Red cabbage, benefits and harms. Red cabbage: the benefits and harms of a colorful beauty

09.10.2019 Restaurant notes

Red cabbage is considered no less popular vegetable than white cabbage. The benefits and harms of this kind of vegetable have been studied by specialists for a long time, but not every man in the street knows this. But among us there are many lovers of red cabbage. Let's talk on this topic today.

Chemical composition

We often buy red cabbage for making salads or soups. But in addition to gastronomic properties, such a vegetable also has tremendous benefits, which is associated with an amazing chemical composition.

Why do you think red cabbage is so prized by folk healers, supporters of traditional medicine and gourmets? Its health benefits and harms are of unprecedented interest, and in order to evaluate them objectively, you should study the composition of the vegetable.

Component composition:

  • retinol;
  • potassium;
  • vitamin B2;
  • phosphorus;
  • vitamin H;
  • sodium;
  • tocopherol;
  • calcium;
  • vitamin C;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamin PP;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • vitamin B9;
  • pyridoxine;
  • vitamin B1.

On a note! Purple cabbage leaf has an amazing component composition. The benefits and harms are inextricably linked with vitamins, micro- and macroelements contained in the red cabbage variety. Just imagine that a 200 g serving of cabbage will allow you to almost completely satisfy the body's daily need for ascorbic acid.

Red cabbage is appreciated not only for this. The benefits and harms to the body are of interest to people who want to get rid of excess weight. Red cabbage is a dietary vegetable, the nutritional value of which barely reaches 20 kilocalories. You can safely include this product in your diet.

Red cabbage: benefits and harms, recipes

The luminaries of world medicine and folk healers have long been convinced of the benefits of red cabbage varieties. This vegetable is available to everyone, without exception, and has an amazing component composition. This is the reason for the benefits of purple cabbage.

Useful properties of the vegetable:

  • strengthening hair;
  • giving the skin firmness and elasticity;
  • strengthening the nail plates;
  • contributing to the smoothing of fine wrinkles;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • restoration of mineral and vitamin balance;
  • elimination of toxins, toxic compounds and salts from the body;
  • strengthening of the vascular walls;
  • prevention of tuberculosis;
  • lowering harmful cholesterol levels;
  • contributing to the restoration of blood pressure levels;
  • gastric ulcer treatment;
  • normalization of digestive processes.

The red cabbage variety contains fiber and dietary fiber. Their presence helps to improve intestinal peristalsis. It's just that it is categorically contraindicated to abuse this vegetable, otherwise side symptoms in the form of diarrhea may develop. It is not recommended to eat this kind of cabbage for people suffering from gastric ulcer in the period of relapse.

Important! Red cabbage is categorically contraindicated in case of allergic reactions and individual intolerance. It is not necessary to introduce such a vegetable into the diet of small children, this can cause the development of diathesis.

Otherwise, purple cabbage is very healthy, and it should definitely appear periodically in our everyday menu.

Culinary secrets

As already mentioned, many amazing dishes can be prepared from red cabbage. Fresh it is added to salads and appetizers. Also, cabbage of this variety is subjected to heat treatment in the form of frying and stewing.

Whip up salad

Guests on your doorstep and you don't know what to cook? Make a red cabbage salad. Literally 10 minutes - and a delicious dish is ready to eat. Seafood and sour cream will be an ideal addition to it.

On a note! You can season vegetable salads with purple cabbage with natural yogurt, cream or mayonnaise. Just keep in mind that when you add such ingredients, the calorie content of the treat will increase proportionally.


  • red cabbage - 250 g;
  • boiled squid - 300 g;
  • canned dessert corn - 150 g;
  • carrots - 1 root vegetable;
  • greens - half a bunch;
  • salt - 1 tsp spoon;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 piece;
  • mayonnaise.


For those on a diet

Red cabbage is a dietary vegetable, the calorie content of which is negligible. And besides, the use of this vegetable also brings huge health benefits. You can make a simple diet salad that tastes great.


  • red cabbage - half a fork;
  • sour cream with a fat concentration of 15% - 100 ml;
  • soy sauce - 1-2 tablespoons. spoons;
  • bell pepper - 1 piece;
  • pitted olives - ½ can;
  • curd cheese - 70-100 g.


Red cabbage resembles white cabbage in shape. Their main difference is, of course, color and denser head of cabbage. The first is distinguished by a beautiful red-violet color, which is given by the water-soluble pigments of anthocyanins, which are contained in the product in large quantities. In addition, red cabbage has a richer vitamin composition.

Chemical composition of red cabbage

Vitamins: A (4 times more than in white cabbage), B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C (2 times more than in ordinary cabbage), E, ​​K, PP, H, U.

Minerals: iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, selenium, zinc, phosphorus.

It is important to highlight the content of folic acid, which is necessary for a healthy intestinal microflora and the normal process of hematopoiesis. In addition, the vegetable contains such rare vitamins as U and K.

Red cabbage also contains a large amount of fiber, carbohydrates, vegetable protein, amino acids. This product is a source of biologically active components such as phytoncides and anthocyanins. The former fight bacteria and fungi, while the latter strengthen the walls of blood vessels, treat leukemia and neutralize the action of free radicals.

Calorie content of red cabbage - 26 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties and health benefits of red cabbage

  • has an antibacterial, diuretic effect,
  • has an antioxidant effect,
  • strengthens the immune system,
  • eliminates cough,
  • prevention and treatment of leukemia,
  • helps with hypertension,
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries,
  • lowers the level of bad cholesterol,
  • neutralizes the pathological effect of alcohol,
  • normalizes stomach acidity,
  • cleanses the body of toxins and toxins,
  • restores intestinal microflora,
  • normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland and kidneys,
  • cancer prevention,
  • improves vision,
  • prevention and treatment of osteoporosis,
  • increases the efficiency of the brain,
  • strengthens the nervous system,
  • helps with VSD,
  • eliminates insomnia,
  • protects against depression,
  • accelerates the healing of wounds and sores,
  • has a rejuvenating effect,
  • improves skin condition.

Red cabbage juice

In folk medicine, this drink is recommended to drink in the presence of weak capillaries, various kinds of bleeding and for the prevention of cancer. In addition, red cabbage juice fights tubercle bacillus, leukemia and removes phlegm. Due to the latter property, it is customary to use it to eliminate cough. And if they rinse their mouth, then the inflammation and bleeding of the gums will pass.

But juice should be discarded if there is a spasm in the bile ducts, chronic and acute diseases of the digestive system, including ulcers and gastritis.

Red cabbage during pregnancy

Red cabbage during pregnancy can be consumed provided that there is no individual intolerance. Thanks to the high content of ascorbic acid, the use of the product will help to protect the body of the expectant mother from colds. Vitamin A and calcium will improve the condition of the skin, hair and teeth, which is very important in this period. And, of course, the rich chemical composition of red cabbage will have a positive effect on the healthy development of the baby's fetus.

Contraindications and harm of red cabbage

  • individual intolerance,
  • exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system,
  • stomach ulcer
  • breastfeeding (can provoke colic in the baby),
  • children under 1 year old.

Red cabbage is a completely safe food product, it can be eaten even with diabetes mellitus. A vegetable can cause harm only in case of abuse and disregard of the listed contraindications.

Red cabbage recipes

The greatest benefits of red cabbage can be obtained by consuming it fresh. During heat treatment, as in other plant products, nutrients are destroyed. Therefore, we offer you raw recipes that will saturate your body with valuable vitamins and minerals.

Red cabbage treatment. Folk remedies

Against cough. 1 glass of red cabbage juice with the addition of 0.5-1 tsp. it helps to cope with coughs and hoarse voice.

From hypertension, leukemia, tuberculosis. Eat cabbage or vegetable salad with it daily for 14-20 days. In addition, you can drink 1 glass of juice a day.

From bruises and bruises. Apply kale leaves as a compress to the problem area.

The valuable properties of red cabbage were revered in ancient Rome. Today, its beneficial properties have been a little forgotten. Be sure to add this product to your diet for variety and nutritional balance.

In home cooking, housewives do not often use red cabbage. Many people believe that purple heads of cabbage are not much different from white ones in their taste and useful properties. In fact, red cabbage has much more medicinal potential according to leading nutritionists. You just need to know: how to properly handle a vegetable and for what purposes should it be used?

Red cabbage composition

Why blue cabbage, which repaints dishes in a bright purple color, is called red cabbage, cannot even be explained by scientists. However, the name stuck, and everyone got used to it. The main thing is to remember that blue, purple and red are one and the same cabbage.

Regardless of the shade, the vegetable contains the following substances beneficial to the body:

  • Water. Its content in red cabbage is more than 90%. As well as, it is an ideal product for people suffering from obesity, or strictly following their figure. It is noteworthy that such a watery vegetable gives a feeling of satiety. This is due to the abundance of dietary fiber.
  • Red cabbage contains a lot of fiber, twice as much as white cabbage. Therefore, raw vegetable seems a little tough.

Some vitamins are absorbed much better in the presence of fats, such as vegetable ones. In particular, it is recommended to cook red cabbage with the addition of vegetable oil or fermented milk products. They will complement the vegetable dish and enhance its health benefits.

  • Red cabbage is the leader in anthocyanin content. It is a pigment substance of plant origin. It is he who is considered to be the reason for the unique color of purple cabbage. But that's not all. Anthocin has antioxidant properties, and so strong that it can prevent the development of cancer and a number of heart diseases.

  • Blue cabbage contains a huge amount. Just one portion of a light, dietary salad can satisfy the daily (!) Need for a vitamin by 30%. For comparison, the same portion of white cabbage contains only 3% of the daily intake of vitamin A, that is, 10 times less.
  • In terms of vitamin C content, the red-violet vegetable has overtaken citruses. Moreover, the vitamin from red cabbage does not irritate the stomach lining, which cannot be said about citrus fruits.
  • It is present in the composition of red cabbage and vitamin K. It takes part in the processes of hematopoiesis, stimulates biologically important processes in the brain - in a word, the purple vegetable is indispensable for mental stress.
  • Vitamins H, B, PP and E are also present in blue cabbage, and there are more of them than in the white cabbage counterpart.
  • We should also note the presence of vitamin U - so rare that its properties are still not fully understood. It has been proven that vitamin 6 U promotes the healing of wounds on the skin and mucous membranes. It also has antihistaminic properties, reducing the body's reactivity.
  • Among other important elements, red cabbage will delight you with potassium, calcium and magnesium, which help to strengthen bone tissue, as well as phosphorus, silicon, iron and manganese.

To obtain a lasting therapeutic effect, red cabbage must be included in the diet on an ongoing basis. But even from rare use there will be many benefits.

Why you need to eat purple cabbage

Fresh blue cabbage is most beneficial. During heat treatment, many vitamins are partially or completely destroyed, however, in this case, blue cabbage dishes will be extremely useful.

Losses in beneficial properties will be significantly reduced if purple cabbage is cooked in a little water and covered.

Either way, a diet that includes red cabbage produces results:

  • The intestines are cleansed, due to which excess weight goes away, puffiness disappears.
  • General rejuvenation and healing of the body is started.
  • Substances in red cabbage normalize blood pressure, reducing it to normal levels.
  • Due to the large amount of micro- and macroelements, the risk of osteoporosis, cracks and fractures is reduced several times.
  • The uniqueness of blue cabbage is that its ingredients help to restore the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. It is especially useful for people suffering from peptic ulcer and gastritis. True, it should be used carefully in these cases, and it is better to consult a nutritionist or gastroenterologist.
  • Metabolic processes and bowel function are normalized, which leads to getting rid of constipation. For the same reason, the risk of diabetes and obesity is reduced. Studies show that consuming purple cabbage systematically prevents some colon cancers.
  • It stimulates brain activity, which is used as a preventive measure against Alzheimer's disease. The therapeutic effect is achieved by strengthening the sheaths of nerve fibers. This reduces the likelihood of their damage and death.
  • The level of harmful cholesterol in the blood decreases, since it is actively eliminated from the body.
  • The elasticity of blood vessels increases, the level of leukocytes in the blood normalizes, which is the prevention of leukemia.
  • The blood composition is noticeably improved.
  • Immunity is strengthened, vision is improved, sharpened, and the eyes begin to get tired less.
  • For men, red cabbage can help prevent prostate cancer.
  • The abundance of vitamins in the vegetable promotes faster wound healing, prevents the development of gum disease, and protects against early aging. Red cabbage is an affordable and effective remedy for vitamin deficiency and seasonal depression.

According to doctors, purple cabbage is especially beneficial for the elderly. It allows a weakened body to more actively fight many age-related conditions.

Who Should Be Careful

Like any vegetable, blue cabbage can be high in nitrates. To protect yourself from their effects, you should remove the upper leaves from the head of cabbage and throw it away, and send the stump to the same place. It is in it that nitrates and other harmful substances are concentrated.

Red cabbage, for all its benefits, can do harm- if you treat her with disdain. To avoid trouble, you should carefully study the contraindications and warnings of nutritionists.

  • Individual intolerance, simply an allergy to blue cabbage is rare, but it does happen. Therefore, when trying a vegetable for the first time, you should limit yourself to one or two leaves.
  • People with digestive disorders should not eat raw cabbage. It will show its beneficial properties only after proper heat treatment. Cabbage should be chopped or chopped and stewed, but no longer than 40 minutes. The hardness and "vigor" of cabbage will go away, but most of the vitamins and other nutrients will be preserved as much as possible.
  • As with any food item, red cabbage should not be overused. Overeating, you can get unpleasant consequences in the form of dyspeptic disorders: flatulence, bloating, cramps in the intestines.
  • Even more dangerous is the abuse of blue cabbage with iodine deficiency in the body. Eaten in too much, cabbage can suppress the thyroid gland. True, for this you need to eat a vegetable in kilograms.
  • Purple cabbage juice can raise blood pressure. Therefore, hypertensive patients should not get carried away with fresh vegetables.
  • With pancreatitis, red, like any other cabbage, will have to be abandoned so as not to provoke an exacerbation.
  • Because of its high vitamin K content, purple cabbage can reduce the effectiveness of blood thinners. Taking such funds, you should coordinate your diet with your doctor.

Keeping all the caveats in mind, you can safely include cabbage in your diet. Negative consequences, although possible, are quite rare. If this does happen, you can give up blue cabbage or consult a nutritionist on how you can enjoy a healthy vegetable without harm to your health.

Blue cabbage in folk medicine

The beneficial properties of red cabbage are manifested not only in dietary dishes, but also when used externally:

  1. With thrombophlebitis, the leaves are used as a compress. They are lubricated, applied to problem areas, fixed with a bandage and left for 1-2 hours.
  2. For bronchitis, a warm decoction of purple cabbage is effective. For its preparation, 100 g of leaves are finely chopped and 200 g of boiling water is poured. An hour later, the broth is filtered and divided into 3 parts. Take the medicine warm, 3 times a day, until complete recovery.
  3. To improve the condition of the skin of the face, wash with a decoction of blue cabbage is used. To prepare the broth, 1 part of chopped cabbage leaves are poured with 2 parts of boiling water and infused for an hour. The finished broth must be filtered and cooled.

Why is red cabbage good for you?

On the shelves of grocery stores, you can often find cabbage familiar to everyone, but with leaves of a red-purple or bluish color. The popularity of red cabbage is slightly lower than the white cabbage we are used to, but it also has enough fans. What benefit or harm can it bring to the body?

It is believed that the homeland of red cabbage is the Mediterranean and the countries of North Africa, and although it can easily tolerate a more severe climate, we grow it in much smaller volumes. Perhaps this is due to the unusual taste. Nevertheless, it is an excellent base for salads, it can be fermented and pickled, soups and side dishes can be prepared. Dishes made from red cabbage will surprise you with excellent taste and delight the eye with unusual colors.

In addition, this vegetable contains many vitamins and minerals, allowing not only to avoid vitamin deficiency, but also to cope with many diseases. Despite the fact that outwardly red cabbage differs from the usual white cabbage only in the color of the leaves, it has more pronounced beneficial properties:

  • The color of the leaves is provided by anthocyanins, they also give a sharp and even bitter taste, as well as:
  1. They affect the state of the vascular wall, increasing its strength and reducing permeability both at the level of large arteries and veins, and at the level of the smallest venules and capillaries;
  2. They mildly reduce blood pressure, so cabbage is recommended to be regularly consumed by those suffering from hypertension;
  3. They have antioxidant properties, helping to eliminate radionuclides and free radicals from the body.
  • Another substance that gives red cabbage unique properties is selenium. In addition to stimulating the production of antibodies and removing toxins, saturating muscles with oxygen and helping to maintain normal blood pressure levels, selenium normalizes the thyroid gland.
  • Vitamins can increase energy metabolism, normalize the processes of hematopoiesis and cell growth, and stimulate metabolism.

In Russia, red cabbage has been known since the 17th century. Even then, it was recommended to eat before a feast in order to reduce the effect of drunk wine, it was used to heal wounds and healed with its help bile spills.

  • High fiber content is another characteristic of red cabbage that nutritionists love it for. In red cabbage, these fibers are one and a half times more than in white cabbage. Including this vegetable in your menu, you can not worry about regular bowel movements and not be afraid of intestinal atony. The coarse fibers of red cabbage will perfectly cleanse the intestinal walls, absorbing toxins and fats... The low calorie content of this product, in turn, allows you to effectively fight excess weight, without limiting the amount of portions.

Red cabbage contains much more vitamins and minerals than other varieties.
  • Phytoncides, known for their antibacterial properties, are also part of this healthy vegetable. Due to their high content, red cabbage has long been used in the treatment of infectious processes, in particular, tuberculosis, and its juice helps fight bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system.
  • The content of vitamin C in the leaves of red cabbage is four times higher than that of its white-headed relative, which means that it supports immunity many times more effectively.
  • The high content of antibacterial substances is due to the healing properties of the juice of its leaves. With its help, you can not only stimulate the healing of superficial scratches and wounds, but also accelerate the scarring of stomach ulcers.

Recent studies have shown that regular consumption of red cabbage reduces the risk of breast cancer in women by 50%, since the same anthocyanins, which color the leaves and give them a specific taste, also inhibit the development of tumor cells.

Composition and calorie content

100 g m of this vegetable includes only 26 kcal. These include:

  • proteins: 3 kcal (12%);
  • fat: 2 kcal (7%);
  • carbohydrates: 20 kcal (78%).

Such indicators are considered one of the lowest not only among other varieties of cabbage, but in general for all vegetables. Despite the low calorie content, red cabbage contains vitamins and trace elements that allow you to cover a significant proportion of the daily value.

Table: Vitamin content

Although the leaves of this plant are denser than those of its white-headed relative, there is much more juice in it, because water makes up 90% of its mass. The microelements dissolved in it also differ in variety. For example, potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart, in 100 g of this vegetable contains 302 mg, which is almost a fifth of the daily value. Red cabbage is rich in iron, calcium and magnesium salts.

Zinc, found in red cabbage, stimulates sex drive.

Like all members of this family, red cabbage perfectly retains nutrients and vitamins throughout the winter. Choosing a head of cabbage, preference should be given to smaller and denser ones. They are considered to be the most juicy and aromatic.

What can be cooked from red cabbage

Red cabbage has long and been eagerly used in cooking. It serves as an excellent basis for salads, main courses, side dishes, and retains useful properties when fermented or salted. Another feature of this bright vegetable is that it changes color depending on the processing. For example, if you add vinegar or other acid to a salad with red cabbage, its leaves will turn bright raspberry color, and in an alkaline environment (with the addition of soda) this vegetable will turn blue. For this ability, red cabbage in the old days was considered a magic plant and was called "blue cabbage", and modern housewives love it for the opportunity to cook original colored dishes.

Modern culinary offers a huge selection of red cabbage dishes for all occasions - from a quick breakfast to a gala dinner.

Photo gallery of healthy dishes

Red cabbage stew will harmoniously complement any dish Red cabbage soup is a hearty and beautiful dish Red cabbage salad with rice will perfectly satisfy hunger Red cabbage salad with orange will delight with its fresh taste Red cabbage stew is a wonderful side dish for red meat dishes Grat cabbage with potatoes and apples came to us from French cuisine

Contraindications and harm

  • The only direct contraindication is individual intolerance.
  • It is not recommended to eat the upper leaves of the heads of cabbage and cobs, since it is in these parts of the plant that the concentration of nitrates is highest.
  • With caution, add red cabbage to your diet for people with diseases of the stomach and duodenum. In such cases, it is better not to use it raw at all, but to subject it to at least an hour heat treatment before use.

Despite the fact that red cabbage has a sharper taste and its leaves are tougher than that of a white-headed relative, the content of vitamins and minerals in it is much higher. Due to the low calorie content, even those who carefully monitor their figure can please themselves with red cabbage dishes. But do not get too carried away with this product. The recommended daily allowance by nutritionists is 200 g.

Red cabbage is a dietary and healthy vegetable that is recommended for all lovers of proper nutrition. Moreover, the product is ideal for efficient fasting days. Before you can understand the benefits and harms of red cabbage, it is advisable to carefully study the composition and optimal ways to use the product.

Popularly, red cabbage is also called blue and purple. The bright purple color of red cabbage, which gives rise to the special name of the product, turns out to be a mystery even to many scientists.

Red cabbage contains useful substances:

  1. Water. Cabbage contains more than 90% water. Unsurprisingly, the product is ideal for people who have a dietary preference. Despite the watery structure of the vegetable, you can expect a pleasant feeling of fullness, which is explained by the large amount of dietary fiber.
  2. Cellulose. Red cabbage contains a large amount of fiber, and this substance is often a couple of times more than in a white-headed fellow. For this reason, a raw vegetable turns out to be tougher, but at the same time, you can count on its successful use for culinary purposes.
  3. Anthocyanin. Red cabbage contains a large amount of anthocyanin, a beneficial plant substance. It is anthocyanin that determines the unique color of red cabbage. At the same time, the beneficial antioxidant properties of the component can be noted, due to which the prevention of oncological diseases is guaranteed and any disorders associated with the work of the heart are excluded.
  4. Vitamin A. Red cabbage contains a large amount of vitamin A, therefore, a positive complex effect on the human body is noted.
  5. Vitamin C. For this reason, the inclusion of red cabbage in the diet is beneficial for people with weakened immune systems.
  6. Vitamin K. This substance is required for hematopoiesis and the positive effects of the brain. Not surprisingly, red cabbage is recommended for severe mental stress.
  7. Vitamin U. This vitamin is not found in all food products, so its study is still ongoing. The vitamin is believed to accelerate wound healing and exhibit antihistaminic properties.
  8. Potassium and calcium, as well as magnesium, strengthen the skeleton and improve overall bone health.

The rich and nutritious composition of the product determines the benefits and harms of red cabbage, so the inclusion of the vegetable in the diet is a useful aspect in determining the nutritional value of the vegetable.

Beneficial features

Red cabbage is considered one of the less high-calorie ones, so it is advisable to include it in the diet even for people who are losing weight. Eating fresh vegetables or following minimal processing improves overall health.

Regular consumption of red cabbage has the following positive effects on the human body:

  • maintaining blood vessels in good condition: strengthening, increasing strength and elasticity;
  • elimination of toxic substances;
  • normalization of blood pressure for hypertensive patients;
  • normalization and stabilization of blood cholesterol levels;
  • prevention of leukemia;
  • strengthening the immune system, and, consequently, increasing resistance to various diseases;
  • improvement of the digestive tract.

As you can see, regular consumption of red cabbage has a powerful positive effect on the human body. This is due to the presence of nutrients and a mild effect on the body of almost every person.

For example, cabbage juice helps with ulcers and any inflammatory processes in the stomach, so drinking a nutritious drink is recommended even for medicinal purposes.

The presence of such useful vitamins as A and C contributes to the successful development of the body and its proper functioning. This is due to a positive effect on the immune system.

Drinking cabbage juice refreshes the complexion and improves the condition of the skin, which becomes velvety and tender. Moreover, this nutritious drink strengthens the tooth enamel and nail plates.

The experience of many people confirms that cabbage juice can even be used to rinse dark flowers, as in this case they will begin to shine and please with softness.

Features of using red cabbage as a medicine

The rich nutritional composition of red cabbage determines the possibility of successful use of the vegetable as a medicinal food product:

  • the presence of an increased amount of phytoncides leads to effective treatment of bronchitis and lung diseases;
  • red cabbage has a positive effect on capillaries and guarantees complete prevention of anemia;
  • dishes using red cabbage remove toxic substances from the body;
  • cabbage juice is useful for hypertensive patients and people with vascular diseases;
  • fresh leaves of red cabbage have an antibacterial effect, so they are applied for local pain and swelling, bleeding;
  • cabbage leaves are recommended to be used for the treatment of mammary glands (first of all, with mastopathy);
  • cabbage juice guarantees protection from rapid intoxication and hangovers.

Red cabbage can be used for juicing, pickling and pickling, garnishes for meat. Such widespread use of the vegetable allows you to focus on a complex positive effect on the body.

Precautions When Eating Red Cabbage

In order to understand the benefits and harms of red cabbage, it is imperative that you follow certain precautions.

  1. Individual intolerance to the product. Despite rare cases of red cabbage allergy, allergic reactions can still occur.
  2. People with gastrointestinal diseases cannot eat raw cabbage. For this reason, it is advisable to chop the vegetable and stew for about 40 minutes, since such processing will eliminate the stiffness of the vegetable and retain a large amount of useful substances.
  3. It is advisable to remember the extent to which red cabbage is consumed. Otherwise, various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract appear.
  4. Red cabbage abuse is dangerous if iodine deficiency is identified. Otherwise, the state of health will deteriorate in the future, since iodine cannot be replenished.
  5. Red cabbage is not recommended for hypertensive patients.
  6. Eating red cabbage can exacerbate pancreatitis, so it is advisable to refuse the vegetable.
  7. The high content of vitamin K makes red cabbage impairs the effectiveness of blood thinners. The preliminary agreement of the diet with the doctor becomes mandatory.

If you carefully study the benefits and harms of red cabbage, you can understand why this vegetable is recommended to be included in the diet and what abuse of the product can lead to, since compliance with the measure guarantees benefits for those who are interested in healthy and nutritious nutrition.