How to cook chicken with a crust in a pan. How to fry chicken in a golden crust pan recipe

30.09.2019 Salads

Juicy chicken pieces fried to a crisp in a skillet just can't get bored. Offer such a dinner to a man at least every evening - he will never refuse. Chicken is also delicious cold, especially with fresh vegetables. How to fry chicken in a pan quickly and evenly? Below we will tell you about the best ways and discover the secrets of chefs.

How to fry chicken in a frying pan with a golden crust

Crispy chicken with a golden crust, tender meat, slices of aromatic potatoes with dill - can you imagine a better dinner? The beauty of this dish is that it cooks quickly. Chicken is fried in 15 - 20 minutes. The main thing is not to let it become stewed, otherwise the taste will turn out to be completely different.

Any pieces are suitable for cooking. And the most delicious when fried are the "pink" parts of chicken - legs, thighs, wings. Although properly cooked fillets never come out dry.

Be sure to bring the chicken in the oven: this way it will be 100% fried, the meat will fall off the bone, and you will want to savor them.

The chicken will be even tastier if you let it marinate a little beforehand. To do this, cut the chicken into pieces, fill it with kefir with herbs and garlic, add salt and leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Required components:

  • chicken carcass - 1000 g;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

How will we cook:

  1. Cut the chicken into 5 cm pieces (approximately).
  2. Mix the flour with salt and pepper.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Do not be stingy - let it be enough.
  4. Dip the chicken pieces in flour and put them in a frying pan. You should not put them too close to each other, because it is important for us to fry the chicken, and pieces that are placed close to it will quickly begin to release juice and stew in it.
  5. Fry the chicken over medium heat, first on one side, and then on the other. On one side it takes 5 - 7 minutes. The main thing is not to make the fire strong, so as not to burn our meat.
  6. At the end, turn off the stove, and cover the chicken with a lid. So it will come to a condition, and the meat will not remain damp inside. You can do it differently - hold it a little in a hot oven.

Serve the dish with salad, mashed potatoes, spaghetti. Do not forget to drizzle over everything that is released. We understand that it is not very healthy - but how tasty and satisfying it is! Enjoy your meal!

Fried chicken thighs

What is very convenient now is the opportunity to buy your favorite bird parts. Fried chicken thighs don't take long to cook: we get back from work, buy a package of thighs and fry them for dinner.

Required components:

  • chicken thighs - 700 g pack;
  • any refined oil - 70 ml;
  • salt, spices.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the thighs in two or leave them whole (the pieces are often sold very small). Coat with salt and pepper.
  2. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.
  3. We throw our hips into it.
  4. Fry on both sides until tender, turning occasionally.

While the chicken is fried, boil some rice, rub the carrots with garlic and season the salad with sour cream. A quick, tasty, aromatic dinner is ready! Invite your loved ones to the table!

Chicken drumsticks in dough

This is not an option for every day, but the fuss is worth it: a chicken drumstick in batter will give odds to any nuggets - before that it turns out to be tender, juicy. Meat aromas seem to be sealed in the dough, giving the shins delicacy and satiety. The most delicious dough comes out with beer, mineral water, kefir. But believe me, the most unusual batter comes out with kvass: it is spicy, sweet and sour, with a slight Asian flavor.

Required components:

  • chicken shanks - 700 g;
  • any refined oil - 100 ml;
  • kvass - a large glass;
  • flour - 150 g (or less);
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. From kvass, eggs, flour, salt and pepper, knead the dough-batter. Its consistency should not be too thick - about like liquid sour cream.
  2. We heat the vegetable oil.
  3. Dip the drumsticks in batter and send them to the pan.
  4. Fry on both sides: the crust should turn out golden.
  5. To prevent the drumsticks from staying damp inside, it is better to bring them to readiness in a hot oven. While they are fried, heat it up to 220 degrees.
  6. We put the rosy drumsticks into the mold and hold them in the oven for literally 5 - 7 minutes.

The dish is great to eat by dipping the meat slices in sweet and sour sauce or curry sauce. It goes wonderfully with fresh vegetables, rice, pasta and even unassuming buckwheat. And also, feel free to offer such shins to your guests at a festive dinner - the dish is always delightful.

Chicken fillet in a pan

We recommend frying chicken fillets when you need to cook dinner in just 15 minutes. The technology is so simple that it can be really taught even to a schoolchild, not to mention an adult hungry man. Teach your husband the recipe, and he will thank you 1000 times.

If you dip the beaten fillet in an egg, and then in breadcrumbs and fry, you get a delicious and ruddy schnitzel.

Some housewives marinate chicken fillet in advance. Beat off the pieces, grease with mayonnaise, add a little bit of any seasonings, lemon juice or a clove of garlic. Then they put the blanks in a plastic food container and fry as "hungry". The workpiece does not deteriorate from 1 to 3 days, depending on the marinade. But if you don't want to marinate the fillet, try the easiest way to make it.

Required Ingredients:

  • chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

How to cook:

  1. We beat off fillet pieces thinly (up to 0.5 cm thick). The meat will not scatter into fibers if you are not too lazy to wrap it in cling film, and only then you will knock on it with a hammer.
  2. Heat the frying pan, pour oil on it.
  3. Put the salted, peppered fillet in it.
  4. Fry it on both sides until golden brown.

Place the fillet on a large flat dish.

While you are frying the chicken, you can put uncoated potatoes in the microwave, washed and brushed to remove dirt. Bake it for 4 to 5 minutes and the side dish is ready. We'll have to serve dinner. Put the fillet on portioned plates, and next to it the potatoes, cut into two parts. In the center of each we cut a piece of butter. It will melt, turning the flesh of the potato into a delicate puree. Decorate it with dill and eat it, savoring and enjoying.

Onion recipe

Not everyone knows how to cook chicken breast so that it remains juicy. Doubt about your skills? Fry it with onions and you won't go wrong!

The dish can always be supplemented with sour cream (125 g is required) and then you get a stew in a thick creamy sauce - a variation of the fricassee dish, popular in Europe. There they just love to serve it with spaghetti or any other pasta.

100 grams of chicken meat with onions contains no more than 150 kcal. If you supplement it with high-quality pasta, as well as arugula and cherry salad, you get a balanced lunch for those who lose weight.

Required Ingredients:

  • chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • large onion;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Cut the chicken fillet into approximately 1.5 cm cubes.
  2. Slice the onion in half rings.
  3. Fry the onions until golden brown in a small skillet.
  4. Season the chicken with salt, pepper and fry until half cooked on another.
  5. Combine the onion with the chicken and fry everything together for another 5 minutes.

In the final, a surprisingly aromatic chicken stew will be ready. It is delicious to eat with pasta and brown rice, but if you have time, stew the green beans - a complex side dish always makes the dish richer, tastier, more satisfying and healthier.

No added oil

Healthy lifestyle supporters do not like fried food in principle. But if you don't use meat in cooking, you get great healthy food. After all, chicken is a living source of rapidly digestible protein - the main muscle builder and source of energy. True, without a grill pan, meat ala chicken steak will be problematic to cook. But why not try?

In a grill pan, the frying process is greatly simplified, and at the same time, the steaks acquire mouth-watering stripes.

What we need:

  • chicken breast fillet;
  • a mixture of peppers (pink, white, black);
  • soy sauce - 30 ml;
  • orange juice - 100 ml.

Cooking instructions:

  1. First, carefully beat off the chicken fillet. The thickness of the steak should not exceed 0.5 cm.
  2. Combine soy sauce, orange juice and pepper.
  3. We immerse each piece in the marinade and leave to soak for 40 - 60 minutes.
  4. Heat the frying pan and grease it with half a raw potato. We need medium fire, otherwise the meat will burn.
  5. Place the steaks in a prepared container and brown until crusty on both sides.

Serve with slices of raw vegetables and a light sauce based on yoghurt, mint and fresh cucumber.

Or make a spicy sauce. To do this, add finely chopped olives (2 pcs.) And any greens to Greek yogurt. Any variation will bring fresh notes to the taste of this unusual breast dish.

A slice of ghee added at the very end of frying will add a light "creaminess" to the dish. And for fans of daring experiments, we recommend seasoning the dish with a triangle of processed cheese flavored with ham.

Complete list of ingredients:

  • potatoes - 4 - 5 medium tubers;
  • carrots and onions - 1 w.;
  • chicken (thighs, fillets) - 500 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • salt, seasonings to taste.

How will we cook:

  1. Cut the chicken into small pieces, and the onion and carrots into small cubes.
  2. Peel and chop the potatoes at random.
  3. Fry the chicken over high heat and add vegetables to it.
  4. At the first stage, fry everything over high heat until a pleasant crust forms from below.
  5. Then we reduce the heat and fry everything together over low heat until the potatoes and meat are soft.

If you are afraid that the dish will not fry, add a little water (about a quarter of a glass) and simmer everything under the lid. Although there is usually no need for this: chicken and potatoes secrete juices, and everything is stewed in them quickly.

Serve the dish with Borodino bread, vegetables and herbs. It is ideal to complement it with homemade pickles: lightly salted herring, mackerel are very harmoniously combined with such a dinner. Don't forget to offer sour cream or any other sauce to the consumers.

Chicken is affordable, easy to prepare, and perfectly adaptable to other ingredients. Fry it with vegetables, mushrooms, add cheese to it - you always get a new variation, and the meat will never get bored. Make hodgepodge with cabbage, olives and olives, stew chicken with tomatoes and bacon, fry, steam and bake ... We are sure that the chicken will still open up to you from a new side and take the crown first place in your family diet.

What dish does everyone, without exception, love, both children and adults? What cooks quickly, but appears on the table both on holidays and on ordinary days? What can be cooked with potatoes and pineapples, and stuffed with prunes or buckwheat? What can be fried, stewed, boiled and made into a soup? The answer is simple - of course it's chicken.

It is good because there are a great many options for its preparation, it is combined with vegetables and fruits, cereals and root vegetables. And also, I'll tell you a secret, it's almost impossible to spoil it.

Therefore, even if it seems to you that you are a complete zero in cooking, you can safely take a chicken and start cooking! But simple enough. Therefore, today I will offer you recipe options for how to fry it in a pan, right on the stove. By the way, recently we also cooked poultry, but in that case. But today we will fry.

I'll make a reservation right away that we will cook different parts of the carcass, and you already decide what you will fry: chicken legs, drumsticks, breast, wings or poultry completely. So, we offer recipes.

What could be simpler and faster than making a tender fillet with onions and mushrooms. And you must admit that the taste of such a seemingly simple-looking dish is always at its best.

After all, this is one of the best combinations.


  • Fillet 350 gr
  • Onion 200 gr
  • Champignons 500 gr
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • 1/2 cup boiling water
  • Vegetable oil 3 tbsp. spoons


1. Wash fillet and dry, then divide into small pieces, the finer we cut, the faster we will prepare our delicious dish.

2. Cut the onion into quarters of rings, or into large cubes.

3. For the dish we use fresh mushrooms today. And if you wish, you can take them frozen, or cook with any mushrooms, even fresh, even pickled. Cut them into plates.

4. Put the mushrooms in a skillet and cover them with a lid. The champignons should let the juice go. This may take 5 to 7 minutes. We simmer them over medium heat.

5. Then put fillet pieces to the mushrooms. Mix and cover again. Fry until all the water has evaporated. This may take 20 to 30 minutes.

The fire should be slightly below average. During this time, open the lid several times and mix the ingredients.

6. Now it's the turn of the bow. But first, you need to pour oil into the pan. Add both, and immediately salt to taste. The aroma in the kitchen is simply magical. All the household came running with the question, when will it be ready ?! And it will be ready very soon.

In the meantime, we mix all the components, and fry everything together for another 15 minutes.

Then add half a glass of boiling water and mix our yummy again. And now the final stage. We give the dish the opportunity to soak in all the juices for another 7 - 8 minutes. The dish languishes all the time under the lid.

If desired, add ground black pepper at the end of cooking.

In this case, we do not add spices so as not to interrupt the mushroom smell.

After adding the pepper, mix the contents again. And you can set the table. You can serve the dish with any side dish. It turns out to be incredibly tasty. And you noticed how simple and easy it is to prepare !!!

Fried chicken in a pan with garlic - a simple step-by-step recipe

Classics of the genre, so to speak, the basics of working with a bird. Any meat loves such a combination as garlic, and our bird is no exception. It is he who gives an indescribable taste and aroma, whetts the appetite and invites you not to be limited to one piece.

For this recipe we need:

  • Chicken, cut to your liking
  • Favorite spices
  • Vegetable oil
  • Garlic


1. We butcher and wash the meat. I personally really love the harmful ruddy crust, so I leave the skin. Anyone who wants a more dietary option can get rid of it.

2. Take a frying pan, preferably non-stick or ceramic, with a tight lid. Pour in oil and heat it over maximum heat.

3. Put the cut pieces into a frying pan, and only now salt, pepper and add spices. If you add salt to the meat earlier, it will lose moisture. You don't need to stir anything. We close our sweets with a lid and wait about 7 minutes. The bottom should be reddened.

4. Turn the pieces over and perform the same manipulations as with the first side. Do not overdo it with salt, keep in mind that the gravy at the bottom is already salty.

Pepper, add seasoning and chopped garlic. In our case, these are two heads, this is enough to give the garlic taste and aroma. But you can put less or more.

5. Close the chicken with a lid again and wait another 5 minutes, fry the meat almost until tender. To check, pierce the largest piece with a fork or knife. If pink juice does not run out of the hole, then our dish is ready!

6. Another trick.

You can add about a quarter of a glass of water to the bottom for a delicious gravy with your side dish. To make it ready, you just need to leave everything in the pan for a couple of minutes.

Our fried garlic yummy is ready!

Delicious chicken legs fried with potatoes and onions

Simple, fast, and how delicious!

We will need:

  • Legs 3 pcs
  • Potatoes 1 kg

1. First, cut the flesh of the leg along the side of the bone, this must be done for faster cooking. This is not necessary, but everyone knows that the smaller the piece, the faster it will cook. Salt and pepper right there and add seasoning.

2. Heat the frying pan over medium heat, add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. When the butter starts to crackle, put pieces of meat in it and cover with a lid for 5 minutes.

3. While the legs are cooking, we cut the onion into half rings, and the potatoes as your heart desires.

4. Open the lid, turn the legs over and pour the onions into the pan, after which we leave our dish to simmer for another 5 minutes.

Make sure that the fire is not very strong, otherwise the onion may burn!

It should become translucent during this time.

5. The next potato in line. When the onion becomes soft, we send the chopped potatoes to the same pan and cover with a lid for 15 minutes. The lid should be opened periodically and our dish should be stirred.

6. After 15 minutes, salt the potatoes. It is better to do this at this stage, so that the potatoes are softer.

Now you can add seasoning to the potatoes. If you season it earlier, the herbs may simply burn.

The aroma and taste of the dish is beyond words! Be sure that fried chicken with potatoes in a pan will be appreciated by everyone!

Chicken with vegetables and tomato paste in soy marinade

Everyone knows that meat goes well with vegetables, so we offer you a recipe for chicken with vegetables, in our case, these are bell peppers. The dish turns out to be very tasty, juicy and beautiful, so it can easily be made the main thing even on a festive table!

And not only vegetables, but also soy marinade make it so tasty.


  • Chicken pieces 700 gr.
  • Bell pepper 7-8 pcs.
  • Bulb onions 2 pcs
  • Soy sauce 5 tbsp
  • Curry 2 tsp
  • Sweet paprika 1 tsp
  • Tomato sauce 3-4 tbsp
  • Vegetable oil


1. First you need to marinate the meat. To do this, we add soy sauce, sweet paprika and curry to a deep plate with chopped pieces. In this case, salt is not necessary, since the sauce contains a lot of salt. Mix and leave the bird to rise.

2. In the meantime, let's get busy with vegetables. Wash the bell pepper and cut out the core. Then we cut lengthwise so that about 8 pieces are obtained from each pepper. Cut the onion into half rings or rings.

3. Back to the main ingredient. We take a frying pan, heat it and pour in vegetable oil. Then we spread all the pieces and fry for 7-10 minutes without a lid, until the meat is completely cooked. We put it in a plate.

4. In the oil, in which our thighs were fried, we send onions and peppers. They must be fried until tender, that is, until they become soft.

5. Then pour the mixture in which the chicken was marinated into the pan and return the finished thighs there. Add tomato paste. It is best to take your own, homemade, but the purchased one will also work.

As a last resort, you can use ketchup. Close with a lid and leave for 5-10 minutes, so to speak, “to reach”.

6. If desired, the dish can be decorated with herbs, then it will literally shine and shimmer not only with a variety of aromas, but also colors and tastes.

Our chicken in a pan with vegetables is ready. Cook, you won't regret it!

Chicken breast fried in pieces with sour cream

For lovers of more delicate dishes, I suggest you a bird with sour cream. Meat, combined with milk, always gives a subtle softness of taste and a special juiciness.

We will need:

  • Chicken breast 2 pcs
  • Sour cream 200 gr.
  • Bulb onion 1 pc.
  • Tomato 1 pc
  • Garlic to taste
  • Bay leaf

1. First of all, cut the meat into small cubes. If you want clean, dietary nuggets, the skins can be removed. If you are a leather lover, then of course leave.

2. Heat the frying pan and send everything to fry until golden brown in a little oil, turning it over from time to time.

This will take 10-15 minutes.

3. While the breast is being cooked in a skillet, we will do the vegetables. Cut the onion into half rings. Cut the tomato into small pieces. The shape is not that important as it will fall apart anyway.

4. When the meat turns white, add the onions and tomatoes to the pan. We send garlic there and mix it all.

5. It is at this stage that it is time to salt the dish and add seasonings. We have this seasoning for chicken.

Following the salt, put the sour cream in the pan. Stir and close with a lid. Leave until cooked for 20 minutes.

6. If you like the aroma of bay leaves, you can add it 10 minutes before cooking.

The chicken turns out to be amazing! Soft, tender, aromatic. The gravy from it can be used as a side dish.

Bon appetit!

Tender fillet with mayonnaise and garlic marinated

This dish is for those who do not like to stand at the stove for a long time. It takes a minimum of time to prepare it, except for the time it takes to marinate the pulp.

That is, the fillet is marinated as. As a result, we get a delicious delicate dinner.


  • Fillet 2 pcs
  • Onion 1 pc
  • Garlic 3 cloves
  • Mayonnaise 2-3 tbsp spoons
  • Spice
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Frying oil


1. Cut the fillet into small pieces and transfer to a bowl.

2. Cut the onion into half rings and add to the fillet. Salt and pepper to taste and add spices. They can be whatever you usually use.

We also spread the mayonnaise and mix it all together right in the bowl.

3. Finely chop the garlic or you can pass it through a press. And also add to the total mass. Mix again. Leave the fillet in this marinade for 1 hour.

4. Heat the oil in a frying pan, mix the fillet pieces with onion and mayonnaise sauce again and put them in a frying pan. Fry for 5 - 7 minutes over medium heat, then turn over and fry again for 5 - 7 minutes. Make sure that the flesh is not excessively rosy underneath. Reduce the heat if necessary.

5. After the allotted time, stir the contents of the pan again and cover with a lid. Leave to simmer over low heat for 15 - 20 minutes. If desired, add a quarter glass of water for a delicious sauce.

6. When the time is up this time, turn off the gas and let the dish stand for 10 minutes.

Then serve with any side dish. A very simple and very tasty dish, which will take very little time to prepare. But his taste turns out to be simply delicious!

Chicken fillet with canned pineapple slices

Well, if you are organizing a holiday and want to surprise guests without much difficulty, then you can try a chicken with pineapples. Such a dinner will definitely not go unnoticed, and most likely you will have to hand out its recipe!


  • Chicken fillet 700 gr
  • Pineapples 1 can
  • Carrots 1 pc.
  • Soy sauce
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves

1. First of all, we wash and cut the fillet into small pieces. We put them in a bowl, fill them with soy sauce and leave them alone for now.

2. While our breast is marinating, we cut the pineapple into small pieces, wash the carrots, peel and cut into cubes. We do the same with garlic, but the pieces should be smaller.

3. We send the fillets cut into pieces into a hot frying pan with vegetable oil and fry until tender.

Namely - until the appearance of a golden brown crust, or in extreme cases, until the pieces turn white.

5. When the carrots are ready, we add pineapples to the dish and pour pineapple juice into the pan, which always remains in the jar. We cover everything with a lid and leave for five minutes.

This is how quickly and easily we prepared an original hearty dinner that you will remember with its sweet and sour aftertaste. Very tasty!

Fried wings in soy sauce with honey

As you know, the wings are a particularly tender part of the carcass. People say about her “wings are for daughters”, meaning that they should not eat much, and when they grow up, they flew away from their father's house. But this is a retreat.

In fact, wings are great because they are the easiest to experiment with. They are completely saturated with marinade, and even if you overdo it with salt or spices, it will not spoil the wings, because they are prepared “for one tooth”, to enjoy the taste, or as a snack.

Therefore, today we will cook the wings in soy sauce with honey.


  • Wings 8 pcs
  • Garlic 6 cloves
  • Pepper
  • Soy sauce 100 gr
  • Honey 1 tbsp. l.

1. To begin with, it should be said that everyone likes different wings. Someone cuts off the tip, leaving only the shoulder, someone cooks completely. We only left the pieces with the meat.

2. Pepper the chicken, add seasonings. Salt is not yet worth it if you are afraid to oversalt. Although a little for a start you can.

3. Heat the frying pan, pour in vegetable oil, reduce the heat to medium and add the prepared pieces.

4. While the wings are fried, we mix soy sauce, honey and grated garlic in a cup. The scent spreads incredible!

5. Fry the wings on both sides, about 5 minutes each.

6. Pour the cooked soy sauce and honey over them and leave the pan open. This is necessary so that the meat is saturated with a delicious spicy marinade, the honey is caramelized, and the excess moisture evaporates. This will take about 10 minutes.

7. When the excess moisture is gone and the sauce begins to thicken at the bottom, we turn the wings over so that the other side is also saturated with the sauce.

8. After 5 minutes, the finished wings can be removed from the heat. The result is an amazing taste, fried sweetish, piquant wings.

They go well with potatoes, buckwheat, vegetables, broth. And also, as a snack for men while watching football. Eating!

While writing the recipes now, I asked myself: "Which of the recipes is the best?" Once again I re-read them all, and I could not answer the question.

After all, each of the recipes is good! And it is simply impossible to single out one or two of them! Or maybe it's good that it can't be singled out. We cook chicken for lunch and dinner quite often. And it will be great to do it differently every time.

Everyone loves tender juicy poultry meat, and therefore we can delight our loved ones every time with a new delicious dish.

Enjoy your meal!

What kind of "dances with tambourines" around a bird's carcass are not satisfied with some cooks, experimenting with exotic spices and unknown seasonings. And all you need is to buy a fresh, cute chick and choose a competent recipe that will tell you how to fry a chicken in an elementary simple and appetizing way!

Cooking fried chicken wings

This is an extremely popular dish, especially among crunch lovers.

Ingredient composition:

Chives - 3 pcs.;
chicken wings - 500 g;
regular sugar - 10 g;
salt, pepper, spices and herbs (we use according to preferences);
lean oil.

When buying wings, we choose not too large ones, up to 12 cm. Unnaturally long joints may indicate that hormones and other undesirable additives were present in the bird's feed.

On such "planes" you cannot "reach" a safe and healthy food!

Cooking method:

1. Well wash the wings, blot with paper towels. It is up to us to decide whether to remove or leave the brushes. In other families, real "battles" are arranged for them.
2. Divide parts of the carcass by joints and place in a small bowl. Sprinkle the product with spices, add finely chopped garlic. Lightly drizzle with soy sauce if desired. We leave the pieces of the bird in this state for half an hour.
3. To get the double effect of heat treatment - crispy crust and juicy meat inside - we use not a frying pan, but a small cauldron.
4. Pour aromatic vegetable oil into the dish. There should be enough of it to allow the wings to literally float in the fat. Heat the composition over medium heat.
5. When the oil turns white and a barely visible light smoke appears, carefully lower the wings into the hot fat. We do not make a "crush" in the dishes: we spread several pieces, otherwise the pieces will cook, and the meat will become dry.
6. Remove the ruddy parts from the cauldron with culinary tongs (slotted spoon), put on a dish with paper napkins and serve hot.
Fried chicken wings "flew" to a very appetizing finale!

How to deliciously fry chicken with spices in a pan

Chinese chefs believe that spices are like paints of an artist. The right combination of tones and shades can create a magnificent painting or a real culinary masterpiece.

Required products:

Chicken - 800 g;
lean oil - up to 100 ml;
garlic in granules - ¼ tsp;
salt, spices (nutmeg, pepper, curry, coriander).

Cooking technology:

1. We remove the insides from the chicken, remove the "hemp" and the remains of feathers, wash the product, dry it with paper napkins and divide it into portions.
2. Combine 30 g of butter and spices in a bowl, rub the pieces of poultry with the prepared composition. It is this mixture that will provide a crispy and very appetizing crust.
3. Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the chicken in hot fat and fry over high heat. As soon as all sides of the poultry pieces are beautifully browned, reduce the height of the flame and continue to heat the product until it is fully cooked.
Before solving the problem of how to fry chicken in a pan, be sure to select the correct composition of the spices used.

A bird with a golden crust, but soft inside

It will take no more than a quarter of an hour to cook incredibly tasty, juicy and tender chicken meat with a crunchy effect.

The composition of the components:

Poultry breast - 500 g;
packaging of Maggi sheets for chicken.

Cooking procedure:

1. Wash the meat well and dry thoroughly with a paper towel. Cut the breast into 4 pieces and beat each piece slightly.

When buying Maggi sheets, we carefully read the composition of vegetables, spices and seasonings indicated on the packaging of the goods. We select a mixture created by the manufacturer that best suits our taste.

2. Open the parchment sheet, spread a piece of meat on one side of the inside with a layer of various mixtures applied. The product is not salted, since this spice is quite enough in the composition of seasonings.
3. Cover the breast with the other half of the paper. Place the packaged poultry parts on the dry bottom of a hot skillet and fry for 7 minutes. Then we turn the workpieces over and continue active heating for the same period of time.
4. The bird turned out with a golden crust, but soft inside. We put it on a dish, serve with vegetables and herbs.
The proposed method of cooking chicken is especially attractive as an emergency option when time is running out and there is no hot food on the table.

Fried chicken drumsticks

You can make a great dish of poultry parts in 20 minutes if it's a broiler. It will take a little more time to process domestic birds.

A set of products:

Lean oil;
chicken drumsticks - 12 pcs.;
mustard - 2 tbsp. l .;
kefir - 400 ml;
salt, thyme, pepper powder - 1 tsp each;
half a lemon;
chives - 7 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Put the garlic squeezed through a press into a bowl. Add spices and herbs, pour in kefir, squeeze out the lemon juice, mix the mixture well.
2. Wash the chicken drumsticks, blot with napkins and place in the prepared composition. Thoroughly cover the product with marinade and leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

We use refined fat for heat treatment of meat. It is healthier when heated properly. We do this over medium heat, avoiding the appearance of strong smoke.

3. Place the legs in a hot mixture and fry for 5 minutes on a high flame. Turn the chicken parts over after the formation of a golden brown crust on them.
4. Reduce heat and continue the process until the product is ready. This is evidenced by the clear juice that appears when the meat is punctured with a wooden stick or knife.
Serve fried chicken drumsticks with an appetizing salad of your favorite vegetables or with another side dish.

How to roast chicken in the oven

Using a properly designed marinade, there will be no questions about how to deliciously roast chicken in the oven.

Required products:

Soy sauce - 80 ml;
oil (sunflower or olive) - 40 ml;
balsamic vinegar - 20 ml;
honey, ready-made mustard - 4 tsp each;
chicken - 1.5 kg.

Step-by-step cooking:

1. We clean the bird from "hemp" and the remnants of feathers, then remove the entrails, wash and blot it.
2. Combine oil, soy sauce and vinegar in a bowl. We collect the composition in a regular syringe and give injections throughout the carcass. The more "healing" processing is done, the tastier the finished dish will become.
3. Next, mix salt, mustard and honey. We rub the product thoroughly with a fragrant composition from the inside and outside. In this way, we not only marinate the chicken, but also "plug" all the punctures. Be sure to sprinkle the poultry with allspice on top.
4. We spread the carcass on a baking sheet and leave to "rest" for 1 hour. Then we send the bird to the oven for 1.5 hours (180 ° C).
5. After 30 minutes, additionally grease the chicken with a mixture of butter and honey. If you notice signs of burning, cover the carcass with foil.
The dish turned out to be simply amazing. Just what is the golden crust and the delicate taste of juicy meat!

Chicken fillet fried in pieces

We are so spoiled by the sheer number of recipes coming from different sources that we sometimes get stumped when choosing the best option. And he, meanwhile, is right in front of you!

Products composition:

Lean oil - 20 ml;
chicken fillet - 500 g;
soy sauce, ketchup - 3 tbsp. l .;
chives - 4 pcs.;
mustard, honey - 2 tbsp. l .;
salt pepper.

Algorithm and cooking features:

1. We wash the meat, dry it with napkins and cut into large pieces.
2. Chop the chives, mix with black sauce, mustard and ketchup.
3. Place the chicken pieces in the prepared composition, cover the dishes with plastic wrap and leave them in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
4. When the product is saturated with all the aromas of the marinade, heat the oil in a frying pan and put the pieces of poultry in hot fat.
5. Fry the product for 15 minutes over medium heat, constantly stirring the browned meat. At the end of cooking, season the dish with pepper and salt.
Frying chicken fillets in a pan is a snap. The only requirement is not to leave the bird "alone" and often turning the fragrant food over.

With potato

It is difficult to find a more versatile ingredient for preparing a variety of dishes than poultry meat. It is almost impossible to spoil the food.

Required components:

Cheese - 150 g;
chicken breast - 300 g;
flour - 60 g;
pepper, salt, parsley (bunch);
lean oil - 40 ml.

Step-by-step cooking:

1. Separate the chicken meat from the bones, remove the skin, dry the product well with napkins and cut into slices up to 0.5 cm thick.
2. To fry chicken deliciously while preserving the beneficial properties of meat, you need a non-stick frying pan. We spread the pieces of poultry on a dry (without oil) bottom of the dish and fry over medium heat with continuous stirring. Remove the chicken from the hot container and place it on a plate.
3. Rub peeled potatoes coarsely and blot with paper towels or wring out, leaving them in a sieve to drain off excess juice.
4. Add the egg, pepper, salt and flour to the crushed root vegetables. Mix everything well and spread in an even layer in a pan with heated oil.
5. Fry the mass and after three minutes turn the composition over. Place ruddy chicken fillet pieces on one half of the potatoes, sprinkle with cheese chips and chopped parsley.
6. Carefully turn the second part of the potato pancake over, cover the meat component of the dish with it and continue cooking until golden brown. Turn the food over and fry it on the other side.
Ready-made chicken and potatoes literally melt in your mouth!

How to fry chicken thighs in a pan

Forget talking about how bad fried foods are. Only a careless cook can spoil such a dish. These "fairy tales" are not about us!

Required products:

Chicken thighs - 4 pcs.;
starch (potato or corn) - 50 g;
pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the poultry parts well, dry them thoroughly with napkins, cut them at the joints, pepper and salt.
2. We process pieces of meat with starch, we get a thin layer of white breading.

The better the “packaging” is made, the more meat juice will remain in the chicken.

At the same time, we will save the surrounding space from oil splashing during frying.
3. Heat oil in a frying pan. Pour it in an amount that will cover half the thickness of the thighs.
4. Spread the pieces into hot fat at a distance from each other and fry for 6 minutes over medium heat.
5. We remove the chicken parts from the container, place the second batch of blanks and repeat the process of heat treatment of the product.
6. Next, we return the pieces that have already been in the dishes and fry them over high heat until a hard crust is obtained.
Try pan-frying the chicken thighs using this method. Be sure that you have not tasted the tastier dishes!

With onions and garlic

The inclusion of such a component as garlic in the used spices provides the dish with additional charm and great taste.

Ingredient List:

Chicken - 1 kg;
lean oil - 60 ml;
chives - 6 pcs.;
onions - 2 pcs.;
salt, seasonings and spices.

Cooking method:

1. We use chicken wings, backs, thighs, legs as the main product. In a word, any parts of the bird that you like.
2. Put the prepared pieces in a frying pan with butter, fry until half cooked, then salt and pepper, sprinkle with chicken seasoning.
3. Peel the onion, cut into large pieces (strips or cubes) and add to the meat. We continue cooking until the pieces of vegetable are soft and transparent.
4. 3 minutes before the end of the process, add finely chopped chives. Mix the ingredients of the food well, turn off the heat.
The presented dish can be quickly prepared for an evening meeting with friends, and such a dish, rest assured, will not stay long on the festive table!

Marinated with mayonnaise and soy sauce

Golden crust and juicy meat are the main goals of most poultry dishes. A skillfully designed marinade will be the means of achieving the result

Products composition:

High-quality mayonnaise - 100 g;
chicken thighs (wings, legs) - 700 g;
soy sauce - 60 ml;
curry - ½ tsp;
pepper and salt;
oil (sunflower or olive).

Cooking sequence:

1. We wash the poultry parts and dry thoroughly with paper towels so that the marinade lingers on the meat pieces, and does not "slip" into the dishes.
2. Combine fresh mayonnaise, chopped garlic, black soy sauce, pepper, salt and curry in a bowl. Mix the mixture thoroughly and coat the thighs of the bird with the prepared composition. We leave the chicken in this state for 2 hours. If you have time, you can increase the marinating period.
3. Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the product in a hot mixture and fry for 20 minutes, periodically turning the appetizing pieces.
Poultry marinated with mayonnaise and soy sauce is always a safe bet for a delicious meal with a crispy golden crust.
When we think about how to fry a chicken, we will try to mentally form an image of the future food, almost feel its aroma. With this approach, the main ingredient of the dish will very quickly find its worthy "companions" in a delicious recipe.

Chicken fillet fry for a while over medium heat.
Chicken wings and legs fry over medium heat.
Chicken thighs and breasts fry over medium heat.
Chicken chops fry on each side.

How to fry chicken in a pan

1. Defrost chicken pieces (thighs, breasts, legs, fillets), if they have been frozen, make cuts about 1 centimeter deep in the chicken meat with a knife, stuff the cuts with pieces of peeled garlic.
2. Grate pieces of chicken with a mixture of salt and pepper, put on a hot skillet, drizzled with sunflower or olive oil.
3. Fry the chicken on each side over medium heat, without a lid. If you like meat with blood, this is enough - you can serve the dish to the table.

4. To completely fry the chicken, add 3 tablespoons of water and cover the pan with a lid, fry for 5 minutes on each side.

Readiness chicken can be checked by puncturing the bone with a knife - if bleeding, then the meat has not yet been cooked.

When overturning care must be taken in the chicken, as the chicken can shoot fat. To secure the turning process, you need to remove the pan from the heat, wait 7-10 seconds, and then, holding the lid over the pan, gently turn the chicken pieces. Turn small pieces of chicken over and stir with a spatula. It is more convenient to turn large pieces of chicken (legs, ham, breast, fillet) with a spatula, with the other hand helping with a fork (so as not to touch the pan).

To fry quickly chicken, toss the chicken into a skillet preheated with oil immediately after washing and drying the chicken - you can add salt and pepper on the go. So, when the chicken is just laid out in a frying pan, salt and pepper it on one side, and after turning it on the other. This must be done carefully, without sprinkling salt directly into the pan, and over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe chicken. It is more convenient to salt the chicken with your hands, pinches or from the tip of a knife.

How to fry chicken with a crust

To fry chicken with crust in a frying pan, it is enough to roll it in such a mixture of chicken seasonings: salt, paprika, garlic, pepper, marjoram, rosemary, or use the "chicken seasoning" or "Italian seasoning" sold in the store.

To brown the skin of the chicken (chicken legs, breasts and wings), you must first fry the chicken over high heat. In the kitchen, while frying the skin, oil boils, it can splash and shoot, including on the floor. To protect the kitchen from greasy splashes, you can cover the frying pan with a special grid for the frying pan - it will hold back the splashes without interfering with the evaporation of the liquid. If there is no such mesh, you can partially protect the kitchen from splashes by half covering the pan with a lid and placing the other half on the stove (however, keep in mind that with this browning method the crust will be soft, as moisture will return to the pan).

Choose the right one chicken pan - it should be thick enough (a pancake will definitely not fit - the chicken will burn on it) and large enough to fit all the pieces tightly. In a frying pan that is too large, the oil will splash and at the same time the chicken will not have enough of it, and in a frying pan that is too small in diameter, the chicken will fry for a very long time and the crust will not work.

For example, a suitable number of chicken legs for a 22 cm bottom pan is 8-9 medium chicken legs and 11-13 chicken legs.

How to fry chicken fillets
Chicken fillet (breasts) can be cooked in a frying pan by cutting the chicken breasts in half lengthwise, beating, and marinating them for 2-3 hours in a mixture of curry, water, salt and black pepper (for 1 breast - a teaspoon of curry, half a teaspoon of salt and the edge of a knife - pepper). Fry with butter in a skillet for 3 minutes on each side.

Fried chicken side dishes -

Perhaps there are no people who would not taste chicken cooked in a pan. And many prepared it on their own. If you do not have this experience yet, then you will like this article, and you will learn a few simple recipes. Even if you have experience, it is always good to have several different recipes in your cooking records.

Fried chicken is a simple, but very tasty dish that does not take much time to cook. First, you need to choose the right chicken, it must be of high quality and fresh. You can cook fillets, wings, thighs, but the brisket can turn out to be rather dry.

It is recommended to salt the bird immediately after defrosting, if this is done during the cooking process, then only the skin will be salty, but the meat may remain fresh. In some cases, it is recommended to marinate the product for a while.

How to fry chicken with vegetables in a pan - a recipe with a photo step by step

So let's get down to an overview of some interesting options for cooking chicken in a skillet.


1. Delicious chicken fried in a pan

To begin with, consider a universal recipe for frying chicken, which even an inexperienced housewife can handle. For cooking, you will need simple and affordable products, but the composition of spices and spices can be changed, taking into account your taste preferences.


  • 1.5 kg of minced chicken.
  • 2 tablespoons table vinegar.
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice.
  • 1 tsp mayonnaise.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil.
  • Spices, herbs, table salt.


1. To make the chicken juicy and very tasty, it is recommended to pickle it. Therefore, at the initial stage of cooking, we will start preparing the marinade. To do this, in a separate container, mix pressed garlic, table vinegar, olive oil, lemon juice, mayonnaise, as well as spices and herbs as you wish.

2. If you have a whole chicken, then first defrost it, rinse it under running water, and then dry it with paper towels. After that, we cut the carcass into large pieces. Using a silicone brush, coat the pieces of meat with cooked marinade and put them in a bag, which we must tie tightly. We remove the marinate in the refrigerator for about five hours.

3. Now we need to heat the pan well. Pour oil into it, heat it, then lay out the pieces of chicken and add the rest of the marinade. Cover the pan with a lid and fry on both sides for 3 minutes over maximum heat. After that, turn on the medium mode and fry for another 5 minutes.

4. After that, simmer the chicken under the lid on low heat until it is completely cooked. Do not forget to periodically turn the meat, otherwise, it may burn.

The dish can be served with your favorite side dish, salad and fresh herbs.

Enjoy your meal!

2. Merchant style chicken

To prepare a complete hearty chicken fillet dish, use the following recipe. Such a dish can even be put on a festive table, and the cooking process itself is simple.


  • 1 chicken fillet.
  • 1 cup buckwheat
  • 1 glass of water.
  • 1 onion head.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • 3 glasses of water.
  • Salt, seasoning for pilaf.


1. To cook buckwheat with chicken according to this recipe, we do not need any household appliances. All you need to do is prepare the required ingredients.

2. It is very important to immediately prepare all the products, as it will take only a few minutes to cook buckwheat. We sort out the groats, then rinse them several times with cold water and dry them.

3. After that, peel the onion, rinse it with running water if necessary and chop it into small pieces. To prevent the onion from eating into your eyes, you need to use a sharp knife, previously moistened with cold water.

4. Remove the top layer from the carrots, wash, then grind on a coarse or medium grater.

5. For the dish we need a clean fillet, so we get rid of the bones if necessary. Then we cut the chicken into small pieces, as shown in the photo above.

6. Divide the head of garlic into cloves, peel, then cut into two parts. so that it imparts flavor to the whole dish.

7. Heat the sunflower oil in a skillet over high heat. Then add the garlic and fry it until golden brown, so that it transfers its aroma to the whole dish, it will be enough for one minute. Remove the garlic from the pan and put it in a separate plate. We do not move away from the stove, since all the ingredients will be fried for several minutes.

8. At the next stage of cooking, send the onion into the pan and fry it.

9. Now let's start preparing the breast. Fry the pieces for no more than 5 minutes on each side. To make the fillet juicy, it does not need to be brought to a state of full readiness. The chicken should be a little raw inside.

10. Add chopped carrots to the pan and fry with onions and fillets.

11. Now add spices, seasonings and a little salt to the ingredients if necessary. We also send garlic to the pan, which we previously fried.

12. Mix all the ingredients, gently level them along the bottom.

13. Now add the dried buckwheat. We level it, but do not mix it, this is very important.

14. The next step is to pour in water, immediately after adding buckwheat, otherwise it may burn. The liquid should cover all foods.

15. We wait for the water to boil, after which we reduce the heat to a minimum. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer all the ingredients for 20 minutes. By this time, the liquid should be absorbed into the cereal.

As a result, we will need about half an hour to cook. A hearty and tasty dish is ready, serve hot.

Enjoy your meal!

3. Delicious roast chicken

One of the simple, but hearty and delicious dishes is chicken roast with potatoes. After completing the cooking steps, the chicken turns out to be tender and aromatic, and the potatoes are an excellent addition to meat.


  • 1 200 g chicken, preferably thighs.
  • 2 kg of potatoes.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 2 onions.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste.
  • 150 ml of sunflower oil.
  • Salt and spices to taste.


1. As you have already noticed, we need affordable and inexpensive products. Let's start with onions. We clean it from the husk, then cut it into half rings with a sharp knife.

2. Grind medium-sized carrots on a coarse or medium grater.

4. Peel the fresh potatoes, rinse well, and then cut into medium-sized cubes. If you cut the potatoes into small pieces, they will simply boil down, as a result of which, the dish will turn into a real porridge.

5. You can use a thick-walled skillet, but cooking in a cauldron is much easier and more convenient. We pour sunflower oil into the dishes, and when it warms up well, we send chopped onions into it. Fry it until golden brown. This will take no more than 10 minutes.

6. We send spices and herbs to the onion. In order for the onion to absorb all the aromas, we warm it up for a few more minutes, not forgetting about constant stirring.

7. Now add the carrots and cook for ten minutes over low heat.

8. After defrosting, wash the chicken, dry it with paper towels, then pepper, salt and add to the rest of the products. Cook over medium heat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

9. Then add the tomato paste, mix thoroughly and leave to cook for another five minutes. The pasta can be replaced with ketchup.

10. Then add 1 glass of water and wait for the liquid to boil.

11. When the water starts to boil, then send the chopped potatoes to the cauldron, and mix everything well.

12. Cook the dish for about 30 minutes under a closed lid. During this time, the potatoes should be fully cooked. Then add the pressed garlic, and after a couple of minutes remove the dishes from the heat.

13. Roast should be infused for about 20 minutes before serving.

Enjoy your meal!

4. Delicious chicken with vegetables

The composition of this recipe can be changed according to your preferences. Try experimenting with spices. To prepare the dish, we need a maximum of thirty minutes.


  • 400 g of chicken.
  • 100 g tomato.
  • 100 g zucchini.
  • 5 g curry.
  • 100 ml chicken broth.
  • 20 ml of vegetable oil.
  • Salt, cilantro and pepper to taste.


1. Prepare all products immediately. Wash the chicken and cut into cubes, remove the skin from the tomatoes (you can first make a cross-shaped incision in the upper part of the tomato and pour over it with boiling water so that the skin can be removed more easily), and grind it into medium-sized pieces together with the zucchini.

2. Add black pepper and salt to the chicken pieces. It is very important to do this before frying.

3. Manually stir the chicken fillet.

4. Add a small amount of sunflower oil. If you wish, you can use olive oil, there is no fundamental difference.

5. We put the frying pan on the stove, add the vegetable oil, and when it heats up, we send the chicken fillet pieces to the dish.

6. When a delicious golden crust appears on the chicken, add chicken broth and a little curry to the pan.

7. After about 10 minutes, send tomato cubes to the chicken.

8. At the next stage, add the zucchini and continue to simmer until the vegetables are fully cooked.

9. The appetizing dish is ready, now it remains to sprinkle it with cilantro, if desired, add fresh parsley or dill, and you can serve it to the table.

Enjoy your meal!

5. Chicken legs in dough

If you want to surprise loved ones and guests with an unusual dish, then you should use the following recipe. The legs in bags are not only satisfying, but also very tasty, so they will not be on the table in a couple of minutes.


  • 10 pieces of chicken legs.
  • 700 g puff pastry.
  • 350 g of champignons.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 1 onion head.
  • Sunflower oil, pepper and edible salt to taste.


1. First of all, we will deal with vegetables. Finely chop the onions and send them to the pan with heated vegetable oil.

2. The next step is to add grated carrots to the onion.

3. Now we need to add the mushrooms that we cut previously. Add pepper if desired, as well as table salt. Cook until all the liquid has evaporated.

4. We need a second frying pan. We send chicken legs into it and cook for a few minutes, until a golden crust forms.

5. Roll out the finished puff pastry, then cut it into equal squares. On each piece of dough, first spread the mushrooms and vegetables, and then the chicken leg. Now we wrap the food in dough and tie it with green onions so that the dish does not fall apart.

6. Lay the chicken on the surface of the mold and send it to the oven, which should be heated to 180 degrees. We cook for 30 minutes.

A complete second course is ready, serve hot.

6. Chicken rump steak

There are a huge number of chicken dishes. Most of them could already become boring, so sometimes you need to diversify the diet. I suggest making rump steak in bread crumbs.


  • 3 chicken breasts.
  • 3 tbsp soy sauce
  • 3 tablespoons bread crumbs.
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • Hard cheese.
  • 1 egg.
  • Pepper and salt.


1. Defrost chicken breasts if necessary, then wash them with cold water and dry them with paper napkins. Cut into several equal pieces and beat them well.

2. Sprinkle each piece of chicken with pepper and salt. Break the egg into a separate plate, beat and dip the chicken in this mixture. Then we dip them in soy sauce, after which we roll them in a small amount of bread crumbs.

3. Now fry the chicken in a preheated skillet on both sides. The dish is considered ready when a brown crust appears on it.

4. When the rump steaks are ready, sprinkle them with grated cheese and cover with a lid to melt the cheese.

Serve the chicken with any side dish.

Enjoy your meal!

7. Video - delicious chagyrtma

I suggest you familiarize yourself with another interesting recipe for cooking chicken dishes. If you follow the step-by-step instructions, then you will definitely cope with the task. Watch the recipe video below:

Of course, there are still a huge number of options for cooking chicken in a pan. If you are not afraid to experiment, then try to change the composition of existing recipes, perhaps you will come up with an original idea.