Dry red wine: benefits and harms, contraindications, rules of use for maximum benefit. How does red wine affect the body: the benefits and harms of the drink

The presented variety of wine is obtained by pressing "black" grapes, followed by its fermentation. This aromatic and tart drink has a low alcohol content - 8-15%. And it tastes surprisingly good. But apart from the relaxing function, "Negrette" and "Sauvignon" also have a healing effect. They can be real helpers in solving a number of health problems. So does the benefits of wine compensate for its harm and is it worth it to regularly consume a ruby \u200b\u200bdrink?

Let's talk about the pros: which wine is healthier - white or dry red?

Scientists have proved that the "bloody liquid" contains a whole "bouquet" of useful substances:

  • resveratrol
  • flavonoids
  • quercetin
  • polyphenols
  • tannins and procyanidins obtained after their processing
  • tannins.

With proper preparation, all of them from the skins, seeds, grapes are transferred to the drink. For this he is loved in folk medicine. It is believed that daily consumption of 50-100 ml of "red-amber liquid" will help:

  • improve short-term memory;
  • accelerate the production of protein and thereby slow down the aging process in the body;
  • reduce the risk of developing heart and cancer diseases;
  • improve vision;
  • monitor dental health (polyphenols destroy bacteria in the oral cavity);
  • reduce the risk of catching a cold during quarantine periods.

White wine does not possess the listed properties, but it has other characteristics that are no less important for humans. Let's take a closer look: which of these drinks is healthier?

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Comparative characteristicsRed wineWhite wineOutput
Antioxidant properties. Positive effect on the work of the heart.Reduces free radicals by 15%.Reduces the number of free radicals by 35%, improves blood clotting.White is healthier for the heart.
Diuretic action.It has a pronounced diuretic effect, is used to improve metabolism and excretion of bile.It is inferior to the red "analogue" in this characteristic by 10-12%. But unlike him, it helps to cope with flatulence and constipation.For the genitourinary system, its treatment and prevention of the development of its diseases, it is recommended to use the red "drink of the Gods".
Rejuvenating and revitalizing effect.It helps to cope with colds, has a bactericidal effect, is used to strengthen the immune system, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.It is used in spa salons as an effective remedy for skin rejuvenation.Red wine is more useful in terms of tone and overall well-being.
Effects on the nervous system.Allows you to relax, calm down, solve problems with poor health, anxiety and stress.Reduces the risk of developing and worsening diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's.White liquid is more beneficial for the nervous system.

Red wine for weight loss

Another point of controversy is the benefits of red wine for weight loss. Nutritionists claim that the aforementioned resveratrol contained in this drink helps burn calories. He is also responsible for the production of adrenaline. This, on the one hand, improves mood and tone, and on the other hand, it contributes to the transformation of useless white fat mass into brown fat that benefits the body.

Further, do not forget about the diuretic effect of dry wine. It is quickly absorbed and also instantly flushed out of the body (if used correctly), and with it toxins, slags and other harmful substances. The drink also has a choleretic effect, due to which the production of insulin will be adjusted. This is important, because this component is responsible for increasing appetite. This means that ruby \u200b\u200bwine will help you easily endure any diet. Due to this, the effect of weight loss occurs.

Calorie content of dry red wine or how to take it for weight loss?

There is also a group of scientists who say that due to the high calorie content of the presented liquid, all its benefits are reduced to nothing. So how many calories are in the drink and what is the BJU indicator of dry red wine?

So what is eaten with dry red wine, what products are combined with it? The following diet will help to cope with extra pounds: Therefore, with the correct use of tart liquid, you can actually adjust your figure.

  • Morning hours - 200 grams of cottage cheese or hard cheese;
  • Daytime hours - a glass of excellent quality dry red wine, quail eggs (3-4 pieces), fish - no more than 100 grams;
  • Evening hours - vegetables, fruits, fish or cheese.

Such a diet is allowed to be adhered to for no more than 3 days. With proper adherence to the recommendations, women lose weight by 3-5 kilograms.

Let's talk about the harm or what contraindications are worth knowing about?

Above, it was not mentioned about the cosmetological effects of unsweetened wine and about increasing the so-called libido. It is often used in SPA procedures and is recommended by sexologists to increase self-confidence in intimate moments. It has been proven that the substances of this drink are able to improve the condition both from the inside and outside. But! This is a serious allergen, which, if you have an individual intolerance, can cause poisoning, toxicity, irritation and even suffocation.

It is impossible, like any alcohol-containing liquids, to use the presented variety of wine for gout, for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in violation of the kidneys and heart.

Is it possible for pregnant women to dry red wine?

This topic is rightfully considered the most delicate. There are doctors who are confident that 50 ml of dry red wine will help reduce the tone of the uterus and prevent premature birth. But any alcohol can harm the fetus. Therefore, before using the drink, you should definitely consult your doctor.

It makes no sense to talk about whether a nursing mother can dry red wine. During lactation, alcohol-containing drinks in any form are prohibited, since their substances completely penetrate into milk and are transmitted to the baby, become the causes of many diseases, including mental disorders or heart failure.

How to Choose Red Dry Wine for Use?

Of course, only high-quality wines made from natural ingredients can benefit the body. Beverages with the following characteristics have minimal side effects:

The presented drinks should only be served chilled, not iced. The optimum serving temperature for dry red wine is 16-18 o. This way you can get the most out of the "tart dessert" and enjoy the evening.

Findings: Dry red wine, like any alcohol-containing product, has contraindications. It should be used for the benefit of the body. The maximum daily dosage for women is 100 ml, for men - 200 ml. In this case, it is possible to achieve a general health-improving effect without the development of side effects.

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A glass of wine and an honest friend
- What more for us, brothers.
Let care and illness
Lurk in the coming darkness.
R. Berne

Contrary to popular belief, wine is not only not harmful, but even useful for a person, if it is used correctly and in moderation. Professor Golubev wrote: "There can hardly be any doubt that wine, given to the patient in due time and in proper quantity, is a curative factor of high importance."

Wine is useful for improving metabolism, salt metabolism. Wines contain substances that stimulate carbohydrate, nitrogen and mineral metabolism in the human body (grape juice does not have all of this).

The wine is rich in vitamins and minerals. Trace elements: manganese, magnesium, iodine, titanium, cobalt, potassium, phosphorus, rubidium (rubidium strengthens the nervous system, there is a lot of it in the Abrau-Durso cabern and Moldavian). Vitamins: C, B, PP, acids, biosin ^ essential oils, esters and aldehydes. All these substances tone the body and reduce blood pressure. Autocyanins, which color wine, have antibiotic properties even in low concentrations. And in terms of its natural radioactivity, wine is close to mineral medicinal waters.

Elements that act as traps for harmful molecules formed in the human body during nutrition are found in wine. Moderate consumption of wine strengthens the arteries, lowers blood cholesterol, counteracts cardiovascular diseases, and slows down the aging process of tissues. Inhabitants of those regions of Western Europe, where winemaking is developed, have a stable immunity to alcoholic pathology.

Grape wines increase tone in older people. Persistent vomiting stops with cold champagne. In patients with fever, tuberculosis, champagne improves appetite. For influenza, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, red wines are used. Any vitamin deficiency is treated with dry wines. Kidney-stone diseases are treated with vermouths. With atherosclerosis, about 0.5 liters of wine diluted with water (one third of wine to two thirds of water) are consumed daily.

The wine has tonic, diuretic, anti-stress, bactericidal and anti-allergic effects on the human body. Semi-sweet red and white wines with the presence of carbon dioxide under a pressure of 2 atmospheres can be offered for myocardial infarction, flu, malaria, heart failure. With a general disorder of the nervous system, it is good to drink chilled dry champagne. It is also useful in the treatment of cholera and in all cases where life is in danger from therapeutic shock or from profuse blood loss.

It is known that the ancient Greeks added some white wine to their drinking water for disinfection. They were absolutely right, as research at the US Armed Forces Medical Center in Honolulu showed. Red and white wine, as well as pure alcohol, are equally toxic to Salmonella and colibacteria, but diluted white wine, when mixed with gastric juice, has the most powerful antibacterial effect.

Scientists note that pathogens of any type of typhus die in dry grape wine within a few minutes, at most an hour. Even in very strongly diluted (several times) wine, cholera vibrios die. When in the 1920s an epidemic of dysentery broke out in Crimea, its spread in conditions of a shortage of medicines was restrained by regular prophylactic intake of natural wine diluted by two-thirds with water. Adding wine to water is also advisable for other gastrointestinal diseases.

The mechanism of the antimicrobial action of wine has not yet been fully understood. The fact that alcohol is present in wine cannot give a satisfactory explanation due to its too weak concentration in natural wine, which, when diluted several times with water, becomes completely insignificant. Scientists are inclined to attribute this miraculous property to certain decay products of wine coloring and tannins.

Consuming grape wine in moderation increases resistance to infectious diseases. According to doctors' observations, the penetration of white blood cells into the stomach, where they establish the first anti-toxin barrier, is more intense in the presence of wine. Modern research confirms the antibacterial effect of wine on both the hepatitis A virus and five known influenza viruses.

Good results are obtained by red table wine, used as a prophylactic agent for epidemic gastric diseases, hypertension, eating disorders, obesity and as a tonic. In Kakheti, the ancient region of winemaking, there are almost no such diseases.

Dr. Maury, who works in one of the major Parisian clinics, is convinced that Medoc wine has a beneficial effect on the body with angina, and dry champagne for rheumatism. Professor Mascalier from the Medico-Pharmacological Institute in Bordeaux is categorical: water contaminated with microbes ceases to be dangerous if an equal amount of red wine is added to it, because it contains tannins that kill bacteria. The professor often mentions the words of Louis Pasteur: "Wine is the healthiest, most hygienic drink, provided it is consumed in moderation."

Wine is very useful to drink when time zones are shifted, during large journeys or flights, since when the climate changes, the body is desalinated, and in order to restore the salt balance, you need to drink about 0.75 liters of dry wine on the day of moving and the next day.

The main rule in drinking wine is to know when to stop. What is it like? The most authoritative study on this subject to date has been conducted in Denmark. According to the data obtained in women who drink 1-2 glasses of dry red with a meal

Wine per day, the death rate is steadily decreasing. Men, in whom alcohol is eliminated from the body faster, can drink three glasses a day. Scientists have found that non-drinkers have a 50% higher death rate (especially from heart disease) than people who consume dry wine in moderation every day. With deviations in one direction or another from the recommended amount, mortality increases.

In the same Denmark, not so long ago, doctors reported a 30% reduction in the number of heart diseases in the country. Scientists explain this fact by the entry of Denmark into the Common Market in 1973 and the subsequent sharp jump in the consumption of natural wine by the population.

American scientists from Harvard University confirm the findings of their Danish colleagues. According to them, moderate consumption of wine by men aged 40 to 75 reduces the risk of coronary diseases by 36%.

British doctors came to similar conclusions. According to them, women who consume 1 glass of tableware per day (150 g) are twice as likely to have heart disease than teetotalers.

Among other things, scientists were able to find a link between the consumption of dry red wine and the formation of high density lipoproteins (HDL) in the body. These lipoproteins produce what is called "good" cholesterol, in contrast to low density lipoproteins (LDL), which contribute to the production of "bad" cholesterol. Dr. Jean-Claude Ruuf, a specialist in human biology at the French International Center for Wines and Grapes, says: "Dry wine raises HDL levels and helps reduce the amount of LDL in the body."

In Burgundy, wine is called "milk for the elderly." The so-called "Mediterranean Phenomenon" is known in the medical world. It is as follows: in France, Spain, Italy, with their traditionally heavy cuisine, in the recipes of which products with high cholesterol content are abundantly used, it would seem that the population is doomed to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. But the opposite happens - the French, Spaniards and Italians do not get sick with them more often, but, on the contrary, less often than the inhabitants of the Nordic countries. This is explained by the fact that in the Mediterranean countries natural red wine is an everyday drink, while their northern neighbors prefer to drink beer or vodka at the table. Red wine, as mentioned above, contains substances that promote the elimination of cholesterol from the blood, and with its regular use, the blood vessels are literally washed out.

Those who believe that wine consumption causes an increase in blood pressure are mistaken (this is also the opinion of many doctors). Recent studies show that an increase in blood pressure is observed only in people who drink more than 3 glasses of wine in a row. Conversely, 40% of teetotalers have higher blood pressure than moderate drinkers.

The author of an article on the properties of wine in the Ogonyok magazine, Sergei Kolmakov, tells how, having arrived to work in Switzerland, he asked a French doctor during a medical examination what mineral water he would recommend for drinking.

To which the surprised doctor replied: "Commercial advertising imposes on us mineral water for everyday use, a healthy person does not need it and is even dangerous, because if you drink at least one glass of wine, you get all the elements your body needs."

  • To support the heart muscle: light white wines, especially champagne.
  • With upset stomach: red extractive dry wines (Saperavi, Cabernet).
  • With anemia: 2 glasses of red table wine a day.
  • With atherosclerosis: dry white wines with mineral water.
  • With vitamin deficiency: any natural wine.
  • For flu, bronchitis, pneumonia: hot red wine with sugar or honey.
  • With tuberculosis: red wine in small doses.
  • With exhaustion, loss of strength: port wine, madeira, sherry (a few spoons a day).
  • When vomiting: highly chilled dry champagne.
According to experts, dry wine is most beneficial when drunk with a meal.

And in the end, let us remind you once again - the benefit of wine will be only when it is drunk in moderation. Do not think that since wine is healthy, you can drink it in liters every day. The risk of harm to health increases significantly with the daily consumption of 600 g of wine (for a woman, half of this dose is enough). Excessive drinking of wine leads to disturbances in the activity of the heart, liver, and also the psyche. And one more thing: all of the above medicinal properties are inherent in natural grape wines and do not apply to other alcoholic beverages, including weak ones (beer, berry wine). These drinks may also have beneficial qualities, but should not be confused with wine. The qualities described above are also unusual for wines made from hybrid grape varieties, and in particular for the very common Isabella and Noa (Isabella white). These grape varieties are very common on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in Azerbaijan, Moldova, Dagestan and Krasnodar Territory. The undesirability of using wines from these grape varieties is explained by the fact that during the fermentation process, not only ethanol is formed in wine, but also methanol in large quantities, which is a poison for the human body.

Red wine can be beneficial to health - if it is dry and consumed in moderation. Do you know what is the difference between dry and sweet wine?

  • Before the juice from grapes becomes wine, it contains natural sugar. Without sugar, juice cannot become wine, because sugar is converted into alcohol during the fermentation process. Wine is considered sweet when it contains a certain amount of residual sugar.
  • This is the amount of sugar remaining in the wine and there is a line that distinguishes dry wine from semi-sweet and sweet.
  • Wine with less than 10 grams. residual sugar per liter is considered dry, and with more than 35 grams. sugar per liter is considered sweet.

This area in between (11 to 34 grams per liter or approximately 0.5 to 2 grams per glass) is called semi-sweet.

The sweeter the red wine, the less resveratrol and other flavonoids it contains, so semi-sweet and dry red wines are more beneficial to health than sweet ones.

Red wine:

  • Protects memory against Alzheimer's... The powerful antioxidant resveratrol protects against cell damage and prevents age-related decline in mental performance.
  • Promotes Long Life: Those who drink dry or semi-sweet red wine in moderation have a 34% lower mortality rate compared to those who drink beer or vodka. The wine owes this to resveratrol. Source: Finnish study of 2,468 men over 29, published in 2007 Journals of Gerontology. However, researchers believe that any diet rich in polyphenols that protect the body from chronic disease can prolong life.
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke... The antioxidants procyanidins in red wine protect against heart disease. Resveratrol also helps to remove the chemicals responsible for blood clots, which are a major cause of coronary artery disease. A daily dose of red wine reduces the risk of blood clots by 50%. But you should not forget about sports either, the benefits of running for the body are no less than from a glass of red wine.
  • Reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis... Red wine inhibits the development of smooth muscle cells, which, when "multiply", contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, according to Kelly O'Connor of the Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. Dry and semi-sweet red wine is most beneficial for the stomach and liver at lunchtime. It is believed that the beneficial ingredients in wine can counter the effects of fatty foods, possibly delaying or reducing their absorption into the body.
  • Helpful for anemia (anemia)as red grape wine contains a lot of iron.

Before considering red wine consumption for health, it is important to consult your doctor. Moderate daily wine consumption for healthy people is two drinks per day for men and one per day for women. One drink - 44 ml.

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Which red wines are good for your health:

  1. Cabernet Sauvignon

    A study from the University of California found that Cabernet has the highest levels of flavonoids of any red wine.

  2. Pinot noir

    This grape variety is used to make dry red wines, usually with cherry flavors, but can also include hints of cinnamon, mint, green tea, or vanilla. The grapes they are made from are thick-skinned, and the mildly cool climate in which they are grown contributes to high resveratrol levels. Like Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir is rich in flavonoids.

  3. Syrah

    An ancient variety of red wine, which is native to France. It is currently being produced in other countries such as Australia, South Africa, Italy and the USA. The aroma of Syrah (or Shiraz) is dry, heavy and pungent. Grapes of this variety are used for the production of dry and sweet fortified wines.

Dry wine: its benefits and harms

Here are three important health benefits of dry wine:

Those who consume wine are 43% less likely to develop cataracts than those who drink, mostly beer. Source: 2003 Nature study of 1,379 people in Iceland.

  1. Reduces the risk of colon cancer

    Evidence: Moderate consumption of wine reduces the risk of colon cancer by 45%. Source: Stony Brook University study of 2,291 individuals over four years, published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology 2005.

Dry wine harm

After learning about the benefits of dry red wine, do not rush to the store for a bottle. In all studies, the keywords are “moderate consumption”.

If we neglect this, then instead of the expected improvement in well-being, you can “earn” the following problems:

  1. Sleep deficit

    Have you ever felt sleepy while drinking wine? This is because alcohol is not absorbed, but moves directly through the stomach lining and the walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream. After that, it passes into every cell of the body, affecting cellular activity. But this feeling of sleepiness is short-lived and having more than one drink before bed can lead to more restless sleep.

  2. Obesity

    One glass of dry wine contains on average about 100 calories. Thus, half a bottle of wine every day for a week adds up to 1,750 calories to the body.

  3. Heart diseases

    Too much alcohol is a sure way to raise your blood pressure. Heart failure or stroke can result. For those who are truly interested in a healthy heart, it is best to focus on proper diet rather than wine.

  4. Male fertility risks

    While the potential harmful effects of alcohol during pregnancy, such as birth defects or premature birth, are well known, the effects of wine on men are less well known. Excessive consumption of red or white wine can lead to low testosterone levels, slowed sperm motility, and impaired erectile function. Even the benefits of pistachios for men and other fertility-enhancing foods do not outweigh the negative effects of excessive wine consumption.

Is red wine good for physical and mental health: research results

For thousands of years, people have used wine to unwind after a long day, to muster the courage for an important conversation, to improve their mood, or simply to enjoy the taste of a noble drink. But lately, there have been a lot of studies on whether red wine is healthy. Here are the results of some of them.

Reducing the risk of depression

  • A team from several universities in Spain (published in the journal BMC Medicine) found that red wine can reduce the risk of depression.
  • Researchers collected data on 2,683 men and 2,822 women between the ages of 55 and 80 for seven years. Participants in the study were required to fill out a questionnaire on how often they eat, and this list included information about their alcohol consumption as well as their mental health.
  • Scientists found that men and women who drank two to seven glasses of wine a week were less likely to be diagnosed with depression.
  • Even with lifestyle factors that might have influenced the study's results, it's clear that red wine can significantly reduce the risk of depression.

Reducing brain damage after stroke

Protection against prostate cancer

  • A study published in the June 2007 Harvard Men’s Health Watch reported that men who moderately drink red wine had a 52% lower risk of prostate cancer compared to men who never drank red wine. Scientists have defined moderate consumption as 4-7 glasses of red wine per week.
  • Is red wine healthy in smaller amounts? Yes, even one glass a week lowers the risk of prostate cancer by 6%, the study authors said.

Increased omega-3 fatty acid levels

  • The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, studied 1,604 adults from London, Abruzzo and Limburg. They all underwent a medical examination with a general practitioner and completed an annual questionnaire that included detailed information on diet and drinking habits.
  • It turned out that people who regularly and in small quantities consume red wine had higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood, which the body usually gets from fish. These acids are known to protect against coronary heart disease.
  • Scientists have found that drinking wine acts as a trigger, increasing the levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the body.

Doctors tirelessly talk about the benefits of dry red wine, and for many it has already become the norm to drink a glass of this drink at dinner. But is it really so useful? How ridiculous the headlines of newspaper articles sound "One glass of wine will replace an hour of training in the gym" or "Red wine is the best medicine for the heart and blood vessels."

Scientists all over the world have wondered why red wine is good for the body. A study presented by the US National Center for Biotechnology Information in May of this year proved the direct effect of drinking red dry wine on the development of cardiovascular disease, thereby causing nutritionists and scientists to question its benefits.

Technically, alcohol is a toxin

The term "toxin" is often mentioned in numerous newspaper articles, usually always in a negative context.

Nutritionists and nutritionists urge to rid your body, skin and body of all kinds of toxic substances that adversely affect the work of all systems. One indisputable fact: alcohol is a powerful toxin for the human body.

When alcohol enters the digestive tract, the liver conducts dehydrogenation reaction, converting alcohol to acetaldehyde. At the same time, the body produces a reaction to produce toxins that damage its cells. The more alcohol consumed, the more cells will die, especially liver cells.

If it happens that a person has tasted a certain amount of unfermented wine, the reaction in the body will change slightly. As a result of the use of such a drink, histamine is released in the tissue cells, the molecules of which with the blood flow are carried through the organs and mucous membranes, causing their inflammation.

Subsequently, this can lead to allergies, migraines or other most unfavorable processes in the heart and vascular system in a person.

According to a study by the US National Institute for the Study of Alcohol Dependence and Alcoholism, liver cells receive the biggest "hit", Removing by-products of alcoholic beverages, which is a wine drink.

So why red?

It has long been believed that one glass of red wine at dinner can raise the level of so-called good cholesterol, weaken the inflammatory process, increase the absorption of nitric oxide and reduce the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases.

Such conclusions were made during numerous studies that link the beneficial effects of the red drink on the body with the presence of resveratrol in it. This polyphenol contained in a shell of red grapes, is indeed a very valuable component for health.

However, the absorption of resveratrol from wine is much lower than from fresh grapes. In semi-sweet red, the remainder of this substance will be even lower, therefore, it is impossible to talk about the high digestibility of resveratrol and, as a result, the high benefits of wine in general.

Inconsistency of research results

Wanting to get answers to the questions whether dry red wine is good for women or men, scientists from many world research centers are constantly conducting all kinds of experiments involving people of different ages.

The thing is that the methods of conducting such research far from perfect... For example, during one of the experiments it was found that the selection process for its participants could have large errors. The target audience for such experiments is people aged 55 and older.

The aim of the experiment was to get an answer to the question: "Is it good to drink wine to improve heart performance and is red wine good for blood vessels?"

During the study, the subjects were conditionally divided into two groups: those who consume the drink daily and those who completely refuse it at the time of the study. However, at the same time, each group could use and not use other alcoholic beverages, which could later affect the general state of the cardiovascular system.

Moreover, the majority of people in adulthood already have a number of disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system, and the positive or negative results of certain studies are not always associated with the use of wine.

Researchers could not give an unambiguous answer to the question "Is it good to drink red wine for blood vessels?" Therefore, the results of such experiments cannot be considered absolutely accurate.

Another example is the subjects who drank wine during the experiment, whose health indicators turned out to be higher, in general, lead a more correct lifestyle: regularly go to the gym, follow a vegetarian diet, have a higher income and a higher standard of living.

That is, it cannot be said that the health of one group has deteriorated due to the lack of this drink in the diet. The health of the participants in the second group also did not improve due to the periodic use of wine drinks.

Given the presence of such errors, cannot be reliably saidwhether dry red wine is good for the body.

In 2014, the European Association for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism conducted a study involving 589 people of various nationalities. The subjects were also asked to drink one glass of dry or semi-sweet red drink at dinner or lunch.

As a result, scientists came to the conclusion: low consumption of wine potentially leads to slowing down the aging of brain cellshowever, the experiment must be repeated. Replicating the experiment would be critical, since most research is conducted with people over 55 years old.

“In this age group, drinking a small amount of wine drink led to improved cognitive brain function and a lower risk of dementia,” says Brian Downer, a professor at Texas Medical University. results ".

At the same time, having identified a similar relationship between the work of the brain and the use of alcohol, scientists could not explain the nature of this process. The experiment also disregarded earlier findings.

Cancer statistics

Recent studies have shown that resveratorol is able to fight cancer cells in animals. And how is wine good for people? Is it good to drink red wine for the female half of humanity?

Newer studies have found that drinking a wine drink can increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer, particularly breast cancer in women.

In May 2017, the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Foundation published the results of a joint experiment that revealed that the ingestion of wine is directly related to with the development of malignant cells.

For women of childbearing age, the risk of developing this condition as a result of drinking red wine increases by 5 percent... Alcohol increases the level of estrogen in the blood, which leads to the development of cancer.

The benefits and harms of red wine

Based on the results of experiments, we can say that when it enters the body, this red drink has a direct effect on all body systems. So, what is red wine good for?

  • slows down the aging of brain cells;
  • slightly increases the amount of resveratrol in the body.

Among the negative factors are the following:

  1. Increased risk of breast cancer in women.
  2. Suppression of the work of the heart muscle.
  3. Accumulation of toxins.
  4. Suppression of the liver.
  5. Development of allergic reactions.

Such conclusions, obtained during numerous studies, do not allow an unambiguous conclusion about whether to drink the drink and in what quantities.

We can say that a wine drink does not improve or depress health at the moment. However, every time, after a hard day's work, a hand reaches for a glass of sparkling drink, it must be remembered: the less, the better.

Attention, only TODAY!

The oldest product of human civilization is red wine, the benefits and harms of which depend on the amount consumed. The gods learned to cultivate this drink several millennia BC. The benefits of red wine are, and today the drink is actively used for medicinal purposes.

1 The positive effect of wine on the female body

The components that make up the drink can improve blood circulation and affect the condition of the walls of blood vessels. This leads to a complete normalization of the cardiovascular system. This influence is useful not only for women, but also for men. The explanation lies in the composition of the drink. During its preparation, use whole grapes, without removing the seeds and skins. In white wine, the recipe is somewhat different, valuable components are eliminated in it. Because of this, the drink does not carry any benefit due to the lack of useful substances in it. This is the main difference between white and red wine.

The drink promotes vasodilation, thereby regulating pressure and having a relaxing effect on the nervous system. For some women, a small amount of dry red wine can help improve sleep. It stimulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion and metabolism. It is recommended to be used by the fair sex, suffering from a violation of the functionality of the thyroid gland.

Useful properties of red wine:

  • improving the performance of many organs and body systems;
  • effect on fat burning;
  • relieving stress from the nervous system;
  • regulation of sleep;
  • collagen and elastin replenishment;
  • rejuvenation of the skin.

Wine can be consumed during a diet, dry varieties should be preferred, they are characterized by low calorie content. Grapes are widely used in the cosmetic industry and can restore the skin. Facial skin rejuvenates, color improves, wrinkles are smoothed out - what could be better for a woman. An oil concentrate based on grape seeds allows the fair sex to get rid of the "scourge" of our time - cellulite. In general, dry red wine has a lot of positive properties and is widely used in many industries.

It is important to know!

The destructive effect on the brain is one of the most dire consequences of the effects of alcoholic beverages on a person. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE WINNED! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!

2 The benefits of wine for men

Experiments carried out on men have shown that a grape drink really has a positive effect on their body. The benefit of dry red wine is to inhibit aromatase production. This component helps to increase estrogen levels and suppress the male hormone - testosterone. As a result, the man's body weight increases and the secondary sexual characteristics of the female type appear. The drink is able to lower estrogen levels and prevent a decrease in male strength.

Of course, red wine is useful, but in small quantities. For a preventive action, it is enough to consume a drink in a daily dosage of 50-100 mg. Only natural wine can suppress aromatase. When choosing a drink of a low grade, there is a risk of not achieving the desired effect. A similar situation is with all alcoholic beverages. Semi-sweet wine can increase blood sugar levels with serious consequences.

The drink has an antioxidant effect, helping to rid the body of harmful substances. It prevents the development of atherosclerosis and protects against cardiovascular diseases. This suggests that for men, drinking small amounts of wine is healthy.

3 The negative side of drinking red wine

Despite the huge number of advantages, the grape drink is not as safe. This issue is acute among medical professionals and people engaged in research. The harm of red wine lies in its poor quality. Counterfeits and low-grade products add fuel to the fire. The condition of many types of alcoholic beverages is poor. Based on this, it is worth noting that not all wine is healthy.

There are a number of diseases for which the use of grape drink is strictly prohibited. In this case, no wine will do. A large amount of alcohol can cause the development of liver cirrhosis. The appearance of osteoporosis, a significant increase in pressure and even stomach cancer are not excluded. Secondary negative factors include: coronary heart disease, severe liver damage and a jump in cholesterol levels. The constant use of wine for health is negative and drives a person into a depressive state.

It was found that people who drink more than 300 ml per day are at risk of becoming hypertensive. They are also much more likely to develop strokes, cardiovascular diseases and some types of cancer. Among people who constantly drink alcohol, there are more cases of suicide and rash acts. Children with congenital abnormalities are born through the fault of the alcoholic intoxication of their parents during conception. You can not use wine together with medicines: this is not at all useful, and even dangerous to health.

When making a choice in favor of one or another alcoholic beverage, it is necessary to build on not only its positive properties, but also the conscientiousness of the manufacturer. Otherwise, the usefulness of the wine may be in question.

4 Drinking a drink for medicinal purposes

In medical practice, grape wine is used to maintain the health of the cardiovascular system. A person is recommended to consume no more than 100 ml of the drink per day. Red wine contains substances that allow you to remove excess cholesterol from the body. With regular use of the drink, the blood vessels are flushed.

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract will help eliminate the beneficial properties of red wine. The drink is able to remove toxins from the body and improve overall health. For anemia, it is recommended to use red table wines. Enough 2 glasses per day during meals. If avitaminosis is pestered, you should use wine. It helps to cope even with colds, eliminating the flu, pneumonia and bronchitis. To do this, use mulled wine (along with sugar). With chronic weakness and depletion of the body, it is recommended to drink a few tablespoons of the drink per day. It helps to restore vitality.

Few people know how healthy red wine is, much less know about its ability to promote hematopoiesis. For this purpose, it is taken at 100-250 ml per day. The indicated amount of the drink allows you to restore tone and increase immunity.

Red wine improves the secretion of the endocrine glands and slows down the aging of the skin, which is especially important for women.

A small amount of the drink prevents the development of oncology, prevents tooth decay and tartar deposition.

Canadian scientists have found that red wine improves gum health and has a beneficial effect on them. A small amount of wine is indeed medicinally permitted. The main thing is not to go beyond what is permissible.

Wine: benefits and harms are its two main components, and what this drink will bring to a person depends on the amount drunk.

And a little about secrets ...

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