Candy fondant recipe. Sweets fondant milk, sugar at home

04.03.2020 Fish dishes

Recipes for making boiled milk sugar in water, sour cream, milk, cream.

From the 70s - 80s of the twentieth century, many delicious dishes have migrated to our time, for the preparation of which you do not need to buy special ingredients or purchase modern kitchen appliances. Everything you need is in the kitchen of any housewife.

  • And it is absolutely not necessary to take courses in culinary skills in order to please your household with a delicious delicacy. You can also surprise those who have long been spoiled with an abundance of all kinds of desserts prepared according to a newfangled recipe with an unusual taste.

What is boiled milk sugar?

Boiled milk sugar korda was one of the most favorite Soviet desserts. A delicacy is prepared from a minimum amount of products. You can cook a treat according to your grandmother's recipe even with a catastrophic lack of free time. And the taste of the finished sweet product is not inferior to purchased delicacies from confectionery factories.

  • Milk sugar is more commonly seen as an independent dessert. However, a delicious sweetness can brighten baked goods or complete a birthday cake.
  • The basis for the preparation of boiled milk sugar, as the name of the product implies, includes three ingredients: sugar, milk and butter. The rest is the result of experiments and the taste preferences of households.
What is boiled milk sugar

How to cook milk sugar in milk: a recipe like in childhood

Dessert products:

  • 200 ml milk
  • 3.5 cups sugar
  • 140 or 200 grams of peanuts (you can take half a glass of different nuts)
  • butter - about 80 grams

Cooking process:

  • It will take no more than 10 minutes to prepare products for preparing this delicacy. But for the dessert itself, you need to allocate an hour of free time.
  • Believe me, the result is worth it and you will not regret that you had to stand at the stove instead of watching your favorite show or another melodrama. Let's get down to the mystery of making a dessert from the distant 70s.
  • Let's prepare a container in which we will cook the dessert. This can be a saucepan or a round stainless steel ladle. We measure out three glasses of granulated sugar and pour into a container. We will need the remaining 0.5 cups of sugar for further cooking.
  • Pour sugar into a container with a glass of milk and send it to the stove. We turn on a small fire. We warm up the liquid, stirring all the time.

Pour sugar in a container with a glass of milk and send it to the stove
  • While the milk with sugar is heated on the stove, fry the whole serving of peanuts. Pour the nuts into the pan. Stir or shake constantly. The peanuts should turn golden. After frying, the films from the peanuts should peel off easily. The process will take about 30 minutes. This time will be just enough for the milk sugar to boil down to the desired thickness.

We check if the sherbet is ready in the old grandmother's way: put a little syrup in a spoon and drip it onto a plate
  • Let's add a rich brown color to the milk sugar. To do this, we need the same 0.5 cups of sugar remaining aside. Take a small frying pan and pour the sugar onto the surface. Melt and fry the white sand a little.
  • Now we send the contents of a small frying pan into a container with milk-sugar syrup. Stir the ingredients thoroughly.

Pour the sugar mass into a mold
  • If you want a darker color in the finished treat, hold the sugar in the pan until it's overcooked, but not black.
  • We keep on low heat for another 20 minutes. We check if the sherbet is ready in the old grandmother's way: put some syrup in a spoon and drip it onto a plate. A spreading drop indicates that the dessert needs to be cooked a little longer. As a rule, sherbet “ripens” on the stove for about an hour. A few minutes before the container with the syrup is removed from the heat, add the butter and stir.
  • This is not the end of the preparation of the sweet treat: we are preparing the form in which the sherbet will solidify. Any dish will do: a plate, a shallow bowl. The main thing is that it is convenient for you to extract the sherbet later. You can take a baking dish, lay the inside. Grease the parchment with butter.
  • We take out the roasted peanuts (you haven't forgotten about it, have you?) And put them on the bottom of the mold. Pour the milk-sugar mass on top. We take it out to a cool place (or leave it in the refrigerator after cooling). The syrup should be completely set.
  • When the whole family is assembled, we serve a treat for tea, after cutting or splitting into small pieces.

When the whole family is assembled, we serve a delicacy for tea

Video: Homemade Milk Sugar

If you decide to make a dessert that is somewhat reminiscent of the taste of the Ladybug candy, then carefully read the following recipe. Perhaps this delicious delicacy with a delicate milky taste is exactly what you need.

For cooking, we need products:

  • half a glass of milk
  • 1 glass and 4 rounded spoons of sugar

The process of making soft milk sugar:

  • The preparation of milk sugar, regardless of the recipe chosen, starts the same way: the entire portion of milk is poured into the container, one and a half glasses of granulated sugar are poured.
  • We put the container with milk and sugar on low heat. Do not forget to stir the syrup.
    Stir the resulting foam thoroughly. Nothing should burn in the saucepan! With a spoon, which we stir, we pass not only along the bottom, but also along the walls of the saucepan.
  • When the foam becomes less (after 2 minutes), the syrup thickens a little (if you pick it up with a spoon, it will stretch). By changing the consistency, the sweet mass will also change its color. This means that the process of cooking sweets on fire is over.
  • Now we prepare the molds, grease them from the inside with butter and fill them with the prepared sweet syrup. Before serving milk-flavored sugar for tea drinking, do not overdo it with "sampling", otherwise your relatives will not get anything!
  • Tip: For lovers of sweet sorbet with a porous structure, the following proportions of sugar and milk are recommended: liquid 100 ml, and granulated sugar 300 gr. The finished product will have a smooth front side and bumps on the back side.
  • For lovers of dense sweet sherbet, the following proportion of the main ingredients is recommended: 100 ml of liquid per 200 grams of sugar. The dessert prepared according to this recipe will be smooth on all sides and even in the cut.

How to cook milk sugar in soft milk: a recipe

If you need to achieve a viscous consistency of milk sugar, which will spread over the surface of the irrigation, then prepare a sweet mass with the addition of cream. This milk sugar can be used for fondant.


  • 300 ml of cream (you must choose with a fat content of at least 33%)
  • granulated sugar - 2, 5 faceted glasses
  • 1 spoonful of honey
  • 50 g butter

Cooking process:

  • Let's start preparing the sorbat. Pour the cream into a container in which we will cook the dessert. We will also send sugar here. Mix the ingredients and turn on the stove. We set up a slow fire. Bring the liquid to a boil with constant stirring.
  • At this stage, add a spoonful of honey and cook for another 20 minutes.
  • Prepare the molds, grease them with butter and pour the hot syrup. After waiting until the mass has cooled down a little, cut into small pieces.

If you need to cover the cake with sweet sherbet, you can leave it in a suitable mold until it cools completely. And if you need to fix figures of sweet milk sherbat on the surface of the cake, then do the following manipulations:

  • cut out the figurine using a mold, set it on the cake
  • slightly heat the edges so that they settle and lie firmly on the baking surface

How to cook milk sugar with cream: a recipe

Adding sour cream will give the boiled sugar dessert a unique taste and aroma, reminiscent of the most “delicious” moments of childhood. A delicacy based on sour cream has another name: milk fudge. If you want to improve grandmother's technology for making sweets, add cocoa, nuts, seeds to the recipe.

To prepare milk fudge, you will need the following components:

  • 0.5 kg sugar
  • a glass of fat sour cream
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa (optional)

Cooking process:

  • We will cook the delicacy in a refractory container with a non-stick coating. If you prefer to recreate in your kitchen the method of making dessert, which was tested by our grandmothers, then prepare an enameled saucepan or bowl.
  • Pour the entire portion of sugar into a preheated container, add sour cream and, if you decide to make a dessert with nuts or seeds, then add these ingredients.
  • Stir the contents of the saucepan until the mixture boils. Reduce heat and leave the syrup on the stove for another half hour.
  • After 30 minutes, the sweet mass will acquire a beautiful caramel shade, and its density will be optimal for dessert. Stirring constantly will prevent lumps from forming. It is not worth continuing to cook the sweetness after 30 minutes: the syrup can curdle and become tough.
  • Stir the contents of the saucepan, throw in the butter (the amount of butter indicated in the recipe). After the butter has melted, the caramel mass can be filled with oiled molds, taken to a cool room. Remove the finished sweet from the mold and cut into pieces.

How to cook boiled sugar in sour cream: a recipe

How to cook sugar with butter: a recipe

Video: Boiled sugar: video recipe

Lean boiled sugar in water: a recipe

If there is no milk in your refrigerator, but there is a desire to pamper the kids with a delicious dessert, then cook boiled sugar in milk. This delicacy is called "lean sugar". The only drawback: without milk, the dessert will not have an additional caramel flavor.

We need the following ingredients:

  • 1 glass of water
  • 3 cups sugar

Cooking process:

  • Pour sugar into water heated on the stove (it is better to cook on a gas stove, then the sweetness will have a uniform consistency).
  • To prepare the treats, take a non-stick refractory saucepan.
  • Bring the contents of the container to a boil. We expose the minimum heat and continue to boil for another half hour with constant stirring.
  • We check the readiness of the dessert in the old grandmother's way: we drip the syrup onto a plate and check if the drop spreads. If not, then the treat is ready and can be poured into oiled tins.

How to prepare fruit sugar?

Video: Milk sugar, grandma's recipe

How to cook fondant from sugar and milk: a recipe

Video: Sugar fondant

How to make homemade sugar and milk candies: recipe

Video: Sweets made from sugar and milk

Already read: 15301 times

Creamy fudge is a wonderful dessert from childhood. Unfortunately, buying a real fondant in a store will no longer work, because modern factory fondants are far from the natural taste of that same fondant from childhood. I recommend making a do-it-yourself fondant from simple and affordable products. How to make fondant see and read on.

How to make fondant for tea?

Recipe Mountain ash fondant with honey


  • 1 kg rowan berries
  • 400 gr. honey
  • 300 gr. Sahara

Cooking method:

  1. Tear off the mountain ash from the brushes, sort out and wash. Pour the rowan berries into a bowl and pour boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then drain the water and dry the rowan.
  2. Combine honey with sugar.
  3. Put the mountain ash in the sugar mass and put on low heat.
  4. Cook the fudge for 10 minutes, constantly rubbing the berries with a spoon. The fondant can be rubbed through a sieve.
  5. Grease a baking sheet or silicone mat.
  6. Spread the fondant over the shape in a layer of 2-3 cm and put it on the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
  7. Cut the finished fondant into cubes and serve with tea.

Creamy Fudge Recipe


  • 2.5 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. cream 5-10%
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey
  • vanilla to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve sugar in cream, put in a water bath or low heat and bring to a boil.
  2. Add honey and vanilla to the cream.
  3. Cook the fudge with constant stirring until tender. Readiness is defined as follows: a drop of fondant easily rolls into a ball that does not stick to your hands.
  4. Pour the finished fondant into an oiled mold or transfer to a pastry bag and place on a baking sheet with beautiful curls.

Homemade fondant recipe


  • 0.5 kg sugar
  • 175 ml milk

Cooking method:

  1. Boil milk, add sugar and reduce heat.
  2. Cook the fudge for 20-30 minutes until the color and thickness change.
  3. Pour the finished fondant onto a greased baking sheet and cool.
  4. Cut the frozen fondant into pieces.

Oatmeal Fudge Recipe


  • 115 gr. butter
  • 400 gr. Sahara
  • 85 g cocoa powder
  • 120 ml milk
  • 130 g peanut butter
  • 200 gr. oat flour (grind the flakes in a coffee grinder)

Cooking method:

  1. Combine butter, sugar, cocoa and milk.
  2. Place a saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil.
  3. Simmer for at least a minute and then add the peanut butter and oatmeal.
  4. Knead the mixture thoroughly until smooth and immediately remove from heat.
  5. Grease a baking sheet or dish.
  6. Spread the hot fudge over the mold.
  7. Cool the fudge in the refrigerator.
  8. Cut the finished fondant into squares or any other pieces.

Video recipe "Creamy Fudge"

Enjoy cooking and be healthy!

Always yours, Alena Tereshina.

We bring to your attention several recipes for making fondant to choose from. Choose - which one you like best.

Creamy fudge recipe

Delicious creamy fudge is a great alternative to store-bought sweets, you can vary the recipe to your liking with nuts, cocoa, vanilla, poppy seeds, coconut, candied fruit or zest.


  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • cream - 100 ml;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife.


We mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and put on low heat, bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly so as not to burn, boil the mixture until a creamy shade is obtained. We put a drop of fondant in cold water, if it is frozen and easily rolls into a ball, then the treat is ready. Pour the hot mixture into molds. For the little ones, you can stick a toothpick into each candy - so your hands will not be sticky.

Milk fudge recipe

This recipe is for those who want to remember the taste of childhood, although you can use milk fondant not only in the form of candies, but also as a frosting for muffins.


  • granulated sugar - 400 g;
  • milk - 450 g;


We take a ladle with a long, comfortable handle, pour milk into it, pour sugar. We put on fire, and stirring continuously with a wooden spatula, bring to a boil. When the syrup boils, your main task for the near future is to prevent it from escaping. It is necessary to boil the syrup over low heat so that the volume is approximately halved until a light creamy shade is obtained. If you drop a little syrup on ice and the frozen drop can be easily rolled into a soft elastic ball, then the syrup is definitely ready. Now this liquid must be quickly cooled. We put a ladle of syrup in a bowl with ice, add cold water to the ice, constantly stir the syrup. The syrup, as it cools, thickens and it becomes more and more difficult to stir it. We take out the ladle from the ice and, overcoming the resistance of the milk-sugar mass, stir it intensively until it begins to brighten and turns into one creamy sugar lump.

In order to get sweets, you need to slightly heat the mass over low heat until it becomes slightly plastic. Then we spread the future candies on a sheet of foil with a teaspoon, you can take silicone ice molds. Pre-grease the forms with oil. You can squeeze the mass out of the pastry bag, but we take the nozzle with a larger diameter. If you wish, add nuts or candied fruits to the milk fudge. In order to cover a cake or cake with fondant, you need to warm it up harder.

Sugar fondant cake recipe

Sugar fondant makes it easy to turn a homemade cake into a work of art, the recipe is not difficult to prepare, and you will be satisfied with the result.


  • fine sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • boiling water - 0.5 cups;
  • lemon juice - 2.5 tsp.


Pour sugar into a wide saucepan, pour boiling water over and put in a water bath. After boiling the syrup, reduce the heat, remove the foam with a spoon. Do not stir the syrup, otherwise it will become sugar-coated. Cook the syrup, without interfering, for about 3 minutes, then drop a drop of syrup into cold water, if you can roll a ball out of it that does not stick to your hands, then the syrup is ready. Quickly remove the syrup from the heat and place the pan in a bowl of ice. Pour in lemon juice and stir vigorously with a wooden spatula - the syrup should turn white and become dense. After that, roll the fondant into a ball, cover with a damp cloth and leave for 20 minutes. It can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time. To use the ready-made fondant for icing a cake, it must be heated to 40 - 45 degrees and applied to the cake.

Lemon fudge - recipe



Beat the eggs, add all the other products and beat a little more. We put on medium heat and, stirring, cook for 7-8 minutes, until it thickens. We make the smallest fire and boil another mine. Put lemon fondant in sterilized jars and refrigerate.

Such a fondant will be especially suitable for decoration, or.

If you carefully monitor your figure, scrupulously count the calories and are afraid of sweets like the devil of incense, then you should not dwell on this recipe for sweets. After all, homemade sweets "Milk Fudge" are not only extraordinarily sweet, but also quite high in calories. However, these shortcomings are more than offset by their amazingly delicate milk taste….


  • powdered milk - 100 grams__NEWL__
  • fresh milk - 100 ml__NEWL__
  • granulated sugar - 200 grams__NEWL__
  • white chocolate - 70 grams__NEWL__
  • butter for lubricating molds__NEWL__

Description of the cooking process:

1. Combine and stir sugar and milk powder in a deep metal container or saucepan.

2. Pour fresh milk into the dry sugar-milk mixture in a thin stream.

3. Immediately grind the ingredients thoroughly so that not a single lump remains.

4. Put the container with the milk mass on low heat. Stirring continuously, bring it to a boil and simmer for another 5-7 minutes. The mixture should change its color from almost pure white to deep cream.

5. Remove from heat and add white chocolate, broken into pieces, to the hot milk mass. Stir vigorously until it is completely dissolved.

Note: chocolate can be either pure or with all kinds of additives - nuts, coconut, or anything else. The only thing that is very important is not to use porous white chocolate for the preparation of sweets, as it does not contribute to the solidification of the mass.

6. Grease small silicone molds liberally with butter. This will make it easier to extract candy from them in the future.

7. Fill the molds with the still warm milk-chocolate mass to the very top. Place in a cool place overnight or even in the freezer. The candies will not turn into ice, and it will be even easier to remove them from the molds.

Having eaten one candy, it is difficult to stop and not continue to eat them one by one. Fortunately, there are usually so many people who want to eat them that it is unlikely that you will be able to get more than two candies, so hurry up!