of broth that dissolves most of the spices.

Separately, the fish from the soup after boiling will be bland, since the spices will remain in the broth. At the same time, their number should not be increased so as not to spoil the broth itself.

When choosing spices for fish soup, you should stop choosing those that are suitable not just for hot cooking, but for a liquid dish.

The following "fish" spices have such versatility:

Black pepper. Passing through the mill, it will add aroma and pungency to both the broth and the fish, although peppercorns will also open in the soup.
Carnation. Perfectly complements not only fish, but also broths. It should only be remembered that it is added 3-5 minutes before serving, since during hot cooking it quickly loses its aroma, although it retains its taste.
Caraway. In small amounts, cumin can enhance the taste of fish and broth, impart a slight pungency and spicy aroma.
Parsley. From greens, parsley best of all gives its aroma to broth and goes well with fish dishes.
Bay leaf. Private guest in a saucepan with soup, including fish soup. It should be added 5 minutes before the end of cooking and in moderation so that the aroma of fresh fish broth does not clog with laurel essential oils.

Often in the preparation of fish soups, spices are used that can kill the natural fish aromas or even ruin the broth completely.

To such "Unsuccessful" examples include:

Dill. It is often added to soups, but when boiled, dill loses its aromas and becomes an ornament in boiled broth. If you still love dill on your table, it is better to cut it fresh and serve it already.
Chilli. A lot of hot peppers will overwhelm the natural flavors and the broth will turn out to be spicy, and the fish will be tasteless.
Sage. In fish soup, this seasoning can give too much bitterness.
Rosemary. When boiled in broth, rosemary will add too much spice and the soup will end up with an excessive pine aroma.
The use of spices in the preparation of fish should be wise, especially when mixing them. By adding carefully as you cook, over time you can come up with a set of seasonings that suit your taste.

Fish plays an important role in human nutrition. It is healthy and tasty, but it is often undeservedly relegated to the background after poultry or meat. Due to the large number of rivers, lakes and seas washing Russia, the hostess is given a huge number of types of fish to choose from, which can be boiled, stewed, fried, stuffed, pickled, salted, baked. To improve its taste during cooking, various spices are added to the dishes.

Why are spices useful for fish

Fish pulp itself is dietary and easily digestible, contains many vitamins and other useful substances. It was not for nothing that this product was included in the menu of Soviet canteens - remember "fishy" Thursday. Fish dishes are recommended for children and people on a diet due to diseases. The Japanese, whose diet consists mainly of seafood, are recognized as long-livers, even spending their old age on the move. And if you season the dishes with spices, then the benefits of them will increase significantly.

Useful properties of popular spices:

  1. Bay leaf strengthens the immune system and heart muscle.
  2. Black pepper increases appetite and destroys harmful bacteria.
  3. Cloves promote good digestion.
  4. Basil relieves inflammation, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Nutmeg is necessary for those who need to strengthen memory, stimulate the brain.
  6. Turmeric actively fights carcinogens, reducing the risk of cancer.
  7. Chili pepper promotes quick satiety and weight loss.
  8. Saffron normalizes the production of hormones; it is recommended to add it to food for women who have problems in this area.
  9. Cumin has a positive effect on the production of bile.
  10. Dill is a natural remedy for bloating.
  11. Peppermint soothes the nervous system and is advised to drink before bed.
  12. Curry improves overall well-being.

Be careful when adding seasoning to a dish. Not all spices can be beneficial for the body. Hot spices such as chili, black pepper, garlic have the ability to irritate the mucous membrane. They should not be consumed by people with stomach ulcers, liver or kidney disease. Peppermint, for example, can cause heartburn, stomach discomfort.

Seasoning composition

A condiment is a mixture of spices that is added to a particular food. If we talk about a flavoring additive for fish, then it can be purchased ready-made. For those wishing to experiment with tastes or aromas, you can assemble the seasoning yourself, focusing on your gastronomic preferences. The calorie content of the spice is on average 160 kcal per 100 grams.

Universal seasoning

The easiest way to improve the taste of a fish dish is to purchase a ready-made universal seasoning, which is sold prepackaged in any store. Choose the set of spices, which will not contain dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers. Pay attention to the salt or sugar content, these ingredients only add bulk. Ask around for spices in the special seasoning departments, where individual sets are made at the request of the buyer.

What spices are suitable for fish

It is known that delicate fish fillets perfectly absorb the smells and tastes of various herbs. The classic version of such an additive is ground coriander, dried vegetables, parsley, turmeric, ground peppers, citric acid. Interestingly, the seasoning for marinating fish is fundamentally different from the spices that are used in heat treatment. This also applies to cooking methods: it is better to use some seasonings for frying, and others for fish soup. The seasoning may also differ depending on the type of fish.

Freshwater fish species

River varieties of this product have a specific smell that can be easily removed with lemon juice, citric acid, parsley, basil, anise, oregano and other spices. These spices will go well with fish such as:

  • Pike;
  • perch;
  • trout;
  • carp.

Sea fish

Spices for sea fish must be selected carefully. They should complement the taste of the main product, emphasize its natural aroma. These spices include a fragrant bouquet of ground peppers, thyme, lemon balm, ginger, bay leaves, mustard, parsley, cloves. For smoked dishes, use fennel, sage, rosemary, and dill. These spices are ideal for:

  • herring;
  • flounder;
  • mackerel;
  • sturgeon;
  • salmon
  • hake;
  • cod.

Seasoning for salting fish and marinades

Salted or pickled fish is a private guest on the dining table. Such a dish does not have to be bought ready-made; you can cook it yourself in your kitchen. To make it tastier, chefs recommend adding bay leaves, ground peppers, allspice peas, lemon juice to the marinade. A dry fillet of low fat content will be more juicy if marinated in some kind of sauce, for example, sour cream with chopped parsley or mayonnaise.

For making fish soup and fish soup

Ukha, Suvorov-style soup, French bouillabaisse, Finnish lohikeitto - the variety of options for fish soup is huge. Bay leaves, onions, parsley, saffron, paprika, chili peppers, gourmet nyorah pepper, fennel seeds are suitable for such dishes. Some Spanish recipes include exotic fish soup seasonings such as orange peel and dark chocolate. On sale you can find ready-made sets of harmoniously selected spices for the first fish dishes.

How to use correctly

Fish can be cooked in a variety of ways. Depending on the heat treatment, seasonings should be added according to the rules in order to maximize the taste of the product:

  1. Frying. If you are going to cook fillets in a frying pan, then remember that salt must be added directly to the vegetable oil. This also applies to spices. To prevent the tender fillet from burning and falling apart, experts advise to grease the carcass with salted and pepper oil and put it in a preheated clean frying pan.
  2. Quenching. When preparing in this way, it is better to add the seasoning at the same time as the vegetables, so that they can absorb some of the aroma and taste.
  3. Cooking. Do not add oriental spices to the broth, they will make the broth too rich and "kill" the taste of the fish.
  4. Baking. Cover the carcass with seasonings, wrap in foil and place in the oven or slow cooker. If you are using river fish, you can stuff it with parsley and lemon. Such a simple seasoning for fish in the oven will remove the river smell. After you bake the fish, be sure to remove the filling.

For frying

Fried fish is one of the most popular dishes. The golden crust will not leave anyone indifferent, while the meat itself becomes more juicy due to the addition of vegetable oil. The aroma of such a dish largely depends on the seasoning. Traditionally, hot peppers are used for frying: black, red, white. Experienced chefs advise adding the following spices:

  • Garlic. But you need to know when to stop: do not get carried away with the use of this spice, so as not to interrupt the light delicate taste of the main product.
  • Coriander, nutmeg and thyme. These spicy condiments will make your meal unforgettable.
  • Turmeric. This spice is famous for its sweetish taste and bright yellow color, which it generously shares during the preparation process. An appetizing golden crust is guaranteed.
  • Greenery. The herb of dill, lemon balm, basil, parsley and thyme is in good harmony with fish. Can be used dried.
  • Lemon juice. This ingredient is not a spice, but it will help neutralize the specific smell and taste of river fish.

Fish spices for baking

Fish can be baked in different ways: in foil, in a sleeve, in an open baking sheet, in an oven or multicooker. In any case, such heat treatment is considered one of the most harmless and dietary. To add taste and aroma, cooks use the following seasonings:

  • Bay leaf. A classic spice that all housewives love. It goes well with baked fish.
  • Melissa and mint. They will give the dish a fresh shade, it is very good to use on hot days.
  • Parsley, celery root, onion and lemon juice. These ingredients will relieve the dish of the river smell during baking.
  • Anise, marjoram and oregano herb. These spices will accentuate the taste and aroma of the dish.

In order for the fish to turn out juicy and have a special flavor, seasonings and spices are necessary. Basically, this is a standard set of herbs, both dried and fresh, spices. You just need to use different combinations and mixtures of seasonings for frying, baking, stewing and making soups. Those that are suitable for grilling can give an unpleasant aftertaste if cooked with them added to the fish soup. But it's all a matter of taste, and you need to choose spices based only on it.

Seasonings for red fish

Red fish is fatter and richer than white. This delicacy loves condiments with a crisper and richer flavor. It is ideal to use seasonings such as black pepper, peas and ground paprika for red fish dishes. Turmeric and thyme are also great. Dried ground ginger and oregano go well. Dried onions and fennel will add a sweet and savory flavor. Greens - dill and basil.

Seasonings for white fish

White fish meat is ideal with thyme and rosemary, a mixture of dried herbs. Marjoram, dry and fresh basil and dill, mint and sage, oregano go well. White sea fish is served and prepared in the same way with lemon balm and coriander.

Seasonings for river fish

River fish has a completely different taste and pungent smell, so almost the same seasonings and spices are suitable for it, but you need to be careful with herbs, because it is better to serve it with parsley, especially for fish soup, but basil should be discarded. Anise, black pepper, of course, salt, coriander, bay leaf, and nutmeg are perfect for fish of this kind. Marjoram and mustard are also combined with this product.

Seasonings for frying fish

To prepare in this way, you need to use such seasonings and spices as cardamom and coriander, bay leaves and caraway seeds, mixtures of peppers, nutmeg and dried basil. These spices have a rather rich aroma and taste, so they are ideal for a crispy crust, they will saturate the dish with bright colors.

For preparing first courses

Here you should use seasonings with an unusual taste and aroma. Best of all are cloves and bay leaves, fennel and lemon balm, dried herbal mixtures, white peas and red peas. The freshness of these additives will add a very light flavor to your first fish dishes. Also, a similar list of spices can be used for stewing fish.

For pickles and pickles

There is a place to roam for lovers of various herbs and spices. The perfect combination of fish and aromatic, light and interesting additions will make the meat simply melt and rich. The following seasonings are good: basil, oregano, sage and tarragon. Also combined with fish and fennel, black and white peppers, nutmeg and bay leaves. Coriander, mint and dried dill are suitable.

A seasoning suitable for a particular dish is a rarity. At least this is what the classical school of cookery teaches, requiring the exact combination of seasonings. The fact that many other world schools do not agree with this suggests that this statement is just an opinion, but an opinion that is ingrained in people's heads. However, there are opponents to this opinion, and one of them is Elaine McGoughrey, author of Spices That Combine, which is a guide to choosing and combining various spices. In this article, we will try to turn away from the classic boring methods of matching spices to dishes and try to work according to her instructions, especially since Elaine herself lived most of her life in India, studying Indian cuisine, which is mostly based on spices.

Part 1. Freshwater (river) fish

Let's start with the most popular fish in Europe - the perch. Perch is a river fish that is equally common throughout the northern hemisphere, so there are many ways to cook it. However, one should not forget that taste preferences and capabilities of all peoples were different. However, everyone seems to have thought of fried perch. Of all the seasonings recommended for this simple dish, it is worth highlighting those that are easy to get in our country, namely:

  • Garlic
  • Dill
  • Curry
  • Orange zest (mainly for flavor, but you can sprinkle the fish with juice before frying)
  • Lemon zest (the principle is the same)
  • Cayenne pepper (within reasonable limits)
  • Oregano
  • Thyme
  • Paprika

As you can see, most spices fit the definition of "hot" or "aromatic". Actually, this is the point of adding spices when cooking river fish, which has a rather bland meat. In addition, this set is applicable to almost all river fish, except for a few exceptions, which we will talk about below.

A quick tip - do not mix cayenne and curry unless you know exactly what you are doing, and also never add chili or red pepper to the mixture. Believe me, you can end up with such a vigorous mixture that Mexican chefs will take off the sombrero together as a sign of respect for you.

You need to drink Madeira, dry sherry or sake with fresh fish, but stronger drinks will simply overwhelm the taste of the fish.

The second most popular fish is the catfish - a large and strong fish more than adequately supplies its hunters with meat, so they hunted it wherever it was found. Again, catfish is much fatter than perch and therefore requires a more delicate approach (however, the result will be noticeably more nutritious). It is recommended to fry the catfish in its own juice, however, if the fish is thin, you can add a little sunflower oil or butter (not margarine).

Suitable for catfish:

  • Hot peppers (red, cayenne, chili, jalapenos)
  • Curry
  • Cilantro or Monterrey cheese, grated
  • Oregano
  • White pepper
  • Bay leaf
  • Wine vinegar (drizzle before frying or use in marinade)

Again, we advise you not to experiment with pepper mixes without some knowledge, as the chance to settle densely in the smallest room of your house will increase exponentially with each added pepper. Rice or pasta with grated cheese are recommended as a garnish for catfish. From drinks - the same as for perch, except that you can try stronger wines - the extra fat on the fish neutralizes alcohol.

The third freshwater fish we will look at is a common small fish that does not overgrow the size of a pan - in England it is called "Panfish", that is, "Fish that fits into a pan". In Russia, such fish are gobies, capelin and other sprat relatives, both marine and freshwater.

Suitable for small fish:

  • Garlic
  • Red pepper (in small amounts)
  • Grated Cheddar cheese
  • Sweet pepper (paprika)

Small fish are very bad for hot spices, so be extra careful with red peppers. However, if you love it, you can try adding more. But do not add chili to it - it will be too spicy and specific taste.

Part 2. Sea fish

Saltwater fish offers a much wider variety of flavors than freshwater fish, so be prepared to pick your seasonings carefully, relying on our lists as a guide only, not the ultimate truth.

We will give an example, taking again a perch, only this time a sea perch. This fish is in many ways similar to its freshwater relative, except for its harder meat, larger size and more specific taste. Sea bass is served with:

  • Bow
  • Garlic
  • Jalapeno
  • Cumin
  • Lemon zest
  • Ginger

As you can see, the amount of hot spices has dropped significantly, since in the case of saltwater fish, they clog its taste and do not complement it. This rule applies to all marine fish. They eat sea bass with dry white wine.

You will have to choose the seasonings for other fish yourself, since, unlike the generally accepted and popular perch, everyone determines their taste for himself. The main thing is to add seasonings within reasonable limits and not overdo it.

Part 3. Boiled fish and fish soups

Boiled fish is a completely different story, since during cooking, part of the seasoning dissolves in the broth and, if the fish is served without it, loses its taste for the end consumer. But in the case of fish soup - it gets to him. In any case, it is worth remembering that in this case, the seasoning goes not only to a hot, but mostly liquid dish, and this requires changes in the lists.

For fish soups and boiled fish, do not use:

  • Hot peppers. They will kill the taste
  • Dill. He is simply useless here and is capable of ruining an excellent dish.
  • Bay leaf. The same as with dill.

But in a good fish soup it is worth adding:

  • Whole black pepper
  • Cloves
  • Parsley (within reason).

Choose the rest of the seasonings to your liking and following the classic instructions. By the way, some cuisines, for example, Mexican, on the contrary, add super-spicy seasonings to fish soups, but this solution is very unusual for people who are not familiar with Mexican cuisine or do not like spicy dishes. In addition, the effect of such a sauce on the intestines will be extremely negative.