How to make almond petals. Almond milk and almond petals

07.03.2020 Seafood dishes

I don't know how in your city, but here, in Saratov, you can't buy almond flour in a regular store. When I first decided to make a French pastry pastry, I searched the counters not only in the nearest grocery store, but also in large chains of the city. The most that I found were almond petals (which are also useful only after grinding). Therefore, the choice of whether or not to make almond flour at home was not even worth it. Definitely, you need to try!
I bought almonds and started the process.


  • Almonds (I have unpeeled) - 150 g You can use not whole nuts, but almond petals.
  • Water - 1.5-2 cups

Put the almonds in a convenient bowl, with the expectation that we will fill it with hot water.

Pour boiling water from a kettle so that the water completely covers the nuts.

Let stand for 1-2 minutes.

Drain all hot water and place the nuts in a colander. Spill with cold water.

After such a contrasting shower, the peels from the almonds are easily removed. The next step is to peel and place the nuts on a paper towel to help absorb excess water.

Attention! Almonds should be dried thoroughly! The moisture content of almond flour directly affects the quality of pasta and other products that we will cook from it! Flour should be dry and crumbly by the time of cooking.

For this reason, chopping finished almond petals is better than whole almonds. The petals are already dry enough and have no skin. If you can find almond petals on sale, give preference to them.

If the almonds are not fresh, a contrast shower may not be enough to peel them. After checking that the skin does not come off or that it peels off only in small fragments, and not with a cover, it is not worth wasting time. It is better to re-fill the almonds with hot water, while leaving it in the water until it cools completely. After that, even the oldest nuts will be peeled off!

Before you start grinding almonds, dry them well. Almonds can naturally dry for several days. To do this, leave it in a well-ventilated, bright place and wait until it dries completely.

I usually can't wait to start baking, so I don't wait that long. Dry on a baking sheet in the oven. Here you need to be careful not to allow the nuts to be browned! To do this, watch the almonds in the oven, literally keeping them in sight.

Place the almonds on a baking sheet (mine is covered with parchment, but this is not necessary at all). In a preheated oven to 140 C, place a baking sheet on the middle level. Dry the almonds for 20-25 minutes, turning the nuts over with a spatula every 10 minutes.

Almonds in the oven should not change color!

After this time, remove the baking sheet from the oven, remove the nuts. We wait until it cools completely and proceed to grinding in a blender or coffee grinder.

I use a Braun blender like the one in the photo.

The power of my blender is 600 watts, in the "Turbo" mode I grind in pulses of 8-10 seconds, no longer! Frequent breaks should be done in order not to burn the blender, and also to avoid oil release.

Almonds release oil very quickly (and we don't need flour!), To prevent this, you should be careful and chop the nuts in short pulses.

It is precisely because of the walking fears on the Internet that I did not dare to make almond flour with my own hands for a long time. It seemed to me that I would "spoil" the nuts, the flour would not work, oil would start to stand out right away, etc. The fears were in vain, you just have to be careful and everything will work out!

Stop the blender periodically and scrape flour off the corners and sides of the bowl. You need to chop the nuts in small portions, for example, I processed this mass of 150 g in three approaches. Depending on the size of the bowl of your blender, the portions can be smaller or larger: the most important thing is that the flour does not cake, but moves freely around the bowl.

The finished flour must be sieved: the large pieces remaining in the sieve should be sent back to the blender bowl and chopped to the desired fraction.

Store almond flour in a tightly closed glass jar (or a tightly tied bag) in a dry place. Apply it only with a dry spoon!

For pasta and other baked goods, you can buy ready-made flour, for example, in online stores. On the You Tube channel, I posted a step-by-step video recipe for making pasta, I invite you to watch!

I will be very pleased to receive feedback on the recipe: share in the comments whether you made flour in a blender, what difficulties did you experience, or did everything go smoothly? Maybe you grind almonds in a coffee grinder? Share your experience with other site visitors!

Thanks! Happy baking and only proven recipes!

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It is simple, albeit somewhat laborious. It is necessary to peel the soaked almonds from the skins and carefully cut the petals from the kernels with a vegetable peeler:

Dry petals in a dehydrator, transfer to a jar and use as needed.

In my experience, at best, 3 whole petals are obtained from one almond kernel. So, you have to tinker. But it's worth it! Almond petals can be amazingly beautiful to decorate live cuisine.

For example, see this recipe for a healthy dessert:

  • Almond cake

Now let's go back to milk.

2. Thoroughly washed nuts (and, of course, what remains of the almond petals) load into a blender, add a glass of water. Grind for 1-2 minutes:

Keep in mind that the less water, the richer the taste of the milk.

3. Strain the resulting mass through 3-4 layers of gauze and squeeze out the nut cake thoroughly:

By the way, this funny process, similar to milking cows, is very funny for children.

You can refill the cake with a glass of water and repeat the procedure, but I like a richer taste, so I do not refill the cake.

5. Basically, the almond milk is ready. The taste is amazing!

But you can enhance the impression and grind almond milk with honey and a pinch of salt in a blender again.

And if you use dates instead of honey, almond milk will taste gingerbread - absolutely amazing yummy!


Pour milk into a beautiful glass and have fun and maximum benefit!

P.S. I have already written more than once that I prefer not to store food, but they say that almond milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 36 hours. Shake well before use.

You can make a lot of useful things from the remaining nut cake - cheese, ice cream, cookies, bread - I will definitely publish the recipes, so subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss anything interesting.

And from the nut milk itself, you can make amazingly tasty and healthy drinks, for example:

  • milkshakes


Almond petals, or almond flakes, are a product made from almonds by special grinding.

Peeled almond kernels, cut in a certain way (in thin plates along the fruit), are a very popular product in cooking. It has all the useful properties of this nut and is widely used in the professional confectionery kitchen to decorate desserts, cakes and other festive baked goods.


The chemical composition of almond petals coincides with the composition of the nut itself - almond.
It is rich and varied as it includes:

  • B vitamins, as well as thiamine, niacin, folacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, as well as vitamin E (or tocopherol);
  • micro- and macroelements: magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium;
  • about 60% fatty vegetable oil;
  • approximately 30% natural protein.


Eating in almond petals is very beneficial for human health due to the rich composition of these nuts.

  1. The almond kernels, from which the petals are made, are useful for treating bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma.
  2. Almond petals will help remove sand from the kidneys, purify the blood, lower bile levels and normalize the liver and spleen.
  3. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, so eating almond petals will keep your cells from aging prematurely and protect you from free radical damage.
  4. Almond flakes normalize sleep, stimulate brain activity and can even heal headaches.

Did you know? Just 50 g of almond petals per week will help reduce the risk of a serious heart disease - myocardial infarction.


Eating almond petals in excess can cause food poisoning or allergies, as almonds, like all nuts, are a strong allergen.

The consequences of the ingestion of immature, bitter almonds into the body can be serious, since it contains poisonous hydrocyanic acid.

Due to their high calorie content, almond petals can increase a person's weight easily and quickly.

Carefully! Almond petals and almonds in general are dangerous for people with irregular heart and nervous system problems. ... How to use

How to use

Almond petals are used most often for sprinkling and decorating desserts: pies, pastries, cakes, cookies and other baked goods. This product is added to muesli or oatmeal and wheat porridge, it gives the finished dish a delicate aroma, tart taste and pleasant structure.

But fish, meat or poultry dishes can also be prepared with this ingredient. The fish can be breaded in almond flakes, baked in a cutlet or chop, or fried in an almond "fur coat".

How to make almond flakes at home? This laborious process begins with pouring boiling water over the nuts; the peel is easily peeled from the soaked ones. Then the nut is cut into the thinnest possible slices and dried.

How to choose

Since this is an expensive and rather rare product in our supermarkets, please choose it responsibly so as not to buy stale and low-quality goods.

  1. Buy almond flakes from a trusted manufacturer if you are already convinced of the quality of the product.
  2. The appearance of the flakes is important when choosing - the product must be dry, without additional impurities and clean.
  3. The composition should not contain preservatives, granulated sugar or syrup.
  4. It is worth buying almond flakes by weight at points of sale with a large turnover, it is less likely to buy stale goods.
  5. If you feel the aroma of nuts, then it should not be bitter.


It is better to store almond petals in a glass, always dry jar with a hermetically sealed lid. The room must also be dry, as moisture can get into the jar and spoil the product.

Better to put the jar in the refrigerator or even in the freezer. Compliance with these recommendations will help preserve the beneficial properties and flavor characteristics of the flakes for up to 12 months.

Caloric value 650kcal

Energy value of the product (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 22g. (88 kcal)

Fat: 58g. (522 kcal)

Carbohydrates: 12g. (48 kcal)

Energy ratio (b | f | y):
| 80%
| 7%

How to make almond flour at home

Put the almonds in a convenient bowl, with the expectation that we will fill it with hot water.

Pour boiling water from a kettle so that the water completely covers the nuts.

Let stand for 1-2 minutes.

Drain all hot water and place the nuts in a colander. Spill with cold water.

After such a contrasting shower, the peels from the almonds are easily removed. The next step is to peel and place the nuts on a paper towel to help absorb excess water.

Attention! Almonds should be dried thoroughly! The moisture content of almond flour directly affects the quality of pasta and other products that we will cook from it! Flour should be dry and crumbly by the time of cooking. ... It is for this reason that chopping finished almond petals is better than whole almonds.

The petals are already dry enough and have no skin. If you can find almond petals on sale, give preference to them.

For this reason, chopping finished almond petals is better than whole almonds. The petals are already dry enough and have no skin. If you can find almond petals on sale, give preference to them.

If the almonds are not fresh, a contrast shower may not be enough to peel them. After checking that the skin does not come off or that it peels off only in small fragments, and not with a cover, it is not worth wasting time. It is better to re-fill the almonds with hot water, while leaving it in the water until it cools completely. After that, even the oldest nuts will be peeled off!

Before you start grinding almonds, dry them well. Almonds can naturally dry for several days. To do this, leave it in a well-ventilated, bright place and wait until it dries completely.

I usually can't wait to start baking, so I don't wait that long. Dry on a baking sheet in the oven. Here you need to be careful not to allow the nuts to be browned! To do this, watch the almonds in the oven, literally keeping them in sight.

Place the almonds on a baking sheet (mine is covered with parchment, but this is not necessary at all). In a preheated oven to 140 C, place a baking sheet on the middle level. Dry the almonds for 20-25 minutes, turning the nuts over with a spatula every 10 minutes.

Almonds in the oven should not change color!

After this time, remove the baking sheet from the oven, remove the nuts. We wait until it cools completely and proceed to grinding in a blender or coffee grinder.

I use a Braun blender like the one in the photo.

The power of my blender is 600 watts, in the "Turbo" mode I grind in pulses of 8-10 seconds, no longer! Frequent breaks should be done in order not to burn the blender, and also to avoid oil release.

Almonds release oil very quickly (and we don't need flour!), To prevent this, you should be careful and chop the nuts in short pulses.

It is precisely because of the walking fears on the Internet that I did not dare to make almond flour with my own hands for a long time. It seemed to me that I would "spoil" the nuts, the flour would not work, oil would start to stand out right away, etc. The fears were in vain, you just have to be careful and everything will work out!

Stop the blender periodically and scrape flour off the corners and sides of the bowl. You need to chop the nuts in small portions, for example, I processed this mass of 150 g in three approaches. Depending on the size of the bowl of your blender, the portions can be smaller or larger: the most important thing is that the flour does not cake, but moves freely around the bowl.

The finished flour must be sieved: the large pieces remaining in the sieve should be sent back to the blender bowl and chopped to the desired fraction.

Store almond flour in a tightly closed glass jar (or a tightly tied bag) in a dry place. Apply it only with a dry spoon!

For pasta and other baked goods, you can buy ready-made flour, for example, in online stores. On the You Tube channel, I posted a step-by-step video recipe for making pasta, I invite you to watch!

I will be very pleased to receive feedback on the recipe: share in the comments whether you made flour in a blender, what difficulties did you experience, or did everything go smoothly? Maybe you grind almonds in a coffee grinder? Share your experience with other site visitors!

Thanks! Happy baking and only proven recipes!

Benefit and harm

Even after special processing, crushed almonds remain incredibly healthy for humans. This product has a rich composition, which includes not only vitamins and minerals, but also fatty vegetable oil and natural protein. Thanks to this, almond petals are of great benefit to the body.

  • Processed almonds are effective in treating bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia.
  • In addition, it helps cleanse the kidneys and gallbladder of sand.
  • Natural almond flakes improve liver and spleen function.
  • Thanks to its vitamin E content, this product slows down cell aging and protects the body from free radical damage.
  • Even with the help of such a petal, you can normalize sleep and quickly relieve headaches.

It has been scientifically proven to reduce the risk of myocardial infarction when consumed regularly. In this case, it is enough to eat the product once a week in the amount of fifty grams.

Due to the fact that almonds, like any other type of nut, are a strong allergen, excessive consumption of them can cause serious harm to the body. This usually manifests itself in the form of food poisoning, and sometimes this product causes severe allergies.

Due to the high calorie content, this product is not recommended for use with increased body weight. It is also dangerous when the heart and nervous system are impaired.

Almond petals are an incredibly tasty and aromatic product that can work wonders in cooking!

How to make almond petals at home. Almond Petal Pie Recipe

Do you know what almond petals are? How to make them at home? If not, then our article will be very useful for you. We wish you success in the kitchen!

general information

First, let's figure out what almond petals are. The almond kernels, peeled from the brown skin, are cut into thin plates. They resemble petals or flakes in appearance.

They can be consumed salted or toasted. But most often housewives use almond "petals" to decorate pastries and desserts (for example, ice cream, cakes, biscuits, muffins).

It turns out to be a real culinary masterpiece.

We need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 50 g whole almonds.

Detailed instructions:

Almond Petal Pie

Grocery list:

  • one bag of vanilla sugar (8 g) and baking powder (15 g);
  • two eggs;
  • almond petals - 100 g;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and milk;
  • white sugar - one glass is enough;
  • 100 gram portion of butter;
  • kefir - ½ cup;
  • flour (the variety is not important) - 200 g.

Practical part

  1. Before starting cooking, lay out all the ingredients. Let them stand at room temperature for at least half an hour.
  2. Break eggs into a bowl. Pour in kefir in the right amount. Pour in white sugar, but not all, but 150 g. Beat these ingredients using a powerful mixer.
  3. Flour should be combined with baking powder. Pour into the egg-kefir mixture through a sieve. Turn on the mixer again. Beat at low speed.
  4. Cover the bottom of the baking dish with special paper. Pour in the dough carefully. Be sure to level it.
  5. Place the form with the contents in a preheated oven (200 ° C). The baking time of the cake is 10 minutes.
  6. Let's start preparing the fill. Put a 100-gram portion of butter in a saucepan. We melt it. Next, pour in two types of sugar - white (100 g) and vanilla (bag). Add honey and milk there. We mix. Place the almond petals. We cook all this on a low heat. Wait for the sugar crystals to completely dissolve and remove the pan from the stove.
  7. It's time to get our pie out of the oven. Spread the previously prepared fill evenly over its surface. Immediately, you can see that the almond petals are covered with an oil-sugar shell. Put the cake in the oven again. This time, you will have to wait 10-15 minutes. Before serving, the baked goods must cool and the top crust must harden. Enjoy your tea party!


Almond petals not only give the dessert a great look, but also add calories. This should be taken into account by those who follow the figure. The calorie content of almond "petals" is 50 kcal / 100 g.

A source:

How to make almond petals at home

Despite the fact that special grinding machines are used to make almond petals, this delicious product is very easy to make at home. To do this, you just need to prepare two ingredients - whole almonds (50 g) and purified water (1 L). First of all, the nuts must be peeled from the shell by carefully splitting them into two parts with a small hammer.

Note! The almond kernels must remain intact, as they will be needed to make the petals. Without separating the brown husks, soak the almonds in cold water for twenty-four hours

It is recommended to change the liquid every three hours so that the bitterness goes away. After the specified time has elapsed, the fruits should be peeled from the top layer. After soaking, the peel is removed very easily; it is enough to just pry it off and pull it with a special knife for vegetables. Then cut the peeled almond kernels into thin slices. It will be easier to do this along the grain than across it. The next step in preparing the petals is drying. You can dry them in a dry non-stick pan with constant stirring. The whole process will take no more than seven minutes. In the oven, the product will dry in five minutes. One way or another, after drying, the flakes can be immediately used for their intended purpose.

How to make almond petals at home

We need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 50 g whole almonds.

Detailed instructions:

Step # 1. Put the whole almonds on the table. We split each of them with a heavy hammer. But we do it carefully to avoid damage to the inner (white) part.

Step number 2. We take out the kernels in a brown skin. It is from them that we will subsequently make almond petals. Place the kernels in a glass bowl. Fill with cold water. The liquid must completely cover them. Leave the almonds in this form for 24 hours. Do not forget to change the water periodically. Such actions will rid the kernels of bitterness and a yellowish tint.

Step number 3. At the end of the day we clean the grains using a universal knife for vegetables. The skin is removed quickly and easily. You just need to pick up the edge with a knife and pull it.

Step number 4. Transfer the peeled kernels to a cutting board. With another (sharp) knife, cut them as thin as possible. If you get almost transparent and slightly oblong petals, then we did everything right. For those who want to save time, we suggest cutting the almond kernels not lengthwise, but across.

Step number 5. In a dry and cold frying pan with a non-stick coating, send the "petals". We dry them at minimum heat. Be sure to stir. This will get rid of excess moisture. The drying process of the almond flakes will take 5-7 minutes.

Step number 6. Transfer the "petals" to the plate. You can decorate a dessert with them or add to baked goods, after grinding in a mortar. Many people throw away almond shells as useless. However, it can be used to add a richer color to alcoholic beverages (liquor, cognac, etc.).

Do you know what almond petals are? How to make them at home? If not, then our article will be very useful for you. We wish you success in the kitchen!

general information

First, let's figure out the petals. The almond kernels, peeled from the brown skin, are cut into thin plates. They resemble petals or flakes in appearance. They can be consumed salted or toasted. But most often housewives use almond "petals" to decorate pastries and desserts (for example, ice cream, cakes, biscuits, muffins). It turns out to be a real culinary masterpiece.

We need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 50 g whole almonds.

Detailed instructions:

Step # 1. Put the whole almonds on the table. We split each of them with a heavy hammer. But we do it carefully to avoid damage to the inner (white) part.

Step number 2. We take out the kernels in a brown skin. It is from them that we will subsequently make almond petals. Place the kernels in a glass bowl. Fill with cold water. The liquid must completely cover them. Leave the almonds in this form for 24 hours. Do not forget to change the water periodically. Such actions will rid the kernels of bitterness and a yellowish tint.

Step number 3. At the end of the day we clean the grains using a universal knife for vegetables. The skin is removed quickly and easily. You just need to pick up the edge with a knife and pull it.

Step number 4. Transfer the peeled kernels to a cutting board. With another (sharp) knife, cut them as thin as possible. If you get almost transparent and slightly oblong petals, then we did everything right. For those who want to save time, we suggest cutting the almond kernels not lengthwise, but across.

Step number 5. In a dry and cold frying pan with a non-stick coating, send the "petals". We dry them at minimum heat. Be sure to stir. This will get rid of excess moisture. The drying process of the almond flakes will take 5-7 minutes.

Step number 6. Transfer the "petals" to the plate. You can decorate a dessert with them or add to baked goods, after grinding in a mortar. Many people throw away almond shells as useless. However, it can be used to add a richer color to alcoholic beverages (liquor, cognac, etc.).

Almond Petal Pie

Grocery list:

Practical part

  1. Before starting cooking, lay out all the ingredients. Let them stand at room temperature for at least half an hour.
  2. Break eggs into a bowl. Pour in kefir in the right amount. Pour in white sugar, but not all, but 150 g. Beat these ingredients using a powerful mixer.
  3. Flour should be combined with baking powder. Pour into the egg-kefir mixture through a sieve. Turn on the mixer again. Beat at low speed.
  4. Cover the bottom of the baking dish with special paper. Pour in the dough carefully. Be sure to level it.
  5. Place the form with the contents in a preheated oven (200 ° C). The baking time of the cake is 10 minutes.
  6. Let's start preparing the fill. Put a 100-gram portion of butter in a saucepan. We melt it. Next, pour in two types of sugar - white (100 g) and vanilla (bag). Add honey and milk there. We mix. Place the almond petals. We cook all this on a low heat. We are waiting for the complete dissolution of the sugar crystals. We remove the pan from the stove.
  7. It's time to get our pie out of the oven. Spread the previously prepared fill evenly over its surface. Immediately, you can see that the almond petals are covered with an oil-sugar shell. Put the cake in the oven again. This time you will have to wait 10-15 minutes. Before serving, the baked goods must cool and the top crust must harden. Enjoy your tea party!


Almond petals not only give the dessert a great look, but also add calories. This should be taken into account by those who follow the figure. The calorie content of almond "petals" is 50 kcal / 100 g.

Almond petals are thin plates no more than 0.7 mm wide (see photo), obtained by grinding peeled almonds. This product has a nutty flavor and aroma, therefore it is widely used in the confectionery industry and not only. Otherwise, such petals are called almond flakes.

Since natural chopped almonds are an expensive product, you should be responsible when buying them so as not to buy stale goods. It is recommended to buy nut petals in trusted stores with a large turnover. If only prepackaged flakes are on sale, then be sure to study their composition. They should not contain preservatives, sugar or sugar syrup. Remember to inspect the product externally. It must be dry and clean. Impurities are not allowed.

For storing almond petals, it is best to use sealed glass containers, as well as a dry and dark place. If stored damp it will deteriorate very quickly.

Crushed almonds can also be stored in the refrigerator and even in the freezer. Providing all the necessary conditions, you will be able to store the flakes throughout the year.

How to make almond petals at home?

Despite the fact that special grinding machines are used to make almond petals, this delicious product is very easy to make at home. To do this, you just need to prepare two ingredients - whole almonds (50 g) and purified water (1 L). First of all, the nuts must be peeled from the shell by carefully splitting them into two parts with a small hammer. Note! The almond kernels must remain intact, as they will be needed to make the petals. Without peeling off the brown husks, soak the almonds in cold water for twenty-four hours. It is recommended to change the liquid every three hours so that the bitterness goes away. After the specified time has elapsed, the fruits should be peeled from the top layer. After soaking, the peel is removed very easily; it is enough to just pry it off and pull it with a special knife for vegetables. Then cut the peeled almond kernels into thin slices. It will be easier to do this along the grain than across it. The next step in preparing the petals is drying. You can dry them in a dry non-stick pan with constant stirring. The whole process will take no more than seven minutes. In the oven, the product will dry in five minutes. One way or another, after drying, the flakes can be immediately used for their intended purpose.

Cooking use

In cooking, almond petals are most often used as a versatile dressing for various confectionery products. The following desserts can serve as them:

  • pies;
  • cakes;
  • cakes;
  • biscuits;
  • puffs;
  • ice cream, etc.

It is noteworthy that with the help of such almond dressing, you can improve not only the taste of confectionery products, but also their appearance. Any cake decorated with such flakes looks much more appetizing.

Almond petals can be added to muesli, as well as wheat or oatmeal. They give the dish a light almond aroma, tart taste and delicate texture.

Today, there are not only sweet recipes with this product. Some culinary experts use it as a breading for fish, pork and poultry. Especially often cutlets and chops are breaded in such flakes.

Almond flakes are prized almost all over the world. For example, in the United States, they symbolize material well-being, family happiness and eternal love. It is for this reason that in this country it is customary to decorate wedding cakes with such petals. In Sweden, this product is a must-have for Christmas baked goods.

Thanks to its rich aroma, chopped almonds can be used as a seasoning for salads, as well as for first and second courses and more.

Benefit and harm

Even after special processing, crushed almonds remain incredibly healthy for humans. This product has a rich composition, which includes not only vitamins and minerals, but also fatty vegetable oil and natural protein. Thanks to this, almond petals are of great benefit to the body.

  • Processed almonds are effective in treating bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia.
  • In addition, it helps cleanse the kidneys and gallbladder of sand.
  • Natural almond flakes improve liver and spleen function.
  • Thanks to its vitamin E content, this product slows down cell aging and protects the body from free radical damage.
  • Even with the help of such a petal, you can normalize sleep and quickly relieve headaches.

It has been scientifically proven to reduce the risk of myocardial infarction when consumed regularly. In this case, it is enough to eat the product once a week in the amount of fifty grams.

Due to the fact that almonds, like any other type of nut, are a strong allergen, excessive consumption of them can cause serious harm to the body. This usually manifests itself in the form of food poisoning, and sometimes this product causes severe allergies.

Due to the high calorie content, this product is not recommended for use with increased body weight. It is also dangerous when the heart and nervous system are impaired.

Almond petals are an incredibly tasty and aromatic product that can work wonders in cooking!