Monastic tea for weight loss: composition, proportions of herbs, reviews of doctors. Natural and healthy monastery slimming tea

05.08.2019 Restaurant notes

Green coffee, goji berries (which turned out to be a common barberry), and now the monastery collection are being sold by resourceful entrepreneurs as a universally miracle cure for weight loss. There are now many sites on the Internet that post tempting promises of effortless weight loss. But is this true, or is the monastery fee for weight loss another way to make money on the lazy?

What does the monastery collection consist of?

The site, where the monastery's collection of herbs is sold as a unique remedy with amazing effectiveness, claims that the whole secret is that the important 7 herbs are collected in the correct proportions. The composition is published as follows:

  • fennel fruits (the manufacturer believes that it should help reduce cravings for sweets, but it has only been proven that it somewhat weakens the appetite);
  • chamomile (cleansing ingredient);
  • linden flowers (give a diaphoretic, diuretic effect, which is actually undesirable for losing weight, as it provokes dehydration);
  • black elderberry flowers (the manufacturer claims that they eliminate the causes of weight gain - but how can these flowers prevent you from eating poorly, or teach you the basics of healthy eating?);
  • peppermint (the producer of the collection also attributes a decrease in appetite to it, although in fact this herb increases it);
  • senna (it gives a laxative effect - which means that the weight will decrease due to the fact that there will be an empty intestine, and fat deposits will not go anywhere; moreover, prolonged use of laxatives provokes a "lazy gut", that is, the intestine is incapable work independently);
  • dandelion (another diuretic, undesirable for losing weight, and giving a purely cosmetic effect).

Total: this tea contains unwanted components, and even frankly harmful ones. But, it is worth noting that they are all sold in any pharmacy for a penny, and many of them can be collected absolutely free of charge in the nearest forest.

The composition of the monastery collection for weight loss and conclusions

Due to the abundance of herbs that contribute to the diuretic, diaphoretic and laxative effect, in the first week a person can really see a smaller figure on the scales - an empty intestine and a dehydrated body will help with this. But as soon as we eat and drink, the body will return its own, and the weight will return to normal values. Fat deposits from this tea, like from any other, will not disappear anywhere!

The point is that fat cells appear as a result. The body spends energy, which is measured in calories, on breathing, heartbeat, any movement and mental activity. And from food he receives replenishment of this energy. Due to the fact that in the modern world, ideas about how to eat are almost lost, and people often allow themselves sweet, fatty, flour, fried foods. Because of this, the body receives more calories than is needed for life, and the body stores the excess, transferring it to fat cells. And there is only one way to force the body to use up the supply - by returning the balance to the right track! You need to get less with food than you spend it - which is why proper nutrition and sports training give a 100% effect.

And what does the monastic collection do? Tea dehydrates the body, removing fluid - but at the first opportunity, the body will return the lost. It also has a laxative effect - but bowel movements are unlikely can it be considered losing weight! Another promised but unproven effect is a slight decrease in appetite. However, for many people, the problem is not hunger, but a large number of temptations, against which even decline is powerless.

In the end, knowing what is included in the monastic tax, you can buy these herbs separately for a penny and try to drink them to make sure that losing weight from tea is impossible. This will save you a decent amount. And after that, with a calm heart, switch to proper nutrition and exercise.

The manufacturer also offers other monastic herbal preparations, but after a deception with this, confidence in him drops sharply. However, the choice is yours.

Many people are overweight, so the so-called "Magic remedies" are constantly being developed, which are harmless, but do not give any effect. One of the most effective remedies is monastery slimming tea. The developers claim that in two months you can get rid of 15 extra pounds. It is also important to note that tea is not harmful to the body and allows you to reduce weight naturally.

The tea recipe was invented in the nineteenth century in a monastery. It is made only from herbs. In the modern world, many people lead a sedentary lifestyle, and also do not have enough time for physical activity, in this case, the monastery collection is the best option for weight loss.

Composition of monastery slimming tea

The monastery collection includes seven herbs that perfectly complement each other and enhance the effectiveness of the action. What herbs are included?

This herb is related to dill, it helps to improve digestion and activates metabolism. Essential oils included in the composition can reduce appetite. It has a laxative and diuretic effect. Fennel on its own cannot stop the accumulation of fat, but when combined with other herbs, it can help you lose weight.

This plant has anti-inflammatory, sedative, antimicrobial and analgesic effects. Chamomile is very beneficial for women during their menstrual cycle. It also improves the digestion of food and cleanses the body of harmful substances.

The plant allows you to remove toxins from the body, and also prevents the formation of edema. It has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, and also normalizes the production of hormones. However, flowers are contraindicated for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, before using the monastery collection for weight loss, it is recommended to consult a qualified doctor.

The plant has a sedative, choleretic and diuretic effect. Reduces appetite and also improves the functioning of the digestive system. Mint also lowers blood pressure, sometimes causes weakness. Men are not recommended to abuse mint, as it negatively affects potency.

Normalizes the production of hormones, enhances the effectiveness of all herbs that are part of the monastery collection for weight loss. Also, flowers have anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. The plant itself is not capable of losing weight, only in combination with other herbs.

Dandelion, which is part of the monastery tea for weight loss, helps to reduce appetite, normalizes the digestive system, and provides the body with the necessary amount of potassium. Also, the plant has a diuretic and laxative effect.

The plant has a laxative effect, if abused, it negatively affects the intestinal mucosa. Before using this herb, it is recommended that you consult your doctor.

How does monastery tea help you lose weight?

The developers claim that the use of the monastery collection allows you to lose 15 kg in weight within two months. However, you need to understand that tea on its own will not lead to positive results. To achieve positive results, you need to eat a balanced diet and exercise. Monastic tea is just a supplement.

Basically, weight loss occurs due to the removal of fluid from the body. It is not recommended to drink tea for more than one month, since instead of losing weight, you can harm your health. Therefore, before deciding to consume monastery tea for weight loss, it is necessary to consult with a professional medical professional to identify contraindications.

Many people claim that after consuming the monastic collection, they managed to lose 2-5 kg ​​in one month. This rate of weight loss is safe. However, the results depend on many factors: age, gender, genetic background, weight, and others.

How to take monastery tea for weight loss

It is very simple to brew tea, you need to pour 1 hour l of the collection of 250 ml with boiled water for half an hour. It is recommended to drink the drink hot. No sweeteners should be added, otherwise, the effect of herbs may be reduced, in addition, there are calories in honey and sugar. Tea should be drunk three times a day, between main meals. It is not recommended to use the monastery fee more often. To enhance the effect, you need to adhere to the nutritional system for weight loss.

Where to buy monastery slimming tea?

To date, you can purchase a monastery fee for weight loss on the Internet. Due to the great popularity of this weight loss product, there are many fakes, so you need to carefully choose the site where you can buy this collection. At the moment, the cost of tea depends on the weight of the package, the best offer is on the site, where you can even order 100g to test the effectiveness, for only 590 rubles. Once again, it should be noted that monastery slimming tea can only achieve an effect when combined with a healthy diet and exercise. To see the effectiveness of a natural remedy, watch the video:

Therefore, the benefits of the monastery collection for weight loss should not be underestimated.

Recently, women who want to lose weight are increasingly turning to exotic recipes - to herbs found in Tibet, India, and African countries. However, people forget that Slavic traditional medicine also knows many effective recipes. For example, the monastic collection for weight loss: its recipe was invented in the Belarusian St. Elisabeth Monastery. If you believe the history, then this tea has been helping women cope with excess weight for two hundred years.

How monastery tea works

This cleansing slimming tea is a herbal tea. Moreover, each of the seven herbs from which the remedy is made affects the body in its own way, works together with the rest. The complex effect leads to cleansing of the body and weight loss. This is due to several factors at the same time - those who drink a similar herbal tea for weight loss have more frequent stools, decreased appetite, edema disappears and metabolism accelerates. In order to achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to drink about half a liter of slimming tea daily.

Composition of monastery slimming tea

The composition of the herbs that are included in the monastery collection for quick weight loss is considered the main secret of the Belarusian sages.

  • Fennel (aka pharmaceutical dill) reduces appetite, speeds up metabolism, and has a mild laxative effect.
  • Chamomile has a diaphoretic effect, it helps cleanse the body and get rid of toxins and excess fluid.
  • Peppermint reduces hunger and also has a mild calming effect.
  • Elderberry flowers act as a diaphoretic and diuretic, helping to cleanse the body of excess fluid.
  • Linden flowers are a traditional remedy for colds. However, monastic tea for weight loss is also prepared on their basis in order to enhance the diaphoretic effect.
  • Dandelion medicinal - an herb known for its action to improve appetite, accelerate metabolism.
  • Senna is a powerful natural laxative that helps cleanse the body through frequent bowel movements.

Find out if it is possible

In the modern world, the cult of a slender body is widely promoted. To achieve this goal, women use many means and methods. Recently, monastery tea for weight loss has been widely advertised on the Internet. How effective it is, we will figure it out.

What is the product

Monastic tea is a set of herbs that have a cleansing, strengthening and healing effect on the body. However, do not think that there is a certain herbal composition that is a panacea for all ailments and helps to lose weight. There are many recipes for the remedy. Each of them is based on the knowledge of healers who have studied the medicinal properties of plants for centuries.

Most often, manufacturers and sellers of the levies refer to the fact that the recipe for the monastic levy came from the St. Elisabeth Monastery, located in Belarus. Some brands either indicate an incomplete composition of the collection, or even completely hide it, arguing that it contains some special secret ingredient. But in fact, the herbs used in tea can be collected on their own or easily purchased at any pharmacy. And all the secrecy of the recipe is just a marketing ploy of manufacturers.

The buyer should understand that the herbal collection collected by monks, who then read prayers over it, cannot be purchased in retail chains or on the Internet. However, this does not mean that the monastic teas that are on sale do not have a beneficial effect on the body, because they contain medicinal herbs.

When drinking a drink, the following problems are solved:

  • blood sugar levels are normalized;
  • edema is eliminated;
  • the nervous system calms down, the mood improves;
  • efficiency increases, vigor and activity appear;
  • metabolic processes are activated;
  • the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized;
  • excess weight goes away;
  • improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair;
  • the liver is cleared;
  • the development and progression of many diseases (diabetes, prostatitis, etc.) is prevented;
  • the immune system as a whole is strengthened.

Slimming formulations

The herbs that are part of the monastery tea for weight loss have predominantly cleansing properties. Due to this, extra pounds go away.

To date, the most common formulations for weight loss are two.

A composition of seven herbs contains:

  • fennel. The fruits of this plant eliminate the feeling of hunger, activate metabolic processes and prevent the formation of fatty layers;
  • chamomile. Improves digestion, promotes the elimination of toxins and toxins, helps to eliminate the plateau effect during weight loss (a period of stagnation in the results when the weight stands still);
  • Linden blossom. It has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect on the body, helps to remove toxins;
  • black elderberry flowers. Normalizes the work of the endocrine system, in the event of a failure of which excess weight is often gained, accelerates metabolic processes, promotes digestion, enhances the effect of other herbs in the collection;
  • peppermint. Helps eliminate hunger;
  • senna. Has a laxative effect, prevents the absorption of fats by the intestines;
  • dandelion. It has a diuretic effect, is a supplier of potassium, which is excreted from the body during weight loss.

The second composition for weight loss is enriched with herbs that allow you to replenish the reserves of vitamins and minerals. Indeed, due to the diuretic and laxative effects of tea, along with toxins and toxins, useful components are also excreted from the body. This herbal collection contains the following plants:

  • birch leaf. Produces a diuretic and slightly choleretic and laxative effect;
  • calendula. It has a general strengthening effect, increases the body's defenses;
  • strawberries. Has diuretic and diaphoretic properties. In addition, strawberry leaves tone the body, strengthen it, suppress various inflammations;
  • sweet clover grass. It also has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect;
  • stinging nettle. The plant is rich in vitamins and minerals, helps the body to cope during the period of even the most severe diet, as it provides it with all the necessary substances. Among other things, nettle has laxative and diuretic properties;
  • meadowsweet. The herb activates metabolic processes and has an intense diaphoretic effect;
  • rose hip. Contains many vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C. Rose hips strengthen the immune system;
  • currant leaves. Promote the elimination of toxins, stagnant feces and fluid. At the same time, the herb saturates the body with biologically active substances, which helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • elecampane, like many other herbs in the collection, has diuretic and choleretic properties. The plant contains a lot of vitamin E, which slows down the aging process.
  • elderberry. Its properties are described in the first composition.

The monastery fee can also be used as an aid in other diets. An experiment was conducted in which a group of women lost weight, and one half of the group consumed this tea in addition. As a result, observations showed that the participants in the experiment who drank the infusion lost more weight. This is due to the fact that the herbs that make up the monastery collection affect metabolic processes and produce a cleansing effect on the body.

In what cases is the monastery fee contraindicated?

Since the effect of monastery tea for weight loss is based on laxative and diuretic properties, there are a number of contraindications to its use.

  1. Pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Hypotension.
  3. Vegeto-vascular dystonia.
  4. Avitaminosis.
  5. Allergic reactions to tea constituents.
  6. Individual intolerance.

Before using the drink, you should consult a doctor if you have certain diseases of the cardiovascular, urinary system, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

What doctors think about the miracle recipe

On sites selling monastery tea, you can find many complimentary reviews about this product. You need to understand that most of these statements were invented by the authors of the sites themselves. For the most part, doctors have a positive attitude towards the monastery collection, but at the same time they do not actively encourage the use of this drink for weight loss.

For example, doctor, doctor of medical sciences and well-known TV presenter Elena Malysheva denies in her program that she advertises and offers to buy monastery tea.

Video: exposure in the Health program

Below are reviews of the monastery collection of real doctors.

I am a nutritionist, and I know firsthand about the consequences of metabolic disorders. Unfortunately, now the diseases associated with such deviations are more and more common. One of the manifestations is obesity. Recently I had a chance to communicate with my German colleagues. They said that they use herbal teas quite successfully in their practice. Practice shows that they are very effective for various ailments associated with metabolic disorders. This communication made me think about the possibility of using the monastic fees in my work. I plan to introduce them into the course of treatment for my patients.

Georgy Sergeevich Khromov, nutritionist

Consumer feedback on the collection of herbs

Hello everyone! I am an adherent of a sports lifestyle and try to eat right. But all of us, people, are not without sin, so I have breakdowns. What to do, I confess, but it is. So that the fat does not stick back on my thinned sides, I save myself with monastery slimming tea. If anyone does not know, then this is a collection of various herbs that are collected in compliance with environmental conditions. The herbs that are part of this tea individually each have their own properties, and in general they not only get rid of extra pounds, but also help the body to self-heal and cleanse itself. Judge for yourself, senna - removes toxins, rose hips - increases immunity and saturates with vitamins, birch leaves remove unnecessary bile, strawberry leaves normalize digestive and metabolic processes. So such a gull can and should be drunk probably not only during periods of breakdowns like mine, but even for prophylaxis. Very useful.


Monastic tea for weight loss, I heard very different reviews about the action, but mostly good, for me it is the most ordinary phyto collection, it tastes like bitterness. At first I did not notice anything except indifference to my "favorite" delicacies, but after a period of about a month, I noticed how the trousers began to sit more freely than usual. I will say that I did not adhere to the diet in parallel. Now, six months have passed, my health has improved - due to weight loss and kilograms are gradually concealing 7kg. Slowly but surely, and most importantly, safe.

Guest % BC% D0% BE% D0% BD% D0% B0% D1% 81% D1% 82% D1% 8B% D1% 80% D1% 81% D0% BA% D0% BE% D0% BC-% D1% 87% D0% B0% D0% B5-% D0% B4% D0% BB% D1% 8F-% D0% BF% D0% BE% D1% 85% D1% 83% D0% B4% D0% B5% D0% BD /

Already after 15 days there was an effect - minus one kilogram. I realize that this is very little, but given the small restrictions in food, it is quite enough. And sincerely, I try to adhere to the principle: "Better slowly, but confidently, and for health it is more beneficial." A month passed and it turned out that the "monastery tea for weight loss" and the reviews about it were real ... It took two and a half kilograms - practically without any effort. And the general mood, health changed to good, headaches, heaviness, etc. were gone. I decided to join the blog myself. Suitable for those who are determined to slowly but victoriously go towards their goal - a slender and healthy body. For me, the following was paramount: affordable cost, naturalness, efficiency.

Overweight is a problem faced by a huge number of people, both adults (men and women) and children. It is important to know that this ailment lies in the bowels of your body, it has its causes, which means that the fight against obesity itself will not give the desired effect. It is necessary to eliminate the root causes, which is what this drink helps.

Studies have shown that this remedy is unique and reliable, unlike drugs (pills), which promise magical healing, but in fact give health problems.

Monastic slimming tea is the best remedy from Mother Nature.

The history of the creation of the monastery collection for weight loss

Medicinal herbs have been used for many centuries to combat obesity. Most often, people brewed tea from plant materials, which had a bitter taste. This drink reduces appetite. This results in fewer portions of food and less frequent meals. However, excess weight is not always caused only by the consumption of excessively fatty foods or a large amount of food that can "give" us a lot of calories.

Metabolic disorders, chronic diseases, a sedentary lifestyle have led to the fact that recipes that have helped over the years have become ineffective. Traditional healers have collected several herbs in a single complex that eliminate the cause leading to the development of obesity. This is how the monastery collection of medicinal herbs for weight loss, which was created by the monks of the Belarusian monastery, arose.

Composition of monastery slimming tea

Linden flowers

This herb is a good diuretic. It has diuretic properties and removes excess water from the body. Linden also helps to normalize hormonal balance.


Many people know senna is a laxative. This herb solves the problem of constipation, removes toxins from the body. Senna also inhibits the absorption of fats.

Fennel fruit

This plant has the ability to reduce appetite. It also prevents fat accumulation and stimulates metabolism. Fennel is very beneficial for those with a sweet tooth, as it relieves sugar cravings.

Black elderberry flowers

It was found that elderberry enhances the effect of all herbs with which it is used in combination. It normalizes digestion and the functioning of the endocrine system.


It puts in order the work of digestion and supplies the body with potassium, which is quickly excreted during weight loss. Endowed with a mild diuretic effect.


Normalizes digestion and promotes good digestibility of food. It removes harmful substances from the body. It is after consuming chamomile infusion that the weight gradually decreases.


It is part of the composition mainly for taste, but has a whole lot of useful properties. It improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes good absorption and reduces appetite.

It is important to know that monastery tea has no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to one of the components.

How does monastery slimming tea work

If you really want to lose weight, try the Monastic Herb for Weight Loss, which gives dramatic gains in a short time. It not only helps to reduce weight, but also:

࿋ Fills the body with energy, improves well-being, increases efficiency.

࿋ Strengthens the immune system.

࿋ Provides the body with trace elements and vitamins.

࿋ Strengthens the human nervous and cardiovascular system.

࿋ Gives hair and skin a healthy look.

The benefits of herbal decoction are obvious. Slimming tea has undergone clinical trials involving 200 overweight people. The drink was tested in 2013. Everyone took part in the experiment, among them were people with varying degrees of obesity, of different ages, men and women. The results delighted and surprised everyone:

Tea had a positive effect on everyone who drank it.

A month of drinking the drink allowed the majority to reduce their weight by 3 kg. Some patients have lost 7 kg.

There are cases of losing weight from tea per month by 11 kg.

How to make herbal tea to lose weight

To part with extra pounds for a long time, you must strictly follow the recipe for the preparation of the infusion:

☀ Bring 500 ml of water to a boil;

☀ Pour the prepared boiling water over 2 tablespoons of the collection;

☀ Boil the herb in a water bath for 10 minutes;

☀ Cool, strain;

☀ Drink throughout the day.

Thanks to this recipe, you can lose from 3 to 10 kilograms per month. The longer you drink this tea, the better the effect will be.

Combined with calorie restriction, along with increased physical activity, great gains can be achieved. Willpower is practically not required for this.

Indications and contraindications for the monastery collection

It is indicated for people with obesity, edema, kidney problems. Useful for hypertension and diabetes mellitus, prostatitis. Rich in nutrients.