Australia meat. National Australian cuisine: recipes with photos

10.04.2019 Soups

Australia is rich in a variety of dishes and drinks adopted by the colonists and adapted to the tastes of a multicultural society. What was once foreign to most of the settlers, has been supplemented with new ingredients and turned into Australian national food.

In the early days of colonization, culinary culture was filled with ingenuity, originality and innovation. The menu included seafood, vegetables, fruits and nuts. Akmene "Lilly pilli", quandong, hibiscus, wild raspberries and currants were harvested for profit, as well as for home use up to the 1930s.

Stock of rum and beer, as well as components for their production, cuttings vines, coffee seedlings and grains, ginger root were unloaded to the continent in 1788 with the first ships arriving in the New South Wales colonies. As the colonies developed, ginger beer appeared, distilleries and factories for the production of soft drinks opened.

The influx of migrants from Europe and America during the gold rush of the mid-19th century stimulated the consumption of coffee with cornish pattiesthat were offered by street vendors. Newly arrived residents of the East brought a taste chinese foodabounding fresh vegetables... The beginning of the 20th century was marked by a love of picnics, with the indispensable use of lamb and meat pies. The barbecued lamb chops matched perfectly with the colonial spice seasoning.

Since 1880, coffee shops have opened as an alternative to pubs and bars. Coffee parlors have become part of the jazz culture of the 1920s and 1930s. The main audience of these establishments were American military personnel and European migrants.

A huge number of new recipes for desserts, cakes, cookies were invented, among which one cannot fail to note the meringue cake with hammered cream and Pavlova fruits, in honor of the famous Russian ballerina, biscuit with coconut flakes "Lamington" and gingerbread Cookie... Pasta has become popular " vegemite», Made on the basis of yeast left over from beer production, which was spread with pleasure on toast and used as a filling for traditional pies.

At the end of World War II, after another large-scale influx of migrants, Australian cuisine was supplemented with Mediterranean, Asian, Indian and African flavor.

Introduction to kangaroo meat, turtles and oysters

In 1770, botanist Joseph Banks studied coastal soils north of Botanic Bay. There he discovered spinach, parsley, fruits including figs, cabbage and palms. On the Great Barrier Reef, surprise was caused by the presence of a large number large turtles.

The settlers arriving in the colonies owed their survival to the example of the aborigines, who knew how to find a source of good water, consumed kangaroo meat and fish. The settlers noticed that the basket, put into the water along the sides of the boats in the Sydney harbor, was always quickly filled with fresh fish: mullet, mackerel, cod, hake, perch, bream, as well as a lot of previously unknown fish, which served as the basis of the inhabitants' diet. coastal areas. There were many crayfish, lobster, shrimp and crabs.


The sweet and thin-smelling Sydney rock oysters were easily spotted along the coast. Since 1804, they have been sold complete with special oyster knives. By 1834, specialized oyster salons were opening in Sydney.


In the colonies near which kangaroos lived, preference was given to their salted meat. In Adelaide in 1845, the demand for it among the new settlers increased so much that the price of this "extraordinary" product sometimes reached nine pence a pound. In 1864, a popular recipe for steamed kangaroo meat with milk, onion, salt, pepper and bacon and tomato paste was introduced. Edward Abbott, a native of New South Wales, has published a cookbook of Australian and English cuisine. Among the dishes described was a kangaroo dish stuffed with a mixture of beef and pork, bread crumbs, parsley, shallots, marjoram, thyme, nutmeg, salt, cayenne pepper and eggs.

Rum, ginger beer, wine and lemonade

The early settlers brought rum and beer with them to the New South Wales colonies and soon adopted the technology of making booze. Rum was such a valuable commodity that it became the most important trade item in the early years of the settlement.

Breweries in Australia date back to the 19th century. So, the famous brewery "Cascade" in Tasmania, founded in 1824, and "Coopers" in South Australia in 1862, "Emu" in the city of Perth was created in 1837 and "Swan" in 1857. The well-known breweries were also opened: " Carlton "in 1864 and" Fosters "in 1867.

Wide selection soft drinks began to appear in the same period. Among the most popular soft drinks were ginger beer, cider, and a variety of syrup-based soft drinks.

Since 1820, ginger beer has been bottled, both for consumption by convicts and residents. This particular low alcohol drink and became the most popular in Australia.

Vines were cultivated from the first days of their arrival on the continent, and the export of products improved by 1822.


It was not possible to grow coffee on the continent due to the unsuitable climate, but it was imported on a regular basis. The consumption of the drink was observed everywhere, as the migrants from Europe and America who arrived during the gold rush of the 50s of the 19th century did not want to give up their habits.


The adoption of tea by Australians as a universal drink was made possible by large-scale and developed commercial shipping. Ports in Brisbane, Townsville and Cairns have actively received ships from China. Sandalwood incense was traded for tea, silk and spices.

Birds, parrots, quails and ducks

In Tasmania, in addition to kangaroos and emu, quails, pigeons, and ducks were eaten. Both wombats and echidnas were consumed. The bushfoot was very fond of Lady Franklin, the wife of the Governor of Tasmania.

Parrots were appreciated not only for their bright plumage, but also for their taste. Since the early 19th century, they have been traded in Sydney's markets by birders at a penny or a shilling a dozen. According to a recipe from 1898, it was recommended to take white parrot meat, boiled over low heat, as a pie filling. Parrot pie has been very popular for decades.

The islanders also loved soup from kangaroo tails, and black pheasants, and wild pigeons, bustards, turkeys and ducks.

Passion for pumpkins, picnics and desserts

Enjoying local fruits, the Europeans did not forget to cultivate their usual fruits and vegetables. In the early years of the colony in New South Wales, imported melons, cucumbers and pumpkins were cultivated.


Pumpkin seeds arrived with the first ships. It was supposed to grow the plant for livestock feed, but people on foreign shores also fell in love with the taste of pumpkin. What was not made from pumpkin: pie fillings, candied fruits, pumpkin desserts with lemons and sugar, pumpkin pancakes... At the beginning of the 20th century, the pages of women's publications abounded with recipes for pumpkin soups, pancakes, buns and cakes. By the middle of the last century, pumpkin soup was one of the most commonly served dishes in cafes and restaurants. At pumpkin festivals intricate recipes pumpkin bread, assorted puddings and soufflés.


Although picnics were popular not only in Australia, here they allowed you to escape from routine domestic life, to erase boundaries and social barriers between members of society. Unable to spend time in taverns, picnics became the most important social events, along with balls and dinners.

The popularity of picnics in the forest and on the beach has led to the creation of special recreational areas. The scale of the fresh air events, was showcased in 1880 when it was announced that Picnic Point on Brighton Beach, Melbourne could serve 1,000 holidaymakers.

The dance embodied in the Pavlova cake

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova toured Australia and New Zealand. To this day, two neighboring countries share the leadership in the invention of the dessert. Dessert, made in the form of a cake, consisted of whipped egg whites with sugar and vanilla, cream and fruits such as passion fruit, peach or kiwi.

BBQ in Australia

Barbecue dishes have been familiar to Australians since 1920. The term itself came from the West Indies and was associated with an outdoor event where fried meat was cooked. A term used in Western Australia to describe the process of preparing meat dishes for a public event. One of the largest such events took place in 1934 at the Laverton base, during the celebration of the centenary of the signing of the treaty by John Batman, who issued the deed of purchase for the land of Melbourne. It was fried on open fire 20 young bulls.

Since 1940, the tradition of holding sausages and chops over an open fire has become more intimate. Despite the fact that barbecues were prepared in public parks, they became a family tradition. A decade later, barbecues have become an attribute of every Australian home. Unnecessary formalities have been eliminated.

In the 70s of the twentieth century, the range of barbecue ingredients expanded to cutlets and sausages, shrimp, scallops, chickens and quails.

Takeaway food

Meat pies have been popular as food that can be eaten on the go or brought home since the early days of colonies. They were sold everywhere from carts, accompanied by incessant shouts: "Hot rolls, pies, everything hot ... baked early in the morning."

By 1838, Australians began using American tomato sauce or ketchup with pies. Fried homemade cakes were popular in Adelaide and other areas, which were a hit and often substituted for miners and farmers for lunch. It was believed that meat pies and pies stuffed with beef, pork or lamb are great for tea.

Selling pies from trolleys in Australia gained popularity during the Great Depression in the early thirties, when it became the most affordable option for eating. It reached its peak by the fifties and held the palm until the 70s of the last century. At night, the townspeople returning after a work shift, from dancing, could always count on a purchase inexpensive food from street vendors.

Stew, grill and rabbit meat

In the middle of the 19th century, a large number of Irish arrived in Australia, fleeing hunger and religious persecution. They brought recipes for Irish stew. The meat was cooked with potatoes and other vegetables. The dish has become widespread due to its ease of preparation. A stew from a cauldron suspended over a fire could feed both a large family and an army of agricultural workers. Particularly popular was the wallaby stew, immortalized in an Australian folk song.


Until the twentieth century, beef was the most commonly eaten food, and with the exploration of new areas suitable for pasture, lamb became very popular. Gradually, competently cooked juicy dishes with the smell of smoke, such as lamb chops, all kinds of steaks, cooked on hot coals, became popular in Australia.


During the difficult times of the Great Depression of the 1930s, the rabbit became the most coveted dish, as the skins could be sold for a little money, and its meat was often the only food option available for poor families.

Multicultural influence

Immigration to Australia has provided big influence what Australians eat and drink. Since the gold rush, Chinatowns have sprung up across the country and have opened up chinese restaurants in many cities of the country. Numerous tea rooms opened. The demand for tea, ginger and other spices was great.


Since 1790, large quantities of dried and canned ginger have been imported to the continent. It began to be grown in Sydney as well. Chinese visitors grew ginger on their own. Ginger has been widely used in a variety of pies, puddings, jams and preserves, as a standalone condiment and in mixtures. The production of the famous ginger beer... In the cookbooks of the middle of the last century, one could find an incredible number of dishes, among which there was an orange and ginger salad.


Dried coconutshipped from Sri Lanka in 1880 and then from the Fiji Islands in 1885 in large 28-pound containers, significantly influenced local cooking... Delicacies with the use of coconut have entered the life of the inhabitants of the mainland.

Let's cook meat the way it is done in Australia, and feel the flavor of this amazing country.

Beef pulp - 500 g
bacon - 120 g
bow - 3 heads
bell pepper - 4 things.
garlic - 4 cloves
vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
sugar - 1 tsp
ground cayenne pepper - 1/3 tsp
zest of 1 lemon, grated
marjoram - 1/2 tsp
cumin - 1/2 tsp
ground black pepper - 1/2 tsp
salt - 1/2 tsp

Cooking method:

Cut the meat and bacon into small cubes. Finely chop the onion and garlic, fry together with bacon in vegetable oil. Add meat and fry as well.
Transfer the fried food to clay pot, add water, salt, add spices and simmer for 40-50 minutes.
Shortly before the meat is ready, add bell peppers, chopped into rings, simmer for another 15 minutes, add zest and sugar.
Serve with boiled rice.

This dish conveys the whole flavor of the national cuisine.

For cooking this dish, in the amount of 4 servings, you will need:

Split peas - 3 cups
almonds - 1/2 cup
loin - 6 slices
chopped onion - 1/2 head
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon
sour cream - 1/2 cup

salt to taste

Cooking method:

Boil the peas until cooked, avoiding boiling, and separate from the liquid. Pour almonds with hot water and peel them.
Combine loin, onion and almonds and fry in oil until light golden brown. Add peas, sour cream, season with salt, pepper and simmer for 10 minutes.

Meat dish. It can be served as a second, either alone or with any side dish.

To prepare this dish, in the amount of 4 servings, you will need:

Beef pulp - 1 kg
bacon - 10 slices
canned champignons - 1 glass
chopped onion - 1/2 head

olive oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon
fried bread - 5 pcs.
corn flour - 1 tbsp. the spoon
Bay leaf
ground black pepper

Cooking method:

In a piece of beef, make several cuts, salt and pepper it. Cut the bacon into slices and stuff the meat with it. Then roll the meat into a roll, secure with skewers, fry until tender with butter and olive oil and remove from the pan.
Fry the onion in the same oil, then add corn flour and sauté it, stirring occasionally. Add the mushrooms along with the filling and simmer for a few minutes. Salt, pepper, season with spices.
Cut the finished meat in portions and serve with toast and mushroom sauce.

Festive option steak in Australia.

To prepare this dish, in the amount of 4 servings, you will need:

Beef pulp - 6 portions
rum - 3/4 cup
crushed garlic - 2 cloves
ground chili - 1 tsp
chopped cilantro - 1 tbsp. the spoon
Tabasco sauce - 1/2 tsp
salt to taste

Cooking method:

For the marinade, stir rum, garlic, ground chili, cilantro, salt and Tabasco sauce.
Rinse the beef with cold water, pour over the marinade and let stand for 20 minutes.
Remove the steaks from the marinade and fry in the hottest grill for at least 5 minutes on each side, turning over and pouring the marinade.
Serve the steaks with Pomexian rice, stewed beans and green salad.

Australian version of the steak, mild in flavor and very nutritious.

To prepare this dish, in the amount of 4 servings, you will need:

Veal pulp - 4 portioned pieces
grapefruits - 2 pcs.
cream - 1/2 cup
butter - 2 tbsp. spoons
chopped parsley - 2 branches
sweet paprika - 1/2 tsp
ground black pepper to taste
salt to taste

Cooking method:

Salt and pepper the steaks, fry on both sides in oil until tender, remove from the pan and keep hot.
Heat the remaining oil, add grapefruit juice, cream, paprika and black pepper. In the resulting sauce, put grapefruit cut into 4 slices, steaks, sprinkle with parsley and heat for 3-5 minutes.
Serve steaks with spinach salad.

Everyone has tried kebabs, but ostrich meat is exotic.

To prepare this dish, in the amount of 4 servings, you will need:

Ostrich meat - 250 g
red wine - 2 tbsp. spoons
olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons

Cooking method:

Cut the ostrich meat into large cubes. Marinate them in oil and wine for 15 minutes.
Then bake the cubes in the oven for 15 minutes at 210 ° C.
Serve cubes with wooden skewers and different sauces.

This dish has become a symbol of Australia, because it is prepared from ostrich meat.

To prepare this dish, in the amount of 4 servings, you will need:

Ostrich meat - 500 g
water - 120 ml
egg - 1 pc.
bacon - 16 slices
dry seasoning - 1/3 cup
butter - 100 g

Cooking method:

Pour oil and water into a bowl and heat until the oil melts. Add seasoning and stir thoroughly. Remove from heat. Add egg and minced ostrich meat.
Form balls from the resulting mass, wrap each with a piece of thinly sliced \u200b\u200bbacon and secure with wooden skewers.
Place the balls on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 35 minutes at 175 ° C.

Just an amazing national Australian dessert!

Sliced \u200b\u200bpeaches - 2 cups
sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons for dough and 3/4 cup for sauce
concentrated milk - 2 cups and pasteurized - 2 cups
egg - 3 pcs.
wheat flour - 1/4 cup
egg yolk - 6 pcs.
lemon zest - 1 tsp
almond extract 1/2 tsp
lemon extract 1 tsp

Cooking method:

Preheat oven to 180 "C. Sprinkle peaches with 2 tablespoons of sugar. Grease round shape for baking with a diameter of 20 cm. Place peaches in it.
In a food processor, stir remaining sugar, milk, eggs, flour, and extracts until smooth. Spread over the peaches and bake for 45 minutes, or until a wooden stick inserted into the dough is dry. Serve warm with a sauce.
For the sauce, in a double-bottomed saucepan, beat the sugar and egg yolksuntil they are light and light. Place the pot in a large container over boiling water. Add milk gradually. Cook, stirring constantly, until the sauce thickens. Remove from heat, add extract and zest.

A meat dish that goes well with any side dish.

To prepare this dish, in the amount of 4 servings, you will need:
fresh blackberries - 750 ml
cream - 60 ml
veal - 6 chops (180 g each)
ground black pepper - 1/4 cup
butter - 1/4 cup
carrots, cut into strips - 450 g
chopped pineapple - 1 glass
pineapple juice
mango - 1 cup pulp
sugar - 1/4 cup
corn starch - 1 1/2 tbsp. spoons

Cooking method:

Puree 2.5 cups (625 ml) blackberries in a food processor. Pass the resulting mass through a sieve to remove the seeds. Heat to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until liquid is reduced to 1/2 cup (125 ml). Add the cream with constant stirring.
While the blackberry sauce is cooking, rub the chops with the pepper.
Heat butter in a large skillet and sauté the chops until cooked. Place the chops on plates, top with the sauce and garnish with the remaining blackberries.
For a side dish, steam the carrots for 12-15 minutes. Transfer to a serving platter.
Purée the pineapple and mango in a food processor. Pass through a sieve into a small saucepan. Add sugar.
Mix corn starch with 1/4 cup (60 ml) pineapple juice... Add to fruit mass. Cook over low heat until thickened.
Pour the sauce over the carrots and serve immediately.

An easy-to-prepare dish, has an exquisite delicate taste, and high nutritional value.

Brains - 350 g

dry red wine - 1/3 cup
onions - 2 pcs.
mushrooms - 120 g

Cooking method:

Boil the brains until tender, cut.
Melt butter, mix 2/3 with wine.
Chop the onion, chop the mushroom caps, add to the onion and fry in the remaining oil.
Put the brains on a dish, pour with a mixture of wine and oil. Garnish with mushrooms.

Salmon on a tomato base

A dish that is an integral part of the holidays in Australia.

To prepare this dish, in the amount of 4 servings, you will need:

Salmon fillet - 750 g
tomatoes - 600 g
olive oil
sherry - 50 ml
honey - 2 tbsp. spoons
garlic - 2 cloves
lime - 1 pc.
soy sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons

Cooking method:

Mix sherry with chopped garlic, honey, soy sauce and lime juice, add lime zest.
Cut the salmon into 4 portions. Marinate fish in the prepared mixture in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
Cut the tomatoes into halves, place them on a greased baking sheet, sprinkle with oil on top and bake in a preheated oven for 25 minutes.
Fry the fish in oil on both sides until tender. Then salt and pepper the fish.
When serving, place the tomatoes on portioned plates, place the fish pieces on top and pour the marinade over them.

Can be prepared for lunch, can be served with festive table, this soup always comes in handy.

To prepare this dish, in the amount of 4 servings, you will need:

Grated bread - 100 g
onion - 1 pc.
smoked bacon - 100 g
egg - 1 pc.
milk - 2/3 cup
flour - 1 tbsp. spoons
butter - 1 tbsp. the spoon
beef broth - 1 l
chives - 1 bunch
parsley - 1/2 bunch
dried marjoram - 1 tsp
salt to taste

Cooking method:

Chop the onion and parsley.
Cut the bacon and melt.
Fry onions in the resulting fat, then mix with bread, parsley, add salt, marjoram, flour. Beat milk with egg and add to the mixture, mix everything thoroughly. Leave the mixture for ½ hour. Then form into balls and boil them in salted boiling water for 15 minutes.
Bring the broth to a boil, put the boiled dumplings in it, bring to a boil again.
When serving, sprinkle the soup with chopped chives.

The name itself speaks of the exoticism of this food. The dish is as exquisite as its name.

To prepare this dish, in the amount of 6 servings, you will need:

Beef tenderloin - 1 kg
butter - 3 tbsp. spoons
oysters - 3 pcs.
mushrooms - 300 g
chopped parsley - 1 tsp
egg - 1 pc.
breadcrumbs - 1/3 cup
salt to taste
ground red pepper to taste
ground black pepper to taste
grated lemon zest - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

Fry chopped oysters and chopped mushrooms in hot oil. Then add spices, crackers, parsley and an egg, mix everything thoroughly.
In the middle of a whole piece of meat, make a longitudinal incision 2/3 of the depth, put the prepared mixture inside, sew the edges of the meat. Fry the meat on all sides in a very preheated skillet. Then bake in the oven, pouring over the juice, until tender.

Prepare this casserole and enjoy the flavor of Australian cuisine.

To prepare this dish, in the amount of 8 servings, you will need:

Ground crackers - 2 cups
butter - 2 tbsp. spoons
sugar - 3/4 cup
eggs - 2 pcs.
wheat flour - 1 tbsp. the spoon
baking soda - 1/3 tsp
fruit juice - 1 glass
zest - 1/2 lemon
canned fruits - 2 cups
margarine - 1 tbsp. the spoon
ground cinnamon - to taste

Cooking method:

Beat butter, sugar and eggs until froth, add grated lemon zest, ground crackers, flour, baking soda, and mix everything thoroughly. Dilute the mass with juice to a creamy consistency. Put half of this mass on a dish greased with margarine and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, put a layer of canned fruits on top and pour over the remaining mass. Bake in an oven at 180 ° C for about 30 minutes.
Sprinkle the casserole with granulated sugar mixed with cinnamon.

Blackberry jelly

A delicacy that can become a wonderful daily dessert.

To prepare this dish, in the amount of 4 servings, you will need:

Blackberries - 1/2 kg
sugar - 2/3 cup
lemon - 1/2 pc.
gelatin - 30 g
egg whites - 3 pcs.
water to taste

Cooking method:

Mix berries with sugar, pour in a little water, add lemon zest, boil.
Then add lemon juice and beat with a blender, adding a little more water, then strain and cool to room temperature.
Beat the whites and mix into the blackberry mass, pour the mixture into the bowls and refrigerate until completely solidified.

It is fashionable to cook this dish for dinner or breakfast. Healthy and tasty food.

To prepare this dish, in the amount of 4 servings, you will need:

Flour - 250 g
sugar - 250 g
butter - 250 g
oat flakes - 250 g
coconut flakes - 250 g
dry yeast - 1 tsp
molasses - 2 tbsp. spoons

Cooking method:

Combine all of the listed ingredients, mix thoroughly, mold small thick cakes and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes at low heat.

Perfect addition to tea or coffee

To prepare this dish, in the amount of 4 servings, you will need:

Ground or bread crumbs without spices - 1 glass
butter - 2 tbsp. spoons
sugar - 1/2 cup
egg - 1 pc.
wheat flour - 1 tbsp. the spoon
fruit juice - 1/2 cup
sliced \u200b\u200bfruit - 1 glass

Cooking method:

Beat the sugar, half the butter and the egg with a mixer or whisk until frothy. Add ground crackers and flour, mix.
Dilute the mass with fruit juice until the consistency of thin sour cream. Pour half of the cooked mass into a dish greased with the remaining oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, put a layer of sliced \u200b\u200bfruits on top and cover them with the remaining mass. Bake the cake for about 30 minutes at 180 ° C.

Truly Australian coffee recipe.

To prepare this dish, in the amount of 4 servings, you will need:

Orange peel - 1 tbsp. the spoon
cloves - 8-10 pcs.
ground coffee - 4 tbsp. spoons
water - 4 glasses
sugar to taste

Cooking method:

Place the orange and lemon zest along with the cloves on the bottom of the coffee maker. Brew coffee so that the hot coffee stream falls on the spices. Pour the resulting coffee into four heated mugs. Sugar is added to taste.

This delicacy will surely appeal to your children.

To prepare this dish, in the amount of 4 servings, you will need:

Rice - 200 g
water - 400 ml
raisins - 1/2 cup
figs - 100 g
dates - 100 g
milk - 250 ml
egg whites - 2 pcs.
ginger - 1 pinch
sugar - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

Boil rice in boiling water until half cooked, drain the water, cool.
Chop dates and raisins, sprinkle with ginger and sugar, then add everything to the rice and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Pour milk into the mixture, stir and simmer for another 5 minutes. Then cool the mixture.
Beat the whites, stir in the rice, put the mixture in vases rinsed with cold water and cool in the refrigerator.
Garnish the pudding with fruit pieces when serving.

This dish is practically unknown outside Australia. It is easy to prepare and at the same time has a very exotic taste.

To prepare this dish, in the amount of 2 servings, you will need:

Beef tenderloin - 500 g
butter - 40 g
egg - 1 pc.
egg yolk - 1 pc.
bananas - 2 pcs.
onion - 1 pc.
cream - 1/3 cup
wheat flour - 20 g
grated horseradish - 20 g
sugar - 10 g
bread crumbs - 40 g
pepper to taste
salt to taste

Cooking method:

Cut the meat into thin slices, beat off. Fry in oil on both sides, then sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Peel the bananas, cut them in half lengthwise, roll in a mixture of flour, salt and pepper, then dip in a beaten egg and roll in breadcrumbs. Fry.
Mix the cream with the yolk, salt, sugar, pepper and horseradish, adding the fat from the roasting.
Fan the slices of meat on a serving dish, put bananas on the side and pour the prepared sauce over the meat.

Australian national dishes delight with their diversity, unusual and great taste. Australian cuisine one of the most delicious and delicious in the world! The dishes are not only exquisite and unique taste, but also original design. Culinary masters countries cook excellently, and for foreign tourists they try especially and will always be happy to treat them with specialties.

British cuisine, which was introduced to Australia by the first settlers, had the greatest influence on development national Australian cuisine. New wave nineteenth / twentieth century immigrants have enriched the cuisine with Mediterranean and Asian traditions.

Nowadays, Australian cuisine is becoming more international thanks to the natural process of spreading "high" cultures in the world. There are shops and restaurants on the mainland that sell kosher and halal foods and meals. Restaurants, often labeled as Modern Australian, combine the culinary subtleties of the world's diverse cuisines in their cuisine and adapt traditional recipes for modern dishes.

British cuisine is still quite popular, especially in the fast food section (for example, chips and fish). Australian Aboriginal cuisine has been revived by a variety of natural herbs derived from plants that grow throughout the state. It was these ingredients that formed the basis new kitchen, loved by gourmets.

In the development of Australia's culinary traditions, a significant role was played primarily by the country's East Asian and Asian neighbors - Japan, China, Vietnam, Thailand, as well as immigrants who arrived from all over the world. National cuisine of Australia has much in common with the so-called " mediterranean cuisine”(A mixture of Italian, Lebanese, Greek, Moroccan cuisines) due to the mixing of customs of immigrants who came to the mainland in 1950-1960. Australians, like residents of the Mediterranean region, try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating large amounts of fresh foodcontaining low levels of fat and salt. Vegetables and seafood have become widespread.

On weekends, Australian residents prefer to have picnics with barbecues with their families, with friends of the same interest in clubs and schools.

To this day, some British culinary traditions continue to be observed in Australian cuisine, especially in families of Anglo-Celtic origins. For Christmas, it is customary, as in England, to serve roasted turkey, ham, chicken with a side dish, plum pudding for dessert, despite the fact that in Australia, the Christmas holidays fall in the summer.

Over the centuries, certain culinary traditions have formed on the mainland. So, typical australian breakfast in many ways resembles the usual breakfast of Europeans. However, due to the warm climate, food is usually prepared quite lightly, and in cooler regions, "English breakfast" is often served - oatmeal, scrambled eggs, sausages, bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms. A lighter breakfast includes sandwiches, muesli, fruits. From drinks it is customary to serve tea, juice, coffee, milk. For breakfast, bread or vegemite sandwiches are also common.

For most Australians, their main meal is dinner, which, according to custom, takes place with the family. Dishes are prepared depending on the origin of family members and / and personal preference. Many families prefer fried meat with vegetables, pizza, soups, pasta, salads, barbecue.

Cafes and restaurants, as a rule, are not tied to one specific cuisine and the menu for dinner offers sandwiches, pasta, steaks, risottos, fried chicken and various meat dishes; for dessert, pastries, cakes; carbonated drinks, juices, coffee, beer, white and red wine.

Products of only Australian origin form the basis australian Aboriginal cuisine (bush tucker, bushfood). Under national meat products means kangaroo meat, emu, crocodile and possum meat. Today, kangaroo meat is sold in almost every grocery store on the mainland for the price of beef and is also found outside Australia. It is customary to eat meat and more exotic animals and even insect larvae. Seafood and fish are common in regions close to the coast.

Popular vegetables and fruits: kwandong ("dessert peach") - three types of wild plants with edible fruits; sour davidsonia fruits resembling shallow plum; "Australian tomato"; finger lime - the fruits of which grow up to ten centimeters long, and the pulp is similar in structure to fish roe; local spinach - warrigal greens and other species of Australian flora. Tasmanian pepper (dried fruits and leaves), lemon and anise myrtle are used as spices. The Australian nut, macadamia, has become widespread throughout the world.

TO typical dishes and Australian foods include emu meat; small australian meat pie; "Float pie" - in the center of the plate pea puree or thick pea soup meat pie, tomato paste is served separately with the dish; barramundi fish dishes; mashed potatoes; salad with pasta; pasta with different sauces; Chickens Melbourne - fried chicken legs and breast in olive oil and served with pink sauce; sailor brains; crackers or bread with vegemite, cheesymite scroll buns.

Wedgeite - Australia's national dish is a thick dark brown paste made from yeast extract. Most often, vegemite is used as a spread spread over sandwiches, breads, crackers and as a filling for typical Australian Cheesymite scroll buns. Swiss tsenovis and British bain-marie are analogs of vegemite.

Vegemite paste is produced from remnants of beer wort with the addition of various flavors. Has a salty and bitter taste, yeast aftertaste, which reminds of beef broth. Vegemite was created in 1922 by a young specialist Cyril Callister on behalf of Fred Walker, the head of the company, which is now owned by the American concern Kraft Foods.

Widely popular in Australia desserts: Pavlov's meringue cake with fresh berries or pieces of fruit, named after the ballerina Anna Pavlova, who toured in 1926; lamington - a rectangular sponge cake, poured with chocolate glaze, sprinkled with coconut, sometimes two cakes are combined with cream; frog-shaped cupcake in the shape of a frog's head from a biscuit with cream, covered with multi-colored fondant; ANZAC cookies with coconut and oatmeal; Boomerang chocolate cake; blackberry jelly; Elven Bread (Magic Bread) - Triangular Slices white bread with butter sprinkled with multi-colored dragees.

Australia is rapidly emerging as a global culinary power. National Australian cuisine can be one of the reasons why you should visit the Australian continent.

Australia is a real paradise for true connoisseurs of exotic food. After all, only here you will be offered to try a crocodile, shark or ostrich. Plus, Australian cuisine is unthinkable without oysters, mussels, crabs, octopus and scallops. In today's article, you will find several interesting recipes for similar dishes.

General information

Australia is considered a relatively young country. Therefore, her culinary traditions are an interesting combination of African, Asian and european cuisines... The local population adores rice, seafood, nuts and exotic fruits.

The main features of Australian cuisine include the fact that, along with the usual rabbit, pork, beef and chicken, the meat of ostriches, crocodiles and kangaroos is used here. The meat is marinated in orange or pineapple sauce, and it is most often served with fried bananas.

Fish and seafood occupy a special place in the diet of the indigenous people. Mussels, cuttlefish and octopuses can often be seen on the tables. They are considered the same delicacies as trepangs, shrimp, lobster or blue crabs. Cook them in a pan or grill.

The names of Australian dishes are known far beyond the borders of this country. A kind of visiting card of the culinary traditions of this state is the meat pie. It is so tiny that it can easily fit in the palm of your hand. Stuff it with minced meat. Lovers of sweets should try elven bread, Pavlov's cake and Lamington biscuit.

Australian meat pie

To try this little masterpiece, it is not at all necessary to go somewhere. It is quite possible to bake it without leaving your own apartment. It is important, however, that you have at your fingertips all the products provided by the classic Australian recipes. At home, you can already use minced meat and purchased dough. This will save your free time. To make a meat pie you will need:

  • A pound of ground beef.
  • Bulb.
  • A teaspoon each of thyme and oregano.
  • 350 grams of store-bought puff pastry.
  • A couple of tablespoons each of ketchup and soy sauce.
  • A glass of boiled water.
  • 3 tablespoons of premium flour.

Like many other Australian dishes, the meat pie is prepared using a very simple technology. Put the chopped onion in a preheated pan and fry it. After a few minutes, minced meat is added to it and kept on fire until it acquires a grayish tint. Then flour, ketchup, oregano and thyme are poured into a frying pan. After a couple of minutes, soy sauce, water and salt are sent there. All this is stewed over minimal heat, not forgetting to stir. Ten minutes later ready-made filling removed from the stove and cooled.

The defrosted dough is divided into two unequal parts and rolled out into layers. Bigger piece placed on the bottom of a heat-resistant form and filled with cooled minced meat. A second layer is placed on top and the edges are neatly fastened. The cake is baked at a standard temperature for about forty minutes.

Beefsteak "Marsupial"

This is another very tasty and satisfying dish that Australian cuisine is famous for. It goes well with any side dishes and is prepared using an extremely simple technology. To make such a treat, you will need:

  • A pound of pork tenderloin.
  • 120 grams of any fresh mushrooms.
  • A teaspoon of lemon zest.
  • Raw chicken egg.
  • 40 grams of butter.
  • Salt, mayonnaise, bread crumbs, spices and parsley.

The washed, peeled and chopped mushrooms are fried in butter, not forgetting to stir. In a separate vessel they connect a raw egg, bread crumbs, lemon zest, chopped parsley, salt and spices. All this is sent to the pan with mushrooms and mixed.

Washed and dried meat is cut to length, filled with filling, tied with threads and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown. The browned steak is sent to a heat-resistant form, greased with mayonnaise and put into the oven. Bake it at a standard temperature for no more than fifty minutes. Fresh vegetables are usually used as a side dish.

Sailor-style brains

This simple yet very satisfying dish also applies to Australian cuisine. It is made from inexpensive ingredients that can be purchased at any modern supermarket. Before starting the process, be sure to have on hand:

  • 180 grams of brains.
  • 30 milliliters of dry red wine.
  • 20 grams of butter.
  • Large onion bulb.
  • 60 grams of fresh mushrooms.
  • 50 milliliters of sauce.

The brains are boiled in salted water, cut into small pieces and poured with red wine and pre-melted butter. Stewed onions and mushrooms are served as a garnish.


This cookie also belongs to the Australian national cuisine. It is so easy to prepare that even a beginner can cope with this task without any problems. Before you start kneading the dough, see if you have:

  • 100 grams each oatmeal and coconut flakes.
  • A tablespoon of natural liquid honey.
  • 100 grams of brown sugar and premium flour.
  • A couple of tablespoons of cold water.
  • 60 grams of butter.
  • ½ teaspoon of baking soda.

You don't have to go to an Australian restaurant to try this dessert. You can bake it at home. For this, all bulk ingredients are combined in one bowl and mixed. Put honey, water and butter in a separate saucepan. And then they are heated over minimal heat and combined with soda. All this is immediately poured into a container with dry ingredients and mixed.

Of finished dough form balls, place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment, and put them in the oven. Dessert is baked at one hundred and sixty degrees for about twenty minutes.


It is delicious and delicate dessert, which successfully combines dry biscuit and aromatic chocolate glaze. Similar to most Australian recipes, this technology uses simple, budget-friendly ingredients. Make sure you have everything you need at your fingertips. This time you will need:

  • 250 grams of sugar and wheat flour a / c.
  • 8 selected chicken eggs.
  • 300 grams of dark chocolate.
  • 150 milliliters of 33% cream.
  • 35 grams of peasant butter.
  • Coconut flakes.

Eggs and sugar are combined in a refractory container, and then placed in a water bath. All this is heated over low heat, not forgetting to stir constantly. Beat the warm base for the biscuit with a mixer and gradually pour the sifted flour into it.

Melted butter is poured into the resulting lush mass and gently mixed. The finished dough is laid out in a heat-resistant form and sent to the oven. It is baked at one hundred and ninety degrees, not including the convection mode. The browned sponge cake is cooled, cut into squares, dipped in a frosting consisting of cream and melted chocolate, and sprinkled with coconut.

Language in Australian

This aromatic and hearty dish is ideal for family dinner... It goes well with boiled loose rice and fresh vegetable salad... To cook this exquisite dish Australian cuisine, a photo of which can be seen in today's article, you will need:

  • A pound of tongue.
  • 250 milliliters of broth.
  • A couple of tablespoons of flour.
  • 100 milliliters of tomato juice.
  • 50 grams of root celery.
  • Red onion.
  • Medium carrot.
  • Salt, spices and butter.

The washed tongue is poured with cold water and boiled for three hours. Shortly before the end of the process, bay leaves, peppercorns and salt are added to the pan. Then the tongue is freed from the film, cut into slices and fried in butter.

Chopped onions, carrots and root celery are sauteed in a separate skillet. Then flour is added to the vegetables, tomato juice and language. All this is poured with broth, salted and simmered under the lid for about half an hour.

Australian chickens

This is another interesting Australian dish. Poultry recipes are extremely simple, so any beginner can cope with this task. To make a lunch like this, you will need:

  • A kilo of chicken drumsticks.
  • 200 milliliters of good white wine.
  • A couple of tablespoons of tomato paste.
  • Medium eggplant.
  • A pair of ripe tomatoes.
  • Salt, spices, garlic, and vegetable oil.

The washed and dried drumsticks are salted, rubbed with chicken spices and fried in a preheated skillet. As soon as they are browned, white wine is poured to them, add tomato paste and stew under the lid for about half an hour.

Eggplant slices and tomato slices are placed on the foil. Sprinkle with chopped garlic on top and drizzle vegetable oil... Vegetables are baked in foil at two hundred degrees for no more than ten minutes. Ready-made legs are complemented with a tomato and eggplant garnish and served on the table.

Beetroot and mango salad

This is a rather exotic appetizer related to Australian cuisine. It is very quick and easy to prepare and is perfect for a family meal. Before you start working with groceries, double-check if you have in your home:

  • Mango.
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • 3 beets.
  • A teaspoon of balsamic vinegar.
  • 50 grams of feta cheese.
  • Salt, spices and fresh herbs parsley.

The washed beets are cut into eight parts, laid out on a baking sheet, sprinkled with vegetable oil and baked in an oven preheated to a standard temperature. After about forty-five minutes, it is taken out, cooled and sent to a deep bowl. Chopped greens, crumbled cheese and peeled mango slices are also added there. Ready salad fill up balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

Salad with potatoes and pickled fish

This is another fragrant and hearty snack, related to traditional Australian cuisine (recipes with photos of similar dishes are presented in today's publication). It is prepared from readily available ingredients that can be purchased at any supermarket. To make such a salad, check in advance if you have on hand:

  • 400 grams of potatoes.
  • A couple of limes.
  • 300 grams of any red fish fillet.
  • A head of radicchio salad.
  • A couple of fresh cucumbers.
  • 10 radishes.
  • A pod of green hot pepper.
  • Shallot.
  • Half a bunch of cilantro and mint.
  • 2 tbsp olive oil.
  • Salt and spices.

The fish is cut into thin slices, put in a deep bowl, poured over with lime juice and put into the refrigerator for twenty minutes. While it is marinated, you can do vegetables. Radicchio is cut into wide strips, cucumbers are cut into small cubes, boiled potatoes are cut into thin slices.

The marinated fish is combined with prepared vegetables, chopped radishes and chopped herbs. Shallots, salt, spices, lime juice and olive oil are also sent there. All mix well and insist for four hours.

Watermelon salad

The dish prepared according to the technology described below has a piquant taste and pleasant aroma. It can become not only a good addition to a family dinner, but also a decoration of a festive feast. To prepare such a salad, you will need:

  • 2 kilos of watermelon.
  • 150 grams of feta cheese.
  • Red onion.
  • The juice of one lime.
  • Bank of olives.
  • A bunch of mint and olive oil.

The onion, cut into thin half rings, is poured over with lime juice and left for ten minutes. Meanwhile, in one bowl, crumbled cheese, halves of olives and pieces of watermelon are combined. Chopped mint, pickled onions and olive oil are also added there.

Australian summer salad

This snack consists practically of only vegetables and fruits. Therefore, it turns out to be not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy. To prepare it you will need:

  • 200 grams of smoked ham.
  • 3 small ripe tomatoes.
  • Medium apple.
  • A couple of small cucumbers.
  • Celery root.
  • A couple of tablespoons of orange juice.
  • Mayonnaise and lettuce leaves.

The cooking technology of this dish is extremely simple. Vegetables are washed, chopped and combined in one bowl. Cut the ham into thin slices and place lettuce leaves on them. Lay out on top vegetable mix and tomato slices. The ham is wrapped in rolls and sprinkled with mayonnaise.

Lunch time is coming soon, let's get ready for this event visually for now.

Australian cuisine is not distinctive, but rather a combination of different gastronomy of the world. Greatest influence she was influenced by British cuisine, since the country for a long time was a colony of the British Empire. Numerous immigrants from other parts of the world have contributed to the formation of Australia's national dishes.

Let's take a look at some examples of Australian cuisine:

Australian meat pie - business card Australian cuisine. The dish is a cake no larger than a palm with a filling in the form minced meat or minced meat. (Pengo) Oddly enough, the most beloved product of Australians is vegemite paste, which is made on the basis of yeast extract. No Australian breakfast is complete without this spread. Locals are fond of meat. It is used in the form of barbecue or toppings for Australian meat pie. Seafood, which is abundant here, is also held in high esteem. Desserts in Australia have a special kitchen page - Lamington biscuit, Pavlov's cake, Anzac cookies, elven bread - will delight the sweet tooth.

Australian meat pie with garnish. (Alpha) Australian cuisine is one of the most exotic and varied in the world. From meat pies and veggie sandwiches to kangaroo fillets with young beetroot shoots and fried onions, Australian cuisine flourished as recently as the 1990s. All of the major cities on the green mainland have seen a host of new restaurants in the spirit of "modern Australian cuisine." The success of the local culinary art was due to two factors: firstly, the variety and unusualness of the dishes, and secondly, the cheapness.

Emigrants from all over the world brought their culinary passions to Australia, the cuisine combined the East and the West, and also brought its ancient traditions, the success turned out to be colossal. André Cointreau, president of Le Cordon Bleu in Paris, arguably the most prestigious culinary institute with branches in London, New York, Tokyo and Sydney, believes that if 30 years ago France was the undoubted center of world gastronomy, now this center is Australia.

"Australia is where 21st century cuisine is evolving," Cointreau argues, suggesting that culinary arts Australia will be the "classic cooking of tomorrow:"

Vegemite is a paste made from yeast extract. Has a salty, slightly bitter taste. The product is used as a spread for toasts, crackers and buns. (jules) Australia is famous exotic fruits, seafood, meat of bulls, lambs, and also cheese. You cannot ignore the food of the aborigines, called "bush tucker". Such dishes are cooked over charcoal, for example, a dumper bun, a mixture of water and flour fried over charcoal.

Recently, enthusiastic articles about Australian cuisine have appeared in the Western press. Australian cuisine is considered one of the reasons to visit the "fifth continent". What is happening in Australia at the present time, many rightly call the culinary revolution. Australia is rapidly breaking into the ranks of the world's culinary powers and is aiming only for first place. This country is full of exotic animals and plants that are not found in Europe or Asia, so it has every reason to be considered the first in cooking.

B-B-Q. Australians cannot imagine their existence without fried meat... It is used both on ordinary days and on holidays. (Mike) Just like Italy and France, Australia can be divided into several regions known for its food: the cream of the Royal Isle, Sydney oysters, Bow mangoes, Coffin Bay scallops, Tasmanian salmon: Each "state" has its own crown dishes.

Summing up the diversity of Australian cuisine, it can be divided into modern Australian cuisine, Asian cuisine and traditional Australian dishes and "bush tucker".

Modern kitchen

Contemporary Australian cuisine is a mix of completely different local traditions. Asian spices such as lemongrass, coriander, chili and cardamom can be found in traditional local dishes. At the same time, Asian cuisine is replacing some of the traditional oriental ingredients to Australian counterparts. We recommend trying the marinated beef fillet with curry spinach, with beetroot ( thick sauce with beets), fried pear with saffron palenta ( corn flour), a blend of Indian and European style and ingredients.

Australian delicacies

Secret good recipe, according to Australian chefs, is contained in the use of Australia's quirky seafood. Balmain bugs, similar to spiny lobsters, often appear on the menu.

Specialties such as shark lips can be found in local markets.

Adelaide, a bustling town on the south coast of Australia, has a dish you won't find anywhere else:

kangaroo in quandong sauce, a fruit called "dessert peach". The free sale of kangaroo meat was recently allowed, but the dishes have become extremely popular due to the low fat content of this animal.

Kangaroos are no longer in danger of extinction, on the contrary, Australia suffers from a sharp increase in their population. Therefore, the use of kangaroo meat in cooking, not only does not threaten the ecological balance, but also contributes to solving this problem. Due to its advantageous geographic location, Adelaide occupies a prominent place on the culinary map of Australia. Its central market offers a full variety of flora and fauna, land and water. Blue crabs and freshwater oysters are found only here. According to legend, the first settlers died of hunger, not knowing that they were next to a huge amount of food suitable for food. Today it is already known that of the more than 20,000 plant species found in Australia, about 20% are edible.

In addition, new local vegetarian foods such as riberries, bunya nuts, wild rose, cockatoo plum and much more are being used in restaurant menus these days.

New plants include pepper leaves, aniseed and Australian acacia seeds. This list of new ingredients also includes eel fry, freshwater yabbies and witchetty larvae, as well as crocodile and possum meat.

Australian cuisine is developing rapidly and it is possible that in the future we will have the opportunity to taste not only the above dishes, but also completely new ones.

Fish and chips. The dish came to Australia from the UK. It consists of deep-fried pieces of fish and fries. (russellstreet) Wines of Australia

The wine industry is the most dynamic industry in Australia and has undergone major changes over the past 40 years. If in the 50s the average Australian drank only one glass of wine a year, now he drinks about two bottles.

It should be noted that in 1965 the number of winemakers was very small, only six companies were engaged in the production table wine, however, by 1999 their number had increased to 109. Now Australia's share of the world wine market is 2%, but by 2025 the goal is to achieve 6.5%.

Wine is a particularly important industry in Australia. If wool, cotton and beef - traditionally Australian exports - go abroad without any processing, then winemaking contributes to the development of related industries (viticulture, packaging production, trade), and, therefore, solves the problem of unemployment.

Australian winemaking has come a long way over the past decades, and many experts are confident that by the middle of the 21st century, Australian wines will become as familiar and natural to our table as French or Italian.

Barracuda. (Jun Seita)

Pavlova is a traditional Australian dessert. It is a cake made of meringue and fruits. The dish got its name in honor of one of the most famous ballerinas of the 20th century, Russian Anna Pavlova. (Isabelle Boucher)

Pavlova. (Claire Sutton)

Anzac - cookies based on oatmeal and coconut. It is worth noting that ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) Day is celebrated annually in Australia and New Zealand on April 25 to commemorate the victims of their citizens in all wars and military conflicts. (penguincakes)

Lamington is a biscuit covered with chocolate ganache and coconut. The treat got its name in honor of the Governor of Queensland, Charles Wallis Alexander Napier Cochrane-Baillie, who was also Baron Lamington. (Alpha)

Tim There. (Drew Bandy)

Tim There. (Nina Matthews Photography)

Elven bread - favorite treat children. Dessert is a toast, buttered and sprinkled with colorful dragees. (Alpha) Traditional Australian food

Some dishes have been considered quintessentially Australian for decades. Among them, perhaps, it is worth highlighting vegemite, lamingtons and Arnott biscuits.

Vegemite is the most Australian of all Australian dishes. In 1922, Australian Fred Volcker decided to prepare a special "yeast extract" so that it was equally nutritious and tasty. The yeast extract was blended with several other ingredients: celery, onions, and salt. It turned out to be a thick dark mass that can be spread on bread, or can be used as ready meal... During the Second World War new Product was included in the mandatory diet of Australians and soon became so popular that it became scarce. If you're in Australia, be sure to try this healthy and delicious bread product.

Lamington - biscuit doused chocolate fudge and sprinkled with coconut chips. At first, lamingtons were made from biscuit dough stuffed with strawberries or raspberries. Today they are usually made without jam, only occasionally using whipped cream as a filling.

Arnot biscuits

In 1865, a small tent called Arnott opened, selling cakes. Today, Arnott. Biscuit LTD ”supplies its biscuits to almost 40 countries of the world. Arnott biscuits mean more than just high-quality pastries to the local population, millions of Australians grew up on Arnott biscuits and for them it is a part of Australian history and culture.

The restaurants today also serve the Bush Tucker (charcoal) series, authentic Aboriginal food made with extensive use of local produce such as Australian fruits and traditional baked meats. "Tea in a pot" (tea boiled in a traveling pot) will surprise even a Russian tourist. You can also try one of the most interesting dishes called "Anaboroo, Mango and Burrawong Soup", which consists of three ingredients: bull roasted whole in elastic mesh, tropical mango, and burrawon - a local nut.

Rating of the hottest chili peppers from around the world and The original article is on the site InfoGlaz.rf The link to the article this copy was made from is