How to bake thin soft pancakes. Thin pancakes - preparing food and dishes

04.09.2019 Lenten dishes

There is no other more traditional dish for Russian cuisine than pancakes. Thin, almost openwork pancakes are the pride of Russian housewives. Often the family recipe for those very perfect pancakes, which are not ashamed to treat friends and neighbors, is passed down from generation to generation. Pancakes are truly versatile: you can eat them without toppings and still be delicious. And you can make rolls or envelopes, stuffing with any goodies: from cottage cheese to caviar.

In Russia, pancakes were an analogue of bread or cakes. The dough for them was kneaded from coarse buckwheat flour, fat sour cream, fresh milk with cream. It turned out lush, dense rounds, which in themselves were very satisfying. They were often served as an independent dish. But, unlike today, they were prepared only during Shrovetide week. The dish carried a deep symbolism, personifying the bright spring Sun warming the earth after a long winter.

Today the attitude to pancakes is different. Thanks to the development of the food industry, thin pancakes with an openwork texture are obtained from modern products. The quality of pancakes depends directly on the skill of the hostess. But it is not so difficult to learn the skill and become a good pancake baker. The main thing is desire and knowledge of secrets.

How to make delicious dough for thin pancakes with milk

Before you start learning recipes, you need to learn how to make good dough. Otherwise, contrary to folk wisdom, all the pancakes will form in a lump, and not just the first one. The ideal consistency is achieved with a few simple secrets:

  • First, flour. It should be of the highest grade, no matter what kind you take: wheat, rye, corn. Be sure to sift the flour through a fine sieve, saturating it with oxygen. This will help the dough become softer, and the finished product, with all its subtlety, will be incredibly delicate in taste.
  • All additives like sugar and salt should be perfectly dissolved in the liquid part of the dough. The absence of grains also has a positive effect on the texture of pancakes. And undissolved sugar can burn in the pan.
  • Pay attention to the eggs you use for cooking. They should be at room temperature, so we recommend keeping them out of the fridge for a few hours. Another secret that will help: separate the yolk from the protein and beat them separately. The yolks are pounded with sugar, and the whites are whipped until fluffy. They should be added last, after the flour, just before baking.

  • Inexperienced cooks make a common mistake by pouring flour into the liquid part of the dough. This leads to the formation of unpleasant lumps. To avoid this, sift the flour, and then pour in the liquid ingredients. Try to adjust the thickness of the jet, not pouring everything in one fell swoop. It is better to do it slowly, stirring the dough.

Of course, for people who have been baking pancakes for many years, the process does not cause difficulties. Skill comes with experience, and they don't need to introduce eggs separately or follow special techniques. But if this is your first time trying to cook such a dish, our secrets will help you cope with cooking. And then only the first pancake will be lumpy, as in the saying.

The most delicious, thin and delicate pancakes "with holes" in milk - recipes

Pancakes with milk - a classic recipe

Each family has its own variation of the classic recipe, but we offer an interpretation that even a novice cook can do. Milk pancakes are obtained, thin and elastic. They can be eaten "empty", as they are delicious, or used for stuffed dishes.

We make a dry mixture of 125 grams of flour, a tablespoon of sugar and salt. So pancakes will be moderately sweet and ruddy. Mix dry ingredients and sift. Beat 3 eggs separately, then add the beaten mass to the flour. Use a whisk or hand blender to blend the mixture thoroughly, take your time.

250 milliliters of milk is heated to room temperature. Pour half of the milk into the egg-flour mixture. Carefully work with a whisk to prevent lumps. To make pancakes “with holes”, melt a tablespoon of good butter separately. Butter must be natural, without vegetable fats, so margarine and spreads are not allowed.

We combine the butter and the second half of the milk, slowly pouring into the dough. We need the consistency of a medium liquid, so we “try” the dough with a spoon: the mass should flow smoothly.

Bake pancakes for a couple of minutes on each side. Serve with toppings and toppings to taste.

Custard thin pancakes with milk

First, prepare the liquid part of the dough. Grind 3 large eggs with salt and granulated sugar. The amount of sugar is adjustable depending on what fillings our pancakes will have. When the pancakes are planned to be sweet, then a tablespoon is enough, if the filling is salty, we reduce the sugar by half. We achieve complete dissolution of granulated sugar. Add milk (600 ml) to the mixture and mix.

Now we need hot water in the amount of 200 milliliters. Without stopping to stir, pour boiling water into the liquid mixture. You can not pour boiling water "in one fell swoop", otherwise the eggs will curl. Only a thin stream and uniformity. It is very convenient to do this with a food processor or blender with a dough attachment.

It's time to add the sifted flour. We need 300 grams. We interfere until we are convinced that there are no harmful lumps. Only then can you pour in 30 milliliters of vegetable oil and throw a pinch of soda. We give the finished test time to rest: at least half an hour. The consistency we need is moderately liquid. Bake pancakes in a hot pan and serve hot.

Thin yeast pancakes with milk

The most bubbly pancakes are yeast pancakes. It is thanks to the fermentation of yeast that the texture of the dish turns out to be “spongy” and airy. Although working with yeast is repulsive to novice cooks, making them is no more difficult than classic ones.

Grind two eggs with 100 grams of sugar and a pinch of salt. More than in conventional recipes, the amount of sugar is needed for the yeast to “play”. It is good to beat this mixture not by hand, but with the help of a mixer, then a lush whitish foam is formed, and the sugar will dissolve faster. Separately, heat a glass of milk and water until warm, but not hot. Add liquid to mixture and stir.

Yeast for this recipe is dry fast acting. We need 6 grams, which is about a teaspoon without a top. Our liquid will begin to foam, covered with large bubbles.

Pour the liquid component of the dough into one and a half glasses (250 g) of sifted flour. After mixing well, leave the mass warm at least 35 degrees for 60 minutes. The dough will increase in volume and become a little thicker. To give it the necessary consistency, pour in two tablespoons of vegetable oil right before baking pancakes.

Information! Baking these pancakes is a pleasure. They come out fluffy, but strong enough to withstand flipping. Beginning pancake bakers appreciate yeast dough precisely for these properties.

Pancakes with live yeast and milk

Another version of yeast dough for more experienced housewives. We use fresh live yeast, you can pressed it. To begin with, we make a dough: add a spoonful of sugar and a little salt to a glass of warm milk, and then dissolve 20 grams of live yeast in the liquid. Stir until dissolved, then add a glass of sifted flour and mix again.

The dough should stand for 40-60 minutes in a warm place without drafts. A good dough will double in size.

Divide 4 eggs into yolks and whites. Beat the protein until fluffy with a teaspoon of salt. Grind the yolks with three tablespoons of sugar. We introduce the yolk mass and melted butter (4 tablespoons) into the dough. We dilute to a homogeneous state. The next step is flour. We need another glass so that the pancakes are thin and delicate. Having combined the flour with the dough, add the protein foam, stirring with confident movements from the bottom up.

The last stage is the addition of warm milk (750-800 milliliters). Let the dough “rest” for half an hour, and only then proceed to baking.

Pancakes with milk in a bottle

The perfect recipe for people who don't want to spend a lot of time baking pancakes and haven't yet mastered the art of mixing dough without lumps. We need a two liter plastic bottle. Using a funnel, break 2 eggs directly into the bottle, pour sugar (2 teaspoons), salt (1 tsp), a pinch of soda. Helpful Hint: Add the dry ingredients first, then pour in the eggs. Stir the egg mixture vigorously, making sure to close the lid.

The second stage: pour 150 grams of flour and pour in vegetable oil (20 ml). Shake thoroughly again. Milk is added last. We need 600 milliliters. We shake the closed bottle with diligence so that no lumps form.

Important! When baking, pour the batter into the pan directly from the bottle, frying the pancakes for two minutes on each side.

Pancakes with cornmeal milk

Beat 300 milliliters of milk with three eggs until a fluffy foam is formed. Separately, mix premium cornmeal (300 g), 50 grams of sugar and a pinch of salt, sifting them together.

We introduce the milk mixture into the flour mixture, stirring until the lumps completely disappear. Add vegetable oil (3 tablespoons) and send the dough to “rest” for half an hour, and then bake bright and fragrant corn pancakes.

Healthy rye flour pancakes with milk

As in the previous recipe, mix rye flour (200 g), salt and 50 grams of sugar together, and only then sift the mixture, saturating it with air. Then pour into the dry component a glass of warm milk and one egg. Beat with a whisk until smooth. At this stage, add half a teaspoon of soda to the mixture and extinguish it with lemon juice or vinegar right in the dough. Mix 300 milliliters of warm milk and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, add to the dough and achieve a homogeneous liquid consistency.

Before baking pancakes, insist the dough in heat for 20 minutes.

Traditional buckwheat pancakes with milk

Mix 100 grams of buckwheat and wheat flour, sift. Separately, beat 375 milliliters of warm milk, half a teaspoon of salt and sugar, two eggs. We need a frothy bulk.

Pour the liquid component into a mixture of two types of flour in a thin stream. There should not be any lumps in the pancake dough. We introduce vegetable oil into the dough at the very end, in the amount of two tablespoons. Mix until a homogeneous, smooth consistency. Bake like regular pancakes.

Openwork cheese pancakes with milk

Whisk one and a half cups of warm milk until foam forms along with two chicken eggs. Be sure to add a teaspoon of sugar and salt to the mixture. Sift a glass of flour with a teaspoon of baking powder for dough through a fine sieve. We introduce the liquid part into the dry, stirring constantly.

We prepare the cheese filling: three 150 grams of cheese on a fine grater. It is better to take a variety of cheese that melts well and has a rich smell. Finely chop a bunch of dill. Add this mixture to the dough, then pour in two more tablespoons of vegetable oil and bring to a liquid consistency, convenient for baking.

It turns out a great snack - delicious cheese pancakes.

Sweet chocolate pancakes with milk

Mix 2 cups flour and cocoa powder (2 tablespoons), add a bag of baking powder for dough, sift. Grind 3 eggs with sugar (3 tablespoons) and salt, then add a glass of warm milk to the mixture, bringing to a lush foam.

We combine the liquid and dry phases of the dough. If lumps appear at this stage, it's not scary. We take another glass of milk and gradually pour it into the dough in small portions, controlling the density and texture of the mixture. We need a state, like liquid sour cream. We bake pancakes in a pan greased with a small amount of vegetable oil. They can be served as an independent dish or with a filling of curd cheese or strawberries.

There are a huge number of options for testing pancakes. And in different cuisines of the world there are subtleties of cooking this dish. The very history of the emergence of pancakes is calculated for centuries.

In France, they prefer to cook thin pancakes (crepes) with a variety of fillings. In Mexico, this dish is called tortillas and is stuffed with beans or meat with a spicy tomato sauce. In the United States and Canada, plump pancakes are prepared that resemble pancakes. In Japan, this dish consists of two pancakes, between which the filling is located. The Japanese call their pancakes okonomiyaki.

Traditional Russian pancakes are prepared in the sponge method from yeast dough, in which, in addition to wheat flour, buckwheat can also be added. In Russian cuisine, there are several dozen recipes for pancake dough.

But the basic principle is the same for all countries. The liquid dough is poured in a thin layer on a very hot frying pan, fried and turned over. Usually pancakes are made in a round shape, but there are options for square products. To do this, you need a frying pan of the appropriate shape. The main thing in the process of preparing this dish is that pancakes should come out ruddy, while not burning.

It is believed that baking pancakes is a real art. After all, you need to know the exact amount of dough that needs to be poured into the pan in order to get a thin pancake, skillfully turn it over in time. And thus get a fragrant slide of excellent pancakes.

In fact, there are no special difficulties in preparing this dish. So, we choose a recipe, prepare the dough, bake pancakes, following the recommendations - and we will succeed!

In the dough for these pancakes in milk, you do not need to put either yeast or soda. It includes mineral carbonated water - conveniently and quickly. With such a dough, you can cook both ordinary pancakes and stuffed pancakes, for example, stuffed with chicken or cottage cheese. Pancakes are airy and tender.


  • Wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • Sparkling water - 1 glass;
  • Milk - 2 glasses;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine eggs with salt, sugar, beat.
  2. Add pre-heated milk (slightly warm), water at room temperature, oil, mix.
  3. Pour the flour, previously sifted. Stir so that no lumps appear. You can beat with a mixer.
  4. We leave the dough for 15 minutes.
  5. Heat the pan, grease with oil.
  6. Mix the dough again.
  7. We collect the dough with a ladle, pour it into the middle of the pan, carefully distribute it over the surface, while tilting the pan in different directions. The dough should spread over its entire surface.
  8. Fry the pancake for about 30 seconds, turn it over using a spatula, and bake until browned. We do this with all tests.
  9. Ready pancakes are stacked on top of each other. Serve hot with sour cream, honey, jam.

Interesting from the network

They turn out more magnificent, perforated than in milk. Make these wonderful pancakes for breakfast, which are very easy to make.


  • Flour - 200 g;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • Kefir - 1.5 cups;
  • Egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon without a slide.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour kefir into a separate container, add soda, mix.
  2. Beat the eggs with the addition of salt, sugar, send to kefir.
  3. Pour in the oil, pour in portions of flour, previously sifted.
  4. Mix the dough thoroughly (you can beat with a mixer).
  5. If the dough is thick, then add a little kefir.
  6. We bake pancakes in a pan, very hot.
  7. We spread the finished pancakes on a dish. Brush each pancake with melted butter.

If you suddenly didn’t have any milk or kefir for making pancakes, or you just would like to reduce the calorie content of the dish, then the dough can be made with plain water. From the usual ingredients you will get a great dough for thin delicious pancakes. This dough is well suited for making stuffed pancakes.


  • Flour - 1 cup;
  • Butter - 3 tablespoons;
  • Water - 2.5 cups;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Drive the eggs into a separate deep container, add salt, sugar, beat a little.
  2. Pour water into the mass, mix well.
  3. The flour, previously sifted, is mixed in portions into the dough. If you use a mixer, then you can pour the flour all at once.
  4. Mix the mass well, leaving no lumps.
  5. In the finished dough, pour in the oil, mix.
  6. We bake pancakes in a pan, frying them on both sides.
  7. Lubricate each finished pancake with oil, put it in a slide and serve with honey, jam, sour cream.

Appetizing openwork pancakes, tasty and fragrant, come out of this dough. Such lacy fried pancakes can only be made from yeast dough.


  • Milk - 2 glasses;
  • Flour - 2.5 cups;
  • Eggs - 3 eggs;
  • Yeast - 1 teaspoon (dry fast acting);
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour warm milk into a separate container, dissolve sugar and salt in it.
  2. In another bowl, mix the sifted flour and yeast.
  3. Pour milk into the flour in a thin stream, knead the batter.
  4. We put the dough in heat for 45 minutes.
  5. In the risen dough (about 2 times), add pre-beaten eggs and butter.
  6. Let the dough rise for another half an hour.
  7. For baking pancakes, grease a preheated pan with oil. Pour a little dough, spreading it over the surface of the pan. The dough should be collected from the bottom of the container, without mixing the whole mass. Otherwise, lace pancakes may not work.
  8. We fry the pancakes on both sides, grease the pan only for the first time.
  9. The dish is served hot with additions to taste.

Thin and tender pancakes with a delicious filling of chicken and mushrooms. This tasty dish will make a great hearty breakfast for the whole family. Ham can be substituted for chicken if desired.


  • Milk - 3 glasses;
  • Egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt - a pinch.
  • Chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • Carrot - 1 pc.;
  • Champignons - 300 g;
  • Onion - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. We combine the eggs with salt, sugar, beat, pour in the milk. We mix everything well.
  2. Pour the flour in portions, stir until smooth.
  3. Pour oil into the prepared dough, mix.
  4. Pancakes are fried on one side only.
  5. Let's prepare the filling. Boil the fillet, cool, finely chop.
  6. Grind onions and carrots, fry until cooked, add chopped champignons, salt, pepper.
  7. Add fillet to mushrooms with vegetables, mix.
  8. Simmer everything together for about 10 minutes.
  9. Cool the filling a little, drive in the egg, mix.
  10. We put the filling on each pancake, fold it into an envelope, fry in a pan.
  11. Pancakes are served hot with sour cream.

Now you know how to cook pancake dough according to the recipe with a photo. Enjoy your meal!

If you still have some questions about how to make pancake dough, then the following recommendations will be useful:
  • After cooking, each pancake can be greased with a piece of butter - this will make it tastier and juicier.
  • It is not necessary to serve pancakes in the form of a slide of products stacked on top of each other. You can roll each pancake into a tube or a triangle. Serve in portions of 2-3 pancakes, pouring them with jam, honey or any other sauce.
  • The dough for pancakes should look like liquid kefir. You can add flour if the dough comes out very liquid, or warm milk (water) - if, on the contrary, it is thick.
  • In order for the pancakes to come out thin, the dough should be poured into the pan as little as possible.
  • Flour should be added to the dough in small portions, stirring so that lumps do not appear.
  • Pancakes are baked in a well-heated pan. 30 seconds on each side.
  • You can make pancakes like this: pour a portion of the dough into the pan. Immediately sprinkle the cake with finely chopped herbs, boiled egg or meat - you can add any food. Then turn the pancake over and fry it on the other side.
  • You can add water to yeast pancakes instead of milk. So they will turn out even more magnificent.
  • If you are preparing yeast dough, then never pour flour into the liquid. You need to do the opposite: pour liquid into the flour in a thin stream. So the dough will acquire the desired consistency.
  • It will be possible not to grease the pan with oil if a little vegetable oil is added to the dough before baking.
  • If you want to make pancakes using fresh yeast, dissolve the yeast in a glass of warm milk and add some sugar a few hours in advance.

Who doesn't love pancakes? The question is rhetorical. Today we will treat households and neighbors with delicious thin pancakes in milk. Although you probably won’t be able to cook a whole stack like for Shrovetide. As it usually happens, during the baking process, ready-made milk pancakes are taken away by everyone who smells their aroma. Do not despair, an empty plate is an indicator of the great culinary skills of the hostess. And the fact that pancakes with milk really turn out with a bang, you will now see for yourself.

Recipe for thin pancakes with milk


  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Milk - 3 cups
  • Flour - 2 cups
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Vanilla to taste

To make the pancakes a success, I recorded a detailed video and posted it on my You Tube channel. Therefore, if you like video recipes more than step-by-step photos, welcome:

How to cook

Break three eggs into a bowl. Add 1 teaspoon of salt.

1 st. a spoonful of sugar and 0.5 teaspoon of vanilla essence are also sent to the dough.

Stir the dough with a fork. Whipping the mixture into foam is not necessary at all, it is enough to achieve uniformity.

Pour in 1 cup of milk at room temperature. Attention: according to the recipe, we need 3 glasses of milk - but we are pouring only one so far.

In the resulting mixture, sift 2 cups of flour, stir. At this stage, the most important thing is to achieve uniformity. A mixer will help to achieve the smoothness of the dough.

When all the flour is mixed in and there is not a single lump in the dough, pour in the rest of the milk. Remember that milk should be warm, but not hot.

Stir the dough and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil. Adding oil will allow the pancakes to be easily removed from the pan and fry less oil.

As a substitute for vegetable, you can add two tablespoons of melted butter, the dough will be with holes and the pancakes will acquire a beautiful golden color.

The dough for thin pancakes in milk should turn out to be liquid, smooth, homogeneous.

They are prepared on a similar dough in consistency.

The dough for pancakes with milk ends up like very thin sour cream or like thick cream, but not like water.

We heat a frying pan (it is better to take a non-stick coating) on ​​the stove until it is hot. Grease with vegetable oil (only before the first pancake), you can grease with a piece of butter or even a piece of lard. Pour a ladle (it takes a little more than half of a standard ladle for one pancake), fry the pancake until golden brown. Using a spatula, flip the pancake to the other side and fry again. We do this with everyone.

After removing from the pan, the pancake can be greased with a piece of butter.

Probably, thin pancakes with milk are the best thing that skillful chefs could come up with. Such a wonderful gift to mankind is difficult to appreciate. After all, pancakes themselves are incredibly tasty, but you can also make incomparable rolls, original cakes from them, you can fill other dishes with them, and you can use the filling for them. Pancakes can be sweet, or they can contain liver, zucchini, oatmeal, etc.

Today I shared the basic recipe. Having mastered it, you can begin to experiment, try and look for options that you can surprise your family and friends with. For those who have just embarked on a fascinating, full of discoveries path to the country of Cooking, I want to say: Do not worry about the first pancake, let it be lumpy, it's not scary. But without the first, there will be no second pancake, there will be no your personal victories, you will not be able to feel the satisfaction of your creative needs. And so - keep it up! And I will try to help you in everything. If you have any questions about the recipe - always happy to answer.

The best thanks for the recipe is the addition of a photo. If you have a minute to take a photo and post it in the comments - I will be very grateful to you. Thank you!

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Everyone will love these delicious pancakes with milk. They are very delicate, thin, beautiful and with holes. Step by step recipe with photos.

Homemade pancake dough, kneaded with fresh milk, can be prepared quickly and easily.

In addition to flour and milk, pancake dough will require medium-sized chicken eggs, vegetable oil and spices.

Measure out the right amount of food ingredients for delicious pancakes, arm yourself with the necessary kitchen utensils, and immediately start implementing a simple recipe.

Delicious pancakes with milk


  • a glass with a slide of wheat flour;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • 2 glasses of fresh milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • tsp salt;
  • 3 art. l. oils.

Cooking sequence

We fall asleep in a plate suitable for kneading pancake dough all the sugar. Break the chicken eggs next. At this culinary step, we also introduce salt.

We have formed a sweet egg mixture in the process. Pour fresh milk into it. Take your time, first bring the milk in a saucepan to a warm state. Pouring warm milk, we work with a whisk.

Wheat flour, having previously necessarily sifted, pour into the resulting mixture of eggs and milk in small portions. We continue to work with a whisk, mixing flour.

In a well-heated frying pan, on which you need to walk once with a culinary brush with oil, fry thin pancakes.

Well, who among us does not like to eat delicious thin openwork pancakes? I have not met such people! Because they are loved by everyone from young to old. Hot, fresh from the pan; lubricated with butter; flavored with honey, thick sour cream or jam; or th; with sweet or unsweetened flavor; or even folded into tall pies!

They are prepared everywhere, each national cuisine of the peoples of the world has its own recipes and its own characteristics of their preparation. Rich in recipes and Russian cuisine, which only they are not baked. There are many varieties, and they are all delicious and mouth-watering!

They are baked both on weekdays and on holidays. Take at least - seeing off the Russian winter, for a whole week we delight our loved ones with these delicious flour products that look like a small Sun. It is not for nothing that they say: “Without a pancake, not Maslen, without a pie, not a birthday boy!”

However, not everyone succeeds in baking them thin, with holes. In order for these to turn out, you must have certain skills and abilities, as well as follow certain rules. Otherwise, not only the first one, but all the others can turn out lumpy! I know many who know how to perfectly cook various goodies, but they can’t make friends with these wonderful “suns”, they don’t get them, and that’s it!

Therefore, today I propose to consider such an important topic as their preparation. Consider how this was done and is being done, in the most Russian traditions. And there will be a lot of recipes and different options.

Thin flour products can be baked from simple unleavened dough, or from custard, or as it often sounds in “boiling water” recipes, which are essentially the same.

Unleavened dough for baking is the simplest. You don’t have to insist on it for a long time, start it with milk or water (or mix one and the other), wait 20-30 minutes for it to disperse, and you can fry. Or you can just dilute condensed milk in warm water, and cook on it.

Today we will look at different options, and the first of them will be with the addition of butter.

We will need:

  • flour - 2 cups
  • milk - 3 cups
  • eggs - 5 pcs
  • butter - 50 gr
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • salt - 1 teaspoon (without top)


1. Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks with a fork, salt, add milk, sugar and melted butter.

2. Sift the flour and gradually pour part of the resulting egg mixture into it in a thin stream, constantly stirring first with a spoon and then with a whisk until the lumps disappear.

3. Then pour out all the remaining liquid component and mix thoroughly with a whisk.

4. Add egg whites slightly beaten in a separate bowl and mix again. Let stand for 20-30 minutes, so that the flour disperses, and the mixture becomes homogeneous.

5. After that, bake on a frying pan greased with vegetable oil and well-heated on both sides. For lubrication, you can use a silicone brush.

6. Fold in a pile, lubricating with oil if desired.

What to do if for some reason the dough turned out to be thick or too liquid.

If the dough turned out to be very thick, then add a little milk or boiled water to it. If, on the contrary, it turned out to be watery, then pour 1/3 of the dough into another bowl and add a little flour. Mix thoroughly until lumps disappear and then combine with the remaining dough.

Do not pour flour into the already prepared dough, when mixed, lumps form, which will be difficult to get rid of!

Thin openwork pancakes from dough with milk and eggs - a simple and delicious recipe

Small openwork "suns" on ghee or butter are of course more tasty, but their nutritional value is higher. Therefore, often housewives cook dough in vegetable oil.

And here is one of such simple, but no less delicious recipes.

We will need:

  • flour - 1.5 cups
  • milk - 500 ml
  • eggs - 3 pcs
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 0.5 tsp


1. Eggs can also be divided into yolks and proteins, as in the first recipe. But you can beat them right away. Which we will do. It's best to take them out of the fridge ahead of time. Break them into a bowl and shake lightly with a fork or whisk. Then add salt and sugar, and continue to work merrily.

Beat the mixture preferably until such a state when the grains of sugar are completely dissolved. At the same time, a small layer of foam forms on the surface. These are future "holes".

To make the products “perforated”, soda is added to the dough, or eggs are beaten well until foamy.

2. Then pour in half of the milk and continue churning until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It is desirable that it also be slightly warm, or in extreme cases it should be at room temperature. To do this, it can be taken out of the refrigerator in advance, or slightly warmed in the microwave.

3. Sift the flour into a separate bowl and gradually pour the liquid mixture into it. At the same time, immediately stir the mixture until the lumps disappear.

To make this easier, do not pour in all the liquid at once, do it gradually.

4. Add remaining milk and mix thoroughly. After the dough becomes homogeneous, pour in the oil and stir again, until it is completely dispersed and no oil circles remain on the surface.

5. Let the dough stand for a while and bake beautiful ruddy pancakes.

To keep them thin, brush a hot skillet with oil each time. It is best to use a silicone brush for this, or the old-fashioned way with half a peeled potato. And do not forget that the fire needs a large enough one. In this case, they will definitely turn out with holes.

If the products are torn when turned over, then you need to add a little flour. You can do this in the same way as described in the first recipe.

If the products turn out to be plump, then add a little liquid to the dough, and quickly turn the pan while pouring the dough into it. Since the pan is very hot, the dough will stick quite quickly, and if you hesitate, they will not turn out very thin.

How to cook delicious pancakes from dough with milk and water (or condensed milk)

We prepared the two previous recipes by adding butter to the dough. However, it may not be added. And be limited only to greasing the pan. Such products are called "early" or "fast-thinking".

Also, this recipe is also different in that we will also use water as part of the dough. And if there is no ordinary milk, then you can simply dilute condensed milk in warm water to your liking, and use this mixture. In this case, sugar can be omitted.

We will need:

  • flour - 500 gr
  • milk - 2 cups
  • water - 1 glass
  • egg - 3 pcs
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • citric acid - a pinch


Pancakes according to this recipe can be cooked both in milk alone, and only in water. And maybe on that. and on the other. When I cook them this way, I usually add 2 cups of milk and 1 cup of water.

1. Break the eggs into a bowl and shake them with a fork or whisk, then mix with barely warm milk and water. Add sugar, salt and soda. Shake the mixture well and let it stand for 2-3 minutes so that the soda reacts with the components.

2. Sift flour, be sure to do this in order to saturate it with oxygen. Pour in enough liquid component to make it convenient to knead the dough without lumps. When done, pour in the remaining liquid mixture.

3. Dilute citric acid in one or two tablespoons of warm water, pour into the mixture and mix. The finished dough should turn out like liquid sour cream.

4. Now you need to leave it for 20 minutes on the kitchen table. During this time, all the small flour lumps will finally disperse, the mixture will become more elastic and even. And also acid and soda will react with all the components and a lot of bubbles will appear on the surface.

5. Pour the mixture into a well-heated frying pan, lubricating it with vegetable oil before each new batch. Bake on both sides until golden brown.

According to this recipe, it is good to cook when you want to make products with meat, fish or meat, which are pre-fried in a pan already in oil.

Although, of course, they will be delicious with sour cream, and with honey, and with any jam!

Video and how to cook custard thin pancakes in milk and boiling water

When you brew flour in boiling water, the finished products always turn out to be quite thin and always with holes. What our hostesses love so much.

To make it clearer how to do this, and so that you do not get bored from reading, I suggest watching the video. It was filmed specifically for our site.

Ready ruddy sweets can be served with sour cream, butter and honey. And you can wrap various fillings in them. In all cases, they will be tasty and appetizing.

Openwork pancakes from batter with sour milk

If you do not want to fiddle with the dough for a long time, breaking lumps, then you can cook it in a plastic bottle. And if you have imagination at the same time, then you can bake such beautiful and openwork lace.

The form can be exactly what you want to get, or whatever you get.

We will need:

  • flour - 10 tbsp. spoons
  • sour milk - 600 ml
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • sugar - 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 0.5 tsp

Sour milk is the product that has stood in the refrigerator longer than it should and is sour. This recipe can also be used fresh.


1. Insert a funnel into a clean 1.5 liter mineral water bottle and pour in the pre-sifted flour. It is necessary to sift it in order to saturate it with oxygen.

2. Add salt and sugar, close the lid and shake the bottle well to mix the dry ingredients. We get something resembling a hand shaker.

3. In a bowl, beat the eggs with a fork and also pour them into the bottle through the funnel.

4. Also pour in butter and sour milk, and close the bottle again with a cap. Shake it until the dough is smooth and without lumps. It should be fairly liquid. But don't let that worry you, everything will work out.

5. Warm the pan well and grease it with oil.

6. Pour the dough into the pan in the right portions, while rotating it from side to side or in a circle so that it spreads in a thin, even layer, and the finished products turn out to be thin and tasty.

And you can use this technique - pouring the dough out of the bottle, you can create various shapes. This is how beautiful openwork "lace" is obtained. In the next recipe there will be a video on this topic, and you can see everything for yourself.

7. After frying, turn the product over and fry on the other side.

Serve with butter, sour cream and honey.

Video on how to cook lacy pancakes with milk and water

Openwork or as they are also called lace pancakes can be prepared by kneading the dough in the usual way. And then pouring in small portions into a small bottle with a dispenser, pour the dough into the pan in the form of various patterns.

The dough, by the way, can be kneaded in any way from the options presented today. The only thing to do is to dilute it a little thinner than usual.

You can come up with your own shapes and patterns, or you can borrow from the video. You can entrust such preparation to children, as a rule, they are delighted with the very process of baking them and eating them.

And if you want to surprise your loved ones, then prepare such a miracle for breakfast. Everyone will be delighted with the performance and presentation.

Pancakes with milk and starch without flour - a simple step by step recipe

If you count calories when cooking, then most likely this recipe will appeal to you. After all, you can cook your favorite dish on it without flour at all.

And as a substitute, you can use starch.

We will need:

  • starch - 1 cup
  • milk - 1 cup
  • egg - 4 pcs
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - a pinch

For serving, you can serve traditional sour cream. And it will be very tasty for such a tandem to put any fresh berries on the table.


1. Starch, salt, milk, eggs and vegetable oil are thoroughly mixed until smooth without lumps. For better mixing, you can use either a whisk or a mixer.

Let the dough stand for 15 minutes so that the products “make friends” with each other.

2. Bake products in a hot pan, which is no longer necessary to lubricate with oil. Unless to lubricate the surface for the very first, so that it does not stick.

3. Put any berries or other dessert filling into the finished products and roll up. Or serve just like that and eat with what you like.

Heat in the oven or microwave and serve hot, drizzled with honey or melted butter.

Lush perfect pancakes with holes made from yeast dough

Someone thinks that everything related to yeast is prepared for a long time, and the process itself is very difficult. In fact, kneading yeast dough can be done very quickly and easily. It just persists for a long time. But after all, this does not take time, they set the dough to rise, and you yourself go about your business.

But products from it are more airy, lush and tasty. And I know many housewives who cook them only with yeast.

When reviewing recipes, pay attention to which yeast is used. Almost all of my recipes are old, inherited from my grandmothers and from my mother, and they use fresh live yeast. Then there were no dry ones.

However, dry yeast can also be used in all recipes. To do this, read on the packaging with them how much flour they are designed for. And then see how much flour you use. So if you need 11 grams of dry yeast (package) per kilogram of flour, and you use only 500 grams, then add half a package. And nothing terrible will happen if you make a mistake by 0.5 - 1 gram.

According to this recipe, we will prepare the dough on the dough. We will use not only milk, but also water.

We will need:

  • flour - 0.5 kg
  • milk - 2.5 cups
  • water - 1 glass
  • fresh yeast - 20 gr
  • egg - 1 pc
  • butter - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 0.5 - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • salt - an incomplete teaspoon


1. Dilute the yeast in warm water, add half the sifted flour. Stir until smooth and put in a warm place for 1 hour so that the dough comes up.

2. Grind the egg yolk with salt and sugar. After the allotted time, add the mixture to the dough. Also add melted butter or ghee, or it can be replaced with vegetable oil. To stir thoroughly.

3. Gradually add the remaining flour, stirring constantly. During this, no lumps should form. If they appear, stir them thoroughly until smooth.

4. Dilute the resulting dough with slightly warm milk until the density of sour cream and mix again. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place.

5. When it comes up, stir to settle. Then put it back in a warm place. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

6. Enter the protein and mix. Wait until the dough rises again, after which, without stirring, bake the products in a hot, oiled frying pan. To make the pancakes beautiful and with holes, each time you need to grease the pan with a small amount of vegetable oil.

To do this, you can use a brush or grease the old-fashioned way with half a peeled potato.

Eat hot with sour cream, honey or butter.

Thick pancakes with dry yeast and a liter of milk

This recipe does not require any pre-cooking. We will infuse the dough immediately when kneading all the components. If you want it to be more fluffy and rich, use ghee or butter.

Although you can cook with vegetable oil. It will be delicious too.

We will need:

  • flour - 500 gr
  • milk - 1 liter
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • dry yeast - 10 - 11 gr
  • melted butter - 2 tbsp. spoons (or creamy or vegetable)
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • salt - 1 teaspoon


1. Dilute yeast in a small amount of warm milk, add salt and sugar. When you mix the yeast, then read on the bag how much flour they are designed for. Different varieties go for different quantities.

Then pour in the remaining warm milk and mix thoroughly.

2. Gradually add the sifted flour, while also gradually knead the mass until smooth. Add eggs and mix again.

3. Add melted butter, knead the dough.

4. Cover the dough with a napkin and put in a warm place for 1 - 1.5 hours. As it rises, stir it several times (up to about 3 times) to help it settle. If the yeast is fresh, then the dough can rise very quickly and run away. Therefore, it is necessary to keep an eye on him more often.

5. When the dough comes up for the last time, without lowering it, bake pancakes, frying them on both sides until golden brown.

Stack them one by one to keep them warm. Serve with butter or honey.

Garnish with fresh or frozen berries.

Grandma's homemade milk and water dough recipe for fluffy pancakes

My grandmother baked amazingly delicious pancakes. She made them insanely delicious from any test. Basically, of course, she cooked them in haste according to the simplest recipes. But for the holiday, sometimes I could bake such wonderful little “suns” on millet porridge.

I have the recipe and am sharing it with you.

We will need:

  • millet groats - 1 cup
  • wheat flour - 5 cups
  • milk - 2 cups
  • water - 2 and another 2/3 cups
  • eggs - 6 pcs
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 2 teaspoons
  • fresh yeast - 60 gr
  • honey, sour cream or butter - when served at will and taste


From this amount of ingredients, delicious treats can be baked for the arrival of guests, for example, for a celebration. If you cook them only for your family, you can proportionally reduce the amount of ingredients by half.

1. Rinse millet first in cold, then in hot water. Then cook a crumbly viscous porridge.

2. Dilute the yeast with a glass of warm milk and add a little flour and sugar. Let stand for a while so that the dough becomes “alive”. We use fresh yeast.

If you use dry yeast, then read on the package how much flour it is designed for, and calculate how much you will need for your quantity.

3. Cool the finished porridge a little, pour the remaining milk with salt and sugar, eggs and dough into it. Knead the dough, thoroughly mixing all the contents.

4. Put in a warm place for 3-4 hours.

When it suits, bake the products in a frying pan greased with oil or fat. It is no longer necessary to mix the dough.

5. Serve the way you like best - with honey, sour cream or butter.

In the old days, they were baked not only on millet porridge, but also used for this purpose oatmeal, millet and buckwheat flour.

Openwork thin pancakes in hot milk without adding eggs (from buckwheat flour)

I have already said that our flour products can be baked not only on wheat flour. So in the old days buckwheat was very common. Even the store sold special flour.

Now this, most likely, cannot be bought, but by grinding buckwheat groats on a coffee grinder, you can easily get the desired grinding.

We will need:

  • buckwheat flour - 4 cups
  • milk - 4.5 cups
  • fresh yeast - 40 gr
  • salt - 0.5 tsp


1. Pour buckwheat flour with 2.5 cups of warm milk, add yeast diluted in a small amount of warm water. Stir and put for 5 - 7 hours in a warm place.

2. After 3-4 hours, pour hot milk into this dough, add salt. Mix and put in a warm place to approach.

3. After the allotted time, bake the products on a greased frying pan on both sides.

Such pancakes can also be baked by adding half buckwheat flour and half wheat flour. But in this case, it will be necessary to add eggs to the dough.

Serve them also delicious with sour cream and honey. And they acquire a special taste if they are washed down with cream, or any other dairy product.

Delicious apple pancakes with milk and yeast

This recipe is interesting because the dough contains applesauce. Due to its presence, products get a new taste. Also, for splendor, instead of butter, we will add a little cream. If you want to get a fresher dough, then add not cream, but water.

It should be slightly warm.

We will need:

  • flour - 500 gr
  • egg - 3 pcs
  • yeast - 35-40 gr
  • milk - 1 cup
  • cream as needed
  • apples - 3 pcs (sweet and sour)


1. Prepare the dough. To do this, dilute the yeast in a small amount of warm milk. Pour half the flour, mix and put in a warm place so that the dough rises.

2. Bake apples in the oven.

Then remove the skin, and rub the pulp through a sieve into a puree. Or you can punch it with a blender.

3. When the dough comes up, add applesauce, the remaining flour and eggs to it. Mix thoroughly until dough is homogeneous.

4. Gradually add the cream so that the dough turns out like sour cream. Mix and let rise again.

5. Bake the product in a frying pan greased with oil. You can cook both products in the usual size, and bake small pancakes.

Eat with pleasure. Serve with sour cream or honey.

How to make pancake dough with milk

Of course, one of the basic rules is the correct preparation of the dough. Experienced housewives know how to cook it by eye. For those who are just learning, the exact amount of ingredients proposed in the recipe should be observed.

The dough is simple unleavened, cooked in milk, or water, or both together, and sometimes it is yeast, to which either fresh or dry yeast is added.

1. In order for the products to turn out thin, the dough must be sufficiently liquid. From a thick dough, thin products will not work. However, if it turns out to be too liquid, it can simply tear like paper. In addition, you can pour it into the pan, but it is unlikely to turn it over.

The dough should turn out in consistency, like liquid sour cream, or like thick heavy cream.

2. For better saturation of the flour with oxygen, it must be sifted through a sieve twice.

3. You can cook unleavened dough either with milk or cream. And also on whey, sour cream and

4. It is considered correct when the liquid component is gradually poured into the sifted flour, and not vice versa. This allows you to rid the dough of lumps, which not only spoil the appearance, but also have a negative impact on the taste.

5. There should be no lumps in the dough. To do this, first mix all the liquid components, including milk or water, add eggs. You can immediately add salt and sugar. Mix everything, and then slowly pour into the flour, stirring constantly. At the very end, when we have already obtained the desired consistency, add vegetable oil.

You can first mix the flour with sugar and salt, beat in the egg and mix everything with a fork. Then slowly start adding the liquid component and mix until smooth. Thus, pour in the right amount. After the dough is brought to the state of liquid sour cream without lumps, pour in the oil and mix thoroughly so that no oil circles remain on the surface.

And if you want the pancakes to turn out with holes, then you can first beat the eggs with sugar into the foam. And only then put them into flour. The soda added to the dough also helps to achieve holes. So, either add soda or beat the eggs well.

6. They can be baked without adding butter to the dough. In this case, before each new pouring it into the pan, it will need to be thoroughly lubricated with oil or fat.

Probably everyone remembers such a picture when a piece of peeled potato clings to a fork, which is dipped in oil, and then a frying pan is smeared with it.

Now everyone probably has silicone brushes that have successfully replaced potatoes in this field.

If oil is added to the dough, then you can not add it at all when frying. Although it must be said that when greasing the pan before each new pouring of the dough, they become more openwork, and most importantly, with a large number of holes, which are especially appreciated in pancakes.

7. If you have melted butter, then it is best to add it to the dough. Previously, my grandmother always had a jar of melted roduct, and she added it everywhere. Now that butter is freely sold, the use of ghee has become much less common. And apparently in vain, with its addition, everything became much tastier.

So, for example, when adding it to the dough, pancakes are not only tastier, but also more beautiful. They acquire a beautiful sunny color and a large number of those same holes appear on them, the appearance of which not everyone can achieve. By the way, it's a SECRET! Take note of it!

8. For good mixing, you can use a whisk or mixer. Although the mixer in this case, I try not to use.

9. In order for the dough to infuse, let it stand for at least half an hour. During this time, all the ingredients will disperse well and the dough will become sticky and elastic. And flour products will be well baked.

My grandmother and mother, and of course I, following them, often knead the dough in the evening. We put it in the refrigerator, and fry for breakfast. The dish is high-calorie, and therefore it's time to cook it for breakfast. And it happens that you eat them in the evening, and then you can’t even fall asleep. And then they are deposited on all barrels and where they are not needed!

In the morning, be sure to check the dough, if it thickens more than necessary, add a little boiled water or milk.

10. Each time, before you pour a new batch of dough into the pan, it must be mixed. This must be done so that the flour does not settle at the bottom.

How to make pancake dough using yeast

The dough can also be prepared with yeast, and there are also some secrets and features here.

If you brought such a dough, then you need to carefully monitor its "ripening". Often, dishes with it are placed in warm water so that it “ripens” well. If this does not happen, then the products will turn out to be heavy and insipid.

If the dough is already ready, and the time has not yet come to bake, then the dishes with it must be put in the refrigerator so that it does not ferment. If it is overripe, then the products will turn out sour, they will bake poorly and remain pale. Therefore, earlier in the villages they collected snow in a basin and put a bowl of dough there.

This is how much knowledge our people have accumulated in order to bake delicious pancakes. And we try to keep them and not lose them.

There are recipes from wheat flour and buckwheat in the selection, similarly they can be prepared from any. Not spared and millet porridge. And there is a recipe without the use of flour at all, where it is successfully replaced by starch.

We learned how to bake them from unleavened dough in vegetable, butter, ghee, and without oil at all. We also prepared sourdough and non-dough dough.

And also - the most important thing, we especially carefully dwelled on the features of preparing the dough, and learned all its secrets. After all this, we can now bake absolutely any options.

Now you can bake every day and not repeat yourself, delight your loved ones with new and delicious pancakes. Indeed, on Maslenitsa we will bake them for a whole week and treat them to all guests. And you know how many hunters there are for such a dish!

In conclusion, I would like to wish that these little Suns often lie on your table, and delight all of you not only with their wonderful appearance, but also with taste!

If you found today's article useful for yourself, please share it with your friends on social networks. That way I will know if these recipes are right for you. Or write in the comments and share your recipes.

Cook and eat with pleasure!

Bon appetit everyone!