How to freeze cherries for the winter, is it possible, correct freezing. How to freeze cherries for the winter at home

30.07.2019 Snacks

An easy and quick way to preserve crops and make useful supplies is to freeze cherries for the winter. It will taste almost like fresh, maybe not so elastic, but it is quite suitable for compotes, smoothies, jelly and sweet sauces. To take up less space in the freezer, you can freeze whole berries and chopped puree with sugar. But first, decide what and how much you need, what you will cook from it. For smoothies, both are suitable, and for compotes, jam, pies, it is better to leave intact, removing the bones.

How to freeze cherries for the winter in the refrigerator

We need:

  • Ripe sweet cherry in any quantity;
  • sugar;
  • tight bags and containers for freezing.

Freezing cherries for the winter with whole berries

There are two options: freeze with and without bone. When you need to quickly process a large batch, and you know that it will go to compotes, you can leave it with a bone. If the preparation is needed for pies, dumplings, then they are frozen without a bone and in such a way that the berries do not stick together. But in any case, first we put the berries in cold water for half an hour to get rid of the worms, then rinse, cut off the tails. We dry the batch that is intended for compotes on a towel, pack it in bags, put it in the freezer.

The next way is to freeze pitted cherries. You can remove it with a special machine or hairpin. Try to damage the pulp less so that juice is not lost.

We lay out the cherries on a baking sheet, flat plate, after covering the surface with plastic or cling film. We put in the freezer for several hours. Then we pour it into a bag. After such a freeze, the berries do not stick together, it will be easy for you to pour as much as you need, return the rest to the freezer. But berries are not always needed in bulk. For example, for a smoothie or sauce, we immediately pack it in bags and send it to the freezer. Even if they stick together - it's okay, we will cut off with a knife as much as necessary.

Are cherries frozen for the winter with sugar

To take up less space, cherries are mashed, mixed with sugar and frozen in containers. Such sweet briquettes are used for the preparation of jelly, smoothies, berry sauces, or instead of jam for tea, pancakes, cheese cakes. Remove the seeds beforehand, pour the prepared berries into a blender, add sugar to taste.

Grind until smooth or with pieces of pulp. If you need to make a homogeneous puree, then a submersible blender does it well, if you want pieces of pulp to remain, use the "knife" attachment. Pour the chopped pulp together with the syrup into a container covered with cling film. Freeze. We take out the hardened briquettes, wrap them up, and label them. We store in the freezer.

Instead of containers, ordinary tight bags will do. Berry puree is placed in them, tied tightly and frozen in the form of a "sausage". As necessary, cut off with a knife as needed, wrap the rest and return to the freezer.

Which method to choose and how to freeze cherries for the winter depends on how you are going to use them, and of course on the size of the freezer. In any case, it is very easy to make this healthy preparation at home, and in winter you will be with vitamins and delicious pies.

Probably, there is no such person on Earth who would not love such a sweet and juicy berry as cherry. Unfortunately, the cherry season is very short, so it is not always possible to fully enjoy the fruits. But thanks to simple freezing, cherries can be eaten even all year round, and most importantly, all of its beneficial properties are preserved.

All about freezing cherries

If you love sweet cherries or have had a rich harvest of this berry, then you must decide how you can save it. You can dry the cherries, but it takes a lot of time and effort. You can make jam, but all the beneficial properties of the fruit will be lost. A great option is to freeze it, despite the fact that it is a rather watery berry.

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The benefits of cherries for the body

  1. Contains vitamins A, B, E, as well as useful fruit acids, fiber and pectin.
  2. It is a great natural pain reliever. It is recommended for people with rheumatism, arthritis and gout.
  3. Lowers blood cholesterol levels.
  4. Perfectly fights acne, tightens the skin and smoothes fine wrinkles.
  5. It helps to relieve constipation by normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. 100 g of the product contains only 50 calories.
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Can frozen cherries be harmful?

The harm from this beautiful berry can only be if you eat too much of it at one time. People who have gastritis should also be careful when consuming them as cherries can increase the acidity of the stomach. But the product is completely contraindicated for people with diabetes.

It is best to eat cherries at least 15 minutes before meals. If eaten right after a hearty lunch or dinner, it can lead to gas and indigestion.

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How to freeze cherries for the winter?

One of the main nuances when freezing cherries: it is necessary to use late varieties of this berry, since the early ones are too juicy (water predominates), which means that cherries will not preserve their taste and will not benefit the body. For freezing, take large, dense and fleshy berries without late varieties of worms, and also do not use cracked, rotten or dented ones.

You can make compotes and other fruit drinks from frozen cherries in winter, but they will not go to the cake, since the pit has not been removed. For freezing, take no more than 2 kg of berries - this is enough to wait for the next harvest.

Remove the stems and leaves from the cherries, wash the berries thoroughly and place them on a towel or napkin. Then the dry product is laid out on plastic or wooden kitchen boards and placed in the freezer, shifting the layers with matchboxes. After 2 days, frozen cherries are packed in a container or bag.

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How to freeze pitted cherries?

If you want to make the most of frozen cherries in the kitchen, for example, for pies, casseroles, pies or puffs, then this method is better.

As in the previous case, remove the stems and leaves from the berries, wash them thoroughly and dry them on a towel. Then use a pin or hairpin to remove the seeds, and transfer the cherries to a colander or sieve over a bowl. When the juice has drained, transfer the berries to flat dishes or saucepan lids and place them in the freezer. Pack the frozen cherries in suitable containers the next day.

By the way, you can make a delicious compote from the extracted juice.

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How to freeze sweet cherries with sugar?

You will need:

  • cherry - 1 kg
  • sugar - 2 cups
  • water - 2 glasses
  • lemon - 1 glass


Water, sugar and juice from one lemon are brought to a boil. Clean and dry cherries are placed in portions in boiling syrup and removed after 5 minutes, placing in a container. The container with cherries is placed in the freezer.

We wish you good luck and a delicious winter!

  • cherry - 4 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg - for jam and 0.5-0.7 kg - for freezing.

How can you save cherries for the winter (photo recipe):

So, take good care of my berry. To wash out all the garbage that got during the collection, we transfer the cherries into a large deep basin, fill them with cold water and let the berries stand for a while - everything that is not suitable for us for further use will simply float up. We remove the debris with a hand or a slotted spoon. We drain the water from the washed cherries and proceed to the longest preparatory stage - removing the seeds.

Jam with a bone also has the right to take its place on the shelf in your cellar, but it is better to take them out of the berry in advance. You can do this with your hands, a pin, or a special device that is sold in hardware stores. But, as practice shows, ripe cherries are separated from the stone with a slight movement of the fingers.

We transfer the prepared berry to a suitable container, but not all. We put the third part in a separate bowl, about 1.5 kg, do not need to weigh, do it "by eye".

We will grind this sweet cherry with sugar and put it in the freezer for storage, but a little later, but for now we will do the jam.

Pour sugar into a bowl, mix and put the container on the stove over high heat, stirring occasionally.

When the jam starts to boil, reduce the heat to less than average and cook the cherries for 1.2-1.5 hours.

Do not worry if at first it is liquid, during the cooking process you will notice how the jam boils down and becomes a viscous consistency.

In order not to waste time, wash the jars and sterilize them (the best way is to put clean bottles in a cold oven, turn it on and leave the container for 25-30 minutes).

While the jam is boiling and the jars for it are sterilized, we will prepare the cherries for storage at our home by freezing them in an ordinary freezer.

Pour sugar into a bowl, into which part of the cherries have been laid. If for jam the ratio of sugar and berries should be 1: 1, then for freezing you need to sweeten the cherries quite a bit (half a kilogram of sugar is enough for 1.5 kg of berries).

Mix and crush the berry with your hands.

You do not need to bring it to the state of porridge, it should be slightly crushed, but at the same time, the integrity of the berries must be preserved. Put the resulting sweet sugar-cherry mass on a clean plastic container, close it tightly with lids and put it in the freezer.

Sweet cherries can be defrosted and eaten, or you can cook compotes and jelly without defrosting them. The main thing is that with such a bookmark, the beneficial properties of sweet cherries are preserved.

When the jam is cooked, let it cool a little and put it in the already cooled sterilized jars.

Close with lids and store in a cool, dark place. If you plan to roll up the flasks, then first boil the metal lids. Enjoy your berry appetite!

Sweet cherry is one of the most delicious and healthy summer berries. It ripens in early summer, and the harvest time for this wonderful berry lasts only a few weeks. And, of course, I want to prepare it for the winter, so that you can feast on fragrant berries even in cold weather. Sweet cherries make chic, jam, berries in their own juice, which go "with a bang" as a filling for dumplings and pies, drunk cherries, jelly, etc. Sweet cherries are a sweet berry, so you will need very little sugar when preparing for the winter.
Judging by the honorable list of compliments that we give out to cherries, they have a lot of advantages. She's not just sweet and juicy! No one is ever allergic to it.

● If cherries grow in favorable conditions, their fruits contain up to 17.5% sugars (glucose, fructose), 1.2% organic acids and 0.32% fiber. It is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, E, C and useful trace elements: potassium, magnesium, iodine, iron. Cherry berries contain pectins and malic acid.
● This berry is not only tasty and healthy, but can help with many diseases. Sweet cherries can be used for diabetes. It neutralizes excess acidity and normalizes the intestinal microflora. It is recommended to include it in the diet for dysbiosis.
● Cherry is very useful for children, and it also has a tonic effect, increases appetite, and is recommended for anemia.
● Dark cherries contain many dyes of the carotenoid and anthocyanin groups.
● Cherry berries are rich in potassium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, magnesium, calcium, fluorine, iodine, silicon, chromium, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, manganese. They also contain large quantities of ascorbic acid, niacin, provitamin A, carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B6, coumarins.

How to freeze cherries for the winter

Fresh cherries offered to us by supermarkets in winter have a rather high price. To save the family budget, cherries can be purchased in season and frozen in the freezer for the winter. Freezing is the healthiest way to harvest berries. The only negative is that it takes up a lot of space in the freezer.

Preparing berries for freezing

It is advisable to pick cherries early in the morning, before they are warmed up in the sun.
Let's not forget that cherries, like any other berry, must be sorted out before freezing. Only ripe, dense, without traces of mold, rot and dents can be placed in the freezer.
It is not advisable to wash cherries before freezing, but if necessary, you can do this in a large basin (saucepan) or in a colander under running water. After water procedures, the berries must be dried on towels. You can put a tray with berries in a draft, so it will blow over them faster.

Recipe 1. Freezing cherries with pits

Put the washed and sorted cherries on pallets in one layer and send them to the freezer for 2-3 hours. During this time, the berry will set, and it can be poured into containers or bags for further storage.
Such cherries can be used for cooking compotes, for decorating pastries, or simply defrosting for dessert.

Recipe 2. Freezing pitted cherries

The freezing procedure differs from the previous recipe only in that the seeds must be removed from the berries before being placed in the freezer. For this, there are special devices. If this is not at hand, then you can use a regular pin.
Cherries frozen in this form will not look very attractive after defrosting, but they will be completely ready for use.

Recipe 3. Freezing cherries with sugar

Remove the seeds from the berries and arrange in layers in containers. Sprinkle sugar over each layer. 1 kilogram of berries will require 100-200 grams of granulated sugar.
This berry freeze is very convenient to use as a filling for sweet pastries or dumplings.

Recipe 4. Freezing cherries in their own juice

In this form, cherries are best frozen without pits.
Sorting out the berries, set aside about 1/3 of the (softest and most ripe) berries separately, and then they need to be chopped with a blender in mashed potatoes. If desired, sugar can be added to the berry mass to taste.
Arrange the rest of the cherries in containers, half-filling. Then pour the berries with berry puree, close the lids and put away in the frost.
It is convenient to use such a blank as an independent dessert or as a sauce for pancakes and pancakes.

Recipe 5. Freezing cherries in syrup

Option 1
Dilute 300 g of sugar in 700 ml of water, add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice, bring to a boil and cool. Pour the syrup over the berries and place in the freezer.
Option 2
To prepare the syrup, you need water and sugar in equal proportions.
Put water on fire and bring to a boil. Add sugar and wait until it is completely dissolved. Before pouring the cherry syrup, it must be thoroughly cooled to a temperature below room temperature. To do this, place the container with syrup in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
Rinse the berries and remove the seeds.
Put the cherries in clean containers, occupying no more than 2/3 of the volume. To save space in the freezer, a clean plastic bag can be pre-inserted into the container. Pour the berries in the syrup directly into the bag.
The finished freeze will take the shape of a container. In the future, it can be removed, and the bag can be tightly tied, releasing air.

Sweet cherry is a very tasty berry that is loved by both adults and children. I bring to your attention a very simple recipe for freezing cherries for the winter. Thanks to this method of freezing, we will preserve the natural color, the maximum amount of vitamins, and of course the taste of this beautiful berry. You can freeze cherries with or without pits. Sweet cherries, frozen for the winter with seeds, are perfect for making stewed fruit and jelly. And pitted frozen cherries - for making baked goods, dumplings and smoothies. Freeze cherries according to this recipe and then even on the coldest winter day you can please your loved ones with dishes with this delicious berry, and of course, remember the bright sunny days.


In order to freeze cherries for the winter, you will need:
cherry - any amount;
food freezer containers (or zip freezer bags or cellophane bags).

Cooking steps

We will prepare food and containers for freezing.

Then spread the cherries on a paper towel folded in half and leave for 25-30 minutes (the cherries should dry completely).

If you have a quick-freezer compartment with a tray in your refrigerator, line it with foil. Or just use a tray with high enough rims and lined with foil.

Berries do not lose their shape after freezing.

Transfer the frozen cherries to a food container or ziplock bags.

Try not to stuff the bags or containers tightly (like in the photo), and then close. Do not pack frozen cherries with pits together with pitted cherries, as they are best used for cooking different dishes. If desired, you can sign containers (or packages), indicating the date and type of preparation. Place in the freezer.

Delicious and pleasant moments!