Confectioner Renat Agzamov in contact. Showman Renat Agzamov: biography and personal life

16.06.2022 From vegetables

Renat Limarovich Agzamov is a popular domestic showman, TV presenter, and also the champion of Russia in confectionery art. The great interest in his person lately has prompted many to find out the details of the biography of Renat Agzamov, as well as to study the difficult path to success. Thanks to his hard work, perseverance and constant improvement, he surpassed many confectioners and became the first in Russia, as well as widely known outside of it.

Childhood and career choice

Renat Agzamov was born on April 13, 1981. His father, Limar Gibatullaevich, worked as a train cook and from an early age taught him and his older brother Timur to use a knife and other kitchen utensils. Grandmother taught her grandchildren the basics of cooking and inspired them to come up with new interesting dishes. Tatar by nationality, Renat Agzamov, whose biography began in Kyiv, soon moved with his parents to live in the city of Sochi.

Talent in cooking Renata was already noticeable at the age of 7 years. After the first successful cupcake, the boy did not leave the kitchen, where he tried to learn new knowledge from his grandmother. It was she who instilled in Renat a love of baking. Then he learned to bake cookies, bread, make flowers from sugar caramel for his girlfriend. The first cake was baked for my mother at the age of 16.

After studying for nine years in a comprehensive school, the young man decided to gain new knowledge at a culinary school in Krasnodar. After receiving a diploma, he began to work as a confectioner and thereby improve his skills and gain experience. Together with his brother, who worked as a chef, they became quite famous in their city. They had to work a lot, as their father suffered a stroke and could no longer support his family.

turning point in biography Agzamov is participating and, as a result, winning the confectionery championship in Krasnodar. After that, there was a great desire to achieve great heights and become a professional in their field. Renat, together with Timur, decided to conquer the capital, look for other opportunities there, and improve their skills.

Hard road to success

The path to Renat's career success is quite thorny, and would be impossible without his dedication, hard work and endless love for his work. Staying in Moscow without sufficient funds brought many difficulties to the Agzamov brothers. Inspired Renat even agreed to free work in order to improve his potential and gain new knowledge.

He had to change about seven jobs before he settled on the one that served as the start of his career. This is exactly what the position of the chef at the Nostalgie restaurant has become. After working there for more than two years, Renat, together with the director of this institution decided to open a joint business.

The catering service organized by them started successfully, but did not give the desired result due to disagreements between the partners. As a result, Renat left this project. However, the desire to have his own business in the confectionery art did not disappear, and he continued to look for options for the implementation of his projects.

Having developed his original line of cakes, the young confectioner began looking for companies that would be willing to cooperate. So, in 2006, the huge potential of the master was seen by the large company Fili Baker, which agreed to create the Fili Baker Premium factory especially for him.

After the successful launch of this project, the company began to process a huge number of orders not only in Russia, but also abroad. The factory became widely known in most countries of the world, and Agzamov became the main representative of the confectionery art in the country.

Master Secrets

Agzamov's success lies in his great love for his work. He puts his whole soul into his work. The skill of the confectioner, as well as exclusive ideas, make him an international class specialist. The cakes that he makes with his own hands and designs according to his own sketches are amazing. This is a new trend in the confectionery art that causes great delight and surprise.

Interesting Facts about the confectionery art of Agzamov:

  • up to one hundred people can be involved in the preparation of a confectionery product;
  • the price of Renat Agzamov's cake is approximately 2,500 rubles per kilogram;
  • cakes are based on homemade baking recipes with sour cream exclusively from natural ingredients;
  • Renat's most profitable line of business is wedding cakes;
  • the largest cake performed by Agzamov weighed four tons and was the decoration of one of the capital's wedding festivities.

In the performance of his masterpieces, Renat uses the latest trends in world confectionery art.

His frequent clients who want to decorate their holiday and surprise guests are stars, oligarchs, celebrities. Among them:

Personal life and new projects

Despite the wide openness to society, Renat Agzamov does not particularly advertise his personal life. It is known that his wife's name is Valeria, and they are raising their son Timur, named after his older brother.

Renat Agzamov's wife is a muse for her husband, an inspirer, and he dedicated a cake to her - one of his brilliant masterpieces. According to the culinary specialist, his son is not particularly fond of sweets and is cold towards his father's hobby, so he is unlikely to be a successor to the family of confectioners.

Today, the successful confectioner and master of his craft continues to surprise his fans with new masterpieces, conducts master classes, seminars, and creates new projects. One of the most important events in his life was the "International Exhibition of Cakes by Renat Agzamov". He does not stop learning and, even while on vacation abroad, he finds time to learn the best recipes from local cuisine. So, he combined the best recipe for tiramisu from different variations of this dessert from all over Italy.

The biography of Renat Agzamov presents him not only as a famous confectioner, but also as a TV presenter. So, in 2017, he became one of the hosts of the culinary show "TiliTiliTesto" on Channel One.

Later, Renat Agzamov came to share his experience and choose the best culinary specialist on the reality show "Confectioner" on the Friday channel. After all the tests on the project, the great culinary specialist determined the winner and took him to work in his team.

Interesting facts from life Renata Agzamova:

  • zodiac sign - Aries;
  • at school he loved mathematics and was engaged in boxing;
  • the first thing I spent my childhood savings on was a mixer;
  • life credo: "Never stop there";
  • the work schedule allows Agzamov to have one day off per week;
  • older brother Timur also became a great culinary specialist, whom Renat calls a legend in the restaurant industry;
  • for a better acquaintance with the confectionery creativity of Renat Agzamov, a website of the same name was created, as well as pages on social networks.

Renat considers himself a happy person, since his hobby is his work. He also enjoys photography and videography.

Attention, only TODAY!

Renat Agzamov is the champion of Russia in confectionery art, the face of the Fili Baker brand, a popular baker among the stars of Russian show business. The culinary specialist creates from 2 to 2.5 thousand cakes a year.

Childhood and youth

Renat Agzamov was born on April 13, 1981 in Kyiv. According to the sign of the zodiac, the future culinary specialist is Aries. The boy's parents are ethnic Tatars. My father worked as a chef on the railway, so he knew the secret of cooking many national and European dishes. He was especially good at swimming. After the birth of children (another son, Timur, was brought up in the family), the Agzamovs moved to a permanent place of residence in Sochi.

At the age of 7, the boy first tried his hand at baking muffins and cookies. At the age of 10, Renat already knew how to bake bread. As a child, he had a piggy bank. When the savings turned out to be enough, Agzamov bought his first dessert mixer with them. And three years later, the teenager learned the secret of making caramel. At the age of 16, Agzamov pleased his loved ones with the first cake he created on his own.

Brother Timur Agzamov shared Renat's interest in cooking, which ultimately determined their biography. The father taught the children how to handle knives and food, and the grandmother inspired them to experiment with food. Renat and Timur Agzamov became famous cooks thanks to the interest in food instilled in the family.

In addition to his passion for cooking at school, Renat showed outstanding mathematical abilities, annually taking first place in the regional Olympiads. However, the young man did not choose a technical university, but went his own way.


At the age of 15, Renat entered the culinary school in Krasnodar. Together with his brother, they were engaged in boxing at the same time at the CSKA Olympic Training Center. Sports and a love of cooking influenced Renat's external data. With a height of 175 cm, his weight now reaches 95 kg. Soon, family circumstances forced the Agzamovs to return to Sochi. My father suffered a stroke, and considerable sums were required for his recovery. The brothers had to become independent early. Timur went to work as a cook in a restaurant, and his brother got a job in a pastry shop.

In 2002, Renat took first place in the confectioners' championship in Krasnodar, which prompted him to move to Moscow. Agzamov and his brother went to the capital without connections and money. At first it was difficult, there was no housing and work, but gradually everything got better.

During the first 6 months of his life in Moscow, Renat worked in seven different places. He even worked for free to learn the necessary techniques, since the main priority for a man was professional growth.

Agzamov considers the position of pastry chef at the Nostalgie restaurant to be the beginning of his career in Moscow. The man worked there for about 2.5 years. Later, together with the former director of Nostalgia, Renat founded the catering service Creative Catering. The project was successful, but the partnership was not. Agzamov left the case and decided to go further.

At first, the confectioner was aimed at creating his own business, but then he decided to find a large company and offer her cooperation. Fili Baker became such a giant. The management of the company decided to cooperate with Agzamov. The Fili Baker Premium confectionery factory was built specifically for the new project.

In the production of products, only natural raw materials are used, as well as homemade recipes for cakes with sour cream cream. Thanks to a tough concept, the products of the confectionery plant are popular due to their impeccable taste. 100 employees are involved in the production of one piece of culinary art. When creating cakes, there are no barriers to the culinary specialist. These are designs with chocolate figurines, caramel diamonds, chocolate Louboutins, logos and swans.

Agzamov is the most famous Russian confectioner who designs cakes for celebrities. The average price of his baking is 2500 rubles/kg.

Massively popular cooking Renata Agzamova was made by the TV presenter "Doma-2", to whom the chef presented a cake for her birthday. The TV presenter posted a photo of the masterpiece on Instagram, after which interest in Renat's baking increased dramatically. Agzamov's clients became, and. The cake for was made in the imperial style. His weight was 400 kg.

Children love Agzamov's cakes decorated with figures of cartoon characters. An average such dessert weighs about 4 kg; they are most often baked at the factory. The confectioner admits that the most profitable line of his business is wedding cakes. The income from such products is many times higher, since each cake weighs from 10 to 100 kg.

Renat Agzamov has an official website where you can see examples of work and place an order. The confectioner has registered an account in "Instagram", where he posts joint photos with his wife, son and his creations. Agzamov is sure that only thanks to social networks the company managed to conclude contracts around the world. Today, Renat Agzamov's pastries are known in Japan, Australia, America, and the United Arab Emirates.

Renat Agzamov's answers to questions from Instagram

The champion of Russia in confectionery art believes that a person must constantly learn, and that gender, character, nationality or age are not important when preparing desserts. The main thing is knowledge and love for what you do. The chef himself does not stop learning for a minute. For example, while on vacation in the Maldives, Renat Agzamov adopted the recipe for Italian panettone, and in Turkey he learned how to cook Azerbaijani kutabs. During working hours, the culinary specialist visits European and Asian countries, where he did an internship.

At the end of 2016, it became known about the launch of a project on Channel One called "Tili Tele Testo" ("TiliTeleTesto"). In the show, amateur confectioners compete with each other in the preparation of desserts. The TV presenter of the program was chosen, and her husband and Renat Agzamov helped her. The program has been airing since 2017 on Sundays.

Renat Agzamov conducts confectionery workshops, acts on television, creates confectionery masterpieces, launches culinary projects. One of his brainchildren was the "International Exhibition of Cakes by Renat Agzamov".

The first city in which the confectioner presented his creations to the public was Kazan. To start the event, the culinary specialist chose the capital of Tatarstan not by chance, Renat considers Kazan his historical homeland. The exhibition has been open for a month since the end of 2016.

Personal life

Renat Agzamov is more willing to share culinary secrets than information about his personal life. It is known that the confectioner is married to a girl named Lera. The couple have a son, Timur. The wife inspires Renat to new achievements.

In honor of Lera, Agzamov named one of his best works - a fountain of chocolate and icing. The confectioner's son Timur does not share his father's love for sweets, he is accustomed to healthy eating from a young age.

Renat is not sure that the heir will want to continue his work in the future. According to Agzamov, family and favorite work are the main values ​​in his life.

Renat Agzamov now

In 2018, Renat Agzamov's cake decorated the celebration of the year - the wedding and which was attended by VIPs and representatives of Russian show business.

Wedding cake of Nikita Presnyakov from Renat Agzamov

Another television project of Agzamov is the Culinary show, which has been broadcast on the Friday! TV channel since 2017. The program is designed for the participation of amateur cooks, among whom the strongest is determined. In the first season, Olga Vashurina became the winner.

The ratings of the program allowed the creators to launch the second season at the beginning of 2018, and the third is planned for 2019. The emotional style of communication of Renat Agzamov with the contestants is compared with the manner of communication of another TV presenter of the culinary show "On the Knives".

Confectioner Renat Agzamov makes a cake

The popular TV presenter, in addition to the main show, also appears on the morning air, offering simple recipes in the author's section of the Friday Morning program.


  • 2016 - "Tili Tele Dough"
  • 2017 - "Culinary"
  • 2018 - "Friday Morning"

Renat Agzamov- an amazing confectioner and a true trendsetter in the world of cakes. He creates masterpieces of cream and chocolate, which are more like large-scale sculptural compositions, but taste almost like mom's pastries. No, it tastes better, of course. And all because the master of sweets is sure: the appearance of the cake should cause delight, and the taste should remind you of home. We have collected photos 17 masterpiece cakes, but the master has more than 2700 unique works on his account!

Looking at the photographs of Agzamov, you cannot say that he is a chef. Rather, an athlete, and this is also true. In his youth, Renat was fond of boxing, he ended his sports career as the champion of Russia. And later he retrained as a confectioner. And in this field he achieved even more breathtaking results!

Renat Agzamov is the founder of his own culinary school. Although more often he calls it a laboratory. Many assistants work here, who constantly conduct experiments on the compatibility of ingredients, calculate the required volume, write down recipes (Renat creates on a whim, without looking into cookbooks).

Renat's passion for cooking began from childhood, at the age of 7 he tried to bake pies and muffins, and at 10 he was not afraid to bake bread. It turned out delicious, as he did with the soul. Renat's mentor was his grandmother, she taught subtleties and wisdom, she also presented the first book about tasty and healthy food, which is still kept by the maestro.

Today, Renat Agzamova's cakes are a recognizable brand that cannot be confused with anything. A variety of ideas, shapes, decor... The master's cakes serve as a decoration for any celebration. Most often, his confectionery is ordered by pop stars, actors, in a word, those who can afford it. And this is no wonder: the weight of some cakes can reach half a ton, the height is 2.5 m or more!

“All the cakes are made by me - and only me. We don't have any stylists. I meet with the customer, arrange a tasting, and we discuss the project. If I prepare in advance for this meeting, I won't be able to offer anything. And if I come without ideas, bald and naked, as I’m going to meet you now, then I’ll think of everything in an instant.

Here, give me any topic now, and I'll show you how I come up with a cake. Sport? Rugby? This is for your husband, right? We open the phone, hammer in the search for pictures the word "rugby". Shouldered guys run with the ball, and some catch the ball in flight. And then I will tell you: “Let's make a figure in flight. Your husband will be holding on to the ball and his legs will be dangling in the air. And the ball will be our fulcrum.” There must be a trick, and here it is in antigravity. I would put the ball in the center of the last tier of the cake, and inside the cake I would install a metal foundation, attach a wire to it, pass it through the ball and bring it into the air - and attach your husband to it. I would also make a couple of his friends. Or, if you forbid your husband to play rugby and his mother is also against rugby, I would put you behind your husband, and his mother next to you. You hold your husband by the shirt, your mother pulls you by the skirt, and you are all against him playing rugby because he cripples himself. And all this will be edible - and you, and your husband, and his mother. Of course, there will also be a portrait resemblance, because we work with photographs.

Now you understand what is the difference between me and other confectioners? When creating a cake, 99 out of 100 pastry shops will offer you a cake in the middle of which lies a rugby ball. Well, maybe your husband will stand next to the ball - that's if they know how to sculpt people. It is unlikely that you will be offered what I have now offered you.

For me, it's not just a job, it's creativity. There are orders when I say: “Let's not do it the way you want, it's ugly,” and most often the customers agree. And it happened several times when they insisted and said: we want it that way. And we did this, only I said: “We will give you this cake for free, I don’t have the conscience to take money for this. And don't say I made it."

That's why I don't have a favorite cake. Each project is like a child. The parents of one son cannot love more and the other less. Behind every cake there is a story, experiences, love. I can rather say which was the most amazing. We recently made a wedding cake in the form of the Trevi Fountain - with natural fountains. Displacement - one and a half tons, height - 4.5 meters.

How it's done

“I call these cakes art. When they ask me: "Where can I learn this?" - I answer: "Yes, nowhere." All this is born in my head. Of course, I have a pastry education. But no more. Everything that I do, all normal confectioners know and can do. Everyone knows how to cast a silicone mold, how to melt chocolate and pour it into a mold. Everyone also knows how to cover the cake with chocolate velvet velor.

Although, to be honest, I was the first in the world (in the world!), who abandoned mastic in favor of the chocolate velor technique. This was seven years ago. And thanks to me, many people also abandoned mastic forever - both buyers and manufacturers. Of course, the French used the technique of chocolate velor even before me. They just used to cover small cakes. After all, what is chocolate velor? This is chocolate with cocoa butter, which is sprayed from a spray bottle. But I was the first in the world to decide to use the chocolate velor technique on large cakes. Believe me, it was difficult. At first they told me: “How do you do it, it will crack!” Of course, it will, and at first it cracked, and how. I had to work out both the fillings and the velor itself. The cake is soft. Boom - and immediately crack.

At first, people came to me and said: "We want a cake with fondant." I said: "We do not make mastic." The customers answered: “We will pay 300,000 rubles for a wedding cake with fondant.” And I said: "No, it's out of the question." This is my principle position. I am a former restaurant worker. For me, the main quality criterion is an empty plate. And when the half-eaten dish returns to the kitchen, the chef must worry: “Why didn’t they finish it?” And in mastic cakes, 50% of mastic is not eaten: it's edible, but plasticine. As usual: the cake is cut, eaten away, and the mastic is left. It happens that mastic makes up 60% of the total mass, if it is, for example, a light soufflé cake, why would a person overpay for it?

When I sell five kilograms of cake to a customer, I sell five kilograms of natural filling. My cakes are eaten completely. All decorations on them are edible. This huge turtle is edible - it is made of chocolate. These sparkling transparent hearts in the hands of cupids are edible - this is caramel. Then, when we began to gain momentum and started making cakes for show business, everyone fell in love with this technology, and now a lot of people come to me with photos of cakes and ask: “Teach us, we don’t want to make cakes with fondant.”

How production works

“I have almost army discipline here. Thousand people in submission. I know everyone by name. I don't need specialists to work for me. I don't have a single professional confectioner in my factory, I don't need it, I'm the only one. I rather need a job of a clumsy, whom I will train for myself. But it is important for me that everyone with whom I work has bright eyes.

I spray chocolate with a man from the street, whom I simply taught to cover the cake with chocolate velor. When the technology is debugged, then there is nothing complicated about it. Recently a woman came and said: “I want to work for you, I am a confectioner with twenty years of experience.” I ask: "What can you do?" She replies, "I've been working on biscuits for twenty years." I say, "Great." I put it on biscuits, and it turns out that we make them differently. I need the eggs to be warm. And she says to me: “No, the eggs should be cold.” I say: "Wait a second, the eggs should be warm." She told me: “Will you teach me?” Me: "With all due respect, do as I say." Her: “Do you understand what you are doing wrong?” She worked for a month, during which it became clear that it was hard for us with each other. We didn't work together anymore. She could not get used to the fact that we have a different recipe for a biscuit in a month.

I control every little thing. It recently seemed to me that we have one cream too sweet. I say: “The recipe calls for 200 grams of sugar, and you make me several options, where sugar will be 100, 110, 120 grams - and so on.” But I immediately understand that in those options where there is less sugar, the cream will have a different viscosity, so I will need to increase the amount of cornstarch. That is, I supplement the instructions to the factory: “Make me 10 options for cream with just less sugar, and 10 options where there is less sugar, but more starch. In total, I should have 20 custard samples made by Friday. And 20 more puff pastry items to him, so that I can see how this cream will fall on him. And all this is not because the cream was bad, it just seemed to me too sweet.

If I don’t take care of everything myself, then everything will go completely differently. Now we are opening shops with simpler cakes, and I asked the assistant to draw me how the display cases and refrigerators will stand. She drew on paper. I say: "What are you giving me, make 3D." She replies, "I've never painted like that." And I say: “I never drew like that either! I downloaded the program to the tablet, I learned.

And so with everything. Every screw, every clause of any contract - I know everything by heart. Without any lawyers, I made such an agreement with our suppliers that they just turned upside down. I created a raw material quality control input. I have developed a quality control system for adhesive tape and I know the thickness of its adhesive layer - there is winter adhesive tape and summer adhesive tape. I know how much pulp is in our corrugated board. We have 240 raw materials, for all of them I personally created quality specifications. All cakes are made from natural raw materials, for the quality of which I am personally responsible. For example, before putting it into circulation, I check all dairy raw materials at the Research Institute of the Dairy Industry. Yes, I blew the minds of suppliers, but I understand all the goods at the level of a technologist. So it just seems that cakes are easy to produce. It's a hell of a job."

How chocolate figurines are made

“Turtles, cupids and everything else are sculpted by professional sculptors. We have eleven sculptors, four of them are members of the Union of Artists of Russia. They are all universal, but each has its own characteristics. One is a very good portrait painter, he was once ordered a portrait of the President of Russia in gold. Another uncle sculpts horror films very cool - here are all these figures for Halloween. Teeth, dragons, corpses, death - all this comes out great for him, and he does it with pleasure. He will never agree to sculpt an angel or Masha and the Bear - and I won’t ask him. Only one of my eleven sculptors can mold a car or a steam locomotive - and he alone sculpts them.

Figures are molded for a long time. First, a figure is made from ordinary plasticine. A form of non-food silicone is removed from it, gypsum is poured into this form. The hardened gypsum is taken out and polished so that the surface of the figurine is perfect. After the cast has been polished, a thin drawing is made on it, if necessary, with a special drill. Well, for example, if we have a chocolate bear sitting on a cake, then his hair is drawn with such a drill.

When the plaster figurine is ready, it is covered with a special varnish - this is if we need the chocolate figurine to be glossy. But if we sculpt, for example, an angel, we don’t need it to be glossy, and we don’t cover it with varnish. Next, we take this clean gypsum and remove the mold from it from food-grade silicone, into which chocolate will finally be poured.

We do not use ready-made forms. I specially went to Latvia to learn how to work with silicone. I learned everything there - what is the process of inhibition, which silicone is suitable for what, how the masses work with each other. Every month we buy about 600 kilograms of silicone for these figurines.”

How cakes are assembled

“We always collect large cakes on the spot so that nothing bad happens to them on the road. For the holidays, we leave well in advance and take everything separately: a cake stand, cakes that have not yet been sprayed with velor, figurines. In addition, we freeze the cakes beforehand for four hours: they do not freeze through, but they seize well, become like a piece of wood and calmly reach any point in Moscow. While the event is going on - salads, hot dishes, congratulations - the cake calmly moves away from freezing, and we carry out all the necessary work with it. And besides, we carry parts of our cakes in cars with half-flat tires, then they go softer. If, nevertheless, something happens during transportation, then we have the opportunity to fix everything right there within an hour and bring spare parts by taxi.

Small ready-made cakes easily fit into a jeep or a small refrigerator. If, for example, a customer comes to us and says that he needs to take a small cake by car to Krasnodar, then we will freeze this cake for two days, so that nothing is guaranteed to happen to it on the way.

There are countries where you can not bring products in large quantities. So, if we were ordered a five-meter cake weighing two tons in Dubai, we go only with pre-cast silicone molds, and the organizers buy the raw materials that I need on the spot.

It happens that we make cakes at home - in the oven with two small baking sheets, 60 batches each in a tiny kitchen. About three years ago, a five-meter cake was made in Nice in a 12-square-meter kitchen. It was a private villa, and on its territory there was a small house for cooking. Collected the cake on the street. It was terribly hot, we covered the veranda with a film, put three mobile air conditioners there, which threw the heat out. We could not then achieve a temperature of 4 degrees, at which, in theory, we should work, but it was 12 degrees, which is better than 35 degrees outside.

Who buys it

“We make 100 to 250 cakes a week. Orders come from Monaco, Israel, America - we fly all over the world. But my customers in different countries are from Russia.

Most orders come from the event industry segment. This is a narrow and cramped world: weddings, celebrations and so on. If there was something similar in the world, then I would have been accused of plagiarism a long time ago and would not have been asked to come from afar. The fact that my customers live in different countries suggests that it is still easy, but I have worldwide recognition. But I will not say that I am known all over the world - no, of course not.

Our work is highly affected by seasonality. In summer - weddings, in winter - Christmas trees and snowmen. If these are Caucasian weddings, then most often they have classic cakes: the groom, the bride, flowers, tiers. Because there are many adults who respect traditions. Maybe young people want a cake with skulls, but they themselves tell us: adults will not understand. And if these are European, so to speak, weddings, then there is a completely different matter, I can break away - and make skulls on a wedding cake, and propose more daring solutions.

Does Renat have competitors

"Not. Tell me - could Leonardo da Vinci and Salvador Dali be competitors? Everyone chooses what he likes.

At first, I was terribly jealous when my cakes ended up on the pages of social networks of other people's pastry shops. I really didn’t steal a single idea from anyone. I invent it myself, gush with ideas, create it myself, spend energy, money, create an object - and then they lick it clean. When they started counterfeiting me, my comrades said: “Renat, remember, only brands fake. If you are faked, then you are a brand, and this should be taken calmly. And I thought: probably, yes. After all, when I worked as a pastry chef at the Nostalgie restaurant, there were French cookbooks, and I opened them, saw desserts with incredible presentation, and also tried to repeat them.

There is another moment. If people want to order a cake only from me, and they do not have such an opportunity, then they will try to repeat it. They will go to local pastry shops with photos of my cake. And there are people who feed their children and elderly parents. And if, thanks to my cakes, they will have an order and they will be able to provide their family with a piece of bread, then my mission in this world has been completed. And thank God".

Renat, they call you a fashion confectioner. So, it turns out that there are also fashion trends in the confectionery world?

Absolutely right. You can remember what cakes looked like in the Soviet Union. They were oily, covered with roses of different colors. Then cream and fruit decorations began to appear on the cakes. Over time, we switched to cakes decorated with various toppings. For the past few years, home baking has been in vogue. Even in expensive restaurants, the menu must have Napoleon, Bird's Milk and Medovik. And of course, in the industrial segment we see a great abundance of sour cream cakes, and our Fili Baker company is the trendsetter for sour cream cakes. People are tired of artificial creamer, so I'm trying to get homemade taste. That is, it will be the most homemade, delicious cake, modernly decorated on the outside. And the effect of a double wave is obtained - first the appearance, and then the taste. People are usually in shock: how can such a beautiful cake be so delicious?

Interesting, do you create your own cake recipes?

Yes. I personally develop cake recipes for retail stores and for exclusive orders. And I don’t just develop fillings, mix products and see what happens, but develop them at the level of theory. Of course, we have our own laboratory that determines the moisture content of products. There is such a thing as moisture migration. For example, I try to make more moisture in the cream, and less in the biscuit. Moisture migrates into the biscuit, after a day the product becomes absolutely evenly soaked, and I do not need to use syrups. This is a very complex chemical and physical process, all the time you have to work with numbers and laboratory equipment.

Do you keep your recipes a secret?

You see, the confectioners who work with me no longer just have a prescription book - they have prescription volumes. ( laughing.) And I don't have one. Not one at all. Every time I develop, mix, and my laboratory assistants write everything down after me. I don't need prescriptions, it's all in my head.

Renat, can your cakes be repeated at home?

There are no secrets here. We work with chocolate. You know, it's like in music - there are seven notes, and how many melodies and music are written on the planet! Exactly the same here. Having eggs, sugar, flour, chocolate, nuts and fruits, you can create an incredible number of compositions, a lot of options for both the appearance of the cake and the taste. So it's not about recipes, it's about imagination. I can teach a person the technique, but tomorrow the confectioner will have to create something new. And it is either given or not given. It cannot be taught.