Broken glass dessert. Broken glass: no baked jelly cake

21.10.2019 Egg dishes

How to make Broken Glass jelly? The recipe for this dessert will be presented in detail a little later. We will also tell you how to easily and quickly make a delicious and very beautiful cake for a children's party.

Jelly "Broken glass": recipe great dessert

You can make this delicacy in different ways. We will present you the simplest and easiest way that even a novice cook can master.

What ingredients are needed to make Broken Glass Jelly? The recipe for its preparation requires the use of:

  • instant gelatin - about 50 g;
  • thick sour cream - jars;
  • drinking water - 1.3 glasses;
  • multi-colored juices (apple, orange, cherry, etc.) - 1.3 cups each;
  • white sugar - a few large spoons.

Dilution of gelatin

Jelly "Broken glass" with sour cream should be started with the preparation of multi-colored delicacies. To do this, we decided to use apple, orange and If you wish, you can purchase ready-made powder with different flavors, which should simply be diluted with water.

After preparing the juices, you need to start diluting the gelatin. It is required to pour it into a glass (20 g of the product) and pour it warm. In this state, it is advisable to keep the product for 40 minutes. In this case, the gelatin should swell well. In the future, it must be slightly warmed up (preferably in a water bath). As a result, you should get a clear and clear liquid, which should be used immediately as directed.

Making "broken glass"

Jelly "Broken glass" with sour cream is very often used as a dessert for a children's party. After all, almost all kids like sweet and bright delicacies.

For the preparation of "broken glass" it is necessary to prepare several bowls in advance. Juices should be poured into them (separately), and then add several large tablespoons of sugar. Next, it is necessary to pour the dissolved gelatin into them and thoroughly mix the components in each dish. As a result, you should have three bright liquid masses, which should be immediately placed in the cold.

Keep in the refrigerator cherry, apple and necessary until they are converted into a hard and elastic jelly. After a few hours, they should be removed and then tipped over and cut into cubes or diamonds. In the future, "broken glass" is required to mix and arrange in glasses or cups.

Preparation of the base

Jelly "Broken glass", the recipe for which we are considering, turns out to be very sweet and tasty. And so that the dessert does not turn out too cloying, it is recommended to dilute it with a fresh base. For its preparation, it is necessary to pour warm boiled water to the remains of gelatin, and then leave to swell for 40 minutes. After that, the thick and sticky mass should be heated over a fire and filtered through a sieve.

After completing all the described actions, it is necessary to put fresh sour cream in a deep bowl, add a large spoonful of sugar to it, and then pour in drinking water. After mixing all the products together, add gelatin (dissolved) to them. This completes the process of preparing the base.

We form a bright and beautiful dessert

We will tell you how to make Broken Glass cake below. Now I would like to tell you how an ordinary delicacy for a children's party is formed.

After the milk base is prepared, it should be immediately poured into the bowls where the multi-colored jelly was previously laid out. In this case, the sour cream should completely cover the multi-colored particles. In this state, the dessert should be sent back to the cold for several hours.

How to serve?

Of course, the Broken Glass jelly cake takes much longer than the usual dessert, the recipe for which was presented above. Therefore, we recommend using this option for quick preparation of homemade delicacies.

After the sour cream has completely solidified, the bowls should be removed from the refrigerator, and then put their contents on saucers. To do this, you just need to turn the dishes upside down. It is advisable to serve such a dessert to the table with a cup of tea.

Broken glass cake: recipe

If you do not want to make portioned jelly for your guests, but want to surprise them with a large and tasty cake, we suggest using this recipe. Unlike a store-bought dessert, it turns out to be much tastier and more beautiful.

What products are needed to make Broken Glass cake? The recipe for this delicacy involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • dry crackers (it is better to take round) - about 300 g;
  • instant gelatin - 30 g;
  • colored jelly in packages (strawberry, apple, orange) - 3 pcs.;
  • kiwi, orange and banana - 1 fruit each;
  • medium fat sour cream - about 500 g;
  • white sugar - about 100 g.

Making colorful jelly

Before forming the Broken Glass Jelly Cake, it must be properly prepared. To do this, the sweet powder from the packages must be poured into separate bowls, and then diluted with water as indicated on the package.

After you get a homogeneous liquid mass, it must be immediately placed in the refrigerator. It may take several hours for the jelly to harden. After this time, the colorful treat should be removed and randomly cut into small pieces.

We process fruits

To make the Broken Glass cake with a cracker especially tasty, it is recommended to cook it together with ripe fruits. We decided to take orange, kiwi and banana. These ingredients should be washed thoroughly, then peeled and cut into the same pieces as the jelly.

In addition, it is necessary to place about 200 g of crackers in a separate bowl and break them into 3-4 pieces with your hands.

Making the base for the cake

It is better to make the basis for such a dessert from sour cream. It should be combined with sugar and beat well with a fork or mixer. Next, you need to mix the gelatin with water and let it swell. Subsequently, the product must be slightly heated until a homogeneous liquid mass is obtained. After cooling a little, it should be poured into sour cream and mix everything thoroughly.

How to properly shape a jelly cake?

Having completed all the steps described, you need to start forming the dessert. To do this, you need to take any embossed shape (deep) and slightly lubricate it with vegetable oil. This is necessary in order for our cake to easily come off the walls in the future.

In the prepared container, you need to put chopped fruits and broken crackers. After that, all components should be gently mixed using a large spoon. In the future, they must be poured with a previously prepared sour cream base. Moreover, it must completely cover all products.

To finish, it is recommended to put one layer of crackers on the surface of the dessert. This should be done very carefully so that the cookies do not sink, but remain “afloat”. After that, the formed cake must be placed in the cold and kept in this state for less than 3 hours. During this time, the sour cream with gelatin should completely solidify.

Correct presentation of homemade delicacies to the table

Now you know that "Broken glass" with fruit is a cake that is easy to make at home. After the jelly treat hardens, it is considered completely ready. It must be removed from the refrigerator and placed on a large cake dish. This should be done by turning the container over a flat dish. If for some reason the cake does not come out of the mold, the bowl needs to be immersed in hot water for a few seconds. This process will contribute to the partial thawing of the gelatin, and subsequently its separation from the walls.

After placing the jelly treat with fruits and crackers on the cake dish, you can immediately serve it to your invited guests. It should be noted that in the context of such a dessert looks very beautiful and bright. By the way, if desired, before serving, the surface of this cake can be decorated with fresh berries, fruits or whipped cream.

During my student days, a cake called "Ukrainian tsitska" was popular (I apologize for not quite a decent syllable, but you can't throw words out of the song). The jelly cake was prepared in a deep bowl with a rounded bottom, then turned over onto a dish and brought into the room to the guests with a deliberate shaking of the tray - so that the "tsitska" trembled expressively.

In general, the eroticism of this recipe is a very controversial moment, but this was the case. And it was very much in demand: everyone cooked it, with rapture and delight. However, times and tastes are changing, and now this same cake is nobly called " Broken glass"I wonder, what is your name for this dessert?

The substance, thanks to which cold desserts freeze without baking, gelatin, was invented in 1845 by engineer Peter Cooper - it was then that he received a patent for a method of cooking sausages, hams and other meat products, the individual parts of which are fastened together with the help of stable food "glue" ...
Several decades later, Pearl Waite, another entrepreneur, figured out how to make desserts using gelatin. The method turned out to be so simple and affordable that it seemed that the invention was waiting for instant success, but this did not happen - and after many unsuccessful attempts, the author of the idea sold it to the next owner, Woodworth. By the way, he also did not immediately manage to give impetus to gelatinous desserts - in the history of his success there was a moment when a desperate businessman offered his assistant to buy a patent for sweet gelatinous desserts for only $ 30. The assistant refused, believing that the whole idea was completely and completely failed, however, it was from that moment that the growth in popularity of gelatin began. Housewives all over America cooked, experimented, exchanged recipes and fell more and more in love with a simple, affordable and very interesting way to diversify the sweet table at home.

Broken glass cake very positive, joyful and cheerful. For a summer dessert - just perfect. It's easy to prepare, but how delicious it is! Lightweight, unobtrusive, almost imperceptible!


3 packs of jelly of different colors;

fruits - optional (bananas, kiwi, oranges, tangerines);

0.5 l sour cream;

1 cup of sugar;

20 g of gelatin.

Prepare the jelly according to the instructions on the package. I usually slightly reduce the amount of water with which I dilute the dry mixture - it turns out a little denser, but the cubes are clearer, more "broken". Do not forget that each color is bred separately, pour into a shallow flat dish. After hardening, cut into pieces in the form of squares or rhombuses, put in a deep bowl in which your cake will harden.

Gelatin should be diluted with a little cold water and left for 5-10 minutes until it swells.

After that, it must be heated over low heat until completely dissolved (do not boil!), Slightly cool.

Beat the sour cream with a mixer with sugar. I take the store one, it seems tastier to me. You can use the bazaar one - then the cake will turn out to be fluffier (market sour cream is whipped better), but fatter. You can take cream, kefir or even yogurt, and do not forget to adjust the amount of gelatin.

Introduce gelatin in a thin stream, while immediately stirring the sour cream, continuing to beat it with a mixer.

Put the multi-colored jelly cut into cubes into the sour cream.

Stir, add fruit if desired. We put in the refrigerator for 4-7 hours.

After complete hardening, lay out on a platter.

I will dwell a little on getting the cake.

You can go in three ways, you choose the one that is easier for you.

1. Dip a bowl of cake for 5-10 seconds in a basin (full sink) with hot water, turn it over onto a dish. The method is good with a beautiful smooth surface of the cake, but there is a risk of overexposing - the top layer will flow.

2. Initially, line the bowl with cling film, remove the cake by pulling its edges.

The downside is that you are unlikely to be able to perfectly line the bowl, there will be "wrinkles" on the cake.

3. You can make a split cake. All is well, but, removing the removable side, the edges of the cake will have to be separated from the mold with a knife, while often incised cream remains on the mold, the cake looks sloppy.

Morning, started with slices of such a cake, promises a great day!

No matter how skillful the hostess is in cooking, there are times when there is absolutely no desire to cook anything. What to do if guests are about to come, but there is no dessert yet? In this case, only broken glass jelly cake can save the situation. It does not need to be baked at all. This fact does not in any way affect its attractiveness. Bright, beautiful and unusually delicate will please any person regardless of age and preferences.

Cooking broken glass cake: recipe with photo


Jelly 3 packages Sour cream 0 liters Sugar 240 grams Vanillin 3 grams

  • Servings:1
  • Time for preparing:40 minutes

Broken glass cake with sour cream

  • 3-4 packs of yellow, green and red jelly;
  • sour cream - 0.5 l.;
  • 240 g sugar;
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife.

Jelly recipe

The preparation of the dessert begins with the formation of beautiful, even pieces of jelly.

  1. Pour the contents of one pack into a small container and fill with hot water. Take less water than indicated in the recipe on the back. Stir until the powder is completely dissolved. Pour into a flat form so that at the end of solidification, beautiful and even cubes are obtained. Repeat the same steps with the rest of the jelly bags.
  2. When all the colors are poured into the molds and cool, place them in the refrigerator to harden the jelly.
  3. While the jelly is solidifying, prepare the gelatin. Dilute it in a metal bowl with the amount of water indicated on the package. Leave it until it swells completely.
  4. Transfer the sour cream to a container convenient for whipping, add sugar and vanillin. Beat for a few minutes, gradually increasing the speed, until the mixture thickens well.
  5. Take out the jelly molds and cut into even pieces. Transfer to a container for the future dessert and stir so that the colors alternate beautifully.
  6. Put the finished gelatin in a water bath and, after melting completely, add to the sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly and pour the form with jelly.
  7. Stir the resulting mixture so that each piece of jelly is completely covered with the sour cream mixture. And send it to the refrigerator until it cools completely.

The cake can be made in any shape, it will not affect its beautiful appearance and, accordingly, taste. You can also add fresh fruit, nuts, cookies, and even candy to the jelly cubes. The taste of this cake is reminiscent of childhood, as it was very often prepared by our mothers and grandmothers.

Bright, unusually tasty, light cake "Broken Glass" is popular not only for its attractive and original appearance, but also for its extraordinary ease of preparation. After all, making this dessert is very easy and requires a minimum set of ingredients. You need to make jelly from juice or a ready-made semi-finished product. Make a simple sponge cake and sour cream with gelatin. Jelly, previously cut into pieces, a biscuit, is laid out in a volumetric form and everything is poured with cream. The cake is left to freeze in the cold, and after a few hours you can enjoy an excellent dessert.

To make the cake more varied, tasty and healthy, you can put pieces of various fruits or berries in it. You can choose from both fresh and frozen foods.

For those who find making a biscuit a troublesome task, they may like the option of a jelly cake with cookies or with ready-made cakes. In this case, the cookies are broken into pieces, and the cakes are also cut into cubes. If sour cream turns out to be too high-calorie for you, then you can always replace it with light fruit yogurt, thus giving the cake an even richer taste.

It is also worth noting that the Broken Glass cake is prepared without baking, so you can safely involve small children in its preparation. Moreover, the process of creating multi-colored jelly and further cutting it into pieces will not leave them indifferent.

This beautiful, delicate and delicious dessert is actually very simple to prepare. And if you don't want to mess with making a biscuit, buy ready-made cakes or take regular cookies.


  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Flour - 400 g;

For the cream:

  • Jelly - 4 packs (choose different colors);
  • Sour cream - 300 ml;
  • Gelatin - 20 g;
  • Cream - 300 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Let's make a biscuit. Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the whites with a mixer with the addition of sugar (add gradually). The mass should be thick.
  2. Beat the yolks separately. Gently combine the whipped whites and yolks.
  3. Pour flour into the egg mass in small portions.
  4. We bake the sponge cake in the oven in a mold (pre-grease with oil). Baking temperature - 200 0. We will cook for 25 minutes.
  5. We dilute the jelly, following the instructions on the package, and leave to harden.
  6. Whisk the pre-chilled cream until a thick foam forms.
  7. Pour in sour cream, continue to beat.
  8. Pour gelatin with water, leave to swell. We heat the mass on the stove until the gelatin is completely dissolved, but do not boil.
  9. Pour gelatin into the sour cream with a thin stream, while beating the mass without stopping.
  10. Cut the frozen jelly into uneven cubes, add to the cream.
  11. Cut the finished biscuit into two parts. Cut one part into cubes.
  12. We shape the cake. Put in layers in a silicone mold: cream, biscuit cubes. Thus, we fill in the form to the top.
  13. The very last layer is a biscuit cake. Press down the cake a little.
  14. We send the dessert to the refrigerator for the night.
  15. Place the cake mold in a container of hot water for a few seconds. Gently turn the dessert onto a dish.

Interesting from the network

This cake is prepared very quickly without baking. Perfect as a light dessert and will decorate the festive table. We choose any cookies, you can even put sweet crackers in the cake.


  • Cookies - 200 g;
  • Jelly - 4 bags of different colors;
  • Gelatin - 10 g;
  • Sour cream - 500 ml;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Vanillin.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the jelly following the instructions on the package. We breed each color in a separate plate. We send it to the refrigerator for solidification.
  2. Pour gelatin into a separate saucepan, fill it with water (100 ml), leave to swell for 10 minutes.
  3. Place the saucepan on the stove, heat it over low heat, but do not boil it. We make sure that the gelatin is completely dissolved. Cool the mass.
  4. Break the cookies into large pieces.
  5. Cut the frozen multi-colored jelly into cubes. To make it easier to do, place the plates of jelly in hot water for a few seconds.
  6. Let's prepare the cream. Beat the sour cream with the addition of vanillin and sugar. Pour the cooled gelatin into the cream, mix the mass.
  7. In a large container, you can put a salad bowl or a special silicone mold, lay out the jelly cubes, fill everything with sour cream. Mix gently.
  8. Put the pieces of cookies on the very top, which should lie flat. After all, then it will be the basis of the cake.
  9. We send the dessert to freeze. This usually takes about 5 hours.
  10. Remove the cake from the mold, cut into pieces, serve chilled.

This jelly cake with fruit will be a great light dessert for those who care about their shape. Delicious, bright, besides, making such a cake is as easy as shelling pears.


  • Jelly - 4 packs (different colors);
  • Banana - 1 pc;
  • Kiwi - 2 pcs;
  • Orange - 1 pc.;
  • Sour cream - 600 ml (20% fat);
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Instant gelatin - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour dry jelly into separate containers, pour boiling water, stirring occasionally. Pour into bowls to set. The jelly dissolved in this way is placed in the refrigerator.
  2. Pour gelatin with hot water, stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Let's prepare the cream. Beat sour cream with added sugar. We introduce the gelatinous mass. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. We wash the fruits, peel them, cut them into beautiful slices.
  5. Cut the frozen jelly into cubes.
  6. In a container in which the cake will solidify, put several slices of fruit at the very bottom.
  7. Fill with jelly cubes, slices of fruit, fill with sour cream.
  8. We send the container with dessert to the refrigerator for solidification.
  9. Before serving, we immerse the bowl with the cake in hot water or wrap it in a heated towel. We spread the dessert on a dish. Serve chilled.

Now you know how to make Broken Glass cake according to a recipe with a photo. Enjoy your meal!

If you still have questions about how to make Broken Glass cake, pay attention to the recommendations of experienced chefs:
  • If you use simple gelatin, and not instant gelatin, then it must first be soaked in water, then heated to a boil, without boiling, and then strain the mass.
  • Instead of sour cream, you can put any yogurt in the cream, then the amount of sugar should be reduced.
  • You can choose any cookies for the cake, preferably sweet shortbread. You can take chocolate, lemon, nuts or coconut.
  • To make it easier to remove the frozen dessert from the container, place the bowl of cake in hot water for a few seconds. Then flip the dessert onto a platter. Do not keep in hot water for a long time - the jelly can melt.
  • It is better to take jelly in different colors, for example, yellow, green, red, orange. This will make the cake brighter.

There are a lot of recipes for the Broken Glass jelly cake. They make such a cake with biscuit, yogurt, cottage cheese. This sour cream cake recipe.

Buy sour cream with a fat content of 20-25%. Multi-colored jelly can be made from ready-made jelly in packs or from gelatin and juice of fruits and berries.


- 2 jars of 500 ml

Sugar - 2 cups

Jelly - 4 packs (different colors)

Gelatin - 50 grams (for sour cream)

Vanillin - 1 sachet (or vanilla sugar)

Kiwi - 1 piece

Orange - 1 piece (or tangerine 2-3 pieces)

How to make Broken Glass cake with sour cream:

First you need to make a multi-colored jelly. You can make jelly from ready-made fruit jelly. If you cook from juice, then pour a small amount of water over a dessert spoon of gelatin (no top). For each color - one spoon in different bowls. Leave to swell as written on the package.

Then pour gelatin with a glass of berry or fruit juice of different colors and heat in a water bath, without boiling. Stir the liquid periodically so that the gelatin dissolves better.

Instant gelatin can be immediately filled with juice and dissolved in a water bath.

Pour the dissolved gelatin into molds (each color separately). You can use ordinary plastic containers for this. Refrigerate until the jelly hardens. Better to do at night.

When the colored gelatin hardens, cut it randomly into small pieces.

Using a mixer, beat the sour cream with sugar and vanilla. To make the sugar dissolve faster when whipping, it is better to first grind it into powdered sugar.

Pour gelatin for sour cream with 1.5 cups of hot water and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. This is if the gelatin is instant. Prepare regular gelatin according to the instructions on the package.

Stir in whipped sour cream and dissolved gelatin. The gelatin must be cooled to room temperature before mixing.

Add chopped multi-colored jelly to this mass and mix gently.

Cover the form with cling film. You can use a regular bowl or salad bowl. Cover with foil so that free ends remain.

First place the sliced \u200b\u200bkiwi and orange wedges. Then - sour cream.

Refrigerate until the jelly hardens completely.

Turn the frozen jelly onto a platter and garnish with orange, tangerines and kiwi if desired.

Advice. Sour cream jelly cake can be prepared in layers. To do this, first lay out a layer of sour cream jelly, then a layer of colored jelly.

Enjoy your meal!