Preparations for the winter from tomato. Original recipes for tomato blanks for experienced housewives

16.06.2022 healthy eating

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)

Generous gifts of autumn - ripe, ripe tomatoes are harvested for the winter in a wide variety of variations. The taste of homemade preparations cannot be compared with those offered for sale on store shelves. This vegetable crop, rich in vitamin C, organic acids, minerals, surpasses other gifts of nature in the number of preservation methods. Consider the most delicious recipes for harvesting tomatoes for the winter and the secrets of their preparation.

Recipes for salting delicious tomatoes in jars

What types of containers are not used so that preservation is different, simple, fast, useful! Wooden barrels have stood the test of time, in which pickling tomatoes is just as convenient and tasty as another valuable vegetable crop - cucumber. Tomatoes are preserved in enameled tanks, buckets and well-known glass jars. The latter differ in volume, which contributes to diversity when harvesting vegetables for the winter.

To get delicious preserves, use these secrets:

  • When harvesting tomatoes for the winter, choose fruits harvested in dry weather, sort them out, laying them out separately according to the degree of ripeness.
  • When preserving, do not mix different varieties or tomatoes that are very different in size from each other.
  • For salting, use medium or small tomatoes, and make tomato juice from large ones or preserve them in slices.
  • Prick the stalks with a wooden stick or a toothpick to prevent cracking.
  • You can even harvest fresh green tomatoes, only diseased or damaged fruits are not suitable for conservation.
  • Before canning vegetables, thoroughly wash liter glass jars, sterilize with lids for at least a quarter of an hour.
  • At the preparatory stage of any recipe, wash the vegetables thoroughly.
  • Depending on the recipe, cover the tomatoes either whole or cut into slices.
  • Use vinegar, aspirin, brine with citric acid, in rare cases, as preservatives for homemade preparations.

Pickled cherry tomatoes and garlic with vinegar

A delicious treat at the dinner table - small pickled tomatoes with an incomparable aroma and taste. For the preparation of sweet cherry tomatoes, liter glass jars with screw caps are ideal, and vinegar acts as a preservative. Even a photo or video is not needed to imagine how appetizing pickled cherry tomatoes look. This method of harvesting tomatoes helps to preserve their appearance, and in winter, sweet cherry tomatoes will be a wonderful snack.

Ingredients for harvesting (per liter jar):

  • 600 g cherry;
  • 1 PC. pepper (Bulgarian);
  • 50 g of greens (dill, parsley);
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 peppercorns (allspice);
  • 2 leaves of lavrushka.

We prepare the marinade based on 1 liter of water:

  • 25 ml of vinegar (table 9%);
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of spices (sugar, salt).

The process of making pickled cherry tomatoes:

  1. In a sterilized glass container, put two cloves of garlic, allspice, chopped herbs.
  2. Cherries punctured in the stalk area should be placed in a jar, starting with larger fruits. Shift the fruits in layers with lavrushka, bell pepper to the very top.
  3. Boil the marinade by adding water and spices. Pour into conservation, leave for a quarter of an hour. Then pour back into the pot and boil again.
  4. Boil the marinade, pour the vinegar into a jar of cherry tomatoes, then roll up the lid.
  5. Turn the preservation over, put it on the lid, wrap it with a warm cloth until it cools completely.
  6. Pickled cherries have a sweet and sour taste, and you will be able to taste them in a few weeks.

Salted tomatoes in a cold way without sterilization

Tomatoes are harvested for the winter and in a cold way, and in order to preserve the maximum of nutrients, the fruits are rolled up without sterilization. A cold ambassador will require some free time, but when the time comes to try salting, you won’t want to tear yourself away from the treat. Consider one important nuance when salting tomatoes: store the preservation in a cool place. The recipe (based on a liter jar) provides for the following ingredients:

  • 500 g of tomatoes;
  • 15 g of salt;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 30 ml of vinegar (table 9%);
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar;
  • greens (dill umbrella, celery);
  • 3 peas of pepper (allspice, black);
  • 1 aspirin tablet;
  • spices (to taste);

Step-by-step process of salting tomatoes in a cold way:

  1. Put greens, peppercorns, garlic, parsley, etc. into the prepared glass jar.
  2. Fill the container with whole, ripe fruits, stacking them tightly to each other.
  3. Prepare a brine from cold (filtered, settled, well) water and spices (sugar, vinegar, salt). Mix thoroughly, let stand for a couple of minutes and pour the tomatoes with brine.
  4. Crush an aspirin tablet, pour it into a jar on top so that the homemade preparation does not become moldy.
  5. Close the tomatoes with a nylon lid, put until cooked and store in a cold place.

A simple recipe for pickling green tomatoes

Even green tomatoes are suitable for salting for the winter. If you choose a good recipe, in terms of taste, this option for home preservation will turn out to be no less appetizing. The advantage of unripe fruits is their denser structure, so green tomatoes are easy to pickle, both whole and in slices. A simple version of the recipe suggests that salted green tomatoes are preserved with cold filling. Even tap water works for this.


  • 0.5 kg of green tomatoes;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of salt (coarse grinding);
  • 500 ml of water;
  • greens (twigs with cherry leaves, dill umbrella, currant leaves);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 teaspoon mustard (powder);
  • horseradish (to taste).

Cooking process:

  1. Dissolve coarse salt in water, mix thoroughly, wait until the impurities settle to the bottom of the container.
  2. Fill a sterilized glass jar to the top with green tomatoes, pour brine (without sediment).
  3. Lastly, mustard is poured into the homemade preparation, after which the ambassador is closed with a lid, leaving it for storage in a cold place.

canned sweet tomatoes

Sweet tomatoes can also be tasty, appetizing, fragrant. Rolling a tomato in liter jars will only benefit from the implementation of this recipe, especially if you have to preserve the fruits for the first time. Fans of original homemade preparations will be able to replenish their stocks with dessert tomatoes, for which they will need to select small-sized fruits.

To make the tomatoes sweet, prepare the following ingredients for canning (per 1 liter jar):

  • 500-700 g red, ripe tomatoes;
  • half an onion head;
  • 20 ml of vinegar (table 9%);
  • 700 ml of water;
  • 30 g of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • spices (black peppercorns, cloves, bay leaf) to taste.

Preservation process:

  1. Put spices in a sterilized glass container at the bottom.
  2. Lay the tomatoes tightly on top, adding chopped onions as the jar fills.
  3. In another container, boil the brine, dissolving sugar and a little salt in it. At the very end, before removing the pot of brine from the stove, pour in the vinegar.
  4. Pour the tomatoes with the resulting marinade. Sterilize the preservation by first covering it with a lid (no more than a quarter of an hour).
  5. Then roll up the jars, turn them over and put them upside down until they are completely cool.

Pickled tomatoes, like barrel

In fasting or even as a dish of the festive table, pickled tomatoes will decorate the table. A recipe that will allow you to taste tomatoes like a barrel over time is easy to master. Choosing a container convenient for fermentation, it is better to store such a homemade preparation in a glass jar. If you do not know how much salt per 1 liter jar of tomatoes, whether to add sugar, essence or other ingredients, use the recipe below.

To make pickled tomatoes like barrel tomatoes, take:

  • 1 kg of tomatoes (medium size);
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar;
  • 1 bunch of celery;
  • dill (a bunch or 1 tablespoon of seeds);
  • 25 g salt.


  1. Cut the stem off the tomatoes. This must be done carefully and shallowly.
  2. Put dill, celery, garlic, tomatoes in a pickling container (place with the removed stalk up).
  3. Prepare the brine by boiling water with spices, let it cool a little, pour it into a jar of tomatoes.
  4. The salting process lasts about 3 days until bubbles appear on the surface. If the acid of pickled tomatoes suits your taste, you can close the jar with a nylon lid and put it in a cold place. The tomatoes will be ready the next day.

Tomato salad "Lick your fingers"

Caring housewives prefer to harvest tomatoes for the winter even in the form of salads. Unforgettable taste is combined with special aesthetics, because for such preparation of tomatoes, other gifts of nature are used along with them. Delicious homemade preserves are prepared according to a simple recipe, but preparation will take some time. But the result will please, and in winter such a salad will be in great demand.


  • 400-500 g of tomatoes;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • greens (dill, parsley) to taste;
  • 25 ml of oil (vegetable);
  • 25 g sugar;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • 15 g of salt;
  • 2 leaves of lavrushka;
  • 40 ml of vinegar;
  • 2-3 peas of pepper (black, allspice).


  1. Greens, onions, garlic cut. Put in a sterilized jar, pour in vegetable oil.
  2. Place tomatoes on top. When the jar is full, start preparing the marinade.
  3. Add spices, pepper residues, bay leaf to the water, bringing the brine to a boil. Pour vinegar at the very end.
  4. Cool the prepared marinade slightly, pour into a glass container, cover with a lid. Set to sterilize for about a quarter of an hour, then roll up.
  5. After that, turn the home preservation over, let it cool, put it away for storage. Tomato salad for the winter You're ready to lick your fingers!

Assorted tomatoes and cucumbers

How to diversify the menu in winter? Those zealous housewives who, during the harvest period, mastered the recipe for preparing assorted valuable vegetable crops, do not think about this. It is more convenient to roll tomatoes and cucumbers into large jars, but liter ones will work too. Following the recipe, observe a few important nuances: take cucumbers and tomatoes in equal proportions, you can roll other vegetables with them, but only as a decoration.


  • 300 g of cucumbers, tomatoes (as an option, gherkins and cherry tomatoes);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • dill (umbrella);
  • horseradish (root, about 3 cm);
  • 20 g of salt;
  • 5 peppercorns (black);
  • 0.5 teaspoon of essence (70%);
  • 25 g sugar;
  • onions, bell peppers, carrots for decoration.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Cut off the tips of the cucumbers, soak in cold water for a couple of hours.
  2. Cut horseradish, carrots, sweet peppers, onions.
  3. Dill, black peppercorns, garlic lay on the bottom, from the top layers to the top tightly fit cucumbers, tomatoes, chopped vegetables, horseradish.
  4. pour boiling water, leave for five minutes, drain the brine into a saucepan, where to add spices. Boil the marinade, pour back into the jar.
  5. Lastly, add the essence, roll up with a tight lid, turn over, leave to cool completely.
  6. Preservation assorted tomatoes cucumbers are well suited to meat or potato casserole.

How to pickle chopped tomatoes

If the vegetable harvest is rich, why not diversify home-made preparations for the winter with a canned tomato recipe? You can even use liter jars. This method is suitable for those who are wondering what to do with large tomatoes. The option of harvesting tomatoes in their own juice or sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomatoes are the most suitable recipes. For lovers of spicy snacks, the second method is suitable.

How much vinegar per liter jar? Is it necessary to use it during preservation, if there is a desire to salt the tomatoes not whole, but cut into slices? Different step-by-step recipes will have their own ways of harvesting tomatoes in this form for the winter. Without sterilization, in a cold way, lightly salted, in glass, wooden, enameled dishes or even in a bag - all twist options are worthy of implementation.

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Perhaps, preparations from tomatoes turn out to be the most delicious, in my opinion. And in winter, the spicy aroma from red tomatoes, covered with herbs and garlic, spreads throughout the kitchen, quickly whetting the appetite of lovers.

To your attention are excellent recipes for preparing tomatoes for the winter for every taste. It is worth preparing carefully, a little time and in the winter you will enjoy delicious tomatoes from jars.

Of course, tomatoes require careful attention to themselves, as for the lids. This is necessary, since I consider them a more capricious vegetable in comparison with.

Tomatoes should be ripe and fresh - quality inside and without damage on the outside. They must be thoroughly washed before being placed in jars, it is even advisable to soak in cold water for a couple of hours.

In each tomato, make a hole at the base of the stem with a clean wooden toothpick. This step will help keep the peel intact in the boiling water.

We add greens to the cylinders according to our preferences. Dill will give a spicy favorite aroma, it is better to use umbrellas for a brighter taste. Parsley greens are a great option for friendship with tomatoes in a jar, leaves and stems come in handy. It has a fresh taste and good aroma, it should not be spared when added to spices. Tarragon for lovers of the original taste of marinade and vegetables in it. Celery is a green for lovers of bright smells and bold flavors, but I confess that this is my favorite companion for red vegetables.

Excellent spices for red vegetables are black hot pepper in peas, as well as allspice and bay leaf. Coriander seeds and mustard seeds will decorate the tomato preparation with their taste, fresh or dried garlic will give the perfect combination. Some housewives add a few pieces of hot pepper in a red pod - this is for lovers of vegetables in sharper jars.

A mandatory component will be citric acid, vinegar or vinegar essence, as well as a sufficient amount of salt and sugar. When harvesting tomatoes for the winter, preservatives are a must. Many housewives additionally add acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) to the marinade, as an additional protection for seamings.

Recipe for tomatoes with citric acid per liter jar

Here is a wonderful recipe for tomatoes for the winter, the taste of which will be appreciated by many lovers of homemade preparations. Try to cook and you will succeed.

Tarragon is a spicy herb that will give tomatoes an original taste and interesting aroma. Add it or not to the cylinders, it's up to you. In case of its absence, you can add the classics - dill umbrellas or parsley.

You will need:

600 g tomatoes per 1 liter jar

Spices per 1 liter jar:

  • 2 pcs. carnations
  • 2 mountains allspice
  • 2 mountains black pepper
  • 1 vet. tarragon (tarragon)

For marinade in 1 liter of water:

  • 1 st. l. salt without a slide
  • 5 st. l. with a pile of sugar
  • 1/3 tsp citric acid

Cooking method:

Prepare the tomatoes - wash them well, sort them out

Sterilize jars and lids

Using this recipe, jars can not be sterilized, but only washed well

In each jar, put black pepper, cloves, allspice, tarragon according to the recipe

We prick each tomato at the base with a sharp fork crosswise so that they do not burst from the heat.

Fill the cylinders with tomatoes up to the shoulders, no need to fill them up to the very neck

Drain the water into a saucepan, measure the resulting volume of liquid, add salt, sugar and citric acid according to the recipe, stir, boil

Pour the hot marinade into the cylinders, immediately covering them with lids

Close the lids on the jars with a canning key, turn over, wrap in a warm blanket

Enjoy your meal!

Tomatoes for the winter with carrots and onions

The friendship of tomatoes, carrots and onions is known to every housewife, and therefore vegetables with garlic and herbs according to this recipe are very tasty and beautiful. Enjoy the winter with high-quality seamings prepared by your hands. Summer work is doubly pleasant!

You will need for a 0.5 liter jar:

  • 150 g tomatoes
  • 1 PC. carrots
  • 1 PC. onion
  • 2-3 wind. celery
  • 5-6 mountains. black pepper
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar
  • 2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar
  • 1.5 st. l. vegetable oil
  • 200 ml hot water
  • 2 tooth garlic
  • 1 tab. aspirin (optional)

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse vegetables in running water, place them in clean jars. Their skin should not be damaged.
  2. Peel the onions and carrots, rinse and chop, onions in half rings, and carrots in large cubes. Place the vegetables in the jars along with the celery stalks, filling in the gaps between the tomatoes. Coarsely chop the garlic cloves into jars.
  3. Boil water, pour it into jars of vegetables, pouring it over a knife or a tablespoon so that the glass does not crack from temperature changes. Cover the jars with clean lids and let the tomatoes warm in boiling water for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Then, using the drain cap, drain the liquid from each jar into a saucepan or saucepan. Add all the spices according to the recipe to the marinade, except for vinegar and vegetable oil. Place the saucepan with the marinade on the stove, bring it to a boil.
  5. Pour oil, vinegar into each jar, put aspirin as desired. Next, pour vegetables in jars with hot marinade, cover the cylinders with lids, close them with a key.
  6. Check the strength of the closure by turning the jars over onto the lids, wrap them in a warm blanket, leaving the rolls in it until they cool completely.
  7. Keep blanks away from sunlight!

Enjoy your meal!

Harvesting tomatoes with garlic for the winter

According to this simple recipe, surprisingly beautiful tomatoes are obtained, as if in the snow. Garlic chopped in a blender is very light, it moves freely in the marinade, beautifully settling on vegetables, between saturating them with a very bright taste and aroma.

Be sure to try this tomato recipe! Good luck!

You will need for a 1 liter jar:

  • 500-600 g tomatoes
  • 0.5 tsp mustard seeds
  • 1 tsp garlic
  • 0.5 tsp vinegar essence 70%
  • 3 art. l. sugar per 1 liter of water
  • 1 st. l. salt per 1 liter of water
  • 2-3 mountains allspice

Cooking method:

Sterilize jars and lids over steam or in any way convenient for you

Rinse and sort tomatoes thoroughly

We pierce each tomato with a toothpick at the base.

Pour the tomatoes in jars with boiling water, cover with lids, let warm up for 20 minutes

Separately, boil 2 liters of water, add salt, sugar according to the recipe, bring the marinade over the fire to a boil

Peel the garlic, wash well

Grind it in a blender

Drain hot water from the cylinders, we will no longer need it

Pour hot marinade over tomatoes

Pour vinegar essence into each jar:

  • 1 l - 1/2 teaspoon
  • 0.5 l - 1/4 teaspoon

Immediately cover the balloons with lids, close them with a canning key

Turn hot cans of tomatoes over, wrap, let them cool completely in a blanket

At first, the marinade in the bottles will be slightly cloudy, since we crushed the garlic in a blender

But when the jars cool down, the sediment will calm down - the marinade will become transparent with white "snow" from chopped garlic

Enjoy your meal!

The most delicious winter tomato recipe with celery

In this recipe, celery, having a bright taste and aroma, gives the tomatoes a special sharpness and piquancy. It is worth trying to prepare tomatoes for the winter just like that.

This is my favorite recipe, very often I use it in my homemade preparations for my loved ones. Be sure to cook tomatoes with celery! This is delicious!

You will need:

  • 3 kg tomatoes
  • 500 g celery
  • 30 g mustard seeds
  • 6 tooth garlic
  • 4-6 dill umbrellas
  • 50 g salt
  • 55 g granulated sugar
  • 15 ml vinegar essence 80%
  • 2 liters of water
  • 20 g coriander seeds
  • 4 things. bay leaf

Cooking method:

  1. Sterilize all cylinders and caps in a convenient way for you
  2. It is necessary to dry the coriander and mustard seeds, heat them in a dry hot frying pan for several minutes, hold the bay leaf in boiling water for 60 seconds
  3. Next, put coriander and mustard grains on the bottom of the jars, add bay leaf, coarsely chopped garlic, dill umbrellas to the spices, but first they should be separated from the branches and poured over with boiling water
  4. Soak celery stalks and greens in cold water for 10-15 minutes, then dry, then chop the stalks into cubes, and leave the greens whole, place everything in glass bottles
  5. Rinse small tomatoes in cold water, remove the stalk, pierce each with a toothpick at the base, arrange tightly in jars, add dill umbrellas on top, a little green celery
  6. Pour blanks with vegetables first with boiling water for 20 minutes, then pour the water from the cylinders into a convenient saucepan, measure the volume, add water to 2 liters, dissolve sugar, salt according to the recipe
  7. Marinade must be boiled for 5 minutes, remove it from heat, add vinegar essence to it
  8. With ready-made marinade, fill the cylinders with vegetables to the very top, carefully roll them up with a preservation key or use screw caps for glass with a thread
  9. Closed jars should be immediately turned upside down on the floor, covered with a blanket until completely cooled.
  10. At the end of the day, store the vegetables in the jars in a cool, dark place for storage.

Enjoy your meal!

Tomatoes for the winter with bell pepper in a 3 liter jar

A big plus in this recipe is that you yourself regulate the amount of onion and bell pepper in the jar. Sweet peppers are saturated with amazing spicy aroma from generous tomato and marinade, it turns out very tasty.

It should be put in a larger jar, because there will be many who want to feast on them. Good luck with your preparations!

You will need for a 3 liter bottle:

  • 2 kg tomatoes
  • 15-20 g parsley
  • 1 PC. onion
  • 1 PC. sweet bell pepper
  • 3 pcs. allspice peas
  • 10 pieces. black peppercorns
  • 2 tooth garlic
  • 2 pcs. bay leaf
  • 35 g salt
  • 70 g sugar
  • 70 ml vinegar 9%

Cooking method:

Put parsley, chopped garlic, black pepper, allspice, bay leaf into the prepared 3-liter bottle at the bottom

Cut the onion into rings, peel the bell pepper from the seeds, cut into pieces

Pierce each tomato with a toothpick at the base.

We put the tomatoes in a balloon, filling the voids with slices of bell pepper, onion rings

We fill the balloon with boiling water, pouring it over the outside of the tablespoon so that the glass does not burst

Cover the bottle with a clean lid, let the tomatoes warm up for 20-25 minutes

Add salt, sugar to it, bring the liquid to a boil

Pour tomatoes in a balloon with hot marinade, immediately securely close the lid with a key

Turn the jar over, wrap it in a warm blanket until it cools completely.

Enjoy your meal!

Video recipe for tomatoes for the winter lick your fingers

Many people know an entertaining story about the first appearance of tomatoes in Russia. At the direction of Empress Catherine II, the ambassadors brought a large basket of tomatoes from Europe. They also presented to the court a detailed report on the “hitherto unknown vegetable”, but then the Russian nobility did not immediately like the tomatoes.

Now tomatoes are eaten with pleasure for breakfast, lunch and dinner, they are an indispensable ingredient for delicious dishes of the festive table. Not a single cuisine of the world can do without this vegetable! For example, in Italy, tomatoes are added to pizza and used to make pasta sauces, the French bake meat with them, and in Asian cuisine, vegetable salads with tomatoes as a side dish are very popular.

What are the preparations for the winter without tomatoes? Russian cuisine, in turn, is famous for canned tomatoes - one of the most desired dishes on the winter table! Any hostess, having in stock some original method of conservation, will be able to please her loved ones in the winter cold with a jar of delicious pickled tomatoes for the winter.

7 delicious preparations with tomatoes for the winter

Tomatoes as fresh for the winter

In the season of harvesting, tomatoes occupy a leading position among all vegetables and fruits.

What only of them is not harvested by zealous housewives. Tomato juice, adjika, salted and pickled fruits…

For some reason, most of us have this weirdness. In summer you want salty, and in winter fresh. Agree, a couple of times they ate plenty of tomatoes only from the garden, and they are already asking for a marinade, so that with potatoes or lard. Good during the harvest period. You can cook plenty of recipes, but what to do in winter? After all, a salad of fresh vegetables seems to be the most desired delicacy.

It is clear that you can buy fresh tomatoes in the supermarket, where they are sold all year round. But do they compare in taste with the real ones? Of course not. It's just a pathetic imitation of them.

In fact, for the winter, you can prepare not only salted and pickled tomatoes, but also fresh fruits. Rather, they will not be fresh, canned, but the taste cannot be distinguished at all. Be sure to try cooking, especially since this recipe is also simple.

A recipe for harvesting tomatoes for the winter, the taste of which resembles the taste of fresh tomatoes. Very tasty!


  • fresh tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • lavrushka;
  • herbs and favorite spices;
  • salt.

The number of these components is not indicated, and now you will understand why.

The fact is that according to this recipe, you can cook tomatoes without additives at all, without herbs, salt and spices. Then they will also retain their natural taste and aroma, but will be insipid. Therefore, your attention is the harvesting method, which is changed by trial and error. We hope you enjoy it very much.

If the family is small, you can roll it into small jars, we used one liter containers.

They should be washed with baking soda, preferably sterilized.

At the bottom of each put leaves of parsley, garlic, peeled and cut into thin slices, if you are going to use other spices, put them too.

Now it's time for the tomatoes. Any variety is suitable, but it is necessary that the fruits be of medium size, elastic and not overripe, then they will better retain their shape. We chose cream.

Small ones should be cut into halves, larger ones into quarters. In general, you need it so that you can immediately use it in a salad or just serve it on the table as an independent snack.

Put the tomato slices in a jar to the very top.

Pour a table spoon with a hill of coarse salt on top.

Pour boiled or settled water, cover with a lid and put on sterilization for 15 minutes (liter jars). After roll up, turn upside down, wrap and cool.
In winter, when you open a jar, you will not regret for a minute that you made such a preparation.

And some more delicious, easy recipes.

winter cherry tomatoes

List of ingredients:

  • Cherry tomatoes (medium-sized regular ones are also suitable);
  • 5 pieces. peppercorns;
  • Garlic cloves - 3 pcs;
  • Dill umbrellas, currant leaves, chili peppers.

To prepare the brine you will need:

  • 1 liter of boiled water;
  • 1 st. l. table salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sugar - sand;
  • 1 tsp 9% vinegar per liter of liquid.

Cooking process:

First you need to lay all the leaves and seasonings on the bottom of the sterilized jars, and then fill the neck with tomatoes. Pour boiled brine and cool the jar for about fifteen minutes. Return the liquid to the pan, bring it back to a boil and do the whole procedure again. For the last time add 1 teaspoon of 9% vinegar and roll up. Ready jars with tomatoes must be placed upside down and wrapped in a warm blanket, left to cool overnight.

Spicy winter tomatoes halves

An appetizing and original way of preserving tomatoes. In this way, plum-shaped or small brown tomatoes can be rolled up.

For a liter jar you will need:

  • Tomatoes - up to a kilogram;
  • A couple of stalks of parsley;
  • One medium onion (you can not add);
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oils;
  • Hot chili pepper, bay leaf, allspice.

For the marinade (for about 7 jars of 1 l):

  • 2.5 liters of boiling water;
  • 2 cups of granulated sugar;
  • 3 art. l. table salt;
  • 1 cup 9% vinegar

Cooking method:

All vegetables must be sorted and washed. Peel the garlic from the shells, remove the husk from the bulb and chop it. Cut the tomatoes in half. At the bottom of the sterilized jars, first lay the onion rings, then the garlic cloves, all the greens and chili. Add oil. Then, cut side down, fold the tomato halves tightly. Thus, prepare the required number of cans.

Prepare the brine in the classic way and pour tomatoes over it three times. Ready banks are rolled up and turned over.

Winter tomatoes with cucumbers

On a three-liter jar you need to take:

  • An equal number of cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • 1.5 liters of boiling water;
  • 3 art. l. table salt without a slide;
  • 3 art. l. granulated sugar;
  • 9% vinegar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • 2 sweet peppers, an onion head, a couple of sprigs of dill, currant leaves or cherries or horseradish.

Cooking process:

Put the bottom of the jar with leaves, add onions, peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers on top. Prepare a classic marinade, pour vegetables in a jar over it twice. The marinade must be left for 10 minutes each time, then boiled again. Then the bank needs to be rolled up.

Edible winter green tomato flowers

For four cans of 3 liters you will need:

  • green tomatoes;
  • Sweet peppers, for beauty you need to take different colors;
  • Carrots and a few cloves of garlic.

To prepare the brine:

  • 6 liters of boiling water;
  • 18 art. l. granulated sugar;
  • 9 st. l. table salt;
  • 1 cup 9% vinegar

Cooking method:

Wash the vegetables, make cross-shaped cuts on the surface of the tomatoes, into which you need to insert slices of pepper and carrots and garlic cloves. Arrange the resulting “flowers” ​​in jars along with spices and herbs. Pour boiled marinade twice for 10 minutes, then roll up.

Unusual winter tomatoes with zucchini

List of ingredients:

  • 2 kg of tomatoes (it is better to take small but strong fruits, brown tomatoes are also great);
  • Medium-sized zucchini - 1.5 kg;
  • Currant leaves, garlic, hot chili pepper, dill.

To prepare the brine you will need:

  • Steep boiling water - 1 l;
  • Table salt - 50 g;
  • 50 g of vinegar;
  • Sugar sand - 50 g.

Cooking method:

Cut the zucchini into rings 1 cm thick, cut out the cores. Tightly insert small tomatoes into the resulting rings so that it looks like the planet Saturn. Line the bottom of the jar with leaves, add seasonings on top and lay out the resulting “planets”. Pour boiling water over the jar twice for 15 minutes. Then pour boiled brine and roll up. Such preservation will delight at the table not only with its taste, but with its original appearance.

Canned tomatoes with garlic arrows

List of ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • About 300 g of arrows of garlic;
  • 5 pieces. peppercorns.

To prepare the brine you will need:

  • Liter of boiling water;
  • 100 ml 6% vinegar;
  • 1 st. l. table salt.

Cooking method:

Rinse the arrows, chop coarsely and blanch in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Throw the arrows in a colander, then put them together with pepper in a sterilized jar. Place the tomatoes firmly on top. Boil the marinade and pour over the tomatoes, adding 100 ml of vinegar. Hold for half an hour and roll up the jar.

Winter tomatoes prepared using these recipes are distinguished by their piquancy and unique taste and perfectly diversify the family menu in the cold season! Enjoy your meal!


Soon we will start making blanks from tomatoes. We offer a selection of simple and very tasty tomato rolls. Take note!

1. Lightly salted tomatoes are quick

1. Black peppercorns - 2 pcs.
2. Allspice - 2 pcs.
3. Dill - 1 bunch
4. Horseradish - 0.5 pcs.
5. Garlic - 2 cloves
6. Salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons

How to cook lightly salted tomatoes quick:
All the indicated amount of ingredients is calculated for 1 liter of finished

1. Put the washed tomatoes in a jar. Try to choose small and mature tomatoes.
2. In each of the jars, add dill along with stems, blackcurrant leaves (2-3, no more) and horseradish.
3. Add also a few cloves of garlic and pepper.
4. We prepare the pickle for our tomatoes like this. Measurements of salt and sugar are placed in it, based on the volume: 1.5 tablespoons of salt are needed per liter, and sugar - one teaspoon.
5. Cook the brine and cool a little, then pour it into a jar of tomatoes.
6. Close the jars with a lid.

Lightly salted tomatoes are quick ready for use in two days.

2. Homemade tomatoes canned with garlic

1. Garlic - 5 cloves
2. Dill - 10 gr.
3. Black peppercorns - 8 pcs.
4. Carnation - 2 pcs.
5. Vinegar 9% - 100 ml.
6. Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons
7. Tomato (tomato) red - 1 kg.

How to cook homemade canned tomatoes with garlic:

1. A sprig of dill, 2 cloves of garlic, pepper, put cloves on the bottom
sterilized jar.
2. Wash the tomatoes and put them tightly in a jar, shifting them with the remaining garlic.
3. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and let them cool to room temperature.
4. Carefully pour the water from the tomato into a saucepan, add salt and sugar. Bring to a boil.
5. Pour vinegar into the jar in which our tomatoes are located.
6. Pour boiling water from item 4., roll up. Our tomatoes canned with garlic are ready.

3. Lick your fingers tomato recipe

1. Tomato (tomato) red - 3 kg.
2. Garlic - 8 cloves
3. Onion - 2 pcs.
4. Vegetable oil (sunflower) - 3 tbsp. spoons
5. Parsley (greens) - 1 bunch
6. Water - 1 liter
7. Vinegar 9% - 50 ml.
8. Salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon
9. Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
10. Black peppercorns - 1 pinch
11. Allspice - 1 teaspoon
12. Bay leaf - 1 pc.

How to cook tomatoes "You will lick your fingers":

1. Put chopped parsley and garlic on the bottom of a clean jar, and then pour in the calcined vegetable oil.
2. With a toothpick, we pierce small holes in the stalk of tomatoes. This will ensure that they do not burst and are well saturated with marinade.
3. Carefully place dry tomatoes and onions on the greens, which were previously cut into rings. By the way, if you come across large tomatoes, you can cut them in half.
4. Now we need to boil the marinade (we add vinegar only after
after turning off the fire), and after that we pour our tomatoes.
5. Sterilize the tomatoes for 15 minutes, and then roll them up.

4. Tomatoes with horseradish, pickled in Siberian style

1. Tomato (tomato) red - 10 kg.
2. Garlic - 300 gr.
3. Horseradish root - 3 pcs.
4. Dill - to taste
5. Currant leaves - to taste
6. Black peppercorns - to taste
7. Salt - 70 gr.
8. Water - 10 liters

How to cook Siberian pickled tomatoes with horseradish:

1. Rinse the tomatoes and let them dry, peel the horseradish root and
pieces. Peel the garlic.
2. Rinse the greens and currant leaves, leave to dry.
3. Sterilize the jars, put currant leaves, spices, herbs, a few cloves of garlic and pieces of horseradish on the bottom of each. Spread tomatoes and another layer of seasonings in a jar.
4. For marinade, boil water, add salt and mix. Let the marinade cool and pour over the tomatoes while still warm.
5. Tomatoes with horseradish, pickled in a Siberian way, are hermetically sealed with lids and cooled in 2-3 days in a cool place.

5. Pickled tomatoes

1. Water - 1 liter
2. Salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon
3. Vinegar 70% (Essence) - 10 gr.
4. Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
5. Celery - to taste
6. Carrots - 100 gr.
7. Tomato (tomato) red - 1 kg.

How to cook pickled tomatoes:

1. Peel the carrots and cut into oblique slices, pepper
rinse, de-seed and cut into slices. Garlic also
clean. Wash the celery leaves.
2. Put celery, peppercorns and garlic on the bottom of the jar. Rinse the tomatoes and carefully lay them on top, lay the carrots and peppers on the sides.
3. Prepare the filling, for this mix water, vinegar essence,
salt, sugar. For a three-liter jar, you will need 2 liters of filling.
4. Pour the tomatoes and let them brew for 15 minutes, drain and pour
a second time and roll up immediately.
5. Cool the jars with a thick towel. You can store pickled tomatoes at room temperature.

"Home kitchen" wishes you bon appetit!

Good summer day, dear readers of the blog site!

I don’t know about you, but in our family, tomatoes are guests of honor on the table, especially at the festive table. And how many of them you can cook different dishes, just counting is unrealistic. Already a lot! And even more spoilers!

Most of the recipes are simple and do not require a long time to prepare. And the result is not something that you lick your fingers, but swallow it, in the truest sense of the word.

And if you have harvested the entire crop and do not know where to attach red, brown, green, overripe, large fruits - you have come to the right place, dance! We will find a use for everyone, but such that you will sway from the taste.

I tried to find the best options for blanks and tell in detail, revealing all the secrets of cooking. So choose those recipes that sunk into your soul and create! By the way, if you have a mega crop of zucchini, I have great recipes ...

All right, I won't bore you, let's get to work. Stock up on patience and good mood and fight!

Korean-style tomatoes for the winter - the most delicious recipe you will lick your fingers!

Harvesting for the winter according to this recipe is quick and easy, but it turns out unusually tasty and spicy. Especially it will appeal to lovers of Korean dishes. Try it yourself, you will definitely like this savory snack!

To prepare this incredibly tasty preparation, you need to select not too ripe tomatoes. They should be a little underripe so that when we cut them, they do not “spread out” in the jar. And with long-term storage, such tomatoes keep their shape better.

Ingredients for harvesting:

  • Tomatoes -2 kg.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 medium heads
  • Sugar - 100 gr.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons without a slide
  • Vinegar 9% - 100 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 gr.
  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • Basil
  • Hot pepper to taste


1. First things first, we need to prepare the vegetables. Select the tomatoes, free the pepper from the stalk and seeds, peel the garlic and rinse well. We also wash the greens under running water, give time to drain the water.

2. Grind garlic and bell pepper in a deep container with a blender. If it is convenient for you, use a meat grinder. Then add vegetable oil, vinegar and sugar to the resulting spicy filling. We mix.

3. For spiciness, add hot pepper, how much to put it and whether to put it at all, everyone decides for himself. If you like spicy, add more, I add quite a bit.

4. Add salt to the filling, about 2 tablespoons without a slide and mix. Such a small amount of salt for our proportion will be quite enough, since we have hot peppers and garlic, which give sharpness. And the idea of ​​​​this blank is not to pickle the tomatoes, but to make a delicious salad appetizer.

It is better to use special salt for salting - it is stone with large crystals. And the longer it lies, the better. Because, already proven, seasoned salt makes preservation more delicious.

5. Then we cut the greens without chopping much, remove the hard branches. We shift the greens to the spicy filling and mix, it turns out to be thick. For long-term storage, do not put a lot of grass, and if you plan to quickly eat such a snack (after all, after 12 hours it can already be served on the table), then you can put more.

6. Now we cut our ripe fruits into 4 parts, removing the stem and immediately put them in a sterilized bottle. It is not at all necessary to cook in a 3-liter jar, if it is easier for you, you can do it in a 1 or 2-liter container.

7. As soon as one layer of tomatoes is obtained, we shift with a layer of filling.

8. We make the second layer bigger and again shift it with fragrant greens.

9. Thus, we get several layers. We add the entire fill. If the tomatoes are not completely covered, it's okay, they will still release juice.

10. Close the jar with a steamed nylon lid and turn it upside down. Place in the fridge, turning occasionally to marinate the tomatoes evenly. After 12 hours, the snack will be ready.

If we close for the winter, then we take it to a cold place, for example, to the cellar and also turn it over. And it’s better to visit a few more times and turn the jar over, but this is not necessary. Such an appetizer is stored for 3-4 months and I do not sterilize it.

According to this recipe, you can cook green tomatoes, it also turns out incredibly tasty!

Sun Dried Tomatoes Italian recipe

An Italian curiosity that will surprise the most fastidious gourmets. Sun-dried tomatoes are great "friends" with salads, meat, fish, pasta and pizza. Yes, and just putting such a yummy on a piece of white bread is a delight.


  • Tomatoes - 2 kg.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Olive oil - 150-200 ml.
  • Oregano - to taste
  • Basil - to taste

Cooking technology:

1. To prepare this culinary masterpiece, you need to choose dense, fleshy, not overripe tomatoes. Choose less juicy varieties. For such a workpiece, a cream variety is excellent. I make from large fruits that do not fit into a jar, or are not very beautiful in shape. Tomatoes should not be spoiled, bumped and of course without a sour smell. We wash and give time to dry from moisture.

2. If you have large fruits, cut them into four parts, if small, into two.

3. We cut out the stalks and remove the "inside" core with seeds, since with it the tomatoes dry an order of magnitude longer and have a slightly different taste.

The core can be used in the preparation of adjika, tomato soup and other dishes.

5. We will dry in the oven, so we need to prepare a baking sheet, cover it with baking paper and carefully lay out our tomatoes in one layer, tightly to each other.

6. We heat the oven to 60-100 ° C degrees and send our slices. They will dry for 4-6 hours depending on the size. The larger the slice, the longer it will take to cook.

7. Keep an eye on the dried fruits and adjust the temperature if necessary so that they do not burn.

To evaporate moisture faster, open the oven door a little

8. Ready tomatoes are slightly moist and bend easily, in no case should they break, then they are overdried. When the fruits are cooked, we take out and give them time to cool completely. As we can see, they have significantly decreased in size, this is how it should be.

9. We shift the dried slices into a container, sprinkle with pepper, oregano and basil. A sprig of fresh rosemary goes very well, but it wasn’t available in the nearest stores and I used purchased dry herbs. You can also finely chop the garlic if you like. Stir until the spices are well distributed and transfer to a clean jar. The jar may not be sterilized, but I am careful and rinse with boiling water.

10. Tomatoes must be tightly packed and make sure that the oil completely covers them, otherwise, during long-term storage, they may deteriorate and all work will be in vain.

11. Then we twist the lid and remove the jar of goodies in the refrigerator (no need to roll up). You can eat them within a week. During this time, sun-dried tomatoes are thoroughly saturated with spices and oil. The longer they infuse, the tastier they will be. You can store such a delicacy in the refrigerator all winter, but not longer than 6 months.

Important! be sure to get the jars with a clean fork, otherwise they will become moldy.

The preparation turns out to be simply CHIC, though a lot of fruit is consumed, and the jar comes out small, but it's worth it, believe me!

And you will cook sun-dried tomatoes, write below in the comments?

Harvesting tomato with onions: tasty and fast

Such a blank is loved by everyone and always desired on every table. Tomatoes are moderately spicy, soaked in spices and the aroma of onions. Perfectly combined with second courses and always disappear first from the table. Try this recipe and I'm sure this recipe will become a favorite for years to come...

Required (calculation for 700 gr. jar):

  • Tomatoes - 600 gr.
  • Onion - 1 small head
  • Peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  • Bay leaf
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 tablespoon

Marinade (per 1 liter of water):

  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons

Cooking technology:

1. First of all, we need to rinse and sterilize the jars. Then select the tomatoes, they should not be large, sufficiently elastic, whole, without any damage. We wash our red fruits and give time for the water to glass. Peel the onion from the husk, rinse under running water and cut into rings, half rings or slices, as you like.

2. Put a pot of water on the stove. Recently I have been heating with an electric kettle, it is faster and more convenient for me. We lay out the vegetables in sterilized jars, but not under the very neck - we need to leave room for the onion.

3. Fill the jars with boiling water, cover with lids (sterile) and leave for 10 minutes.

I put the jars on a wooden board, playing it safe so that they do not crack

4. After the time has elapsed, drain the water from the cans into the pan and send it to the fire. After boiling, add the indicated amount of salt and sugar, mix until dissolved. Boil the brine for 5 minutes.

5. In the meantime, put onions in jars, put peppercorns and one bay leaf each. Pour 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into each jar.

Apple cider vinegar is healthy, and in the marinade, there is very little of it.

6. Fill the filled jars with boiling marinade, tighten the lids, turn over and cover with a warm blanket for a day. This preservation is perfectly stored in the apartment at room temperature.

Good luck with your preparations!

We close the tomatoes with carrot tops (recipe without sterilization for 1 liter jar)

This recipe has become hugely popular and for good reason! Tomatoes come out just delicious, and the brine tastes extraordinary. It would seem that ordinary carrot tops, which everyone throws away or give to be eaten by domestic animals. But in the preparation, it works wonders, making a winter twist - a magical taste ...


Cooking method:

1. We prepare tomatoes and herbs for preservation, rinse thoroughly and give time to drain the water. Peel the garlic.

2. At the bottom of a clean and sterilized jar, put peppercorns, one clove, chopped garlic cloves. Yes, we send dill umbrellas, 7-8 sprigs of carrot tops. Next, we thoroughly tamp all the greens, you can use a small ladle. Add some hot pepper if desired.

3. The fruits do not have to be red, you can close and not ripened - pink, brown. So that when pouring jars with boiling water, the skin on the tomatoes does not burst and crack, several punctures should be made with a toothpick or skewer at the place where the stem is attached. We fill the jar to the top and put a sprig of carrot tops on top.

4. Fill all the jars with boiling water up to the very neck, cover with a metal lid and leave for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the vegetables are steamed well.

6. After the specified time, drain the infused water into a saucepan, in which the marinade will be prepared. There are marks on the pan, I can use them to navigate how many liters of liquid it turned out. Accordingly, a calculation will be made based on this amount, how much salt and sugar are needed to prepare the brine.

7. Add a little more water, since the tomatoes were still in boiling water, they absorbed some of the water. Pour the measured amount of salt and sugar into the pan.

8. When the water boils, add citric acid, mix well and turn off the stove. Then we begin to pour the boiling marinade into prepared jars, then close the lid, whether it be screw or under a seamer.

9. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket or an old jacket. We leave our blanks in this position until they cool completely.

Then we send it to the cellar or pantry to wait for its finest hour.

Tomatoes with cucumbers for the winter - you will lick your fingers recipe

I really like this option. He opened the jar, and on the table both crispy cucumbers and juicy tomatoes flaunt on a plate. The mix is ​​beyond praise!

Ingredients (per 3 liter jar):

  • Tomatoes
  • cucumbers
  • Carrot
  • Salt - 4 tbsp. spoons (no slide)
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons (heaped)
  • Vinegar - 8 dessert spoons
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Black peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • Allspice black pepper - 5 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.
  • Carnation - 4 pcs.

Cooking process:

1. I do not sterilize jars of vegetables. Therefore, you need to rinse the empty container well and bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

Be sure to load the jars into a cold oven, but if you put them in a hot oven, they will crack.

2. At the bottom of each jar we put an umbrella of dill, then cucumbers and tomatoes. I do not indicate the exact number of vegetables, since it all depends on the size of the fruit and your preferences, as well as availability. For example, I had fewer cucumbers than tomatoes, so the latter will dominate in my assortment.

3. In each tomato, near the stem, we make punctures with a toothpick. Punctures should be deep, half, or even the entire length of the fetus. If the punctures are not deep, then there will be no effect - checked! If you are not embarrassed by a couple of "wounded" (burst) vegetables in a jar, you can save time and not make holes in the fruit.

4. We tightly pack the vegetables in the jar, leaving a little room for seasonings.

5. We send a pot of water to the stove and wait for it to boil. Then pour boiling water into jars filled with assorted vegetables and cover with metal lids. Leave the recipe for 20 minutes. I, on the other hand, wait until the water cools down so that the jar can be picked up and not burned. Then we put on a nylon lid with holes and drain the infused water back into the pan.

6. When the water starts to boil, add salt and sugar, mix well. Since I don't have a cellar, I store the canned food in the pantry, so my brine is saturated. If your seaming is stored in the cellar, then you can reduce it by 1 spoon (salt 3 tablespoons, sugar -2).

7. While the marinade is boiling, at this time we pour all the spices and 3 wheels of carrots into the jar. If desired, you can add a little horseradish and hot pepper, but I did not have either one or the other.

8. The marinade has boiled, now add 1 dessert spoon of vinegar essence 70% to a 3-liter jar and pour the boiling marinade into filled jars, right up to the neck. If you only have 9% vinegar at home, then add 8 dessert spoons. Close the lid and seal tightly with a key.

9. Turn the jars upside down and cover with a warm blanket until cool. Often in this position, they stay for a day, and then we remove them to a far corner, where our assortment is waiting for its time.

Conservation is ready!

Chopped tomatoes with onions, like fresh!

A very simple canning recipe. And in the winter I opened a jar, transferred the contents to a salad bowl, added vegetable oil and got an amazing salad. I stock up on such a blank for the future thoroughly and advise you ...

  • Tomatoes
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon with a slide
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon with a slide
  • Onion - 1 medium head
  • Peppercorns - 5-8 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. For this preservation, you need to choose dense, fleshy varieties. I really like cream. Cut in half, if you have large fruits, then you need to 4 parts. Onion cut into large half rings.

2. In a clean jar at the bottom, lay the onion, then the slices of tomatoes cut down. I fill as many jars as will fit in the pan in which we will sterilize.

3. Add salt, sugar, pepper and cover with lids.

4. We cover the bottom of the pan with a napkin, put our blanks in it. We fill with water up to the shoulders of the cans and send it to the stove. As soon as the water boils, reduce the fire a little and detect forty minutes.

The recipe is simple, but so delicious in winter!

Pickled tomatoes with grapes for the winter without vinegar


  • Cherry - 0.5 kg
  • Grapes - 150 gr.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Salt -1 tsp.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Currant leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Cherry leaf - 1 pc.
  • Black peppercorns - 2 pcs.
  • Hot pepper - 10 gr. (optional)
  • Umbrella dill - 1 pc.


1. We prepare cherry tomatoes and grapes for canning. We select whole, dense tomatoes and wash well in water. Wash the grapes in whole bunches, then remove from the brush. If spoiled berries come across, discard them. We also thoroughly wash the greens that we will use.

2. At the bottom of a sterile jar we put a dill umbrella, peppercorns, hot peppers, garlic.

4. Boil water and fill our workpiece with boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave to brew for 15 minutes. Next, drain the water back into the pan (I already wrote above that a plastic lid with holes is very convenient for this purpose). We cover the jars with lids and put a clean towel on top so that they do not cool down while we prepare the marinade.

5. We send the pan to the fire, pour in a little more water, as the cherry tomatoes and grapes have absorbed a little. Bring to a boil and add a teaspoon of salt and sugar. We mix. When the marinade boils, pour it into a jar directly boiling. We tightly close the lid and wrap it with a warm blanket, be sure to turn the lid down.

Here we have such a beauty, and it’s also very cool that you don’t need to add vinegar at all!

Canning tomatoes in our own juice according to the best recipe

This recipe for harvesting is not only very tasty, but also very convenient. Tomatoes are served in a salad bowl on the table, and we use the juice in the preparation of sauces, gravy and even borscht. Or you can just take it and drink it, because it is very tasty, which is most often done in our family. The recipe is very simple, done by sterilization. He also attracted me by the fact that you do not need to add vinegar to the preservation.


  • Cream tomatoes on a jar
  • Allspice 4 peas in each jar
  • Juicy tomatoes for pouring
  • Allspice

For 1 liter filling

  • Salt -1 tbsp
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons


1. In a clean jar, put the tomatoes, which were previously washed and dried. Empty jars do not need to be sterilized. Fruits should be selected dense, not overripe.

2. Now we need to prepare tomato juice. Here, just the same, you need to use juicy varieties. We pass the chopped pieces through a blender, meat grinder or juicer. I like the second option, as we get rid of the seeds and peel. Next, you need to measure the volume of juice. We need about 2 liters of juice for 3 liter jars. We put the juice on the fire, bring to a boil. We remove the resulting foam and add 2 tablespoons of salt and 4 tablespoons of sugar (because we have 2 liters of tomato juice). Let's give it a good boil.

3. Pour hot juice into jars and add 4 peas of allspice to each jar, cover with a lid. Put in a saucepan and fill up to the shoulders with water.

Important! We put a napkin or towel at the bottom of the pan so that the jar does not burst in the process.

We send our blanks to the fire and let the water boil, sterilize for 15-20 minutes from the moment of boiling.

The workpiece is ready! In winter we will enjoy the gifts of summer!

A simple and favorite recipe for sweet tomatoes per liter jar

Good luck preparing!

Pickled tomatoes with raspberry leaves

I copied this canning option from my mother's cookbook, and if I'm not mistaken, she found it in a magazine. The recipe exceeded all our expectations, the tomatoes come out delicious. And also one more plus - raspberry leaves contain acetylsalicylic acid, which prevents preservation from fermenting, betraying a special taste to tomatoes.

Ingredients: (calculation for one 3-liter jar)

  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. a spoon
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. a spoon
  • Acetic essence 70% - 1 tbsp. spoons
  • Raspberry leaves - 3-4 pcs.
  • Peppercorns - 4 pcs.
  • Laurel - 2 pcs.

Cooking process:

1. Put a sprig of raspberries at the bottom of the jar, then fill the bottle with pre-prepared tomatoes. Their number in the ingredients, I indicated approximate, since it all depends on the size of the fruit. Banks do not need to be sterilized.

2. We put a pot of water on the stove, when the water boils - pour our blanks with boiling water for 40 minutes. We cover with lids, which were previously held in boiling water. When the bottle has cooled down and can be taken with your hands, drain the water using a plastic cap with holes back into the pan.

3. When the water starts to boil, add salt, sugar, bay leaf and peppercorns. When it boils a little, pour into jars, trying to get pepper and bay leaf into each. Pour into each bottle a tablespoon of vinegar essence.

4. Cork with a metal lid and turn upside down. Wrap and leave until the preservation is completely cool. This takes about a day.

Winter harvesting is perfectly stored in a cool place, not necessarily in the cellar!

Green tomatoes for the winter (recipe with step by step description)

A very tasty appetizer comes out, which disappears at the speed of sound until the end of winter. Green fruits of cold salting are obtained as barrel ones, you just need to adhere to the required proportions. The recipe is very simple, does not require sterilization.


  • green tomatoes
  • Dill umbrella - 2-3 pcs.
  • Horseradish leaves - 3 pcs.
  • Cherry leaves - 2 pcs.
  • Currant leaves - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 10 cloves
  • Peppercorns - 7-10 pcs.
  • Water - 1.5 liters
  • Salt - 2.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Mustard - 1.5 tbsp. a spoon


1. At the bottom of a clean jar we put dill umbrellas, horseradish leaves, cherries and currants. We cut the garlic into slices and also send it to the jar, but not all, but half of the total. We also add peppercorns.

2. Tomatoes are best taken slightly browned, they turn out tastier, but red fruits according to this recipe are very tasty. On each we make an incision crosswise, or along, but deep.

3. Fill the jar. If our green "friend" does not fit, cut it in half.

3. When the green tomatoes fill the jar up to 1/3 - put another sheet of horseradish, then fill the glass container to the top and pour in the remaining garlic.

Important! Do not feel sorry for horseradish leaves, because they make the fruits elastic and tasty

4. Now the turn has come to the preparation of the marinade.

Important! Use purified water (I buy in a store) or spring water. It is better not to use it from the tap, because. it is chlorinated and the tomatoes will not taste good.

Pour 1.5 liters of water (cold) into a deep container, add salt, sugar, mustard and mix everything well until dissolved.

5. Pour green vegetables with brine up to the neck of the jar. It is very important that it covers the tomatoes completely. We close the nylon lid and put it in a cold place - a cellar or a refrigerator. After 1-1.5 they can be eaten. Such an appetizer is stored throughout the year.

The brine will immediately be cloudy, but over time, the "turbidity" will settle and it will brighten, and you will eat an amazing snack.

The best chilli ketchup recipe

Spicy lovers love this recipe. Tomatoes are spicy, spicy-sweet in taste. Such an appetizer will be a chic addition to the side dish, as well as awesomely tasty with meat roasted at the stake.

Required Ingredients:

  • Tomatoes - 2 kg
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 cup
  • Water - 7 tbsp.
  • Ketchup Chile - 8 tbsp. lies.
  • Garlic - 10-12 cloves
  • Black peppercorns and allspice, 20 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • Hot red pepper - optional and to taste
  • Currant leaves - 3 pcs.
  • Cherry leaves - 3 pcs.
  • Umbrella dill - 1 pc.

Cooking process:

1. Pour water into the pan, in which we will prepare the marinade. We add the required amount according to the list of ingredients of salt, sugar, ketchup and vinegar. We send it to the stove and let it boil.

2. Then we sterilize the glass container in any way convenient for you.

3. We select tomatoes without flaws. In each, where the tail is fastened, we make a puncture with a skewer or a toothpick. So that during the sterilization of the blanks, the tomatoes do not burst.

4. At the bottom of the jar we put dill, leaves, add garlic, black peppercorns and allspice, as well as a little hot pepper. Place the tomatoes in a jar and pour over the marinade. We seal hermetically with metal lids using a seaming key.

5. We take a large saucepan so that conservation can fit into it. We cover the bottom with a towel or napkin. We send filled jars there. Pour over the "shoulders" with water and boil for 10 minutes. Next, turn it over, put it on a towel with a lid down and wrap it up until it cools completely.

Preservation for the winter is ready!

We prepare for the winter tomatoes with citric acid in 3-liter jars

This is a quick and easy tomato recipe. They are incredibly delicious. Everything is eaten and immediately washed down with brine, because it is also excellent. This recipe is a favorite in our family. Yes, not only in the family, but also in our environment, who tried this yummy. And who should not eat vinegar, it’s generally a godsend, because it is replaced by citric acid.

List of required ingredients (calculation for a 3-liter jar):

  • Tomatoes - 1.5
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. lies.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. lies.
  • Citric acid - 1 teaspoon with a slide
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • dill umbrella
  • Garlic - 3-4 pcs.
  • Hot pepper optional
  • Allspice -4 pcs.
  • Peppercorns - 5-6 pcs.
  • Carnation - 2-3 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Before starting harvesting, as usual, we prepare tomatoes - we select small whole fruits, without damage, about the same size. We peel the carrots. We clean the sweet pepper from seeds and stalk and wash it together with carrots and tomatoes. Thoroughly wash the jars with soda and sterilize in a way convenient for you, whether it be an oven, microwave or over steam (over a kettle / saucepan + colander or double boiler).

2. At the bottom of each bottle we put a dill umbrella, garlic, bay leaf, cloves, allspice and peas. If you wish, you can add hot pepper, currant leaves, parsley sprig.

3. We put tomatoes in jars. Do not forget to pierce deeper with a toothpick or needle.

4. Add carrots sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin slices or cubes with stripes of sweet pepper.

4. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and leave for 15-20 minutes. I put water on the brine on the stove. When the water boils, add salt, granulated sugar and citric acid, give time to boil a little. Drain the infused water from the jars and pour over the brine.

5. We roll up the lids on the jars and put them in a far corner so as not to interfere. Wrap with a warm blanket until the preservation is completely cool. Then we put it in the cellar.

In winter, enjoy fragrant tomatoes!

Video on how to close the most delicious "tomatoes in the snow" with garlic

Another hit of tomato blanks! Delicious sweet-spicy tomatoes will not leave anyone indifferent, they are eaten first! And if guests come, get ready to share the recipe.

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:

  • Tomatoes - 500-600 gr.;
  • Garlic - 1 teaspoon (possible with a slide);
  • sweet peas (optional) - 2 pcs.;
  • Mustard seeds (optional) - 0.5 tsp;
  • Vinegar 70% - 0.5 tsp.

Marinade per liter of water(per liter jar about 400-500 ml of marinade):

  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Surprise your loved ones with delicious preparations in the winter!

The most delicious recipe for tomatoes in tomato juice without vinegar and sterilization

Easy to prepare recipe, amazing taste of tomato. Tomato juice can be used in cooking. The recipe has been tested for decades.

Ingredients for 5 jars 1.5 liters:

  • Tomatoes - 5 kg.
  • Tomato juice - 3.5 l.
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

1. Add salt to taste into ready-made boiling tomato juice and mix well.

And you can not salt at all, it's up to you.

2. Pour boiling water over the lids.

3. We lay out the tomatoes in jars. Fill with boiling water, close the lids and leave for 10 minutes.

4. We put a plastic lid with holes on the jar and drain the water.

5. Fill the jars with boiling tomato juice to the top so that the tomatoes are completely submerged. Cover with a metal lid.

6. We twist the covers with a key.

In winter, enjoy the gifts of summer!

Delicious Cherry Tomato Canned Recipe

Cherry is a very tasty and beautiful fruit. A blank of these mini-tomatoes will become a bright decoration of the table. And ardent lovers of pickles will appreciate this recipe.


  • Cherry tomatoes - 500-600 gr.
  • Onion - 1 small head
  • Umbrella dill - 1 pc.
  • Parsley - 4-5 sprigs
  • Horseradish leaf - 1/2 part
  • Peppercorns - 8 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.

Marinade for 1 liter jar:

  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. spoon (no slide)
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 teaspoon

Cooking method:

1. At the bottom of a clean sterilized jar we put spices: parsley, dill umbrella, onion cut into rings 0.5 cm wide, bay leaf, peppercorns and horseradish leaf. Then fill with cherry tomatoes.

2. Fill the tomatoes with boiled water and leave for 15 - 30 minutes.

3. While our mini-tomatoes are in boiling water, we need to prepare the brine. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan. Add sugar and salt, then send the pan to the stove and bring the marinade to a boil.

4. We drain the infused water from a liter jar using a nylon lid with holes. Next, pour a teaspoon of vinegar directly into the jar.

5. Pour boiling brine over the neck of the jar so that it completely covers the mini-fruits (cherries).

6. Cork with a metal lid. Wrap up. When the jar has cooled, put it in a cool place. But I have them and at room temperature are wonderful!

This concludes my collection. I hope that you liked it and you will find the most delicious blank ideas for yourself! Which will delight you and your family in the cold season! After all, as my grandmother said: “Winter will ask what did you do in the summer?”

For comments and reposts of the article in the social. network special thanks.

And I wish you that all your blanks turn out well!