What to cook for the year of the rooster. Cereal desserts

27.04.2019 Bakery

New Year's holidays are certainly accompanied by the expectation of a miracle, that the coming year will be more successful and joyful, without worries and hassles. Not without a joyful atmosphere, regardless of age. At the festive table, sincere congratulations and wishes are heard based on a successful beginning of the new year.

One of the main traditions is the solemn presentation of gifts and the preparation of delicious dishes, all kinds of delicacies for the festive table. And the symbol of 2017 is the Fire Rooster, which will bring good luck to stubborn and active people. That is why even on preparatory stage it is worth showing imagination for the celebration, and this applies not only to the choice of gifts or decorating the room, but also in table setting and decoration signature dishes on the table. What is it - original and interesting menu for the new year 2017?

According to the already established tradition, it is believed that if it is good to meet and celebrate new year's eve, then next year will certainly be successful. That is why each housewife tries not only to prepare delicious dishes, new salads and snacks, but also to arrange them in an original way. But do not get carried away, and forget about interior decoration, and if you can entrust your husband and even children with installing and decorating a Christmas tree and an apartment, then the table setting is recommended to be done by the hostess herself. And you still do not know your menu for the new year 2017, what to cook and what products you need to buy?

Compilation of the menu for the celebration of the new 2017 of the Fire Rooster

The rooster is a reasonable and important bird, a little quick-tempered, but also quickly and departs, prefers not pomp, as is commonly believed, but naturalness. Loves simplicity, versatility and naturalness. Therefore, the dishes on the table should be simple, and the recipes for the new year should be light, but a little playful. It is recommended to put chopped vegetables or pickles on large plates, add aromatic and spicy herbs to the vegetable composition.

Cold cuts can be made as canapés by layering the meat pieces with whole grain or nuts with bread. And in the center of the table, place an elegant and bright plate with poured grain. Moreover, the main dish can be decorated in the manner of the Yeralash salad by arranging cereals and grain in small heaps, so that the symbol of the year can also taste your favorite treat.

Do not forget about homemade baking, using not only the first (highest) grade flour, but also other types, for example, buckwheat, corn or rice.

Before the start of the meal and feast, while all the guests are gathering, they can be invited to refresh themselves light cocktails, and involve children in advance in making funny straws with a picture of a rooster's tail in bright colors.

Decoration and setting of the festive table

For home decoration and table setting for the new 2017, you need to choose natural materials bright colors. For inspiration, remember the plumage of the rooster's tail, as it is drawn in children's books with fairy tales.

For example, table setting in a rustic style on this New Year's Eve can be considered the most original idea e.g. linen tablecloth and napkins, wooden coasters great dishes and candlesticks, and even dishes. Instead of flowers, dry herbs, various fruit or vegetable compositions, wicker baskets for serving sliced ​​bread, etc. can be present on the table.

The use of artificial materials is unacceptable, for example plastic utensils, it is worth giving preference to porcelain and clay sets. As for the color scheme - then take a closer look at the red, blue or green range of shades.

A special atmosphere at the table can be achieved by using candles for anointing or even lighting the table. Small candlesticks can be placed next to each guest's plate, do not forget about spruce branches and cones.

New Year's patterns can be applied to champagne glasses with a special composition, which is then easily washed off, bright tangerines and small postcards with individual congratulations can be laid out on plates.

Basic rules for serving New Year's feast:

  • Glasses and wine glasses, glasses for without alcoholic beverages are located on the right hand of the guest;
  • It is recommended to start setting the table for the new year 2017 with the arrangement of the plates, and only then lay out the cutlery. Last step- wine glasses.
  • The knife and fork are on the right, the spoon is on the other side, and the convex side is certainly down;
  • It is recommended to choose napkins in such a way that they create a contrast with the tablecloth. Cloth ones are folded, they can be beautifully laid on portioned plates, paper ones are stacked under the plates and additionally placed in a beautiful napkin holder on the table;
  • The tablecloth is not the main attribute of the festive table, so choose one that does not distract the attention of guests from delicious dishes... It is permissible to cover the table only with a clean and ironed tablecloth, which hangs about 15 cm from each edge.

The main dishes of the New Year's table

Menu for the new year 2017 what to cook from hot? It is strongly not recommended to serve a bird as a main course for the New Year's table. The symbol of the year can harbor a grudge against you, and the year will be unlucky. Fatty dishes It is also not recommended to cook, but light and vegetable will be just right. When preparing the menu for the new year, try to avoid a lot of unnatural ingredients and seasonings, fatty and hot sauces preferring natural herbs and spices.

Meat and fish dishes on the New Year's table 2017

Lamb with a side dish as a main course:

For lovers of lamb, meat stewed with potatoes and spices is suitable as a hot dish. Guests and relatives will certainly beg for the British recipe for this dish, since the dish turns out to be hearty and not greasy, it tastes good.

You will need:

  • 600 gr. potatoes;
  • 450 gr. lamb;
  • 2 onions;
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • 10 seeds of cumin;
  • 60 ml. vegetable oil;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • A little dry parsley;
  • Coarse salt and 10 black peppercorns.

Cooking lamb with vegetables:

  1. Crush pepper and caraway seeds in a mortar with coarse salt.
  2. Cut the lamb pulp into small pieces so that they fit into a dessert (children's large) spoon. Season the pieces of meat with spices.
  3. Pour oil into a deep saucepan with a thick bottom or cauldrons, add meat and fry over low heat.
  4. Chop the onion into thin half rings, chop the garlic and add to the meat in a skillet. Continue to fry, stirring occasionally.
  5. Peel the carrots, cut into half rings.
  6. Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into pieces slightly larger than the lamb.
  7. Add carrots and onions to meat with vegetables, not forgetting about lavrushka.
  8. After 5 minutes, pour in half a glass of water, wine, tomato juice or divorced tomato paste, on your own.
  9. Simmer the dish until tender, shortly before cooking, taste with salt and spices and add dry parsley.

Side dish for the New Year's table:

If you cook meat or fish as a main dish, then perfect side dish potatoes will become to them. It can be baked together with meat on another baking sheet, whole (boiling a little in boiling water) or halves in spices and seasonings.

Belgian French fries:

But no one will refuse from fries baked in the oven with minimum amount oils, and seasonings. For cooking, it is recommended to use a mixture of spices for potatoes, with the addition of Provencal herbs and paprika.

You will need:

  • Potatoes - 1kg.;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • Potato seasoning bag:
  • 50 ml. vegetable oil.


  1. Rinse the potatoes, you can scrub them with a special stiff brush. Cut into slices as in popular cafe fast food keeping the peel.
  2. Pour potatoes on a baking sheet with the addition of vegetable oil, season with spices and add coarse salt if desired.
  3. Separate the whites from the yolks. To cook potatoes, we only need proteins, and based on the yolks, you can make homemade mayonnaise or other sauce.
  4. Beat the whites, adding a little salt until fluffy, add to the potatoes and mix.
  5. Put the dish in the oven and bake until tender, appearing golden crust and the softness of the slices ..

Vegetable ratatouille made from vegetables with the addition of cheese and bread crumbs:

As a side dish along with potatoes, you can also make a vegetable ratatouille, adding a little cheese to it to keep the layers in shape.Your guests will certainly enjoy a healthy side dish, almost cooked without oil. Croutons and hard cheese will add special piquancy to vegetables. Exists a variety of recipes for the new year from vegetables.

Would need:

  • 10 large tomatoes;
  • Zucchini or zucchini;
  • 3 eggplants;
  • 2 heads of red onions;
  • 3 red bell peppers;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • Provencal herbs - 0.5 tsp;
  • A little vegetable oil;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • A bunch of parsley;
  • 3 slices of white bread;
  • A little salt and pepper.

Cooking a dish:

  • Chop the garlic cloves through a kitchen press, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil and chopped parsley to it. Pour in Provencal herbs, season the sauce with salt and freshly ground pepper.
  • Rinse the vegetables, peel and cut everything into round slices. Fold into a deep bowl, add spicy sauce and mix well.
  • Dry the pieces of bread in the oven, cool and grind in a food processor.
  • Grease a deep mold with oil, do not sprinkle big amount chopped croutons and lay out the vegetables, alternating them with an overlap, imitating "scales".
  • Grate any hard cheese on a coarse grater, sprinkle with vegetables, and add the remaining croutons on top.
  • Bake in a preheated oven for 25 minutes, until the eggplants and peppers are cooked through.

Snacks for the New Year's table

If people around you love chinese food, then you will surely like shrimp with cream sauce, and others oriental recipes for the new year, as a hot dish for the new 2017. Serve with spicy garlic rice, with the addition of turmeric, then it will have a pleasant golden color.

Would need:

  • Medium shrimp - 750 gr.;
  • Butter - 75 gr.;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Fat cream - 250 ml.;
  • A little salt and freshly ground pepper;
  • 5 sprigs of fresh parsley.

Cooking a dish:

The butter should be room temperature, garlic must be squeezed into it through a kitchen press. Stir the creamy mixture thoroughly and place in a deep frying pan or stewpan.

Add the peeled shrimp to the melted garlic - cream sauce and simmer, stirring for 7 minutes.

Add chopped parsley along with the twigs (stems).

Remove the shrimp with a slotted spoon, add the cream to the sauce, and wait until it thickens a little, not allowing it to boil. Put the shrimps back into the sauce and heat, stirring regularly so that the mass does not burn.

If you use rice with the addition of turmeric as a side dish, then you cannot overdo it with this seasoning - a quarter teaspoon will be enough to add flavor and color to the side dish.

Traditional Russian cuisine for the New Year's table:

It is simply impossible to imagine a new 2017 without Russian dishes. traditional cuisine- your favorite vinaigrette or herring under a fur coat, salad of Olivier or mimosa, aspic from fish, jellied meat, homemade pickles and pickled mushrooms.

However, all these dishes can be served in a slightly different way, showing a little imagination and ingenuity. For example, a saddle under a fur coat or crab salad can be served as a roll, not a layered salad, and wrap the mimosa in Armenian lavash and cut into portions.

Salad with crab meat it is usually prepared by mixing all the ingredients, but it can be collected in layers and soaked with homemade sauce or mayonnaise.

Salads and snacks for the festive table:

For any celebration and, especially for the new year 2017, the hostess of the rooster prepares for a long time, rehearsing new dishes and salads, training in decorating and decorating them. New recipes are searched for in the Internet and popular magazines, old ones are remembered.

By the way, this new year is suitable for experiments to think over holiday menu adding new ingredients to salads, such as pickled or pickled olives, crunchy cucumbers and tender mushrooms.

Small canapes with meat, fish and cheese fillings on toast from fresh or fried (dried in the oven) bread. You can also use unsweetened or puff pastry tartlets for filling.

Traditional salads can be laid out in the form of Santa Claus, a round clock with arrows from fresh or boiled carrots, or a flaky salad sprinkled with dill sprigs, which will imitate a Christmas tree. Bright toys and garlands are made from vegetables, pomegranate seeds, peas and corn.

From boiled eggs can be collected with toothpicks funny snowmen, with carrot spouts or bell pepper, and buttons from seeds.

Instead of sandwiches with red caviar, you can make toast with the addition of boiled carrots, processed cheese and herrings. It will be delicious and unusual.

Sauces for hot dishes and salads:

Those who prefer the form natural products and seasonings for dishes, it is recommended to spend a little precious time and make homemade mayonnaise. To do this, just beat all the ingredients with an immersion blender, a whisk or using a food processor.

To many dishes on New Year's the table will fit and homemade adjika, tomato sauce, lecho and other home preservation... It will not be superfluous and fat sour cream with lemon juice, garlic and pickled gherkins.

TO boiled meat and for baking, you can prepare a sauce in advance if you think over a festive menu, for example, béchamel, cheese or cream sauce. You can diversify gravy and seasonings with hummus, pesto sauce.

New Year's table desserts 2017:

According to established traditions, a couple of days before the holiday, you can bake honey or gingerbread, make holes in them and attach a note with humorous rhymes or wishes to each. The shape of the gingerbread can be any, and you can decorate with icing and pastry sprinkles.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, it appears on sale great amount kitchen fittings with a festive theme. If you are lucky and you purchase Christmas tree-shaped silicone or plastic molds, you can cook in them fruit jelly green or homemade marmalade... Such light dessert will be the perfect end to a gala dinner.

Alcoholic drinks of the New Year's table:

For a month - one and a half before the feast, you can prepare on the basis of high-quality vodka with good cleaning homemade alcohol such as the famous Baileys or citrus liqueur.

After everyone came from the night walk, saw enough fireworks, played enough snowballs and rolled down the ice slide, there will be a spicy warming mulled wine at the place.

Fans of exotic drinks will love the mango and pineapple punch. A drink is being prepared with the addition of brandy or cognac.

But this year it is recommended to drink red wine at the festive New Year's table. good quality, and be sure to take at least a sip of traditional champagne, preferably chilled.

Sweet dessert dishes:

Tea is considered to be a good end to any holiday. High Quality several types at the discretion of guests and sweet dessert... It can be portioned cakes, large sponge cake or juicy homemade roll soaked in syrup and cream, decorated with chocolate.

Regular round home cake you can decorate it in a very original way by depicting the chimes from Red Square on it, draw Santa Claus or the Snow Maiden. As original decoration you can make a pleasant wish to everyone present, or draw an important rooster with bright plumage.

Little secrets and tricks

Cheese lovers and fresh vegetables good news awaits - the Rooster simply adores these products, so give them places of honor on the table.

V homemade cakes add more dairy products - sour cream, cottage cheese or any kind of cheese.

As a snack you can prepare cheese sticks breaded, and it can be both spicy and savory with the addition of spices and aromatic herbs.

In order not to make a mistake in cooking and leave a little time for rest before a feast, try to choose affordable and easy-to-prepare recipes for dishes. It is advisable to prepare and rehearse them in advance, suddenly your family and friends will not like the combination of ingredients at all.

Then the 2017 New Year's menu will be delicious, original and very tasty. The invited guests will be satisfied with the offered treat, and will remember the successful feast for a long time.

Exactly festive feast, in the preparation of which the nuances of the menu are taken into account, is the key to an unforgettable celebration.

New Year's dishes on the festive table must be selected taking into account the peculiarities of the upcoming 2017: in accordance with the eastern tradition, it is called the year of the Fire Rooster. The owner demands to offer the guests appetizing, hearty delicacies, work out in detail the assortment and the colorful design.

The fiery rooster is an image that is credited with attractive qualities: prudence and seriousness. Simplicity and naturalness, beauty and enchantingness are recognized for its invariable characteristics. Hence, New Year's dishes for 2017, the Rooster must meet the criteria for simplicity of execution, mandatory brightness and originality.

When planning a menu New Year's table it must be remembered that in the year of the Fire Rooster, the number of dishes prepared using poultry meat should be limited on the table. In the list of New Year's hot dishes for 2017 Rooster, a recipe based on lamb meat deserves attention.

Lamb in english style

What a festive table is complete without an exquisite hot dish. To surprise family and guests with meat stews according to the recipe of English cooks, you need to be patient and have the following ingredients:

  • Lamb meat - 0.5 kg;
  • Potato tubers - slightly less than 1 kg;
  • Several large onions;
  • Pasty tomatoes - 10 g;
  • Laurel - 2 years;
  • Ground cumin - 4 g;
  • Ghee for stewing;
  • Rock salt, pepper, a few cloves of garlic.


Cut the washed and dried meat into small pieces, add salt, sprinkle with pepper, cumin powder.

Take a container, do not place it on the bottom a large number of meat, on top of which place chopped onions and potatoes cut into slices. Repeat the sequence of laying products and finish with a layer of mutton.

On top of the meat, to add unique aroma and exquisite taste, place a few garlic cloves and chopped greens.

In order for the meat to acquire softness and juiciness, it must be poured with a sauce created on the basis of 200 ml. boiling water and the above amount of tomato paste.

Place the container with the ingredients on the stove. Set the flame intensity to minimum. The cooking time for a delicious New Year's hot dish for 2017 of the Rooster is 120 minutes.

Meat with pineapple and crispy cheese crust

The search for a kind of New Year's dish for the long-awaited feast for 2017 of the Rooster will certainly lead to a recipe with a photo, where baked meat flaunts. Another mouth-watering dish is based on pork.

You need to prepare:

  • Tenderloin - 0.5 kg;
  • Pineapple rings, canned - 1 p .;
  • Hard cheese - 0.2 kg;
  • Food salt and pepper.


Remove the pineapple mugs from the container.

By using coarse grater grind the cheese.

Wash the pork tenderloin, remove excess moisture, cut into pieces no more than a centimeter thick, beat off, salt and sprinkle with pepper.

Place the prepared meat in a greased baking dish.
Place pineapple on top of the meat. Send the workpiece to the oven preheated to 220 ° C. The baking time is 40 minutes.

For the formation of a golden crust, it is necessary to place the grated cheese on top of the baked products and send it to bake.

Serve chilled. It is recommended to use vegetable salad as a side dish.

French meat

Flavored potatoes with a delicious crispy crust

When choosing New Year's dishes, considering various recipes for 2017 of the Rooster, do not forget about vegetables. Recommended cold cuts arrange in canapes, while miniature sandwiches should be formed from vegetables and whole grain bread.

If you look in advance for New Year's dishes for 2017 of the Rooster, choosing recipes with a photo, then you can probably find a side dish based on the well-known potatoes.

Keeping in mind the simplicity of the holiday menu and its components, pay attention to appetizing dish, which will certainly be highly appreciated by grateful guests. For uncomplicated culinary masterpiece you will need:

  • Potatoes - 8 tubers;
  • Egg - 2 squirrels;
  • Spices - hot peppers and paprika, a mixture of Italian herbs, rock salt;
  • Olive oil.


Peel the tubers, rinse and cut into slices.

Turn the egg whites into an airy foam, combine with potatoes and stir well.
Add spices to the prepared potatoes.

Spread the product evenly covered with protein and spice mixture on an oiled baking sheet.

The oven temperature required for baking is 220 ° C.

Cooking time - 30 minutes.

Attention! Stir about once every 7 minutes to get an evenly crispy crust.

Herringbone appetizer

Already today on the network you can find New Year's dishes 2017 and recipes with photos. And if it is not assumed that a real green beauty will be present in the festive decoration of the apartment, then the aroma of tangerine must necessarily soar. Champagne, traditional Olivier for our regions and herring under a fur coat are invariable components of the menu. However, as a necessary variety, it is worthwhile to think over the recipes for delicious appetizers in advance.

For a simple dish you will need:

  • Curd cheese - 220 g;
  • Armenian lavash - 1 sheet;
  • Red sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • Leaf salad;
  • Olives - ¼ tbsp., Chopped;
  • Basil greens - ¼ tbsp., Chopped;
  • Parmesan - ¼ tbsp.


Wash and dry lettuce leaves. Work surface cover cling film, on top of which put greens.

The second layer is pita bread. The workpiece, along the length of the lavash, is carefully cut into 4 parts.
Prepare the main products: grate parmesan, olives, basil and Bell pepper grind.

Mix chopped food and parmesan with curd cheese. Divide the resulting mass into 4 parts. Cover the prepared pita bread evenly with the mixture.

Roll up the rolls, making sure that the film does not get inside. Give the resulting blanks the shape of triangles and send for 2 hours in the cold.

Free the frozen rolls from the film, divide into portions of small width.

Finish the design of the "Christmas trees" with a toothpick or skewer, placed at the base of the triangular blanks. For the stability of a delicious New Year's snack, a toothpick is fixed in a half of an olive.

New Year's salad "Cockerel"

Despite the importance for which the rooster is famous, he prefers simplicity and uncomplicatedness. As a result, New Year's dishes for 2017 should have a simple recipe, exclude fatty and heavy foods. Eastern traditions recommend taking into account the love of the symbol of the coming year for certain products... To bring good luck to the house, you need to put a bowl of grain or sweet treats on the table, the outlines of which are very similar to the worms beloved by a rooster.

In order for the selected menu to be liked by everyone, you need to fantasize a little and give the New Year's dishes for 2017 of the Rooster the appearance of a symbol. We suggest preparing a simple but delicious salad.

For the dish you will need:

  • Sweet bright pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • Smoked meat - 300 g;
  • Olives - 1 can, pitted fruits;
  • Egg yolk.
  • Mayonnaise.


Smoked meat, ideally chicken, cut into small squares.

Cut the olives into circles, sweet peppers into squares. It is necessary to set aside the vegetable cut into strips in advance, not forgetting the need to decorate the salad.
Mix the prepared ingredients and season with mayonnaise.

On flat dish prepared for salad, lay out the salad mass, which to give the shape of the symbol of the coming year. Decorate the surface of the workpiece with grated yolk. Make the remaining elements of the image from sweet pepper: wings and tail, beak and paws, comb and beard. Use a piece of olive as the eyes.

Minced Egg Filled Snack

Already very little time remains before everyone's expected celebration. Each hostess begins to think over the menu for an unforgettable feast. If there are no problems with the choice of hot dishes and salads, then snacks, with their variety, make you suffer from the need to make a choice. And although the owner of the coming year does not welcome dishes using meat, it is not necessary to give up a nutritious diet in favor of vegetarianism. Use the long-known, but this does not lose their attractiveness and appetizing New Year's dishes and recipes for 2017 of the Rooster.

Unforgettable taste and ease of preparation are the main criteria for this dish.

To create it, it is worth preparing:

  • Chicken egg - 10 pcs.;
  • Hard cheese - 100 g;
  • Mushrooms - 5 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Onion greens.


Eggs, boiled and cooled, free from the shell.

Grind the prepared mushrooms and fry for 15 minutes. The fire is moderate. Before removing from heat, add chopped green onions to the mushrooms.

Take a fine grater, chop the cheese. Mix with mayonnaise.

Cut the egg, boiled in advance, in half. Chop the yolk.

Mix prepared food in a separate container.

Fill the halves of the proteins with the resulting mixture, forming an appetizing slide from the mixture.

Chopped herbs can be used as decoration.

Appetizing ice cream dessert

What's fun without sweets? When choosing New Year's sweet dishes for the festive table of 2017 of the Rooster, it must be remembered that there are no special instructions for desserts. It all depends on the imagination and preferences of the hostess. The only thing that is recommended is to exclude recipes with the use of alcohol, as well as dishes, as a result of the preparation of which, food that is heavy for the stomach appears on the table.

From the list of New Year's sweet dishes on the table in 2017, the Rooster should not be excluded for a long time famous desserts... Spectacular appearance of the cake " Broken glass" or curd cheesecake and them refined taste harmoniously fit into abundance bright dishes festive night. However, guests can also be pleased with unusual culinary masterpieces.

A dessert prepared in the form of cold Christmas trees will be a complete surprise for those gathered at the festive table. Of course, the comparison is very vague. But if you imagine a white ice cone with a Christmas tree, powdered with snow, then surely the impression of the New Year's party will be unforgettable.

Ingredients for a sweet herringbone-shaped dish:

  • Fruit and berry mixture - 125 g;
  • Sweet wine - 80 ml;
  • Bitter chocolate - 125 g;
  • Vanilla ice cream - 1.25 kg;
  • Almonds - 90 g;
  • Toasts.

Cooking sequence:

Pour wine over the fruit and berry mixture and leave overnight. Attention! If the dessert is intended not only for adults, then the use of wine filling should be abandoned.

Take the main product out of the freezer and leave to soften.

Grind the dark chocolate with a grater, cut the dried almonds into small pieces. Strain the fruits, if they are in wine, and mix with chocolate-almond chips.

Take the parchment and roll the cones out of it. It is best to use duct tape to hold the paper together. The volume, height and number of cones is determined by the number of guests.
Prepared paper cones must be placed in glass goblet or another container, convenient for support.

Ice cream mixed with fruit-chocolate-almond mixture is placed in cones. Attention! The product should not leak.

Send the prepared blanks to the cold.

When serving dessert, you can use fruits, sweets or candy marshmallows as decoration.

Happy and delicious New Year to you!

Read also:

The largest, most family and most magical holiday that we all are waiting for whole year will be knocking on our doors very soon. Therefore, now is the time to start thinking thoroughly not only gifts for relatives, but also the New Year's menu for the year of the Red Rooster, hurrying to change the eccentric monkey. The owner of a chicken harem is closer to our soul than an exotic hooligan, therefore the dishes will be close to our traditional ones, and the decor elements remain the same - fiery.

The table, or rather its setting, is the first thing that every participant of the solemn feast pays attention to. And if we have set ourselves the goal of pleasing a grumpy rooster, then devote time, effort and all our design skills to this issue is definitely worth it.

What would you like to drink on New Year's Eve?

Exactly at midnight, with the last strike of the chimes, the clapping of champagne is heard in all corners of the country. Celebrating the New Year is traditionally associated with this drink. But what else to please the absurd rooster on this day?

At New Year's banquets, you can find a huge variety of different alcoholic beverages. But here's how to choose the right champagne and wine for the holiday, and which glass to serve with whiskey, cognac, liqueur or martini?

A holiday is not a holiday without dessert. And for our cockerel, we have prepared a cool selection of dessert treats that are absolutely easy to make, and treating yourself to such a delicacy will be oh, how nice and tasty.

New Year- a holiday that everyone loves at any age. It is he who is associated with hopes and the belief that next year will be accompanied by happiness and good luck. To attract good luck, you need to appease the symbol of the coming year. This year it is a fiery rooster. It is considered if you compose correct menu, to set the table as needed and to choose colors in everything that suit the symbol of the year, then the next year will be very successful and filled with only happy moments.

The choice of the New Year's menu this year should be taken seriously. The rooster will not tolerate chicken and other poultry on the table, as well as egg dishes. Unfortunately for the hostesses, there are many delicious salads, snacks and main courses contain these foods. You will have to puzzle a little over the preparation of the menu.

When preparing dishes for the New Year's table, follow three rules:

1. No poultry or eggs. Eggs are only allowed as ingredients in dough or batter.

2. Use more greens, fruits, vegetables, nuts. Ideally, the table should be vegetarian.

3. Cook more variety of snacks, sandwiches, canapes. You need to cook for the new year simple dishes, but they should be interesting, not boring. The rooster is a country bird, but extravagant and bright. Make your New Year's table the same.

Now let's start choosing dishes for the New Year's table.


Salads and appetizers on festive table there should be a lot. Give preference to fresh and fruit salads. You can cook vegetarian salads(there are a lot of recipes on the Internet), salad with cucumbers and tomatoes, salad with radishes and carrots, salad with radishes, cucumbers and apples. Also, do not forget about your favorite salads: vinaigrette and herring under a fur coat. Fruit salads can be seasoned with yogurt or chocolate. It's a great idea to do chocolate fondue and serve fruits and berries to it.

For the new year, you need to cook dishes with a lot of greens: salad, Chinese cabbage, dill, parsley, green onions, etc. The rooster is very fond of its abundance. If your salad recipe does not contain herbs, simply sprinkle them on top as a decoration.


Don't skimp on slices and snacks. Place on the table several types of cheese, salted red fish, caviar sandwiches, all kinds of pita bread rolls and pancakes. For the filling, you can use fish, caviar, cheese, mushrooms, seafood.

As an appetizer, you can serve shrimp in soy sauce or squid rings.

Make hot tomato, garlic, and cheese sandwiches. Fried eggplant and stuffed mushrooms everyone will like it too. So simple and hearty snack will allow you to forget about the lack of meat on the table.

A separate topic in appetizers is canapes. You can put anything on the skewers: cheese, olives, pickles, fruits. This is a huge field for imagination and experimentation. In addition, they can be laid out on a herringbone-shaped plate, which will certainly be appreciated by all households and guests.

Hot dishes

Since meat is taboo this year, the second courses will have to be prepared from mushrooms or fish.

Bake creamy mushrooms, cook creamy salmon, or simply fry fish slices. Make vegetable stew or a vegetable casserole. Such dishes are rarely prepared for the New Year's table, and this is an extra opportunity to surprise everyone with originality and experiment with tastes.

How to do it yourself: Don't forget the greens. Sprinkle hot green onions. Serve the sour cream and dill sauce with the potatoes. To do this, simply add a large amount of finely chopped dill to the sour cream and mix thoroughly.

Soft drinks

Drink only natural juices and fruit drinks. It is better to refuse lemonades. The symbol of the coming year loves everything natural. You can make milkshakes with berries or fruits. Children will definitely be delighted with such drinks.

Alcoholic drinks

The word "cocktail" (from English "cocktail") consists of two stems "cock" and "tail", which literally translates as "cock's tail". And that's it. I don't even need to explain that preference should be given to cocktails. For example, make mulled wine.

Read the recipes for “burning” cocktails, for example, B-52, sambuca, green 52, zone 51. Fiery rooster will definitely appreciate such a meeting and generously present you with good luck in the new year.

The only rule is don't overdo it. The rooster will not tolerate this.

How to set the table for the new year?

Use bright colors in setting the New Year's table. Lay a bright red tablecloth, if there is no such tablecloth, use red paper napkins... They can be beautifully folded with an envelope.

Ideally, fold the napkins into a herringbone shape. It's pretty simple, but how original it looks!

Video: How to set the table beautifully for the new year? Learn to fold napkins in a herringbone pattern

The symbol of the coming year must be present on the table. It can be a small figurine or a rooster-shaped snack.

How to do it yourself: Give each guest a small rooster before the meal. So you will kill two birds with one stone: and do something pleasant for the guests (such pleasant little things are always remembered) and appease the Rooster.

Snacks and canapes on the New Year's table can be laid out in the shape of a herringbone. It is done simply and quickly, but it looks quite interesting. Alternate the colors of such a stylized herringbone to make it look more effective and vibrant.

New Year's table setting, like the food itself, should be simple but original. Put simple dishes, better than one-color, without ornaments. Let the salad bowls also be of the same color. If the plates are white, the salad bowls can be of bright colors, and if the plates are colored (red, green, yellow), then it is better to put the salad bowls white or transparent. Avoid too much variegation when setting the New Year's table.

Spend more time on details: small figures, decorations, bright napkins, small details. For example, place a vase with spruce legs in the middle of the table.

No matter how you set the table for the New Year and whatever you prepare, the main thing is to meet it in the circle of your closest people, in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Then the New Year will certainly give everyone happiness and good luck!

The upcoming 2017 will be held under the auspices of the Rooster, which means that the development of the festive table menu should be taken seriously. It is better not to cook the traditional baked chicken, which everyone is used to eating at the New Year's table, so as not to anger the “king”. You should connect your imagination and think about what hot dishes for the New Year 2017 will be appropriate on the festive table. It will go about original and spectacular hot holiday snacks, having prepared which, you will demonstrate your family and friends your culinary talents.

Meat recipes for the New Year's table

What meat dishes are most often prepared for a festive table or for a family banquet? Of course, steaks, chops, cutlets, French-style meat, meat with gravy or baked pork. However, there are many other insanely delicious hot snacks with which you can delight your loved ones.

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You will need:

  • pork tenderloin - 1 kg;
  • spices - dried herbs (rosemary, thyme, basil, coriander);
  • French mustard - 3 tbsp spoons;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • flour, sunflower oil- 1 st. spoon;
  • salt, black pepper - whatever you like.

Rinse the meat with cool water and dry. Rub the tenderloin with spices, salt, pepper, and crushed garlic. Combine the mustard, honey, flour and butter in a deep bowl, rub the meat with the resulting mass. Wrap the tenderloin with cling film and refrigerate for 2-3 hours. Bake in a sleeve at 180 ° C for 1.5 hours.

Your guests will not forget the elegant, full-bodied taste

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Pork roll with bacon and mushrooms

As a hot dish for the Year of the Rooster, it will look amazing on the festive table pork roll... You can wrap anything in meat: mushrooms, cheese, vegetables, prunes, nuts, bacon, ham and even eggs. For meat preparation roll stuffed with mushrooms and bacon you will need:

  • 1.5 kg pork neck (not too wide) or sirloin;
  • a little vegetable and butter;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 70 g of hard cheese;
  • 0.5 kg of champignons;
  • 200 g bacon;
  • salt, spices.

Combine vegetable and butter, then fry a whole piece of meat in it for 5 minutes until golden brown.

Meatloaf delicious both hot and cold

Make the filling: brown the chopped onion in a frying pan, add mushrooms chopped into small slices to it. Lastly, add thinly sliced ​​bacon to the skillet. Add grated cheese to the brownish mass brought to readiness - it will make the filling consistency viscous, so that it will stick better in the roll.

Make a deep cut in the thickest part of the meat to make an envelope, then stuff it with the resulting filling. Form a tight roll, tighten the edges with a thread, wrap in foil, send to an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 1.5 hours.

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Veal in puff pastry

You will need:

  • veal tenderloin - 0.5 kg;
  • ready-made puff pastry - 250 g;
  • champignons - 150 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable, butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • pepper, salt - as you like.

Chop the onion and mushrooms as finely as you can. Fry them separately until they are beautifully ruddy. Combine champignons with onions, season with salt and pepper. Grate the meat on all sides with salt and any seasonings, fry it whole in a pan over high heat until browning.

Roll out the dough thinner, shape it slightly longer than a piece of meat. Place the onion-mushroom filling on the dough, distribute it evenly, and put the meat on top of it. Beat the protein, brush the edges of the dough with it and roll the roll, place it on a baking sheet: the seam should be at the bottom. Beat the protein, brush the dough with it. Place in a well-preheated oven for half an hour, then reduce the temperature to 150 ° C and bake the roll for another 20 minutes.

Serve in portions with tomato sauce or French mustard

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Ribs baked in pomegranate sauce

You can cook this hot dish for the New Year from both pork ribs, and from lamb or beef. You will need about 1 kg of ribs, as well as:

  • dried herbs - saffron and rosemary;
  • pomegranate thick sauce- 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon –1/2 part;
  • salt, black, red pepper.

Wash the previously prepared split ribs, remove the films. Chop the garlic and onion as small as possible. Prepare the marinade: mix pomegranate sauce with lemon juice, add the juice of half a lemon. Rub the ribs with spices, onions and garlic, then dip in the sweet and sour marinade. They need time to marinate - 5-6 hours. Then bake in the oven at 200 ° C for about half an hour.

Serve ribs, garnished with pomegranate seeds and sesame seeds

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What kind of bird can be served for the year of the Rooster

It is better not to cook a chicken on the night of the Rooster's year, but if you really want poultry meat, no less tasty and healthy turkey meat can come to replace chicken. If you want something more caloric, cook a duck, and for lovers lean meat goose stewed with vegetables will be to your taste.

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Turkey in Orange & Ginger Ale

It is really smart and ceremonial dish with a subtle, elegant taste that will come in handy on any of the Christmas evenings. It is quite time consuming, but the result is worth it. You will need:

  • turkey, weighing 4-5 kg;
  • oranges - 3 pcs. or freshly squeezed juice from them - 2 glasses;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • ginger root;
  • spices - Provencal herbs, cinnamon, cloves, red ground pepper;
  • garlic - a few cloves, to the taste.

Wash the turkey, dry it, rub the garlic on fine grater... Brush the bird with salt, garlic porridge and Provencal herbs, leave to marinate. In the meantime, brew your orange ginger ale. Squeeze out the juice from 3 oranges (you get about 1.5-2 glasses of juice), pour into a saucepan, put on fire. Peel the ginger root and finely grate 1 tsp. product.
To the heated orange juice add ginger, butter, spices and sugar to your taste, stir well. Let the sauce simmer a little, stirring all the time. Pour the orange ale over the turkey and place it in the oven.

The meat turns out to be tender, sweetish, with an elegant caramel crust

and 4-5 hours at a temperature of 180-200 ° C. It is better to choose a deep baking sheet, since you will pour the sauce on the bird every 20 minutes so that it is thoroughly saturated with it.

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New Year's "Beer Goose"

This dish will be appreciated not only by beer lovers, but also by all those who love deliciously cooked poultry meat. You will need:

  • goose - 3 kg;
  • onion - 2-3 heads;
  • light beer - 1 l;
  • salt, black allspice, Bay leaf- approximately.

It is better to cut the goose carcass into pieces, removing all excess fat. This bird has enough tough meat: it simply won't bake if cooked whole. Put the cut goose in a deep frying pan over high heat until appetizing crust... 10 minutes before turning off the heat, salt and pepper the poultry well, add the onion chopped in half rings. When the goose with onions looks appetizing, transfer the pieces of meat to a rooster or brazier, fill with beer and simmer over low heat for 1-1.5 hours.

A dish prepared from poultry

Do not worry, all the alcohol will be melted, only the original will remain, pleasant taste, and the meat will be tender and soft.

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Baked duck with apples, rice and prunes

Having prepared such a hot dish for the New Year, you will immediately receive meat and a side dish, which is very convenient and tasty! This requires the following ingredients:

  • duck - 2 kg;
  • rice - 300 g;
  • prunes - 100-150 g;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper, garlic - whatever you like.

Grate the duck with a mixture of salt, pepper and crushed garlic. Boil the rice until half cooked, slightly salting the water. Steam the prunes in boiling water for a few minutes, cut them into strips. Mix rice with prunes, stuff the duck with the resulting mass. To prevent the filling from falling out, sew up the skin or carefully fasten it with toothpicks. Place the poultry in a preheated oven in a deep baking sheet, placing the sliced ​​apples on the sides. Fat will stand out from the duck, do not forget to water the bird with it every 20 minutes. Cooking time - 1.5 hours at a temperature of 220 ° C.

Cut the poultry into pieces, put the rice on a dish, garnish with herbs

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Hot fish appetizers on the New Year's table

Thinking about what hot dishes to cook for the New Year, do not forget about fish and seafood. Cooking this delicacy is quite simple, because the fish is very tender, pickles quickly and does not take long to cook. Try it unusual recipes from fish that will surprise you:

Red fish in sweet and sour sauce marinated in lemon juice and spicy herbs baked with pineapple slices. The dish will take no more than 20 minutes to cook.

Option festive serving fishes

Shish kebab from gilthead or trout marinated in soy sauce. For all its simplicity, this appetizer looks like from a restaurant. All you need to do is marinate the fish in spices and salt, and then quickly fry it.

Conveniently string fish pieces onto bamboo skewers

Variegated fish with seafood. Salt and pepper any sea fish, cut into fillets, sprinkle with lemon juice. Grease the mold with oil, put the fish, and on it - thin slices of vegetables, such as cauliflower and tomatoes, as well as seafood. Sprinkle with herbs, grated cheese and cream. Bake at 200 ° C for 25 minutes.

Instead of sea ​​fish you can use carp carcass

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What to serve for a side dish on New Year's Eve

Meat dishes are always paired with side dishes. But on New Year's Eve, you don't want to stand at the stove for too long, so arm yourself with recipes that are simple, but no less delicious festive side dishes.

Country style potatoes. Cut 10 medium-sized potatoes into 4 wedges (without peeling), season well with salt, ground black pepper, and your favorite seasonings. Water vegetable oil, place everything in a roasting sleeve. The dish is cooked for 40-50 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C, the sleeve must be periodically turned, and 10 minutes before it is ready, it must be opened.

Crispy potato slices will not leave anyone indifferent

Potato casserole with mushrooms and cream. Cut the potatoes and champignons into thin slices, then fry the mushrooms in a pan until browned. Put potatoes and mushrooms on a baking sheet in layers alternately, pour cream with 15% fat. Put all this in the oven for 30 minutes, and after a while, cover with grated hard cheese and cook for another 15 minutes.

You can fantasize and cook casseroles from any ingredients

Instead of mushrooms for casseroles, you can use pieces of red fish - it goes well with cream and cheese.

After all, pilaf will look great on the New Year's table in 2017, especially since the rooster - a symbol of the coming year - will certainly approve of the presence of rice and other cereals or legumes.

There are plenty more options for hot meals for the Year of the Rooster that you can pamper your family with. Armed with the recipes described above, you will compose a delicious harmonious holiday menu that your loved ones will certainly appreciate.