What is the essential difference between table wine and dessert wine? How table wine differs from ordinary wine

19.08.2019 Egg dishes

The average buyer may not always understand what the fundamental difference between them is. And if everything is even more or less clear with the color and country of the manufacturer, then how to determine the degree of strength, sugar content and aging?

Classification of wines

All grape wines are divided into two main types - sparkling (sparkling and champagne) and still wines. If we talk about quiet (not containing carbonic acid), then all of them, in turn, are divided into three categories - dining, fortified and dessert. Table wines have the smallest strength (no more than 14% vol.) And are produced using natural fermentation technology. Depending on the sugar content, table wines are divided into dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet. They can be white, red and pink in color.

The next two categories of wines are fortified (aged), which allow the addition of rectified alcohol in the production technology, and dessert wines, which are flavored with various additives and have a high sugar content.

How and with what to use table wines

Having dealt with the main classification of wines, you also need to know that the definition of "table" is not always indicated on the label. The correct table wine is "ordinary" wine, as is usually the case with labels. And ordinary wine was called table wine due to the fact that these wines, in terms of their taste, are the most optimal for consumption during meals. And if we talk specifically about the use of ordinary wines, then, depending on their classification, certain wines are served with different types of food.

For example, white dry wine is served with fish dishes and poultry dishes. Heavier meat meals involve the use of rich red wines, and the appropriate wine is selected depending on the type of meat served. For example, beef goes well with any degree of sweetness, but red dry wine is most suitable for fatty pork.

Table rosé wines are served with light salad appetizers and as an aperitif before dinner. It is allowed to serve rosé wines with some desserts and fruits. Rosé and white wines can be consumed throughout the meal, while red wines are usually served only with the main course.

It is impossible not to mention the classic use of table wines as an addition to a picnic. In the fresh air, any ordinary wine goes well with appetizers of cheese, bread and cold meat.

This is the official (lowest) category of most national wine grading systems for quality and place of origin. Table wine grapes can be grown in one country and the wine itself is made in another. On labels with such wine, the word “table” will be present in the appropriate language:

  • France Vin de table
  • Italy Vino da tavola
  • Spain Vino de mesa
  • Germany Tafelwein
  • USA Table wine
  • Greece Επιτραπεζιου οίνου
  • Montenegro Stolno vino
  • Bulgaria Refectory wine (not a table, so a meal)

Caption: "Made in France. Table wine." Where the grapes come from is unknown.

If the country is indicated on the label of table wine, then the country of origin of raw materials and wine production are the same:

Caption: "French table wine". So it is made in France and the grapes are also from France.

With the introduction of a common European wine classification in 2010, the category "Wine without geographical indication", identical to the category "table wine" in terms of the level of the drink, but with some differences in the design of the labels.

Differences between the pan-European category and national "table wines":

  • There is no word "table" on the label, only the name of the country of origin.
  • There is no way to determine the country of origin of raw materials.
  • It is permissible to indicate the grape variety and harvest year (which is prohibited for table wines in France).

What makes table wines different?

Table wines and the aforementioned new pan-European category are distinguished by a simple bouquet, low cost and minimal quality control: the only thing that is monitored is that this wine is made only from grapes and it is safe for health. There are no requirements for taste characteristics, varietal composition and constancy of parameters (strength, acidity, sweetness, etc.) for such wines.

This does not mean that table wine is not tasty and even worth buying a whole box. This means that you never know from the label what to expect from the contents of the bottle. This distinguishes the table category from wines controlled by the place of origin and produced according to the rules of the so-called

Not everyone knows what table wine is. Nevertheless, on store shelves you can find this drink in a wide range. Only now it does not always come out to make the right choice. But each wine is selected for a specific occasion.

If your goal is to diversify and complement the meal, you should take a closer look at table wine.

In general, the following types of wine are distinguished:

  • dining room;
  • dessert sweet;
  • dessert strong;
  • sparkling;
  • flavored.

Table wine
A sparkling wine
Dessert wine

As you already understood, table wine got its name from the fact that it is used as an addition to a meal. These are mostly dry varieties. No sugar is used in the production of dry wine. This drink contains 9-14% alcohol and only 0.3% sugar.

These species are distinguished by pleasant acidity, mild taste, and light varietal aroma. Red, pink and white wine is distinguished by color.

In the process of fermentation of red wine, grape juice with skin, seeds and ridges is involved. Pulp is used for pink. And in white it is not. Anyone can independently prepare table wine. For this, 3 kg of grapes will be enough. First, it must be sorted out so that there are no damaged and rotten berries. Next, remove the ridges from the fruit. The next step is to put a little bit of the berries in a colander, which should be placed over the enamel pot. Now start kneading the grapes with the back of your fist.

What happened should be poured into a clean jar and covered with gauze. Now we wait a few days for fermentation to take place. In this case, the container should stand in a warm place.

As soon as the pulp begins to float, the juice from the container must be poured into an enamel pan using a colander. The pulp must be squeezed out with gauze. The collected grape juice is poured into a clean jar, on which a water seal is installed. There is nothing difficult in making it. You will need a double plastic lid with a hole where the rubber hose will be inserted. The other end of this tube should be in a glass of water. This fluid will need to be changed every other day.

As soon as fermentation comes to an end (as a rule, this process takes from 12 to 20 days), precipitation will occur, and the wine will begin to brighten. Try as carefully as possible to drain the drink from the sediment into a clean container. Reinstall the shutter. The container should be placed in a cool place where the temperature does not drop below 15 ° C. A cellar is perfect for this purpose. The duration of the procedure is 2 weeks. This time is sufficient for complete precipitation to occur. The acidity level of the drink becomes lower, and the drink itself becomes lighter. The clarified liquid must be removed from the sediment and bottled. That's it, the wine is ready! Now it can be consumed or left in the cellar. A refrigerator will work too.

It so happened that table wine is not aged. It is used for everyday use.


Table species are classified according to the sugar content of the product:

  • dry, if the percentage of sugar is 1;
  • semi-dry, if the percentage of sugar content ranges from 1 to 2.5;
  • semi-sweet, if the proportion of sugar content is from 2 to 7%.

For many peoples, table wine is simply a drink that quenches your thirst. And for them it doesn't matter how many degrees and percentages there are. To some, this seems wild and harmful. Such people do not understand how ordinary water can be exchanged for wine. However, the quality of the drink and, of course, the quantity of the consumed product are of great importance. It was not for nothing that whole treatises were dedicated to him. It makes no sense to remind once again about the merits of this drink: everything has been said and written long ago.

The quality of the product is influenced by the composition, which, in turn, depends on the type of wine. Europeans have their own classification: separate (it is also called varietal) and blended. They differ in that only one type of grape is taken for the production of varietal wine, but for blended wine, several varieties are needed. You can find all the detailed information about the drink on the label, which is placed on the back of the bottle. When wine is served on the table, it must be at a certain temperature. This value is different for each variety. Thanks to this, you will have the opportunity to appreciate all the advantages of the drink and reveal its taste.

Many different grape varieties are used to make table wine. As mentioned earlier, there are white, red and pink varieties. The main difference between a table drink and its counterparts is that it does not require long ripening, nothing extra is added to its composition. Table grape wine contains very little sugar. It is not secured.

Many different grape varieties are used to make table wine.

The color can be either light straw or dark garnet. Georgian wine is considered to be the best table wine. It is a worthy competitor to vintage French varieties. If you believe the words of true connoisseurs and connoisseurs of this drink, the quality of the Kakhetian product from Georgia is comparable to the best European standards. For its production, such varieties are taken as Mtsvane, Saperavi and Rkatsiteli. The main difference is an unforgettable delicate bouquet and taste.

Different types of products cannot boast of the original name. This is either the name of the grape variety from which the drink was produced, or, alternatively, the name of the area where the raw materials were grown. True, there are also compound names.

Table wine is mainly varietal. Azerbaijani is considered especially valuable. A drink from the North Caucasus is not inferior to him in taste.

Azerbaijan wine

France is called the most grape country. For the production of the drink, only raw materials are taken that grow within the country. French wine is distinguished by a special inscription on the label. Something like a kind of quality mark for local table wines. Still, the manufacturer here bears full responsibility to consumers for the quality of his product.

Here again it can be mentioned that this drink is intended for daily use. It so happened that this product is not offered to guests, but is drunk exclusively in the family circle - on weekends or at dinner. It is lightweight and less dense.

This grape product owes its popularity to its pleasant bouquet and excellent taste. When the drink is consumed regularly, it can be diluted with plain water. The strength becomes lower, but the taste does not change.

We got a little familiar with the classification of the drink, now you can move on. But it should be borne in mind that it is not always indicated on the label that the wine is table wine. Correctly speaking - ordinary. Such an inscription can be seen on the bottle. Why, then, is it called a canteen?

The fact is that the drink has gustatory qualities that make it optimal for consumption during a meal. And since we have already begun to get acquainted with ordinary wine, then it is worth clarifying which drink will be served with this or that food.

If you are planning to dine with a fish or poultry dish, then choose white dry or semi-dry wine.

White wine goes well with fish

In a company with heavy meat food, red saturated should go. It is also important here what kind of meat you are going to eat. For example, red wine with any degree of sweetness would be the best choice for beef. Red dry is more suitable for fatty pork.

The partner for light salad snacks is table rosé wine. This type of drink can also be a good aperitif before lunch. Rosé wine goes well with dessert and fruit.

Rose and white wine can be drunk throughout the meal. But red is most often served with the main course.

Table wine at a picnic is a great idea

It should also be mentioned that the classic is the use of table wine as an addition to a picnic. What could be better than an al fresco lunch with ordinary wine?

The production of dry table wine is carried out by the method of complete fermentation of grape must. The alcohol content in such a product is 9-14%. It should be noted that the formation of alcohol comes from the fact that sugar is fermented. According to the amount of sugar, wine is classified: dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet.

Dry table wine was recognized as useful. Most often, this product is taken along with meat and fish dishes. Georgian table varieties are considered the best.

Georgian table wines are considered the best

Almost all table wines have a delicate taste and pleasant sourness. If you have chosen the red version of the drink, then before drinking it can be slightly warmed up (slightly above room temperature). Thanks to this, the bouquet will open more fully.

As for dessert wine, raw materials with higher sugar content are used for its production. In order to increase the concentration of sugar, grapes are dried before production. Thus, it becomes sweeter. In dessert wine, the alcohol content can reach 17%.

Unlike table drinks, which are mostly varietal, dessert drinks are a blended option.

Dessert wine goes well with pastries and ice cream

According to experts, they should be served with fruits, ice cream and confectionery. Before using the product, it is advisable to cool it down to 16 ° C.

Each country has its own laws. But there are moments in which the legislation is practically no different. On the label of table wine, there is no need to indicate information about its year of birth or place of origin. It's another matter if the drink is branded. In this case, the place of origin must always be indicated. The more complete the information, the more likely it is that the product is of high quality.

How is the taste of a drink determined?

And finally, a little advice on how to properly assess the taste of wine.

To begin with, you need to take very little drink in your mouth. Just a little - just to get a taste. As soon as you take a sip, exhale through your nose.

The next step is to make sure that the liquid passes over the entire surface of the tongue. Be sure at this moment you need to open your mouth a little and breathe in air. This will help to bring out the aroma more vividly, and the olfactory system will begin to perform its functions better. If you follow all the steps correctly, like a real taster, you will feel just an incredible amount of smells. After all, wine becomes more active when it comes into contact with air.

One more point: wine is a weak alcohol. So there is no need to drink it in one gulp. This approach is usually used when stronger alcoholic beverages are consumed. And in the case of a grape product, it is necessary to slowly enjoy its taste and aroma.

Everyone probably understands the connection of these drinks with the table or feast. Indeed, it is thanks to their relative simplicity and excellent combination with most food products that these wines deserve their name. But let's take a closer look at this topic. Forward!

How does a canteen differ from a geographical one, a dessert one and any other?

In this case, we are not talking about any external characteristic. Table wines can be white, red or rosé.

The name does not mean that only such wine can be put on the table, while others cannot. It doesn't mean at all. Rather, it suggests that such drinks are best suited for a simple family (or even single) feast, at lunch or dinner. In wine countries and regions, they are consumed as water.

Unlike sweet dessert wines, these wines have less sugar. Canteens are subdivided according to the cooking technology into:

  • dry with a sugar content of less than 1%;
  • semi-dry - sugar from 1 to 2.5%;
  • and semi-sweet - 2 to 7% sugar content.

Also, the difference with the same dessert is one-grade. That is, most often table wines are made from one grape variety. Dessert ones are often blended (that is, produced by a mixture of various varieties).

One of the main differences between table wine and geographic one is the almost absence of any legislative or official requirements for production and labels. Moreover, the label may not even indicate that you are dealing with table wine. Rather, it is a kind of simplicity sign. But it doesn’t mean quality at all. In this it is not necessarily different.

In general, the legislation of the vast majority of countries is more than loyal to these simple wines, both in terms of the choice of grapes and in terms of production and labeling. This means that any grape varieties are selected, produced by standard methods, and the packaging does not name what kind of grape, where the wine comes from, and so on. Maximum simplicity to keep prices low.

Another important difference is the almost complete absence of a maturation and maturation stage. After all the basic procedures, it is usually bottled and sent to the shops to get to the table as soon as possible. For rich aroma-flavoring bouquets, one should turn to completely different species.

In general, such wines are distinguished by a mild taste, slight sourness and freshness.

General technology for the production of table wines

As already mentioned, there are pink, white and red dining rooms. And we have already written about their production and preparation technologies. We will not repeat ourselves. Let's note the main thing.

  1. The fermentation process in table wines always lasts longer than the same dessert and fortified ones. It is important that the yeast has processed all or almost all of the sugar.
  2. Maturation in barrels and in general about this process is often not discussed here. The producers of these drinks should not aim to create a drink with a rich bouquet of aromas and flavors. It is much better to put them on the consumer's table as soon as possible.
  3. For production, one grape variety is often selected (without blending, that is, mixing varieties) of grapes. Moreover, most often it is popular for mass production or revered by local consumers.

In principle, no more distinctive features are to be noted. So it's time to summarize.

Let's summarize the main differences and differences

Table wine is a popular everyday drink that is most often consumed at the dinner table as an accompaniment to various dishes. It is light, low in sugar (sweet) after cooking. There are no legends about such wines; poetry is rarely dedicated to them. This is a kind of "wine infantry". But do not fight with the same "officers"!

"Stolovoe" itself already implies that this wine is served to the table as a light drink that will go well with food. Its difference is that sugar is not added to it, because of this it has a small amount of about 12-14%. This wine has a pleasant taste and aroma.

Red and rosé table wines differ in color. Often, the area where the grapes were grown is not even indicated, it is simply indicated, which is, as it were, a trademark. The thing is that in the manufacture of these wines, mass production technologies are used, and grapes and other raw materials are not sorted in the same way as it is done with vintage ones.

Table wines are most often divided into:
- dry,
- semi-dry,
- semi-sweet, to which a small amount of sugar is added.

In many countries, such wines are served to the table, since their little use does not harm, but only helps the body to assimilate food and relieve nervous tension. There are even sanatoriums where there is a wine procedure, where you can try different types of life-giving drink without harming your own health.

Knowing the classification of table wines, you can choose the type that is close to your taste: most often women like semi-sweet varieties, and men like dry ones.

Local wines

Local wines are a type of wine, however they are made from selected grape varieties that grow in a specific area. Moreover, the possibility of even mixing different batches of berries is often excluded, so that the integrity of the taste of the future drink does not occur. Naturally, with this approach, the label must indicate the geographical region, the area where the wine was made.

Local wine labels are allowed to indicate the vintage of the grapes, as opposed to table wine, which does not indicate the year or region of production.

Local wines should have a natural alcoholic strength of about 10-12%. However, due to the mass production of wine and high commercial demand, local wines that have names in the form of geographic reference are gradually losing their uniqueness. Today you can find, which are usually called separate. Such wines have a bright taste and rich bouquet, they are certainly tasty, but gourmets do not consider them "pure", because they are made from several grape varieties.

By the way, local wines have a very long shelf life, during which they can change their taste and open up with new notes. This is what makes them special. In general, local wine can be called author's, because it is produced in exceptional places, often according to unique methods, it is often collection, vintage.

The technology of making a refreshing and invigorating drink by fermenting grape or fruit and berry juices was known in Ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome. The Romans called him "vineri" - "giving strength." The modern name of this drink is wine, it is produced in many countries of the world, including in the southern regions of Russia.

The secret of making wine and its benefits

Grape juice contains a lot of sugar, therefore, if you leave it standing in an open container, microorganisms, in particular yeast, enter and begin to actively multiply. Its spores cause the fermentation process, and due to the fact that the fungus feeds on sugar, the juice turns sour. When making wine, it is necessary to create the most favorable atmosphere for the fungus for its intensive reproduction and to ensure for this a sufficient supply of oxygen and heat. In the process of fermentation, wine is obtained, and its types are the result of the use of various technologies - forging, aging, adding sugar, etc.

Wines contain many vitamins, in particular B1, B6, B12, PP, P and C, as well as folic (B9) and pantothenic (B5) acids, they help to normalize metabolic processes in the body and ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system and gastrointestinal organs. intestinal tract. It contains: phosphorus, nitrogenous, pectin substances, sugar, as well as mineral salts of iron, copper, zinc, etc. Wine, especially red wine, has a complex effect on, has bioenergetic and bactericidal properties, the ability to remove heavy metals and radioactive substances.

For the production of port or Madeira, ordinary or vintage, up to 15 grape varieties can be used.

Classification of wines

Each country traditionally engaged in winemaking: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Russia, etc., uses its own wines. Russian wines are subdivided into sparkling and still, the former contain carbon dioxide, and the latter is absent. In addition, there is a division of wines by sugar content and:
- canteens, in which sugar is not added, their strength is 9-14 °;
- dessert semi-sweet, containing 3-10% sugar, strength 9-15 °;
- dessert strong, containing 3-13% sugar, strength 17-20 °;
- dessert sweet and liqueur, containing 16-32% sugar, strength 13-16 °;
- effervescent, naturally and artificially carbonated.
Varietal wines are made only of grapes of one specific variety, blended - and grapes of several varieties.

There are wines, etc., the lowest for ordinary wines, the highest for vintage and collection. Ordinary wines differ from vintage and collection wines in terms of aging. Ordinary, white and wines include young un aged wines - bottled 3 to 12 months after the grapes are processed into juice. As a rule, these are cheap wines for which imported raw materials or assorted varieties can be used.

Vintage wines must be aged for at least 1.5 years, fortified and dessert wines - at least 2 years. They are made using special technologies and only of a certain variety used for the production of a particular brand of wine. Vintage wines have a characteristic taste. Vintage wines of especially high quality belong to collection ones; they are additionally aged in barrels for at least 3 years.