How to fry croutons from black bread. Garlic croutons are an excellent snack for beer

One of the easiest dishes to prepare from Borodino bread. They will be a great addition to the first courses. These croutons will also be good as a beer snack. The bright piquant taste and aroma of this dish will not leave anyone indifferent.

garlic croutons recipe


- Borodino bread - 400 grams,
- vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons,
- garlic - 3 cloves.


1. First of all, we will prepare the garlic. To do this, you need to clean it and crush it with the flat side of the knife, then chop finely. Of course, the easiest way would be to pass the garlic through a press, but it is the above method that allows you to keep the garlic juice inside each finely chopped piece.

2. Pour garlic with vegetable oil and cover with a lid. We need the garlic to marinate, and the vegetable oil to absorb the smell of garlic.

4. We heat the pan over medium heat and put garlic and vegetable oil into it. Almost immediately, so that the garlic does not have time to fry, we send our bread sticks to the pan, mix so that as many pieces of garlic as possible stick to them.

5. Reduce the fire slightly and fry the croutons, stirring often, until cooked. The degree of readiness is determined by the crispy crust on the outside.

After frying, the croutons can be salted and add your favorite spices if desired.

Enjoy your meal!

Croutons with garlic and mayonnaise

1/4 Ukrainian bread (or any other black)
garlic (squeezed 1 tsp with top)
2 tsp mayonnaise
vegetable oil for frying

Cooking method:

Cut the bread into slices, peel the garlic, pass through the garlic and mix with mayonnaise.
Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the bread on both sides (approximately 1 minute each until a light crust forms). Put it out so that the remaining oil drains and spread with garlic mayonnaise.

Serve with soup.

How to make garlic croutons

Everyone likes crackers that are offered by well-known brands, but the best manufacturers are not able to achieve the taste that home-made crackers can get, as they do not contain any harmful additives and flavors that “knock down” the natural taste.

The article offers only practical solutions that can be used by any housewife or man who wants to surprise his soulmate with a quick and easy recipe for homemade instant crackers.

How to make garlic croutons in the oven without butter from a loaf

Cut the banana into small cubes of the same size. Prepare the dressing - finely grate a few cloves of garlic and mix it with a pinch of finely ground salt and seasonings from pepper and herbs.

Mix the pieces of loaf and dressing, put everything on a baking sheet and put in the oven, heated to 160-180 degrees. From time to time, take out the baking sheet and stir the croutons - so they will brown more evenly. Ready crackers should acquire a golden color.

How to cook garlic croutons from white, black, Borodino bread

Fragrant garlic croutons are obtained from white, black, Borodino or any other stale bread, as long as it is not moldy. Finely grate the garlic, add a few tablespoons of olive or sunflower oil, a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of herbal seasoning (for example, Khmeli-suneli or Italian herbs) to it. Mix it all together with diced bread and send it to the oven to brown the bread. Crackers are ready!

How to make delicious garlic croutons for beer, borscht, soup

Crackers prepared in this way can be served not only with borscht or soup, but also with beer.

How to make croutons with garlic in a pan at home

You can cook garlic croutons not only in the oven, but also in a pan with a thick bottom. Pour a little oil into the pan and fry a few cloves of coarsely chopped garlic in it (we cut coarsely because after frying the garlic must be immediately collected and discarded).

We do not remove the pan from the heat and immediately add the previously diced bread. Salt, pepper to taste, add herbal seasonings if desired. Stirring constantly, fry the bread until cooked. By the time everything about everything will take 15-20 minutes.

How to cook garlic croutons at home in the microwave, slow cooker

Pour a little vegetable oil into a wide bowl, add a few cloves of garlic passed through the garlic, a pinch of salt and the same amount of pepper. We cut the bread into cubes, dip it in the resulting mixture and place it in a microwave oven turned on at full power or a slow cooker set to the “Baking” mode.

The cooking time for croutons depends on the power of your electrical appliances, so keep an eye on the process and, if necessary, stir the croutons so that they fry as evenly as possible.

How to make garlic croutons for caesar salad with cheese

The popular Caesar salad will be much tastier if croutons with cheese are added to its composition. It's easy to prepare them. Cut the bread into cubes and dip them in a mixture of olive oil, finely grated garlic and cheese. It remains to bring the future croutons to readiness by placing them in the oven.

If your cabinet is equipped with convection, be sure to use this function - this way they will fry faster and more evenly. Crackers are added to the salad just before serving.

How to make restaurant-style garlic croutons with sauce

The secret of garlic croutons "like in a restaurant" lies in the sauce. Cooking croutons in the usual way. We cut the bread (preferably Borodinsky) into pieces 1-1.5 cm thick. Fry it on both sides in a pan with vegetable oil. Let the croutons cool slightly and rub them with garlic and salt.

We're preparing the sauce. Pour 100 ml into a small saucepan. cream, add 70 gr. grated cheese, bring the mixture to a boil and keep on low heat, waiting until the cheese melts and the mass becomes homogeneous. Add a little ground garlic and a pinch of pepper to the cooled sauce. Croutons and sauce are served on the table in a separate bowl.

Croutons are a favorite snack for beer. This one not only has a wonderful natural taste, but is also easy to prepare and does not require significant expenses. Let's consider some interesting recipes on how to make croutons for beer and croutons for beer on your own.

Recipe number 1.

This snack option is suitable for those who want to enjoy their favorite foamy drink without interrupting its taste. For cooking, slightly stale bread, which is no longer suitable for food, can be used. Just check carefully that there are no signs of mold on the loaf.



Bread cut into small slices. Soak the slices in milk and salt. Fry the blanks in oil until a crust appears. Serve warm with beer.

Recipe number 2

This appetizer has long been a classic served in bars and pubs. No less tasty such croutons for beer can be prepared at home.


  • Rye or wheat bread - 500 grams.
  • Garlic - 1.5 - 2 heads.
  • Vegetable oil - 6-7 tablespoons.
  • Salt.


We cut the bread into slices. Fry it over low heat until a beautiful crust appears, about 3-4 minutes. Mix crushed garlic with salt and a little sunflower oil. Spread the mixture on a warm appetizer and serve. If desired, the dish can be decorated with chopped greens.

Recipe number 3

Beer toast with cheese is another favorite option for many beer snacks. The taste of cheese goes well with beer. To prepare snacks according to this recipe at home, you will have to use the oven.



Squeeze a large clove of garlic on each slice and season with salt. An excess of garlic should not be scary, as it is only used to soak the finished snack. All slices prepared in this way are stacked on top of each other and left to soak in garlic juice for 5 minutes. Then put the top and bottom pieces in the middle and leave to soak for another 5 minutes.

At this time, you can already start preheating the oven. The temperature required for cooking is 180 C °.

Shake off the remaining garlic and salt from the slices of bread so that they do not burn. Cut into strips of the desired length and put the appetizer on a baking sheet. Place the snack in the oven for 3-4 minutes. We want the crust to be crispy and the inside to be soft. If the cooking time is increased to 7-9 minutes, then you will get wonderful croutons for beer. Cheese, grated on a fine grater, sprinkle hot slices. In the event that the cheese does not melt well, the dish can be placed in the oven for another minute.

Recipe number 4

An appetizer prepared according to this recipe is suitable for lovers of spicy snacks.



Cut the bread into squares. Three cheese on a fine grater, beat the egg with a mixer, add tomato paste, red pepper and your favorite spices here. We mix the mass and grease the bread blanks with it. Fry the croutons in a hot skillet. These croutons not only go well with beer. But they can also be used as a base for sandwiches.

Recipe number 5

Many people will like the spicy taste of this snack.


  • A loaf of white bread, can be stale.
  • Hard cheese - 200 grams.
  • Beer.
  • Mustard - 1 tablespoon.
  • Favorite spices

Cut the bread into large pieces. We cut the cheese into small cubes. Pour a little beer into a heated, but not hot pan and lay out the cheese cubes. Salt, add mustard and spices. Constantly stirring, we wait for the complete melting of the cheese. Brush the bread generously with the mixture and dry in the oven for 3-4 minutes.

Recipe number 6

You can not ignore the crackers for beer, which can also be easily prepared on your own.


We cut the roll into cubes of the desired size, put it in a salad bowl, add seasoning, if it does not contain salt, then also salt. Mix well. Spray with oil and stir again. Put the blanks on a baking sheet and put in the oven for 15 minutes. Serve chilled with beer.

A homemade appetizer will be a good addition to a foamy drink!

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Croutons for beer with garlic very easy and quick to cook at home. And you don’t need to buy crackers in the store, the composition of which, to be honest, is very doubtful. We will reveal to you the secret of how to fry croutons with garlic so that they are in no way inferior in taste to store-bought ones.

A simple recipe for garlic croutons will make your evening a little more interesting. It is not necessary to use this snack only with beer. It is very tasty to soak such crispy crackers in borscht with sour cream.

Below is a detailed step-by-step recipe on how to make garlic croutons in a pan, a photo is attached to the instructions. Use our recipe and treat yourself to a cold beer with sad homemade spicy croutons.


  • (1 PC.)

  • (5 tablespoons)

  • (4 cloves)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    Let's prepare all our few ingredients. Bread must be black, a small loaf or half of a large brick. It is best to take Borodino bread.

    Rub the garlic cloves on the smallest grater. It will also be acceptable to chop the garlic very finely. If you are too lazy, you can use garlic powder, but the sensations will be completely different. In a deep bowl, mix the garlic and vegetable oil. Let the mixture brew for 20 minutes: then the oil will be saturated with garlic.

    While the oil is infused, let's deal directly with the croutons. We will get rid of the crusts from the loaf, this will help us to give the bread the correct rectangular shape.

    Then we cut all our bread into uniform sticks. Their size completely depends on your desire. The recommended size is 1 cm.

    For frying, we will use a frying pan with a thick bottom. Pour the garlic mixture into it and heat the oil well. If you put the croutons in the pan too early, the bread will absorb the oil and lose its crispy texture.

    We dip the black bread sticks into the boiling oil, carefully dump them in the garlic mixture and fry over high heat. On each side about 2-3 minutes.

    Keep an eye on the readiness of the toast and ensure that the oil is not completely fried.

    Remove the finished croutons from the heat and dry on a paper towel. This way we get rid of excess oil. Ready-made croutons with garlic can be served hot with beer!

    Enjoy your meal!

When husbands often disappear in bars with friends, wives often resent. Here you need to be able to control the situation, and sometimes use some tricks to change the husband's behavior. It was the same with me when my husband was relaxing with friends at the bar on Fridays, watching football and having fun. This situation was not very pleasant for me. First, I started asking my husband how he spent the evening, if he was hungry. It turned out that the bar serves very tasty and hearty croutons for beer. These croutons are made from black bread and garlic. This is where the spark kicked in. You need to learn how to cook black bread toast with garlic like in a bar so that your husband does not go anywhere and is more often at home. Now my husband has become more often at home, and I sometimes allow him to invite friends. Of course, they watch football, but they are all under my careful supervision. And sometimes I treat everyone.

Required products:
- 400 grams of black bread,
- 3-4 cloves of garlic,
- salt and black pepper of your choice
- 1.5 tables. l. olive oil.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Black bread is cut into long strips to get croutons of the same shape.

Drizzle the bread with olive oil, but do not pour over. To not overdo it. There should be a few drops of oil on each piece of toast.

Salt the croutons and you can pepper with black ground pepper. Salt and pepper will give the croutons the right taste. You can give the croutons a taste of meat with any meat seasoning. Chicken mushroom seasonings are also on sale in stores, so use any seasonings to your taste.

Put the croutons on a baking sheet and dry them in the oven for 5-7 minutes at 180°. The croutons should be crispy but not burnt. If you bake longer, it is better to set about 150-160 °.

Remove the croutons from the oven, put them in a container and only now squeeze the garlic to the black croutons through a press. Cover with a lid, shake to mix the garlic with croutons.

Now fragrant and tasty croutons are served to the table. Black bread croutons with garlic will be the best snack. Bon Appetite!
And this is how you can cook

Salty and spicy snacks are more suitable for beer. That is, garlic croutons from Borodino bread are just perfect. This recipe for croutons, in general, is also the simplest: minimum time, maximum result.

And now to the point. We will cook garlic croutons in a pan. If she has a thick bottom, so much the better.

Garlic croutons: recipe with photo

You will need:

  • Borodino bread (large loaf),
  • 4 large garlic cloves,
  • coarse salt,
  • sunflower oil.

From equipment:

  • pan,
  • spatula and fork,
  • garlic press,
  • paper napkin.

A large loaf of brown bread will make a toast for about 4 medium-sized pans.

Ready? Go!

1. First of all, crush the garlic and pour it with a small amount of oil. The oil will be saturated with garlic aroma, and the croutons will be tastier.

2. Now we begin to prepare the bread. We ruthlessly cut off all the humpbacks from all sides. The smoother the croutons, the better the roast.

3. Cut the bread cube into bars about 1.5 x 1.5 cm in cross section. If the bread is porous, you can even more. The garlic croutons should come out roughly the same size.

4. Pour sunflower oil into the pan with a thick layer (0.5 cm). When it warms up, we throw in the same part of the garlic and a little salt.

I have all the blanks for croutons fit in 4 pans, respectively, I laid out 1/4 of all the garlic at a time - one slice per pan.

The frying temperature is medium if you have a thin-bottomed pan, or slightly above average if the bottom is thick.

5. When the garlic is slightly fried, we spread the bread sticks of garlic croutons on it tightly.

6. Turn the croutons over with a fork and spatula. In time! You should not leave the stove: each next side is fried one and a half times faster than the previous one.

7. Garlic croutons according to my recipe are almost ready. During frying, they absorbed a considerable amount of oil. Who else, but I don’t want to get a beer belly. That's why we spread the croutons on a napkin - in a couple of minutes it will take away the excess oil.

8. Sprinkle the croutons with coarse salt and serve.

In addition to all of the above, you can:

  • put the croutons in a well,
  • sprinkle hot croutons with grated cheese,
  • buy for croutons black bread with seeds,
  • replace sunflower oil with olive oil or fry croutons in melted lard,
  • make a simple creamy sauce for croutons (grated cheese, sour cream, herbs, garlic, salt; you can add grated cucumber and a drop of lemon instead of cheese).

By the way, croutons according to my recipe are a great addition not only to beer. They go well with broths, add spice and flavor to borscht. Take note.