Veal medallions. Veal medallion: in the oven, on the grill, in a frying pan

26.05.2022 Salads

Beef medallions in bacon are prepared from both tenderloin (its central part) and alternative parts (neck meat, shoulder blade or outer thigh fillet). Primebeef steaks are conveniently cut and cook very quickly. In addition, you will need thread or toothpicks to secure the shape of the medallions. Before cooking, remove the steaks from the package, be sure to blot with paper towels and leave them to lie at room temperature for 10-15 minutes. They should not be cold and wet on the surface.


  1. Wrap each steak with a strip of bacon.
  2. We fix the shape of the medallion with a thread or a toothpick.
  3. If desired, you can add a little salt and pepper, but we recommend adding spices after frying.
  4. Heat up a cast iron skillet until a light smoke appears. Pour in oil, olive or grapeseed.
  5. Cut the unpeeled heads of garlic in half, put cut side down on the surface of the pan.
  6. We spread the medallions, fry them on top and bottom for 3-4 minutes, then on the sides to fry the bacon.
  7. Transfer to a plate, season with salt and pepper and cover with foil.
  8. Pour wine and cream to the meat juice remaining in the pan.
  9. Let the mixture simmer over low heat until it thickens, stirring constantly.
  10. Once the sauce starts sticking to the spoon, it's ready. Take the pan off the heat and let it cool down a bit.
  11. Before serving, free the steaks from the threads.

Serve bacon-wrapped beef medallions topped with warm sauce.

Enjoy your meal!

Veal medallions are a magnificent and original festive meat dish. Therefore, when preparing it, you must definitely try to make it not only tasty, but also aesthetically beautiful.


  • veal - 1 kg;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • white wine - 2 tbsp.;
  • fresh champignons - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 300 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • parsley.


We wash the veal, cut into about 12 pieces, salt, pepper, pour wine and marinate for about 6 hours in the refrigerator. Then we tie the edges of the meat with a thread, giving them a round shape, and fry in vegetable oil until a golden crust forms. Finely chop the onion, sauté in the remaining oil, add mushrooms chopped into slices and fry everything together until tender. Before serving, remove the threads, put the medallions on a baking sheet, put the fried mushrooms on top, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake the dish in the oven until the cheese is melted.

Veal medallions - recipe


  • veal - 400 g;
  • soft cheese - 200 g;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • ham - 50 g;
  • cognac - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • truffle paste - 10 ml;
  • flour;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


How to cook veal medallions? We cut the soft cheese into small cubes, put it in a bowl, pour it with cold milk and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. In the meantime, finely chop the ham and pre-boiled hard-boiled and peeled eggs. We mix these ingredients with truffle paste, salt, pepper to taste and mix the filling thoroughly.

We wash the veal fillet in cold water, dry it slightly, remove the film from the meat and cut the meat across into 4 medallions about 1.5 centimeters thick. In each we make a small pocket and fill them with stuffing.

Now let's prepare the sauce: take a bowl of milk and cheese, put it in a pot of hot water, and then over low heat. We constantly stir the cheese mass until the cheese is completely dissolved, and then increase the heat. Add egg yolks carefully stir and cook for another 5-7 minutes. The sauce should acquire a creamy uniform consistency.

Season the medallions with salt, pepper, roll in flour and fry on both sides in butter. Then pour the cognac over the meat, cover with a lid and increase the heat.

We put the finished cutlets on a dish along with vegetables, serve the sauce separately.

If you like delicate meat dishes, then by all means try out the recipes for beef in pots, or beef with cheese.

Enjoy your meal!

Meat is widely used in cooking in all countries, and there are a great many recipes for its preparation. Each national cuisine has its own original ways of preparing meat dishes. In French cuisine, beef medallions are such a traditionally original dish.

What it is?

Medallions in French cooking are thin circles of meat, fish and sausages. Beef medallions are considered a gourmet dish that will satisfy the demanding taste of any gourmet.

Beef medallions are small round chops about one and a half centimeters thick, tender, juicy and soft, which are prepared in high-class restaurants. Knowing the secrets of their preparation, medallions can be prepared at home. For their preparation, you can use not only beef, but also veal, they can be from pork meat, chicken or turkey.

Vegetable, potato side dishes, as well as rice, especially crumbly, perfectly emphasize the aroma and juiciness of medallions fried in a pan or baked in the oven. This delicacy is distinguished not only by its amazing taste, but also has many useful qualities.

Beef meat contains many substances valuable for the human body, such as zinc and iron, which are necessary for blood formation. It has a strengthening effect on blood vessels, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal system, and is involved in the removal of cholesterol. In addition, meat is a source of energy and strength, since it is a protein supplier, which is necessary for people whose activities are associated with physical activity, since it is protein that is involved in the restoration of muscle tissue.

Beef is also a dietary product, and it should be included in the diet of every person. However, there must be a measure in everything, and its excessive use is fraught with negative consequences: the occurrence of overloads of the stomach, liver, kidneys, a decrease in cardiac and vascular tone.

How to choose meat?

Fillet or tenderloin is the most nutritious and valuable meat product. This part is located in the posterior lumbar region of the animal carcass and receives the smallest load on muscle tissue. Therefore, this meat is juicy and tender after cooking. For medallions, sirloin meat is considered the most suitable.

It is permissible to use the meat of the cervical carcass, but it requires the removal of films and veins, otherwise the medallions will be hard. You can also make medallions from an apple. These are the muscles of the back and outer thigh of the animal.

Fresh beef is preferable to frozen. First of all, it is easier to choose, and you can also cook from it immediately after purchase. Consider what you need to pay attention to when choosing meat.

  • Meat coloring. Fresh beef has a rich red color, there are no brown or dark layers and spots in its structure. In an old animal, the meat acquires a brown tint.
  • Fat good beef is distinguished by its density, and in color it is of a delicate white hue. Veal can even crumble a little. Yellow fat indicates the toughness of the meat.
  • Marbled beef is considered the best meat, in which there are thin layers of fat in the structure. It always produces juicy meat.
  • The surface of the beef should be free of blemishes or crusts, and dry but firm to the touch. A slight moisture of the cuts is allowed, but if you touch them with your hand, it remains dry. Some airing of the upper layer is possible, which occurs a few hours after cutting the meat.
  • It is strictly forbidden to buy meat if there is accumulated around it leaked blood.
  • Pleasant meaty smell- a sign of fresh beef. The presence of unpleasant odors is evidence of long-term storage.
  • Fresh beef is distinguished by the elasticity of the pulp. If, when pressed on the surface, the resulting depression quickly disappears, then this is fresh and high-quality meat.

Frozen beef can also make good medallions if you take into account some important factors when choosing.

  • First of all, it is necessary to establish the shelf life and sale period, which is 10 months for beef and 8 for veal. This information can be found on the label.
  • When choosing, it is better to purchase meat from Russian producers, as it is fresher than imported meat, since it takes less time to transport it.
  • The packaging of meat must be intact, without damage to the substrate and film.
  • The freezing process has almost no effect on the color change of the beef. When choosing, you need to give preference to meat with a light shade. With the help of oxygen-free storage technology (in polyethylene film or vacuum packaging), it turns dark red, and after defrosting it acquires its natural shade.
  • With proper storage of frozen meat, there is no ice inside the package, and its presence indicates that the product has already been defrosted, which affects the quality of the product.


Preparing to cook this delicacy begins with the need to properly cut round pieces of meat. Their thickness should be within one and a half centimeters.

The basic rule for cutting medallions is to cut the pieces across the fibers.

Beef tenderloin medallions don't need to be pounded, but if you do, they'll be especially soft and tender. Beat the pieces evenly on both sides until the structure of the meat becomes similar to a soufflé. The tougher the meat, the longer it is beaten. If the medallions are not prepared from tenderloin, then if there are veins or tendons in the beef, they are removed.

Sometimes medallions are made from meat chopped into small pieces (they are called lazy medallions), then circles are made from it.

The next step in preparing for frying the medallions is soaking in the marinade for 1-2 hours. The marinade, depending on its composition, gives the meat an unusual, original and unique taste.

The simplest version of the marinade is a mixture of vegetable oil (it can be anything: sunflower, olive or other), spices, aromatic herbs, grated garlic and onions.

But you can also layer slices with lemon and onion rings. Very dry beef will become much juicier if it is sprinkled with mustard powder and held for about half an hour. The mustard prevents the meat from secreting the juice that remains inside the beef.

Soy sauce, orange or lemon juice give a special taste to the medallions. The meat acquires a peculiar aroma and specific taste if it is sprinkled with herbs (rosemary, thyme, basil), various spices, after rubbing with ginger and garlic. Citrus fruits make soft and tough meat with their sour juice, and garlic has a preservative property. Ginger protects against the occurrence of carcinogens in the process of frying.

The ideal end to marinating is pouring wine (preferably dry) or champagne over the medallions, which will give them a piquant delicate taste.


There are many recipes for making medallions. Below are some of them.

With tomato sauce

Let's see how to cook beef medallions step by step.

  • Separate films and other non-chewable elements.
  • Cut pieces across the direction of the fibers with a thickness of 3-3.5 cm.
  • Give the pieces a round shape, for which they are tied around the circumference with thread or twine, tying 2 knots and leaving small tips.
  • Salt and pepper, and ordinary salt (iodized gives the meat a taste of metal). You need to salt with your hand, as this allows you to more evenly distribute the salt over the meat. It is better to pepper with a mill so that the pepper flavor does not disappear.
  • Roast the meat properly. Pour vegetable oil into a preheated dry frying pan (about two tablespoons). After heating the oil, fry all surfaces of the medallions, holding for about 3 seconds on each side. After 7 flips (fry the sides 5 times and the top and bottom once each), the meat should be cooked evenly. This step is important to create a browned layer that will keep the juices from seeping out of the meat. It depends on whether the dish is juicy. Properly fried meat has a pleasant color.

  • You need to bring the medallions to readiness in the oven, which is preheated (up to 200 degrees). The medallions placed on the wire rack are placed in the oven and kept for about 7-12 minutes. The time depends on the thickness of the medallions and the desired degree of roasting. Place a baking sheet under the rack. The twine is removed from the finished medallions.
  • Sauce preparation. The original tomato sauce is made from tomato soup with the addition of Herbalife brand basil. The recipe is exactly the same as the instructions on the package, just add a little more water. You can additionally add herbs or spices to your liking.

Tomato sauce can be prepared by yourself from tomatoes with the addition of onions and spices, after scrolling all the ingredients through a meat grinder and stewing in a pan.

Various vegetables in any combination are served as a side dish for medallions in tomato sauce.

In creamy sauce

Creamy sauce is in perfect harmony with beef meat. High-fat cream (from 30%) is better suited for making the sauce. It is they who give a rich creamy flavor.

In addition to meat (500 g), you will need: dry wine (about 50 ml), butter (about 40 g), a few strips of bacon, garlic (2-3 cloves), onions (1 pc.), Pepper, salt.


  • beat off pieces of beef cut across the fibers;
  • wrap each medallion with a strip of bacon, giving it a round shape and tying it with twine or thread;
  • in a frying pan heated with oil, fry the meat, holding for about 3 minutes on each side;
  • add chopped onion and chopped garlic to the meat, and stew everything;
  • removing the threads from the meat, add dry wine, cream and simmer until thick.

Medallions are served with creamy sauce and garnished with herbs.

On a grill pan

Grilled medallions have an appetizing crust with original stripes. For them, it is desirable to use marbled beef tenderloin. The recipe is given for 500 g of meat:

  • cut into pieces no more than 2 cm thick;
  • place them in a container, pour soy sauce, add grated garlic (4 cloves), mix and refrigerate for half an hour;
  • on a grill pan greased with olive oil, put garlic (2 cloves), coarsely chopped, and lightly fry;
  • fry each surface of the medallions over medium heat for approximately 3 minutes;
  • salt only if the sauce is unsalted.

As a side dish, you can serve potatoes, vegetables, fresh or stewed, pickles.

Veal with mushroom sauce

Veal medallions prepared in this way acquire a bright and specific taste. Most often they use ordinary champignons, oyster mushrooms, but if you add any wild mushrooms, the taste becomes more fragrant and piquant.

To prepare 600 g of veal, you will need: 6 tablespoons of olive oil, 200 g of champignons (or other mushrooms), 200 g of frozen spinach, onion, 200 g of cream, salt, pepper.

Sauce preparation:

  • thawed spinach and mushrooms cut into small pieces;
  • fry chopped onion in olive oil for about 2 minutes;
  • put mushrooms on the onion, and fry for another 5-7 minutes;
  • pour cream, simmer for 5 minutes;
  • at the very end of the stew, add spinach, salt and pepper to taste, and immediately remove the pan from the heat, otherwise the spinach will lose its color;
  • beat in a blender to get a homogeneous mixture.

Roasting medallions:

  • cut the veal into medallions, salt and pepper to your liking, add olive oil, mix and leave for 10-15 minutes;
  • wrap each piece of veal around the circumference with 4-layer baking foil strips;
  • fry the meat in a very hot dry frying pan, turning on each side, about 7 minutes;
  • bring to readiness in the oven, heated to 180 degrees (keep about 15 minutes).

Ready-made medallions are poured with sauce, served with or without any side dish.

Beef with mushrooms

It will take 400 g of beef tenderloin, 20% sour cream half a glass, champignons (porcini mushrooms) 250 g, butter 70 g, mustard 6 teaspoons, finely chopped onion 2 tablespoons, salt, ground black pepper.


  • salt and pepper the beef cut into medallions, brush with mustard, and fry in oil from above and below;
  • fry onions and mushrooms in oil until cooked;
  • pour sour cream into the fried beef, simmer for 5 minutes. under a closed lid.

Serve medallions with mushrooms, pouring sour cream in which they were stewed.

On an electric grill

Ingredients: beef fillet (700 g), olive oil (2 tablespoons), lemon juice (3 tablespoons), salt, pepper.

Prepared fillet pieces, salted and peppered, brush with olive oil on both sides (top and bottom). Then pour over the juice from half a lemon. Hold for 10 minutes, and then bake in an electric grill on both sides for 10-12 minutes. Wrap in foil and let stand for another 5-10 minutes. The dish is ready.


Pre-soak the meat in any marinade to nourish the beef fillet with liquid. It is good to add a lot of onion cut into rings and mashed with hands so that it gives juice. Salt is recommended after frying, so as not to lose the juice.

It is better to cook on a long brazier, where on one side you can make coals with a very intense fire, and on the other - with a weak, but stable one.

For the marinade you need:

  • balsamic vinegar and olive oil, 2 tablespoons each;
  • onions - 5 heads;
  • one large clove of garlic;
  • thyme - half a teaspoon;
  • salt pepper.

Place all marinade ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Put the fillet cut into pieces into a saucepan, pour over the marinade and mix. Then put it in a ceramic dish and put it in a cold place, keep it for at least three hours (and even better all night).

After marinating, arrange the medallions on the grill and first fry on intense heat for no more than a minute on each side. A golden crust is formed, which prevents the juice from flowing out. Then the grate with meat is transferred to a low heat, and brought to readiness.

Salt and pepper at the end of frying.

This is just a small part of the recipes for making medallions. Of course, you can change them, adding your favorite ingredients, spices to your liking.

See the following video for how to make the perfect beef medallions with sauce.

Veal medallions are a magnificent and original festive meat dish. Therefore, when preparing it, you must definitely try to make it not only tasty, but also aesthetically beautiful.

Veal medallions with mushrooms


  • veal - 1 kg;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • white wine - 2 tbsp.;
  • fresh champignons - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 300 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • parsley.


We wash the veal, cut into about 12 pieces, salt, pepper, pour wine and marinate for about 6 hours in the refrigerator. Then we tie the edges of the meat with a thread, giving them a round shape, and fry in vegetable oil until a golden crust forms. Finely chop the onion, sauté in the remaining oil, add mushrooms chopped into slices and fry everything together until tender. Before serving, remove the threads, put the medallions on a baking sheet, put the fried mushrooms on top, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake the dish in the oven until the cheese is melted.


  • veal - 400 g;
  • soft cheese - 200 g;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • ham - 50 g;
  • cognac - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • truffle paste - 10 ml;
  • flour;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


How to cook veal medallions? We cut the soft cheese into small cubes, put it in a bowl, pour it with cold milk and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. In the meantime, finely chop the ham and pre-boiled hard-boiled and peeled eggs. We mix these ingredients with truffle paste, salt, pepper to taste and mix the filling thoroughly.

We wash the veal fillet in cold water, dry it slightly, remove the film from the meat and cut the meat across into 4 medallions about 1.5 centimeters thick. In each we make a small pocket and fill them with stuffing.

Now let's prepare the sauce: take a bowl of milk and cheese, put it in a pot of hot water, and then over low heat. We constantly stir the cheese mass until the cheese is completely dissolved, and then increase the heat. Add egg yolks carefully stir and cook for another 5-7 minutes. The sauce should acquire a creamy uniform consistency.

Season the medallions with salt, pepper, roll in flour and fry on both sides in butter. Then pour the cognac over the meat, cover with a lid and increase the heat.

We put the finished cutlets on a dish along with vegetables, serve the sauce separately.

If you like tender meat dishes, then be sure to try out the recipes, or

Enjoy your meal!

Like everything tasty and juicy, the meat dish, called a medallion, which has gained popularity throughout the world, came to us, like many others, from France. In addition to the original recipes with the addition of wine to create delights from meat, in this country the grape drink itself is drunk with almost every meal. But no one forbids Ukrainians to do this, if the food becomes tastier at the same time.

And to further hone your skills in the kitchen, you need to learn how to work with spices and spices. Their purchase from store shelves, of course, will not give such romance as going to the market, where there is always a layout of all kinds of dried herbs.

If you are lucky enough to meet a seller from an eastern country, you are a real lucky one, because he will assemble for you such a set of meat and garnish that the dishes will be no worse than from a professional chef.

Admitting mistakes: veal medallions could get better

It is believed that in order to cook well, you need to study at a special educational institution, and only in this way will you be able to navigate how to choose the right products, act according to the recipe, and determine the desired consistency. But in practice things are different.

Life is a real school. And in the kitchen everyone is equal - both men and women, and everyone has the opportunity to create their own masterpiece. What else is common for both sexes? This is the love of meat. Dishes from it are shown in the diet for all ages, unless, of course, there is an individual intolerance. With this it is clear, as in a pharmacy.

In principle, not only veal meat is used for medallions, but also chicken, beef, the main thing is that the thickness is at least 1.5 cm, and the diameter can be formed at least 5-8 cm. There are no special principles, but 3-4 a piece with these dimensions is a portion for one person. It allows you to fully get enough of the dish.

As it was said, there are no rules, but veal medallions are the most tender, and after they stay in the marinade, they become the most tender meat. You can marinate slices for medallions in the same way as for kebabs, but only correctly;) The usual steps for marinating meat that should be corrected:

  • Mix meat pieces with chopped onion, salt, pepper, add spices, leave for 20-30 minutes.
  • Pour each piece with soy sauce, squeeze the garlic, add oil, leave for half an hour.
  • Sprinkle a whole piece of meat (not cut) with salt, pepper and vegetable oil, leave for 30 minutes, cut later.

Many do similar actions, but few know the secrets of experienced chefs. And they work with products more delicately. For example, at home, in one way or another, both the marinade and meat are notably salted before frying. And experienced chefs give customers the right to salt the dish according to their own taste. Also, this is justified by the fact that meat with salt takes longer to cook, and chefs in restaurants are limited in the time allotted to prepare the ordered dish. Find out further what exactly needs to be corrected in your actions.

How to marinate veal medallions. The recipe could be like this.

Before we start talking about cooking itself, it is worth recalling the tools in the kitchen. They must be sharpened. Other options are not acceptable. When cutting medallions with a sharp knife, the pieces will be even and look aesthetically pleasing on the dish itself. So, when the meat is chopped, use the following tips on how to marinate it:

  • Prepare onion porridge. Yes, it’s not enough just to chop the onion with a knife, you just need to place it in a blender and grind, puree. So later the product will give all those tastes that the meat should be saturated with.
  • Add mustard. Calculate the amount of mustard according to this proportion: 0.5 tsp is enough for 5 medallions. mustard. Its main role is not to add flavor, but to soften the meat. And although the tenderloin is already so tender, but this way the taste will become even more pleasant, and you will get royal veal medallions. The recipe, as you can see, is almost a courtyard, although the advice is good.
  • Drizzle veal with olive oil (or other vegetable oil). This technique is easily explained by simple physics. Oily substances are good conductors. Having taken the necessary esters from spices and spices, the oil will give them to the meat, because it is quickly absorbed into the fibers through an oily substance.

Before leaving the meat in the marinade for the standard 30 minutes, mix it well in the mass of onion, mustard and oil. Feel free to massage the veal properly. This will only make it tastier. When half an hour has passed, it's time to fry.

Veal medallion: in the oven, on the grill, in a frying pan

Thought it would immediately be a question of where it is better to put the meat? It's too early for that. It is worth knowing a few more nuances. Before, in fact, immersing the future dish in the oven or on another hot surface, it is necessary to give it the necessary shape.

Behind all the subtleties, one should not forget that the round shape is characteristic of the medallion. And to form it, there are several popular ways. Moreover, which one you will use will tell either about professionalism or amateurism in the kitchen, no matter how rude it may sound.

It became clear that the methods differ in labor costs. And this is true, but not only. Various materials are also used. We are glad that every family has one material in the kitchen. Use foil or twine to form a round veal medallion. Moreover, it is the professionals who use the foil, since with the help of it the even sides of the pieces are obtained, and the meat is also cooked in its own juice, so it turns out more tender. With the use of twine, the round shape cannot be saved in any way. So you don't have to look for it to look like a restaurant chef, because foil is needed. Do a few simple steps:

  • We keep the standard width of the foil, and make the length no more than 8-10 cm.
  • Having folded the strip four times, it will turn out just the thickness of the medallion - 2-2.5 cm.
  • Wrap each piece with a strip of foil.
  • Put the meat on a hot surface.

Meat dishes are fried, stewed, and often even combine these two processes. Therefore, if you are used to frying in a pan, do so. If you have professional grilling equipment, use it instead. Many cooks, after frying in a pan, move the meat to the oven until it is fully cooked.

Develop your own rules and get new delicious delicacies.

Already tender veal medallions in a creamy sauce become noticeably softer

There are no restrictions and rules for veal sauces, as well as for other recipes based on meat. Everyone relies on their own taste. Do not want to fool around at home with the preparation of the sauce on wine, berries, mushrooms? Then use the universal sauce with cream. It is served both in restaurants and ordinary cafes, because whatever one may say, simplicity is more characteristic of the national taste. And he is the most tender to meat, especially for juicy medallions. The cooking method is often simple, but when you want to create, then you only benefit from such zeal. You can even find a sauce recipe with boiled celery, pumpkin, ginger, and refine it to suit your family's taste.

Obviously, veal medallions in a creamy sauce are great with any side dish. Such versatility will be a godsend when you are limited in time. Let's consider several options:

  • Make the onion mass mushy and add crushed garlic to it. After boiling for 2 minutes, add cream and leave on low heat. Use spices to taste. When you see the consistency thicken, turn off the heat. Let the sauce cool and then strain.
  • Pre-fry the flour on a dry surface of the pan. When it turns golden, it's time to add 1 tbsp. butter. After a minute, add cream and boil for 2 minutes. Constantly mix the sauce with cream, otherwise the hated lumps cannot be avoided. Salt and seasonings are added to taste.
  • An excellent creamy sauce is obtained with the addition of broth, cheese, egg yolk and butter, and it is made in a water bath. The listed ingredients are heated so that the consistency is homogeneous, but do not allow boiling. Next, carefully place the yolks so that they do not have time to cook. This mass is seasoned with herbs and spices.

Here are some simple ways to make gentle sauces. In addition, cream can even save meat if you overdry it. It is enough to pour a medallion on it and put it in an oven heated to 120 degrees. After 20 minutes, your dish will be transformed. And no one will know that it was losing its juiciness. True masters know other secrets of how to eliminate dish defects, but for lovers, the use of cream will be a salvation.

Learn how to make veal medallions for a nutritious dinner

Before starting the first manipulations with products, you must first learn how to choose them correctly. After all, success depends on subtleties. And their mistresses know by heart.

  • It is better to buy in the market or in farm shops. If possible, refuse to buy meat from supermarkets.
  • Train yourself to buy meat products from one seller.
  • For a medallion, cutouts with a thickness of at least 2 cm are good.
  • Look for calf meat that is a deep, light red color.
  • Fresh veal quickly returns to its shape after being pressed.
  • The layer of fat in a calf up to 6 months is white. Look for one, do not buy from yellowness. Yellow indicates age over 6 months.
  • The smell of fresh milk from veal is the norm. Any others indicate improper storage.

After you already have a piece of fresh on your hands, it is worth giving an answer to the question of how to cook veal medallions, and the answer is simple and banal. If you decide to try your hand at cooking for the first time, or occasionally do it, choose simple recipes.

By working correctly with simple peppers, onions, oils and some herbs, you can easily prepare your masterpiece, which has no equal.

If you chose to cook in a skillet, do as most craftsmen do and fry the medallions in melted butter. It will turn out very appetizing. Leave vegetable oil for simpler dishes, such as scrambled eggs. And one more rule - when you need to cook tasty, forget about the rules of a low-fat diet. Find out what the taste should actually be, and then modify the recipe.

Cranberry sauce for veal medallions - a traditional variant of berries

No meat dish is complete without a spicy sauce. And a huge number of them have been invented: creamy, berry, mushroom, cheese, satsebeli, tomato, and others. And there are new ideas for their preparation. Probably every chef in the restaurant kitchen offers his own version of meat supplements. It is also easy to make at home. Those who love cuisine generally like to experiment, so who knows, you have the opportunity to distribute your medallion recipe and sauce for it. And it will be sweet and sour, bitter, milky or any other, it's up to you. We will tell you how to cook a berry version, and one of the ingredients will be cranberries.

We prepare the sauce for veal medallions as follows:

  • Pour 400 ml of semi-sweet red wine into a saucepan.
  • Put it on fire and bring to a boil, then add 100 ml of port. It is necessary to give the sauce acidity. This preserves both a slight sweetness and sourness.
  • Boil contents until reduced by half.
  • Now add 200 g of cranberries and 20 g of butter.
  • When the berries are cooked, you can turn it off.
  • We take a blender and grind to a homogeneous consistency in a saucepan.
  • Strain the resulting liquid through a sieve. All sauces should be strained. This recommendation may save your meal. Because leaving lumps and hard pieces is a bad form not only for restaurant customers, but also for those whom you are going to treat with cooked food.

Would you like to make a presentation like in a restaurant? It's simple, you need your imagination and sense of aesthetics. And most importantly, no one will criticize, because the chef is an artist. And despite the result, the phrase “I see it this way…” is always a strong argument.