Spices for lamb. They usually add to fried and baked lamb: Pepper. Salt. Greens. Garlic cloves. Lavrushka

04.03.2020 Seafood dishes

Many are wary of lamb and avoid preparing any dishes from it. All due to the fact that there is an opinion that this category of meat is very fatty and smells unpleasant. But oriental cuisine traditionally includes many dishes from it. Properly prepared, it will delight any gourmet with a delicate and juicy taste. What dishes are traditionally prepared and what lamb seasoning is used?

About meat

Lamb is considered a dietary product. Compared to pork, it contains practically no fat. If we talk about the unpleasant smell that is often associated with this type of meat, then it is characteristic of an old animal. While usually lamb or one-year-old meat is sold on store shelves.

Of the beneficial elements contained in meat, you need to isolate fluoride, which is necessary for dental health. Lecithin stimulates the pancreas to prevent diabetes.

In addition, lamb contains amino acids, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and iron. All of these components are essential to maintain a healthy body. Lamb meat contains practically no cholesterol. People who prefer it to him rarely suffer from atherosclerosis.

But, despite the benefits, lamb has a number of contraindications. It is better not to eat it for people with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver. It should be excluded from the menu for those who suffer from arthritis. And excessive consumption can lead to obesity. And also do not eat it for small children and the elderly.

The secret of a delicious dish

So that the meat does not disappoint, it is important to choose the right not only the lamb seasoning. The taste of food largely depends on the meat itself. To purchase a quality piece, you need to carefully examine it. Fresh meat of a young animal contains white fat and is elastic to the touch. The meat itself has a light red hue and a pleasant smell.


In addition to the quality of the meat itself and the correctly chosen method of heat treatment, you need to know which seasonings are suitable for lamb. They will give the meat a special flavor and help the body to digest it faster, especially if the dish is fatty enough. The arsenal largely depends on the chosen cooking recipe. The main ones are lava leaf, pepper, garlic, dill, parsley and salt. Such a set of spices, as a rule, is at hand for every housewife.

Since the meat has an unusual taste, in order to drown it, you need to use allspice and hot types of pepper. You can purchase a bag or jar with a ready-made mixture of peppers.

This is not the end of the types of lamb seasonings. Oregano, saffron, mustard (seeds), thyme go well with meat. The main thing is that there are not too many spices, otherwise they will clog the taste of the meat itself. An interesting taste of the dish is obtained by adding lemon.

A wide variety of Asian spice mixes are available on the market if desired. One of the most famous is khmeli-suneli.

Little tricks of a good hostess

It is known that when two women cook the same dish, it tastes differently. This is not surprising, since each of them applies their own little tricks. For example, if after baking a piece of meat in the oven before serving it directly, coat it with a mixture of spices for lamb, mustard, garlic and chopped herbs, you get a spicy dish to taste.

To add a magical aroma, before placing the meat in the oven, it should be cut in several places and put garlic in these places.

Meat recipe in ten spices

There are many ways to cook meat, and the food mix used may vary. What lamb spices can I use? For one of the recipes, you need ten spices: one teaspoon each of ginger, curry, black pepper, cloves, cardamom, bay leaf and coriander; half a teaspoon of turmeric; two stars of anise; six cloves of garlic. Grind them in a mortar. Take two tablespoons each of olive oil and two tablespoons of butter and place them in one pan. When the mixture of oils comes to a boil, put the grated lamb seasoning for stewing into it, which should be fried for seven minutes. One kilogram of lamb should be cut into small pieces and sautéed over fairly high heat for a few minutes. Then you need to pour in half a glass of white wine and turn on the maximum heat. As soon as the moisture evaporates, the meat should be poured with hot water and put on a small fire. It should be stewed within an hour. This dish goes well with steamed rice and a glass of red wine.


Lamb is a traditional meat used to make delicious kebabs.

There are a great many recipes, but none is complete without lamb barbecue seasonings. In order for the dish to turn out delicious, the meat must be pre-marinated. From spices you will need: one teaspoon of dried dill, cilantro, ground cumin; one tablespoon In addition to them, you will need the following ingredients: five pieces of tomatoes and onions, six tablespoons of Tkemali sauce (preferably spicy), 50 g of fat tail fat. It is also worth adding black pepper and soy sauce to taste. The proportions are indicated per kilogram of meat.

First you need to cut the onion into thin half rings, combine with chopped tomatoes and Tkemali sauce. Then add all the necessary seasonings and melted fat tail fat. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and pieces of lamb are placed in the resulting marinade. They should be mixed well with the marinade. The meat must be infused for three hours at room temperature, after which it can be skewered and fried until tender. In order for the kebab to be evenly fried and not burned out, it must be turned over from time to time.

Barbecue marinades

The minimum soaking time for meat is two to three hours. But it is recommended to do it for a day. One marinade can be a combination of lemon, salt, pepper, rosemary, barberry, and thyme. They should be mixed with mineral water. Then the meat is put into the resulting mixture.

You can make a marinade of grated almonds, lemon juice, and salt. Add a head of garlic and a little rosemary there.

Spicy lovers will love the adjika-based marinade with cinnamon, red pepper and chili.

The lamb will turn out to be very tender if it is marinated in yogurt or kefir. Cilantro, green onions and parsley are added to the fermented milk product. As well as turmeric, salt and pepper mixture.


This is a common dish in oriental cuisine, which can be classified as soups or thick stews. According to the classic recipe, shurpa is made from lamb. In addition to her, the basis of the dish is onions. Commonly used ingredients include potatoes and carrots.

The main condition is that the lamb shurpa seasoning should be used in large quantities. Including, do not skimp on greenery. The more tarragon, oregano, basil, cilantro, dill, parsley, thyme, arugula, the better. It should taste rather spicy and spicy. Depending on the resulting density, it can serve as the first or second course.

The most common recipe is shurpa with potatoes.

From the ingredients you will need: lamb meat (600 g), onions (4 pcs.), Potatoes (6 pcs.), Fat tail fat (100 g), tomato paste (2 tbsp. L.), Hot red pepper (1 pc.) .), herbs (100 g), ground pepper, bay leaf, salt.

Cut the washed piece of lamb into medium-sized pieces. Fat tail fat is placed in the cauldron, when the lard is melted, remove the cracklings and put the meat in it, fry until a crust is obtained.

The onion is cut into half rings, the potatoes are cut into large pieces. Vegetables are placed in a cauldron with meat and are also fried until browning. Then you need to add spices, tomato paste and about two liters of water. When it boils, the heat must be removed to a minimum and left to simmer for an hour. Washed and chopped greens, bay leaves are added at the end of cooking.


A good addition to a meat dish will be a variety of sauces. Depending on the food used, the taste of lamb can vary greatly. What seasoning is added to lamb? A good dressing option is a combination of turmeric, white pepper, and chopped cilantro. The sauce is prepared on a yoghurt basis.

If you need tomato sauce, then you need tomatoes, peeled and seeds, parsley, shallots, coriander.

Lamb goes well with mustard. This sauce is very easy to prepare. You will need to finely chop the onions and fry them a little, add shallots and white wine to it. When the wine has partially evaporated, add mustard, cream, and salt to taste. Cook over low heat until tender.


Cooking the right and tasty pilaf is a whole art. Its main ingredients are rice, lamb and vegetables.

To make the dish tasty, pilaf is prepared with a certain order of ingredients. First, the vegetable oil is overheated. Then meat and vegetables are fried on it. Then rice is put, water is added. When the dish boils, it is cooked with the lid open over high heat; after a while, the heat must be slightly reduced. At the end, in order for the pilaf to evaporate, it is covered with a lid.

Seasonings for pilaf with lamb can be very diverse. Their assortment can be chosen according to the taste of the chef. Red peppers, azhgon, and barberry work well. But you can buy a ready-made spice mixture.

Lamb meat can be incredibly tasty. You just need to choose a good one and cook it correctly by adding various seasonings.

Pilaf is a very tasty and satisfying dish, but it is important to add seasonings to it correctly. And what kind of seasonings are needed for pilaf and find out in the article.

Pilaf is a delicious dish that has found its fans all over the world. How did this oriental food conquer us? Indeed, by and large, the ingredients that make up the dish are very simple.

Of course, a variety of spices and seasonings that enrich pilaf and give it that unforgettable aroma and taste. Today we will talk about ready-made spices and seasonings for this dish, as well as learn how to mix spices for pilaf on our own.

What is included in the pilaf seasoning?

In order to understand exactly what ingredients are included in the seasoning for pilaf, you need to understand what the pilaf itself is like. Do not be surprised, because in fact, there are a lot of variations in the preparation of this dish.

So, I must say that pilaf can be prepared from:

  • Chicken
  • Pork
  • Lamb
  • Beef
  • Turkeys

It becomes clear that when using different meat and spices for the dish, you need to choose different ones. Pilaf can also be "sweet"; dried apricots and prunes are added to it. In this case, the list of spices will also differ.

We will talk in more detail about the spices and seasonings for each type of pilaf later, but now let's see which spices are considered classic for all types of this dish:

  • Zira... You can also find this spice under the name cumin. It should be said that there are several varieties of cumin, namely black, white and binum. Cumin has a pronounced spicy aroma and nutty pungent taste. The spice is added to almost all dishes, but it is most needed in pilaf. In order for zira to reveal its aroma and taste, it is customary to fry it in a pan (with butter, onion or one)
  • Garlic. Of course, in many recipes, garlic is used as a separate ingredient and is placed in pilaf with whole heads, however, dried garlic is almost always included in the spices for this dish.
  • Saffron. It must be said right away that real saffron is the most expensive spice in the world, so, of course, it is not added to ready-made seasonings. The so-called Mexican saffron is used as a substitute for "royal" saffron. The saffron taste is characterized as bitter-spicy, and the smell is honey
  • Instead of saffron, you can also use turmeric... Turmeric is used to color food yellow. The spice has a very wide bouquet of aromas, here you have nutmeg notes, and nutty, and even woody
  • Barberry. This spice is added to pilaf in order to get a certain sourness, because barberry berries have a pronounced sour taste. The spice is also added "for beauty", because red and dark blue berries decorate the dish well
  • To spice up the pilaf, add red pepper (hot)... The taste of this spice is slightly sweet, pungent and pungent, the smell is mild.

The aforementioned spices are the main ones for cooking pilaf, all other spices are added to taste and depending on what kind of meat the dish is prepared with.

Seasoning and spices for chicken pilaf: names, composition, proportions

Chicken pilaf is perhaps the cheapest option for this dish. That is why it is cooked most often. Let's figure out which seasoning and spices are best for a dish with these ingredients.

  • A good seasoning for this dish is the Trapeza seasoning for pilaf. This seasoning contains all the most suitable spices: chopped barberry, cumin, turmeric, paprika, black and red peppers, as well as coriander, basil, garlic and, of course, onions and carrots. As the manufacturers assure, using this seasoning, you can cook incredibly tasty and aromatic pilaf. Adjust the amount of seasoning at your discretion, approximately 1 package is enough for 200-300 g of rice and the same amount of meat
  • Another good seasoning for chicken pilaf is Maggi. This seasoning contains dried vegetables (carrots, garlic, onions and even beets, and also paprika), spices (cumin, curry, turmeric and black pepper), as well as salt, sugar and basil. One pack of Maggi is enough for about 300 g of chicken and 200 g of rice

Now let's remember that our pilaf will be cooked with chicken meat, so it would be nice to add some spices just for the meat. The following spices are very suitable for chicken:

  • Parsley
  • Italian herbs
  • Provencal herbs

It is also important to clarify the point with the salt. Despite the fact that most seasonings contain salt, very often it is not enough for the amount of ingredients that we use. Therefore, it is recommended to control this moment and taste the dish with salt not only after cooking, but also during.

Seasoning and spices for pork pilaf: names, composition, proportions

Pork is one of the most suitable types of meat for pilaf. With such meat, the dish turns out to be more fatty and satisfying.

So, what seasoning is best for pork pilaf.

  • The seasoning for pilaf of the “Prypravych” trademark is perfect for such a dish. This seasoning contains dried vegetables (carrots, tomatoes), paprika and red ground pepper, spices, as well as turmeric, cumin and, of course, barberry. One pack of seasoning is enough for 500 g of rice, and 500 g of meat
  • Another version of the ready-made seasoning is the seasoning from the Sykoria S.A. trademark. As part of this seasoning, you can see barberry, cumin, turmeric, sage, as well as bay leaves, red bell peppers and chili. Pilaf with this seasoning turns out to be especially tasty and aromatic. This package contains 25 g of seasoning, which is enough to cook 500-700 g of rice and 500-700 g of meat. The amount of seasoning you need to add to a dish directly depends on the amount of ingredients that you will use.

Now let's name a few spices that should be added to pork pilaf:

  • Sumac
  • Basil
  • Marjoram
  • Carnation
  • Curry
  • Lavrushka

Using these spices and seasonings, you can cook the most delicious and aromatic pilaf in the world! Do not forget that, as they say, there are no comrades for taste and color, so in addition to the "obligatory" spices, you can add anything you like to pilaf, even if such additives are considered inappropriate for this dish, because first of all you cook for yourself ...

Seasoning and spices for beef pilaf: names, composition, proportions

Pilaf beef can be called a traditional product. Using this ingredient, pilaf turns out to be unusually rich and has a specific taste.

For beef pilaf, the following seasonings are suitable:

  • Seasoning for aromatic pilaf from the Knorr trademark does not contain any preservatives or dyes. In the composition you can see carrots, onions, vegetable fat, cumin, of course, salt and sugar, as well as barberry, caraway seeds, red hot peppers, black pepper, turmeric, coriander and thyme. One package is enough to cook pilaf from 140 g of rice and 400 g of meat
  • Also, for beef pilaf, you can take the already well-known seasoning "Prypravych"

Well, and, of course, let's add some beef spices:

  • Shambhala or fenugreek
  • Marjoram
  • Oregano
  • Savory
  • Sumac

Seasoning and spices for turkey pilaf: names, composition, proportions

Turkey meat is becoming more and more popular among housewives. Poultry meat is soft and contains a huge amount of useful substances, so it is not surprising that it is added to completely various dishes.

For turkey pilaf, you can take the following seasonings:

  • Since turkey meat is very similar to chicken meat, you can use the same seasonings. This means that the seasoning for pilaf with chicken "Maggi" is suitable for us. This seasoning will give pilaf a delicate golden color and an unsurpassed aroma.
  • We will also use the "Trapeza" seasoning. Using it, we get a fragrant pilaf with sourness.

As for the spices for the turkey, the preference should be given:

  • Parsley
  • Allspice
  • Curry
  • Carnation
  • Rosemary
  • Sage

Seasoning and spices for lamb pilaf: names, composition, proportions

Another option for pilaf involves the presence of an ingredient such as lamb. Real gourmets prefer this particular type of meat, as it makes pilaf really tasty.

Seasonings for lamb pilaf:

  • A mixture of spices "Natruli". This seasoning contains anise, cumin, turmeric, sweet and hot red pepper, thyme, as well as lavrushka, sage, curry and barberry. Most often, 1 sachet of seasoning (20 g) is used for 500 g of meat and 500 g of rice, however, you can proceed according to your taste preferences.
  • You can also use the oriental pilaf seasoning "Aidigo". It contains cumin, garlic, carrots, onions, turmeric, basil, coriander, red pepper, barberry and mint. A 30 g package can be used to prepare pilaf with about 700 g of rice and 700 g of meat.

The following spices are perfect for lamb:

  • Mustard seed
  • Coriander
  • Rosemary
  • Dill
  • Thyme
  • Hmeli-suneli

What seasoning is put into Uzbek pilaf?

Uzbek pilaf is the greatest achievement of Uzbek cuisine. Today, there are a huge number of variations in the preparation of this dish. And for each type of this pilaf, you can use completely different seasonings and spices.

  • The seasoning for Uzbek pilaf “Kotanyi” is excellent for such a dish. Contains cumin, black pepper and chili, barberry, coriander and salt. You can also see celery, sesame seeds in the composition. A package weighing 25 g is enough to cook pilaf with 1 kg of meat. The seasoning is distinguished by a persistent and pronounced aroma of cumin.
  • You can also use ready-made seasoning for pilaf from the Omega trademark. This seasoning consists of coriander, turmeric, cumin, cumin, salt, paprika and garlic. By adding such a spice to your dish, you will get pilaf with a pronounced garlic aroma, and the color of the dish will delight you with a golden tint.
  • Another seasoning with interestingly selected ingredients in it is a seasoning for pilaf from the Spice trademark. The composition of this seasoning is slightly different: bay leaf, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, green cardamom, black pepper and chili, salt and, of course, cumin. The combination of such spices will give your pilaf an incredible smell and taste. For 500 g of meat and 500 g of rice, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. this seasoning.

You can also add to the Uzbek pilaf:

  • Dried Tomatoes
  • Saffron

What seasoning is needed for yellow pilaf?

White pilaf looks more like porridge, so all hostesses strive to get a golden, yellow dish.

As you can imagine, rice itself is white. To achieve a beautiful bright yellow color, you need to use the following ingredients:

  • Turmeric... This spice can also be found under the name turmeric. Turmeric can also be seen under the name "Indian saffron", by the way, turmeric has nothing in common with this spice. Saffron is nothing more than the dried stigmas of crocus flowers, while turmeric is the rhizome of a herbaceous plant. Turmeric perfectly stains pilaf in a bright yellow color.

  • Seasoning called curry also tends to color rice yellow. However, not everyone likes the taste of this spice, so when adding it, take into account the taste preferences of those for whom you are cooking.
  • If you are the proud owner saffron then it can also be added as a natural colorant. However, if the saffron is real, then you need to add very little of it.
  • Strange as it may seem, but carrots add not only a sweet taste to the pilaf, but also a slightly yellowish color.

When to add seasoning to pilaf?

Despite the fact that many housewives add spices and seasonings when it suits them, there is still a certain rule.

  • Spices and seasonings should be added to pilaf after the stage of roasting vegetables.
  • That is, initially we heat the vegetable oil, fry the onions, then add meat and carrots to the container. After these products are thoroughly fried, pour in a little water and add our spices, seasonings
  • This sequence will be the most correct. By cooking pilaf in this sequence, you can achieve the appearance of an incredibly tasty aroma and attractive color.

How, how much, for what meat pilaf can you use the seasoning Zira, Magi, Knorr, Prypravych?

Earlier we mentioned all of the above spices and seasonings. Let's summarize.

  • First, let's say general information: all spices and seasonings are added to the dish at the stage of preparing a kind of frying from onions, carrots and meat. We described this stage a little earlier.
  • Zira is added to pilaf from any meat, because it is the main spice for this dish. If you add ready-made seasoning, then it must contain cumin in the right proportions. If you add the spice separately, then consider your taste and the amount of other ingredients.
  • The Maggi seasoning is best for chicken and turkey pilaf. 1 package is enough for about 500 g of rice and meat.
  • The Knorr seasoning is good for beef pilaf. However, it can be used for other types of this dish as well. To find out how much seasoning you need, just look at the packaging, because it will indicate the proportions of all the ingredients for pilaf, including seasoning.
  • "Prypravych" is also a universal seasoning for pilaf, this seasoning is excellent for pork pilaf. The method of cooking pilaf and the amount of ingredients, see the packaging of the seasoning.

How to make pilaf seasoning yourself: a recipe

Making pilaf seasoning yourself is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, you just need to mix the right spices.

So, we need:

  • Zira - 1 tsp
  • Turmeric - 1 tsp
  • Dried garlic - 1.5 tsp
  • Paprika - 1 tsp
  • Barberry - 10-20 g
  • Cumin - half a tsp.

We mix all the ingredients and put them in a container in which we will store the fragrant seasoning.

Another recipe for pilaf seasoning:

  • Zira - 1 tsp
  • Turmeric - 1.5 tsp
  • Paprika - 1.5 tsp
  • Barberry - 15 g
  • Rosemary - half a teaspoon
  • Curry - half tsp.
  • Dried chopped tomatoes - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Dried greens - 2 tbsp l.
  • Raisins optional

There are a huge number of recipes that can be used to prepare a seasoning for pilaf. The main thing to know is that when preparing a seasoning, the obligatory ingredients are cumin, turmeric, barberry, garlic and pepper. You can add the rest of the ingredients at your discretion.

Pilaf is a favorite dish almost all over the world, and as we can see today, it is not in vain. Its delicious aroma and attractive appearance will not leave anyone indifferent. Stock up on the right ingredients, cook and delight yourself and your loved ones with delicious pilaf!

Video: Rice Seasoning Review

Lamb is a less common type of meat due to its specific smell. But only true connoisseurs know how to improve the taste and flavor of lamb dishes with the help of lamb spices.Lamb spices are used for cooking:

  • kebab;
  • pilaf;
  • baked or fried meat;
  • shurpa.

Seasoning should be added to meat in small amounts to emphasize the flavor of the lamb, rather than overpower it. To a large extent, they consist of dried herbs, and their type and combination is suitable for each dish separately.

Lamb barbecue spices

To marinate meat for barbecue, use a classic seasoning, which includes the following components:

  1. basil;
  2. cumin;
  3. coriander;
  4. pepper;
  5. onion;
  6. salt.

Onions are very important when marinating lamb for the barbecue. Its juice makes the meat tender and juicy.

You can use any kind of peppers for kebabs or a mixture of peppers - black, red, hot chili.

Cumin is added to the marinade for meat at the beginning, but this seasoning reveals its taste already on the coals.

Basil is a versatile seasoning. It can be used for dry lamb barbecue. Or add fresh leaves.

Lamb pilaf spices

The main role in the preparation of pilaf with lamb meat is played by spices. It is they who give the dish aroma, taste and pungency. The main ones are:

  1. saffron;
  2. barberry:
  3. garlic;
  4. pepper;
  5. zira;
  6. onion.

Saffron gives the pilaf a golden color and adds spice to the dish. Zira is an Indian cumin with a strong and pleasant aroma. Barberry is a small dried berry, which contains vitamin C. Therefore, natural sourness adds piquancy to pilaf.

Spices for lamb shurpa

Shurpa is a rich soup made from lamb with the addition of various spices. The main spices for shurpa:

  1. hops-suneli;
  2. coriander;
  3. savory;
  4. paprika;
  5. basil;
  6. garlic.

There is no specific spice composition for lamb. Here the chef's taste plays a special role. But the herbal blend greatly enhances any meal.

Lamb seasoning(see photo) will give the meat a wonderful aroma and amazing taste, leaving no one indifferent. Among many culinary experts, there is an opinion that lamb is very tough and does not have a very pleasant smell. But this is not the case. On the other hand, oriental cooks constantly use lamb meat. They say that to cook lamb meat, you need to use those spices that are only suitable for lamb. Thanks to them, the finished meat product will turn out to be so juicy and soft that you will want to cook and eat it again.

But not everything depends on the spices added. A lot also depends on the right choice of meat. The main things to look for when buying a product are color, smell, softness and fat. It is best to buy young lamb meat, because such a product will contain many nutrients necessary for a full life of a person.

This product is perfect for both everyday use and for serving on a festive table. Lamb meat can be used to make not only ordinary cutlets, kebabs, but also all kinds of rolls, pies and even casseroles.


Lamb seasoning contains many beneficial substances for the body:

  • beta carotene;
  • vitamins of group B, C, E;
  • minerals (iron, manganese, potassium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper).

The calorie content of this product is quite high, so you should not abuse it, so as not to harm your health.

Useful properties and harm

The beneficial properties of lamb seasoning have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body, strengthening health and improving well-being.

Thanks to her:

  • metabolism is normalized;
  • the work of the stomach is stabilized;
  • the work of the brain is stabilized;
  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • bowel function improves.

The only contraindication is the intolerance of this type of product, and it is also not recommended to use it for people suffering from gastritis, so as not to harm their health.

What seasonings go well with lamb?

Natural spices work best with lamb. Spices will help to reveal an excellent aroma and add an amazing taste to the delicacy. But you need to take into account which spices are suitable for lamb, otherwise you risk ruining the dish.

The best spices that mutton "loves" are:

  • allspice;
  • ginger;
  • parsley;
  • rosemary;
  • thyme;
  • black pepper;
  • garlic;
  • sage.

To prepare lamb barbecue marinade, experienced chefs recommend using the following seasonings: dried dill, cilantro, ground black pepper, soy sauce, thyme, rosemary, dried barberry, onion.

To make the meat more spicy, you can use adjika, red pepper or chili, cinnamon.

Some gourmets prepare a kebab marinade from squeezed lemon juice, chopped almonds, salt, rosemary and garlic.

Also kebab is marinated in fermented milk products. To do this, take kefir or yogurt, cilantro, turmeric, parsley, salt, green onions.

Seasonings suitable for lamb shurpa include basil, tarragon, thyme, cilantro, parsley, rucola and dill. There should be a sufficient amount of them in the finished dish, especially greens.

Excellent condiments for stewing lamb are cloves, curry, ginger, cardamom, bay leaf, coriander, turmeric, anise, and garlic.

To prepare pilaf with lamb, the following seasonings are put in the dish: azhgon, dried barberry and red pepper. Such spices will give the delicacy a rich aroma and excellent taste.

To cook lamb in the oven, cooks use garlic. To do this, cut the pieces of meat a little and put a half-clove of garlic there. The finished meat will turn out to be very juicy and tasty.

Usually, the lamb spice should be ground and stored for no more than twelve months in a glass container with a sealed lid so that the aroma and taste do not disappear.

There are a lot of spices for cooking lamb, and each one is suitable for a certain delicacy. Whether it's a holiday or just an ordinary day, cooking meat with such spices is a pleasure, since the product will give the dish not only an excellent aroma, but also an amazing taste, leaving no guest indifferent.

How much does mutton seasoning cost (average price per pack)?

Moscow and Moscow region

For many people, lamb seems like a rather fatty meat, which, among other things, does not smell very good. As they say: how many people - so many opinions. However, true gourmets and connoisseurs prefer mutton to other types of meat, claiming that it has a pleasant aroma and delicate taste. The secret of this product lies in the preparation: with the right heat treatment and scrupulous attitude, the result will surpass all expectations.

Above all, proper preparation means using the lamb seasoning. An incomparable and very pleasant aroma to this product is given by such spices and spices as rosemary, thyme and oregano (oregano). In addition, ginger, saffron, marjoram and mint are considered a good aromatic addition to lamb. However, in this case, it is important not to overdo it with the lamb seasoning, adding a very small amount - literally a pinch to the whole dish.

Very unusual and specific is the French seasoning for lamb, which is called persiyad. It is a mixture of finely chopped parsley (cilantro) and crushed garlic. By the way, this interesting lamb seasoning goes well with other types of meat, and can also easily become a component of other spices and seasonings.

Be that as it may, but the choice of seasoning for lamb is a very responsible occupation, so it is sometimes quite difficult to decide. It all depends, first of all, on the chef's taste preferences and on what is expected from the finished dish. That is why most cooks use industrial lamb seasoning, the ingredients of which are perfectly matched.

Typically, lamb seasoning, which is sold in almost all stores, contains ingredients such as coriander, dried garlic, rosemary, mustard seed, dried onions, black pepper, paprika, red ground pepper, dried parsley, and dill. In addition, bay leaves, salt and some other spices are often added, which manufacturers introduce at their discretion.

If the taste of lamb fat is unattractive to you, be sure to remove it before preparing the dish. In addition, this meat should not be cooked for too long, as it loses its delicate flavor and becomes too tough and dry.

As you know, the preparation of lamb also depends on the culinary tradition of a particular country: for example, in the East, it is stewed or cooked with apricots and dates, while in Mediterranean dishes, olive oil, garlic, tomatoes and wine are considered to be an obligatory accompaniment to lamb meat. Residents of the northern regions prefer roast based on lamb and potatoes.

Calorie content of lamb seasoning 144 kcal

Energy value of lamb seasoning (The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).