Diet soup with celery stalks for weight loss. Celery soup for weight loss: recipes with photos

14.04.2019 Meat dishes

Celery is one of the miracle foods that are especially popular for weight loss. The secret is in the low calorie content. Celery can be eaten in unlimited quantities and the fat will only go away! Just some kind of miracles ... The biggest minus, according to the girls who lost weight with the help of celery, is the taste. You need to get used to it. But the result will be on the face. Especially popular celery soup.

The benefits of celery for the human body.

Even in ancient times, celery was used as a means to improve digestion and normalize the functioning of the body. It was considered a cure for all diseases. And in Ancient Greece celery root and stalks were used as a cleanser and rejuvenator. Therefore, I advise you to listen to the ancient sages 😉

Celery is rich in vitamins and nutrients such as calcium, potassium, vitamins A, B, C, K and others. Once in your body, they will burn fat and heal. Work nervous system improves, sleep becomes stronger, overall tone rises. The most valuable stalks and celery root. So it is from them that celery soup and salad are prepared. Celery soup is recommended for patients, people with problems with the stomach, kidneys and many other diseases.

Celery will remove toxins from your body, normalize hormonal background and metabolic processes. Excess fats that will tend to be deposited as excess weight, will be neutralized, and the stool will also improve. Therefore, in addition to losing weight, you also rejuvenate your body, teach it to work in a new way.

Celery soup and reviews of doctors.

Celery root serves as the basis for puree soup, vegetable stew. The stems are used for cooking diet cabbage soup, cold and hot salads, stews.

Reviews of doctors about celery soup for weight loss are contradictory. The point is the sugar contained in the stems of the plant. The taste of the dish is spicy-sweet, with a slight bitterness. According to research by nutritionists, celery improves digestion, and vegetable fibers help cleanse the stomach. The sugar contained in the product is absorbed by the body slowly, so it is not deposited in fat. Vitamins and vegetable contribute to the increase in peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract.

A diet based on celery dishes is effective because maximum calories servings 70 kcal. You can use celery soup without restrictions. And if you alternate the proposed dishes every other day, then the soup will not get bored.

How to cook celery soup for weight loss - recipes.

Any hostess can cook soup from celery. There are no difficulties. You just need to cut and boil vegetables. You need to cut it finely so that the vegetables cook faster and more vitamins are preserved in them. Then you can make a cream soup with a blender if desired. The main ingredients of the soup are celery and cabbage. You can change the proportions of vegetables to taste.

Celery soup "Tenderness"

Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • celery root - 150 g;
  • cauliflower - 100 g;
  • onion - 100 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • beans - 150 g;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • a cup of tomato juice.

Prepare soup for weight loss from celery root in this order:

Peel the root of the plant and cut into cubes. Pour in tomato juice. Add cauliflower to the pot. Put on a small fire and cook. Cut the onion and carrot into slices and add to the vegetables. Boil the beans in a separate pan for 35 minutes. You can simplify the process if you put the beans overnight in hot water, cooking will be reduced to 10 minutes.

All ingredients are combined and chopped with a blender. The consistency should be between puree and cocktail. If desired, salt the dish and add tarragon leaves as greens.

Celery soup "Green Island"

For cooking you will need vegetables:

  • white cabbage - 200 g;
  • celery greens - 5-6 stalks;
  • tomatoes - 500 g;
  • leek - 400 g;
  • water - 2 l.

Preparation is carried out in the following steps:

chop the cabbage thin straw. Chop the tomatoes (you can replace 2 tbsp. tomato paste). Chop the onion into slices. Mix the ingredients in a saucepan and cover with water. Boil over low heat for 25 minutes. Cut the celery greens and add to the dish, cook for another 5 minutes. Optionally, you can add a pinch of salt, pepper, tarragon.

Celery Soup "Magic"

You will need:

  • celery stalks - 400g;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • white cabbage - 350g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.

Steps for preparing a recipe for celery soup for weight loss: cut all the ingredients into small cubes, add water and put to boil. Bring to a boil, add a little salt (no more than 2 pinches of salt) and cook for 15 minutes.

With such a soup, you can experiment to pick up not only useful composition but also delicious. For example, you can add tomatoes, zucchini, greens, or vice versa, exclude any product from the list above. Some people grind the soup with a blender, turning it into a creamy paste. In this case, after grinding already cooked products, you can add a little low-fat cream or milk, then bring to a boil again. The main rule is that such a celery soup for weight loss does not contain fat.

And here is a video recipe for celery soup:

Video from the program "Live healthy": how to lose weight with celery.

Weekly diet based on celery soup.

Celery soup can be eaten in any quantity, at any time. No need to endure the feeling of hunger, the more it is harmful. But for the duration of the diet, you need to sacrifice some products, namely: sugar, salt, flour products, spicy, fried, fatty, and it is also not desirable to drink alcohol and smoke tobacco. Coffee is also better not to get involved. No more than 3 cups per day. And don't forget to drink water. Water should be drunk at least 2 liters per day. And you should always drink water, not only during a diet !!! Adhering to such a diet, with str If you follow it, you can lose up to five kilograms of excess weight in one week.

If you feel unwell or weak, then you should expand the diet and use more food. if you have chronic diseases, then before using the celery diet, you should consult your doctor.

You should not stick to this diet for more than two weeks. . Here sample menu for a week (soup without restrictions):

  • Monday - on this day, in addition to soup, you can eat fruits, with the exception of bananas and grapes.
  • Tuesday - Add more raw vegetables to your diet.
  • Wednesday - raw vegetables, and you can also eat one potato, baked in their skins with a teaspoon of butter.
  • Thursday - you can drink up to one liter low-fat kefir and eat three bananas.
  • Friday - eat no more than 700 grams of chicken, fish or beef. 5 tomatoes, you can add fruit to the diet. Drink at least 10 glasses of water.
  • Saturday - up to 350 grams of meat, for example, chicken breast is best. Lots of raw vegetables, and you also need to drink at least 2 liters of water.
  • Sunday - boiled rice, raw vegetables or fruits.

Reviews of doctors and losing weight about celery soup for weight loss.

Most of the reviews are positive. Everyone who has tried the celery soup diet has had results.

But soup based on celery as a weight loss has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, it is the specific taste of the product, which not everyone accepts. There are complaints that he caused a feeling of nausea. In addition, celery has a diuretic effect, in connection with this, losing weight experience frequent urination.

Olga Starovoitova, nutritionist, 36 years old

Hello, people often come to me with a desire to lose weight, but not all of them can use most diets and drugs for weight loss. Before recommending a particular diet to a client, I carefully and thoroughly study the history of their diseases, ask them to take various tests and undergo examinations, after which only it can be concluded which method weight loss is suitable to this person. The celery diet is one of the types of diets that can be safely recommended to almost all people, and at the same time be sure that it will not harm them. It is safe because it does not require the use of potent drugs that affect the metabolic processes of the body, but only consists in eating celery, which is completely harmless and has a natural vegetable origin. The body with such a diet is not limited in the necessary nutrients, it receives as much food as it needs, since if you feel hungry, you can eat celery soup at any time.

Often people do not maintain a diet precisely because of the constant feeling of hunger, which, in the end, defeats even the most strong-willed people. However, I do not recommend such diets for pregnant and lactating women, as this can cause health problems and may adversely affect the child. If you decide to try the celery soup diet, then you should still contact a specialist who can advise the necessary components of such a diet and correct it for your body. Do not engage in amateur activities, as this can lead to undesirable results and cause various side effects. I do not recommend that my clients combine this diet with sports, as it still does not provide enough nutrients to the body so that it can fully recover from training.

Tatyana Astakhova, gastroenterologist, 40 years old

As a gastroenterologist, I would not recommend such diets to people who have stomach problems such as erosion, ulcers, chronic gastritis, and many other diseases. Since celery soup, and other dishes that are prepared from it, can upset a weak stomach and worsen its work. I usually advise my patients who want to lose weight to eat their usual food, which will not be stressful for the body. To begin with, I just advise them to stop eating after six in the evening, simply by observing this rule and doing nothing else to lose weight, people can lose about 3 kilograms per month, so in a year you can lose 36 kilograms, this will be enough for most overweight people.

You can also advise to move more, for example, if you do evening walks every day for about three kilometers, with a quick step, then you will have slim figure and healthy heart. I do not like to advise my patients on diets or any other means of losing weight that will limit the body in the nutrients it needs, in the early stages such methods cause weight loss, but this is only side effect, which comes from the exhaustion of the body.

Artem Sharton, nutritionist, 38 years old

Hello! As a specialist in the field of weight loss and healthy eating with great experience, I can say with a high degree of certainty that such about the kind of diets are not safe for the body to the extent that they are written about in most sources. In my practice, several people have received serious damage from the use of celery soup, and specifically, they have ruined their stomachs. You can hurt yourself especially badly by using the wrong approach to writing and dieting. The diet should be made by a professional, and he does this on the basis of the individual characteristics of a particular patient. And also serious violations are often allowed, for example, it is strictly forbidden to combine a diet on celery soup with alcohol, and many people think that if they drink on weekends, then this is not such a serious violation, this cannot be done.

The celery diet contributes to very rapid weight loss, and this is stressful for the body, so you should use it only under the supervision of a doctor. I recommend others to my clients useful plants, for example, milk thistle, which is safer and affects the body in a better way.

Olga, 27 years old

I've been on this diet for a week now, I've lost 4 kg. I am very pleased, my stomach has greatly decreased in volume! But I feel that I need to take a break, because I already feel unwell.

Irina, 35 years old

I was advised by a neighbor to lose weight with this soup. She lost 15 kg on this diet. The neighbor was delighted with this method of losing weight. But as soon as I started eating this soup, I got stomach pains, my stool broke, although it should be the other way around. At the same time, I was losing weight, but I felt terrible, my strength just left me, I always wanted to sleep. As a result, I stopped following this diet.

Gradually my condition returned to former state but the stomach problems remained. Now I need to undergo treatment in the hospital. Therefore, I do not recommend going on a diet without first consulting a doctor.

Summing up, I can say that this diet is quite controversial. It is better to consult a doctor before starting weight loss. Celery soup is low-calorie and healthy, which leads to weight loss. But on the other hand, the body lacks other nutrients, especially And protein is muscle! It is very undesirable to lose weight in muscles. Then the weight will quickly return. Therefore, this express diet should be alternated with the days when you.

In our time, perhaps, there is not a single person who would not be worried about him. appearance especially those extra pounds. However, not all of us dare to limit ourselves to our favorite foods and exercise. But, if it’s already completely “boiled” and the reflection in the mirror is annoying, then you will have to turn to diets and choose the most suitable technique for yourself, which will not only help you achieve beauty, but also stay healthy.

So, you have decided to choose a way to reduce weight, we offer a product that deserves special attention. It is celery.

celery diet- great way to achieve a graceful figure and improve your well-being. Some time ago, almost no one was interested in celery, so it was not as accessible as it is now, when everyone realized the degree of usefulness of celery and it became a very popular product.

Only celery root is eaten. celery soup for weight loss- this is a truly magical product that you can cook regularly. The composition of celery includes oxalic, oil, acetic acid, vitamins, sodium. With the help of celery treat the kidneys, liver, rejuvenate the body.

If you use celery soup for weight loss, then the duration of such a diet should be at least 14 days. Do not forget to add proteins, gray vegetables to your diet and drink plenty of non-carbonated water (mineral).

The effect of the celery diet

By itself, celery soup does not unique influence for fat metabolism. Although this plant contains many vitamins, a large amount of fiber and a number of mineral compounds, this does not explain good results its use. The main reason for its effectiveness is that celery soup is liquid dish, namely this category of food best helps to cope with overweight.

When using this or any other dietary soup, a person receives a minimum of calories, but at the same time, he absorbs a sufficiently large amount of food, due to which he creates and maintains a feeling of fullness for some time. Satisfaction with such a meal is also formed for the reason that the soup is served hot, and this makes the meal more “essential” in the eyes of any person.

In principle, other vegetable-based soups can be used instead of celery. They will have a similar effect on the state of body weight. Although, of course, it must be borne in mind that its use as a first course is not all that is required of a person who wants to lose weight.

For 7-10 days on celery soup, or rather, on the celery diet, which was created on the basis of this dish, weight loss of 5-6 kg is expected. But is it really possible to lose almost a kilogram a day, if you just add this miraculous remedy to your diet? Of course not, and if you have repeatedly sat on various diets, then you yourself probably guess about it.

In fact, in order to achieve such success (by the way, as the reviews say, in fact, the results are less impressive), you must, in fact, limit your diet to only this soup. Sometimes it is allowed to eat fruits and vegetables in small quantities, but this practically does not affect the caloric content of the diet. So losing weight on celery soup is not the result of the fat-burning effect of this dish, but the result of severe calorie restriction of the diet.

celery soup for weight loss recipe

To prepare celery soup you need:

  • celery root - 200 gr,
  • head of cabbage (small)
  • onions (white or blue) - 6 pcs,
  • carrots - 600 gr,
  • Bulgarian pepper (green) - 2 pcs,
  • tomatoes - 6 pcs,
  • string beans (green),
  • greenery,
  • tomato juice - 1.5 liters.

Grind all ingredients and pour tomato juice. If the juice does not cover all the vegetables, add a little water. After boiling the soup, leave it for ten minutes to languish over low heat.

The daily portion of the soup is divided into three parts.

Menu of the celery weight loss method:

  • 1st day. During the day, celery soup + fruit (any, except banana);
  • 2nd day. During the day, celery soup + vegetables (raw);
  • 3rd day. During the day, celery soup + Jacket potatoes - 1 pc + different vegetables in any quantity;
  • 4th day. During the day, celery soup + 1 liter of kefir (low-fat) + bananas - 3 pcs;
  • 5th day. During the day, celery soup + lean meat (fish) + tomatoes - 6 pcs + 2 liters of water.
  • 6th day. During the day, celery soup + lean meat (vegetables);
  • 7th day. During the day, celery soup + rice (small amount) + vegetables (raw).

Next week, the celery diet menu is repeated. V end result in two weeks your body will cleanse itself and get rid of excess body fat. Of course, this will happen only if the diet menu is strictly observed. No sweets and confectionery, etc. not allowed.

Celery Soup for Weight Loss

Celery helps not only to lose weight, but also to remove toxins and other toxins from the body. harmful substances, therefore, it is simply necessary to eat it. But due to the fact that it has a rather specific taste, not everyone loves it and can use it in pure form. If you are in this category of people, try making a puree of celery soup, in which this greens, crushed until smooth with other ingredients, will not stand out such a sharp taste.


  • celery - 2-3 sticks;
  • cauliflower - 200 g;
  • broccoli cabbage - 200 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • leeks - Âœ pcs.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • vegetable broth - 1.5-2 liters.


Weld vegetable broth as stated in the previous recipe. Wash the leek and cut into half rings, fry it in a pan for 3-4 minutes. cauliflower and also rinse broccoli, divide into inflorescences, chop coarsely and send to onions. Stew everything together for 5 minutes, then add carrots, grated on coarse grater or diced.

Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into small cubes together with the celery. Put them with the rest of the vegetables, pour in a little broth and cook the soup until all the ingredients are ready. After that, grind everything in a blender, add your favorite herbs if desired, adjust the density of the puree soup by adding broth. When serving, you can sprinkle ready meal fresh herbs.

What can you eat besides soup?

The resulting volume of the dish is supposed to be consumed during the day, if possible, dividing a very small amount of it into three meals. You can also drink water, tea without sugar, herbal decoctions without restrictions. In addition, in the most well-known variant celery diet is recommended for each of the seven days to additionally eat certain foods.

On the first day it's fruit, on the second day it's two. fresh vegetables, in the third - two vegetables and one fruit, in the fourth - two vegetables, fruit and a glass fat-free kefir, in the fifth and sixth - a slice of lean boiled meat, in the seventh - a portion boiled rice. That’s all, this is where the “bonuses” end, other types of products are strictly taboo throughout the diet. If losing weight decides to extend the diet to 10 days, at this time you can eat foods that correspond to days 1, 2 and 3 of the first week.

Does the celery diet help? Reviews of losing weight

Of course it helps! And how not to help her, if the calorie content of the diet on her is simply negligible and does not even “hold out” to 1000 kcal per day? Sticking to it is almost the same as going on a hunger strike, which is why there is such a noticeable weight loss. And what impression does the use of celery soup leave on those who have tried to use it for weight loss? We divide them into positive and negative.


1. Diet is effective! For the specified 10-day period, you can lose 3-4 kg of body weight, sometimes (in a minority of cases) weight loss reaches 5-6 kg.

2. Very a budget option weight loss, does not require the purchase of expensive products.


1. Losing weight on celery soup is extremely uncomfortable due to the constant feeling of hunger - fruits and vegetables alone are not able to create saturation for a long time. Actually, this is the first reason why many losing weight give up their idea already for 3-4 days.

2. Nutrition is not balanced in terms of proteins and fats, and has too low calorie. In practice, this is manifested by the fact that after 2-3 days on such a diet, people begin to complain of weakness, dizziness, cannot fully work and feel worse.

3. Not everyone is impressed by the taste of celery soup: even the addition of salt and herbs does not make it more attractive. As often happens on a meager monotonous diet, after a couple of days, even with severe hunger, the soup can cause nausea. This doesn't happen to everyone, but it does happen.

The celery diet for weight loss is an effective diet program that allows you to lose weight in a relatively short period of time at low financial cost. At the heart of this monocomponent diet - unique properties celery.

For weight loss, both the green part of the plant (stems, leaves) and roots can be used. The diet is based on the use of a large amount of celery with the possibility of adding foods containing proteins to the diet and eating a large number purified water.

The beneficial properties of celery for weight loss lie in its ability to activate the metabolic process, stimulate the functions of the gastrointestinal tract (including enhancing the production food enzymes ), accelerate the excretion of fluid from the body ( diuretic effect) and slags, which is due to increased motility and acceleration of the process of bowel movement. Against the background of these properties and its extremely low calorie content, weight loss occurs. At the same time, celery contains a lot fiber , trace elements , (asparagine , tyrosine , beta-carotene ), ( , RR , TO , ), glycosides , essential oils, what makes this vegetable useful product nutrition. The energy value soups, depending on the composition, is 25-35 kcal / 100 g.

Weight loss based on celery can be carried out different ways: including it in the daily diet, holding unloading days on the basis of drinks, salads and soups from celery, adherence for 7 or 14 days of a celery mono-diet, which is the most effective way weight loss.

The basis of this diet option is celery soup. There are many options and recipes for its preparation, which allows you to adapt it to individual diet nutrition.

To increase the effectiveness of the diet, it is recommended to carry out pre-training organism, which consists in the exclusion from the diet 7-8 days before the start of its products such as White bread, muffin, fatty, smoked and fried foods, sausages, alcoholic drinks, sweets, carbonated drinks.

It is recommended to expand the diet by lean meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and fruits, dairy products. Already at this stage, it is necessary to gradually introduce celery into the diet in the form of salads, juices (smoothies). In addition to adjusting the diet during this period, it is recommended to reduce salt intake and reduce portion sizes, starting from 20-25% and bringing up to 50% of the initial volume before starting the diet.

Approved Products

The use of almost all vegetables and sweet fruits is allowed (with the exception of potatoes and bananas), low-fat varieties meat (veal, beef), chicken breast, low-fat varieties of white river and sea ​​fish. Vegetables and meat should be steamed or boiled. Root vegetables can be baked in the oven. Of the cereals, only rice (preferably unpolished brown) can be used.

The diet is supplemented with low-fat fermented milk products(kefir, yogurt), vegetable and fruit juices.

It is important to maintain water balance and drinking regime: the volume of fluid consumed should be at least 2 liters per day and replenished by non-carbonated mineral water, in addition, you can drink black / green unsweetened tea, coffee (in case of strong attachment).

The taste of dishes can be adjusted with aromatic herbs (dill, basil, parsley, rosemary, as well as seasonings and spices - lemon juice, pepper, paprika and the minimum amount salt).

Table of allowed products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

green peas5,0 0,2 13,8 73
zucchini0,6 0,3 4,6 24
cabbage1,8 0,1 4,7 27
broccoli3,0 0,4 5,2 28
Brussels sprouts4,8 0,0 8,0 43
green onion1,3 0,0 4,6 19
onion1,4 0,0 10,4 41
carrot1,3 0,1 6,9 32
pepper salad1,3 0,0 5,3 27
parsley3,7 0,4 7,6 47
beet1,5 0,1 8,8 40
celery (root)1,3 0,3 6,5 32
tomatoes0,6 0,2 4,2 20
pumpkin1,3 0,3 7,7 28
Dill2,5 0,5 6,3 38
asparagus beans2,8 0,4 8,4 47
green beans2,0 0,2 3,6 24
garlic6,5 0,5 29,9 143

Cereals and cereals

brown rice6,3 4,4 65,1 331

Raw materials and seasonings

dried herbs3,0 0,0 24,5 210
Bay leaf 7,6 8,4 48,7 313
allspice6,1 8,7 50,5 263
sea ​​salt0,0 0,0 0,0 -

Milk products

kefir3,4 2,0 4,7 51
yogurt4,3 2,0 6,2 60

Meat products

beef18,9 19,4 0,0 187


chicken breast23,2 1,7 0,0 114


boiled chicken eggs12,9 11,6 0,8 160

Fish and seafood

boiled fish17,3 5,0 0,0 116

Oils and fats

vegetable oil0,0 99,0 0,0 899

Soft drinks

mineral water0,0 0,0 0,0 -
coffee0,2 0,0 0,3 2
green tea0,0 0,0 0,0 -
black tea20,0 5,1 6,9 152

Juices and compotes

juice0,3 0,1 9,2 40
tomato juice1,1 0,2 3,8 21

Wholly or partially restricted products

From the diet of the diet must be completely excluded bakery products, fatty meat, sugar, synthetic sweets, cheeses, cereals, pasta, nuts, seeds, sausages, oily fish, any smoked, canned food and pickles, dumplings, dumplings.

Fats are limited to the use of vegetable oils (sunflower, olive) in the preparation of salads.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

canned vegetables1,5 0,2 5,5 30
stewed vegetables (fried)2,0 6,8 8,0 106
salted tomatoes1,1 0,1 1,6 13


bananas1,5 0,2 21,8 95


mushrooms3,5 2,0 2,5 30

Nuts and dried fruits

nuts15,0 40,0 20,0 500
seeds22,6 49,4 4,1 567

Cereals and cereals

porridge3,3 1,2 22,1 102

Flour and pasta

pasta10,4 1,1 69,7 337
vareniki7,6 2,3 18,7 155
dumplings11,9 12,4 29,0 275

Bakery products

buns7,9 9,4 55,5 339
bread7,5 2,1 46,4 227


candy4,3 19,8 67,5 453

Ice cream

ice cream3,7 6,9 22,1 189


chocolate5,4 35,3 56,5 544

Raw materials and seasonings

mayonnaise2,4 67,0 3,9 627
sugar0,0 0,0 99,7 398

Milk products

cream 35% (fatty)2,5 35,0 3,0 337

Cheese and cottage cheese

cheese24,1 29,5 0,3 363

Meat products

pork16,0 21,6 0,0 259
Salo2,4 89,0 0,0 797
bacon23,0 45,0 0,0 500


boiled sausage13,7 22,8 0,0 260

Fish and seafood

salmon19,8 6,3 0,0 142
salmon21,6 6,0 - 140

Oils and fats

butter0,5 82,5 0,8 748
animal fat0,0 99,7 0,0 897

Alcoholic drinks

vodka0,0 0,0 0,1 235
beer0,3 0,0 4,6 42

Soft drinks

cola0,0 0,0 10,4 42

* data are per 100 g of product

Celery Diet Menu (Meal Mode)

The menu of the diet program is not strictly defined and allows you to vary the products when preparing soups. Meals are not standardized in time and take place at your usual time according to your individual daily routine. The number of receptions of celery soup is not limited. Important - do not eat more food than is allowed per day, and you can distribute the volume according to your own needs.

When a strong feeling of hunger appears, it is allowed to eat celery in the form of salads, celery soup or drink celery juice.

The dietary program is designed for 7 days, when switching to the next 7 days, her diet is repeated in the same way.

1 day The diet includes 2-3 large apples, figs (2 fruits) or 1 grapefruit, several plums and small pears. It is allowed to drink 0.5 liters of fat-free kefir. Fluid intake is not limited (mineral still water, herbal teas, green, black without sugar). Celery soup is allowed to be eaten without any restrictions.
2 days Soup and liquid unlimited. We expand the diet with 200 g of brown rice and a portion of green salad (450-500 g), which includes ( leaf salad, stalk and leaves of celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley, dill, flax seed and dressed with olive or sunflower oil), as well as 2 apples and a few plums.
3 days Celery soup, vegetables and fruits in the minimum possible amount (with the exception of bananas.
4 days Exceptional soup. With an acute feeling of hunger - 1 small green apple and 0.5 liters of fat-free kefir or yogurt.
5 days It is allowed to add any allowed root vegetables to celery soup, 3-4 fresh tomatoes(can be in the form of a salad). Introduced into the diet boiled beef(not more than 500gr) or lean fish. Fluid control (minimum 2 liters).
6 days In addition to soup, it is allowed to eat low-fat boiled (steam) veal / beef, white chicken meat (300 g per day) and green salad(300-400 g per day).
7 days Brown parboiled rice, raw vegetables, fruit salads seasoned with unsweetened yogurt.

Recipes and methods of cooking dishes from celery

Since the diet program is designed to lose weight by vegetable soup with celery, it is important to learn how to properly prepare such a soup in which beneficial features of this vegetable, as well as satiety and it would be possible to change the taste of the soup. With the recipe, you can improvise within the range of permitted foods.

Ingredients: celery - green part or root, white cabbage (Brussels, broccoli), tomatoes, bell peppers, white onions (Crimean), carrots, herbs, spices, bay leaf.

You can cook soup both on water and on lightly salted non-concentrated chicken broth. Add finely chopped peppers, tomatoes and celery to the boiled broth. If a root is used, it is better to pre-bake it in the oven. This improves the taste of the dish. Boil and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Make a dressing based on onions and vegetable oil. Add dressing, spices and seasonings, let it brew.

Celery soup can also be prepared from a wider range of ingredients: celery root and greens, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, green beans, zucchini, beets, bell peppers, onions, tomato juice, herbs, spices.

Chopped vegetables in a saucepan are poured with tomato juice until completely immersed (the juice can be diluted with water). Cook over high heat for 10 minutes and 15 minutes over low heat. Add seasonings and spices to taste.

For those who find it difficult to tolerate such soups, we can recommend more high-calorie and more delicious recipe Diet celery soup : celery root / greens, 2-3 carrots, several onions, vegetable oil, garlic, pumpkin, low-fat cream.

Root vegetables bake in the oven and pour water. Cook for 15 minutes until done. Add dressing based on onion garlic and vegetable oil. Ready soup Beat with an immersion blender until creamy soup, add 2 tablespoons of cream and bring to a boil again.

For more effective weight loss and to speed up this process, it is recommended to introduce other dishes based on celery into the diet, in particular smoothies, juices and salads.

Dietary celery salad

Recipe 1. Cut celery stalks, chop fine grater one carrot green apple and red cabbage. Refueling lemon juice or olive oil.

Recipe 2. We rub on a coarse grater the root of ginger, celery, carrots and turnips. Stir and add finely chopped garlic. Refueling based olive oil/ lemon juice.

Recipe 3. We cut fresh cucumber, celery stalk, carrots and 5-6 pieces of boiled quail eggs. We fill with fat-free yogurt or kefir.

Celery smoothie and juice

Also useful is the use of celery smoothies, the recipe for which is extremely simple: 2-3 apples, 2 stalks of celery, carrots, cucumber, mint and unsweetened yogurt. Beat with a blender until smooth and refrigerate.

Can also be used various fruits: orange, pear, pineapple, lemon, berries. You can also cook with water.

Juice is even easier. The stems are washed and processed in a juicer, after which they are squeezed, filtered and cooled. It is recommended to use only freshly prepared juice.

Getting out of the diet

Since the diet is not sufficiently nutritious and unbalanced, it is recommended to follow the rules for exiting it:

  • After the end of the term, in order to restore metabolism and reduce appetite, start with morning reception glasses homemade lemonade (natural juice dissolve lemon in cold water). Be sure to save celery soup in the diet of the first week. Dinner is light with the inclusion of protein-rich foods, which were limited during the diet. Save some celery salad for dinner.
  • Gradually introduce into the diet lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, seafood, cheeses, chicken eggs, cottage cheese, low-fat cheeses, low-fat sour-milk drinks.
  • Lastly, in the menu, enter products that are prohibited under diet food, especially fried, fatty, smoked dishes, semi-finished products.
  • Eat at least 3-4 times a day, do not overeat, keep drinking.


The celery diet has a number of contraindications:

  • acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases caused by metabolic disorders;
  • acute respiratory and infectious diseases;
  • anemia ;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • childhood.

During pregnancy and lactation

In order to avoid hypoglycemia we advise you to snack on semi-sweet fruits and juices, and if the first signs of hypoglycemia appear, add honey to the diet (2-3 tablespoons a day with tea). Carefully monitor your well-being and if you experience pain in the abdomen, fainting, we advise you to interrupt the diet and consult a doctor immediately.


Outwardly, celery resembles parsley. This plant is native to the subtropical Mediterranean coast. The celery root contains essential oil, asparagine, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, B vitamins (B1, B2), PP, C. Since ancient times, the leaves, seeds and roots of the plant have been used as a diuretic and to improve digestion. Patients with gout, allergic urticaria, dermatitis, and those suffering from kidney disease were given fresh celery or its juice. It helps with insomnia and obesity. The leaves and stems of the plant are added to various dishes and cook soup based on it, used to reduce weight.

Why soup

Official medicine claims that the body needs 300–400 g of carbohydrates per day for normal functioning. If the norm is exceeded, then in the course of cellular biochemical reactions, the excess is converted into fat and deposited. If there are not enough carbohydrates, the body extracts energy by breaking down fats. Reducing carbohydrates to a minimum causes the fat burning mechanism to turn on. Some nutritionists recommend reducing their consumption in the first days of the diet to 20 grams per day (1 apple contains about 15 g of carbohydrates).

With a decrease in the consumption of one component in the body, the balance between carbohydrates, fats and proteins is disturbed. Carbohydrates become unnaturally small, and the percentage of fats and proteins increases significantly, which is difficult for the body to adapt to. Violation carbohydrate metabolism can lead to diabetes, urolithiasis and other complications.

Thanks to special combination vitamins, essential oils and minerals celery soups with a minimum content of carbohydrates do not disrupt metabolic processes, but contribute to their improvement. The diuretic properties of the plant prevent the formation of kidney stones and bladder, and the ability to remove toxins helps to cleanse the body.

Celery soup recipes use the leaves, stem, and root of the plant. All of them contribute to burning fat and losing weight, the more soup you eat, the more calories are burned. The soup is prepared from vegetables and does not contain high-calorie foods. Given the mild diuretic effect of eating celery, don't forget to drink water. Soda and sugary drinks are not recommended.

Bonn soup

One option is bonn soup named after its place of origin. Soup Recipe:

  • 5-6 bulbs, can be with a feather;
  • 1-2 fresh tomatoes;
  • White cabbage;
  • 2 large or 4 small green bell peppers
  • bunch of parsley;
  • bunch of celery.

Soup is prepared on natural meat broth. Sliced ​​vegetables are boiled for 10 minutes, then brought to readiness over low heat. Cooked soup is eaten when there is a feeling of hunger. You can not make large intervals between meals, so that the hunger is not too acute.

In the diet, soup is combined with fruits and vegetables, with strict observance, after the third day, the weight should decrease by 2.5–3.5 kg. Approximate menu:

  • first day. Celery soup and fresh fruits, excluding bananas, watermelon, melons;
  • second day. In addition to soup - raw or canned vegetables Green colour. Eating red beans, peas and corn is not recommended;
  • the third day. Any amount of fruits and vegetables, except for potatoes;
  • fourth day. Celery soup, plus three bananas and a glass of skim milk;
  • the fifth day. In addition to the soup, a slice lean meat and 6 fresh tomatoes(you can canned);
  • sixth day. Soup in any quantity and meat with vegetables. Vegetables must be green;
  • seventh day. Add to diet brown rice, vegetables and fruits.

After weekly diet weight will decrease by 5-6 kg. If the weight loss is more than 6 kg, you can resume the diet no earlier than a week break.

A similar soup with slight variations is prescribed for overweight patients in preparation for surgery in American clinics. Its advantage is the rapid weight loss of the patient without compromising health.

Recipe with tomato juice

This recipe was to the taste of lovers of tomato juice. For 200 grams of celery roots you will need:

  • a small head of cabbage;
  • 6 carrots;
  • 6 heads of onions;
  • 6 red fresh tomatoes;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 400 g of bean pods or the same amount of asparagus;
  • 1.5 liters of tomato juice;
  • dill and parsley;
  • spices to taste.

Chopped vegetables are poured with tomato juice and brought to a boil. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes and another 10 minutes over low heat with closed lid. The soup diet is designed for 2 weeks:

  • on the first day, along with the soup, you can eat fruit;
  • the second day - a salad of raw vegetables;
  • the third day - raw vegetables and potatoes, boiled in their skins, for dinner;
  • on the fourth day you can eat high-calorie banana and drink a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • fifth day - eat 200 g of lean meat and 1 kg of tomato;
  • on the sixth day, cook 300-400 g of chicken breast combined with raw vegetables;
  • the seventh day, in addition to celery soup, includes brown rice and raw vegetables.

The second week of the diet repeats the first.


The ability of celery to burn calories is due to the high content of fiber, the digestion of which takes more energy than the body receives from it. This property has led to the use of the plant in diets for weight loss. Benefits of Celery Soups:

  1. 1. Quick result. For 1-2 weeks there is a noticeable weight loss, which inspires optimism and faith in success.
  2. 2. A simple and affordable set of products. Vegetables used to make soup are easy to get in any store or market.
  3. 3. Soup provides sufficient fluid intake to the body, preventing dehydration.
  4. 4. Healing effect. Celery contains vitamins and minerals and has medicinal properties, after a diet, the state of the body improves (metabolism normalizes, toxins are removed from the body, immunity increases).

Celery soup restores digestion and a number of other vital important functions helps in weight loss. However, be careful, no one has yet canceled the individual intolerance to the product.

Excess fat in the body is not only ugly, but also dangerous to human health. People who are overweight can develop serious illnesses ( diabetes, hypertension, disturbances in the work of the stomach and intestines). In order to lose weight and always stay in shape, you need to competently organize the diet, include in it more vegetables. One of the most useful foods in the fight against excess weight is celery.

This healthy vegetable used not only as culinary product, but also as an element proper nutrition. can help you shed excess weight. With the help of this root crop, food proteins are absorbed better, fats are broken down faster. Therefore, nutritionists recommend adding raw celery to meat and fish dishes. Its high fiber content positive influence on digestion, which enhances the effect of weight loss. The calorie content of celery is negligible: the root has 42 calories, while the leaves and stems contain only 13 calories. Moreover:

  • acts as a diuretic;
  • has a hypnotic effect;
  • may act as a mild analgesic;
  • the root added to the broth can replace the salt.

It must be borne in mind that diet soups for weight loss from celery can harm some people. It is not recommended to use them for those who suffer from epilepsy, as the root can provoke seizures. For problems with gastrointestinal tract eating raw root crops is undesirable, but a decoction of the plant, according to doctors, is very useful for the stomach. Pregnant women should not use celery slimming soups, as it can stimulate the contraction of the walls of the uterus and, as a result, cause a miscarriage. May cause abdominal discomfort in the elderly. But basically, reviews of stem celery soup for weight loss are only positive.

There are many recipes based on celery that will help you lose weight quickly and easily. With the correct and systemic use of this vegetable, you can lose up to 7 extra pounds in just a week. The essence of the diet is that the main dish in daily diet It was celery soup. In addition to it, you can eat rice, other vegetables, fruits, protein products. Such nutrition speeds up the metabolism in the body and is a response to important question how to lose weight at home. Below are recipes for celery soup for weight loss.

Simple vegetable soup with celery and tomatoes

This low calorie meal very popular among people seeking to lose weight. Tomato soup can be cooked quite quickly, at the same time it has high fat burning properties. Despite the simplicity, it is a candidate for the title the right recipe celery soup for weight loss. First you need to select products:


  1. Rinse and finely dice the tomatoes, cucumbers and onions.
  2. Cut celery into medium pieces.
  3. Place all ingredients in a blender, grind.
  4. Put the resulting mass in the refrigerator for several hours.
  5. The soup can be eaten.

Diet soup-puree "weight loss" with the addition of cabbage

There is one more important component which can help those who lose weight achieve success faster. The second product in the dish will not be superfluous at all cabbage (any choice: Beijing, cauliflower, broccoli). Soup Ingredients:

  • cabbage - 300 gr;
  • celery root - 2 stalks;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • pepper - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.

How to make soup:

Low-calorie miracle soup with ginger root

One of the famous properties of ginger - strong fat burning effect. The soup is prepared on its basis with the addition of celery. The result is a healthy and low-calorie elixir of youth. This dish is an excellent candidate for inclusion in a separate menu for weight loss for every day. So, the products needed to cook this simple and delicious soup:


  1. Wash and cut carrots, potatoes, celery.
  2. Boil vegetable broth from chopped vegetables (ten minutes simmer).
  3. Rub the ginger and garlic on a grater, cut the cabbage.
  4. Place the rest of the vegetables in the broth.
  5. Add bay leaf and cloves.
  6. Cook for another ten minutes.
  7. Remove the broth from the heat and let it brew.

A seven-day diet menu might look like this:

MondayFruit, low-fat cottage cheese, coffeeChoice of celery soupSteamed fish, salad, green tea sugarless
TuesdayLow fat yogurt, orangeCelery soup, slice of unleavened breadBoiled beef, tomatoes, glass of water
Wednesday2 boiled eggs without yolk, 200 g low-fat cottage cheeseCelery soup, a glass of kefirHam (lean), boiled rice, tea
ThursdayBuckwheat porridge, cheeseChicken cooked without salt, kefirSteamed fish, skim milk
FridayPumpkin oat flakes, kefirCream cheese, celery broth, riceSteamed buckwheat porridge, boiled beef
SaturdayApple, cottage cheese, coffeeBoiled turkey meat, a slice of unleavened breadJacket potato, steamed fish
SundayBoiled rice, yogurt, coffeeSalad of celery, tomatoes and cucumbersBuckwheat porridge and steamed chicken