Technology of making non-alcoholic wine. Drinking non-alcoholic wine - benefits and harms to the body

26.04.2019 Seafood dishes

1. What is it?

Non-alcoholic wines are considered to be wines, the alcohol content of which does not exceed 0.5%. Generally, non-alcoholic wines are more expensive ordinary wines, and sometimes more expensive and spirits due to the fact that an additional production stage is used in their manufacture.

2. How is it made?

Without alcoholic wine appeared on the market relatively recently, although the production of this drink was known even in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome. Since alcohol evaporates at a temperature of 78 ° C, a heating method was used to obtain non-alcoholic wine. However, this negatively affected the taste of the wine.
Currently, there are various ways of producing non-alcoholic wine, which allow you to preserve the taste, aroma and all the beneficial substances of this drink. First, wine is produced according to traditional technology, then alcohol is removed from it, for which various methods are used:

  • Reverse osmosis: Alcohol and water molecules are removed from the wine using a fine-pored membrane. This method is time-consuming and can ultimately lead to poor taste.
  • Thin film evaporation is also not a promising method, because when using it, the wine loses its aroma and most of the useful microelements... Due to the mixing of carbon dioxide and grape juice, the original aroma of the wine is significantly distorted.
  • Vacuum distillation method is the best and most quick way the dealcoholization of wine, which was invented in 1908 by Carl Jung, the founder of the wine company of the same name. Alcohol evaporates in a vacuum even at a temperature of 27 ° C, and the taste and aroma of the wine are preserved.

Currently, there are about twenty producers of de-alcoholized wines all over the world, among them such well-known and respected ones as Carl Jung (Germany), Bohemia Sekt (Czech Republic), Ariel Vineyards (USA), Freixenet (Spain), Dreissigacker (Germany), La Côte de Vincent (France), Matarromera (Spain), Winezero (Italy).

3. What does it taste like?

The alcohol-free wine retains the taste, aroma and character of the original wine. Eat like red non-alcoholic wines produced on the basis of different varieties grapes (for example, Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot) and white (Gruner Veltliner, Riesling). In principle, it is possible to remove alcohol from any wine, be it white, red or rosé. Wine lovers can also delight in non-alcoholic Chardonnay. After dealcoholization, the typical fruity taste original wine.

4. Why drink it?

Non-alcoholic wine is becoming more and more popular. It contains all the healthy substances of the original wines: potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, vitamins, mineral acids, antioxidants and polyphenols. Non-alcoholic wine strengthens the immune system, protects against atherosclerosis and premature aging, lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of strokes and the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

5. Who can drink it and when?

This wine can be drunk by people who are suffering diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to drink for people with high blood pressure and with reduced secretion of gastrointestinal juice. Unlike wines with an alcohol content, dealcoholized wines have two-thirds fewer caloriesso you can drink it while dieting. Non-alcoholic wine can be consumed by women during pregnancy, it is also suitable for people who value healthy image life. This wine will also delight motorists and those who want to enjoy a glass of wine during their working lunch. Of course, non-alcoholic wines are also suitable for believers who adhere to strict religious rules.

6. Where can I buy it?

Under the brand name of non-alcoholic wine, they can sell wort that has been pressed, filtered and bottled. It will be rather grape juicethan wine. Beware of counterfeits! Buy non-alcoholic wines only from specialized stores. Real non-alcoholic wine is wide famous brand Freixenet (Spain) under the name (derived from the distorted Spanish word ligero, meaning "light", "not intense") can be purchased in, and both sparkling and quiet at a price from 490 rubles per bottle.

Freixenet and Whitnauer-Philip - the perfect combination of quality and have a good mood!

- a drink, the production of which is carried out by removing wine alcohol from grape must. This wine contains 0.5% alcohol, that is, as much as in freshly squeezed orange juice or kefir. An alcohol-free drink is a good alternative to its alcoholic counterpart, which in turn makes it popular with non-drinkers.

Composition and features of wine without degree

Any wine, including one that does not contain a degree, sold on supermarket shelves contains chemicals (dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers, etc.). However, in addition to this, the drink contains more than a hundred useful trace elements. The most common of them can be distinguished:

  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • vitamins B and P;
  • malic acid (if the wine is made on an apple basis).

In addition, the soft drink is rich in amino acids, flavonoids, polyphenols and beneficial enzymes that improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Grape drink without a degree is indicated for people suffering different diseases gastrointestinal tract (for example, chronic gastritis). Often, this kind of drink is prescribed to patients experiencing chronic fatigue, as well as hypertensive patients. This is due to the fact that alcohol-free wine has a tonic effect and improves appetite.

Moderate consumption of the drink reduces the likelihood of atherosclerotic plaque formation, that is, blood clots in blood vessels... However, you should know that there is a large number of fakes of such products, the use of which in best case will not bring any benefit to the body, and at worst will cause harm. Therefore, when choosing a soft drink, you need to pay special attention not only to the cost ( quality wines have a high price) products, but also its composition.

How is non-alcoholic wine made?

Soft drink invented by the great scientist Carl Jung at the beginning of the XX century. But in those days, non-alcoholic wines were not popular and became in demand only in the 21st century.

How is non-alcoholic wine made? Initially, it is made as simple from grape must, which must ferment for some time, but at the final stage of cooking, the resulting degree is removed using:

  1. Heat treatment. When alcohol evaporates from a beverage when exposed to high temperatures. The liquid is heated to + 75 ° C, while not only the evaporation of the degree, but also the sugar.
  2. Freezing. Alcohol in this case disappears due to the cold, which is exposed to the liquid for a long period of time.

The second method of preparing the drink allows you to better preserve the taste of wine, as well as vitamins and minerals that make up its composition.

The benefits and harms of non-alcoholic wine

Soft drinks contain all the useful substances, like their counterparts, however, they still have a low calorie content and a low (0.3% per 100 g of product) sugar content. Therefore, they are recommended to be used by people with diabetes mellitus and women who are watching their figure.

Regular use, in small doses, reduces blood cholesterol levels and enhances the body's protective functions. Non-alcoholic is especially appreciated, as it has beneficial influence for activities of cardio-vascular system... This is due to the fact that such a drink contains a large amount of polyphenols - complex organic compounds that have an antioxidant effect.

Insofar as grape drink, which does not contain alcohol, is not only harmless, but also useful, then it can also be used for medical purposes as the prevention of certain diseases of the digestive system.

Almost all products have benefits and harms, and non-alcoholic products are no exception. The chemicals in the drink are especially dangerous. If you abuse low-quality wine, you can harm your body, up to severe poisoning.

The use of non-alcoholic products is contraindicated for people suffering from alcohol addictionbecause even minimal alcohol content can contribute to the patient's relapse. In addition, it is not recommended to drink such drinks for nursing mothers, since alcohol in wine enters the child's body along with milk.

Brands and selection rules

Under the guise of non-alcoholic products, unscrupulous entrepreneurs often offer simple filtered wort, which in its characteristics is more like grape juice. This drink is not wine. In order to protect yourself from the purchase of fakes, it is recommended to buy wine in specialized stores. The most popular are spanish wineswhich have the name "Legero".

Good tasting brands:

  1. Red. May vary in color from maroon to ruby. However, after a certain period of time, the coloring substances contained in the drink can change its shade, as a result of which the wine begins to brighten, and a sediment appears at the bottom of the bottle. This does not affect the quality of the product. The most popular red non-alcoholic wines are: Peter mertes, White Zinfandel, Carl Jung, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Premium white.
  2. White. Has a pale white color or rich orange tint. This type of non-alcoholic products is produced not only from white grape varieties. It can be any berry, the pulp of which does not contain coloring components. Among them, the most preferable brands are: "Sutter home", "Riesling", "Chardonnay".
  3. Champagne. Is a berry nectar obtained by pressing fresh herbs, flowers, fruits and roots. High-quality champagne does not contain synthetic additives, preservatives and chemical dyes. A common non-alcoholic champagne is considered to be a drink produced by the Absolute Nature company.

When choosing non-alcoholic products, it is better to give preference to brands made by freezing, since in such a product the taste does not lose its properties, and vitamins and microelements remain longer. These drinks are selected to the table in the same way as alcoholic counterparts. For example, it is preferable to serve white varieties with fish and cheeses, and for meat dishes - red.

Can I use it during pregnancy?

Non-alcoholic products, despite their beneficial properties, are still not recommended for pregnant women, although opinions on this matter may vary. If we take quality expensive drinks, then their use in small quantities is unlikely to adversely affect the health of the child and mother.

But if we are talking about those soft drinks that are sold in every supermarket, most likely they contain chemical dyes and preservatives with no benefit. If you choose which drink to use, then non-alcoholic is best suited in this case.

Non-alcoholic wine appeared much earlier than it began to be produced. Here is such a paradox. And the name of its inventor is known to you, but, we are willing to argue, does not fit in with winemaking in any way. Carl Gustav Jung invented non-alcoholic wine. He didn't just invent it, he acquired a patent! Probably, the doctor pinned great hopes on his discovery, but at that time it was somehow not clear - why and who needs this discovery? Wine without alcohol - and not wine at all!

Much has changed now. Healthy lifestyle, you know, takes its toll. And I either really want wine, but my conscience does not allow, or I don’t want to be a black sheep at a feast. Excellent, by the way, exit. But for pregnant women, sadly, even non-alcoholic wine is not recommended, as it can cause allergic and other reactions, thereby harming the fetus, so we advise you not to risk it.

But let's make a reservation right away: no one has yet managed to completely get rid of alcohol in the drink. All the same, 0.5 - 1% alcohol remains in this wine. Therefore, if you need to drive, then no earlier than 1-2 hours after a few glasses.

How is non-alcoholic wine made?

The technology for producing non-alcoholic wine is much more complicated than that of ordinary wine, which is why non-alcoholic wines are often expensive.

First, a classic wine is prepared, and then alcohol is removed from it. Do it different ways... In most cases, by heating the drink.

There is much more complex technology, which is used by especially diligent manufacturers, striving to release the most useful and pure product... They use a very gentle distillation, as well as the so-called "reverse osmosis", that is, high-tech filtration based on different size molecules of water and alcohol. In this case, the wine cannot be heated at all, which means that it retains a maximum of taste and quality characteristics.

Modern technology allows you to make virtually any wine non-alcoholic: if you want - here's non-alcoholic Bordeaux, and if you want - here's non-alcoholic Cahors.

They say that in terms of content nutrients non-alcoholic wine is healthier than regular alcoholic wine, so its price, perhaps, is justifiably high.

Germany is considered the main producer of non-alcoholic wines. Many varieties of non-alcoholic wines are simply produced here. Our, Russian, producers are also interested in this popular direction in winemaking, but so far they have not made big steps, but who knows, probably in the near future we will be able to taste Russian non-alcoholic wines.

An interesting fact: the main consumers of non-alcoholic wines are people from 25 to 45 years old. So that's who is most worried about their health!

Well, if you are still a supporter of old classic wine, then you can always buy it at WineStreet store.

For most people, the very combination of "non-alcoholic wine" sounds strange. Some are not even aware of its existence. You won't surprise anyone with beer without alcohol, but wine is already interesting. For people who cannot or do not want to drink alcohol, such a drink will be a great alternative to support the company and not stand out at the holidays.

Non-alcoholic wine production technology

Officially, non-alcoholic wine was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century. It was invented and patented by the famous scientist Carl Jung at that time. Since the product was not popular, it failed to profit from the discovery. On the threshold of the 21st century, soft drinks have become more popular, environmental degradation has become a reason to monitor your health more carefully.

Despite the opinion that it is impossible to prepare a product without alcohol, there are several options for preparing this drink. Alcohol-free wine is made according to the principle of the usual, but the final stage is the removal of alcohol. Remove alcohol from finished quality product in two ways:

  1. Heat treatment... By strong heating under the influence of high temperature, the alcohol is volatilized.
  2. Freezing. Cold way carried out by distilling and filtering the liquid. Prolonged exposure to cold makes the alcohol out of the drink.

Red wine, even without alcohol, is great for meat delicacies and kebab. Therefore, those who cannot afford red alcoholic wine can replace it with non-alcoholic wine. A similar white wine will be very useful for fish dishes. Of course, the aging of the white and red drinks without alcohol is not the same as in their real counterparts, but the taste is in no way inferior.

After the alcohol evaporates, the taste of non-alcoholic wine changes, but the difference is not very noticeable. The person is left with the feeling that this is real wine, not sparkling water. Its color does not differ at all from ordinary wine, be it white or red wine. Due to the similarity of visual and taste the person will remain satisfied.

Evaporation technology provides for heating the liquid to 75 degrees, this temperature evaporates not only alcohol, but also sugar from the drink. This is extremely useful for diabetics and people who take care of their health. And for women it is practically a dietary drink.

Scientists have proven that small doses of wine prevents atherosclerosis by preventing plaque from forming on the walls of blood vessels. People who drink red wine in moderate doses regularly, they complain less about heart problems. This is due to the presence of polyphenols in wine. Due to alcohol content constant use wine drinks undesirable, and non-alcoholic red wine is a great alternative.

Summing up, we can highlight the main qualities of a non-alcoholic drink:

  • the same taste;
  • low sugar in the drink;
  • benefits for blood vessels and heart;
  • psychological satisfaction.

If, for some medical or other reason, alcohol intake is undesirable for a person, non-alcoholic wine will be an excellent substitute for any holidays and parties.


Besides all the benefits and positive qualities non-alcoholic wine has its drawbacks and can do no less harm than alcohol-containing drink. This is especially true for inexpensive brands. In order to save money, preservatives and impurities are added to wine that do not benefit the body, but can cause significant harm. To improve the taste and increase the shelf life, phytohormones are added to the drink, which harm both men and women.

In the male half, from an excess of hormones, effeminate traits develop, and attraction decreases. In women especially with impairments hormonal background indicators deteriorate and the hormonal drugs they take lose their effectiveness.

Harm of wine for pregnant women

In addition to medical contraindications, alcohol is not recommended for women in position, and at the holiday they want to support the company. A non-alcoholic drink has become a way out for them, but is it possible for pregnant women to drink such a drink. Opinions differ here, some believe that the minuscule alcohol content will not affect either the mother or the child. It must be remembered that the wine may contain harmful preservatives and dyes that have an adverse effect on the health of the unborn child. Is it harmful to drink such a drink for everyone to decide for themselves. Whether to drink such wine is an individual choice, but it is better to replace it with natural juice.

Wine produced without alcohol is considered a novelty on the production market. They are wary of it, although its production is gaining a wide turnover. They argue about him, he is protected and scolded.

It should be noted that it is produced thanks to the unique discovery of Carl Jung, made back in the 20th century. True, at that time the world was not ready to accept something new, so the scientist became famous for other works, this fact was undeservedly forgotten for almost a century.

In the 21st century, people began to think about their health, environmental problems began to cause concern, and more useful substitutes came to replace the usual alcohol-containing dishes.

Non-alcoholic wine production technology

In order to understand what a drink is without degrees, you need to figure out what its production technology means. Non-alcoholic wine is made by winemaking, but in addition, molecules containing ethyl alcohol are extracted from it.

The first step is grape harvesting. Then it is pressed. Further, there are three ways to obtain a liquid with the desired degrees.

Way one - pasteurization

Product processing at high temperature, not less than 80 ° C for six to seven minutes. This will apply to any brand of goods. This procedure is used to make tinctures at home. A small drawback will be an incomplete disclosure of the taste of the product.

Where and why does the alcohol go? It has a strong specific odor and is also volatile. When heated, it evaporates from the liquid rather quickly. The law of the production of non-alcoholic products is based on this. It is important that excess sugar dissolves in the air in the same way. This expands the list of consumers to include diabetics.

The second way is vacuum distillation

It takes place using salt water desalination. The processing temperature is not more than 30 ° C, allows you to save taste properties vine and bring the drink closer to the alcoholic counterpart.

The third way how non-alcoholic wine is made is reverse osmosis

The liquid is filtered through a special membrane - a substance that traps alcohol molecules. In this case, the temperature of the drink does not change. The method is quite painstaking, while allowing you to get a high-quality and tasty product.

The benefits and harms of non-alcoholic wine

Moderate use weak alcohol, as a rule, does not bring any harm to human health. The same applies to non-alcoholic wine.

Moreover, it has other advantages:

  • contains beneficial antioxidants and minerals;
  • improves digestion due to the presence tartaric acid and apple;
  • normalizes the state of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in large quantities may lead to a decrease in blood pressure;
  • does not cause addiction and addiction;
  • less caloric than its native counterpart;
  • includes minimal amount Sahara;
  • has a beneficial effect on nervous system, the work of the kidneys and liver.

Can non-alcoholic wine be consumed during pregnancy?

After we have sorted out how non-alcoholic wine is made, it becomes easier to find the answer to the question: "Is it possible for pregnant women to have non-alcoholic wine." This product is not prohibited during gestation and lactation. It includes useful vitamins and trace elements. It is recommended to occasionally consume non-alcoholic dry wine.

What are its advantages:

  • relieves body fatigue;
  • makes it easier to tolerate toxicosis;
  • increases appetite;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • helps to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Thus, the products have a positive effect on the emotional state of the woman and on her health.

Separately, it is worth talking about this type of drink as champagne. Its components include nectars from berries, often birch sap, herbal infusions, floral ingredients, wholesome roots. It is also obtained by direct squeezing of fruits.

Can nursing drinkers drink wine: what do doctors say?

Alcohol entering the baby's body through milk will not benefit him. Another point is that a small amount of it is quickly absorbed. Therefore, if you drink no more than 200 grams, then after three hours there will be no harm to the baby.

For example, non-alcoholic a sparkling wine can be used more often, not maintaining this interval. It does not contain ethanol, while enriched with beneficial minerals.

Another important advantage of using alcohol-free products during pregnancy and lactation is the moral peace of the mother, and, accordingly, the child.

Can coded non-alcoholic wine be drunk?

Non-alcoholic dry wine contains no more than 0.5% ethanol, which is comparable to the composition of kefir, so it will not harm anyone.

Why do doctors sometimes even advise non-alcoholic white wine or dry red wine? The drink allows you to reduce psychological discomfort. A person who has limitations, feels fulfilled by using this drink, does not feel like an outcast in a drinking society and can support any company.

Can non-alcoholic wine be consumed under pressure?

Non-alcoholic red wine helps to normalize blood pressure if it is elevated. This helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The principle works very simply. Nitric oxide enters the bloodstream, it allows the vessels to come to a relaxed state, makes it possible for the blood to come to internal organs and heart. In general, this leads to a decrease in pressure.

In general, alcohol can contribute to a drop in blood pressure, so it is better for hypotonic patients to refrain from drinking it.

Contraindications to use

There should be a measure in everything - this is the only warning for this product. Whichever popular brands of non-alcoholic wine you choose, they should not completely replace other liquids, in particular water, tea, and so on.

You need to be careful when:

  • the threat of fetal hypoxia;
  • constant low pressure.

Secrets of storing non-alcoholic wine

If you follow the rule of the golden mean, with the help of drinks that do not contain ethanol and are prepared with high quality, you can not only not forget unique taste alcohol, but also improve your health.

A significant benefit will be the absence of a hangover.

To keep the taste of the product for a long time, take note little secrets its storage:

  • avoid exposure to sunlight, both direct and electrical;
  • store containers in a horizontal position with a slight slope and in the dark;
  • should be cooled only before serving in the refrigerator;
  • flavoring properties are better revealed at room temperature.