How many days the yeast dough is kept in the refrigerator. Shelf life of yeast-free

04.05.2019 Bakery

Making dough for homemade baking is a rather laborious and time-consuming process that requires attention and a positive attitude from the hostess. Sometimes, it happens that during the cooking process there remains unused dough for any reason, which simply does not raise a hand to throw away, remembering all the efforts and products spent.

There are many types of dough for preparing certain dishes, differing in the composition of the ingredients and the method of kneading. Accordingly, the shelf life of each type of dough depends on the products included in it. For example, butter dough with the addition of butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, milk, eggs is stored much less lean.

Among other things, the dough is divided into two main groups: yeast and yeast-free.

Unleavened dough in the freezer

It is much easier to work with yeast-free dough both in terms of kneading, that is, preparation, and in terms of freezing, storage, defrosting and subsequent use.

Dough for dumplings, pizza, pasties is very easy to prepare and store

It is enough to form small portioned "koloboks", wrap them in plastic wrap and remove, depending on the required shelf life, in the refrigerator compartment (storage for up to three days) or in the freezer (storage for up to six months).

Shortcrust pastry loves cold

In most recipes for its preparation, it is recommended to remove the shortbread dough for a while in the refrigerator or freezer for better rolling and more crumbly products at the exit. Such dough, wrapped in cling film, is stored in the refrigerator for up to two days, and in the freezer for up to three months.

Puff yeast-free dough perfectly retains its taste at low temperatures

In the refrigerator compartment, fresh puff pastry is stored for two to three days, and frozen for six months. To avoid moisture loss, the dough must be wrapped in a dense plastic wrap or placed in a tight bag. Such dough does not tolerate temperature shock, therefore, defrosting should take place gradually in the refrigerator compartment for 6-10 hours.

Biscuit dough

It is quite liquid, so it can only be stored in a special container, covered with cling film, for three days. However, one should not expect splendor from such a test. Biscuit dough does not like cooking delays.

Yeast dough in the freezer

This is a dough that can breathe and grow, the so-called "live" dough, in which the fermentation process takes place using yeast. Yeast dough has several stages of ripening before the final shaping of the products. It is the most difficult to prepare and requires certain skills from the hostess.

You can store such dough in the refrigerator if you are going to continue baking within 24 hours. The thing is that fermentation in the refrigerator does not stop, but only slows down, and, after fermenting, the dough will simply turn sour.

Therefore, you can store yeast dough in the refrigerator compartment at a temperature of +2 to +8 degrees for a maximum of 48 hours, but ideally no more than a day. The dough should be placed in a deep bowl sprinkled with flour, lightly flour the dough itself and cover with cling film.

For a longer period, yeast dough is stored in the freezer. With standard for a regular household refrigerator minus 18 degrees dough in the freezer will retain all its nutritional qualities for three months. Yeast dough is pre-cooled in the refrigerator compartment, laid out in small (for one preparation) portions in tight bags or wrapped with cling film and placed in the freezer.

Under no circumstances should yeast dough be thawed and re-frozen. In this case, live yeast cultures will die, and such a dough will lose all its properties.

Defrost the yeast dough in a warm, draft-free place, covered with a dry towel. After thawing, you need to give the dough some time to rise and only after that start forming the products.


Any baked goods and other flour dishes are incredibly tasty fresh, it makes no sense to prepare them for future use.

Perhaps any housewife has come across a situation where the test has turned out more than necessary. The leftovers do not have to be thrown away, they can be stored for up to six months.

Dough is a product made from flour, liquid (milk or water) with the addition of other ingredients: soda, yeast, sugar, butter or vegetable oil. It is used for the manufacture of confectionery and bakery products, as well as some main dishes.

All types of test can be divided into 2 groups:

  • yeast;
  • yeast-free: shortbread, biscuit, for pancakes and others.

Any of these types deteriorate with prolonged exposure to room temperature and in the open air. After a few hours in the room, it becomes covered with a crust or sour. To avoid this, the product should be left in a dark place and covered with cling film or a towel.

The refrigerator compartment helps to extend the shelf life somewhat; on average, the dough can stay there for up to 2 days in an airtight package (bag, container or other tightly closed container).

The dough retains its taste and useful properties for the longest time at sub-zero temperatures. This becomes possible thanks to the components included in the composition:

  • flour, baking soda, sugar, salt, vanillin easily tolerate low temperatures;
  • liquids: water and dairy products are completely restored after defrosting;
  • yeast retains the ability to ferment for up to six months (they seem to fall asleep);
  • eggs do not change taste in the freezer.

Slightly shortens the shelf life of butter or confectionery fat. These products can change their taste in a month.

Before placing the dough in the freezer, it is recommended to divide it into portions sufficient for a single use and pack it in several layers of cling film. Re-freezing will only spoil the food.

How much to store ready-made yeast dough

Yeast dough is considered the most versatile; you can make buns, pies with any filling, bread and pizza from it. All these products are lush and airy thanks to yeast - fungi that provoke fermentation in the vicinity of sugar.

The higher the temperature, the more active and faster fermentation occurs, so in a warm room the yeast dough can sour within 12 hours. It is advisable to use it immediately after it rises.

In the refrigerator, the function of yeast slows down somewhat, there it can be kept for up to 2 days at a temperature not exceeding 3 ° С and for only a day at a temperature of 5 ° -8 ° С.

  • for storage, a shelf is selected located directly next to the freezer;
  • before laying the dough, knead, grease the surface with a small amount of vegetable oil or sprinkle with a thin layer of flour;
  • the product prepared in this way must be placed in a bag or container, leaving a small hole for air circulation.

Storage in the refrigerator is more suitable for unleavened yeast dough, the sugar in the butter accelerates the fermentation process. Sweet pastries are best prepared on the same day.

In this way, you can store a small amount of yeast dough, but if there is more of it left than for one time, it is better to place it in the freezer. At sub-zero temperatures, the yeast suspends its activity and resumes it after defrosting.

  • the storage container must be greased with oil or flour, this will facilitate the extraction process;
  • the dough must be divided into portions and placed in a container.

For storing yeast dough, regular or special freezer bags with a clip are suitable. In the absence of them, you can use cling film, wrapping the workpiece in several layers. The product retains its properties for a maximum of 3 months.

Storage rules for yeast-free dough

There are many dishes and snacks that can be made from yeast-free dough. It is free of yeast, so it is less capricious and can last longer.


The blanks for baking charlotte and cakes are made on the basis of flour, eggs and sugar. Despite its delicate texture, the biscuit dough does not need to be used right away.

It lasts up to a week in the refrigerator, and up to six months in the freezer.

You need to keep such a dough in a container with a hermetically sealed lid. To protect against accidental air ingress, the container can be placed in a plastic bag and tied.


It takes a lot of time and effort to make puff pastry, which is why housewives usually try to cook more of it at a time. Vegetable or animal fats and multiple folding and rolling give the product its characteristic texture.

In the refrigerator, the puff mass can be stored for 2-3 days. How long the product will retain its taste and properties in the freezer depends on what was used as a base:

  • with butter 4-6 weeks;
  • with margarine or vegetable oil up to six months.

Puff pastry must be protected from moisture loss, for this it must be rolled out in a layer and wrapped several times with polyethylene. To save space, the workpiece can be rolled into a roll.

For pizza

Everyone loves an Italian pie or pizza. The dough for him can also be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, in the freezer for 6 months.

The finished product is divided into small pieces, formed into balls, oiled and placed in a plastic bag.


There is, perhaps, no person indifferent to shortcrust pastry products. The usual friability is given to it by butter.

In the refrigerating chamber, the sand mass can be stored without loss of taste for up to 36 hours, in the freezer for up to 3 months. Products from such a product are looser and crisper than from fresh.

A small nuance: lumps may appear in the shortbread dough in the freezer, but they do not affect the quality of the finished dish in any way. It is enough to knead the mass well before use.


Dough for dumplings, dumplings and homemade noodles is made from flour, salt, water, sometimes eggs are added there. It can be kept in the refrigerator for about 2 days by wrapping it in cling film or in an airtight container.

In the freezer, fresh food can stay fresh for a whole year. Previously, the product must be divided into portioned pieces and carefully packaged.

Ready-made products made from unleavened dough (dumplings, manti, dumplings) can be stored as long as the filling allows. This is an average of 1-4 months.


Dough for pancakes and pancakes is made from flour, kefir or milk, eggs. Yeast or baking soda gives airiness to the product.

To pamper the household with fresh pancakes in the morning and save time, you can knead in the evening and put it in the refrigerator in a dish under a tightly closed lid. There it can stand up to 48 hours.

Kefir dough retains its taste in the freezer for several months. For convenience of storage, the liquid product is poured into containers or tight bags.


Making choux pastry requires a lot of patience. Such a product does not withstand storage either in the refrigerator or in the freezer.

In order not to throw away the product that has turned out to be superfluous, it is recommended to make blanks of cakes and freeze them on a baking sheet. Before cooking, they do not need to be defrosted; semi-finished products are immediately placed in a preheated oven.

In the modern world, there is an acute shortage of time. To save it, you can freeze a large amount of dough, blanks (pizza base) or semi-finished products (dumplings, for example). They are frozen, making sure that they do not touch, and then transferred to one bag.

Before cooking, semi-finished products are not defrosted, but placed immediately in boiling water or a hot oven.

To make a truly delicious frozen dough dish, it's important to defrost it properly. There are several ways. Taste and quality are best preserved when defrosting slowly:

After that, you can start cooking.

If there is no time for long defrosting, you can use faster methods:

  1. Microwave.

Modern appliances are equipped with a defrost function. The mass should be in the package, it is impossible to keep the product in the microwave for a long time - there is a risk of baking the top layer.

  1. In hot water.

The dough should be wrapped in several layers of polyethylene to keep the liquid from flowing.

  1. Place the wrapped mass next to the switched on stove or radiator.

The correct way of storing different types of dough saves not only food, but also time. The product is stored in the freezer for the longest time, it will not withstand repeated freezing, therefore, before storing the dough, it must be divided into portions.

My family is very fond of baking. And I hate to tinker with the dough. Therefore, I usually put it on a lot at once, and use it gradually over several days or even a month - as it goes. This is very convenient, because the yeast dough in the refrigerator or freezer is perfectly stored without losing its properties. And I'm buying a lot of time.

Storage rules

Where and how to store yeast dough depends on how soon you are going to use it.

Refrigerated storage

The usual temperature in the refrigerator is about +5 ° C, and in modern units with a freshness zone, it can drop to 0. These are excellent conditions if you need to store the yeast dough until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. But no longer.

The fermentation process in the absence of sufficient heat slows down, but does not stop at all. Within two days, the baking will not peroxide and retain its taste, but then it may become tasteless.

This applies to muffins for pies, rolls, bread, etc. But the pancake dough can turn sour faster, so it is advisable to use it within 24 hours.

How do I store these products:

  • If there is dough left from the pies, I divide into portions and put in a dense (not disposable) plastic bag. I release the air from it to the maximum and tie it with a strong knot closer to the edge. Even at a low temperature, baked goods can "rise"; it needs to leave a place for this.

  • Pancake dough you also need to leave as little air as possible so that it does not ferment. Just covering the pan with a lid is not enough, it is better to tighten it with cling film. Another convenient way is to pour it through a funnel into a plastic bottle of suitable size and screw the cap back on. Then it will be possible to bake pancakes by pouring the mass into the pan directly from the bottle.

Freezer storage

If you ask if yeast dough can be frozen, I will answer - of course! You probably bought this frozen product in the store. And they were hardly dissatisfied with the quality of the baked goods.

The yeast dough can be stored in the freezer for up to three months at a temperature of -18 °C... Longer is undesirable - it will freeze.

In my opinion, frozen yeast dough tastes even better after defrosting than fresh dough. The main thing is not to freeze it again..

I use two storage methods:

  • Portioned... As in the previous case, I divide it into portions with my own hands and put it in a tight plastic bag or a special freezer bag with a lock.
  • In the form of semi-finished products... If I know that in the near future I will have absolutely no time to bake, then I form buns or pies in my free time.

And then I spread vegetable oil on a baking sheet, put semi-finished products on it and send them to a hot oven for just a few minutes.

As soon as they have risen a little, I take it out, cool it, wrap the baking sheet with cling film and put it in the freezer. When needed, I take it out, defrost it and put it in the oven to bake.

Defrosting rules

It is best to defrost the product naturally - at room temperature. This will take a lot of time, at least 12 hours, so you need to get it out of the freezer in advance. If you are going to bake in the morning, then in the evening.

But I have attacks of sclerosis or situations where baking may be needed earlier. For example, unexpected guests. The price of finished baked goods bites, and you need to go to the store for it.

I am using express methods. Their choice depends on how urgently you may need baking:

Image Express methods

In 5-6 hours This can be done by placing the baked goods in a bowl, covering with a lid, and placing in a warm place.

In my case, this is a heating boiler, but it can be a battery, a heater, or a working stove. You just need to periodically turn the dishes with a cold side to warmth.

For 2-2.5 hours the freeze will go away in warm water. It must be dipped into a pot of water without removing it from the bag. And from time to time change or heat the water.

In a few minutes (from 2 to 10 depending on the volume of the piece) the product will thaw in the microwave. The instruction recommends choosing the defrosting mode, and setting the timer to the minimum time.

It is better to add it later if the process has not finished. If you overdo it, the top layer of the dough will overheat and dry out. I try to cut it into smaller pieces so that it defrosts evenly.

This option is the most undesirable one. It's best to remember to get the frozen food out of the freezer on time.

Cold dough recipe


  • Fast-acting dry yeast - 11 g;
  • Flour - 5 glasses;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Butter - 200 g;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups for sweet pastries, 1-2 tbsp. for savory;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
Image Description
Step 1

Pour warm milk into a bowl and combine with eggs.

Step 2

Add melted and cooled until warm butter.

Step 3

Add salt and sugar. Stir.

Step 4

Add a bag of yeast.

Step 5

Sift the flour and, gradually adding it to the rest of the ingredients, knead the dough.

Step 6

Put it in a bag and refrigerate for 1.5-2 hours. During this time, the dough will rise, taking up the entire volume of the package, and will be ready to work.


Knowing how long you can store the dough chilled will save you cooking time. Because you can knead large portions and use it in portions. It is very convenient for working women.

Another interesting recipe is presented in the video in this article. The milk in it can be easily replaced with water and used during the fast to make delicious pastries.

Very often, young hostesses ask how to store yeast dough for pies and how many days it can lie in the refrigerator. We offer several popular options, using which you can save excess dough for a period of two days to three months.

So, where is the best place to place the dough:

  • in fridge;
  • in the freezer;
  • in the form of frozen semi-finished products (pies).

Let's consider each option in more detail.

We store in the refrigerator

This method will help preserve leftover food for up to two days. Proceed as follows:

  1. Take a deep bowl, sprinkle well with flour inside.
  2. Put an unused product in it, cover with cling film.
  3. Make a small hole, put it on the shelf in the refrigerator.

The dough should not be left for longer than two days in such conditions, otherwise it may turn sour. Try to use it as early as possible. If you still cannot use it within 48 hours, send it to freeze.

We leave in the freezer

Cool the leftover yeast material slightly before freezing. Cut into portions and dust with flour. Next, put the pieces in a plastic bag, tie well. In order not to forget the date of manufacture, sign each one.

The frozen product can be stored for up to three months. If necessary, remove the required amount of dough, wait until it is completely thawed, and use as usual.

How to preserve semi-finished products

Yeast dough can be stored as semi-finished products. For this:

  1. Shape into filled patties or any other items.
  2. Place on a greased baking sheet and place in a preheated oven.
  3. As soon as the products rise a little, turn off the oven, take out the pies.
  4. Cool, wrap with cling film and freeze.

You can leave such products in the freezer for no more than three months. Remove from storage if necessary, defrost, place on a baking sheet and bake.

Fresh, tasty baked goods are always popular. Hot cakes and buns paired with a cup of tea are a great combination for evenings. Our grandmothers have long baked mountains of all kinds of muffins for the whole family. We enjoyed it with pleasure, raising our spirits. But time passes, and every woman comes to learn how to cook baked goods on her own. Here various questions arise: what ingredients are needed for the dough, how long and at what temperature to bake. Housewives get lost in all kinds of recipes. And then folk grandmother's recipes come to the rescue.

Judging by the book recipes, yeast baked goods love heat and cannot stand cold. Mix it only at room temperature or higher. And the workpiece should be lifted in a humid warm environment. If you overexpose it, it will turn sour. Underexposed - will not rise and tear when baking. But modern housewives have adapted to the current rhythm of life and have learned to keep fresh dough for a long time. There is a "cold" kneading mass for baking. It is easy to use and makes baking preparation easier for many women.

Yeast dough recipes are varied, but the base usually remains the same:

  • milk or water;
  • salt;
  • yeast;
  • flour.

The recipe varies depending on how you want the final product to be. A minimum list of ingredients is used to knead bread. For baking, eggs, sugar and butter are additionally added. In this case, the amount of yeast and flour increases.

Kneading methods

There are several ways to knead yeast dough:

Each of the kneading methods has its fans. On the dough, the products are more fluffy and require less yeast. Accelerated and unpaired methods save time and nerves. But all of these kneading methods have one thing in common - they love warmth.

While shortbread and yeast-free puff pastry is best stored in a cold place, culinary experts say that yeast dough piece is best used immediately after proving. And if there is no time at all and it is necessary to prepare the dough in advance, a problem arises: how to keep the yeast dough until tomorrow without spoiling it. Many housewives have learned to preserve the shelf life of the yeast mass in the refrigerator at low temperatures.

Yeast preparation composition

Before sending the finished dough to the refrigerator, it is worth disassembling it into ingredients and see how each of them behaves in the cold:

Based on the shelf life of each product, it can be concluded that yeast dough can be stored in the refrigerator. The main thing is to be able to freeze it correctly.

Cold storage

Ready yeast mass can be kept at room temperature for no more than two hours, minus the time of preliminary and final proofing. That is, when the dough is infused and you have formed the blanks, they must be left for a few minutes to increase in volume. After that, the expiration date starts counting.

Considering the question of whether it is possible to freeze yeast dough for pies without violating its properties, you should figure out how much dough is stored in the refrigerator, and not at room temperature. It is important to properly remove the workpieces in the refrigerator, after covering them with cling film or putting them in bags. If you have a piece of dough left, you need to knead it well to remove the carbon dioxide. Then form a ball and coat it with vegetable oil. Place the mass in a bag or container and make openings for oxygen.

When analyzing how much yeast dough can be stored in the refrigerator, it should be remembered that the processes taking place inside the mass slow down, but do not stop. They will give you the opportunity to extend the freshness of the dough piece for a day, but no more. After the allotted time, you will find that the mass has increased in volume. If, after 24 hours, you again separate the required amount from it, and freeze the remains, then they will ferment and lose all their qualities. The temperature in the refrigerator ranges from +5 to 0 and is favorable for the preservation of the useful qualities of the dough.

You should also remember the nuances of dough fermentation.... In no case should it be overexposed during the proving stage. This can lead to food spoilage and a sour end dish.

By the way, this cooling method works only with yeast mass. For example, a pancake mix can stay fresh in a cool place for up to 12 hours, after which it begins to sour.


With the help of this room, the yeast blank can retain its properties for quite a long time.

It is best to freeze the dough in the freezer immediately after kneading. So it will not lose its qualities and will remain fresh when defrosted. You can store it up to 3 months inclusive. But it is better to use it as early as possible, since the mass tends to freeze, and this is further reflected in the baking. Some housewives claim that frozen dough treats are much tastier than fresh ones.

There are 2 ways to freeze yeast mass:

Yeast puff pastry can be stored in a cold place for more than six months if it contains vegetable fats. When you cook puff pastry in vegetable oil, the shelf life is reduced to 1 to 2 months, as the butter can deteriorate and impart a bitter, unpleasant taste to the dough.

Defrosting rules

Any food that has been frozen should be thawed gradually. After you have taken the workpiece out of the freezer, it should be placed in the refrigerator. When it is almost thawed, put on the table and defrost at room temperature. The process is quite long and can take up to 10-12 hours, but this procedure is considered correct and safe for the test. Therefore, if you choose this method of defrosting, take out the dough in the evening.

There is not always time for long thawing. There are little tricks to speed up this process:

  • Place the frozen mass in a tightly packed bag in a saucepan filled with warm water and cover. Defrosting time can be reduced to 2-4 hours.
  • Dip the dough piece into the bowl and cover with a towel. Place it on a battery or microwave for 2-3 minutes.

To help the dough come off better, freeze it in the form of small balls. Billets of this shape are quickly thawed in the refrigerator and at room temperature.

Dough recipes

Using these recipes, you can prepare the dough in the refrigerator for pies quickly and tasty. It turns out sweet and soft. It will surely delight you and your loved ones with splendor, pleasant aroma and unique taste.

Monastic recipe

To prepare the dough according to this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:


  1. Dissolve yeast in warm water with added sugar and salt.
  2. Add flour and knead the dough.
  3. Add egg and vegetable oil.
  4. Knead the mixture and add flour so that the dough does not stick to your hands.
  5. Place in a saucepan and cover with cling film.
  6. Wrap the top with a towel and cover.
  7. Leave to rest in the refrigerator overnight.
  8. After the elapsed time, remove the dough and let it stand for a while at room temperature. And you can start baking.

You will need:


  1. Melt butter and cool to room temperature.
  2. Heat milk to 30-40 degrees.
  3. Beat eggs and add to milk.
  4. Add sugar, salt and dissolve.
  5. Add yeast and flour, knead the dough.
  6. Pour the melted butter in a thin stream as you knead.
  7. While adding flour, knead the elastic dough.
  8. Wrap the finished dough in a bag and refrigerate.
  9. After 3 hours, the dough will be ready for baking.

Buns and pies for this recipe are airy.

Yeast dough is easy when cooked properly. Follow the recipes and don't be afraid to experiment. Even after freezing, yeast preparations can delight you with excellent and unique taste every day.

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