Solyanka from red cabbage for the winter. Solyanka from red cabbage for the winter Cut hot peppers

26.05.2022 Grill menu

A hodgepodge of red cabbage for the winter, prepared according to this recipe, will last until spring. An original and tasty vegetable stew made from simple and affordable products. Red cabbage differs from white cabbage only in color, the anthocyanin substance gives it a blue-violet color.

  • Cooking time: 1 hour
  • Quantity: 4 jars with a capacity of 500 ml

Ingredients for red cabbage hodgepodge for the winter:

  • 1.5 kg of red cabbage;
  • 600 g sweet red pepper;
  • 350 g of onions;
  • 300 g of tomatoes;
  • 100 g of hot pepper;
  • 100 g parsley (greens and roots);
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 g fine salt;
  • 30 ml of wine vinegar;
  • 30 g of granulated sugar;
  • 55 ml olive oil.

How to prepare hodgepodge for the winter:

To prepare the hodgepodge, first prepare all the vegetables - wash, chop and chop. It's so convenient to prepare combined dishes, when the ingredients are prepared, you can be sure that nothing is missed!

We chop red cabbage into strips 3-4 mm wide, the thinner the better.

We clean the sweet orange or red pepper from seeds, remove the partitions. We cut the pulp into cubes measuring 10 x 10 millimeters.

You can choose any color pepper for this dish, as long as it is ripe and sweet.

We clean the onion heads from the husk, cut into crescents. We choose onions of a sweet or semi-sweet variety to make the hodgepodge delicious. Shallots are also good.

Put the tomatoes in boiling water for 30 seconds. Then cool in a bowl of ice water, remove the skin. Cut the tomato pulp into cubes.

Multi-colored pods of bitter pepper, along with seeds, cut into rings. Hot peppers can be hot, so taste them before adding them to the rest of the ingredients.

Soak greens and parsley roots in cold water. We chop the leaves finely, thoroughly wash the roots from the ground, scrape, cut into strips.

We take a deep thick-walled pan, put on fire. When it warms up, pour in the olive oil, heat it, first throw the onion.

After the onion, after about 5-7 minutes, add cabbage, sweet peppers, tomatoes, hot peppers and parsley. Then we pour fine salt, granulated sugar, add garlic cloves, passed through a press.

We close the pan tightly, simmer over low heat for 35 minutes, 10 minutes before readiness, pour wine or apple cider vinegar. You can use balsamic vinegar to intensify the taste of vegetables.

In order for canned vegetables to be well preserved until spring, sterility and cleanliness must be observed when filling jars. To begin with, wash the jars in a soda solution, rinse with clean water, then sterilize over steam for 5-7 minutes.

We fill warm jars with hot vegetable stew, close them loosely at first.

We put the jars in a large saucepan on a cotton towel, then pour hot water.

We sterilize canned food for 15-20 minutes, screw tightly or close the lid with a clip.

We store a red cabbage hodgepodge for the winter in a cool basement at a temperature of +1 to + 7 degrees Celsius.

Enjoy your meal!

We moved to the Kuban. We bought a house with a plot on the edge of the forest. We need to bring life. We have a dog and a cat, we brought them with us. We don't need a cow, we need 3 liters of milk a week. A goat does not fit these parameters either. Rabbits are still possible, they are soft and fluffy, they eat only grass and vegetables, but they multiply very quickly - what to do with them later? The hand on them, soft and fluffy, will not rise, and the prospect of an Australian rabbit tragedy is frightening. The bees remain.

Rosehip is an unpretentious close relative of the rose. It grows well in the wild, and its terry member can often be found as an ornamental plant in parks or private gardens. Recently, the plant has become increasingly popular among gardeners due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition. In this article I will talk about the benefits of rose hips, how and when to collect, dry, store and brew tea properly.

Apple pancakes with cottage cheese are juicy and tender, they are prepared in 15 minutes. This dish can be quickly made for breakfast and served with sour cream - hearty and tasty, or served for dessert at lunch, for dinner with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. Who said that potato pancakes are made only from potatoes? Apple pancakes are even tastier, and that's a completely different story! From personal experience - you do not need a lot of flour, apples feel great without it.

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Tomato and pepper satsebeli - a thick Georgian sauce. This seasoning is from the "dumpling" category. Translated from Georgian, "satsebeli" means sauce, in the meaning of the word - "dunk", hence the version that any sauce in Georgia is called satsebeli. You can eat the sauce with anything, it will suit both meat and fish. For making homemade tortillas with filling (lavash, pita and other goodies), this is an ideal addition to barbecue, of course, you can’t imagine anything better!

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Keeping a couple of pigs in a private household, and with the appearance of experience and a dozen, is a simple matter. But ignorance of some rules can lead to unexpected results. Pigs provide excellent, easily digestible fatty meat. What else is the attraction of pigs as farm animals? What advantages do pigs have over cows, goats, poultry or rabbits? What should you think about before getting piglets? Look for answers in our publication.

Among the variety of indoor plants there are real fighters. They are not afraid of uneven watering, shading and a sharp temperature drop. This is what I consider the ficus Tsiatistipulu (goblet stipules). For the first time I saw him in the corridor near our accounting department. A one and a half meter handsome man with large oblong leaves won my heart. I really love tall plants and just could not pass by him. I went into the office and asked our ladies for sprouts.

Eggplant caviar without sterilization and without boiling is a spicy vegetable caviar with a bright, fresh taste, very appetizing and healthy! It will not work for a long time, but it will last for several days in the refrigerator. This caviar is appropriate to serve with fried meat, just spread on a slice of fresh bread or fill hot pita, wrap in pita bread. If you go on a picnic, then a jar of eggplant caviar will always come in handy, it is ideal for barbecue or fried sausages.

You can buy luxurious rose seedlings at a more attractive price in autumn, when numerous exhibitions and fairs offer a huge selection of varieties. Why not plant roses in September-October? At its core, the autumn planting of roses differs from the spring planting only in a few small nuances. Simple rules and a few tricks will help you get healthy, strong plants that will start to grow and delight with the first flowers planted earlier in the spring.

Collecting white mushrooms is the dream of every mushroom picker. The volume strongly depends on ambitions: for one, five pieces are enough for complete puppy delight, for others only a full trunk will satisfy. In any case, picking porcini mushrooms, you feel like a getter and a lucky one. But sometimes, under the guise of white mushrooms, inexperienced mushroom pickers can pick up completely non-white mushrooms. And it's good if they are edible, but if not? What are porcini mushrooms, and what mushrooms can they be confused with?

Vegetable soup with bulgur and lentils - thick and hearty, suitable for the most strict vegetarian menu, as it contains no animal products, only vegetable ingredients. Meat protein in the soup replaces vegetable protein, lentils are rich in this protein. On fasting days, a portion of this dish is a full meal for an adult. Delicious lean soup can be prepared in just half an hour if you cook it with red lentils - it boils soft in just 15 minutes.

In recent years, it has been fashionable to give not cut bouquets, but fresh flowers in a pot. As a birthday present, Persian cyclamen appeared on my windowsill. Its delicate flowers looked like a flock of cute butterflies half-folded their wings in a green meadow. I sincerely enjoyed its view for almost 3 months, until I noticed a few dry leaves, and every day their number increased. I did not have much experience in caring for this plant.

Everyone loves potato salad. There are recipes for this dish in almost every cuisine in the world. The exception will probably be countries that do not have potatoes, although this is difficult to imagine in our time. Salad can be served as an independent dish or as a side dish for meat and fish. Danish potato salad with Remoulade sauce is incredibly tasty and easy to prepare. It will take only a few minutes to prepare it, provided that there are boiled potatoes in the house.

Both planting and digging potatoes for gardeners have become a kind of ritual and holiday. But with the end of one potato cycle, the next begins. And after the harvest is harvested, do not forget about preparing for next year. And first of all - about the soil, which the potato depletes more than other root crops. In order not to lose soil fertility and get a good harvest of completely different crops next year, it is better not to postpone soil care.

A hodgepodge of red cabbage for the winter, prepared according to this recipe, will last until spring. An original and tasty vegetable stew made from simple and affordable products. Red cabbage differs from white cabbage only in color, the anthocyanin substance gives it a blue-violet color.

  • Time for preparing: 1 hour
  • Quantity: 4 jars with a capacity of 500 ml

Ingredients for red cabbage hodgepodge for the winter

  • 1.5 kg of red cabbage;
  • 600 g sweet red pepper;
  • 350 g of onions;
  • 300 g of tomatoes;
  • 100 g of hot pepper;
  • 100 g parsley (greens and roots);
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 g fine salt;
  • 30 ml of wine vinegar;
  • 30 g of granulated sugar;
  • 55 ml olive oil.

How to make red cabbage hodgepodge for the winter

To prepare the hodgepodge, first prepare all the vegetables - wash, chop and chop. It's so convenient to prepare combined dishes, when the ingredients are prepared, you can be sure that nothing is missed!

We chop red cabbage into strips 3-4 mm wide, the thinner the better.

Shredding red cabbage

We clean the sweet orange or red pepper from seeds, remove the partitions. We cut the pulp into cubes measuring 10x10 millimeters.

You can choose any color pepper for this dish, as long as it is ripe and sweet.

Cut sweet pepper into cubes

We clean the onion heads from the husk, cut into crescents. We choose onions of a sweet or semi-sweet variety to make the hodgepodge delicious. Shallots are also good.

Cut shallots

Put the tomatoes in boiling water for 30 seconds. Then cool in a bowl of ice water, remove the skin. Cut the tomato pulp into cubes.

Cut the tomatoes

Multi-colored pods of bitter pepper, along with seeds, cut into rings. Hot peppers can be hot, so taste them before adding them to the rest of the ingredients.

Cut hot pepper

Soak greens and parsley roots in cold water. We chop the leaves finely, thoroughly wash the roots from the ground, scrape, cut into strips.

Cut greens and parsley root

We take a deep thick-walled pan, put on fire. When it warms up, pour in the olive oil, heat it, first throw the onion.

After the onion, after about 5-7 minutes, add cabbage, sweet peppers, tomatoes, hot peppers and parsley. Then we pour fine salt, granulated sugar, add garlic cloves, passed through a press.

We close the pan tightly, simmer over low heat for 35 minutes, 10 minutes before readiness, pour wine or apple cider vinegar. You can use balsamic vinegar to intensify the taste of vegetables.

Stew vegetables

In order for canned vegetables to be well preserved until spring, sterility and cleanliness must be observed when filling jars. To begin with, wash the jars in a soda solution, rinse with clean water, then sterilize over steam for 5-7 minutes.

We fill warm jars with hot vegetable stew, close them loosely at first.

We put the stewed vegetables in jars and sterilize them

We put the jars in a large saucepan on a cotton towel, then pour hot water.

We sterilize canned food for 15-20 minutes, screw tightly or close the lid with a clip.

Solyanka from red cabbage for the winter

We store a red cabbage hodgepodge for the winter in a cool basement at a temperature of +1 to + 7 degrees Celsius.

Enjoy your meal!


Red cabbage 1 small head

Sauerkraut 100-150g

Pickled cucumbers 3 pcs. small

Sweet pepper 2 pcs.

Carrots 2 pcs.

Apple 2 pcs.

Bulb 1 pc.

Fennel 1/2


dried basil


sweet paprika

Oil rast. for frying

Sugar 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

Chop the red cabbage into thin strips, pour boiling water over it, add seasonings and leave for at least an hour.

Rinse and cut sauerkraut and cucumbers. Grate the carrots, cut the rest of the components as you like.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the onion. Drain the water from the red cabbage, add the cabbage to the onion, add sauerkraut, salt to taste, sugar and simmer under a lid over medium heat for 10 minutes.

Add the remaining ingredients (carrots, apples, peppers, fennel, cucumbers), mix everything, simmer for another 10 minutes, try, adjust the salt and sugar. If the cabbage seems harsh to you, put out some more, this time was enough for me. That's all.

Seasonings (this or others that you prefer) put in a little, for me this especially applies to cinnamon, rosemary and cumin. The aroma from them should not be aggressive, but weak, there may be only a hint of aroma. If you add harmful sausages or stew to this side dish, we get a full-fledged second course.