Freezing groceries and ready meals: true or false? Vitamins: a budget solution.

28.04.2019 Salads

If we talk about vegetables and fruits, then freezing is much more gentle preservation method, than marinating or cooking with sugar.

Moreover, in winter frozen vegetables prepared in season, which is much healthier than fresh from the supermarket, but brought from distant countries, where they are grown in greenhouses, using large doses of fertilizers and growth accelerators.

And also, maybe you will be reassured by the fact that nature itself provides for natural freezing... In winter, the roots, tubers, and seeds of many plants are repeatedly frozen and thawed, and in the spring, as if nothing had happened, they grow again.

And the rest of the food is completely funny... What kind of life can we talk about, in general, if the dish has passed heat treatment? Or, what vitamins in raw meat can destroy the frost? And if it does destroy something, then what difference does it make if they are not left after cooking anyway?

So that, the article is not about benefits, but only about taste.

1. Dairy products and eggs

Can cheese be frozen

Freeze-tolerant hard varieties cheese their taste and consistency does not change at all.

And here semi-solid after defrosting will crumble, but their taste will not become worse from this. That is, if you choose between two evils: freezing unhardened cheese or the formation of mold on it from long storage in the refrigerator, it is definitely best to put it in the freezer. There he will lie quietly for up to six months.

If the cheese is very soft for example, Adyghe, then freezing will greatly affect its taste.

Better to avoid it. But, since there are so different technologies and initial ingredients now, the cheeses themselves may have different reactions to freezing.

Therefore, nothing prevents you from doing a small experiment by placing a small piece in the freezer. Perhaps the cheese of this particular company will remain as tasty after thawing.

Here is a list of popular types of cheese by hardness:
Very hard: Parmesan, Pecorino Romano
Hard: Gouda, Cheddar, Edam, Russian
Semi-hard: Mozzarella, Camembert, Brie
Soft: Ricotta, Feta, Creamy, Adyghe

Solid it is better to rub in advance and arrange in portioned bags... Cut semi-solid pieces into portioned pieces and sprinkle them with starch so that they do not stick together.

Cottage cheese

Freeze curd for storage can, provided that you will then use it for any dishes, for example, dumplings, cheesecakes or curd lasagne.

After defrosting its taste becomes worse, well, just a little, but the structure changes: it exfoliates, crumbles and tastes drier.

It is best to freeze very dry cottage cheese by squeezing it out of the whey and wrapping it in portioned bags.


It is quite possible to freeze the cottage cheese serum. It is stored for a very long time and after thawing it can be used for dough. But drinking it may not be very pleasant, since it sometimes happens that it stratifies into fractions.

Freezing is most convenient in plastic tie plastic bagso that the serum does not saturate foreign odors.

The main thing is not to pour the liquid to the brim, leave room for the natural expansion of the water, otherwise it will simply splash out right in the chamber.

Can milk be frozen?

Milk keeps well in the freezer. In the North, for example, to this day, milk is stored frozen on the street.

And if necessary, they simply split off a piece, melt it in the refrigerator and drink, stirring it well, as a slight separation of the components may occur.

If you defrost it quickly, in the microwave, or even room temperature, milk then loses in taste.

You can freeze and cow and goat milk, no difference. The container should be selected taking into account the expansion of the liquid at the moment of turning into ice.

“So if you want to freeze milk in plastic bottle, then you do not need to pour it to the brim! It will just burst "

It is better to give preference to small bottles, up to a liter. Since it is no longer recommended to re-freeze milk if it is not useful to you all at once, as it will lose a lot of vitamins.

Although, many people practice this method: get big bottle, keep it at room temperature, drain a certain amount, and put the remaining ice ball back into the freezer.

Sour cream

Sour cream, definitely, strongly exfoliates after defrosting and then bring it back to its original form will not work. Its taste will not change, but it will be completely unpleasant to eat, since grains and flakes are formed in it.

Therefore, the thawed sour cream in the subsequent only suitable for baking or cooking, suggesting sour cream sauce: beef stroganoff, mushroom sauce, etc. She won't be able to fill the salad.

Sour cream will be slightly better after defrosting if you beat it with a mixer before placing it in the freezer. But, all the same, do not wait for the initial consistency. When freezing, do not forget that it expands and you need to take a container "with a margin".

Do raw eggs freeze?

Yes! This is a great way to store eggs, because they do not disappear in this form. whole year.

The protein, after defrosting, does not change the consistency at all, and the yolk becomes more elastic, but this does not spoil the taste, but on the contrary improves.

There are even dishes in which pre-freezing of eggs is supposed to get a “rubber” baked yolk later. These eggs are especially good in hot sandwiches.

By the way, if you ate an omelet at McDonald's, then it is unusual not because wild chemicals are mixed there, but simply because they used frozen eggs.

Defrosted eggs are also suitable for baking, including for making creams and meringues.

Most importantly, do not try to freeze them in their shells, they will explode. It is most convenient to freeze in portioned glasses and whipped.

For example: omelet cups, each of which has 3-4 eggs, or, cups in which separately yolks or whites, for example, 3 pieces.

If you still froze a large number of immediately and do not remember how many pieces went to the container, then thawed eggs can be measured as follows:

  • Protein 1 egg - 2 tablespoons
  • 1 egg yolk - 1 tbsp
  • Whole egg - 3 tablespoons

2. Freezing meat and fish

Red caviar

IN industrial scale red caviar is frozen, but the fact is that shock freezing is used there, which assumes the temperature of the chambers is 18 degrees and below.

Such caviar is perfectly stored and when properly defrosted (in the refrigerator), it does not lose its taste and nutritional composition at all.

In our home refrigerators, we hardly have -12 (except for modern models, where there is a "Superfreeze" function), therefore, even if you defrost the caviar correctly, small changes will still be noticeable.

The taste of the caviar will not deteriorate, but some eggs may burst, deform a little, and a little liquid will appear.

In fairness, this kind of caviar in cans is, and nothing, everyone likes it.

"In order for caviar to survive the freezing as best as possible, it must be loaded into small glass jars, filled to the top and removed as much as possible."

And for defrosting put in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours, no less. If you hurry and heat it up, it will turn into an almost uniform mess.

In general, caviar tolerates such preservation well, mostly due to the fact that it is well salted, because the salt does not allow the product to freeze thoroughly.

Are herring and dried fish frozen?

Absolutely no problem! As in the case of caviar, salt prevents the herring from freezing too much and turning to stone, therefore, when defrosting, it does not creep and does not lose its taste at all.

Any dry fish, red fish, etc. - can be frozen... Just be sure to wrap it well, as the strong smell of fish can affect the taste of other foods that are stored in the freezer.

How does freezing affect fresh fish?

You can freeze any river and sea \u200b\u200bfish, its taste does not spoil at all, except that after defrosting it becomes a little softer.

Therefore, you must remember this property before putting it in the freezer. The fish needs to be cleaned, gutted and cut into portioned pieces, as it will be more difficult for you to do it later.

But if you really don't have time to prepare, then fresh fish can be frozen just like that, without cleaning. Nothing special will happen to her.

And here re-freezing fish is not very desirable, since its consistency will change greatly: it will become drier, it will begin to break.

Features of freezing meat

You can freeze any meat and this is probably no secret to anyone. Many are more interested in the question: can I re-freeze meat after defrosting?

You will be surprised, but the answer is yes!

But, do not forget that the taste will not get better from this and such a piece of meat is better used for stewing or broths, and not frying or baking, since with repeated thawing it becomes excessively dry.

Can a chicken be frozen?

Yes, absolutely. The only question here is how to do it in the most convenient way.

If you do not need a whole carcass after defrosting (and you do not need it, since it is better to bake fresh, it will be juicier), then be sure to disassemble it into its constituent parts and wrap each one in a separate bag.

This method of dividing a chicken carcass into portions is very convenient:

  • Breast fillet - per serving of chops
  • Two hams, wings, neck - for baking in the sleeve
  • Back - for broth
  • Bone from the sternum and skin - for one more broth

What kind of minced meat can be stored in the freezer?

The fact that minced meat can be frozen is probably known to any baby. But, is it possible to store minced meat with onions in the freezer, not everyone knows.

Yes, the onion does not spoil at all during thawing and the taste of minced meat does not change. Moreover, you can freeze not only with onions, but also with other cutlet ingredients: bread, eggs, garlic, potatoes.

3. Freezing vegetables, fruits and mushrooms

Can mushrooms be frozen?

Yes, this can be done with any mushrooms: wild mushrooms, fresh store mushrooms, honey agarics and others. But if purchased mushrooms and oyster mushrooms can be put in the freezer raw, then forest mushrooms must be boiled in advance for five minutes.

In order to prevent the mushrooms in the bag from sticking together, after cutting or cooking, they must be laid out on a waffle towel and dried a little. And only after that, place in portioned bags.

Should you freeze berries?

Of course it's worth it! Any berry after freezing loses a little in taste, of course.

It gets a little watery and sour... But on the other hand, in it much more vitamins are retainedthan in a jar of jam.

The berries must be frozen in two stages. The first time they need to be laid out on a board and slightly freeze, and when they "grab" a little - put them in portioned bags and finally freeze.


Many, but not all, are freezing well. Let's figure out which vegetables can be frozen for the winter at home, and which are undesirable.

By and large, you can freeze everything, but not all vegetables retain their taste. For example, zucchini categorically cannot stand freezing in circles. Though they are fresh frost, even blanched, but at the exit they turn out to be rubber and slightly edible.

So what's not to put in the freezer?

  • Zucchini in slices (terrible consistency)
  • Fresh eggplants (smells unpleasant)
  • Whole tomatoes (smell unpleasant and turn into porridge)
  • Whole cucumbers (only water remains)
  • Radish (eerie smell)
  • Radish (same thing)
  • Green salad (crumbles into pieces)

But what exactly is worth freezing, but be sure to follow the tips for packaging and preparation:

  • Zucchini grated on pancakes (squeeze well beforehand)
  • Baked eggplants (for caviar)
  • Tomatoes grated on borscht (pour into portioned cups)
  • Cucumber juice in ice containers (for masks)
  • Bulgarian pepper (raw, at least in pieces, at least whole)
  • Peeled garlic
  • Grated beets and carrots
  • Common beans (perfectly stored and no bugs)
  • Asparagus beans (need to blanch)
  • Sorrel (raw, chopped)

This is the most essential kit. But besides this, it is quite possible to freeze slices of pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage and even green onions!

Some people don't really like the taste of frozen potatoes, because they get a little sweeter from this. But, this does not interfere with supermarkets all year round trade her!

4. Freezing of various liquids

Can coconut milk be frozen?

Coconut milk is often confused with coconut waterinside the nut. It is transparent and it is quite possible to freeze it; when thawing, neither taste nor aroma change.

But milk is a product made by human hands. To prepare it, you need to grate the nut (or use ready-made shavings), then pour the mass plain water and leave for 2 hours. Then beat everything with a blender and squeeze the resulting liquid through cheesecloth.

This will be real milk that you can freeze if you made too much of it.

Do tea and coffee freeze?

It is possible, and this will not greatly affect the taste of the drink. But in dry form, store grains or tea leaves in freezer not worth it, as they will lose all their aroma and simply damp. Moreover, no sealed packaging will save you from moisture.

Can beer be frozen?

You can, but only then, then just throw it away. Frozen beer tastes very unpleasant, sheer disgusting, not to mention the fact that the gas will leave it irretrievably during defrosting.

Is wine kept in the freezer?

In no case should you freeze the wine. It will stratify into fractions, become cloudy, smell and taste will greatly change.

And if you put it in the freezer right in the bottle, it will also burst, and then nothing can wash the camera.

Can yeast be frozen?

Yes, they lend themselves well to freezing, regardless of their purpose: for baking, moonshine, or for anything else where they can be used.

From low temperatures yeast do not deteriorate and, when thawed, begin to multiply actively.

Can I freeze breast milk?

There will be no harm if you freeze breast milk once. But at the same time, keep in mind that some of the vitamins are destroyed in this case, therefore, it is often not worth doing this. The same goes for re-freezing breast milk.


Many are interested in whether it is possible to freeze freshly squeezed fruit juice or, for example, birch?

Our answer is you can, but do you need to take up so much space in the freezer? Of course, during sterilization, a certain proportion of vitamins is lost, but also during defrosting.

And what about the taste - more often sterilized juice comes out tastier, especially for apple and tomato.

5. Freezing semi-finished products

Borsch dressing

Of course. This is a very convenient method that saves time. Another question: what is the best way to do this?

there is different variants and they are all good.

You can rub everything fresh vegetables separately, put in portioned bags and freeze. But, the disadvantage of this method is that it will take too many containers.

In the second method, a prefabricated refueling is made, for example, with the following components:

  • Grated beets
  • Boiled beans
  • Grated tomatoes
  • Fried carrots with onions
  • Cabbage

That is, it turns out that then you only need to boil the potatoes and broth. Vegetables are calculated immediately, not by weight, but by the number of tubers that goes into one pan. And it is cut in the same way: prepared one portion - put it in a bag.

With taste, you need to experiment. Some don't like frozen cabbageand some hate defrosted carrot roast. Here already - try it yourself, no one will tell you.

What is the best way to freeze cabbage rolls?

Please note that not half-cooked rice should be added to the minced meat, as with the usual recipe, as it will simply creep away. For such a semi-finished product, pour boiling water over the rice and hold for about 10 minutes, then cool and mix with the meat.

Cabbage leaves must be blanched. Stuffed cabbage rolls are stored very well, but, of course, taste slightly different from freshly prepared ones.

Stuffed pepper

Freezer peppers taste good, but fresh is much better.

Dumplings, dumplings and pasties

Of course, but be sure to freeze them on a board first.

And only after their edges get stronger and freeze, put them in a bag.

Otherwise, instead of dumplings, you will get a strange mixture of dough and minced meat, which will be simply impossible to cook.

6. Dough and baked goods

Well, a lot of housewives do not know whether it is possible to freeze the dough or not.

Yes, absolutely nothing will happen to him. This also applies yeast dough and sand and puff. In the supermarket, it is sold in this form, by the way.

Freeze ready-made pies stuffed?

Yes, the pies tolerate freezing well. Though fried, even baked. That is, the freezer will not affect the quality of the test.

But about the filling, there are different options. The meat is preserved perfectly, but it becomes a little drier. The rice filling will become overly soft, the cabbage filling will remain just as tasty.

Can pancakes be frozen without filling?

Yes. After thawing, they will become a little drier and will crumble slightly, but this does not greatly affect the taste.

And, if you add the filling to them and fry, then there will be no difference at all.

Are bread and rolls kept in the freezer?

Yes of course. The only thing to consider is that after defrosting the bread becomes stale much faster and you need to eat it as quickly as possible.

Can cake be frozen?

Cakes can be stored in the freezer, no damage to the dough. But creams behave differently. Buttery is stored just fine, but protein after defrosting does not smell very pleasant.

7. Freezing ready meals

Do boiled eggs freeze?

If you freeze them whole, that is, you cannot: boiled protein acquires a disgusting taste.

But the yolks, surprisingly, do not spoil at all. Therefore, in order to freeze boiled eggs, you need to get rid of the protein shell, and put the yolks in the chamber.

The question here is different: why?

Can ready cutlets be frozen?

Fried cutlets perfectly tolerate freezing and their taste after thawing differs little from ordinary ones. Of course, this will not be a freshly prepared dish, but still quite tasty.

What about sausages? You can: smoked, and boiled, and sausages, and wieners. By the way, they are often frozen in the store.

Do you store smoked fish in the freezer?

It can be cold and hot smoked. Both can be frozen if there are surpluses left after the holidays.

But it should be noted that cold smoked fish after defrosting has best taste and consistency than hot smoked.

Should you freeze mashed potatoes?

Mashed potatoes should be frozen only in the most extreme cases, since after defrosting the dish will be completely different. The maximum that it will do is a casserole.

What soups can I freeze?

Best of all in freezing kharcho behaves, oddly enough, despite the presence of rice. But after all, there it should be soft and boiled, therefore, its changed consistency does not affect its taste.

Why exactly kharcho? But because there is no boiled potatoes, which after the freezer acquires a peculiar taste.

Can pilaf be kept in the freezer?

It is highly undesirable to freeze pilaf, as rice becomes watery and crumbly after defrosting.

In conclusion, I would like to say: a freezer is a convenient thing and this benefit of civilization should not be neglected. And you already know what foods can be frozen and then defrosted!

harm and benefit. Ice cream composition. To whom is ice cream useful and who is harmful. How to make homemade ice cream. Women's website

Most of our compatriots are very fond of ice cream. Some foreigners, having visited Russia, tell in horror at home that Russians eat ice cream even in winter, in a thirty-degree frost, and on the street.

We can say that there are some exaggerations in this, but on the whole everything is correct. In Russia, both children and adults buy ice cream for any reason: to eat, calm their nerves, "charge" their brains, just satisfy their hunger, cool off on a hot day, etc. The attitude towards ice cream is different, especially among nutritionists. Someone thinks that you can eat it almost every day, while someone does not recommend it more than twice a week.

Whether ice cream is harmful to health or healthy, it is impossible to say for sure. Most likely, the well-known statement will be true, which applies to almost any food product - everything needs a measure. And ice cream can also be relatively healthy and harmful.

What is this product - ice cream? Ice cream can be soft or seasoned - it's about the production method. Soft ice cream is never colder than -5 ° C, it cannot be stored for a long time, and it tastes very delicate. Hardened ice cream is frozen at factories down to -25 ° C, and can be stored in this form for a whole year. It is very dense and hard.

Ice cream also differs in the degree of fat content: milk, cream, ice cream and fruit and berry.

Ice cream composition

Fruit ice cream contains no fat, and the sugar content is about 30%. Such ice cream is made from natural fruit juices and purees.

Also, ice cream is high in many substances beneficial to the body, such as vitamins A, B, D, E, P, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium.

Its milk components contain the amino acid L-tryptophan, which stimulates the production of the hormone serotonin. Together, these substances are mood-lifting and have a calming effect.

Treats dysbiosis.

A serving of low calorie ice cream, reduced fat ice cream, and frozen yogurt has nutritional value about 80-120 calories and provides 20-30% of the hedgehog daily value calcium. For even more benefits, opt for ice cream without chocolate, with natural frozen fruits, nuts, or puffed rice.

According to the degree of fat content, ice cream is of the following types:

A woman's body, in spite of the fact that it is in a specific tone, is rather weakened; it can absolutely easily “pick up” some kind of disease, and a cold is as easy as shelling pears. Therefore, a woman's diet can include ice cream during pregnancy, but it should be eaten in moderate doses.

What is healthy to eat during pregnancy?

Despite the fact that ice cream is a dessert, that is, it is sweetness, that is, it is high in calories, there is a benefit in this delicacy.

  1. The most great benefit ice cream is the fact that it is always eaten with pleasure, that is, ice cream provokes our brain to secrete the hormone of happiness and joy - serotonin. This same hormone, by the way, is also responsible for the pleasure center in our brain.
  2. Ice cream also helps relieve stress, again thanks to the release of serotonin.
  3. Positive emotions are so important during pregnancy, and ice cream is one of those delicacies that give these positive emotions to a pregnant woman in huge quantities.
  4. And, of course, it is worth noting the fact that ice cream is made from milk and milk-containing products - cream, butter - respectively ice cream, albeit not in large quantities, but still contains calcium, which is very necessary for expectant mothers.

Remember! The only categorical prohibition on the use of ice cream while breastfeeding is an allergy to cow's milk in a baby.

  • Of course, you should not eat ice cream with the addition of chocolate and other fillers in the first months of your baby's life. All of them can cause allergies in the child.

Do not forget that angina rarely comes alone. It is either a concomitant disease, or other ailments occur against its background. Scarlet fever and diphtheria often begin as a sore throat. Many infectious diseases have very similar symptoms. And then the use of ice cream, like any other self-medication, can lead to disastrous consequences.

There is one more nuance: ice cream, by reducing sore throat symptoms, can become a good environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria. One of its properties is sweetness, and in such an environment, pathogenic bacteria multiply rapidly. That is why in some cases, instead of cold ice cream for angina, it is advised to use fruit ice.

Ice cream possesses unique properties and an exceptional appeal for those with a sweet tooth of all ages. The benefits of ice cream and the harms of ice cream depend on moderation: large portions frosty hard treats are undoubtedly dangerous. But a reasonable amount of slightly melted ice cream is just a joy. The art of being a mom will help you balance and get the most out of it. And if you are still in doubt, try making homemade ice cream, and the question: "Can I eat ice cream?" will lose its relevance.

5. 150 g fat-free cottage cheese with fruit, 3 crackers, coffee without sugar.

Today, one of the ways to store vegetables or fruits for a long time is to freeze them. Meat and fish semi-finished products, seafood and many other types of food are stored in the same way. Isn't such an effect dangerous, does it retain all the benefits of the product, do vitamins remain in the food? Can dangerous bacteria be picked up through frozen food? Let's talk in more detail about all the nuances.

A couple of decades ago, there were no frozen semi-finished products on sale, all products were in their almost original form. But as the pace of life increased, people began to spend less time at the stove, and today not only frozen meat and fish, but also other food products - vegetables, dough, fruits, seafood and even bread - are increasingly used. This seems like a significant time-saver, as chilled meals and frozen foods often only need to be reheated or have very short cooking times. However, scientists say that such time savings in food preparation could result in negative consequences for good health. Few people, rushing to have dinner after work, think about what and how he eats, what nutritional components he gets.

Today, frozen food brings manufacturers up to $ 40 billion in profit a year, but it is worth understanding that such sales volumes are achieved by maximizing the cost of production, but does the quality suffer from this? In America, up to 95% of food products are frozen; in our country, the frozen market reaches 30% and is constantly growing.

The benefits or harms of frozen vegetables

According to numerous publications that can be found on the pages of magazines and on the Internet, shock-frozen vegetables retain more vitamins than fresh and stored in storage and cellars. Producers claim that this is achieved by the fact that very little time passes from the moment the vegetables are harvested to freezing, less than from the moment when the fruits are brought, sorted and bought in stores and markets. This is due to the fact that transportation, storage or natural shrinkage when lying vegetables lead to the loss of vitamins. In addition, when buying vegetables, consumers store them in the refrigerator, not always eating them completely and throwing away spoiled leftovers, which means they spend more money. Accordingly, the consumer is inspired with the opinion about the benefits of frozen products, which are obtained from the freezer of vegetables, which can be immediately cooked and eaten. But do not believe the advertisements and statements of manufacturers, because it is profitable for them, they get money for it.

If we talk about whether vitamins and nutritional components are preserved, then for the most part this is actually the case. If not everything is complete, then most of the vitamins remain, all minerals are also preserved. But the problem with frozen food is that when it gets into heat, it defrosts and quickly deteriorates, and you cannot re-freeze it. In warehouses, transport companies and shops, this happens all the time. Defrosting and re-freezing spoils the taste of the product, vitamins in this case are destroyed, the benefits of the fruits become doubtful. But it is impossible to distinguish a good product from a re-frozen one externally, it is no different from a package that has been frozen once. Accordingly, such products are sold as benign and healthy, although there are simply no vitamins in them.

Dangers of Frozen Food: Dangerous Bacteria, Toxins and More

It is believed that thawed and cooked foods in the digestive tract are rapidly decomposed by the acidic environment of the stomach and alkaline - the intestines. The structure of food changes during freezing and under the influence of temperature during cooking, so such dishes may not have time to completely digest in the intestines. This leads to the accumulation of metabolic intermediates and toxins, which is unhealthy. Rules are not always strictly followed preprocessing products, due to which they can retain dangerous bacteria that do not die when frozen. In these cases, the ingestion of such bacteria into the body can lead to various infections that are dangerous to health. In addition, careless sellers use a syringe with a liquid to puncture the packages and add water to the contents, which increases the weight. Along with water, pathogenic bacteria can be introduced, and the products themselves deteriorate from contact with air, since the integrity of the package is broken. It is not difficult to guess what the consequences of contact with these bacteria and spoiled foods may be. Allergies, diarrhea or constipation are the “best” things that can happen, but more serious consequences can be observed.

Many fruits and berries have a delicate watery texture and look quite presentable when frozen. But the problem is that when these fruits or berries are thawed, ice crystals damage the structure of the cells, and when thawing, the fruits turn into a gelatinous mass without bright taste and smell. Therefore, frozen fruits and berries are simply problematic to eat, they are mainly used for baking, compotes or desserts. But even in these dishes, they do not always retain their properties. Often this problem arises due to the thawing of packages during storage, because in the warm season it is difficult even to bring them home from the store in frozen form. Hence, again, there is a problem with vitamins - you can no longer eat fresh fruits, and in compotes and baked goods, the amount of vitamins is greatly reduced, they are destroyed during cooking or baking. Therefore, frozen fruits are no longer as healthy as we would like. Replacing fresh fruits with them will not adequately work, although in winter time it's a great treat.

Frozen food can be bought in any supermarket today. Vegetables, berries, vegetable mixes, semi-finished products - are they as useful as people think? We answer this question together with nutritionists.

Going to the supermarket for groceries, pay attention to the counters with frozen products. Their assortment is quite diverse: vegetables and mixes, berries, semi-finished products, nuggets, cutlets, fish.

Some steadily carry a cart with food past, even not looking in the direction of frozen products, while others, on the contrary, buy them in large quantities, sincerely believing that it is convenient: they put it in the freezer and cook it when needed. Who is right after all?

Together with nutritionists and experts in the field proper nutrition we decided to figure out whether frozen foods are as useful as people think. Our joint verdict will surprise you!

Frozen foods are different

The first and most important rule to understand before you go shopping: frozen foods are different. On the shelves you can find vegetables and berries, fish, semi-finished products from poultry or meat. Not all of them are equally useful or, on the contrary, harmful.

Tatiana Rybakova:

a healthy lifestyle consultant, author of the book "How I Lost 55 Kg", maintains a blog about weight loss

When we think about what is better to buy fresh, we forget that fruits and vegetables that go to from warm countries are ripened on the way, and transportation and storage also does not have a very good effect on them, so no one will say for sure which is more useful.

From the purchase of frozen semi-finished products, that is, the so-called fast food, it is better to abstain. You cannot know for sure what kind of food such food was prepared from. It is better to spend a little more time, but be sure that the dish on your table is healthy and tasty.

Vegetables and berries, on the other hand, can and should be bought. Modern technologies allow you to preserve the maximum benefit in them and useful substances... This is exactly what you need to make up for vitamin deficiencies in the winter and off-season. Feel free to cook vegetables for a side dish and add berries to natural yogurt.

Tatiana Rybakova:

The cold is probably the most best preservativethat has ever been invented thanks to proper freezing the main useful components of the product are preserved.

If you haven't already, then it's time to fix it: be sure to read the information on the package. There you can find a lot of interesting things and decide whether to choose a specific product for your diet.

Frozen foods differ markedly in composition. Same product from different manufacturer can be frozen using a completely different technology. Berries, for example, can be frozen without any additives, or they can be mixed with sugar and other preservatives. Of course, in this case, preference should be given to the first option. This is the most natural product, which still contains nutrients.

Anastasia Belaya:

nutritionist, wellness coach, certified "Sports Nutritionist" at the College of Fitness and Bodybuilding. Ben Vader

Frozen foods are different to frozen foods! If we are talking about pizza, dumplings and dumplings, then undoubtedly I am against the use of this "food junk". If we are talking about frozen vegetables, berries, fish and seafood, meat, then there is nothing dangerous and harmful in their use.

Pay attention to the expiration date

Shelf life is a pretty important characteristic when it comes to frozen foods. Such food appears on the shelves after special processing, and not in fresh... This implies special technologies not only for freezing, but also for transportation along with subsequent storage.

Anastasia Belaya:

Current technologies shock freeze allow you to maximize the preservation of all trace elements. Of course, frozen foods do not carry their original usefulness, some vitamins are still lost, but by combining them with seasonal fruits, you will definitely eat well.

Choose the right cooking method

There is nothing harmful in the frozen foods that we mentioned above, but it is important not only to choose these foods correctly, but also to cook them correctly. Only in this case you will really be able to preserve useful and nutritious substances in their composition and not turn these products into "forbidden" food.

Steam the shrimp or boil it in boiling water rather than fry it. Also cook vegetables in a double boiler or steam, rather than frying them in oil. Then your diet will be healthy and beneficial.

General advice: try to defrost frozen food slowly, that is, do not try to shorten the already short cooking time of such food.

Anastasia Belaya:

Defrost meat and fish slowly (transfer them for defrosting, not on the kitchen table, but in the refrigerator); Before cooking shrimp and other seafood, be sure to rinse in water to rinse off the "ice glaze" containing chemical elements that allow the product to preserve longer.

Everything has its time

One more thing important rule: Even if you manage to buy excellent quality frozen food, do not try to replace fresh fruit with it. Remember that everything has its time, and each product has its own season.

If you buy frozen fish, it is forgivable, but buy frozen vegetables and berries only when they are not on the shelves, that is, in autumn, winter and spring. In summer, opt for fresh fruit over frozen foods.

Tatiana Rybakova:

Irina 07/18/2016 Ice cream. Is it a healthy treat?

The long-awaited summer always brings heat with it, and in such weather ice cream becomes the best-selling product, and today, dear readers, the topic of my article is about ice cream, which many of us love very much. We will talk with you about the benefits and harms of ice cream, to whom and how much you can eat without harm to health.

When I talk about ice cream, I often think of my grandmother. I remember how she told us: "Ice cream is always necessary, and especially in summer, to eat more often to harden the throat." She gave us money, and my sister and I, happy, ran to buy ice cream. How delicious it was! Indeed, they did not hurt and rarely suffered from sore throats. True, the ice cream was also accompanied by a long list of her tips for improving health.

If you remember history, the first mention of ice cream was found in ancient Chinese chronicles, in ancient China frozen fruits and juices with ice were used as a remedy for the heat. It took centuries before ice cream was first brought to Europe and used as a delicacy. In the 17th century, it began to gain popularity in France, where the first ice cream cafe was opened.

Since then, ice cream recipes have been constantly updated, new varieties have appeared, and in the 19th century its mass production began in the United States. Now we have the opportunity to try countless different software taste and its composition of types of ice cream, in cones, in cups, in briquettes, in cylinders, on sticks.

Do you remember the times (if you are my peers in age, then you probably remember) when we went to Moscow and in GUM, TSUM and large stores ice cream was always sold. How many years have passed, and the taste of that ice cream in a waffle cup is still remembered. And then, in the buffet, buy yourself a glass of forfeits and a biscuit or something else - it seemed that happiness was so, so extraordinary! I still think, either the quality of the ice cream was just different, or we were not spoiled, probably all together, but it was THAT ice cream of our childhood that I personally remember forever.

Types and composition of ice cream. Calorie content

Most types of ice cream have a high calorie content, which depends on its composition. The main components of ice cream are milk, cream, sugar, various fruit and berry juices, chocolate, nuts, coffee and others organic products... In addition, to add more fat content to some types of ice cream, butter.

However, modern production of this cold delicacy is not complete without various additives, dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives and stabilizers are added to it, which makes it possible to impart a particular taste and color to ice cream, and also increases its shelf life.

Fruit and berry ice cream

Recently, due to the low calorie content, they have gained great popularity different kinds fruit and berry ice cream, on the shelves you can find a wide variety of its varieties. The basis for such ice cream is fruit or berry juices or purees, sugar syrup and, of course, all kinds of additives. Of all types of ice cream, fruit ice cream is the least high-calorie, since it does not contain any fats.

Milk ice cream

Once upon a time in my childhood, the number of types of ice cream did not differ in variety, and milk ice cream was perhaps the only one, but incredibly tasty, summer treat... Milk ice cream is made on the basis of cow's milk, the sugar content of such ice cream is not high, so it is considered a low-calorie, light dessert.

Ice cream

As the name implies, ice cream is made on the basis of cream; it also varies in the amount of fat it contains. The most nutritious creamy ice cream is considered to be sundae, perhaps the most delicious of all types of ice cream. It is in the ice cream that manufacturers add butter, which gives the product a special softness and unique taste.

To summarize: the higher the fat content of the ice cream, the higher its calorie content.

Ice cream. Benefit for health

So, let's talk about what ice cream is good for. If we proceed from the fact that ice cream is made from natural products, then it has all the useful properties of these products. Since ice cream contains milk and dairy products, with ice cream we get easily digestible animal proteins, carbohydrates, fats, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and many other minerals. In addition, dairy products are rich in vitamins A, E, C, group B, PP and the most important amino acids for the body, of which there are more than twenty in milk.

Milk, and hence ice cream made on the basis of natural cow's milk, is energy, it is the health of our teeth and bones, the health of our nervous system... The beneficial substances contained in dairy products support metabolic processes in our body, improve immunity.

You can hear a lot of different information about milk now. If you are his opponent, then you can advise you to eat popsicles as an alternative to ice cream. And we are returning to the topic of ordinary ice cream, we continue the conversation about the health benefits of ice cream.

Calcium is one of the main components of ice cream, this mineral supports the health of not only bones and teeth and serves as the prevention of osteoporosis, its role is very important for the whole organism. Calcium is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, in the contraction of muscle tissue, plays crucial role in hematopoiesis and cardio - vascular system... This mineral is involved in the metabolic and metabolic processes of the body, promotes the absorption of vitamin B12.

Calcium in combination with potassium, magnesium and phosphorus has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, heart muscle and nervous system.

Vitamins A and E are rightfully considered powerful antioxidantsthat do not allow free radicals to destroy our body, improve metabolic processes in the body, maintain youthful skin and strengthen the immune system. In addition, vitamin A is very important for vision.

B vitamins rich in chocolate ice cream, these vitamins are important for the nervous system, they increase the body's resistance to stressful situations, maintain energy balance, are necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive system.

Serotonin it is customary to call the hormone of joy, and the amino acids that make up ice cream increase the level of this hormone in the blood, which in turn improves mood, improves appetite, sleep, we feel cheerful and energized.

For those wishing to lose weight ice cream can also be useful, despite high calorie content... Many people are afraid to eat ice cream, believing that the fats in it contribute to weight gain. However, it has been proven that ice cream in moderate quantities is useful even for overweight people, since the high content of calcium, which is almost completely absorbed by the body, helps more complete breakdown of fats. What's more, ice cream gives you a feeling of fullness and slightly discourages your appetite, which also speaks in its favor, and you can always opt for a low-fat ice cream.

Can ice cream be used to harden the throat?

Ice cream hardens the throat, this is a proven fact that even doctors do not deny, but caution and moderation are needed here. Do not eat ice cream in the cold or on a cold day. And I'm glad that our grandmother was right when she advised us to use the summer for such a hardening of the throat. Of course, this should be done when you don't have pharyngitis or other throat ailments. In this case, you need to cure your throat, and then eat ice cream.

And also ice cream is often prescribed to children after tonsil removal. But this is only done to reduce bleeding.

For diabetics currently a special diet ice cream is produced based on sugar substitutes and soy milk, which allows such people not to deprive themselves of the pleasure of eating a portion of ice cream in the heat of the summer.

Benefits for the intestines is evident in the recently introduced ice cream, which is made on the basis of yoghurt enriched with bifidobacteria. This ice cream improves the intestinal microflora, improves its motility and has a positive effect on the immune system.

Who is ice cream good for?

Within reasonable limits, ice cream can be eaten by everyone, a portion of this will not harm anyone delicious treatseaten slowly on a hot day. Below we will talk about the rate of consumption of ice cream per day.

If someone is really worried about calories, then it is better to refuse an ice cream, 100 grams of which contains 340 kcal. You can recommend buying less high-calorie creamy or milk ice cream, and even better fruit and berry ice cream.

What is the healthiest ice cream?

Probably, many will agree with me that the most useful ice cream - ice creamcooked at home, we know WHAT we put there, we do everything with love, we put in our warm energy, so if you want to eat ice cream with health benefits, I strongly advise you to cook it at home. I invite you to read an article on the blog How to make ice cream at home.

The recipe for this ice cream is very simple.

Grind berries or fruits in a blender. Divide everything into small containers. Stick wooden or plastic sticks into them. Freeze in the fridge freezer.

And if it is not possible to make ice cream at home, then always pay attention to the simple GOST sign. Ice cream with this sign can be preferred.

Why is ice cream useful? Interesting facts in questions and answers

And now I invite you to hear brief answers from doctors and nutritionists about ice cream.

Is ice cream useful and safe for pregnant women?

Yes, it is useful and possible. An additional source of calcium, protein, and an important moment of pleasure, the hormone of joy is produced. The only thing that can be recommended for pregnant women is to melt ice cream a little, so as not to get sick. And, of course, if they have contraindications. We will talk about this below.

Does ice cream weaken your immune system?

No, it does not weaken. Ice cream contains substances that we eat in everyday life. And when we eat ice cream, we are talking about local refrigeration.

Can ice cream cause headaches?

Yes maybe. Constriction blood vessels when eating ice cream, it can cause headaches in people who are disposed to it. This will not happen in a healthy person with trained vessels.

Is yogurt ice cream healthier than ice cream?

Not. Milk and yogurt are dairy products with approximately the same content nutrients... And the beneficial bacteria found in yoghurt are frozen in ice cream.

How much ice cream can you eat per day?

Relatively healthy person you can eat 100-150 grams of ice cream per day. You just need to look carefully at the contraindications.

Can ice cream be given to children and at what age?

Doctors recommend giving children ice cream at the age of 3. But you need to know that every child is different. If there are no contraindications, then you can give children ice cream earlier. You should carefully read the composition of the ice cream on the label. View the expiration date of the ice cream. And you can not give children ice cream in the aggravation stage. various diseases throat.

And it's best to do it yourself. Here is one of the recipes for such ice cream from low-fat cottage cheese for a child.

Ice cream harm

As you can see, ice cream has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages, and I suggest you familiarize yourself with them. The most significant disadvantage of ice cream is the fact that manufacturers do not always use natural products in the production of ice cream, as well as other food products.

Palm oil in ice cream, as in the composition of other products, can cause significant harm, since it consists of 50% saturated fatty acids and has a melting point higher than the temperature human body... As a result, these fats are not absorbed by the body, but are deposited on the walls of blood vessels, increasing cholesterol and increasing the risk of atherosclerosis.

Various synthetic additives under such unpleasant names as emulsifiers, stabilizers, flavorings, flavor enhancers, they also greatly reduce the rating of modern ice cream. Moreover, we very superficially imagine what lies behind these additives, and how they can affect health, especially when it comes to children, whose body reacts especially sensitively to everything harmful that enters the stomach. And you also need to be very careful about ice cream for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

In addition, there are some manufacturers who do not reflect truthful information on the packaging. We read that ice cream contains natural milk or cream, but in fact, during checks, no dairy products are found in it at all. Therefore, it is important to buy ice cream famous brandsenjoying a good reputation. And even better, as I already wrote, make ice cream yourself at home.

Is ice cream bad for our teeth?

You can also often hear the opinion that ice cream hurts your teeth. But I think that ice cream is not to blame here, but dental problems. Someone has incompletely treated teeth, someone has damaged or thinned enamel. So such people, of course, need to monitor the oral cavity, and not blame ice cream for this. And after ice cream, a sharp change in temperature should not be allowed. Suddenly there are drinkers hot tea after ice cream? Then, of course, there may be problems with the teeth, cracks in the enamel may appear, and the teeth will ache.

Let's see what doctors and nutritionists have to say about the benefits and dangers of ice cream.

Ice cream. Contraindications

Who is ice cream contraindicated for? There are also direct contraindications to the use of ice cream, first of all, it is intolerance to milk sugar. Fortunately, this is not so common in young people. But for older people, milk and cream ice cream should be eaten carefully, since there is a lack in the body of the enzyme lactase, which breaks down milk sugar, can lead to intestinal upset. It is better for such people to use dietary ice cream based on yogurt or fruit and berry.

People with high cholesterol, obese people and those who are at risk of atherosclerosis should also refuse fatty varieties ice cream, giving preference to dairy or fruit varieties.

However, if you feast on ice cream only occasionally, substantial harm it won't bring anyone.

For our wisdom with the beautiful summer mood, delicious ice cream and simple joys life!

And for the soul, we will listen to Schubert today. Impromptu G flat major No.3 I love this impromptu very much. She herself once played it. I strongly advise you to take the time to sit and enjoy everything in silence.

see also

Blown out the neck. How to treat and what to do?
How to make ice cream at home. Recipe
Homemade marmalade - healthy delicacy for children and adults
How to properly freeze berries for the winter
Strawberry smoothie
Diet and nutrition after gallbladder removal

Blooming Sally. Beneficial features... Contraindications How to make ivan tea. Healing properties... Application of Chamomile Linseed Oil

Can i eat ice cream on my diet? This question is of interest to many. People always strive to look attractive and beautiful. In this case, you need to change your usual daily routine, go in for sports and, of course, go on a diet.

Diet involves quitting delicious dishes, the presence of a constant feeling of hunger. It is impossible in any case to give up the goal, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. Another plus of the diet is strengthening willpower. But everyone knows that the forbidden fruit is sweet: every day you will want to eat something tasty.

However, there are diets that allow you not to give up your favorite sweets, for example, an ice cream diet. This diet, which was invented by the Germans or Italians (according to various sources), is based on the effect of calcium on weight loss. This element is needed to activate the hormone calcitriol, which affects the processing of fatty deposits.

Using ice cream for weight loss

No matter how strange it may sound, if you eat 3-4 servings of ice cream a day, then, indeed, you can quickly lose weight. The secret of this effect lies in the biochemical work. human body... For high-quality fat burning, you need a lot of calcium, and ice cream is just a product rich in this substance.

Several studies have been conducted by nutritionists. So, one group of dieters was given ice cream, and the second was not. A month later, researchers were amazed at the results: people who consumed ice cream lost 25-37% more excess weightthan those who did not receive ice cream, although otherwise the diet was identical.

Of course, you can replace ice cream with calcium in the form of vitamins, but this will reduce the effect to 9-12%. The fact is that the calcium contained in dairy products is quickly and completely absorbed. For maximum effect, you need to consume 1200 mg of calcium, and this amount is contained in 3 servings of ice cream.

Another advantage of cold milk dessert lies in the fact that it completely satisfies the body's desire to eat sweets. In summer, this product refreshes and cheers up.

What is the use of ice cream?

Ice cream contains about 100 substances that the body needs to function properly. These are 20 protein amino acids, 24 fatty acid, 30 salts, about 20 vitamins and other substances necessary for metabolism.

Ice cream affects the body as follows:

Strengthens bone tissue... Reduces pressure in the body. Relieves PMS. Reduces the risk of bowel cancer. Strengthens the immune system. Reduces the possibility of kidney stones. Improves brain function. Allows you to cure dysbiosis.

Based on all the listed advantages of using ice cream, we can conclude that it is wonderful product for a diet.

But not all types of ice cream are created equal. Ice cream with a diet should be:

Made from natural milk, and not from substitutes ( palm oil). Low in calories. No chocolate, condensed milk, marmalade.

It's great if the ice cream is made with natural fruits, nuts, rice.

A standard serving of a regular ice cream contains about 100 calories, which is only 6-10% of the daily value for women on a diet. But in such a portion, 30% of the daily intake of calcium, which means that it is advisable to use ice cream and this will give a weight loss effect.

Ice cream diet

The diet will allow you to get rid of 6-8 kg per month, while you can eat sweets, that is, ice cream. The menu for one day should be about the following.

muesli diluted with juice, or regular oatmealboiled in water, you can add 1 apple, cut into small pieces; tea, coffee is also possible, but without sugar; ice cream (100 g).

Lunch is the main time for eating, which means that a portion will contain 500 calories:

pea or any other bean soup, 2 slices of bread can be; vegetable salad with eggs, no more than 150 g; you can drink it with tea or a glass of juice; ice cream (100 g).

You can eat no more than 350 calories for dinner. These can be dishes such as:

boiled fish or meat (100 g); rice or pasta (100 g); vegetable salad with olive oil (100 g).

To fight with overweight in this way it is simple and delicious. But if your goal is to lose weight as quickly as possible, then it is best to do sports as well. Even a regular walk in the evening will improve your sleep, relax, and tone your leg muscles. Physical activity helps the body burn calories faster.

If you combine an ice cream diet with massage and swimming sessions, then in a month you will change beyond recognition. You can lose at least 10-12 kg, and it is fatty deposits that will disappear. Thanks to the action of many nutrients and acids that make up ice cream, the muscles will become toned and elastic.

Very often, with the onset of darkness, we begin to feel hungry. But everyone knows that at night it is harmful! And, thinking about our health or about completely unnecessary extra pounds, we endure the nasty sucking in the stomach.

However, some nutritionists in such cases recommend drinking or eating something low in calories. So, for example, you can take a glass of kefir or low-fat milk, freshly squeezed juice, unsweetened apple, even just boiled water help relieve hunger.

Summer is a time of long evening walks. And the temptation is ice cream, which is sold in a huge assortment at all corners. It would seem that one serving will not do significant harm to your body. The product is dairy, there is little sugar, and yet - is it possible to eat ice cream at night? For a start, it will be better to learn about what this product includes in its composition.

The variety of ice cream is so great that it is difficult to resist the desire to try as many flavors as possible. However, there are several important points to keep in mind.

So, if you opted for an ice cream, creamy or dairy, then you should remember that it contains a large amount of fat. It is not at all recommended to eat it for people who suffer from extra pounds. In addition, fats are broken down slowly, increasing the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

During the day, you can afford one or two servings of a sweet treat, they will not cause significant damage to the body, since physical exercise, even the smallest, increase blood circulation, reducing harmful effect ice cream. But if you eat it before bedtime, your stomach will suffer, because at night it works very slowly and will not be able to cope with the breakdown of a large amount of fat. Additives in the form of nuts and chocolate will enhance the harmful effects of such a seemingly harmless treat.

But if creamy ice cream is so hard on the body, perhaps it is worth eating popsicles? It is made from natural juice, contains a large amount of amino acids - what's the harm? But it should be remembered that any fruit juice contains a large amount of glucose and carbohydrates. You won't even notice how high sugar content will inevitably lead you to extra pounds. Very often, manufacturers add dyes to ice cream that have chemical composition... Naturally, there is no benefit to your body from them. The benefits and dangers of ice cream are described in the following video:

Ice cream is a cold product that naturally affects vasoconstriction. Blood circulation slows down altogether, which complicates the work of the stomach.

Everything is good in moderation

Like any other product, ice cream should be eaten in the right time and in small quantities. The properties of this delicacy are such that they will quickly replenish the lost strength, cool the body into unbearable heat, and simply deliver a few pleasant minutes with their taste. Some experts claim that ice cream reduces stomach acidity by naturally relieving pain.

Surprisingly, ice cream (especially fruit ice cream) contains a rich set of vitamins. Among them, A, B, D, E, P are distinguished, as well as minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, zinc. And serotonin, which is also found in this product, improves mood.

So, ice cream is a great product for the morning. Eat it before lunch or at lunchtime. Eating this cold delicacy at night is harmful. Ice cream is a cold product, which naturally affects vasoconstriction. Blood circulation slows down altogether, so your stomach has a difficult job at night. So if you had a desire to get a portion of ice cream from the fridge late in the evening, then maybe you should still postpone it.