Fried croutons with garlic for beer. Croutons with garlic for beer: a recipe with a description, cooking features

07.06.2022 Grill menu

Even the widest range of various croutons presented on the shelves of stores will not force supporters of homemade products to refuse to cook with their own hands. The main thing is to know some of the intricacies of the technology for creating this incredibly tasty and have very little free time. As a result, we get products, no doubt, much more useful than purchased ones and often more fragrant and tastier. Today we will cook rye or wheat croutons for beer with garlic with our own hands.

How to make garlic croutons for beer - a recipe in a frying pan


  • or white to choose from - 480 g;
  • vegetable oil without aroma - 130 ml;
  • coarse salt - to taste.


We cut rye or white bread into slices up to one centimeter thick and spread them in one layer on a preheated pan, after splashing a little refined vegetable oil into it. After the bread slices acquire a beautiful blush on both sides, we remove them onto a dish. We pass the peeled garlic cloves through a press, mix with salt, add a little vegetable oil to the mixture and apply it to the still hot ruddy croutons. After the products have cooled down and soaked a little, you can serve them to the table with a glass of beer.

Croutons with garlic and cheese for beer in the oven


  • rye or white bread to choose from - 480 g;
  • garlic cloves - 10-14 pcs. or to taste;
  • hard spicy cheese - 125 g;
  • table salt - to taste.


In this case, the technological process of preparing toast for beer is somewhat different from the previous one. And this is not surprising, because now we will make them in the oven. To do this, cut the bread into slices and immediately cover with a mixture prepared from garlic cloves and salt, peeled and squeezed through a press. After that, we stack the bread slices with the filler on top of each other in a pile and leave to soak for ten to fifteen minutes.

After the lapse of time, we shake off the garlic salty mass from the soaked bread, which we subsequently cut into sticks or slices of another desired shape and then lay them out on a baking sheet. We place the blanks in a hot oven and let them dry and acquire the desired blush for ten to twenty minutes. At the same time, we maintain the temperature at 220 degrees. Two or three minutes before the end of cooking, crush the croutons with hard cheese grated on a fine grater and let it melt completely, and, if desired, brown.

Ready-made croutons can be served with beer, both warm and already cooled.

Garlic croutons are a quick appetizer that can be made with both white and brown bread. It goes well with various salads, soups and vegetable cuts, as well as beer. Such crackers are sold everywhere, but many are in no hurry to buy this finished product. This is due to the fact that manufacturers often include various flavor enhancers and other substances harmful to digestion in its composition.

Therefore, it is better to fry the croutons yourself. Making this at home is very simple, using a minimum of ingredients and without any culinary skills. It is worth noting that the calorie content of the food is average - 170-250 kcal per 100 g (depending on the type of bread), but at the same time there is a high content of carbohydrates. Consider step by step and with a photo how to make croutons from bread in various versions.

The easiest recipe for garlic croutons in a pan

This method is remarkable in that it is not necessary to rub each piece of bread separately. You can use any bread, but the most delicious homemade croutons come from Borodino rye bread.

Grocery list:

  • Bread (stale) - half a kilogram;
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • Garlic - 5 teeth;
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.

Cooking scheme:

  1. We cut the bread into even rectangular cubes and fry in a hot frying pan with hot vegetable oil until a light crisp appears;
  2. Pass the peeled garlic through a press and mix with salt in a large deep bowl with a lid;
  3. We immerse the fried bread rectangles in the same dish, close the lid and shake well so that all the blanks are generously rolled in the garlic mixture. That's all.
  4. The serving will turn out beautiful and original if you lay out the dish in the form of a well.

You can cook croutons in another way. To do this, melt 70 g of butter in a saucepan, dip 3 coarsely chopped garlic cloves into it and fry evenly for four minutes so that the fat absorbs the flavor of the vegetable. Then the garlic must be removed, bread cubes placed on a hot frying pan and browned on all sides. It is best to serve food chilled.

Recipe for toast in the oven

You can cook a snack in the oven. It will turn out soft inside, and on the outside it will have a light crispy crust. Stunning croutons are obtained with black bread, but wheat bread can also be used.

You will need:

  • 7 bread slices;
  • Garlic - 10 cloves;
  • Salt;
  • Cheese (optional).

Cooking instruction:

  1. We heat the oven to 200 degrees;
  2. We clean the garlic, pass it through a garlic press and evenly spread it on pre-salted slices of bread;
  3. We place the resulting sandwiches on top of each other and let them soak for 10 minutes;
  4. After that, it is necessary to change the slices in places so that the top and bottom ones are saturated with garlic aroma;
  5. After the final impregnation, shake off the garlic-salt mixture from the bread, cut it into pieces of the required shape and move it to a baking sheet, which we then put in the oven for about 10 minutes. Time may vary depending on the size of the blanks;
  6. If desired, you can sprinkle the toast with grated cheese and put in the oven for another minute.

microwave recipe

Amazing rye croutons can be made in the microwave. The cooking process is almost the same as the previous options, but less oil is used here.

Would need:

  • Dark bread (yesterday's) - a loaf;
  • Fresh garlic - 5 cloves;
  • Ground paprika, allspice or any other aromatic spices;
  • Sea fine salt;
  • Olive oil refined.

Now the recipe for garlic croutons:

  1. We cut the bread into cubes of 1-15.5 cm, put it in a deep bowl and season with olive oil, adding it a little and constantly stirring the croutons. So it will be evenly distributed over all the blanks;
  2. Spread the bread slices soaked in oil on a flat dish, place in the microwave and set the timer for a couple of minutes. Approximately every 20 seconds, it is advisable to stir the crackers so that they are evenly browned and do not burn;
  3. When the toast is completely dry, you need to prepare the dressing. Pour salt, spices and fresh garlic grated on a small grater into a bowl;
  4. In a large container with a lid, combine the bread preparations and garlic mixture, close the dishes with a lid and shake the contents until the products are covered with dressing;
  5. At the final stage, the finished snack should be placed in the microwave for another 10 minutes, then cool slightly before use.

Garlic cheese toasts

This dish is perfect as a simple appetizer for a quick snack. It will especially appeal to lovers of spicy savory dishes.

Required products:

  • One egg;
  • Bread white or dark;
  • Hard cheese - 150 g;
  • Mayonnaise - 30 g;
  • A couple of cloves of garlic;
  • Mustard - 10 g (optional);
  • Spices.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Beat the egg with a fork or whisk until smooth, add grated cheese and garlic, passed through a press, to it. Season the mixture with mustard, mayonnaise and spices, mix all the ingredients well. Additionally, you can add chopped fresh herbs to the mass;
  2. We cut the bread into slices and grease each with the mass prepared at the previous stage. The layer can be adjusted to your liking;
  3. We place the croutons with garlic and cheese on a baking sheet and send them to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Brown the products for about 15 minutes.

Video: Recipe for garlic croutons with sauce and cheese

When husbands often disappear in bars with friends, wives often resent. Here you need to be able to control the situation, and sometimes use some tricks to change the husband's behavior. It was the same with me when my husband was relaxing with friends at the bar on Fridays, watching football and having fun. This situation was not very pleasant for me. First, I started asking my husband how he spent the evening, if he was hungry. It turned out that the bar serves very tasty and hearty croutons for beer. These croutons are made from black bread and garlic. This is where the spark kicked in. You need to learn how to cook black bread toast with garlic like in a bar so that your husband does not go anywhere and is more often at home. Now my husband has become more often at home, and I sometimes allow him to invite friends. Of course, they watch football, but they are all under my careful supervision. And sometimes I treat everyone.

Required products:
- 400 grams of black bread,
- 3-4 cloves of garlic,
- salt and black pepper of your choice
- 1.5 tables. l. olive oil.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Black bread is cut into long strips to get croutons of the same shape.

Drizzle the bread with olive oil, but do not pour over. To not overdo it. There should be a few drops of oil on each piece of toast.

Salt the croutons and you can pepper with black ground pepper. Salt and pepper will give the croutons the right taste. You can give the croutons a taste of meat with any meat seasoning. Chicken mushroom seasonings are also on sale in stores, so use any seasonings to your taste.

Put the croutons on a baking sheet and dry them in the oven for 5-7 minutes at 180°. The croutons should be crispy but not burnt. If you bake longer, it is better to set about 150-160 °.

Remove the croutons from the oven, put them in a container and only now squeeze the garlic to the black croutons through a press. Cover with a lid, shake to mix the garlic with croutons.

Now fragrant and tasty croutons are served to the table. Black bread croutons with garlic will be the best snack. Bon Appetite!
And this is how you can cook


Croutons for beer with garlic very easy and quick to cook at home. And you don’t need to buy crackers in the store, the composition of which, to be honest, is very doubtful. We will reveal to you the secret of how to fry croutons with garlic so that they are in no way inferior in taste to store-bought ones.

A simple recipe for garlic croutons will make your evening a little more interesting. It is not necessary to use this snack only with beer. It is very tasty to soak such crispy crackers in borscht with sour cream.

Below is a detailed step-by-step recipe on how to make garlic croutons in a pan, a photo is attached to the instructions. Use our recipe and treat yourself to a cold beer with sad homemade spicy croutons.


  • (1 PC.)

  • (5 tablespoons)

  • (4 cloves)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    Let's prepare all our few ingredients. Bread must be black, a small loaf or half of a large brick. It is best to take Borodino bread.

    Rub the garlic cloves on the smallest grater. It will also be acceptable to chop the garlic very finely. If you are too lazy, you can use garlic powder, but the sensations will be completely different. In a deep bowl, mix the garlic and vegetable oil. Let the mixture brew for 20 minutes: then the oil will be saturated with garlic.

    While the oil is infused, let's deal directly with the croutons. We will get rid of the crusts from the loaf, this will help us to give the bread the correct rectangular shape.

    Then we cut all our bread into uniform sticks. Their size completely depends on your desire. The recommended size is 1 cm.

    For frying, we will use a frying pan with a thick bottom. Pour the garlic mixture into it and heat the oil well. If you put the croutons in the pan too early, the bread will absorb the oil and lose its crispy texture.

    We dip the black bread sticks into the boiling oil, carefully dump them in the garlic mixture and fry over high heat. On each side about 2-3 minutes.

    Keep an eye on the readiness of the toast and ensure that the oil is not completely fried.

    Remove the finished croutons from the heat and dry on a paper towel. This way we get rid of excess oil. Ready-made croutons with garlic can be served hot with beer!

    Enjoy your meal!

Garlic beer croutons are a great cold appetizer for your friendly party. Croutons have long been popular due to the cheapness of bread, as well as ease of preparation. You can prepare them for a beer party or for watching a football match. They can not only be fried in a pan, but also baked in an oven, made from white or rye bread, fried in butter or vegetable oil. You can change the shape of the sliced ​​toast - it can be square, oval or even diamond-shaped bread slices. You can serve different sauces with croutons: ketchup, cheese sauce or even sauce with herbs.

TIME: 5 min.



  • Gray bread 300 g;
  • Garlic 25 g;
  • Salt 0.5 tsp;
  • Ground black pepper 0.5 tsp;
  • Sunflower oil 2 tablespoons;


Prepare the garlic, peel the cloves from the husk. Cut into small circles or cubes and add to a deep bowl, where you will chop them later. The weight of garlic in the recipe is indicated in a purified form.

Cut greens - dill, parsley, you can take green feathers of garlic or onion, or other herbs. Add to garlic cloves. In the same mixture, add the specified amount of vegetable oil. You can replace vegetable oil with melted butter.

Grind the garlic, herbs and oil with a blender or food processor. Add salt and pepper to the sauce. You can add any spices you like. The amount and composition of spices vary at your discretion.

Prepare delicious rye or white bread. It should not be fresh, as it will crumble when cut. For croutons, homemade or store-bought bread is suitable. It is convenient to buy already cut product. Remove the crust from all thinly sliced ​​pieces.

Cut similar rectangles or cut into squares.

Spread the prepared garlic spread on bread slices on both sides. It is convenient to do it by hand. Rub the garlic mass into the pores of the bread. Cut the rectangular slices in half, shaping into a triangle.

Place the prepared slices of bread on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Garlic croutons are ready for beer, you can serve it simply with beer, or serve it with different sauces.

Cool on a special rack and invite everyone to crunch! We posted the recipe last time.