How to ferment cabbage: quick recipes for tasty and crispy preparations at home. Instant Sauerkraut Recipes

07.06.2022 Salads

Are you still having difficulty with how to ferment cabbage deliciously and quickly in a jar? We will tell you how to do it simply and without much time.

Cabbage is a healthy vegetable rich in useful trace elements. During fermentation, lactic acid bacteria participate in its fermentation, which give the finished product a sour taste.

Ingredients needed for sourdough cabbage:

  • cabbage - 3 kg
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • sugar.

If a raw vegetable has a bitter taste, then it will be bitter when pickled.


  1. Cabbage is finely chopped with a regular or special shredding knife.
  2. Carrots are peeled and cut into small strips.
  3. One tablespoon of table salt is mixed with 2 tablespoons of sugar. This mixture is then added to carrots and cabbage.
  4. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
  5. Cabbage should be mashed with force, so after pickling it will become more tasty and crispy.
  6. The workpiece is placed in cans and tamped with a wooden wheelchair. After a day, the fermentation process will begin, in which the juice will begin to pour out of the jar.
  7. Cabbage should be indoors for 3 days while fermentation takes place.
  8. After that, it is placed in the refrigerator. If it is bitter, then the jar should be taken out of the refrigerator for a day.

This delicious product is able to retain its beneficial properties for 60 days.

How to ferment cabbage in brine?

Brine preparation

  1. Sugar and salt are mixed, then bay leaf is added. You can use allspice if you like.
  2. 1.5 liters of water is boiled, then a mixture of salt, sugar, bay leaf and pepper is added to it. Russell is ready.

What vegetables do you need?

  • cabbage - 2 kg
  • carrots - 1 pc.

Cooking sauerkraut

  1. Shred the cabbage, grate the carrots.
  2. Mix everything thoroughly, but do not crush.
  3. Place the cabbage in a jar, but do not press it, as it will be filled with brine.
  4. Wait until the brine has cooled completely, and pour it over the cabbage.
  5. Place the jar in a warm room for 3 days.
  6. At times, you need to release air from the jar with a wooden spoon.

After 3 days, sauerkraut will be ready to eat.

How to ferment cabbage with apples?


  • cabbage - 2.5 kg
  • carrots - 100 g
  • sour apples - 150 g
  • salt.


  1. Peel cabbage, carrots and chop them.
  2. Remove the core from the apples, cut them into slices.
  3. For the formation of juice, an important condition is a strong crushing of vegetables.
  4. Add apples to vegetables.
  5. Place the workpiece in the jar, pressing on top with a heavy object.
  6. Leave the jar in the room for a day, then put it in the refrigerator for a week.

After 7 days, the cabbage will be ready to eat. Apples will give the workpiece a kind of sourness.

How to ferment cabbage with beets?

Do you want sauerkraut to have a red color and an unusual taste? Add beets to it.


  • cabbage - 3 kg
  • beets - 1 kg
  • water - 1 l
  • glass of sugar
  • glass of vinegar
  • allspice
  • Bay leaf.


  1. Cut the cabbage in half. Cut each half into 4 more pieces lengthwise and across to make squares.
  2. Cut the beets into thin strips. Mix with cabbage.
  3. To create a brine, you need to boil water, add seasonings, salt and sugar to it. After 10 minutes, add vinegar, boil for another 1 minute.
  4. Place the vegetables in a jar and pour over the brine.
  5. Leave the container in a warm place for 4 days.

The dish is served to the table seasoned with refined oil.

How to ferment cabbage with cranberries?

Pickling such cabbage will take from 7 to 11 days. The finished product can be stored in a cold place for several months.


  • cabbage - 5 kg
  • carrots - 2 kg
  • sugar
  • cranberries - 400 g.

Crispy and juicy sauerkraut is popular with people of all ages. I do not recognize store-bought pickles and have my favorite ways of preparing them. Today I want to offer you a recipe for delicious crispy and juicy instant sauerkraut, and not even one, but several of the most successful ones.

Each housewife will be able to choose for herself a successful cooking method from those that I will offer you today. Over the years, I have gathered a proven collection of recipes, I am sure of them - the cabbage turns out to be very tasty, and, of course, such blanks take a minimum of time to cook.

Recipe for quick cabbage with beets

First, I propose to cook delicious cabbage with beets. Red beet is not the main ingredient, it will only color our cabbage in a stunning pink color. Such an appetizer will decorate any feast. You can use it immediately, or you can sterilize it in jars and preserve it for the winter.

To prepare sauerkraut with instant beets, we need 1 day.


  • Cabbage - 700 grams
  • Juicy beets - 1 piece
  • Bell pepper red and yellow - 2 pieces
  • Garlic - 1 large clove
  • Dill, fresh basil - 5 branches each
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tablespoons
  • Savoy salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Allspice - 6 pieces
  • Water.

Cooking steps:

We buy ordinary, cheap white cabbage in a supermarket or market. We will need two more meaty peppers, preferably in different colors, so that our appetizer is bright and beautiful. We definitely need garlic and actually young, juicy beets.

We wash the cabbage with water, you can cut off the top sheets if they are crushed or with dots. Cut out the stem. We need to chop the cabbage coarsely, so that we can mess around less and eat more conveniently. We cut half of the pumpkin like a watermelon, into slices, 2-3 centimeters wide, and then each cut into large cubes.

The cabbage will fall apart on its own. Pour chopped cabbage into a large bowl, she needs to breathe, let her just stand on the table for 5 minutes.

Wash and peel the bell pepper, cut into thin strips, you can also large, as you like. Sprinkle pepper over cabbage.

Peel the beets, wash and cut into strips, you can rub it on a coarse grater. Wash fresh basil and dill, finely chop.

Pour the beets and greens into a bowl with cabbage. Mix everything well with a spoon. Cabbage will be pickled in a three-liter jar. Wash and dry it beforehand. Pour all the vegetables into a jar. We cut the garlic simply into slices and also into a jar.

Pour about 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan, pour out Savoy salt, this special salt is immediately added with spices and it is sea. If you do not find such salt, add the usual one. Then pour sugar and sweet peas. We put the saucepan on the stove and boil the marinade for a couple of minutes so that the salt melts.

Pour vinegar into a jar and like a hot marinade.

We close the bank. We put it anywhere in the kitchen, not in the refrigerator. After 24 hours, cabbage can be served on the table.

Quick recipe for delicious homemade sauerkraut

The advantage of this recipe will undoubtedly be the quick preparation of crispy cabbage, and, of course, ease of preparation. Well, the products are available in almost every housewife.


  • White cabbage -1 forks;
  • Ripe and sweet carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Fresh garlic - 2-3 cloves (optional)
  • 100 ml. apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of coarse salt;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar (brown);
  • Sunflower, unrefined oil with a smell - 110 ml;
  • Clean drinking water - 550 ml.


  1. The recipe is simple to prepare - grate the carrots, and it is best to use a special one for carrots in Korean. Thin slices of the vegetable will give more juice, and will look attractive when served.
  2. Chop the head of cabbage into thin long slices.
  3. Prepare the brine - to do this, bring water to a boil, pour vinegar and vegetable oil into it, add spices. Stir and heat until the grains of salt and sugar dissolve.
  4. Prepare a pickling container - ideally a glass jar, add mixed vegetables to it and pour hot brine over it. Put a small load on top, covering the cabbage with a plate.

The dish will be ready in a few hours, but after it is completely fermented, it should be put in the refrigerator.

Quick cabbage "Khrustovka" in Chernihiv

Fast cabbage of natural fermentation - it turns out juicy, crispy and very tasty, and besides, it does not contain harmful vinegar in the composition.

  • Cabbage - a head of about 2 kilograms;
  • Carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • Seasonings and your favorite spices;
  • Pure water;
  • 50 gr. coarse salt;
  • 65 gr. granulated sugar.


  1. The recipe is for a 3 liter jar. Shred the cabbage at your discretion, with thin “threads” or larger pieces, and grate the carrots.
  2. Mix the vegetables together, and pack tightly into a glass jar.
  3. Shitty secret: in order not to spoil the recipe for instant homemade sauerkraut, very tasty cabbage, you need to properly prepare the filling - mix all the ingredients remaining for the brine (strictly according to the recipe), and pour it into a jar.
  4. Do not close the jar with a lid, it is better to wrap the neck with a small piece of gauze. Leave the container for 2-3 days at room temperature, and then you can close the lid (plastic) and put it away for storage in a cool place.

Crispy and juicy cabbage is ready to eat.

Instant sauerkraut in a jar per day without vinegar

How to cook sauerkraut in literally one day, for example, for a picnic or a holiday - is it possible? And it will not be inferior in taste to another recipe. This recipe is also fast-cooking, sauerkraut ferments in a jar a day without vinegar.

We will need:

  • 2.5 kg of white cabbage;
  • 3 medium carrots;
  • Coarse table salt - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • aromatic spices;
  • Sugar sand - 100 gr.


Cut the cabbage in any convenient way, and chop or rub the carrot. Mix the vegetables together with coarse table salt and grind thoroughly so that they release the juice so that the daily cabbage is crispy.

Press the vegetables into a jar, adding spices while stirring.

cabbage in 1 day

You are planning a feast or a party with friends, and you do not know how to diversify the table? Sauerkraut in a jar per day - what could be easier and tastier?

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • A small head of cabbage;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 55 gr. salt;
  • A pinch of cumin;
  • Spices;
  • 45 ml of any fruit vinegar;
  • 65 ml of unrefined oil with the smell of seeds;
  • 60 g sugar.

How to cook sauerkraut quickly in 1 day in a jar according to a classic recipe:

Let's prepare the vegetables - grate or cut the carrots, and chop the cabbage into thin strips. Grind the vegetables with the addition of salt and granulated sugar to make the juice appear.

If the vegetables are juicy and fresh, then their juice will be enough, but if necessary, you can always add clean water.

We prepare the marinade from the remaining products - or rather, we mix the oil with vinegar and cumin.

We put black pepper and bay leaf on the bottom of the container - vegetables on top of them, and pour the marinade over them. Put in the refrigerator so that the cabbage is infused, and by the evening it will be completely ready - crispy and fragrant.

Quick sauerkraut in 2-3 hours

Quickly ferment cabbage to serve it to the table, perhaps using a hot marinade for this, with the addition of fragrant spices and seasonings, so that sauerkraut with brine is juicy.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • Cabbage - 1 medium head;
  • Carrot - 1 pc.;
  • Apple cider vinegar - 150 ml;
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • Pure water - 250 ml;
  • Liquid honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Coarse salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Favorite spices - at your discretion;
  • A bunch of fresh herbs.


How to quickly cook sauerkraut at home? The recipe is very simple - chop the cabbage forks as thinly as possible (but not smaller). Grate carrots on a fine grater.

Boil water with salt, honey, oil and vinegar and add spices to the brine.

Put fresh greens on the bottom of the container (only stalks can be used), mix cabbage with carrots and tamp into the container.

Pour hot marinade on top, let it cool, close the lid and put it in the refrigerator, the workpiece is almost ready. Serve with thin pickled onion rings.

cabbage in brine


  • Cabbage - 1 fork;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Brown sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vinegar - 125 ml;
  • Water - 300 ml;
  • Spices - to taste.


So, a quick recipe in brine. To do this, mix spices and vinegar in water, bring to a boil and cool.

Cut the cabbage and carrots, but do not crush, transfer to a bowl and pour over the marinade.

Lay a plate on top and place a small weight on top. Let the cabbage stand at room temperature for a while, and put it in the refrigerator for storage. This quick recipe is sure to please.

Sauerkraut "Spring"

In the summer, you want to treat yourself to winter dishes that family and friends have already missed. One option may be a snack of young sauerkraut.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • Head of young cabbage;
  • Fresh carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Coarse salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Water - 400 ml;
  • Wine vinegar - 125 ml;
  • Brown sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Favorite spices.


Peel the head of head from the top leaves, and cut the cabbage into pieces into 6-8 parts. Cut carrots into rings.

Put the vegetables in layers in a jar, being careful not to pack them too much. Such blanks are best done in small containers.

Prepare a marinade with vinegar and spices, cool and pour into a container. After 3-4 hours, remove for storage in the refrigerator. You can add beetroot slices for color, and apple slices and garlic to emphasize the taste.

This is the easiest and easiest recipe for delicious, crispy and juicy instant sauerkraut.

When the cold weather comes, you always want to serve something tasty and satisfying to the table. This is especially true of primordially Russian dishes, which include instant sauerkraut. She is able to turn even the most modest dinner into an excellent feast. In addition, cabbage has many useful properties, which, by the way, is necessary in the cold season.

Want to make sauerkraut at home but don't know where to start? Then use the following step-by-step recipe and be sure that you will get a healthy and tasty addition to the side dish for lunch or dinner.

You will need:

  • medium-sized cabbage - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • vinegar 9% - 75 ml;
  • rast. oil - 1 glass;
  • spices (cumin, dill, cloves).

Cabbage is shredded to about the same thickness as you do for salads. We take a large bowl and begin to knead the cabbage by hand in it. Carrots can be grated on a coarse grater or cut into strips. Peppers are cut into strips a centimeter thick. Alternatively, you can cut it into small cubes. Mix the mixture in the bowl again with your hands.

I'm preparing the brine. A liter of water is heated on the stove, where oil, salt and sugar are placed. Stir until the crystals of bulk components are completely dissolved in the mixture. After boiling, carefully pour the vinegar, cover the pan with a lid and turn off the heat. We divide the vegetables into 2 parts. We put the first one in a container where we are going to ferment the cabbage and tamp it down. Pour half the brine (it is important that it is hot), then put the remaining vegetables and pour the second part.

We put it under oppression, which can be used as an ordinary jar filled with water. In this form, the cabbage is marinated for 8 hours. After cooling, put it in the refrigerator for 15 hours. The first test can be done as early as 12 hours after you leave it to infuse.

No added vinegar

Sauerkraut without vinegar is a great recipe for those people who cannot stand the smell or taste of this product.

You will need:

  • cabbage - 2 kg;
  • carrots - 4 pcs.;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Carrots are rubbed on a grater. The cabbage is shredded. As in the classic version, we shift all this into a large bowl for easy mixing and begin to knead with our hands until the cabbage releases the juice. We prepare a three-liter jar, having previously doused it with boiling water for disinfection, after which we put vegetables tightly into it.

The marinade is made very simply: a liter of water is heated on the stove, then salt and sugar are poured into it. Stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. Boil the brine, remove from the stove and pour into a jar. From above we tighten it with a bandage in several layers or gauze and put it for three days in a warm place. Periodically, do not forget to stir the cabbage so that the brine does not stagnate and unnecessary bacteria do not start to breed. After three days, close the jar with a tight lid and put it away for permanent storage.

Recipe with apples

You will need:

  • cabbage - 3 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • green apples - 3 pcs.;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Cabbage is chopped as small as possible, and apples and carrots are rubbed on a grater. After that, transfer the products to a large bowl or bowl and start kneading by hand. Continue until you see that the cabbage has released the juice. We make a brine from warm water and salt.

After that, the cutting is tightly packed into a jar and stands for about 2 days at room temperature to start the fermentation process. Insert wooden sticks through the cheesecloth into the jars to make the cabbage crispy and white. After 40 hours, we remove the cabbage in the refrigerator when the fermentation is completed, and after another 2-3 hours, the appetizer can be served at the table.

Kvasim in 3 liter jars

Sourdough cabbage in three-liter jars is one of the traditions of the past, when they fermented in large quantities. As a rule, the sourdough recipe in large volumes is not much different from the traditional one, the difference is only in the number of ingredients used.

You will need:

  • cabbage - 2 kg;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • black pepper - a few peas;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.

We cut the vegetables: the cabbage is chopped, and the carrots are grated into straws. We mix them together in a bowl by hand until the juice appears, and then we put them tightly in a 3-liter jar. Mix the spices for the brine. Add something else to taste, based on your own preferences.

Pour 1.5 liters of warm water and mix until the salt and sugar crystals are completely dissolved. The brine is moved to a jar of cabbage, and the neck is pulled together with gauze in several layers. The total fermentation time is 2-3 days. During this period, it is necessary to open the gauze a couple of times so that the gases come out and pierce the cabbage layers, otherwise the product will become rotten and cannot be eaten.

With beets

You will need:

  • cabbage - 4 kg;
  • beets - 2 pcs.;
  • horseradish - 50 g;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • hot pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • greens;
  • salt - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons.

The cabbage is washed, the stalk is cut out. The head of cabbage is cut into several parts, each weighing no more than 300 grams. Horseradish is rubbed on a fine grater, and the garlic, in turn, is cut into thin slices. Raw beets are peeled and cut into large cubes. In a separate enameled bowl, cabbage is mixed with horseradish, beets, finely chopped greens and garlic.

In a large saucepan, a brine is being prepared for our cabbage. All you need is 2.5 liters. We put salt and sugar there, boil, stirring constantly. When it cools down to an acceptable temperature, fill it with cabbage, tighten it with gauze on top, put a plate and an additional load on top. Complete fermentation lasts 3-5 days.

Cabbage, sauerkraut

You will need:

  • cabbage - 7 pcs.;
  • salt - 250 g;
  • water - 10 l.

Prepare large dishes in advance, and preferably a barrel for fermenting cabbage with heads of cabbage. The amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe may vary depending on the container you choose, up or down.

Prepared heads of cabbage (washed and peeled) are cut into 2-4 parts, based on their size. The utensils for cooking are thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water for disinfection. Cabbage leaves are laid out at the bottom, heads of cabbage are already placed on them. On top, you can also put leaves, or a layer of finely chopped cabbage.

The brine is made from water and salt and stirred until the crystals are completely dissolved. Fill them with cabbage so that the liquid is 3-4 centimeters higher. We tighten the gauze on top and lay oppression. It takes up to a week to soak. The finished snack should be stored in a cool place.

Recipe in 2 hours

You will need:

  • cabbage - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • rast. oil - 8 tbsp. spoons;
  • vinegar - 70 ml.

The cabbage is washed, cleaned of old leaves and finely chopped. Carrots also undergo preliminary processing, after which they are rubbed on a medium grater. Brine for quick sauerkraut is made as follows: boil 1 liter of water, alternately adding sugar and salt, stir until completely dissolved. At the end put vinegar and oil.

The marinade should boil for about 7 minutes, then you can taste it. If something seems to be missing, then you can add salt or sugar again. Mix the carrots and cabbage by hand, transferring them to a large bowl with a wide bottom. Fill with brine, cover with a lid and after 2 hours the appetizer is ready to serve.

Crispy and juicy cabbage

You will need:

  • cabbage - 2.5 kg;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.

First of all, a brine for cabbage is prepared. Salt and sugar are mixed in warm boiled water until completely dissolved. Cabbage is peeled, washed and finely chopped with a knife or grater. Carrots are rubbed on a grater. Vegetables are mixed in a bowl and then packed into a jar. Don't forget to put a bay leaf between the layers.

Then the brine is poured into the container with the cabbage in such a way that it completely covers it. Approximately you will need about one and a half liters of marinade. Cover the lid loosely with gauze or a folded bandage. We put the jar in a plate with a deep bottom, since during the souring, the cabbage will begin to rise, and liquid will pour out with it. The fermentation process will take 2-3 days. Observe the temperature regime, it should be within 20 degrees.

With bell pepper and grapes

You will need:

  • cabbage - 6 kg;
  • carrots - 1.5 kg;
  • bell pepper - 8 pcs.;
  • seedless grapes - 1.5 kg;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons.

The cabbage is finely chopped, rubbed with salt. Carrots are processed on a grater. Bulgarian pepper is cut into strips, the seeds are completely removed from it. Apples are cut into slices and bones are cut out of them. Add grapes and mix all ingredients in a large bowl.

It is best to choose enamelware, it is the best suited for sourdough cabbage. We put a plate on top and oppression. The process of souring cabbage will last about 3 days, while you need to pierce it at least a couple of times every day to the very bottom with a wooden skewer so that gases come out.

in Armenian

You will need:

  • cabbage - 2.5 kg;
  • carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • beets - 1 pc.;
  • hot pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • cilantro - a couple of branches;
  • celery root - 100 g;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • black peppercorns;
  • salt - 8 tbsp. spoons.

First, let's deal with the brine: boil 3 liters of water along with salt and spices, then let it cool slightly. We clean the cabbage from old leaves and cut the head of cabbage into 4 equal parts. Carrots are cut into slices. The celery is cut lengthwise into 2-4 parts, the stalk is cut off from the peppers, the beets, in turn, into small slices.

We lay on the bottom of the enameled dishes, where we are going to make the sourdough, several sheets removed in advance during cleaning. Tamp the cabbage tightly in several rows, and in between them the remaining vegetables and herbs. After that, the mixture is poured with brine so that it covers them by 4-5 centimeters. From above, vegetables are covered with a few more cabbage leaves, and a plate is placed on which oppression is placed. Salting will take 3-4 days.

  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • horseradish root - 30 g;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 2.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • The cabbage is washed, cleaned of old leaves and divided into 4 equal parts without stalk, after which it is chopped. Cut the pepper, remove the seeds and stem. Garlic cloves are cut into slices or crushed in a garlic press. Horseradish can be grated on a fine grater, and do not forget to protect your eyes! Carrot rubbed on a coarse grater. All vegetables are transferred to a large enameled bowl and mixed.

    We prepare the brine: boil a liter of water, add bulk components there. After this, the marinade must be filtered through cheesecloth and cooled. Pour the cabbage completely with the resulting liquid, cover with a plate and oppression on top. Sourdough lasts 3 to 5 days at room temperature. Do not forget to periodically pierce the cabbage with a natural wooden skewer and remove the foam.

    Shred the cabbage as finely as possible, grate the carrots, and mince the garlic with a garlic press. The brine is prepared in warm boiled water along with salt and sugar. The liquid is stirred until the bulk ingredients are completely dissolved.

    Cabbage is mixed with carrots and garlic, after which it is laid out in jars and filled with completely obtained brine. Sterilize for 30 minutes and twist.

    Delicious instant sauerkraut crispy and juicy everyone loves it, big and small. Although you can buy pickles in the store, homemade pickles are always tastier and more appetizing. Today we present some of the best recipes for delicious instant sauerkraut with vinegar, beetroot and brine.

    Many housewives dream of choosing the perfect recipe for themselves. Of the presented today, there is sure to be one that will become a favorite. In addition, they are easy to prepare and do not take much time.

    delicious recipe homemade sauerkraut

    This recipe has two undoubted advantages: crispy cabbage is prepared quickly and easily. In addition, there are products for cooking at every housewife.


    • head of white cabbage;
    • 2 pcs. ripe sweet carrots;
    • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
    • 100 ml apple cider vinegar;
    • 1 st. l. coarse salt;
    • 1 st. l. sugar, preferably brown;
    • 110 ml unrefined sunflower oil;
    • 550 ml of pure water.

    Cooking steps

    1. Grate carrots, better for Korean carrots. So the vegetable will give more juice and add attractiveness to the dish.
    2. Cut the head of cabbage into thin long slices.
    3. The next step is to prepare the brine. To do this, bring water to a boil, add spices, vegetable oil and vinegar. Heat until salt and sugar dissolve.
    4. It is better to sour in glass bank. Mix all the ingredients, put in a container and pour the brine. Put a plate on top, and a load on it.

    Cabbage is cooked for a couple of hours, after which it must be removed in the refrigerator.

    Watch the video! The most delicious sauerkraut with garlic

    Sauerkraut in a jar without vinegar per day without water

    Such sauerkraut is prepared in a day, but the taste is no better than others. She wanders in a jar without vinegar for 24 hours.

    For cooking you will need:

    • white cabbage - 2.5 kg;
    • medium-sized carrots - 3 pcs.;
    • coarse salt - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
    • sugar - 100 g;
    • spices.

    step by step process

    1. Cut the cabbage in a convenient way. Cut or grate carrots.
    2. Mix the vegetables and rub with salt to release the juice.
    3. Tamp into a jar, adding spices.

    Watch the video! Sauerkraut in its juice

    Quick Recipe with beets

    This recipe is one of the first. The beets here will be for decoration, so that the cabbage acquires a rich pink color. This appetizer will decorate any table. You can use it immediately, or you can preserve it for the winter if you sterilize it in jars.

    The whole process will take 24 hours.

    For cooking you need:

    • 700 g cabbage;
    • 1 juicy beet;
    • 2 pcs. red and yellow bell peppers;
    • a clove of garlic;
    • 5 sprigs of dill and basil;
    • 4 tbsp. l. vinegar 9%;
    • 2 tbsp. l. savoy salt (you can use regular coarse salt);
    • 1 st. l. Sahara;
    • 6 pcs. allspice;
    • water.

    Step by step cooking

    1. Prepare white cabbage, juicy beets and two fleshy peppers, preferably different colors, so that the appetizer is bright. Definitely garlic.
    2. Wash the cabbage, cut off the upper defective leaves, cut out the stalk. It's easier to cut larger. You can split the head of cabbage in half, then cut into 2-3 cm slices, like a watermelon. These skewers are cut into large cubes. The cabbage itself will fall into pieces.
    3. Put in a bowl and salt, leave for 5 minutes.
    4. Peel the bell pepper, cut as you like. Pour over cabbage.
    5. Peel the beets, wash and cut into strips or grate on a coarse grater.
    6. Rinse and finely chop the herbs.
    7. We mix all the ingredients, put them in a clean, dry jar, finely chop the garlic into the same plates.
    8. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan or stewpan, add Savoy salt. It will suit better, because it is sea and spices are added to it. You can also use the regular one. Add sugar, allspice to the water. Boil the marinade and boil for a couple of minutes so that the salt dissolves.
    9. Pour vinegar and hot marinade into the jar, cover and leave for a day on the table, not in the refrigerator.
    10. After 24 hours, you can eat cabbage.

    Watch the video! Georgian-style sauerkraut with beets

    cabbage per day

    For a good feast, sauerkraut is the perfect solution. It cooks quickly and tastes great.


    • head of cabbage;
    • carrots - 2 pcs.;
    • salt - 55 g;
    • cumin - a pinch;
    • spices to taste;
    • fruit vinegar - 45 ml;
    • unfiltered aromatic oil - 65 ml;
    • granulated sugar - 60 g.

    How to prepare

    1. Preparing vegetables. Cabbage is chopped into strips, carrots are cut into strips or rubbed on a grater for Korean carrots.
    2. Vegetables are rubbed with sugar and salt to release the juice. If the vegetables are not juicy enough, add water.
    3. We prepare a marinade from oil, vinegar and cumin.
    4. Put black pepper and bay leaf in the bottom of the container. Vegetables are laid out on top and poured with marinade.
    5. The jar of cabbage is removed in the refrigerator, it will be crispy and fragrant by the evening.

    Watch the video! Sauerkraut per day

    Very fast cabbage in 2-3 hours

    In order for the cabbage to ferment quickly, it is poured with hot marinade. Seasonings and spices are added to it for the juiciness of the dish.

    The following ingredients are required:

    • Medium head of cabbage;
    • Carrot;
    • 150 ml apple cider vinegar;
    • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
    • 250 ml of water;
    • 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey;
    • 2 tbsp. l. coarse salt;
    • spices to taste;
    • fresh greens.


    1. Chop the cabbage thinner, grate the carrots on a fine grater.
    2. Add salt, honey, vinegar, oil and spices to boiled water.
    3. Put greens in the chosen container at the bottom, you can take only the stems. Mix cabbage and carrots, put on top, tamp.
    4. Pour in hot marinade, wait until it cools. Cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator.

    Serve with thinly sliced ​​pickled onions.

    Watch the video! Pickled cabbage. 3 hours and done!!!

    Sauerkraut in brine

    It is better to choose elastic heads of cabbage so that the finished product crunches appetizingly. This recipe is definitely worth sharing with other housewives.


    • head of cabbage;
    • carrot;
    • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
    • 2 tbsp. l. brown sugar;
    • 125 ml. table vinegar;
    • 300 ml. water;
    • spices.

    Cooking steps

    1. The brine is being prepared. Spices, vinegar are mixed in water and brought to a boil. Leave to cool.
    2. Cabbage and carrots are cut, placed in a bowl. Vegetables do not need to be crushed. Fill with brine.
    3. Top with a plate and put the load. Leave for a few hours, then put in the refrigerator.

    Everyone will love this quick recipe.

    Watch the video! Crispy sauerkraut in brine

    Sauerkraut is good in all its forms. And in salads, and as a side dish, and as a filling for various dishes, and even just with butter and onions. Quick sauerkraut This is a great idea for a low calorie dinner. And it's not hard to cook it.

    Quick sauerkraut in a few hours

    It is physically impossible to ferment cabbage really faster than in 2 days. Fermentation is a slow process. But there is a little trick. Can do quick sauerkraut in just 3-4 hours. This recipe is especially good because even young cabbage can be used for it, which means that delicious cabbage can now be made at any time of the year.

    To make quick sauerkraut you will need:

    • 1 kg of white cabbage;
    • 1-2 carrots;
    • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
    • 10 st. l. table vinegar 9%;
    • 100 g of vegetable oil;
    • 1 st. l. Sahara;
    • 0.5 l of water.

    Chop the cabbage into strips, grate the carrots on a coarse grater or a grater for Korean carrots, crush the garlic or cut into thin plastics. Boil water, dissolve sugar, salt in it, add oil and vinegar, you can add allspice peas. Bring the marinade to a boil. Pour the vegetables mixed in a bowl with the resulting marinade. Cover the cabbage on top with an inverted plate and put oppression on top - for example, a jar of water. Leave the cabbage at room temperature for at least 3 hours, up to a day.

    Ready cabbage can be transferred to a jar and stored in the refrigerator. But most likely, you will want to eat it quickly.

    For a change, several cans of cabbage are possible, then the cabbage will have a bright color and a pleasant shade of taste.

    Cabbage cooked according to this recipe is not sauerkraut in the literal sense of the word. It would be more correct to call it marinated. But under conditions of acutely limited time, it can serve as a replacement for traditional sauerkraut without much loss.

    Sauerkraut in a couple of days

    Real sauerkraut does not cook so quickly. But if there are still 2-3 days left, you will have time. The recipe is almost the same, but without oil and vinegar.

    You will need:

    • 1 kg of white cabbage;
    • 1-2 carrots;
    • 1 st. l. Sahara;
    • 1 st. l. with a slide of coarse salt;
    • 0.5 l of water.

    Place shredded cabbage and carrots tightly in a 3-liter jar. Fill with brine and cover with a nylon lid with holes or a cloth napkin. Place the jar in a warm place to ferment. Bubbles will appear in the jar. Lightly tamp the cabbage occasionally with a spoon to release the gas and keep the cabbage under the brine. After two days, you can take a sample. Store cooked cabbage in the refrigerator.

    It is this cabbage that is famous for its beneficial properties, because lactic acid bacteria participated in its preparation. They will help fight vitamin C deficiency, digestive disorders, and overweight.